J. J. . jl s U i i tw - i Nfe tw. 0 - v. o r , I I ' ' I'M l ' to l n Leads HEVi DAUGHTER OF hie cram Miss Lucy Whits Hayes Presented to Veterans CU"AX CF THE SE5S1G3 BraBtifa laoMeul at MthC W the Confederate Veteran at Mobile, The Cwalion of tbe Isy VtiirerrA by J-dg , I B. " McFarleaV of Mrhi-OTiraUal and Resxtlw ttoa Coounittc Be-post TDajw Pbie Us Fwrti. . , ' 1 (By tht Assoc latad Pra) Mobil. Ala., April -A slender, black dad, frtthtened girl stood on a wised pUtfono today and while six thou-end Coafed crate veterans cheer ed and while the bend played Dixie, score or more fray-bearded Confed erate general effloer passed la review before her and whh uncovered beads, kissed r hsml The ywung girl was Mis Wy Whit Hayes, graBd daugbtsr of tbe only JesWeot of the Confederacy. Tbe Incident eras Hi .Umax ef the flrst day's session of tbe Vnltrd Confederals Tetersos. Tbe hie teat. wbh-b, is said to seat comfortably six thousand 'people. packed. Whea the mvW "Uiuglrter of the ConfedersA-y was beta pre sented to tfej convention, the eld vet erans went Bad. The band was playing Mxie three of then were- but" the combination eould no drown out the cheers. The veterans surged forward but the ropea stopped tbem. Thea one by one. the stately general eHcer on the state moved Hi review troinhrrTled. trVhiWIng sir and each kissed ber band aa site pass ed. Mis Hayes seemed over. Tee with emotion as she peieied back, to ber at oa tbe arm of her aid f honor. Miss Elbk Mitchell. MiM Hayes Is the -tspoweor for (he Souther Confederacy" In the Te nnis and rk rank ever nil other ' inrrv rsnl jWe .- v The attrn' wwmen wf-tho-re-enton n t-rt-f The tNmdrat choir sans; and Ja5e U a McKar land, of Memphia, tietfrered the ora tion of the tiny. . i Jadce McKartand reviewed the raaee that ld op to the coefrlit and dieclaimed the South e reepotWMty for the etrusfle. holding that It was pore patrtutiirtt that led the men who fought under the Stars and Bat to leave the Tnlon. whl-b. he said, they lored, fought and died tit other days. He told of the blttemeee that followed the etroeg le and on this Mt tm placed the Maine for the tn Justice which he asserted had beeei beeped upon the 8onthv 'On Terdl-t of history." he said. Impreeelvely. 'Is that- tbe muth has been unjuntly relume. ted for Its treatment of urWmr. end that the xreuliun of Major Wens was a ne tlonel nmrtVr. Another erdkt W that the Kouth was eortect In It .n trtitloue that It bed the atwtrsrt rWI't to swue under the constltjitlon. Hrr1pie.l of Its oofurtuaate assoria Hon w'tb the qseetloa of els very, the laeue uf tlt ss the same a the t ! ut 1TT and the same vital ilvlng i?u le before the people of the Cnl t'd ttatc now In this year of.lfle - thai the iadepewdeweo aed sot-erigntj- et the sereral Wales la mat trr incal with llwltaitooa of power STsnted to Kederal (government or tn other word, local geeemmont gainst eenrralintino,'' The spesker rHte4 the es'tsea that ld the leadere of the v'onfederacy te doctdc for sec.-Ml-n. (Hie, be said, wsa the futile belief that c.M toe was king, toat the demand tor it would fores (erelsn Interference. . r "Another verdict of history ts that whatever may have been the dieap-plntni-ts of , tbe Honth- Its people and eoidtxrs Indulged fa i vain re greis but heartily reeemed their daties te the gen-rel trevemment. But do not nnd-rstmad nve as conceding thst the Pouth wsa wrong In Ws Interpre tation of H lnbernt right of revolu tion. 1 repeat that the facts ef his tory are triy conned now by poh. Ii WU and it -n to be with the view of tb n.oth " Juls Mr-Kartend rvied the t rente, told ef the sacrifice and nf the liot rcovf rtee the struscla. He told ef the proeoerlty thst bteeee this settles sow end f tbe brilliant future that aats It. He nrsrvl wjpe f Ht the yeung men la Ue up end Mr , if mxt tbe f-iture not .only ef tbe ntitn. but uf the tcuntrji de endel morb upon tbeen. He pmleed ibe beeuty ar.d rir-ite of the lath ers Wfiman and paid a bwin rtNwte the pert toe pt)4 la thW strug gle. "io " be e:d. "ee enuvt fmii' tbet when this me-tln Is ever nd we nM to mjt rareveil e ee"tl ether. It miivt be to reatiy enr Tn"rtiiri ealu temiw " Ijvt this, eer m-iln. there for be that ef eo-nrsde d br other hefnre ionr fre-reiL hot let en parting be e. yrlihont hope of sneet- j JTevel Major ftericral. He I flrat vloe ing aiHtri and bir, -narehal'ed ac'kin j pret.lerit of the National Onard A nnder jiee4 barneT of th Prime eoelation ef the fntted W(e and is or r e." lnH t. rre'lenltj'S '! I Teol :i-I"i,tel by the errlry of War to tkn rntiittee are in sewrton snd ' act as the rational military board ad their reports wilj 1 made tnmiirnow. vte,-,r to (he War I-epartment. Ie U i ue arrrral vf (ten. Ilwn! A Evan n-iui tHe ernal f.e the f r eVSUon, W k.n Mr. I t..i-rf . ! n Mr F. tearri - aild her rnir U, rhm snd f-e theiate the eomlnalton cf James H. Cos eediebco th-'e mm a rwr that nat- "' eveet ta rreeting ti th Cotn--Ha!lng timrt - 'Iixle wns the rail frnrr. all -r Jne hure tot. a bee 4 fe. n Little -org imw1 lhe caH. and another w-spiunn tn fallowed. I.eeorte-l -ratw h. April I. The oheervalnrr J'J t nr. of i !;-ipr, .vrs' In 'hr erftcial'v eepotts that Hallej' rail sei'orm, b ' ,serig a rm"r eome! wa u b'e to the nV-d y '"r! lee tt.'. V-u f -!-. 1 im k jfr f tr-five mintite befora dawn Je- . r!"irnjiei "mr .e rlwr. , rd-T. j! , -lie, wae doe ea-t, J.j-"t w fcreNt-a erD. k the r;b"e tb bnriroo There wi rr byrnn f -e t..,.-h r wards : .-race however, t.f tt (ail, even 1th -. 1 t-'etjr!-Md en Ft I', i;t itie U'eecope. all Noilh Carolina Dailies DBHTEDIDn 11m PEACE Pahcelntsrnational Union American Republics. EIFTIFKiSEl'ICfiiGIE Dcdicauiry EOTdiei lU4d in Uie Mar. Ms Struttnre Vecrday Aftentoos) and Kexvption at Night Prrklent Tan and Mr. Cnraecto Head-d tho Berrtvuif Party Tlie rrl4hiit Makes Speech, v' , (By the Associaud Press.) Washington, D. C, April ':.The magnltleent new marble palace o Lhe InternatlotuU Vnlon of American Re public within a stone's throw of the Whits House -was dedicated In the name of Universal Peace today. PreeU dent Taft Joined With Andrew Car egle, with focretary of flute Knox, nth Senator Boot and with 8enor De Ut Bars, ,th Mexloan smbeisador, as repretentatlve of the La tin-American Republics, la . prophesies : of ' Peace among the twenty-one American Re public and Pledged themselves al wajs to stiis to bring about , that happy state. Mr. Carnegie expressed the hope that some day Canada, with the consent of Great Britain, would Join the family of Peaceful American ItepabUcs. . ' The new building, the rift of Mr. Carnegie, jroq. tfeb a.dinl.rRtl'iUoX.aU the distinguished company thst passed wltbln the bronxeb-grllled portals t'CKh at the dedicatory, eierctses this after which President Taft and Mr. Carnegie headed the receiving party. 'I eeteera It S great honor to the United Unite," said ths Prsilettt at the d!cauT exerclees, ""that the other twenty - American Republics etiooid doclilo thst (tils homo of the International fnl-m l ben n this otl. As the older stater of ths lit. ptii.l.iJ we taite great priile la that (art- Jkt the oldei sifter we aleo sre anxiou, that each, inrmb-f of the tarn- iky siiould kuow. that we believe tn absolute equality la every member of tbe family. There is not bin; In preference that Insist upon benaue of ths fact that ws sre the older Ba llon and for ths time being can count more nosea" President Taft referred to 'he work of Secretaries fUalns and Knot to bring about a greater bond of friend -hip among tbo American llepublli-a. Ha congratulated the other Amerlean Republics upon the progres they bars made In tbo past two decades, not alone la the matter of commerco but toasrd S peaceful settlement ot all disputes. "It goes wllliout saying," he added In eoocluelon, "that In the foreign policy of the frilled Ktate its great est object Is peacw amoas the Ameri can Republics. Ws twenly-one Re publics rannot afford to have any two or thre ef ue Oiuarrelllng. ' We must stop, Ths organisation and work of this Bureau of the Kepubllc le doing more In that direction. But Mr. Cr negte and I will nerer M stlfid nnttl nineteen of us rsn tnterveue by proper nmisurs to suppress a quarrel between any two of ue." Tbe President paid a personal tri bute to John Barrett, LHrectnr of the Hureao, derlartna- that he ws born for tha work n( tnat B np,4 be would live long to carry It forward The ceremonies were attemlnd by special and diplomatic representatives of ths virion, nations forming the Vnlon. ... TWO IMPORTANT APPOINTMENTS. &nemaMnn of Governor Hnjrhee and tiiiwal H retry lit Hands f hrwate Cosnmltteo. (By the Aenoeiated tre- ) Waahlnsten, l. '. April . -Pn ate eommittees now have In ruetody the nominations of two Important of ilclsls etl the New Tors Bute govern ment orsiien oy rreeioeni lenior ine service of tbe t'nlted Utaies, The nom ination of tkreernor Hughes to be A-ww-lat Justloe of the uprem Court of the I'nited KM tea In plscs of the late Jaetic tv1d J. Brewer, awaits the report of the committee on ths Judiciary, the nomination of Adju tant llenersl Nelson H. Henry, tn be fturreror of Customs In place of len- ral flsrsenn. at the port of New Tore, le Is tbe hands of the commit tee on Commerce. lloternur Hushes will Bat Uke of. (Ice ontil nest October: O-nerel Hen rr Is etpected t. sum Ms new po--Hton stiout June let. No doubt ap pear to exist of the prompt eon brmsMon of both apolntments. fieti ernl Henry h) one of the beet known erhcer In the National Ouerd of the country. He has leen Adjutant Oen. ral of Stw Tork ?st with the rank of Brieadier U-n-ril for five eon sectitlve terms, and was ret'entl com nn-etened by tiovernor Huehee a rJhveatJutant-Kuttala des. a lire member l the .National Kine'oiiBi. Jnetean or fneninc the wre. i : As-oelstien. 1 The I'r-ei.l-nt aiea eent bl the fin- i tn be t 'riled iatee Attomer for (lief '. Kssrtem lttrlct of Tntiewe. I If alley's Cunw-t nlghlevL r j 1 Py the Afcieted Preaa.) kaleigii, x. c, FIVE PEOIHITENT IJEITTIOITED H0WL1GEN5E WAS SECURED THE HE-POOL MARRIAGE WHICH TOOK PI-ACE AT GOLD : BOKO -m-RIOVS WOM.VX IX - THK CAKE. j -.' 'i ; j v' (Special td Newt and Observer.) , ' OcldtiboiM, XprU i. lifgif lulcr View vflth Mt W. Q. Hriu this morn ing, register of .deeds, four corre pondent was lufwrnied by the abovs officer that ftaturday night about 1.15 o'clock a, young whits couple giving their names as IUrbert Disks and Christina Pool, entered his office and asked If they nrtuld procure a mar rim license. Following close bs hind the abov couple wan a women who gave her name as Mrs. Jl. P. Lanss. and claimed to bs a sister of the young lady. Ml no Christine PooL The register say that the euiiple gave their ages ss follows: Herbert Make ft years and t'HrleUns Pool 1 year. The Lanen wuman swors that the shove ages wre correct, and that she wm a sister of the intended bride, her home being in Italelgh. Itels Uvea of Miss Pool are In the city In vestigating the matter and ars trying to get. on the track tit the married couple and also discover where the woman is that claimed hi bs a sistsr of the young bride. The woman was not with ths couple when they ar rived In the city, whh-h wes proven today- by m wltnces who sae he wsa at the depot where they alighted from the train and recognised Mtas Pool, but did not know ths gentleman who accompanied her, no one eles being with them. Your correspondent did not see the - regletor I net night, but called him over the 'phone, and that we the reason why the rrrlster would give no information, h being unable to remember . the farts con cerning the matter, which has et-trm-ted a good deal of attention In tbi cKy. MrniODIifTH IS PE-MDER, t diuwlioaal ! l Ohierve-t An Or ganisation Is I'd fmie-I. . (Ble lal hr New and Observer.) Hursaw, April 3. Methodiet Edu. illiinaj day for I'eiuler county was held at Bursa. Preachers and alum-el. nl from Trinity Collegw were present! In considerable number. A sermon -sse preached by Prof. Woolen, of Trinity faculty In a most able manner. The ladies of Burcaw spread a msg rlllrent dinner. An organisation whs effected by electing Her. , . W. I Cunninsgim. president; K. K. Welch, vice-l'residcnt; W. 4. Kalf..ril, secre-taT)4- C M. U treasurer. Quite s number of the alumni sre present bntb clerical and lay. An experience meeting wae held sfterwerd in which bntb timorous sod pathrllc eide, if Ills were shown. R. B. H. tv k-h msd a powerful esperience adilreen that wa iletcned to with rett aiten. Hon. ln.f. Wooten declares that Keat era North t'amlina I ths garden spot uf the State. , . E.v0. OPETKH AIGCKT U. I sat cm ( srollna Trhnco Waechni-. men Xke Change la Opt-ning Inm. (Ppeclal tn News and Ol-jerVer Wlleon. April 2. At 'a meeting, held here today, there wre repeeeeei- j UQvee frorn llnekr MountrtTreenVllle and Klnaton tobacco wsrbouses for th t.urpoee of changing the onentnE of the tobacco s-ne.jn In Eastern Car- houses on Ausmt Int. as heretofore. lth tll ooen Ihia a-aeon on '-lli - PARK FOR h AXMtORO. A neaetlfol lloewi oe ,tfi of Mr. John Clttitien. (Special to Nee anj Observer H-rift"ro. Aurll 2i. a c,rore, a public prk, m opened here ellh Is bi picnic lst fiiur.lar. Thl ; beaiitlful (i-a. t of land l tt,e gift nf V. John (IHrnan, tht. Ica.llng ril'. i" ' U'e ("Wri. r1 chairman of the ' Board f '"ouniy C"-nr,.le-ioneTt of On-low county... .xr- X ft i.: T HQN.OEFLF.flYCOGK C) t : -1 DIESJIJDllEfiLy : f ' ( Corporation Commission- f j (dosEFH " " er Falls from His Chair ' 1 htfiZZl A - ' I1PITH I'JITr'ilT IVIR?1I;'I! . . ' :S 'hl(Lll wj:dxi:sday mousing, DEIIO CRATS Y7H0 ARE BEETG AS PHESDEHTIAL -POSSIBILITIES uikii i ii 1 1 1 1 ii yw i iiiiiiiiiiiwi f , N ntrsHtBiiWvTfigTTlW ' Ills I'snni and Mas Btrit krw) With Heart Eailiir bjeTnla.liic With Ills Wife at Uis IlotMC. " (Hpeclul to New nd Observer ) , rfumont, X. e.t April H.--ThU community was t 'cV-nl tonight to Ie;irn nr the sud'iua. .u-uiu vt its best beloved , clUsen,' ' Hon. Benjamin Franklin Ajrcock. who died at 1:3 O'clock tonight Mr, Ayctxk bad been In pour health several months, but seemed to be improving. He wsa up town tbi morning and friend remarked that he looking better. In tbe afternoon lis went out to bl farm near, tnwa, returned borne, at his euppef. and w.t pitting talking tn bis wife hu hi wss stricken with heart fsllur. and fell from his chair dead. He had had heart trouble for some time. Thrr was no warning of the approach ' death. Mr. Ayeock win one of the oldest oX ths sons of th late B. r. Ajxock, the leading cltlsen of the Nahuota section. All the .-..ne wer men of strong character :md readers. Only two of the brother, sow survive, Mr. William Aycoca. . f Florida, and ex- Oovernor Charles K. Ayeock. of Ral eigh. ' Mr. Aycwk marrlol Ml dalits Farmer. danhUir ef Mr. Isaao Farmer, of Wilson aha with seven children, survive him. The children are: William T. Kl'-'w. Clarenc-j Wiley. Ivor. Ben King, m l Herman. The funeral will be held at o'clock Tliursdsy m .rnlng and will be, conducted bv Eld-r William oode ard, of WUsun. Benjamin i Fyajii'.n Ayeock wss a native of Wayne cunty. and when elected Conorti a Commbwloner ws cultivating frm where be ws born February II. 1H. lis was denied the. svlvanti'm of higher edu cation by rennun t the gemorsJIss Uon of schmiU and the poverty that kept him In the tMd after the war. HI father was cl-rk of ths court In Wnyne county mmi years and served la the Btate Benl during the war "nioV. BrLVjAMiv r. A-riXJTK. Member of the Mste urpnrstjn tofflmMna, Who Bled r-ndilenly 1 crtcrdsy at Hi Home la r-nni. I snd In (he Iel.llr of lt". the 1 lui K.1,- o,.! of nstrWIe nM h I riinin i,rM Heconatmrflon. IP Av,k eerr-vt Hl Heaator !(1 IM, 1191, 3 sol aria isei was a director of tbe (State, "rbonl for the leaf and Imrab st Morynnton and un til hi election wa lru!e- of tbe Btate Normal and Industrial Colies at c,r-entiro. A a state eensuor he took" active part In establishing the tvirmal and '(nduetr.al coil-we. and aa. trustee u a lellng frtt In lt matem-iit. A entr he lotro- Idioed end eecured lb paesase t.f i bill that the contest that re O'onUnucd n ! Tr--c.J S u 'mi-ajjMirj.i. i u mm ! ' ... i" i J ! -- j l s . r '" i i . i ... . afml 27, loio In News FOUH" FfliSOaERS ESCAPE MAKE TUUR VAT HI T OP WASH 1XGTOX J Vile -fX tlR XT OP U-iCnl OF ROOM THESE ME1 W E XOT IX CEUA. (Sl-ecUl to Xe snd -bevrver WasbloKton. April Is Four hit prisoner succeeded In efl-n ting their escape from tbe count 'ell In this City lt night betneo the )u ir of twelve sod Ave o'rbKk. Tlie iherlhT, it 1 uaderstood. etaied ih' ca ac count of lack of room 'be Jail, these prisoners were mt l - k ! up In their cells and thu hwl to th corridors. Their earap a rile, led by th use of two small pie,- nf iteet broken frorp th jail cu. "h ehich (bey picked out tbe cement mikln a targe hole in tb frost of the toil thriMiah e hteb the e-mned The prisoner, worked very qui-tlv sad did not arouse the Jailer, w h ie-iv tng Juet acroaj) tke hail Th..e a ho escaped were C L Mrr. r tireen- vllle: Will Skipper, of the utr. Henry Mcrwrlsmi. rvidene itnknor. and prisoner, nam wnknoan. nt up from Mashingtoa county for a term on the roads. Ths other three wire awaiting trial fur petty Urcettv. a snult and carrying reocealed epon. The hen IT has offered a reward for th-dr capture snd Is nt' en rr effort to effect their re apt - AKHOt IATEI PRH. Mesnhere -f the Rnard i IHre.'tnre and .Mvkeuey Hn-ar-l tlrctriL (Hv the eeu, ie -d I're-a New Tork. April It Mmrt. of the Asaoclated Frees met at th- Waldorf-Astoria teday for It eU-venih annual meeting. The ntt,-ndanc In ponl of R B in U T warn (he lerrVM ever gathered at s atmliar meeting After the rtadtng erf the varlon commltt-e reports elections were b-dd to fill seven va-saeea In th Hoard of IHredor- The voting resulted In the election of the folUwb: Clark Hoe ell, Atlanta t onetitutb-n. t'barle W. hVnspp. ft liun He public V. H.. JJi-CWt by. He.-rieiet B-e. Airnri 4. inn. itiuourg im t Cieltl II tin liars., lUrtfnrd Conrant. Frank B Not-. Wshirton "lar. A. C. Weiaa, Inilutb Herald In addittoo among the m. rtiHer nf the Advtenry Hoerl teceej r (he following for the Kornbe-w imielos: K. B HUhlmen. -Xaehvtlle Banner, C-t... tman - . j.me. tt r;eT. atu-its JoornaL Seceetaev. r, P. titasa, i.ntgnery Adver tiser. John It. Ro, Charlotte Evening Chronicle. W. J. Cm rel. Mem phi Co-nm-n-cbl-Appal P. A. Ptorail. Preea KIM I O BV I H.HTXIXti. Mr. II. W. Msrtm Mrw-fc wa Hhile FVeaiwg In a IVdrf. fgrMMMal t New erd H-errer. r- Hethel, N. C, Atr'l It Tete-layUeji. Q. T. Wiiname. Alf. II. MctHl; . ft - 1..., ! " a M'rU- bil !.. . , .1 .unit n.t Rn,n, T 1 inlawlrw n bis fsrta. abent S mile ifrom this piace Mr H. W. Martin: (was tro-k bv lightning, k inrie him i IH-P'gate Ui SoJlamL and hit h'ree Ineiertlr. He ws a ihishlv r-ie, ted fi'.isen-of ihiiMm-j pe.-lal to New and Observer 1 munitv and h-are a w!f to mourn i M limlngt.-n. April it Bev. Tbo. iber great bn-a. Me in faithful Mil J A. Kmott. pa-or of Grace M"tho.li-t t I, c hi.r. e and tbe Mt order, itlinr h, will represeut lit conar. g ian. m-r-f.-m tn th Vethodi1-Frte- i lion at the International lm-ti ot.el (htnh fmlir t . bulled ,lf his brvtHer l-e - aed Circiulatioe HOUSE NO LONGER Insurgents Come to Aid of Democrats By This Menus Much Was Done To wsrds Whipping ths lUlrnsy BiQ Into Uiape--Tbo AcUom of Deino-mts-aMd In-nrgent In lining Vp lis rMiiasUcd (lie tnnnon Mnchlnv erj and Fnllest Opfiortuity ts Uvea fur Amendment and Dlouion. By THOH.IS JT. PENCE. Washington, D. C, April . Ths bemocrats and ths insurgents got busy in the Hout today and by out voting the Cannonltes, did much to wards whipping the railway bill Into shape. It a a the largest piece of con ntructlv legislation that ths House baa been permitted to discuss and per fect through amendments In many Sears. Cnder ths old reglms of com plete domination by Speaker Cannon and his machine, such a bill would not have been Intrusted to the Intel ligence uf the House, but whipped Into shae a the organisation want ed It and then sent to ths House un tier a rule that would hve limited debate and ahut out all amendment. The action of ths Insurgents In lining tip with Democrat, smashed the Can oa machinery and ths result 1 the fullest opportunity for amendment and discussion of the Important mess urvs. Ths s4ion of the House to day demonstrates the falsity of Speak- j er Cannon's contention that the House la too Jorge and unwieldy a body to perfect important tesialation Ths terrible hammeriug which the vicious phi naa reoelved at the linn da of the insurgents and D-niocrsU In the "en ste was reflected In the Voting of the ifa.wee tdy. V Mr. Taft etxind tne months ago that tbe test at loyalty to the Republican party ana (he sup port of ths bill without amendment. U looks like Republican In Congrv are arriving at the name opinion with respect to the ('resident tnat I en tertained by the people throughout too count o The fight tiKln centered About the provision creating th- court of com merer hiie the vote was a tie, there will be a -oil celt vote when the meseure comex up in open seeelnn of the Hones, and tliti chance of It llmluatloo frimi the measure are good. Two North t'ariillnlana who could not Ih prenl today will be on hand when u roll nll vote In taaen. The opponent of thin provision ars confident of Itn d-tvat Thin wa the Biiftl important ,wlon uf the lloua today for populer government that has been held in nearly two ib-cade. A delegation from Mnrgaiiton will be here tomorrow to urge the bill for tho ronstructlon of a public building at thai plna,-e Tbe President m-nt to the Henate t today n-nninatlonii of postmasters as i folhms: John P. Jeeeiip at Hertford. 'and William H furrle at Maxton. (Venator Bimmonn will probably speak In the -Srnaie tomorrow In sup port of Senator Hmtth'a reeolutlon for a probing Into the action of the New Vrk specuiatora who have endeavor ed to depress the price of cotton. Former IJeut-Gov. Franrla I). Win ston Is her. He received a fine wel come from the Tar Heel delegation at the Capitol today. Mepreen(a(ive Webb la back from a vtett to tb Btsl. Chyle Morgan, of flhawbora. t here. PROSTIXTIXU OR .oi.n. r-Ul OMntiUe nf Valuable Mineral round ear Rowan, In Imhdl Cemtf. (Hpeclaj to New and Observer I HUteevtlle, April S( For eome month a mining engineer, a foreigner, has been proepeotlnr lor sold In the vicinity of County Une snd the-edge of K'leti, and recently he ha found email nuantllie of the valuable, min eral on th land nf Mrs. Imve Hteele, en the edge of Koaan. about three mi lea eaet if Oak Kore. Two proe pertnrs from the North came to -Matert'tlle a few tl iys ago anil drovs from here to the rUe"le place to ex amine th sample of or and look over the grounds and It I said thai they were favorably impressed with the outlook.- it 1 not known whether er not mining operations will be at tempted, Small vein of gold have keen lound at s number of p.acee in Ruwan end 1-avle rotintlen but It ha " h found profitable to mln the It MHERTOX PRIM ART. Joim .4. Rmrlant Tlaenlnalnl for (Specll to New and Observer.) Lumberton. April 3d. The Demo cratb: town primary held here todny wa a very fat affair and resulted In the nomination of John A. f lowland for wtavoe. For town eonrmbwlnner. J D. McMiliao, Jr , J K Hteihns, "leorg-j C. French; fur graded scbo-d ttro-teee. If l. Caldwell, X. A. M - VcVcili. FVank lennsh. A. T. Ir'inaei. Coeive,tion to le held In fcdinburg. ecvt;Si, la Jun. THC WE ATI ma Maximum iPtiiivrratiirA 8 ilc(rr"; nilnlmuiii tern w"ra(urc, SS decree; total preitpltalion, 0 tnolic. TRICE 5 CENTS Effect Cold Snap Only to Retard Ripening , T TO - i la tlte Mountain Sections the Dam age to IVnU Is Placed at One-Half ' Fear Thai Corn Will Rot In WU-J m lug-too Sertioa Thcrw la Lhtle, if. Any, Dainagn to atrawberHea aadl Truck or to Cotton. ' t i Although the temperature yssterdaj) morning was th lowest on record for1 Raleigh and vicinity since 1ISS, jreg there was very alight or no damaga done to crops her. The temperature was !, having been S3 on. April SI, ISIS. Major W. A. Graham, Commis sioner of Agriculture, stated that the res was very slight damage around RaU' sigh and In this section. The staple crops were not Injured in tbe least and only uch crop as young toma toes and beans eould have been hurt. Mr. U A. Denson, section director? of the local statloa ef the V. 8. Woeih-t er Bureau, staled that th crops lit this vicinity had not been Injured, aylng: "The lowest temperature this (Tuesday) morning was 16. Soma slight frost was reported over the cen tral and eastern portions of tho atate over the exposed places and heavier fmt was reported In the outhweSUra -portion. At Charlotte lb temper ature wa St, with tee at tb low) places At Ashsvllle tbo minlrattni -was SO this morning. A far as this lmw.ull.1. . A.... 1- .......... , , ha boen no material damage. There was too much wind Last night for any frost except la the Ion binds. Thn indications for night ars for a frost In the exposed places but the frost will be light The weather Is moder ating In the west and It will begin to moderate elnwly tn this section after tonight. This is wot annsually cold weather for th time. We have record ef SS temperature on April !. llil: "of ST. Aiiri; .4. im: of Si April II. lit It of SI April 11. li; and'Jl April 11. ll. The freesing point was reached on the I set named date. No iMmage at Wilmington. , (Spei ial to New and Obeerr. t WlUnlngton, April 2. Whll Itgl.t froeta occurred In the Wilmington section lent night, the temperature having reeorded as low n 40 degree. Imiulry from the tntcker dtsi-loee that there hss been little. If any, dam age to vegetables, and strawherrlee have suffered none, the only effect ol the cold having been to retard ripen ing, an end earnestly to be dewred in view of .the heavy shipment Just at present and the glutted condition of some of the market. In spit of the cold snap toditv shipment from the territory wer perhaps ths heaviest of ths season. hi refrigerator car line people esti mating the movenint at 10 car. TJ of which wnt out of the Wilmington and Weldon section this morning. Reports to tbe wholesale and cot ton seed oil mill Interest here bxlsv sre to the effect that little, if anv damage has been done to th cotton crop In this section nf the Plate snd contiguous tn South Carolina, though much cotton was up and conafderabt front naa In evidence this momjnrr In the vicinity of Marian, B, C. Very little cotton Appears to be up ss far neat Maxton. end as far south ss Florence snd the damage Is not ex pected (o be of great consequence. Froet le strain predicted for tonight and trucker snd cotton grower are a little apprehensive, but on account uf the heavy foliage. It le Said that nothing short of a freei would injur etrawbeni'W. In Tbe Blue Rldgr. Aahevllle. April si It Is hard te I ; estimate the damage done to th fmit I ,nn -.rot I., t-tirkM In (Hla section on account of the biting cold snap which has prevailed her tor the past week. It is certain, however, that ths fruit crop has been damaged thousand of dollars snd while th result may not be apparent at once much of the ten der apples, peaches, ele., sre injured and will drop off within a short while. Lsat night there was ice and frost In many part ef th county with the mercury slightly above S. Mountain er (till covered with snow but none in valley. Report from and Buncombe countle are to th1 effect that the apple tree oa northern exposures where trees Were not o far advanced s southern exposure, will l.a the main reliance for fruit this year, but even these tree are greatly Injured. Practically ell apple trees are In bloom or have bloomed. Early beans srs about all kilted, and It i feared that corn already planted will rot In the ground If cool weather con tinue. ' The most Optlmlstle do not place estimate at miw than half a killed so far is du largely to th f.-t thst cloudy weather hat saved the situation. It la getting cooler rr-Idlj-, tonight Is cloudy and further (reeling Is feared. , - A, special from tfylve. Jack eon comity, todav an) tiow to a depth of from four to ten i Inches fi. on the high tops last night snd (oday tn the vallevs rain has prevailed inter--,rd nilh oceesional blusters of snow snd leet ' Cattlemen who dur- ! I"t ths warm weather ear-led their tock to the range sre packing corn to feed lliem through the snap, Froet has been plentiful for sevrral morn ings, killing vrgetntinn, ep.iliy WIJ ' i 11 ,,,, . . --. . . , X Fro-t In Xew Bern Sectkim. New Bern, April M. So far tit damatr o trnck in iojyeiiie section tCtrntinuvd ou Page lures.) NO DAMAGE TO THE STRAWBERRY CROP

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