THE NEW ft AKD OBSERTEB, SATURDAY, DECEMBER: 259 09 CHRISTMAS LOVE ! FEftST LAST BIGHT CHRISTMAS BELLS Tired? Jcstfc Vf r POwer? Just rcmei remember ' L' vof maot$ aidant. f.rr i I . "'wuoi jr. put ri jMTgtg?? Mood: th-KT defers cw rZZTr VIZ coftot It Dtitf red put red'eorpu-. AND ALLTHE JOYS 3 The News and Observer Family GIFT ITO EDITOR HUE LS Tlio Spirit of the Old Reliable's Force "IYonj the Devil Down" Is the Spirit of Cltrlstmas Brotherhood, Peace ii i i and Good Will Present to the Bust nes Manager- Every Member of the Force fteniembered. There is no happier hour in ail the year with The New and Observer family than, that on Christmas eve when all the members gather together and "ive .expression to their affection for their head ,'lhe spirit of Christ mas, brotherhood, peace and good-will to all, is the daily feeling of every man and woman, on the paper, "from the devil doyn." and it. but crystallzes at Christmas time into a hearty expres sion. Fr(im a time whereof the mem ory of many Of the members runneth not to the, contrary, as a token of their love The tNew$ and Observer family on ever" Chr.stmas eve have presented the editor, Mr,. Josephus Daniels, with a gilt, cairylng as much of true de votion and lonuness with it as it may, and soma, member, in making the pre sentation, attempts to give some ex pression to the deep feeling that all the people connected with the paper hold for 1 ther chief, a feeling that passed mere regard and admiration. Last night the editorial rooms were tilled with the! -Old Reliable's"' family, and the jnewi editor, Mr. Edgar A. Womble, spokesman for all made the presentation speech, the gift being! a handsome; clock. Mr. Womble said that it was3 not simply, a custom and that the presentation was not a cere mony, but that it was the spontaneous desire ofTlie News and Observer family to rive at the time of the -year when all hearts are gladdest a present to the man whom they love as much on very day as they do at the Christ mas eeasdn-. but that the sentiment that would accompany It at Christmas time made such a time most appro priate, for, the meaning of It could not be expressed either by the gilt nor by the words which he spoke, but best In the vefy meaning of Christmas. Continut-r he said in part: "We come In the spirit of love. Wfc ; wiwh-l at this happy season to expreMiain our abiding friendship. There Is k spllt which unites us all. and though no words may picture it sometimei", we call it harmony and and co-operation are the successful conduct peace. Union necessary nor or any enterprise, but here tiers li net only that. With enthusiasm added to It, but love. Every man haj pride In the paper, is glad to see It pros 3 2? I and spread its gospel, and strives to do h!s work with the same earnestness and conscientiousness with which It U edited.: , -y ( ! "You- have snown us the stufi Iiat men aro made of, and la your exrxaple .-we have found, a. standard not or. y for etvic- uprirhtness' and frlenshl A but intimately observfng your life day by dby. InF theCclosest contact tlih you, we have found a man wcthy lo be followed and Imitated. ' ! "The liond of sympathy and feUo-nr-ship between us makes us as on and this oneness means that we hava yorr l deal tor the mlssioV. of the Nawa r.nd Observer, that!' we '.; believe In li our hearts and souls and are "ill!nj to give our brain' and bravn Co ' its sen lee. . Iti -other-words, T-e havs Ihe News1 and Observer , spirit . which is the Christmas spirit the year fcx and j the year ouU and Us object is to brlac to North Carolina what Christmas wt.s meant to bring, . i I "We stand shoulder to shoulder with you and heart to heart. "Men and women who do not per form, theirj duties merely because t.vey are paid, but who glye to It the whol enthusiasm,' of their beings because of their devotion-to you and because of the conviction j that they are serving their Statr as well, and who know that . you have a continuing lnter.-st in their welfare, present this gift, which buja falt expression of the j feeling, hl aboliffif tn our hearts Christmai and many, many more of Mr. Daniels accepted the gift in nnet speech ; that ; showed feeling and deep appreciation. 1 He aald that he - had fa4Ctva. regarded th News and Observer force as one great raiiy ana one wnich had grown so rapicuy into such a big family that he reU'llke he was an Old natrtAroKl Thirty years a ro. when h ram intt nw2paq,er business, he said, there were the old; Washington (hand press and imuu ctmposjuon, ana only four men were necessary to run a weekly news, paper, B'priater. an editor, a-devil and a pressman. ' The business of publish ing ha grown so rapidly that In his short ilifeJbe ad aeeira comnlete rev olutlonfrt the newspaped buslneas. and that The News and OuerTer force was so largd that It constituted almost a company and always stood together, marching: end keeping time for what. ever was best for the welfare of tte state. . xne good existing throughout all the departments of the paper, he j said, .' was most gratifying snd pleasant. ! He regarded every person on the paper as a nersnt friend, rand hoped the day would never iviu, wucn .tne cvmraaesnip and -friendship would not exist "from the devil down to the editor." The pleas sntest ining in nis iie, he declared, was the belief that's every man on the forpe was his personal friend, and , the mutual respect and -regard as. the strength and power' of Hi . owb ana) ODservcr. . Not one man, he saidchad made 1L but it was the product -oij the printers, the business force, the (mailing clerks, the press men, the agents, the carriers, the ed itorial force and others whose labor and love wient Into the paper. Mr. Daniels, jin conclusion, said he SWE T j (5UM arid 1 MULLEN for Coughs, CoIds; Croup and Consumption. cost Little to Try. Street Com cuts the phlegm that causes the jnornliw 'ouurb- and also enables the child to thriw 'off the false membrane of croup. The old.Jleld Mullein made with a tea. and combined with Sfceet Gam is this way brtrs care broa.rbltls aad consnmp. tlon.. E tracts from Sweet Com aad Mol ma are arteotlflcally bleodei rjnder the name of Cherjokee Remedy of Sweet Gam and Mullein andr sold at rfrog stores for a small aoml It eosta ao Itttl It mh -trying for eTen.ibe worat eat. Ask for i .. Oerokee -SwefetTiud MoileUu - Held by WE TODAY C had seen T!o News and Observer grow in flfteen years from a circula tion of 2.S0O to 16.000. a growth, that wot wondjrful when compared .with th) pa?w ezparlence of newspapers in North Carolina. He thanked the family" fo? Its "partial tribute and kind words aad th&nked the assembled st'.ff for their entailing courtesy,, co op a Jon cad kindness, and wished, for tueu on and all a merry ChJs.mas end happy New Year. add. lr-r tk'Vi the unmtsrid men on the cta who had been trying to get mar- .i Tae ' eatlra force presented to the bu4-i3j roanfeffw, Mr. W. H. Bagle. a 'mtiMceni dive? cortee pot 'and a,Y2? Dot, tuo & token of their .ecJo.i cafi esteem. There is per- haia Joi tnothar Institution anywhere In phic.i tha men and the manager t.T3: rr.ora closely united, where jlir sord a&d d and strife is co foreign to the t' caC lir oZ tlL Here, too . be Con e pert -f the Charm liid cau:e ;o e. part ael' h"; orery mmbr of the News and Tlhrnervr Callv fl.- In hla lev ry person connected with the S?:,pjp wei rimsmbared by Kris Krin rle, the Old ItJliabls havlns sent word by both GZ?lo?ers to the Lord of the lorta A-ole, and Ik message was de UvereC, fo? evjiTr married member c:lved a aeavy, ?ai turkey, and t essi permanently domesticatsd ones were each t3 reciiient of a beautiful present frot Che paper, each adding increased chJer to ihe enjoyment of Christmas. 7or years thai outreach the I connection o2 most of the staff with the paper, aach Christmas Cue paper has remembsrjd every one, and the "Christmas wrr' of the News and Observer, which hra jrown so great with the Increcslne size of the family. Shpws every si3m of larger and fuller growth and a ion lire. ? f ASSISTANT COKJrJOTOItS Put on hy AtlaciJs Coast Lino to J lUndl the Etrah. u Rocky ML, ii, C Dec. 24 Effective yesterday the Atlantic Coast 14ne piaoea upon ail or its through passen- rers irains assisiam conauctors to as- ricw would increaae the slie of Thei jjats. "owaea cn3 Ctoes- family next iar. thJ! h,2Li?T. ARE 01 FROM 9 A. M. TO Some one sent you a present you did not expect. You will have to be quick in selecting something or greatly embarrassed. Let us serve you The JOLLY-WYNNE JEWELRY CO. A Happy Christmas to you and yours. May the the newvyear hold for you and all dear to you, unalloyed happiness, health and all the good things of this life. And now for a pull, a long pull and a pull all together, for a "Bigger, Busier, Better Raleigh. ....... sist in the working of taking fares and caring for the large amount of travel just at this season of the year. Addi tional accommodations in both sleep ers and day coaches have been neces sary during the past week, and the holiday travel is unusually large. Most of the trains are crowded while the station in this city Is thronged both day and night with persons ar riving and leaving this city, as well as numbers who are required to make this a Junction point. The holiday sales of tickets are large and the win- a major part of are open, coming this way an acknowledged fact, but t there are few who . have any Idea of the amount of business in this Use that Is being done Just at this season of the year. ; There are seventy-five or a hundred "package expecters" that are around the express office at the arrival of every express from the north. One express car on train No. 49 from Norfolk this af ternoon was not sufficient to handle the quantity, nor did It have the time to lose In order to load the large num ber of packages, so the Southern Ex press Company secured additional ac commodations on a freight train com ing this way, and one or more cars have been loaded with the fire water for the territo-y In Eastern Carolina. When it ts taken Into consideration that there are two expresses dally from Norfolk some Idea of the amount of the shipments can be learned. FIVE WORKMEN KILLED. And Seventeen Were Injured By the Explosion of a Locomotive. (By the Associated Press.) Shawnee, Okla. Dec. 24. Five workmen, it Is believed, were killed and seventeen others were Injured to day by the explosion of a locomotive boiler that wrecked the repair shop of the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. The railway officials say that only two are dead, fragments of bodies found in the wreckage make It almost certain that five were killed. Em ployes say that twenty are missing. The known dead are: Robert Kerr and John Johns. Five of the more xvxiiY iJTTLx: tax TXELrS. TO IP. M. .seriously injured are in a hospital. Company C of the Oklahoma National Guard Is on dMty by order of Governor tiasKeu to preserve order. The snop yards are strewn with fragments of human flesh. The body of Kerr was found three blocks away from the short. FVa trm nta nf th hn1v nf Jnhm were gathered from adjoining build- ings. KYRLE BELLEW At the Academy Thursday. Decern ber 30th. -- - - Among this eVson's most interest ing, entertaining and important dra matic offerings - provided byCharles! Fro h man, that most enterprising and i indefatigable producing manager, is The Builder of Bridges" by Alfred Sutro. a powerful domestic drama of present day life, possessing a surpass ingly unique plot, replete with unusual situat'ons and being surprisingly orig inal in treatment, as well as absorbing In Interest. Mr. Bellew and a superb company of distinguished players will be seen at the Academy of Music Thursday, December 30th. The en garement here is limited to one night as the company comes direct from New York after a lengthy engagement at the Hudson Theatre to fulfill con tracts made long s'nee for this sea. son's American tour of Mr. Bellew. af ter which the company returns to New York city for an extended engagement, on this account the entire original cast and production has been retained intact, and will be seen hers absolutely the same in every particular, Just as given in Ne- York. Raided Bi nd Tiger. (By the Associated Press.) Dawson, Ga., Dec 24. Officers to day raided the store of Clayton Aaron, colored, and confiscated eleven hut, dred nts of alleged blind tiger whis key. Three wagons were required to transport the goods to the courthouse. The whiskey was very cleverly con cealed in the ceiling of the store, the officers finding It after a. very close search. Aaron was lodred in Jail un der a charre of violating the State prohibition Law. Washington UexiJd. Raleigh Had in It Much Good Cheer. THE MERGHAFITS It Was a Christmas Eve in the Capi- tal City That Waa Full o! Joy, the ' iMrccis iteing inrongcM ami in Cheer Being the Prevailing Senti ment That Pervaded All of Raleigh. IialeiKh was happy last night. Also ;It. was happy yesterday afternoon and all through the day. It was Chrlst ' mase eve. and the day before Christ mas, and it was a season of rejoicing i and happiness BET There was much business done here i plained In a telegram received by the uurlns the day, and with f?reat crowds ; Secretary of the Navy from Captain from city and country the merchants 1 Shipley, under yesterday's date and were kept busy in endeavoring, to nil received here today. It says In part: the calls made on them. There was "Splendid work is being accompllah a fine stock of Christmas goods on t.j ty our hospital service on shore. hand, and the givers of gifts found all ; kind of things to answer their de- t ! mands. The merchants were kept busy dur- ing the day and late Into the night. , From these there ccmes news of a fiov nf Kiir huciTYOKs whli'h xhow-M thnt -.j x-. -. . i nittj luuti luuic. a niuiiBivu lire 1 . 1 Y. ' Raleigh is abreast of the Christmas arrival of prisoners whose conditions cperated for the first time on Mon season. At night the streets had on Wa- nitiahio. Thev wm lam ndd8Jr morning, January. S. The, train tit many parties having a merry time, ) a 11 1 AmnHI 1 an ninntnir u Vwin t U'l th hllfi1 iv . Jangling after them, groups on the the streets with horns and lire works. and general merry ma kn- ma: Ing a nig..t picture of happiness and good times showing the Raleigh spirit of the season. And so Raleigh had a good time yesterday and last night. The belated shoppers got busy and filled in the last of Christmas gifts until a late hour, so it Is that today will prove a hippy one in all parts of the city, for Raleigh knows how to get the best of the season. ' On some tables today there will be turkeys, and on seme, rabbits. If there ts something that vies with turkeys It is rabbit, especially if it is a case of Chatham county rabbit, and those who have rabbit today will have a good time. The price of turkeys Is rising and in future years at the present rate turkeys will be out of. reach ot all except the millionaires. , The rab bits will come in and then something else.- But it is to te noted that this year that North Carolina folks may have rabbits and turkeys and trim mings. Next year Is a story yet to be told. . And so there is a "Merry Christmas' today to all in the city and State. It has been a good year and the pros pects. are bright. If it is turkeys or rabbits, or what. not. North Carolina H in me ring as one oi vjo mo ic Derous States Iff the Union, and that is saying enough to wish all in the State a very merry Christmas and a most happy New Year. v- VACCTNATION VIOLATIONS. Warrants Issued for the Arrest of Seven Women and ' One Man Who Jte fused to Bare Their Arms for the r Dx torsOne. Woman Jailed., tRna1 n vA. ntarver.l Wilson, N. a. Dec 24. Thursday morning when W. P. Lester (the new ly appointed constable tor Wilson township) went his rounds to the dif ferent magistrates' otflces to ascertain whether there were any papers waiting to be served, found eight at 'Squire Barnes" law mill again t sight vacci nation violators seven women and one man. He hit the grit and went for those who were reported for not submitting to the mandates of the law. The first one caught. In his net was a big black gal who had room at "The Blk Sixteen" building on east Green street. The constable read the warrant Wo the woman, after which he said : "G wan away frum heart, white man; tote yersef out ob dat doah Ah ain't gwtns wld you nowhar' and she didn't of her own free wllL Ihe constable hailed a passing dray, man, and with the assistance of sev eral men. the woman was bundled on the dray and delivered In front of 'Squire ' Barnes office, all lsone load. She refused to get up and enter the office for a hearing and the Squire very promptly ordered hr to Jail. Here she also refused to walk and it took; several men to get her behind the bars. She never resisted, neither did she assist the officers In getting her behind the bars. The next warrant served was on a negro woman who, five- days ago be came a mother. She told the consta ble that she thought the premature birth of her child ; was - caused by fright, when a physician went to vao cinate her several days ago. , Another one of the women who said: "I will die before I submit." has left town. At this writing the constable is on the hunt for the other violators. Wilson people, as a rule, are pre servers of the peace, but a report has been circulated that the doctors are only vaccinating poor white folks and negroes hence the objection-of many to comply -with the law.-. -If the doc tors, city and .county officials would set the example and be vaccinated there would be less violations The law is imperative and Is very plain -in regard to the violation of any of the sanitary laws. (See Sec. 3455 Revisal of N. C): "If any person shall violate any of the rules and ' regula tions of the sanitary authorities, of any county. In regard to-vaccination. he shall be-gullty of a misdemeanor and fined not exceeding' fifty dollars or Imprisoned not- exceeding thirty days." So, dear friends, what's the use? The goblins have us where the hair Is short CHILD FATALLY BURNED. Clothin- Became Ignited While Slioot- ing Fire Crackers. East Point, Ga Dec 24. The two-year-old child of E. H. Mart'n. of this place, was fatally burned this after noon while shooting ' firs - crackers In the back vard. The little child's cloth ing became ignited in some manner and before the mother could render assistance horrible burns were Inflict ed about the trunk, neck and face. Mrs. Martin sustained several 'niury while smothering the flames with her hands and clothing. A TRAGIC DEATH. Mafk Twain's Invalid Daughter Ex pires While ic Bath Tub, (By the Associated Press.) Redding. Conn. Dec 24. Mark Twain's invalid daughter, Jean, met death tragically this . morning while at the bath, bringing poignant grief at Christmas time to Stormfleld. She was his youngest daughter, endeared to him not only by long companion ship, but by her frail health, caused by recurrent attacks of epilepsy. Her death leaves Dr. Clements Without kin In this countiy to share his sorrow. Jean Clemens , died probably, , of strangulation due to An attack -of eplepsyjor from heart 'failure. - The body was found In the bath tub with (the head only partly submerged. r-'-I The body will be sent to Elmlra i N. Y., for interment, where the funeral ( will be held on Saturday afternoon, i It was said tonight that Mr. Clem- enta will not be able to attend the : funeral. ' He Is now 74 years old and We physicians discourage the unusual fatigue that he would undergo on such journey.- 4 M - SITUATION AT BLUEFIELDS. Splendid Service la BelaiT AcmpUh ed By United State Hospital Serv ice. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, D. C. Dec. 24. The actual situation at Bluefields is ex- Seventy-five Bertously wounded men were treated last night. So far one hundred and fifty wounded have ar rled. Hospital facilities assure ade- quate care for the present. Nearly one thousand men killed, and th num. v . . i ...i. . .wtof tourist travel from the North, will - i.,.p .t.n.iiAn u.n wr iww . . . . M fieven to twelve years oia. oome womn and gmaU cnIldren were &mong the pruwnerB. Thre are not enough food supplies in Bluefields to 1tup ,- th( rftV0iutlonI.t and prisoners. The situation is critical. Starvation or epidemic may occur." This telegram was preceded by one from United States Consul Moffat, at Bluefields. which Indicated that a des perate situation existed unon ae prisoners, which called for Immediate action. To this acting Secretary Wla throp replied by sending the follow in- instructions to Captain Shipley, via navy wireless station, at Colon: "For Shipley. Des Molnes, Moffct cables surrender Nicaraguan army at Bluefields is starving. You are author ized to furnish Moffat .with such sup. piles as you do not Immediately re quire, not exceeding five thousand dol lars. American Red Cross will meet expenses!. A dispatch from Captain Shipley dated this morning shows th he Is promt'v meeting the situation by mlnlmizln the danger f epidemic through cJean'nc the town and e rregatln the soldiers at a point out side the city. THE GOVERNOR'S TURKEY It's From Chatham and It is a Largs . J ..... -uopDier. " Governor W. W. Kitnhin? will today Christmas day as he sits , af his table in the Mansion with. his family around him see a very large and 1ns- cior-a turkev waiting to be carved. The turkey on which he is to show his rrowes with knife and fork 18 one which came to him from Chatham county. -.-That ts the county of world famed rabbits, but there are turkeys tnerer -aiaewt Jf . proof- fa, wanted.- calf on 3oyernor Kltchln. v'f m r rrfxne turkey at the Mansion tnf.&v cams, from Capt, J. F. Alston, -of Pitts boro. He sent , a big one; a ' gobbler that won the verdict -of - being one of the largest that came to Plttsboro thli heason. - Therefore the' State ma? rest easy and know that the table at th Executive Mansion had on - it a beauty so far as the delights of the menu card ran air evidence.- . aaa i . STORMS AND FLOODS. ' r "' :: " .: v ' - Southwestern Fnerie Suffers Much' Damage. - (By the Associated Press.) ; Paris. Dec 24 All Southwestern" Europe was swept by destructive storms and floods today. In southeast France forests were devastated, build ings demolished and lines of commu nication were interrupted. Belgium suffered heavily from wind and flood, many factories being forced to close down on account of the Inundations. Madrid reported the most disastrous floods in fifty years. Many towns suf fered serious damage, but no loss of life is recorded. The rivers of Portu gal were raging torrents from an ex traordinary rainfall. Although, the material damage is considerable, no loss of life has been reported. GEORGIA FAMILY FEUD Brraks Out Afresh at Church Social: One Killed and, Another. Flttally Wounded. : rr - ; - (By the AssocHated Prea5 - Gainesville. Ga.. Dec 24 A family feud of long standing between the Clark and Crane families broke out afresh at a church social at Nimbel weli church, Lumpkin county,..' last night, in which Homer Clark 'was killed outright and his brother Henry shot through theh -. ead and fatally wounded, according to reports brought here today. Mark Crane, who is al leged to have done the shootlngv.made his escape;;, - SBaSJSjkgataMMBaBMg( m F.R3fER ' KILLED. . I SF GEORGI A; Wan Struck by Seaboard Air line Train at aw Croesing. By the Associated Press.) Athens. Ga., Dec. 24. W. L. White head, a well known farmer of Winder, was Instantly killed here thlsmornlng by. a Seaboard passenger . train which struck his burry at a road croaslnv. The buggy was completely demolished, two horses killed and the man dragged lift- feet by. the engine., M"M"BasifesjSsgakaMM TafcA-SI ppplna; Qocs. r Washington, D. C, Dec' 24. Presl dent Taft. accompanied by Captain Butt, his military aide, went shopping afoot this afternoon, pHying Santa Claus In open fashion. He wandered from shop to shop, taking- ohearty .interest in me store windows and good naturedly returning the lostling o tne crowas wnicn rammed the side-. walka After nearly an hour" and a haifs walk the Presidential party re turned to the White House. A re markable feature of Mr, Taft's trio wac the small number who recognized J mm. Editor R. L. Gray. Mr. Robert L. Gray, the editor !of the Wilmington Star, arrived in the city; last night to spend the. holidays with his relatives -and friends.- it Is needless to say that he, la.receiv1nga moat cordial welcome. . He is making the Wilminton star. atmoet.brJUlant light" v 4 " Only Onsl BaOMO QUECNX,- fat b Lcx53vo Brono Qchho FIFTY PER50HS l INJURED V CANADIAN.- rXciFIG rASSEXGEXl DITCHED. .(By the Associated Press.) -Winnipeg, Man., Dec 24 A spread ing rail caused a Canadian Pacific passenger train ; of twelve coaches, lour of ; them t sleeping cars, to Jump fht a-dltch-v-ttear.'ChaiJteau. east -ot Fc tt' WTiHsrrf, -On t.? today 'and 60 per sons were Injured, none seriously . It Is. ibought- that -many of the vic tims sustained Internal in.urles. Most' of the passengers were Western Can adians bound - to spend - the holidays in Ontario towns.- . -.. TOURIST TRAVEL. Atlantic Coast Line Will Put on &pe. : : f lal .Trains. First. Jlonday In J ana-- 3- "arj.. .... ;.-.) . --v. (Special to "Nw. and Observer.) -i -Rocky Mount, Dec, 24. According r- to a special order just Issued from the portatlon of the w Atlantic Coast L4n .-i' ,n this city, the through Winter train frm New York to Florida., which is " operated each year for. the handlings - known over the North as the "Through Florida and West Indian Limited," while, along the line of the . company it is often times' styled the "Vestibule." The trajn JS Operated on fast 'schedule and- ly-ccmposed -in" the ma'or part of-Pullman cars. Tha train will be Jtnown aa- Nos 87 and Train . No, 87 . will i leave Richmond south bound, on Modnay,-January 3, .. while No. -85, wlll'ljave Florence, S.' V C the the first north bound train, on January Rth. , After this date the . trains will be operated daily except -Sunday, passing this city daily except : Monday. This train will;in no wlse..; euect the Palmetto limited, t Nos. .- 85 anC 88. nor thi regular through train Clonal . train 'forr thawlnter- season;.. V, Witt the" Inauguration , $r this .new.. tram h wiu-. majta, . a ujiaj oi . .bul. through' passenger trains, of .the . com K ....... ' kta ' k(tt' "fiHf. IU. --- ' ' : - . Tramps i ' 4t Thai'sort 1 - Travelina;' Through the Country, Need Chastise--, :.v "(Monroe Journal.) A picture asent learned one day last ', week Oa'thec-are some"' wothen who caa raor flrcrms should - It become-. aaceasa.Y. xays 'Our-Home of Matih- . Mils. cm d arnt went to th homft! of Mm'&'Iv Green, tone mile west?ots town, aa ?eat the iilfhL In a tevr &tyz lis a.u.n.d to the same place and ."fcrrccnrpMuedr by ;Mrs. Green ar bales'-IscllveCrJoward -familiarity by tfii c7t. jucck hands but. was aa surofiltfi uoj;i OjT; his .work- was -de---slrf, car. ' t isappeared. He;re?v tuniM :iVi!wiie within a. few days, K?; rir; ,yelng-4way--front. home 3ii n.t . .t c cotton patch near then j?-3c.ej;5 - Zxr- revolver at the wince v Ti; r.crred'the gentlemaq to Iscv r-rVcr-riV did without hesita- v Uon. -it r' v-' o. : : ntSErAV S' TO'JCTINE SCIIOOT' Larga'cciJ-iZrlkiildlni -Destroyed -' - a- lartje wpoc-ar: r jul . puuaing i . bs. Augustini . ccdioT .WC"i.' burned lasl' hlght abouj raaltiichW. The '..orfglnot. the fire la uJkvrJ.Jt was used. t store machinery a3d;contalned a . lot of wood. The ; damago is j?osslblyr ;V;nuyf an Ai 7py the 'Associated Presa V- -.7 11 -the. Hg v?.-xijt Uwnd-TMrs. Grretjj and lasfIic.')r':i5-3;of,familIartt4' Mre.' Grooi Iro him that she did hot twaiv.. K.'.Cj.n.'as -enlarged 'and - ran ttf.lis-if 'iUUp 'uiO locked the doof. The 'cgSAC-Xi cjzk ;and' made'-ah -at-, tam-ic JiiU;.j '.louse J Mrs. Oreerf-. GreenrJlle, .8. CK Dec, ,24. dose"-1 fcllewinr the fsral w'otindrnar of tv- jiey xvussen. a, ml ,worKer j.. k. W-d: aen, a reai. estate, .promoter, tonight was slain almost bn the ' same ' spot"- n-hr RniMll- wai itmlriiliMm T.l. dell's bod v was' found" almost rnver- V ed with snow late 'tonight" The body was lying within sight of his home't- and a terrible gash In the head, ap- ! parently made -with anV axe, told the (l story of a violent death I a-,:-" ' I LiddeII.whov lives on the outskirts' 1 J of the rityirhad been -shopping, Lnd-T. had started for home. Scattered all ? l about the body were the toys he had j bought for his children Thursday, night Russell was found onccirfsclouswjth ;'foT-H-gashes :Ia hla head.- He Sled t6nrjlit" , . r The' police authorities are Invest gating both crimes.' : r : W i e " y CkhdMai6 f6r.TJ.'SirScnat ' - By-4he.Aweciated. res Pa) Jacisoijville Fia. Ieai24. W.A.) Piount.-'-o Pf nsa'cola,Vni announced: eanMate -for ITnlfed "Stales Senatdr.'! who tad already.' begun his canvass; of r the State,' today announced his with-1 r from the eonet. giving aahlll reasons for- so doing .ill-health and I .he self hurwlllatlon It would cause.Jiia.1 In asking th people for. their votes. I m mm m t- -....-.! -y I There were three3.aJJrtns - of f run In last night from different 'parts of the .city and , only one of , thesa . proved, ta be Cteti flrVI that' att; AugustMe SchOof, ThVQthers . wcrsLl calN r,adHfrpm Jboxju.which .war evidently sent In by parties who were unduly exlclted. by the Christmas eve season. " -: - 4 , . verdict for $7,000. Willis mston, N. ct, Dec 24. Th4 Jury In the esse of Leggett.vs. the A. C L." PairwayrTeodered.'a tverdlct of T. 066 for the plaintiff. f Tho company took an appeal. ... ' 'V s'ass ? ' t m ; , ' ne-Wasn't noma. v (Washington Herald.) . "Smt you weren't at home on thil date?" .."Positive? ..-: .i . ; "careful.4.; cautioned the attoiN ney. "-"Any man mlfht make a mis. "No chance for a mistake. -"Why are you so certain you went H A. A . -W.i.uAMM . W ft . W w rrhftfathe ilsv ny twif e's , cutrf Club met-at our hsuse. ' ' i . -