tiiz v,'zati:::i w r w-v IPB .--- v 1IALLIGII, y. C. TIIl i: n VY MOKXIXG. A1T.IL 2S, 1910 FKICC 3 CUNTS . . ; f t . I prvsaau, -S3 ia ". 1 HO SELECT Followers cf Stars and Bars L!ect There Next -EEJL ECrJaOil T THE HERD 4, ,1 Even IVwtlned Re -Wto , BMtBt Qeseioa Closed Las Mgh. McrworteJ Iervteeu Uehl at Noon. I The IUf Parade Today lislanco ef J. Wee ill Be Given Over to Pleaa r. are. . (By th Aesoclated Prow.) ' Mobil. Ala-. April 17. With little JSock. Ark, ehoaea as th re-unlon icity for 1 111 and" w Orleans n ' dorard for ht honor la ltll and with an election ef of fleer, th UnlUd Con federal Veteran Association closed tu buslnesa session tonight. All that remain bow U tha Wg parade tomor row and Ui balance of tha weep, will b emoted to amusement. Tha vow for re-union flty stood: IJttle Rock. - 1.47A; Chattanooga. 4; Oklahoma -Citr. 17; Houston, one. ' When Texa waa reached, the vet eran a w how thing were going and kMw Kj.it. atrenw tk ta Arkansas. The endorsement of New Orleans a the meeting place M mi wsa contained in a resolution favorably re ported and adopted. It recitea that New Orieana propoeea to hold a Pan ama Canal Exposition tn lilt and that the Crescent City bad aeked the veterans to endorse the exposition and attend It in April. :;J Gen;":TJffrg- WiJerdonaVMnu hVii. eAmmanriar of the Denartment of Trnneeeee, waa qhoeen eomraander inhlef, aucceedlng (Jen. Clement A. . Erana. of Atlanta, who declined re eleoUon. Oen. Evana waa elected paxt , commander-in-chief, and Gen. W. U Cabell, commander of the Trana-MV-1 lMippI division, waa also elected past commander-in-chief. ' The - new commander,' General Oordon, ha tha dletlnction of being one of the four llyinf Confederates w ho were .actus 11 ir .Major UeneraJa before the war ended.' He aim baa a record of being captured by tha Fed eral fon-es three times. .IT". General Cordon will ba aonceeded in command of tha Watrlet of Ten neesee by General Bannett Toung, of ixiulevllle, Ky. - -. It la understood that General m. V. Hirkle, will remain adjutant Oen eraJ and Chief of Waft to General Gordon. Adjutant General Wm. E. Mickle's annual report showed thirty new camps had been chartered during the year and ten old camp were re instated. , . Clarence J. Owen, Commandor-li chief of tha Bona of Veterans, waa present and received an ovation. Owen spoke spiritedly of State rights r and declared if the United Statea la to xtt as a nation It must recornlse and doit th means for which the South fontht. General Bennett Toung. of TjouIs- lll. rad the history report. He de precated tha tendency of writers to mixrepresent tha Bouth. He declared that of all the (touthern aoldlera In Northern prisons, twelvs of every hn. dred died. While of Northern soldiers In Bnuthern prisons only nine of every humlrnd died. - "And the gre atest monument ta the Ruuthem aoldlera. hfl said. "Is the death list of tha North." - . The convention adopted the report and on motion of an old veteran a opy will be sent to Senator Hey burn, iuh M-k v.i'anitv ami w m tn the "enate in opposition to tha placing of a statue of Oeneral Lea in the United Mate Capitol. Thi motion waa car ried with a, cheer. Promptly at noon, in accordanc with an old custom, th convention tnnpendod buslnees and devoted ' It elf to th exerclees of memorial hour. Thl ia. practically a religious exercise In tho memory of those who died dur ing the year. The service were con uct4 by Hr. R. Linn Cave, Chaplain i General of the Veterana, and the fam ous Jesuit orator-priest. Itev. rather h la Mortnlere. The balloting for the next lieetlng place waa th feature of thj after noon session. Col. Joseph K. Hhipp, of chatunooca, who was only recent ly relssd from the Washington, l. C prixm after aervlna a term fr contempt of the United Btatea u preme Court In permitting a nearo to le lym-hed while he waa sheriff, mad the Hnrt appeal for Chattanooga. W'hn he dMe rlbed how he hsd Just n relc from a Fedsrsl prison, ftr tielng msd a vlrerlous ssrrt- the c, invention went wild. V nen Vsvnr 'Thompson, of Chsttsnoosw, bi fi.llnwed him, referred to the "cruel prtwrcMt uni" there ass anoth er 1m.mpi'f Tdon. SliM llnrrls, of Portsmouth, Vs.. sent Muig f Chattanoosa. H'ea Ksphelmsn, the ,,l,net of Arkan recliH an orttlnsl pom on Ar ksnwi. Mayor fi. J. GliMlnas. of k llimm ritv, an orstor and a humor l, rvcHni hw !a hHii skel f..r this I'lw 4-AI .etimhlS lt y-sr sn, nlii lie prMiel lo come lxi k every vnr upltl Us " It. "h,'- h Ml. I. "In two esr IJt tle K.h k w h , suburb of Okln hms nt. tt'e have s belief twll tm then P1'ttM:. heller tveer than Vllesnkee. Hetrer txwiie thsn Timlin lll sm pre'tler women than lm kHuT 111- Ml P-MtiV Ws,lebom. April - - Cherls Mrirhi'in, r. Jtre nn Mrs, J T Walls .niti.,n. In lJ.lle 'isnnhlp, h.i hi step-ann. I"r " ft'l'(T. a few ,m,-m ... sfler stvlna the I,.- s MV.r. Iet'n te- a 'I ee ftf the t t!t he .t HiiiH a i.l e nf I .. frtr.j. I i.i :f i. pain. ft:!' I.Mith ertt H-re-,r .T:t..1- "i. S''t 'Si hnm ri P' te n if TIT! T T i ' all Ncm n 'HORACE K. WHITE, WHO V.'ILL BECOME ; GOVERNOIl OF NEW YORK. IN OCTOBER cy: i SALARY SYSTEM S A VES G UILFORD BIG MONE Yi By Xhonging Its Officers 1905 the County Has Averaged a Saving of S8,000 Each Year Since Amounted to bear-. ly $11 . 00C YLatt YearGuilford Step Leads - ' . ,the Way to Other Progressive Counties. - V ,." '''' -:''r'V. Bf AX DREW JOTfXER. - ' Cireesisbor, April t; 4wlns: to the fact that t ouuty AadMor Abbott I -Constantly receiving enquiries from eoounty aataorltlra not only la Norm Carolina, but front other Hlatrs, aa to tM operation oT thr Guilford ruonty alary law, he baa prepared frotn the record aa exact sMteturnt of the Slav. Uoo, whicfa wtthoat comment apeak for HarlM Ttse law lias been in oper tioa here since IhM'nnber let, 10S, and eacb year the aavtug to Ue county ha averaged (M.OOd per year, but there b ait hwrraae of saving earn m crsstve rear, t amount for the past lacal year eetding nrrraibrr t. lMt, being 10rg7t.S6. Of tills amount 12,411.3 went to the count jr atitoul fand. and JS.f went tu the connty road fund. The coanty olllrer rollt Uie rrgalar iRgml fee imd turn them over to the coanty treasurer. . TImi couutjr treaemie each nMHiiii Isauea vouchers to tlie of Sccrs for tlfir najaries. Last year the entire receipts front the of Hera amoanted 16 II.WJ.J0. The tnsbnrse neuta In Uie form of sals rice, bond premiums and cfcrVai work ht an tha offlce bxiutllng the Jail, amounted to f!t,!24.0O, Iratlna; s rtear net bal ance of $IO,7a.so. The Guilford county salary law waa paisied by the Oeneral A.weaubJy of ltOfi, Iiavlng been introduced by KrpreaeiiUtiv iiordun. A large dcVww tlon uf county offiidals went to Hak-lgh to Indue the Ileprr-itlaGc to rather kill the Mil or to largely Increase te amounw of the salarlrs aatned. lr. Gordon, after a cnnfiwrtice with aereral nVsrawtlon. rfniaad t witlHlraw the biU but aocrfHed a few aofgented and rtaMtonahli- ameadawnta to tlie original bill. Ill roHcague ta the House, Col. Kohtnmia, would not oppose Uie bill, and Nenator hrab-s la the fwenite advorated and awnrrd ha passage) in the Renatr, Xritlier Senator Htmlra aor IW Rotiuwaai were candidate for the lyginlaturr In the auccretUng casnpaigu of Itoa, but Dr. Gordon waa again a candidate in the Drmomtto prhnartea for re-eler- tioa to tlieIoune, There was a fort to defeat lilm for Ute ik mi I nation, of voles In Uie prlniarlea, and In the coanty tk'krt. In It UK, nr. Gorrfoa wa for Uie House, bring elected practhwlly tou of the fenneral Aanembly 1. Gordon has had amendmenu to Uie origi nal salary law, adapting it to the nerd of Uie ttiocn, but la ao way has the original bill been changed excel to allow sons tncrewse in the rterical hel, whh.1i the ItuTcaee of buslncas Jal6ed.' ,TIuk tW salaries, aee con sidered fair and dcatralile, ta rnidenccd by the fat-t that there is a large auinber of the best men ia the county now raodldatro Mr the varioua of ttcc, and the present set of count y ofHcer. amr of urhont were oCfcTrs under the old fee ayatem, are also candidate fir re noiniaatliwa. . The aaliirica under tlie oridnal bill have not been changed and are as follow: "lierlff 12.50". Icrk hire not rxceellng m. i mrlmcut of lOg allows ILOet Clerk hire), ( Irrk tS.Se. brk hire $1,000. ( Antmdment of lawT InereaMln; rterk hire to I.3M. Anotlier ainenthnent la lt biTeualn( rlerk hire to II.&00). . Ttiaeurer IIJOH. (Original hill provided that eoanty slmuid pay pro. miuia on Hlietir t bonds. Ameitdnw-n t of Itog te'orporiMrd sasne pemtstwa as to itie Treasurer's" bond). - I HerMer of lieeda 81 .aA. clrrk hire at eseeettn !.. sseatde4 ,1a lol liMTcailng ticrk hire to ft sou). 4 Ja ler a.'itl uc nwMiih. tuntr pay In all Cx proas a nwmtrnaee, fTse aveeasr aavlna; In Jail npeoera, an .compared wMt oM tee areaa, I antm tl.ftuw per annum). AtNCRKTV. IlXI'hTR TIO. The fnllowtiiK atstl-silc, etnheacrd I n tlie paMtatted M.'tally snail ted "titnsal t ilitlt of t.uilftird t onnlr KHwncea lor tl wl mr I n.itnc ternhre Silk. I SOS." (Ie BM csi-rll rot rssmple of the arlaaJ pear-a4 eeMiia ri Uie t.ailtord ty Kalary law. nfwr yeeev trial tu a roast hslnr two Mtlea. ooe, t.reenehnm, w Kh lrie thtrty to fiwty thnaMOAd .n.1 iiii-h IHiltM. atth rrasa Ira n uttrra inusMaau auMkibi - SVea aiwt fruox ItcgMer f Itewaia I I Wa rn-eticd rrtim t trek of oiirt . . . . .'.".' 1 . . . ! Jsll feeu paints la alter! UiMlrr fee lH , .. -. .. .. ' latirrlira motnitMtim . .. .i .. .... .. ' Treaecr'a 'omnilaiaoo .. ...... 1 Total.. '. i hIMll K"tl.MF..TX ! It. l.ee t.f lre,r' vihtr, a. el t lerl hire t'-rk nt i mirt. wlaeT iwl I Irrk htee. . i htn-rlira eolarr shl I rr hir. . i Jail cirf . . . 1 , . . . ! Teeawirrr aert . . . . , , , . . . . ... . . ! bpn-tat 4orblHi I -remit! ma im iMiait ..... .............. T..el - . . I ilnmr w.ihr lt. ! - , a nf to be it.rf rt rnMt a lolpnaet hHtl t at.l . ..... .1 ..... 1 1, ant- . Trtl n fla sirolma from the Fee System tsetl-dcflned but utca and orgaalsed ef but be merived a large anajortty general esncUon led the tVaaocratsc again nntnlnatrd tn the art smart es without opposition. At ear aea- . . . . aj -wti S 212 I It.MSkl 4.SMI1 Jta-l x ! t :ist 1M.I aa , II t N. I 3i a ; 1 i e lltlllM ll.: fit art x hji 11 ' tit e: i" ; j , . Dames no News.aed kMlatEoo iGlOI TH -. i Oil III PROGRESS; Ex-Cashisr Charged With Wins Will Be Given Hear : , Embezzlement, . ing April 29 , 3 WITKESSE EXAP.!INED:PUNS OFITHE SWINDLERS TW ladtruueatt AineaalfJ Srparatlag t U Caar uf OMrasray a PrlaeipaU, and UteetMM aa4 Ts)lur aa Accvaao. tins, aa4 Use 1mb) of ( arrawy Only Brc THntl t arraway Across I. BMlral la (Wl ay His Wife aasl Brother.. . . tgpeclal to News and Observer.) Xew Bern. April JT The trial of J. R. R Carraway. defaulting toller of tha National Kauk of New Bern, be- raa tn th Federal conrt this morning. When tha trial opened the attorney for th aafaedaiit asked that th bills b quaabad. but their motion waa de nied. Then they asked that th case of Carraway, as principal, and C. I Ktevens sad , T, Taylor, a arceeso Has. be sefarate4. This was argued and th point mad that while Stevens or Taylor mta'ht each be connected With the Carraway case, yet Stevens ta no way could be connected, al though th bill of Indictment named them jointly, and severally with Tay lor In th case. , This motion was granted and the case of Carraway was at one taken up. but court waa ad- jjourned until 11 n.. to allow th at torney time to consider a new bill Indictment which waa returned by the grand -Jurr tat Teaterdnr after I noon ana wnicn lie uwinrr uioruey .. i . !-. . . L f wished to conaollilste with the original .wr?ud land Carraway plead not guilty to the Mil of Indictment of 44 counts, cover- j ing typewritten page, and charg 1 Ing him with. enibeimenC fais ea ' triea on the booke and misusing ths I funds of tha .National liaak ot New ! Bern..,." '-. . t ? w wTk .. ftrat'.- witt-1' ,was Mr Q. , V . Koberta. caaUer of the bank for forty ! years. Mr. Robert said Carraway waa teller; that he waa elected yearly, and that he waa first elected tn Jan uary, lit;. Mr.. A. 1. Ward, di rector of th bank, and also Its at taraee Waa then, put on tha stand and he stated that Mr. Robert seat for him; told him of th defalcation and that t 'arm way was present and confessed to a shortage of from 180, 0 to-l.o.eOO; that It was caused by overdrata of certain parties. Car raway prepared a statement wl:h ahowed a ahortits of II 11.000. Car raway turned oer to tha bank about $20,000 worth f property, aecurlttes, etc.; that a aniall dividend had also been received from th receiver of J. F. Taylor. Mr. John Dia.n, vlo-traJdcnt and director of the bank, waa put on to corroborate the . Menc of Mr, Ward. j and aa to Carra say's confession, etc I When court reconvened after din j ner. Mr. Ward mid Mr. Roberts wefs j recalled and pin under a sever cross I questioning; by Mr L. I. Moor. Mr. Roberts was on the stand when court adjourned, and waa forced to admit j that h did not recollect many of ths j transactions, although tn his own : handwriting. Hi waa badly confused, j Mr. Carrnwsk wsa In court, accom panied by his wife snd brother. He I Is represented l; Moore dt Dunn, E, I M. Green and Judge H. R. Bryan. jlXIR 1 t , eoRPouvnoN M IN KK tOMMJS- Lraol tktuntr Will Present Xame of Mr. y. H. Iiewis. 9perlal to .e and Observer.) Kinston. April !7. Ths people w)f Luol county 'mid Kinston will pre sent th name ' Mr. B. H. Iwla, of Kinston. to the iovernor .or sppolnt meot, to fill th.- vacancy In tha Cor poration Conm nalon, caused bv the desth of the Hon. B. F. Ayoock. 11 I well ami favorablr known j throughout the Mate and will reoelv j the endorsement of a larg4 part of eastern North aniline. Mr. Iwrt e well fitted 1- nn tn position by reason of his .-rteitstv travels over th ".tat and I' ' Intimate knowledge of public affair' PAY YOUR POLL TAX! Unless You Do S4o on or Before Monday,May21 You Cannot VotemNovcm- 1 her Election r SET DAI IF TRIAL Ifi JEWELRY FRAUD It la Alleged Thai ttss A(-U CuanplaJawd ' e Kot Only VtufaMed tha flank mp y Laws, But proan-aMluai Mlgtat Also laa VatW th Connscy Imw lid Not la Kigul Otlirr ArrewU Sr t Ho Mad By the Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, April 17. Pre liminary, hearing be hue a United Htatna Commissioner for ths nine par son arrested aa a result of th in vestigation by the Department of Jua tlce Into, th alleged jewelry bank rupt frauds, .has been set fur April !th. The alleged frauds upon varloua ! rJmP ,Urlt- ,btlter, J1' of .th mia V. orlty leader of th House of Keyr- archanU throughout th United natatlve. Ech memlr of th mere Btatea ar sstlmsled st from t0,00 to I3.0.090. It ta alleged that th act com plained of not only violated th bank ruptcy laws but prosecution also might lie under th conspiracy laws. The methods of operation of th defendants Is thus described by the Department of Justice: "What purported tn lie a legitimate jewelry store waa etarted and large quantities of expensive jewelry were obtained from Arms In different parts of tha country. Shortly afterward th Jewelry waa removed from the store and a pretense was made of shipping UJO-SQiTieL jitiier point for the purpose of having a public aale."TTie saTe""vuV duly advertised to take place at a gtvea date. In the meantime th building to which the Jew elry waa pre tended to have been shipped, wsa de stroyed by lire, together with the packagea purporting tu contain th jewelry In question. The parties then went into bankruptcy and succeeded In relieving themselves of ail their fi nancial 'obligations. At a later dais the Jewelry eras, - supposed b have. been consumed in the fir, but which In the meantime had been, concealed, waa shipped to another part of the Plate and sold at greatly reduced prices by parties connected with the conspiracy. "It also appear that, tn carryln out these operation!), the parties In volved have ben kutfty f perjury, of the fraudulent use ur the mails and possibly of violations nlher laws of the United States. Full evidence haa been obtained by the government re garding these viols Uiiilp if law." Ottlclsls of the department tnlimat that the end 1 not yet In alsht There will be other arreste liefore th tn tiulry now under way 1 completed. Tn dlctmenta of the pfrsmis arrested ar probable under the .imiikruptcy or conspiracy laws and pih11Iy In some Instances for perjury. Business establishments In Mont gomery and in Greenville. Ala., are mentioned In the reports coming to the department as pliu-ce where al leged legitimate jewelrj nturee were maintained, where supplies were ac cumulated, and aflerwiti'd phlfted to other parts of the State DEATH OF HON. B. F. AVCOCK CAt'SIH DFJ-T RFtJRJTT. Greatly Halorrd by people of Wane,to transmit the power County C. U. Harrt. Iq., In fJolrisboro. ( Special to Nw and (iLnerver.) Ooldsboro, N. C., April 27 Th news was read in the "Old Reliable-' thl- momlna- hv lohtalK.ro l.eoula re- porting th death of Hon Ben. F. Aycock, of Fremont, and the whole community regret the death of this good man, for bv his death there fell on sleep on, of Wayne county's best snu most cortuaiiy neioeu nnwn. whose long life has been peculiarly blessed He was hlghlv eateeined In this city from which a large crowd will attend his funeral Thursday morning st his horns In Kreemont Mr. Charles U. Hani, s prominent voting attorney nf Raleigh, and a popular candidate for the nomination of solicitor of this district, is. In ths city canvassing his chances hereabouts -and thsy appear to be good. OVERMAN ISTKODITT. BIU. I 11 . Impose" Tax and Reeolatee Produc tion and Mantiia. -tare or tertaln iM-nr lo InteriBBt of Mnrganvm Psbllc Butlding. t Special to Na and Observer.) . , Wsshlngton. D. '.. April 27. Hena- tnr tverman introduced today a bill Imposing a tax and regulating- ths prod jetton and manufacturing of cer- tain, habit forming drugs. Th mens ur Is endorsed t y the medical pro- feeslort in the fttftte. Hint F.rwln. of Mnrgsntnn, appeared before the public building committee of the llntiee today In behalf of th public building bill for that plars. Ms was presented by Repreeerratrve "W.hBT llr R If Rattle, nf Raleigh, and 1 A. M. Wsddell. of Wllmtnston, are her. Vtet.m Mlghtli Hurl. ' .j. , to the liav.ic w-onght further Mouth, tp.v the AsmrUted piee ' of ,uUrte cotton has rwe'ted a set Trov. X. V . April IT. Thomas bark, hut fe fnrno r will hav ts Patson Wetn wss Iniured though i replant. Very llltl- oamage haa bean not aerbotalv. on the po-t road In the done tn fruit, owing to tha beacr fn ticttiMv ef 'netim about iltk lUs. Not even tomato Mania w annp ,thU evening He as walking sl.tg beans fmany In full H..n,, pa'-e been iwltli a tv t his side when an ul- jiilied. ( mobile rn the b down and thi j hire a 1.1 oat Weaton who alao was borne to the ground In falling Wea. Men aoatalned a wren' bed ankle , He was helped to a neighboring i far- ha an.1 he Hw i ! rea'ima hia bii"eT at I a. ru. 1 he b-.j 111 aeerely tl jtt'i - ,v BLUE BOOK FOR THE LAWMAKERS' WIVES Wasliington. April 17. In Imita tion of their husbands, whose name and deeds are recorded In the Con gressional IMrcrtory. th member of the Consreseional Club, composed of the wives of national law-makers. In tend to have a blue book of their own. Th Idea originated with Mrs. clui has been asked to furnish a brief biography ot herself, and among other questions is aaked, "If thrown on your own reaoitroe, what could . . . .... ... ... 1 . . n.. - - " jvh vin i.j mm m IIIIUI 1 ui uiiiirii , j A full record as to genealogy snd per- j snnal achievements ia requested. Air. Clark believes that the book will not only lend dignity to the club, but tliat it will act ss a cementing bond te twsen the member. Kach new ses sion of Congress will see a new blue book. BIG LAND DEAL IS Oil IT IS HKMKVFD THAT THE NOCTHl'.HX POWER COMPAMT IS Ar-IKK lit r, l.WT HtlLUI-St.!' OP THE IS IX AW A V ODMPASY. Special to New and Observer.) , Ashevllle, April 27, Option ar hold on the Vast holdings of the Tox aw&y Company In Transylvsnla and Jackson counties, but who holds these option could not bo deflntely deter mined today. Humor has It that J. B. and B. X. Puke, controllers of the Southern 1'owcr Company, hav th options. For some time it has been known here that options had been given on the property, but tbose on the inside would give out nothing It is known that the tltlcx to the Toxaway lands have been examined, tuid that Judge Btevens. representing Stevens snd Anderson, who hcv negotiating the deal. Is now It) N'ett York Immiry to day elicited Information that the deal waa not closed. a It Is known that the prospective purchasers have an cc on the prop erty for the water power already there on account of the large lakes, and that they propone to liulid sev sral other large dams and develop 1,- j 000 to 4.000-horae power Titers Is every indication that leads j to the conclusion that it is nothing j mor thsn the Southern Power Com j party which holdn the option I Tha TniHcav aectlon ta wllhtn eaav reach of the cotton mill district of I South Carolina, whence It Is proposed : It Is understood tht In the event 'tha (0,000 acres of land of the Tox- I way Com pan v and others adjoining "e boundaries are taken up. that I"'1 ,w,lr' "un" ",m ' e !". and will perhaps bs enlarged. Xo arrangement has been an nounced so far for the management of the hotels this season, and rei entlv ail Ashing privileges have been with-, drawn and Uia property Is being carefully guarded. The Toxaway Company haa never made any money nut of ths property running It exclusively as a reaurt fea- ture. but th abundant wster power delphlan. who caaw to Mr. Hsmmer of the Toxaway River and the lakes, ' stein's rescue last season and loaned If developed, will, while not spoiling him tioo.ts ea bks opera huus here th resort feature, be s psving m- vestment AT BCIKK ( Ki I h. Lecture by Kev. U Jobuaoo Hit Raised for Mlwdima. (flpeclsl to News and tlliserver.l Rule's Creek. April !T Rev. T. Johnson save m s moat enjoyable and helpful lecture Matunlae night "A Ufs or a laving -Which?" Sunday he preached to a crowded house a most tetigntrui sermon, Al iss enise our chumh people roun.leo up a rl- .unting o about 1110 nundKy l(,,a snd evening he pren hed at nd aundar night at Duke Rev. F. 1. King, of Joneabero, preached at the Academy last night. NIJGHT DAMAGE. ON ton. It is the Only wufferee ' or I ullage a FTidrrtMH to fruit. (M lie. la I to New ami observer I Wilson. X. C., April 27 Th dam age to tanners In thtj srvdon by the preewnt cold snap Is sUgb) o.muare.l ' ! piMaineaters tiailnted. it,,na n aod OIre' ' Washingtnn. i C Awrll 2 7 W. tj Wi all ta at rOi l.l poatmavter at Fiiim, Warren rotmtf, titt H. U ' W ail rtgiel. RALIL1ERSTEIII IS OUTOFBRIIIDOPERA Closes Out to Metro politan Opera Company ; FOUND IT iPPMHEie Capitulated tks rxartian of Jarthv tte Tautewjaueat WlaV-n .UaWd aaul knattered by trnaspesrrksa. De-4 aaanded ealarten skk tf TmUi Mean lUakrapary aad It IMaaad) Meaaat No nsfisjaaaai rbHailii i phia Now la It, (Hy th Assoc Ut ad Frees. Xew Tork, April IT. Oscar TIam4 merauln baa abandoned the Said 1 Qranfl, Opera. Through Samuel V4 termyer. bis counsel, and hut sou Ar thur. he snnounred toalght that be) bad capitulated to th exactions ef that artistic temperament hie a. aided aa flattered by com potltloa. aew demand 4 i aalarlea which, if paid, meant bank ruptcy, and If refused aneaat no per 4 formance. Both bla own and the) Metropolitan Opera Company faeedl deficits he said, for the see sob Just closed. Therefore, he bad concluded1, ' that the H..1.II. kM . m fc , would be better solved by one com -pany In th field, and as th Metro politan had through Its atorklioldere what amounts to a subsidy, he left i to fulfill th public need. K. T. fltoteebury. the bank'r anj horseman, still take over the Phila delphia Opera Uouae b: the tarma of en erreemnt-tatlned last night Xm. Untermyer and E. B. Root, for Ham merstetn. Mr. Stotestmry and Paul to. Cravath for the Metropolitan Opera Company. Ilamniersteha retains his v.nh....- . t,.,-. K-e- K.W he will probably turn ever to Vaude ville, bot his costumea. nrenery and all oth propertlea, together wtth all bla contracts for nest sesaua pass to th Metropolitan for a cash eonssoeratioit which, with the amount paid by Mr. Htoteshury. will guaraatea pint a total of I2.s00.000. By the terms of the settlement to night it is not thought liammersteiit will appear again aa an impreaarh When Informed today by .able that th agreement had been signed, he esbled back " s m (lad aad I ex - sorry." Hammeralein has been both s pu tureeviua personality snd a el g nil'., art figure In the development f opera In America. As a producer ot opera tn English he gained profit and praise In years gone by. but it wa not until 1 10. when he opened the Manhattan Opera House with Mme. Nedlia Meiba, as his leading star, that he betren to loom large on the horisne The pop ular support accorded the first per formance grew as the eeeeon aged The following year Hajnmervtrto. ought energetically tor novelties aad' gradually built up a repertoire in which the weeks of modern FrencU. composers predominated. Two years ago II am me rat eta i startled the musical world with Rh-h ard Htrauss' 'Tialorae," with Msry, Harden in the title relss after th Metropolitan hod abandoned it. This year he followed With "tClehtrs, " bjq the same comftoear. A venture in the field of opera eeuiiue with a. separate rotnpany wa abandoned last eeasnn. after a short tnal, and a s, called educational asasoa" at popu lar prh ea. though carried to comple tion, waa not a boa enVe euoresa. PMIsdelphla. Pa.. April 21 FeN lowing the seoaallonal announcemsot from New York, of Mr. liamnterstela a sale of his opera tie Interests to tb Metropolitan prra Company aad hia retirement from the grand opera field. K. T Ktoteabury. the wealthy Phila- ana again ini eeaaen wrew a guar anteed the iaaprsnsarlJ against ! when he was threaieoe.1 wtth finan cial disaster In hia local seevoa. gsva out a statement equally Interesting. In It he telas of the purchase of the tlaraaieeetein property tn Phila delphia and aa agreement wherebe Philadelphia Jnlns next snoann with Chicago. Near York and Bootnu In the production of (Irand Opera Jr. St bury will heexime a mesneer ef the board of d't-trs ef the Metropolitan ipera t'ompenv. sad Ott. H Kshn. imareeiee H Msetir and Was tt. Vsa. j aet.N m j.,tn the dlretBras ef lm" .wwaassoa. " . ! Ur ATH tt V M. W'tliT 1 . . . . . AStitr ut lewMaim tmr tm -aew t lark M Rearw t.airKIwu aatue- aksy. flp ial to .News sad Obawrver lk.blsb.ffn, April :7. A !tb nl'ce In New Tra, irnnii.-4 the - dea death In that rtrv last easM ef Augiivtln II Hoeiet, a aattve ef tioide- bora Ie Ana iln ; 1. 1 had been re . ,lei,l phial, tan In Xew Vek wr sin-e : he grwiuated ta nwHctae. aad ta re niemliered herw ely as a "h-J alihourb bta late Uther. Iw Oalet. and tas'lly werw frawivtit In tk rial life ef ()...lilir t eertr ta' end were am..ng tha Ut(t ea'l'o tora la the r. iho of ft. f lebea g l.l '. .,uil i hi; rr h ( The rmlta will b bright h-rw f. interssent in tha fawvi'.r H-i. alien 1 be bad eaprand hia w !) t,. I ' ho' e.1. and tbw fral win taka pmn aoB th ar-l wf t.w A. C I . train Str4T a"rrww at tkre i t,io a