!'' THE KirvVS AXI OBSBKVEK, FHIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1901 V, " The News and Observer jruunruwMMi - ""r-i""-"v " " - nu DAY, . December 21. MWWM sasw SsssassasasSanssasssM TRAINS LEAVIN CJ KALEIGU DAILY. "1 ; v .. . . ' I . Seaboard Air Une Hallway. v, I Going North. Oolnc S6utb V 1130 p. ns, . 12:20 a. in. 12:45" a. m. 3:65 a. m. 11:25 a. m 4;05 p. in. v 11:50 a. m. :05 p. M. , i 6:00 p. m. Shoofiy Ar. 10:0G a. m. (a SoufJiern Katiwp.y. 1 .Gotr East. Going Wst 4:30 a. m. 2:00 a. m. 12:30 p. in. H:36 a. m. C'JOplm. 4:05 p.m. HatcUlr auii Sout:iport. ! Golntr South. Arrive Relelvn. ' 8:00 a. m. 10:50 a. m. V i 4:16 p. ro. 7:2J p. m. j Norfolk aud Sontliern. Celne; Ear.L Arrive nlgh. :is a. m. li-n a. m. i 4;25 p. m. g:37 p . m. i IN AND A1S0UT THE CITY. Rev. W. C. Cullom, T. D.. of thb : chair of Rib! tit Wake Forest College was in the city yesterday. Jlr. Louis Taylor, u. .s. s. jouwuina i utaltlonerf at Norfolk, is in thfe city tt ! spend the holidays Avith his parents, i vifHnfQnt.r:onfr:il .T. F. Armfiel Uft veste'rdav for Statenvllfe. wherd I he Will spend th Christmas nouuays Wrltintr to the tltileigh Chritlait rAdvoetite Itev. (i: T. Simnons. who hai been pastor of Milbrook circuit sev V-ral years, s.iys the good p'ple ,'av htm t1'o purses one for a buKgy and icne fo a ?uit of clothes- PERSONAL. Mr M. 'H. (Sties, head of Stem HiRi Kchunl. Mtis In Ke.l-nfrh yesterday ort his wav to Hookerton to spend- the holiday?. Mr. J. It. U'ray. of fTlrfyton, was in the city yesterUay. stoppinK at the J'erpch. , ySlr. K: It. Mclntyre. of Holly :prin"- was in the city yesterday. ' ,vlr. J. II. Kerr, of Warrenton, is In the city.' : jiev. Jar.t 3 .M. Alam. of Wake Tor Kt Collet" i in the city for the holi Ih . r. K. W. Snow, of lUllsboro, was ,ln" t!i city yeu relay, stopping ut the rtl'boroufch. i Mr. H. . Fov.en. of Splro. Okla., was ' ' here vessterdav. . .r Tilr. W. H. Horton. IT. S. X.. Norfolk, i 1 was In the city yesterday, registered , ' iit the Yor'oorongch. Mr. aii HatiOerH, of Xorfjlk. Is at i- horne M)e:Hin.5 the. holidays with his ': parents: . ; ' Cpt. K. II. L.jvell, of Watauga, was I i vistor to p.alelith yesterday. M5AV- COUPOIIATIOXS. :: Vonr ChnrterM Jrnntol by the Secre ; j ; tar of itatc YRterday. . - il The Covington-Bright Co., of lied I Sprjng, was incorporated yenterda ,r.ith an authorized capital stock of ! $2.000. but will ber!n business with n.pnid in capital of $2,500. W. P. Cov ) Infftoti. et at incorporators- The Ccmmerclal Club, Inc.. of Char lotte, was Incorporated, with J. F. J,ord. W. J. ArCall and D. W. Jenkins, 'all of Charlotte, Incorporators. . t The Merrhants Tradlnij Co., of ; North WIIkeBboro will do a wholesale u nd ' grentral mercantile business with 4in authorized capital of $50,000; paid (Jn, $5,000; T. B. Jenkins, S. Ia Jen Uns and J. C; Grayson, all of North WUHesboro, incorportitors. ,i! Thr'Lte County Cotton Oil Co., of h?anford,, will i-manufacture ' and sell rotton feed oil. "The authorized capi tal Is $50,000. jbut.the corporation will I;e?in business with n paid In capital of $330. O. D. Barber, ofGoldston, et Rll. Incorporators, ' - : - The Elizabeth City Coca-Cola Bot linf Works. Inc. hag an authorized capital of SS.000, but will begin busl eN8 with $1,800. C. IL Hutaff. ct al, v Incorporators. i : . PilcK Cured In to 14 Days. PAO OINTMENT is guarantend to rure any case of Itchiny, Blind. . Pleedlng or Protruding Piles In 6 to 3 4 days cr money refunded. 60c. ? BKFOKK JUSTICE STKO.NACII Thrx- Drunks and Larceny ' Cae ;; ;''.. Yesterday, There were 'four cases tried in the 2lalei"h police court yesterday. ' Thomas Tyson, white, was fined $2 ;:.nd costs for bei:iT . drunk on , the Ktreets. John Hnehes. colo-ed. , and X. JZ. Wall, white; were fined thu f ime amount for the same offense. John Dent,' colored, waa bound over to court under bond In the sum of 5H0 for the btreen of $2.25.- - . Ttie Keeley Thftlture, Greensboro. N. C.? continues to treat a lartre number 'if persons 5;u!Trinfr with whiskey ar.d Irusr addictions, the tobacco habit and r-erve exhauftion. t ' -. ' ivard 'f lCxa;liicr' in Optometry. ' . The North .Carolina " Hoard of Ex aminers in Optometry will meet In this .Ity on Wt-Unef day. January 19th. , The . secretary o t'e board If J. W. Tailor, of (JreensLoro. . . ... u. 1 2-2 4-frl&wed-6t. . ammwcMMnaMW CASTOR 01bP0VDEnl 1 1 Bamwi Umm tT TAST.f LESS AiwmAmr BEST AND SAFEST " KAT nvc KNOWN AT Ait tvonr onaaonn NOTICE OF SALE. , L'nder and. by virtue of the powers contained in u certain mortgage made to me by David Saunders and wife, Sylvia Saunders, recorded in B. 222. p. 684, of- Heglter of Deed office of Wake county.; I !wil expose . for sale and sell for e;a&h to the highest bid der, at the ccurthouse door of Wane rounty at 1 o'clock on Thursday. Jan nary 27. 1910,1 the following described lot of land. situate in the city of Raleigh. Wakos county. North Caro lina, adjoining j the lands of W. H. lJerryi and others, bounded and de; fcrlbe'd eg follows: Pcginnlng at the intersection of iNorih ;and East streets, , and . running foutli Jiilone: the western line of East Ktreet. one hundred and thirty feet to k stake, thence west one hundred and ight feet; thence north parallel with East Ktrecjt one huudred and thirty teet to North street; thence cast one .hundred and eight feet the begin ning. DeinK a part of the same lot of land corveyed by U. Z. Blake to 3. J. Kitttell. - ISAAC J. K ITT HELL. li-24-law-4w. wnnnnBannnnnHnnnannn '.Notice About Stibcrlptloii Paj-mcnM. Certain newspH per and magazine , puTsscriptfon . agents are soliciting subscriptions In this territory. The cws and Observer has its Regular representatives, and any money paid for fubscription to The News and Ob enr to partle . other than those holding regular Ncwa and Observer rcvelpt forms, will be at the risk of . the person making the payment. I I . w . ' - -a- - a louentsaiinef li 11 W oril to thn I Jut) , CASH WITH ORDER: Want ads. received at The News and Observer Hulldlng or without charge foil messenger service from the Postal Telegraph or American DiHtriwt Telc- pli Messengers. Cull Western Ion or Ptigtul meener los tel in phone or call lox from any point the city who will receive ndverttse- me nta for this column at rate of ten cert ts per Jin-, counting six words tct thd line, just an they receive tele- nw for transmission over Western Un on or Postal lines. ; W A XTKIV K X PKIM KVCi: D II Alt I). are alernan by itichmond houj travel eaiern North .::iroiina n with t-biabliahed trade in this territory preierri'd. Address P. O. box 4b, itichmond, Vu. ;-24-2t 2 XVAXTkD ICSITI()X I1Y tfrea arupidt; employed at present is trood reasons lor cnangrtnff. Address I "y," care Ooserver. j WAjNTU) A lKliSOX WITH MMK money to join inan extremely proiiJ5 al-lo business, in wlurh larger protltn ' c;.n be maue without tisk. iieier-j ence given; intiticato. Address! Kx Kaleigh, X. C. WAN1KIJ: liY JiiMl.UlY lst ckmietent hardware man to sell hrotivare in Soulti Curolina. Ad dress "Hardware Salesman." care this paper. 12-23-Sti) WANTED: Oi;X MAX TO UOHR in carriage repair shop. One who ha- had ome experience in re pairing wheels. etc. John W. ,ann Ac on, Kaieirn. c s -23-3t. VKCX CilVF. ANY HF.CORD IXU II 1l A 1 . . 1 . ' r.oiwin I'uiHioKue. rnonugrapn?, twtlve-tlfty to sixty dollars. Ulcy ci', seventeen-flfty to sixty dollars. Write for catalogue. O. F. Hassell, Kiioky Mount. N. C. WAXTED: .VX LTXIU5ISTLJtED druK clerk wanst poaltion by Jan uary' 16. isngaRed at present. ut Jedt, desires change. Bst refer-' ences. Address "Codine, cars News and Observer. 12-23-3t.' farms, among them 200-acre farm u seven miles northwets front Kal elah; 100 acres cultivated, six room dwelling-, four tenant houses. 50 acres wood landl rood water. 13.1 .150. 7 5 -acre farm south Oi Ral- eirih, disposed of. J. Ii. Fleming; 1 Soil. Raleigh. 1Z-23-ZM v xrrirn-jnn nnivrrcns 1 nn DtUUC J11CU, JHUBl U UUIUU UC1, Aptly Box 863, Norfolk, Va. WANTED AX EXPER1EUC3D JEOI sieiy Mill man with some capital to organize and operate a plant. Un excelled opportunity for tfee ?lght man. Yarn thus saving paper -, and mado on Cie -37ou3dJ all . freight, pccltlngyi W A, I- cones. Aoccuon tujii. dry and healthy. L&bor plenUfuln 75 per cent Of the stock wia aub-i scribed locally if desire 1- Addxescj lonn vv. kioore, it.aei.ora, v 12-21-5t - V GOOD OPEJJTNG Df YJj!JSK3OTC?I for merchandising. New cotton mill now being consucted. 3rtck stort Urn !, located opposite Courtiicuse, on the corner, possecsion iven a. once. Eneellent opportunity. C. K. Jackson, warrenton, N. C. 12-Z2-3U WANTISDrCOSC: ON3 rO SANDLS Oysters in the shell and show peo ple how an oyster tastes when it has nevir been liandled. Address Har old C. Brtm. Gwan Quarter, N. C. WANTEDSCRAP COPPSZl; ESFE- clally wire. -' Durham - Iron Works, Durham. N. C. j 12-1 9-1 W FOR SALE OR RENT; SMALL ' farm near Raleigh. Also good mule for pale. Address S. A. Ashe, Ral elgh. ; 12-19-4L OR SALE: 50 FACTORY TRUCKfS 24x48." price $3.75 each complete. One Hege saw mill, saw and belt- used two weeks 1325.00. Durham Irori Works, Durham, N. C 12 18- -Iwk. ' . : WANTED: FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE- entry bookkeeper desires position on apuary 1st; five years' experi- ence; can give good . reference by present employer. Address "Com- peteht.1 1Z-12-2W. vVanTED: ALL' YOUNG PEOPLE interested in a business education to II . . 'J . Mn . L... trin. TY...I II n;ei our new . towiu. ui. iicss College. Raleigh N. C. Tues &frl. ' j WINTER OITCNING OF KING'S JJUBl . 1 1 hesa College, Tuesday. January 4. 1910. Large number of new stu rifiitf will be here. Write for Spe clal Offer. King's. Business Col lege. Raleigh, N. C. ' frl. ROLIXA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY. The regular quarterly dividend of one the and one-half (1 1-2) per cent on V preferred stock of the Carolina Power and Light Company ha been decla red J payable January igL lfiio.vr to stor kholders of record at the close d of Business Aovenjoer ., ios. Tne books Will not close. E. P. KTTMMERSON. Secretary. December 20, 1909. 12-23- t. Raleigh Savings Bank RMEIGH, N. C. j . iIOUX T. PULLEN, Iresldent. CILRLES ROOT, CJashier. tal and Surplus $75,000 Cap Four per rent. Interest paid m de- posits, futher Call oh the bank or write for information. SAFETY DEPOSIT EOXES FOR RENT VISITING CARDS You may nave handsomely engraved ones almost as cheap as printed ones If you will write us for. samples and prices. Also wedding Invitations. ' BELL DOOK A STATIONERY CO. lUCTmOND. VA. ... ... , Boylan-Pearce Go STORK OPEX KVEXIXfJS KrisKringle in k Happy Christmas The Holiday exhibit grows brighter, actually more varied and s interesting, because of reinforce ments received hy every freight and express train. Appropriate Gifts, convenient ly arranged and properly priced, brings the people, besides a cor dial, warm hearted feeling of wel come, makes the shopping all the more pleasant 4and agreeable, RAPID KALEIDSCOPIC CHANGES. The enumeration of articles ia impracticable, the walls are strung suggestively with Gift Giving Goods and the counters and tables are strewn with the daintiest works of the handicraft these constantly changing because of swift sales, the lots frequently lasting a few mo menta however this Klves space to crowd In other linex eaually, if not more attractive, all the reserves are brought to the front as faat as room can be obtained to display the goods. S03IE CHANGES IX PRICES. In consequence of the fact that the "Inventory of Stock" takes place immediately after this sale is over you can feel fully assured that we are maklrfg our best, lowest and most attractive price offer ings for a Clean Sweep of all Roods not to be "Carried Over." COME DOWN AND SEE THE HOYS AND GIRLS. They are working like beavers, clearing out all Christmas goods, and will be ready to "Swing Corners" with you all until the last "Horn Toots. 0YLM-PEARCE COMPANY KTOCiaiOLDERS SLEETING. ; The -regular annual meeting' of the stockholders of . the Citizens National Pank, of Raleigh, N. C, will be held In their banking house in this city on Vuesday, January 11th. 1910, at 12 o'clock, noon. HENRY E. L1TCHFORD, Cashier. z Stockholders Meeting. Th regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh Banking and Trust Co.. will be held at their banking' house on Tuesday, January the 11th. 1910. at 12 o'clock M. F. II. BRIGGS, Cashier. NOTICE! The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the- Raleigh Savings jlBank will le held at their banking fnouse in this city,' on Monday, Janu- ry 10. 1910. at 4 o'clock P. M. CHARLES ROOT. Cashier. RTOCKKOLDERS 3IEETTNG. The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Commercial National Bank of Raleigh will be held at their banking house on Tuesday, January llth, at 12 M.. 1910. E. B. CROW, Cashier. I2-11-28U. Classy Printing Your stationery should be as good as your dress, A business Is often judged by Its printing. The best is none too good. We cater to the hard to please. CARROLL'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC. IDEAL ELECTRIC General Electrical Contractors CHARLOTTE ui FAYETTEYILLE, N. C. n c. n, AYCOCK. R. W. WINSTON". AYCOCK & WINSTON, Atorneys-at-Law Practice In both State and Federal Courts. Office in Electric Building?. opposite post office, on Martin Street. Raleigh. North Carolina. W. IL MOYE. LEWIS C. DAVIS. MO YE & DAVIS, New Barber Shop in Capital Club Basement. Satis faction guaranteed. Boylan-Pearce Co. I'XTIIi Al-TER CHRISTMAS. Merry Mood mi Here's the Chance of the Winter SPECIAL LOW PRICES 01 63335 Boys' Air Rifles 50. 75c. & tl.50 Ithaca Shot Guns $18.00 Marlin 16 -shot Rifles . .$10.00 Footballs (Victor) $1.00 U. M. C. loaded shells, Win chester loaded shells, Peters loaded e hells. Hamilton rifles".. $1.25 Marl'n Pump Shot Gun. $18.00 (12 gauge latest model.) Savage Auto-Pistol $15.00 (10 shot.) Single Barrel Guns .s...$5.00 HART-WARD HARDWARE GO. KALEIGH, N. C. For Sale! Splendid property on V. Jones, W. Lane, Belmont and S. East streets, Raleigh, ;n. c. ' Parker & Hunter INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE unIryj DIRECT LINE WEST. 'icduitt ui cUect tuue 4U, Iftosi. LV. Norfolk 7 30.ia. 7 40 p.m. J.r, retersburs; .10 XS a.m. 10 20 n.m. Lv. Durham .... ? 00 a.m 5 30 p.m. LV. Lynchburg . 2 30 p.m. 2 30 p.m. As. Cincinnati .. 7 30 a.m. ii p.m. Ax. Columbus . . $41 s-m. 7 C& p.m. Pulioiau Sleepers and N. W. Cale Dlnlnc Cars. Close connections made for Chfcaro, St. Louis, Seattle. San Francisco and 11 western points. Fr rates, time tables and full Information, write to C. If. ROSLEY. W. B. BEVtLU P. P. A G. P. Richmond. Va. Roanoke. Va. HOMES FOR RENT A number of nice houses for rent, price from $10.00 to $15.00 each. Nicely loca' 1. Hightower & Fori eUALEIGU, N. C for It Is Easier For You to Buy Furniture From Us No Matter where you live. OwIdc to tlie t- rry morf furniture of sll kind in tek than V) to 75 of the Tera Southern Thaler rorablaed. we mate It aler lor yon to piirtia aaytblnf fr th !urnll(n of your bomr. Ol R MA II. OKDER HVATEM l i-ompWe that ran order from n innt a Mturarterllj- an buylnic from your crorer around tbe -orar. Write u for aorne very Inferential prior on tb thlnx yon will need for your Winter Comfort. Sydnor&Hundley 'Ftrniiiire for tUs Hone Feialifa!" 700-11-13 East Broad St. RICHMOND. VA. c 3 LOOK UP. ' The man who succeeds best In the world Is the one who makes a rood appearance, which is the natural re sult of having his garments made by ur tailors that are experts. HIGH CLASS TAILORING. POPULAR PRICES. Wedding Presents WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS: . Chimes, Brass Coal Boxes, China, Jam Pots, Sandwich Trays, Coasters. H. MAHLER'S SONS JEWELERS Raleigh, N.C. SELECT BOARDIHS HOUSE 118 NorfU WiimiJigtoa Sim! Within one bait square of the Capitol. LARGE AND AIRY ROOMS. REASONABLE PRICES. ims. WILEY It. ROGERS calls attention to the fart that " this larg-e house, within half square of tho Capitol, has been newly painted, pa pered and furrdshed. anf. Is open for boarders by the day. weak or month. Import Bulbs are now arriving. We have a fin acsortn?nt. Plant early for the best results. 8end for new price list. Remember wa are headquar ters for Choice Cut Flowers, Wedding Bouquets, Floral Designs and flowers for " all occasions; msll, telegraph, and telephone, or ders promptly filled by J. L. O'QUINN & COMP'Y FLORIST. Rsleleh. N. C Phoites Ut. A. Daniels F. D. DsnSels. F. A. DANIELS & SON Attorneys-at-Law ; GOLDSBORO. X. C. Candy making is our businew. We know It. You will know we know It, If you buy 1 IROYSTER'S CANDY What is Better Thaii a Stetson Hat For Xma? We are almost tempted to answer the question for yau by saying nothing. C" We have just opened up our 1910 line. If you want to make a pres ent to a young man that will be sure to please, get him a John J3. Stetson at $3.50. It's hat perfection J. ROSENGARTEN CO. F.YTTKVIIXE KT. C. C. THONK. Yea to sjt3 $5.00 co ons cosria or 510.00 cj CoaMjed Coarss WANTED ntf LAS Cy MooapoaATB. Winter opening January 4, 1910. Our sschool-sella life: scholarships, guar antees positions, and is strongly end orsed at home and abroad. . Write for new catalogue. , , .;!".-,- ,v:;i. ;,.':" I Address . - ... : ' .-t- r-A'V ' . ' ' ' '. " KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 11 RALEIGH. N. C3. or . " . r . CIRIaVtTE; X. Vi ! TAMER PAD MANUFAG RICHMOND, THE NEW LIFE AND JE2CDOWMSOT JPOJVm7wv: . ' ' THE PtNtj-iUTUilP OFElft re Issued at wsV race and tarcetrsjuarantee: veiirljpT''' Vfore Prospective policyholder and entrrrtlvnrr. by coafarHsrwith;:-. .- - - . ;,."rr;ir:: .: ; Mcpherson & barto GENERAL AGENTS FOR NORTK V;;;: . : (Successors to'BB."-TlA5'arr.'." TUNE UP YOUR LINEN FOE THE HOLIDAYS Have it as dean and white MsnowwwstOT can't do it, Tliafs the way wo turn it back to you. V'f'"',-' Try US if you went better work V ; Oak City Steam Law CHRISFMmS We have Hats for every season Hats for every one Special Offerings v.. Surety Bonds and AT LOWEST RATES DEPOSITORS INSURED AG AO ST LOSS BY DANK FAILURE. v American Bonding Company.' of Daltfmore: Md. j;Local agents wantett. Address McPICIRSON ft BARNES, Q eaerai Axents tor - Korth Carolina. (Successors to R. R Raaey. : V ..T'.-'V. RAXJSIGR. N C. THE FARMERS! BEST FRIEND. W have tht finest lot ever brought to this market. Coce and: seo them. J. M, PACE MULE CO. E MARTIN St J. SL IIOLDFJl , W. AUPCnURCH JPEROX .1IOMAS, SaJesawn, RALtlGH. N. BY EMTEREHC TUREIU5 VIRGINLV( -1 rv ii Misses Reese & Company Burg surance V . v. r ... imrs iaryln - - mi i I f Hi - ;f ' X A - r X V