V . si . "1 - GOO ,JA a. VJL- mi: v.-a 1 ! t ( r ' djt; rt.u-.;..y. eocl. r ii ' suoticrstc V? 1 !.-. 1 t.UO- r 111- ,..jer; 1.htJoiwi eacfe all Norffi GlKfliS THE 1IHG POLICY- Warn Fight Drawing On Rivers and Harbors Bill oFPDsmon of bubtd Chairmen Coaiilihte Omimreve TremH Minority K. port on Pending WW. WlUch Would . ApprnirtoW Jl,0O0.0O lor 1m pWfrt ol Rivers end Itarbort "oodcwrw Many rroxt sad MlO Vcr tlthl He CtHitee Thrrmuwrt If rT W IH In. ,okc Y of the !kln. . iBy tbs Aot'latd Pre! WMhlDjtnn, l. C, Aprtl 14. IHa- regarding the ple of many f hU associates. Senator Burton, of Ohio, chairman of the National Waterways Commission, who dm chairman of the river and harbor committee, when he served In the Mouse, and h 1 now a memlwr of the Senate committed commerc. today prrented a rain- j orlty rport on the pending-" bill which would apryprtat about 55,0.Ot for the Improvement Of rivera and j harbor. ', .'''..'''.. Tb character of hla opposition, hkh la a sweeping arraignment o(, piecemeal spproprlatlena aa wall a a condemnation of many named pro- eets, make It certain that the on to to b waged over the till will be one 'W"Ifie6al"'fcoarfd"Iir'tfiiTJa lory e( the Senate. Mr. Burton haa rodkated that he will attack specific hestt, and Ma ohjeettona rorer eoeh wt.e range that the entire Senate majr be Involved in the dtecnailon. It to ld that If his t-pposltlon to a majirity of these great project! aeuld b uniucwful, there will te Usntrwd movwnt looking to the ret of the bill y the rdsnt. In tuavmarlainff hla report, Mr, Burton are: ; ." ',,,., "I am prom pud to tile this minority report because, lu my Judgment, attb tanilel reform ahotild tie arvom pitched bt our river and harbor leg ittaUon. Thla la tmpomlble without eerrertlnf many abuaea which are Buuiifeat la the pending bUL The following ere the moet Important ralea which should govern: "Trovtaion lor the romiltion of an finprovement, when adopted, aave lu ftieptlonal caeee. "A greater degree of dlerrlmlnatina the making ef appropriatlona lot Mver and lutrhor Improvernenti; by mllng projet-ta concljpined by the eiperta who make tllC aurreye and rerommendatlone; by a careful re view of pending pr)ecu la the light f preeent cnndttlona; a more rare f l runallratlnn before he adopt! an "f pm)-ta. wlth.pelRl referem-e to arnldan ef Iwk and dsn conatruc tloaa, or when the protection of priv. aie property la the main ohjert and vlgatln auhordlnate; the ex. lulon the Mil of pmprwed Improve ment which do not have to tie with eavtgaiioB. A general p.llry'of Improving the main aiream before attention Is given branch etreama. and t K a,itut. nt f depth and dimension wtn a a uniform and remprehenatve Plan vr ine aevelODment r araise av Aa adjustment of regulations b th rilliTi and waterways a ifw t, securing great.r to- onnnlog th "dribbling policy" " . "aklng partial apprt,.rlations Tib.mt provial, for fm,iion. Mr. snre oal te cm-ldrred altogether selul and Injudicious la nrlvM. Tn,rprk-..- As an llluetration of the ' nr Hurtun cited Sandy Bay J ?l.r aeechuaetln,theL w. , . . ",r " completion nf "T ... Work t, I rr "nd H ,'" JzL ' 01 rwu'- flftv-ort years ti ih. i IHuetrallon given i lb. J.m Virginia, v, ' ri"l,'T1''t'' ,h projects which ... " " projects wmcn . examlne. and rejected by .'1"n' engineers aa unworthy d"i't.n. and th.aw in which the - - i-r-r-g bf "T' i nn brid ih... i. , . ... !; ork dlereaarded Jkj d n th .hject, f ,pprn. ZZ Embraced In thla llrt are: 11 "aimnui tlianncl from i ir- and lu..,,-. . . , . M ranine ami iu 'amors Bvou. . P ," 1-skes-to-the-tluir w.i.p. la . .1 . -'-c- I,,-,,. " i" " category. Mr, r hi" item of en- million l ith t'.aitAA .. w,tn (, has . tioftab'n " ' i "n.J.rXT'.r, d m.l. "1Pwi""w".th? '''Wlt n. . ,,.nTt, w n. Cftniv ft .1 , - . Umh.tl.nd lllv.r .. ...n t Tn- i -y: th- 'l lr , -mnriiy spll areen m Kn.,ri.. - 'r Hum i w .. ...... n , ev Hie pr"valllr,g Im- Tm ?" J': ,.r,"' 5o aftr.L. . "" liberal f rivof. l-.j f ,n H.i-provetnent tsrsir t 4 waterwar I en- ' tbi .. .. r ,hH-' furpf'e-e In - ,. t inn n iv any other, either ttf.-n .r e.,uel"a-e. f e mnin rH.ri "" a , Ih. freat. f f.trr, u.j improvemenv. . IJIIteE IS FIGHT 0(1: CANAL PURCHA: That of Norfolk-Bea!1 - Inland AVaterv;, - STABTED BY 5Ef J. BURTOIi This- la One ef the IVaturoa of HI Attack oa the Rivera and Barbara BUI Ponding la Um rtiate--eienator Simnwos ia of the Opinion That He Caa Itavo the Proviidoa lXamod to tit HJU 1 Cbmea Tp for toa4tlrrailu- o Attack on the . Cap l'em Projoct." - By .THOMAS J. rtNCE. TV'ashUtgUiii. IX, C April 14. A fight Is to be made on the provision In th-a river and harbor bill authorU ing. th purchane of one of the two canals that fSrm the third aoctlon of the Beuufort-N'orfolk inland water way. ...Senator Burton, of Ohio, t m member of r the Senate Commerce Committee, filed minority report to ddy la opposition to certain feature of th river and harbor bill and ha took a crack at the North Carolina Waterway project, which It t eMImatt cdVlll call for a SOMA appropria tion next year, ultimately coating thre ml Hi on dolarev Renstor 8lmnun ao- cured the adoption of the provision of the commerce committee, and he ex pressed the opinion tonight that' tie would be able to return It to the bill wFeiiromes upTof "con'ldertttlon tn the Senate deepHe the opposition of Senator Burton. For years Mr. Bur ton opposed Ui project for the ranatl satlon of the upper Cape Fear, but he make no point -In hit report against the appropriation for tha Kay-etteville-Wllmlngton river Improve ment In fact h stood with ' Senator Simmons to get tba JIH.00I CPro prlation f ir the project. M. K. XorrU and W. 'r. ftler., of Wake, at here. ' v - IIOIIIX tXKJPUl l IMD 18,004. His Re-trlal Will Take raw In May o Gronnd for BVaeauionat Kit- - mon.T' - ' s . fBy the Aaanclated Praes.) KashvllK Tenn. April 14. The bond for the appearance of Itobln J. Cooper at the next term of tha crlml nal court to anawer an Indictment charging the murder of former V. M. Kenater K. K. Carmack. waa today filed at $1. 00 by the Xtate Supreme Court, following the action of that tribunal reversing the verdict of the lower court Which hud sentenced th young man and hla father to twenty years In !h penltenttarv. for the mur der of Carniark. Pending the action of the Supreme CoOrt yesterday, on the appeal. Col. Copper and his son were at liberty on bonds of I2i.ei9 each. According to AttomeyUeneral MrCarn. the rate will N placed on tha docket of the Davtdaon county court and will comi up at the next term In May. Uovemor - Patterson, whose pardon of the elder Cooper almost immedi ately after the Supreme Court4 had ultlnnil the sentence of St year In the penitentiary, caused considerable of sensation, msde ao comment on his action today except tt say that the pardon apoka for Itself. The Govern or has received about. Ill telegrams front bis friends endorsing - the par don. While the events f yesterday were stll the chief tootc of conversation to- day there was no gathering of group ' snyahem tov diacaas the matter and there is ao ground whatever for sev eral senaatlonal rumors that have gained currency. WADKfcMORO TTCACIfKKSt. Prof. J. If. Mclrec IWlcctcd bupcC- lnU-SKlet Ttie lit of Teacher. (Special to )Vws and Observer.) WadeelM.ro, April 14. At the regu lar monthly meeting of ths Hoard of K.ducstlon of the Wadboro Graded School, the following teachers were elected for next yar: - U First Urade, HI lea Lu.v ITawVIn; Hecond tirsda (upper section), Visa Jtcrnlce Turner; Hw ond Urade, Miaa f'kla lte; Third Oracle, ,M m LNtlxy WcKeithi; I'ourth Oradc, Iir Jennie M. Hrent: Fifth Ored. M'm Kthel Uiinlap; rMxth tirade. Mies F.lhel Tr rell; H!h tti honl, M e Heea, Moore,' and rTff. J. 14. Mclver. All of three lewhers were reelected without opposition, having given aplendld SHtiMfai'tlon to the p.-Urons and, thg Board, during the pant year. Prof. J. II. Wdver was alao reelect ed Superintendent of , the Graded Iv-hool. having Mien th's ponltlim for l ths past three yearn with eatlafeit!o ; h- -l di amaaa.; "f the adealmro 8-Imnl xicm la l Csudie. teacher of lM j seventh crada In the town' a, hmd. ... ., u L B,.,.M..-t .... snd her place Is still vacant. Ths ll.uarrl '11 f. 11 th. va.nv - tuture meeting! PYTIIIA-VS AT FATrnTFETIIJiJi' ai i i . mi tri w inrr whj .fiiht inFMl- i lernt 1 MUn lre , - (pectal to New. and oerv..O Fayett-ville. April 14.-A d t i convention .f lhe Ktilghw of PvU,lih, h,-..i,.-- ..: - mt here this eienlnK, It'i nianr j Knisrh'e tn tiendnc. Im hiding j rnna nancenor ""'(.- i lM any, i visitor, wer, ,..lgh th- of th. ilv..all.Ue a', a .umptuoug . Un.-nct A RALEIGH, X. Carolka SOME OF THE S WHO ARE CANDIDATES FOR ,..- . , , r ,. .. e- '-,.? . A -v-N ; , ;"" 1 .; Tv ' ' - . , ; -.v.- V .-; i; !: , -i ' ' - rit 'l a t J , "I J , i ) . ; AL s a . xt .. - it AJ v- . , . .. .. I Aaii 'A Y .1' l ; . y 1 -V i " .. ''"3 7 ? :''.' LUMBER PUNT 5URSE0 THK PHOPEHTV OF MOsl-Ji FRT." OF V AkF. ItiltKJiT-rfSTIMATKD . 1)S8 11.009 PR $4,000 FXKC- TRIC PUVVT WAS THRATr.KFJ. (Special tn News and Observer.) Wake Forest. April' 14. Fire to night completely destroyed the plan ing mill of. Mr. Moes Fort. ' The lose Is estimated at between M,0 and 15.009, and there waa no Insur ance. The lire' was eupposed to have started ' front a prk.frim the en gine, .which) oaught the- ahavlngs, Whhh had ecctimulntod from the ef fect of a neve uluwer which he in etalled yesterday. .. Mr. Fort himself waa la the engine room ten minutes before the Br was detected. The I10.0Q0 electrlo plant of tha , town adjolne the , mill and only the su periority of the building saved It. The only damase done was to burn a few wirea and the plant will be In operation temorrow, The students and tows people did ,frfrtlt work In th saving of surrounding- property. Tim L.UMKVS MOV:.MKXT. 77 Will Take Plscn nf Kumlsy Shod hwlrcs t, Wadcwboro . eit fetm- day. - -t - - . . (Spet lal to News and Vtaeryer J ' WaUeabonj, April 14 The entire day neit Sunday except the Sunday Hrhool services at the Mirloi.s churnhee in the titts-nlng, U b given to the Isivml s Mlilonary Movemtnl. Tliere wiu i. ?rvtt-s for ail denomination in Anion roun. tr. brl during the ag-, .t , Bmughton, of Ualelah; . C " It. ire land of llreenalMiro; Ir. Martin, of Isvtdion College, and Hon. A. M. Pluck, ef Monroe, the new iullHtnr of IhUt Judicial District, have been secured to sddreas the services. Three meetings will be held, one In the morning, one In th afternoon and one St night; and the question of mlealona will bo the topic throughout the dny The Committee hope to make thW, a red letter day for mis. Hons and Christian service In Anmnn "un's' m' astherlng from "," ,"7 "". """""nauons or I'OMHIKSI F 1 1XM.I.S. IMcgslee VUlt Uie Orpluui Aj hint line Mcmmne by Ilcva. ull.rcth and Wowbill. ' - iRpeeial to Ne aU,i fiVeiv.r I nxford. AprU nthe Itale'gh Conference onvenM thl m.,rn,ng snd held divine rl, m,h s rmwt " 11 "T the ilfUmiL. T'TZ ",T"-",",M visit th- orphsn VTnVT"''? - t?S, . Kltl"., !! HV'A: iJ,. tn ircii, vrriore th v, ere condm tert. with a v.rv n,.e . n by It. ;iirin t 'nll.retli , of Holt of w tZl T. I'u'" i couW "d pleNtant Inter- CH TlilDAY JIOIISIXG, 'Dailies fa News and UNITED STATES SENATORS THE PflESBYTERY CLOSES Tttt RKPUHTH vYFRK UTA sVtn I'ACTORY til ARttTtJt Dni M)X EX DOW M EST ALMOCiT CtM- PliTUD KTROMi KFBMOX BT MODKICVTDK. (Special ta Ness and Obaerrer.) -Washington. April 11 The second day of tha Albemarle PreabytcTyt business session was held In the Pres byterian church today and a large amount of business transacted. Tha moderator. Rev. R. C. tlral. Is a rapid dlspab. her of buaineea. and practically all of the remaining business to corns before ths bjdr a completed to day,; thereby flntehlng In two da what was expected to uke fully three da?' of work. " - The reports of th various commlt-b-e. enibractng th dllTvnt phaww of work In home and foreign cnisaloa fields church and Sunday arheol work, church so. i. tle. tlw were read and accepted. Then a sermon on family reltariou was preached) to the preebytery by K v Geo. Thorn, of t'Xford. Hla addr-es waa a very able discussion and much enjoy! by tha entire body. Th treasurer report howlng m very good nnancbU condi tion was received and adopted. Then a statlatkml report foe the satire presbytery showed thst ths churches supplied are rouging Very satisfac tory progress and those not supplied will be Ailed In th Bear future. Rev. R. r. Klrlspatrich. field res resentstlve of t'nlon - Theological Seminary, of iSkhmond. addressed the preabyterr on behalf f this n-etlttitlnn.- whtci N Drier the care of the synods of North Carolina and Vir ginia. - The preebrWry frvsed" Its loyal support for eald itiM lution. Then the pe 11 commlttew on en dowment for rjv!don 'r,ile re ported that of th two hundred and fifty thousand dollars required oolr forty thoueand dollar remained t be rale-l, and hoT"d -that this wotild he completed by June, Thla pre. tl.-ailv completed ths kuelnees of this eeeekm of the preahytery, a few details of minor Importance being postponed no. til an adjourned meeting to be held The preabyterr closed wttrt a pitit Me meeting In the latere of foreign tr.elon, held la lh church last night, at which time the moderator. Rev. H. i beaL preached strong at-rmon on foreign aalealnoa. p tm portance and the work that ia now betrgluM'in f orelrn ftelde. The time and place ef the fail ses sion of the presbctery u left ren The Women's Xiartonary t"riirsj bo flSlhed h bustce e . . H t,e Methodist rhwrch and dj.)tsrf)e.J sntil next meeting FWcrwl Cowrt a r uaabeth, t It I. tPpeiij,! t ) News ad Cler-er., KlixaUth t'lty. April I. dral court. In seWini hr and tb ce "f R I. WIHi-m ' John U Rrtpee) I, ftml.fr Coropsny is being tr!et and j stIH cousin, s.T. time. Tb ajuuunt j licrohtd t, Ji :,'. ...... 1 1 II ! .-"v. I II I I APRIL 13, 1910 RE-ELECTION BOSTON JEWELER GDILTY XI i:iJi.HAXt. WIKK.U -3 4 . BOftTilX OF VhlSti MUM TO POUUD HDBKRT t t.RAY. DP1 .IU-FAHOH. (0y tie AnsocUteil Pre) Boston. Mass.. April It V . Cum mlngs, a manufacturing jeweler of thii city, srss today found guilty of using the mall to defraud. ne of hi vic tims and the one to bring the Cum mtngs -scheme to tho sttentlon of ths Federal authorities was Robert O. Gray, f (ireeueU.ro, N. C Uray slleged that tHimmltig induc ed him to enter Into a luetiiien for the purpose of defrauding him-out of sev eral hundred dollar In th scheme. The latter wee that Oray by purchas ing a stock of goods wan to establish headquarters In his section for whole esltng -the. Jewelry. Gray wiui to get a "salary and also liad the rlyht to tarn back the stock of goods it the ri..-l .K-. ,.,.1. J7.," 7.nj . J" "L" V:"'" ' " : J"' ill'aptured by tho Indian his part of the contract The court thought so ton. ( iiminlnii will be sentenced on Monday, lie la well to do and prominent socially KF1 OAK SCHOOL. 4'Msr. Principal .time ami All the Trachces -elc.tcd. Sw4oii Taken Vp With Routine Biisl. (Special lo 4. ws and t)lervr.) j we.ii Two .New Member Ho Rocky Mount, April 14. Krd Oak t rrlvrd. High cVliool In Nash county, -josed I .,:4prW , HtuJ ,,bth.T Frldav. on account of the prevalen.-s u . . .,. ,. t .L, of meles smon, the puplla. Prep 'rT,' . v L 4 V.r rations were being made for the lMi .-.-..I . ... A, ,-41 .4 .... , .. 11Z..11.V -V vJTh.i "vtalght wss Ukeu up with roll tin bust ...,....,.;. r,,,,., . 1 . , . at the close f TTreTTschod, all the tesdwrs were re-elected fur next year a follows: Paul H. Nance, ef W In-efon-halem. prln.jlpal; Mls liattla tlathing. of Morven, teacher In the Internten'late srades: Mlrs Nannie Iwub, 'f Joneslwjro, primary teacher; Miss Myrtle Me Haa. of vadiboro, teacher of music and elocution. W1STOX Hit. II WHOOU liing Kxerilwa May A and a-i-Ir. asm W lieliier Aditrvwav Special to New and Observer I txpot tai to .-sews ami Observer.) Wlnton, N. C, April M The! Spencer. N. C, April 14 Mrs. Mar closing exercise will b mi th 6th t Rurratt aged eighty-two years, snd th of May. Exercises on the died at her home here yesterday af Hh at o'clock pNm, by the pupils ! ternoon following a bmg Itinera. Fbe of the Elemetitrtrv yMr. at 11:39;' eurvfeed by six sun snd five1 dauah o'cloek . m. on the th 'be address j Ix'de many other near reln wnl ti delivered bv I R. T. Vann. I livee. The funeral was held at the president of Meredith -College, Hal elgh, N. at p. in. of the aame day, exercise will be given by the high school pupils.'' Medals will be prVaented Itrmedlately after, the ad dress. Thl will close one of the mt successful session of the 4.bo I. Rnral twrrtce. iipecl to New and fifs-rver.l r Washington, U. '.. Aprtl 14 le-on A. Men a ! .appointed rural 'carrier, ami t harl-s B. llerrlnstfu, (uustllute, for route t at N'.wpyrL -. ;. 11 O COSTA RICA SWEPT E Dtmage So Far Estimated At $1,000,000 BO LOSS OF LIFE REPORTED Tboneti th Kcopje in Uss Otic Ar , Paulr-Slrtrkrn and Are Abandoning Tfj4r Homes) for th HUJid In All Thrr Have Been More) Than Thirty f&ork, Ten Orrurrlng Bo tworn J and O'ctock Tcetcrday Motnjp (icocral lspmwioM of Business. (By the Aasociatod press.) Sanjose, Costa Rica, April 14. A aeries of earthquakes, varying In In tensity, has swept over Costa Rica during the past twenty-four hours, doing vast damage, the extent of which can only no be estimated at more than 11.000.600. 8o far there haa been no report of loss of life. but the people la the cities are panic stricken and abandoning their homes for tha hillside. In all there have been more than thirty ahocks, ten of thee occurring; between 11 o'clock 1 last night and 3 o'clock thl morulng. j Jroperty In Kan Jose to the value f I several hundred thousand dollar hus , been deetroved. but It is felt that It 1 will total rr mors than thla, as the ' vibrations of the earth have not yet j ceaeed. Today the government or- j dered a suspension of general hul ' until such' time as eafety i as sured. The bunk a and public Instlto- J lions havs leen closed snd trsde and 1 commerce are at a tundHtiil. l The first shocks occurred liut even, i Ing and were of alight Intensity and caused liltlo alarm, but lutcr they be came much mora violent and even the staunrhet buildings were hakn to their very foundation. In several ; Inetnnce weaker building were par- tlally wrecked and many persona ! were slightly Injured. Communh a tton between -tha various towns has been Interrupted, and details of ths damage done at these placea are lack Int THK llM)K cn nu vriox. nrm-codani of J,rfm Ktnart Will Par. ti1Mitc In the kvetit. (ripecial to New and Observer.) ' Lexington. April 14. An 'interest ing fat t in connection with the Boon celebration here on April jotb Is that R. W. Walker. !)r . a cltisen of lNn vlll Ky . ,ind deacenrnt of John Htuart. friend and o-lc borer of lan lei Boone. Hill partli'lpnte In the event. Mr Walker grandfather waa intimately associated with Itoone anJ went to Kennuky with the fearless It ha been an accepted, fat In the history of Hoone tht Htuart was ",0 iun. H "clng said i that he win the first man slain on Kentucky soil. Mr Walker bring forth the mIiihIic Informiitlofl that while Htuiirt u wounded, he wag hot killed, but recovered and "llvqd to fight another day." Mr. Walker's statements have been very kindly furnished to th" Itoona esoclatlon through Dr. M. J. Rag land in a letter of laat Wednesday to J. R. McCrar, Kn., head of th As sociation. Th following statement was made, based, of course, on historical fact: "May 1, i;.,, having heard from :i hunter of the wonderful Kentucky country he (Hoone) started out with five companlona, and after severul week of hunting nnd tramping through the Interminable forest of I F.ast Tennessee, reached Cumtferland jOap end crossed over Into Kentticky in Iecmber Hootie and u ,cotnpauln named John St'iart At last bv ineir'wiu tney eecnpetl A short tlms afterward 81'iart w again surprised by the Indians and killed. He was the Mntt whlto man slain on Kentucky soil." tNXRI PRFBVT1'.RY. I v' (which convened In Spencer Tuesday ! nee. VI I, Im.rMI I. I..I.,d- tu.M lies. In foreign mlefflona by the seventy delegtstea, n iitieiolnncc. Two new members were received into full con nection efter an examination yestar day afternoon. Among the ddegaies are Rev. Dr. J. ft. Hrherwr, former president of Iiavblson College, mid V. T. Walker, superintendent of Ha rlum Springs tirphanage. The ses sion of th presbytery are presided over by Rev. T. E. P. Woods, of Wa. Tiiuga t'oiinty. Death of Mrs, Harr.lt, ! rceidene. of Mrs Ida J. Ray, a daiigh ter, with whom MS-a; Purratt had mnde her home for a number of yearn. The Interment was In Chest nut Hill Cemetery. " Adilrewa to t ami. f STfclt""tiT"NeWg 'lndObserev Scotland Neck. April 14 Mr. Rk-h-ard U. Allabrouk. of Tarlmro. will deliver sn address to th liuek KMch In Camp on Memorial Iwyi May loth. The exer. lues vcill be held In the Oraded School auditorium. The pul iio U Uiviisd to bej .'fesvu, 4 ARTHQUAKES THE WEATHER . Maximum tern peest ore, 71 deKrrr; minimum tem perature, 43 drvrm; total predputtatlon fur It boor ending p. ra., 0 Incbrsx PRICE 5 CENTS AT Skilful Utterances On Mili tary Questions T PEACE BY FORCE OF ARMS W bJla Seeing o Rcasoci for Intertss-, Uonal Prace, Vot it Always Psyg to Keep One Povrder Dry Food He t'oosJdcrcd ua ChW Factor Tend, j trg to IntoTiatlnnal Peace. Cost-: aiden tha Panama Canal the Beegj More) .Vmeclrw , tvee Made WIU' Bring but and W est TosUms-.( Navy Most Re First ConsJdcatknv j i (By the Aasociatsd Press) I Chicago, III.. April It. Lord Kitchener . "of Khartoum," became' "Kitchener of Chicago" "for exactly one hour and thirty minutes today.' The tactlturnlty usually ascribed to him was not In evidence. Surrender-' Ing gracefully to a surpass attack br a reporter who boarded the train orv the outskirts of tha city. Lord Kitch ener aaked and answered question with good humor. n militarism, the General spoke guardedly, aytng: "One must be careful Wbett. a thoughtless word might be wrongfully taken to mean something one did not Intend It to. "I see no reason whv International peace should not continuo from this very moment. One never know, how ever, when something will stir up trouble and war does not announce . luelf far In advance It always pay to keep one's powder dry." ' I that an rvpreeslmi of F.ngland s military Mioy" iird Kitchener wa asked. "Weg I shouldn't put It that broad- ly Ktigland I at peace with a1 the world, but our surest wav Is alwai te be ready. 1'a.tll Such time a om International agreement shall be reached, if su-h there be. England will, by being ready at all times, he, aide to lend that Influence towards peace I think that I may say thst. In a general way. without respect to my mlHatry position there." Asked what he cnnaldered the chief factor tending to International peace, tho UcnerHl relied. "Food I think food Is of th first. The Vananiu I'unj! hus come Into the list now- as a new factor nbn. The nation show food supply l Cramped I rttstles anil Irritable. It wants to eipKiid Jt wants what tt- other aw hn It aim a roinfort to mv heart a a ieace-iovlng nian to ee the broad are of food-producing land iu this country and l bur th. i. Canada could duplicate It. The I'arism , Canal waa the beat move nerlcn ever made, it will bring the F,at And the West closer together od l a big factor not only tn commerce, but ; In the country's military future" He characterised the political aspect of the Pacific Ocean an a hard question to answer. ; "I wish 1 knew, what the futuM i would bring forth for the Psi-tnV." be aid. It la .ratifying to us that th canal I. being built at Panama, fn- that helps to simplify matter But : only bv Ih movement of nation : the future can we tell what part the I Pacific will tnke In history I "Mv Idea of the army and nay of : th future Is that ths navy must be of 'the riret ion,ideratlon. Either In fle ; fense or ofrn the navy must tskel the inltlHtlop, but a nation will hsvt to depend on the army before It csi whin another. ' "My whole view of the future Is . on mud ii peaceablA by force of arm. Fvn with an International agreement I f or peace, some force must exist f punish' offenders." i After brief ride about the city , the giiest of Mator Oeneral Frederlcle I H tleanl. Lord Kitchener left fe New York, where he expect to meet Ms brother,' Oen. Frederick Walter Kitchener, governor of Bermuda. WOOD PI I.P AMI PAPint MIU. New Jersey Company Kxpecta to Lo cate' Plant Near Wilmington. (Hpeclsl to New and Observer. WUmlngton, April 14. It w learned here todMv nti sood authority fthat the Croi ker Wood Pulp and Paper Company. Incorporated: In Newt Jersey this month, has secured a lt near this city and propose erecting within the year wood pulp and paper mill of large capaxity,- (etatls, however, are not known. Manager Crocker returned norh to-, night, promising a definite statement as to his plana upon his return in a week or ten days. I W sdcaNim raving Work. ' ispedsl to The News and t'beerTer.) ' S a.ieslw.ew, April It.- The Wades. boro Hoard of Toun Commissioners have appointed, a committee of Ave aliens w ho own property along th district which Is to be graded and paVeiU' as a result- of the ootid elec tion of last Week, and thig commit tee of elttxet! are to eooperate with the li.Nird In the seltmllos: f ths' paving and of the contractor wh Is to do the work. Arrangements are now In progress t i push the wirk forward a rapidly ag possible., Street Car Strike hcttlcd. (Ity the Aasm tate.1 Ife ) PTiIladerplila. Pa. April 14 Ths atrlfce of the emulove of the Phi!- LORD KITCHENER 15 CHICAGO , del). hla Napid Trnlt which beean.' February I. was settle,! tonight. The term of the settlement have not been . announce.!, but la said to embod j the offer of Mayor Rejbura mad iAIarU.ev, . ..

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