it' TIIE XEWB AWD OBSBRVEE, FRTDAT, 'DECEMBER 24. 190JT E EARLY 1 '"--' ' - 1-- - .. - " " " '"" " "' 11 " ' '" ' " " " ' ' '" m " M """"" ' .J 1 " ' '" - - - - - ' ' " - .. J . ' ' I TODAY IS CHRISTMAS EVE SO COM ... X ' ; ,1 Our stools i i Gold and Novelties a thousands This is m HWomoandScclei -i- i. 4 i - lr.' i rim nKXCH FllOCK'FOR'A'CIIILD OF . -1 The abwve drawlne shows a lovely yiJU X W; JL M IJ ie? J US; w iclUM, & MM: little French frock of fine brtiste Rhd i rmbro'lderx The entire dreaa is com posed of clusters of pin tucks sep arated by the embroidery. Three or four Inches from the bottom the tucks nre left tree and the bottom is finished by a btoad hemstitched hem. The lit ti yoke is of closejy tucked, batiste '"Vnd the uleeve Is formed in a similar manner to the body of , the frock, with, tuckn 'end ,entre-deux of embroidery. A soft crushed sash of baby, blue lib erty is Inserted beneath each -embrold- ry strip and tied In the back. Rrisht Enough for,Y6tv A Ti't.any UHe In Rlghin' for a vanished . . Lsky o blue: .;- "All weathers )n a world &o -bright are bright enough tor you: , , For the work you have to d. For the Joy that is In view, 1 weathers In a world so bright ure enough for you. , ; . , the weather is so minded, let the i bltin' blizzards blow: . The children of the rosy cheeks track rabbits through the snow. There's love an' Joy in sight i , Where the fire's blazin' bright. n' wintry way may lead us to the ; Valleys of Delight.? F. J. Stanton. .1 Mrs. II. O. Connor, of Wilson, is visiting at Mr. R. D. W. Connor's. -u Mrs. Minnie Haywood Bagley, of Washington. 1). C, la visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Richard C. Radger. - -'r-M lis .Bain Best, of Franklinton, and Miss Gertrude Winston, of Youngs ville, were In the city yesterday. i Mrs. W. G: Thomas, Miss Mamie Thomas and their guest. Miss Rachel Parkinson, 'of Nashville, Tenn., left yesterday for Norfolk, j Misses. Julia Stroud and Bettle Wilkins. .'of Greenville, were In the i-lty yesterday. - f-rMiss Huth Whitley, of Wakefield, was in trie' city yesterday. h--MIsa Carrie Nicholson, of Mon- fure, was In the city yesterday. h Miss Pearl Forbes, of Greenville, i wis In th city yesterday en route lo Greensboro. 1-Mlss Iola Bledsoe, who has been at; school at Pleasant Garden, came ini yesterday and will leave for Rogers' ewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Watches Diamonds, Rings, Bracelets, Brooches, er Handle Umbrellas, Shaving Sets, Military Brushes, Scarf Pins, Etc., and any kind as fresh and complete as you ever beheld. We have delighted "Gift Hunters" and our showing- will delieht vou. Your Last Chance Before C x.3 iccty to o-sac Chrlstmaa wiui -1 v.. r. Ch3rwocd . Upchurch ind I"Ije Ka-nr asd Dorothy, Have on3 u 7ac!CC3 to snend Christmas A Jcs 'iip.ry' Uhdarrrood, of IouIs bu., ww la tlie city yesterday en 3ie tcv IHo-'ence, S. C. ' Jkiss liltlan Powell, of Fair Bluff, ipeJt 7es;erday with Miss Yudie Mar z'Mll. r LlIsc txai-saret , Rogers, of Oxford Cejiiary, Is spending the' holidays prith ae? mother, Mrs. Wiley; Rogers. ' iilaa 3e88le Walters, of Do Land, Tie, s vlsitlns; Miss Margaret Rojcerr. S JLrs. Addle S. Upchurch has gone to Richmond. - I -ftyiss Almeyda Coleman, of . th,e faculty of the State School for the BhndJ has gone to Danville, to spend ; the hblldays. , I - JUsses Minnie Taylor, and , Annie Miller! have gone to Durham to at tend the Long:-Dunn wedding. I Miss. Mary Page, of Marietta, re turned home yesterday to spend the hollda ys. Mxs Ldzzie Oliver: left yesterday for arietta. i i 3:iss Clara' Burt, r of the State Normal, was here yesterday, going to Holly Springs. . . . I ' itiss tMattle Morgan, of Bailey, was in the city yesterday.. . . ! -Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eatman, of "Wendell,, were In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Winston, of YounjrsvIIle. were In the city yesterday, going to Durham to visit Mr. and Mrs. W, Allen Pope. ! Mrs. J. P. Winston, of Louisburg, wlm here yesterday. Mrs. E. B. Bunn. of Littleton, was In the city yesterday. t -1 iss Mary Peterson came In yes terdaj' from' Smlthfleld, and will spend the holidays with Mrs. T. W. Dobbin. atiss Alice Little. left yesterday for Wilson to visit her brother, Mr. H. O. '. MIS3 Grace i Carter, of Holly Spring spent yesterday In. the city. Miss, uettie Russ, of Ralem Col- lege. Is spending ' the holidays with her .parents, Russ. r Air. and Mrs. W. M. ! liisso Kathleen Lontr.. Ethel Sklnntr and 'Jamie Bryan, of Oreen- Ville, rwerc in the city yesterday; i - 5: r. and Mrs. Vauehan Rvrd. of Hamlk, were here yetserday, going to Holly .Springs Mrs. R. Lj, Lelnster and two chil dren, have gone to Goldsboro to sDend M A 1 . r-Mrs. N. C. Newbold. of Washlna ion, x.: c, was in the city yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Covinsrton and cnuaren of Cheraw, S. C, and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Garner and son. of Leeti vine, are spending the holidays at the nomei or Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Conn. fllias Jennie Proctor of Randolnh Macoh, Lynchburg. Va,. Is at home for me npnaays Miss Mamie Jackson, of Carthaee. who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. B,. E,. Mofritt. has returned home. -Dr. ana Mm. t. n nnmiihiA Hamilton, of Chapel Hill, are visit ing at the nome of Mrs. Hamilton's parerits, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thomp son. SupL and Mrs. F. M. Harper have gone to Linden for the holidays. miss Pearl Hck h-- gone to Richmond ana Charlottesville. Llcenso to wed was aranied vester day to the following couples: Mr. Wm J. Jones and Miss Rena Womble. both of Apex; Mr. Elmos Segraves and Miss Bess Barbour, both of Garner. o o o K3TTERTALN8 BANK FRIENDS Xr. IV. WatkliiH Robardu Give HandMome Dinner. MfJ W. W. Robards entertained at a handsome dinner party Wednesday evening. - ills guests were hu bank I associates and- the occasion proved ( a mow enjoyable event. The prevail We till FAYETTEVILLE ST., RALEIGH, R. C. For FLOWERS Carnations a Specialty Telephone me your order for Cut F4oters and Potted Plants, all' variety. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guar anteed. 6 Smith phones loior. J. H. MARTIN RALEIGH, N. C; ln scheme in the table decorations was red, the candelabra being capped with red shades, with holly and mistle toe clusters attractively arranged. Shovel ' and unique souvenirs were at eich plate in the shape of small cotn bags containing confections. The centerpiece was the good luck "Swas tika" . symbol .of the Citizens National Bank being of large dimensions, the design deftjy wrought In freshly coin ed . ponnies Just arrived from the mint. Mr. Robards' proved a most hospitable host and after the dinner the. Company lingered until a late hour employing, a. delightful evening of sbclal i Intercourse. The guests ' were: Mfl Joseph G. Brown. Mr. H. E. Utch fof d, Hr. F. P. Haywood. Mr. H. J. Young. Mr. Graham Andrews.'Mr. D. fl. Fort, Mr. R. A. Brown.-Mr. Wright Dteon. Mr. William , Q PARK-PAIR WEDDING SOLKJLMZED AT KEXLY Benutinl Rlnsr Ceremony Used Many K Raleigh People Present. Kenly, N. C, Dec. 23. The wedding of Mr.. John Alsey Park, of Raleigh, an,d Miss L41y Helen .Pkir, of this county.- occurred here at 1:30 this after noon. The ceremony was performed in the Presbyterian church by Rev. E. W. Bonders, of Southern Pines, whepwas formerly pastor of the bride. The) chancel was banked, hteh with palms and ferns and white chrysanthe mums. The rinif. ceremony was per formed with beautiful simplicity, the only attendants t being little Miss Louise lford ss flower girl, and Mas terJRudolph Klrby as ring-bearer. The were preceded to the altar by theT ushers, Messrs. Jonathan T. Hokes. Jr.. of Fremont, and A. E. Es rotty ojf Raleigh. The bride was at tired 1a a cloth golng-awav - gown of dark catawba, with hat and gloves to mafh. '! Hf rs. Park is the second daughter of 0ie late Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Pair, andyhas been residing near Kenly with her-grand-parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Richardson. She has a host of friends In Jhla'countv and elsewhere. She was graduated w?th ihonnrs t I"nc t tvtr In Raleigh, then taught In Pitt county and later at Peace Institute. Maiiy of her friends have showered prents upon here here, and other friends have ient tokens of. esteem to he new home In Raleigh. Mr. Park Is the second Bon of Mrs. T. C. Park, of Raleigh. He Is an expert on Automobiles, and holds the pol-tlorf- of manager of the Carolina Garage and Machine' Co. -Mr. Park waj graduated in mechanical engi neering at the North Carolina A. & M. College In 1905. and then became In structor In mathematics there Soon afterward, he began sellng automo bile,, and when Col. C. E. Johnson and Mr. E. C." Hlllyer decided to invest heavily In this business Mr. Park was at fcne called upon to Join forces with them. The young couple took the after noon Ooat Line train North. Their tour will Include Richmond. Wash ington. Philadelphia. New York and Detroit. After returning they will be ave the Goods "Santa" Comes-OPEN UNTIL fflDMGHT at home at 207 north West street, Raleigh:! There were present at the wedding from Raleigh: Mrs, T. C. Park, Mr. and Mra C. B. Park; Miss Margaret Wood, Miss Rosa Broughton, Mrs. P. B. Rodgers. Messrs.- Albert E. Escott. K. W. Yates, and Stanley Jones. From Smlthfleld came Misses Mildred San ders, Ruth Sanders' and Annie Ihrye Pou: and from Fremont, Mr. J.. T. Hookes, Jr. The Raleigh guests left here on their return trip In automobiles at 2:35 this afternoon.. They reported a fine trip down, at an average rate of 13.8 miles per. hour, running time, j over the forty-five miles. Some l stretches were run at as high rate as forty-five miles per hour. Only one stop for, repalrs-vor adjustment was made, and that lasted a minute. Stops for water were made at Clayton and Smlthfleld. VO V Vernon -Gates. Burlington Dec. 23. The following invitation has . been received by friends: . . Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley Cates . Invite youito, be present at the marriage of their daughter i Sallle to Mr. John -Henry Vernon Tuesday ,r morning, December i twentv-elKhth. the nineteen hundred and nine, lat ten of the clock . ! Baptist Church. ; Rutherfordton. North Carolina. 1 ii- N ' We hasten, to extend best wishes to the happy fcyouhB couple In (advance. They wHV leave on the 10:30 train for the home of the groom In Person county. rts o ; Dawson-Hemdon. : Durham. Dec. ; 23. A ! wedding of Interest here took place at the home of the bride's mother yesterday after noon, when Miss Ada Herndon, daugh ter of Mrs. ML 0. Herndon, was mar ried to Mr. Nathan Becton Dawson, of Conetoe, Edgecombe county. The bridal party entered the home with Miss Mabel Newman playing the weddin- march from Mendelssohn, and Miss Lillian Herndon. sister of the bride as maid of honor, and Mr. Frank Dawson, of Tarboro. best man. Rev. Michael Brad 8 haw, of the Meth odist church, officiated, and while the ceremony was being read Miss New man clayed "Hearts and Flowers." Immediately after the service, they took the train for the North to spend a wedding tour of several days. Conspicuous in the recollection of this wedding will be the marriage last year of Miss Mary Herndon I and Mr. Ben Dawson, the bride of this city, and a cousin of yesterday's bride, and the TOom of Edgecombe, cousin of AZALEAS j -, ' Fine lot;, assorted colors. Will hold bloom 2-3 weeks J 1.50 to $3.00. Lily of the Valley ! i An exceptionally fine lot for Christ mas 75c. ; per dozen. Send rush orders to Greensboro. J. VAN LIIIDLEY NURSERY GO, Pomona, N. C 3 Dozen FRESH EGGS . $1.00 Full Stock Xmas Goods PHONE 28 D. T. Johnson & Son GROCERS yesterday's groom. The two brides bear the same surname and blood latlonshlp as the ' r-ooms. Mr. Dawson has been In the govern ment service as bookkeeper at Panama and quit last year to do merchandise in Conetoe. S O ?r Bryant-Cheek. Roxboro. Dec. 23. Mr. H. P. Bryant and Miss Rosa Cheek were married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. E. D. Cheek. The home was beautifully decorated for the hap py event. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. P. Ryland. The attendants were Miss Inez Cheek and Mr. P. R. Bryant and Miss Myrtle Barnett and Mr. R. E. Cheek. The wedding march was played by Mlas Annie Long. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant left on a Southern bridal tour. V O S Blalock-ChiscnhalL Durham. N. C Dec. 23. At the home of Elder T. Y. Monk last night. Mr. Rufus T. Blalock and Miss Cora Chisenhall, of this city, were married. This wedding was a second union and the groom gave his age as 64, while his bride Is 35. A very few friends were witnesses to this marriage and -they went from the elder's homo to Mr. Blalock's on Roxboro street. The groom has lived here a few years and gained considerable prop erty durin- that residence here. He came from the country where he was Influential and made success. He is engaged In business upon a somewhat extensive scale. 5 O Ijaws-Moseley. Kinston. N. C, Dec. 23. Mr. Her man F. Laws and Miss Mary Moseley were married at the home of the bride yesterday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. A. Ferguson, of the Christian Church. The home was beautifully decorated for the oc casion and the ceremony was wit nessed by a number of friends and relatives. The wedding march was rendered by Miss Blanche Can-non. Mr. W. T. Hooker acted as best man and Mias Marry Tapp was maid of honor: Mr. and Mrs. Laws- left for a Northern bridal tour. Mr. Laws is a well-known business man of Kinston and the bride is the charming daughter of Mr. E. T. Mose ley. SOS Birthday rarty. Rocky Mount. Dec. 23. A social, event of much interest took place In the city Tuesday night from eight to eleven at the hospitable residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Geen,- Tarboro street, when their charming daughter, Miss Ethel, was hostess to eighteen of her friends to celebrate her eight eenth birthday. The parlors and dining room had been tastefully decorated with ferns, holly and mistletoe. The guests were highly entertained by several selections on piano, instru mental and vocal by Miss Annie Leigh Green, and others. A guessing contest aitorded much i amusement. Miss Agnes Harper cap tured the prize, a box of stationery, while the booby, a tin horn, went to Miss Mary Brown." - At ten o'clock the guests repaired to the dining room, where refresh ments were served. Many handsome presents showed the high esteem In which Miss Ethel . Is held by . her friends. ' "; ; sos x Birthday Party. v , " The following invitation -has been Issued: ; .. Annie May . Prince , v ;,-t invites you to be present at her . Birthday Party Saturday afternoon. January eighth nineteen hundred and ten, from three to five Scotland Neck,. North Carolina. S O S v, JohnsonOIoaer, : Hickory, Dec 23. Mr. Thomas I. Johnson, of Lumberton. and Miss Jennie Moser were married here at the Holy Trinity Lutheran church, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. C. L. Miller. Miss Ruth Moser was maid of honor and Mr. J. A, Mc Neil was best man. They left on a Northern bridal tour. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home at Lumberton after - January seventh. m SOS Knott-lAwrcoce. C Creedmoor, Dec 23. A beautiful wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Mary E Lawrence on Wednes day afternoon at one-thirty o'clock, when her daughter, : Miss Elsie, was married to Mr. Charlie Lee Knott, of Durham. The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Arnett. of , Dur ham, was witnessed by relatives and a number of friends. Holly, ferns and evergreens were used In the decorations In a very art ittlc manner. , Mendelssohn's wedding march waa rendered by Miss Leslie Rogers, of Durham. Then came the groom with his best man, Mr. Otho Lunsford, fol lowed by the bride, with her maid of honor. Miss Rosa Lawrence, sister of the bride. The bride wore a go-away gown of grey diagonal serge, gloves and hat to match and carried bride's roses and carnations. The maid of honor wore blue messallne and carried white car nations. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party drove to Creedmoor and boarded No. 243 for Durham, where they, will reside. - The many costly wedding gifts be speak unusual popularity among a wide circle of friends. SOS DOUBLE WEDDING. Two Daughters of 3Ir. and Mrs. J. F. Harbin Are Married. 8tatesvllle, Dec. 23. A social event of Interest took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harbin Wednes day afternoon at 5:45 o'clock, when their daughter, Miss Cora Lee Har bin, became the bride of Mr. James J. Moroney, and their daughter. Miss Louise Rankin Harbin, was wedded to Mr. John Leland Davis, the event be ing a' double wedding. Immediately after the ceremony, which was-performed by Rev. Harold Taylor, of Broad Street Methodist church, the bridal party drove to the railway sta tion, where both couples were; shower ed with rice and good wishes as they boarded the train for Charlotte. Mr. and Mra Moroney . . will return to Stateavllle today andispehd a few days after which theyVlllt go to Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs Davis went from Charlotte to Columbia, .South Carolina, to be present at a re ception given in their honor there to night by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Steele. They will go to Little Mountain. S. C. tomorrow to spend Christmas with Mr. Davis' father, Mr. B. B, Davis, They will be at home In, Columbia, after January 1st. , The brides, who are well known and attractive young ladles vera reared in Statesville and hav mmr frin who wish them all happiness In their new reiauons. . , air. Moroney formerly made his home In Statesville. being employed by the Flanlgaa Harness Company, but for tha past few years he has been traveling for a harness manufactory of Cincinnati, Ohio.- His people live in Iowa, Mr. Davis, who is an expert linotype operator, . Is a South Carolinian, and has worked on a number of the larger papers of the South." II is at present employed on the Columbia State, at Columbia. He and Miss Harbin met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steele 1 1n Columbia, where the latter was visiting last sum mer, and Cupid was .not long In con summating his wishes.- Mr. Da via h a been in Statesville a number of times recently and Is favorably known to quite a number of people here. Tne popularity of both couples was attest ed In .a material way by the many handsome and valuable wedding gifts received from far and near.., ... . " S O S"- SANDEXlS-riiELE. Blind Doctor of 48. to Marry Ptwtmls tress Who is Only 26 Tears Old. Wilson, N. C Dec, 23. The regis ter of deeds of Wilson has Issued IU. cense for the marriage of Dr. W. T. Sanders, of Nash county, a blind prac titioner. Miss Vienna R. Peele. the postmistress at Sirarrr Siding, on tha Norfolk and Southern Railroad. - , v KYIUUE BELTJEW. At the Academy of Music Next Week. - Kyrle Bellew. who has long since won universal recognition as a "star of the first magnitude, In Great Brit ain. America, Australia, and In fact, throughout the English-speaking world; and in later 3 ears has appear ed In various stellar roles under dif ferent management In America, is to make his initial appearance ' here as u Charles Froman star under the man agerial auspices of that Napoleon of producers. In Alfred Sutro's powerful play In four acts entitled Tha Build er of Bridges at the Academy of Muslo next Thursday night for an en gagement of one night Although Mr. Bellew has frequently appeared in tha leading roles of many, of Charles Fro h man's successes, both In England and America, In former seasons, yet the present tour makes the adoption of this distinguished actor as a full fledged member of Charles Frohman'a famous stellar family. ' The superb supporting company provided for The Builder of Bridges." is especially noteworthy In that It is composed of such well known and thoroughly corn Detent artists as Miss Gladys Hanson leading lady with Mr. E. H. Sot hern last season Mrs. Thomas , Whlffen, Frances Comstock, Jane May, Mr. De Witt Jennings, Frank Connor, Eugene O'Brien and Ernest Stollard. . The play cornea direct from a long season, at the Hudson Theatre, New .York. with the entire original cast Intact and absolutely the Identical New York production presented precisely tha same as at the Hudson. SHOT THROUGH FINGER. ' V.' (Special to News and Observer.) ' Favettevllle. I)c tvu. Watson was accidentally shot through ' mu linger ot nts len hand. He was examining n ritnt .. . handed to , him to repair, which was iVuu ua cocKca. which he did not notice. Tb hnii noAiM I his head. The nerrn fled w-h v- :i THEATRICAL f accident occurred.- , , . i , ... :v I

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