Tim v.TATii:.:; Mn) it :J trw at ,U-. 44 Trti; in viis.a pcraiure, 41 I ul pr-4i-i union. Tra. 1 ' ::ali:igh, c, vv mocking, aviiil 2i, idio riuci; 5 criers r mm r ! ,ruz stiilnuous colo.niu strenuous GIIIMAN ILMS:?. AND CLIIMAN TROOPS r!!ii inn no''n finmnv mi ENDORSED FOR TESTIUDDY IN THE GftfilJll'I GASE lilLu L...1U UUHli U1ILI I J,U t UaiLU THE U. S. SENATE HE EGISIOn SHOfiTLY' DECBO FROM LI! .iMes fa News and Circmilaitiomi . , .,,.-.,,., -, ) , III! fc;r:::i:r.s frca Perls cf Wcrid to o kdgst Aa laAaawexiiaf of th Join ta X Trfc of tfe Ae Pro ul th iMtw t Receipt t th Roam e f rabrgraa i"o r"" T f WerU. . . , (Br th Associated Preaa) f Nw Tork." Apnl 31. The annual .joint diaaer af th Associated PTeee 'an tbe Awrtral NWpar Pnb Ushers' J n Ittinn was UirewB Into rietoea u4 prvlon ed disorder toalght kea Thomas T. Wll'lama, buxln ntnM tor Wat. R. Hear, ni re fused aJmlaaioo to apeak m he roe to rs!y to a biting criticism that Meyer Gaynor had, Jut Bad of Mr. Hearat'a rt la Jourwallam. Far twawty-fiv aalnate tho uproar roatinoed. whllo mi stood la their chatra and woman eraxed from th balreale of tha banquet had. "Mr. Hearet la act tier. I am hi frteo and have a right ta bo beard." aborted, Mr vtutianui etlmbtng aa ta tha speak- labia aad ehaklag hi tat la t" . a cf tha mayor. ".! fiLw out," That a." "Ft apeecb"' cam from all part of tba baiL . Toaaunaete X. C. Wright, af the. Cleeeianej Lair, hammered la Tain 'far orunr. while Mr. Wiiitaaae xou4 fenaaaaive bat obstlnat and welted to -babxsr. r '--Thia ta7WffrAcriaaraaTr tba I'Dttad H.i-a It attat aad." ahoutrd AJulpU & Ochas, proprietor at tha Kaw Tork Tlma. aa ba atood oa bia cbair bahind tha toaaUnaatar ad ktri for a word. ,t "Mr. WUttama. I prumUa rao, Mr. Ilaarat baa laa than forty worJa to aaaak. ! aaa car thtm for htra." . "o. " rl d tha dluara - ' "Mr. Willlama aaja." . bcaa Mr. Orhaa. ".No, a." broka al lt. thoroughly aiwrrd dtnora with aIdad Inshrtaaca. Mr. Orbra aat down. WI tha 'r rhtra Uiund-rd 'UtTif," but Mr. Will lama atlU bept bi faat and a rmhl&nc mt nlw waa aot rvatnrrd antll tha Kr Kawall Iwtht Xtllia, af Brooktrn. wltb a wittr and fallrUi oua apamh, - broacbt lauthu-r tbat drova aut anrr. How flia Ttoabla Arunr. ' ' Tba director. axacitUtea, mubr af tha Aaanrlatad frvu and tha fcmartcaa Kawapapar Publlahara Aaaortatloa bad mat at thetr annual K'lnt baoqoot at tba Waldorf-AMorla. Bavcral hundrrd aat down to tba banquet tabWa. - Mayor Oajrnof, tha irunrt of honor and flrat apaahar. took for bia aubjoct 'Tha Praaa In lta KeUUoa ta fublio (Hnclata." Ha ae-.k aa b hta wont, and aa ba had bn lorllrd to do. wltboot miacinf worda Tbaa bartra poWor. ba aaid, "ahookl aa It Juatly. kindly and mod rats!r. That atakaa thlr acta alt tha mora aftattva. I maaaura ay worda In aartnf ' j-owr powrr for good la 1m- aianaa. . Tour powar for afll la aot to rit a ana,, my think. "Th public official who trVa bte bat to do riht and Who knowa how to do rlbt, rannot ba hurt by you. ma may abuae him. arra lie and forga about him. but th ara power ta bun him. Sou caa aalthr ka aor Mnmaka aa hotioat and compntant oSJclal. Tha prraa aa a whola la Joat to buc onctaia. wha th ictin la vr, lta whinnm wh ta to that ta tmm who la 'rt-(I (iraa food kwtimnt and to bvlp him to do ao, B'H If a puhllnhrr or aditw h him 'If a prannlal mea awfcor. ha may Mlr to ammaaiuata arary ooa la hta jay, and then, what a dlPfrara ha brlHjn to Journalism. "A lat. aa tha lith of thla month . R. Mam prlntod la ha principal ihjt nr tn rap.aimli- of a orait on tha traury f thia cltv for . with bidlln and an artk-ln Mrn"Jtlnir u h draft and IH ax KfndHura t tha trwnt msjrur.' da ilar,x Mayor fiaynnr, ' Tha draft. th- mayor iwld had bn oatpd in ftrtwnber. but tha data had pot bean, ahowa in the publloatlon, havina; b.Ti ruhlsl aa. ha aaid, n had b.n Informs. fonunitinn. i h aald: '"in plain warl, f:,t, pr:i,.B fijni,. uatnlr. forgery and fa li Real Ion of a bubtir iJorurutnt ar iroramiM! In in rfnif. nf thin pul.liohfr and mor to HTor.g the trajnr of the rity . vrk. . .. "'J l'lh tima thaa furRn and V ' la Kutt pr.mHt. and tlwt l i,t fir ayx when nt of m w!l b thara. And iit think " a man b. la rapabla of d lng '"l"a tk- thia. ba-re jhwsw1 of th J"unn that b la t to hold ani- o. 't r,n Msjor ta praM.1nt of th l . . b " hn" ,m "''''"- ! i .,;,.Vim "nJ'h''rt r"Ul '"oni the fc.,rA ? . . i drlrt, horn, with lZ.Z toJSZZ hlf tirti: on e,", It'l i , " 7t a. iiaf.t nil 'ho rn , -"'" .d hul h tMtlo, .i! BlmiRia - h. .tM.irn hril "'" epunwa Ih-n r..i i O' .iiorz, ll'T h-rt..for " "n vrder wan final IV tor4 tv.v :' w VH..., (:0ant Ce.vert. emt-haa.tvd ue: n of ti., 'i ti e rrr.,iilr I'l'llij i rjrKi, til r,' - : '1 In p.if .r. Irupcri ..f the and tic. .1 tv.-i ' f T J X S. C. V700TEH FDUN3 DEAD VOCXG ATTORXET OP UBEEX VUXK AT UH IK)AKD1( liorsK J" wimjj Ti m en . jnqi I'(J the xiGirr. . .-,';;' : (Spaclal io Kawa and .Obaarvar.t Uianvllla, April II Mr. Htcph.a C. Wootan, a run attarttay hara, -waa fonnd drad thia moralna; jut bafora aight o'clock In bia room at tha Tay lor barlt n it houaa. - on ItckltuHn aranua Mr. Wootan waa at court Wctlneaday, aolng to hla room aarly 1 tha aranlnff. Not gotna; Uuwn to anppar Mr. rt. r. Taylor want up to hla room at acvan o'clork Xo net If ha wantod anytblnif. Jlr. Wootan told Mr. Taylor that ha did not rara for any auppor, aa ha did not fnal well and w-antad to ret Ira eo aa to cat ap aarly thia - morning and prapara for aoma buainraa ha had in court to day. Not having' t-m down by braakfaat tltna thia niornlntf, Mr. Tay lor again want up to Mr. Woolen a room a iittia bafura I o'clock. Open tng tba door ha mw Mr. Wootca lylnr acroaa tha edge of tha bad. hia feat aad laga belna upon tha bad and hla head and ahauldora on tha floor. It waa aaen at a glanoa that ha waa dead. Coronar ' laughina;houa waa nouued and whan ha want to rxnmlna tba body ha deemed an Inquest nn tweaaary, pronouncing that Mr. Woolen had riad of epileptio convtil iona. It ia thought ha had been dead aeveral houra whan . found! Mr. Woolen waa ona of thoaa badly in jured in tha automobile accident on tha Slh of November when Meaara. J. U riemlng and Harry Hklnnef, Jr., were killed.- After the accident Mr. Wootan waa for aome weeka in a crt tlcal eondltlon, but finally rocovered ami returned hla -1rw practice. He waa apparently aji well aa tiauali with tha axceptton of OGcasionttlly having a convulalon. The body wwa taken thia afternoon to the home of hia par. enu near Fountain for Interment to morrow. ' .,(. 1XCKKASE8 CAPITA Ij STOCK, t heapcake and tllihi ; Railway Also AnthorlHv lame of $37,200,000 Bod. , . " 1 '. .'J '''.(Rpaclal to Naw and Obnerver.) "' Richmond, Va., April 'Hie afoclc holdera of the Chmapeake and Ohio Railway. In apaclal aeiwlurt here to day, authorlaed an increaan of tha capital ato-k to lluO.OOO.OflO. ' Thle la an IncreaMe of fzt,, 7X8.00(1 (n tha capital atork. The mnckholdera also authorized an liwu of tXT.20Q.000 twenty year 4 - 1-S per cent convert ahl bonds. The bnda are leaued.-it wu elated, to provliie fund for tha Acqtdaltton of a majority of the common wtovk of the ll.d kinif ..Valley Ktillway Conw pnity, and on a aulmlnntial Intaraal on the capital it' k of tha Kanawha and Mlchiyan 'Kailu-ay 'Company, and for general improvement purpoaca. X. C. ACADKMY OP BCItTVCE.' 1 1 - " it- Scwlona Will e Held at Wake Pom THU nd Tmorra,v , ' "feat, Ai.rli 2, The -North U ttin,h nBUi -k-cutlv, cmn,IUe wl1 IMM lta meetm. Tlia Ume after 3:20 I wW be jciven to tha pr-ecMfltton of l - .per.. At S:3i Pre-ld-nt IM-etr-.if tvk- Koreat. will -ir-aaw tii i.ir. i f.r irM in f.f.,r4,.l flalf li...l det.t W. f. t i.k.-r, of the A'-adetny 'of ! &t.tn.-e a. tit d..llve r.r..l idetitUI a.ldrea mt--Scianca Te htnsr 1 In th w. H. . ... av.,i ,e v..w .i'jrui., . t Af K-JO a. io. n fMUurdtty will be ! 1( tha biutinmt niiliig for ih" r -ti.in of (rftrnn. After .'r.H-k !".!r pupn't will i-e pi-cnlvd. I ! iNCAVKLA Hv) COW PUTS UP FIT l'AsF.NOtK O TKAIX IIAVR TO t'OMK TO REM.TG tH DI'PCTV. (Special to New. and tWrrr.) Aahevllla. .V. C. April l.-:hrla Snider, a eecad convict from tha hd been raptured, waa provented from overpowering tha offieer and aa- aa aewuaaiB aaa aaviri a-aataw iaa, w nwtw itw t railing only by prompt Interference of paaeongera Ob tba Murphy trail. Hni der It eeema had aumeeilej lu almoat lipping hi handi-ufta when tha offl car noticed IU He Jtimped on tho o nicer and baton- to batter him up. Tho deputy waa allghtly eklnned up. Tha man waa landed In tha Buncombe lull and will ba aent back to - th roada. An Important cute In which a man, Charles H. Martin, repreaentittive of the Mnrtln lttillliig Company, .of Roanoke. Va., la charged with anllclt Ing order for whlakey in North Caro lina, contrary to tha law. waa taken up today in th Huperlur Court and tha caaa may be fought through tha. Unit ed Htatea Bupreme Court with a view of testing tha validity of that paction oftha4w. which aome attorney claim ia In violation of tha fedoral conatltutloq. Tha. facta agreed-upon ara that Martin ram her and aolic Ited order and accepted one from n. R. MrKlnnon. aelllng htm ti gallon of whlakey and forwarded th order to Roan ok and tha whlakey waa ahlp pad. . . . , ... Judge 'Juatlce ha dirtied a ver dict of guilty, but haa Aot yet. ten teneed him, Martin wh Indicted on evtdejji'e furnlehed by McKlnnon, th latter bringing th Indictment .ba canee Martin' houaa had taken him (McKlnnon) In arreKt and ball mmt time ago braua the check McKln non jve for the whlkey waa returned unpam. ... PAPKE VK TIIOMS. " Flgiilcrs Kiira for ZS-Rount Cotitcat on May 14. , (ByJtl Asaoclated Preaaj Baa Franclaco, April St. Arlliie war signed todtty for a 2i5-round fight between Billy Papke. of Illinois, and Joe Thomas, of San Francisco, in Coffrotb's arena in Fan Mateo county, on Saturday afternoon. May 14. Tha men agreed to fight at catch weight tor fifty per cent of tha gat receipt. Jack Welsh waa chosen ref eree. The fight will virtually ba for middleweight honora. Th "llllnola Thunderbolt" will ht j a busy tighter for the , next two i months. la addition la hia match with Thorn h I scheduled to meet Frank Kluus, of ' PHtburg, ' in , thi j city June 4. It w!H continue aa no ; of Jeffrie spurring partner and I trainers, ' .' Thoma will train for hi battHs! , with Papke at Jock Johnson camp, j aeaiating th negro in preparing ;or I hia contest with Jeffrie. j MANGLED IN kaW MILU -d;-T.--M!lt--WlWr--lW-4 ndvtst Kcvrrc Injurir by Itoing ! auglit in .aiacnincry at I agio ilm k Tliuntday Afternoon. (?4peclul to New and Observers Wilson. N. '.. April S I . V eat or d ay afternoon at. KaRtc Kock, an tlie Nor folk and Buitth-rn railroad, Mr T. M. Fountnlii, of Wilson. w badly hurt by l'lng caught In a wcv mill while It wm In operation. Ills right leg w'a broken, hi left boulder dil..ied and awvorul oilier wound of minor Importance were inilli t'd. ) wHn broiiKbt to. the Wilson Hanltorliun for trTHtmisnt. " Mr. Kountiln. II la tlmuglit, la not : or eoun't nnnil. he having w-undered (from his homo ftv(rul dnya aao. jcmi'-lnsr itlii family much u'ttnm. Commi:sica Case Against! Southern Railway 131 FROEHT R.1IE-LUTTER bVatatur Orrrmaa Briaf tha Xorth tawdiaa ima to tiw .toiauaa af ' tha VnJUo Durijtc tha imidihtaUaa of Uh aanuiaxraUua Hallway KB M-aatur Hm t rara ID Aaaaad anrat and Mkr Maaa IVrl BraaarWa. . - " , By TllOMAit rtStl aihmton, V. C. April II Tha Intaratala famnicrra Coatmbiaioa, wttlrb haa hiwl undr ranaldaratlaa i tor atuch) mora thaa a )ar tha caaa ("omniUalon a(alnt lkuthara Hallway on tba . charga af aUavrlmlnatln aKHlnat CaroiHia - tuwwa ta farur of Virginia Pla(a la tha mattrr of frlht rati, will ahrtly haod dowa H. deNMon. Thta a aaa Poovay ed today totTiairmaa Franklin Mc- N'alll. and Ar..n la-loner 8am R'Vrra. of the North rr.dlt.a (V,roratloa tommia-lon b, Bf.ei.iH.raof Ua atata . Caramon a fxanmUaloa. Tha eaaa haa been vn of tba moot par- pleilng tnat tue con miotics haa tvr had before It. Inrolying virtually tha long and abort iaul prlnclpla Henator Dvcrman brought tha North Carolina caaa to tha attention of tha euate today during, tba rot!drattuo of tha aumlnietratlun railway bill. Keoalor' litnon. of Montana, who la . . u''"a -""K- end tha long and abort haul praxtb-a. which bulbia up ona towa at tho - penaa of another. , Ma chanuterbtad 1 H?S!tlL T: ASVi JtnDTl , u ZZTtfi fiT'.'"-.? lnforetitta ftmrnfp vumiuwot-e. bnay for a thouKund yaara. It waa bora that Meaator urvrmau brought to the attention of H . r naia tha North J f 'arollita 'car, M ft haaaM bad baoa t tfoufAng liefora-trii.'emrmaabifl for j nearly tn year. Tpete tha tact that 11 , "''h LTwer in e .T. KrIJj bLI lh7ht WU U I - - , . !Lr. , . .w. : . . , iiui tr.v in. i. i . i Coinii.lttca Hold Meet It at Kocky j Monnif .vtomiinrna io pa r iwvn , huOH. (ilaclal to Net a and Obae.rvar.l Kocky Mount. April SI.-rAt ten oVlo'k thia morning In the parlor of tha Ricks Hotel 'here waa held a meeting of the rummlttee appointed on tha matter of erection of a en 1 ta ble monument to th memory of Henry U Wyatt. tba Ant Confederate oUier to give hta life for the rauee of tha Confederacy. The meeting waa called by State Hen at or John 1). Dewae. of Elm City, chairman ot tha legisla tive committee. The aacretary'a re port showed that but two hundred dollara ot tha fun. I haa been received, but that when all pledge ara paid up IS.te would be realised for the erec tion of a monument In Capitol aqua re In nalelffh. When thia amount la ta hand a suitable committee will bo ap pointed to f elect a bronae statue and bids for lta erection ,wUl bo advertised tat. ,. -g ! democratic: mass meeting saturday. AT NOON m THE Academy of Music WHl Declare for End of Fee System and for Salaries Guilford County Ust Year Under Salaxy System Made This ,t Record: 2 6, 8 0 2. 3 2i llul tlwww.f, . - FarSiscis ForE::is Tc'al SiiIr. b UTi?l I6.I24.C3 J 42123 8,254,G7 Wake is as big as Guil ford and will save teat much to Tax Payers. Ccnyictcd cf Assualt On White Ycman THE lil lliS EIF haitoaraa! to Ba Haagd aa May H . AXw aatctfcaa U aa Takea ! ftoaja Thfaaaittta to Mataat to Ila-! ragw'tlaa Iwy aT Uta Mub Coar Urn lajar4 hi t"ta4i hft) Troopa,! (By tha Aasuclaied praaa t . ThomaarUta. O., April :i.l"ndr hoary avllitary gaH. Harvey Kar ri a. tha aegra who waa today ewa vteted af criminal aaaault npa a prumloant whlta wemaa af thia coua. ty. aad aaotcacad to die va tha gallowg May a. waa takea to Maraa) aa a , apactaj train thia afteraooa. lr Tha Uvveeful trauVer ef tha aa- from a riotsoa day and a detennlnad body of Iwa thouaand maa who had i aathared aartr bant Ivnchlna j m4 wh. bkd on. eacouater with tha lrop want I,,, oomra lon,tn,. k rollo.lnf , tha claah early thia lntar-lB,,,,,,, th. mnb ,nd u, j ThoiaaaalUa anJIItary company, tha 1 Geror ardetwd tba rotnpanlra at l??.??4."?..? VJ hare h-a rampanlea tha mob rplrtt grad. uaity died ddwa. Tha trial of tha negro waa brief. Tha ooart room waa cleared of apac tatora and tha atllltary atood guard at tha enlrajii-e. Attornrva vera ap- poialad-.by tha owtrt to defend Mar Kria tba Jury waa quickly drawa and th, irtMli. f th. ,. ,Z.kl Uowo at tha canctaaton of bar taatl- ah- ... e. a. . !". of lon county. Florida, who ! ht lollowln. Mama' captnra l - waawe w. aa i LirV tMiffl rawMlrkM a.f t h Mrwa ll.o- f rta Old aat Uka the atand aor 0U1 ha offer anr wttnaaaaa. Thera were po argument and tha Jury, tullowina i-kriaf charge, returned vaeol.-t' ar guilty within two minute aler retirtng Jutiga Mitchell then tearad tha aegro to bong May 31, Emancipation day la Georgia. . In tha claah between tho aokliera and tha mob fnnr men In all wrr In. tempted to arlvs tha prlaonar. Curtia r"m4 ni Alaaander rarrimorora- crnta emoua wonnrw, ine tattar no- ng ptrrefa through the atomach by a bayonet. Thera waa no ahooting. Cim WJIITIIISC BETTER. Defeated Yb-gHnaa KeawMkaa Candi date Utteet Harth In Oitna. (By Aasoctated lra. Washington. April 1 tt Induenc broaght to bear by leaders of th Republican party In Virginia upon PreaMetlt Taft haa been e(fe,-tive aa la indicated by the nomination aent today by tha preaaident to the senate for confirmation. These nominations Include the promotion in the cnnaular service of two Virginians W illiam Henry Knbertaon. of Kii hmond. and WllUam P. Kent, of Wytttevlila. Lest year' Kepublh-ana unaueceaa- ful gubernatorial candidal In Vlr glnla. Mr. Kent a few weeka o waa!t",, " of ,he Mlaaiaalpol river ara nominated by tba preaident to be con aul at W. John. .V. at a salary of IJ.O.i. III. friend, anong tha Vlr- glnla leadera eonalderad that thta po sition waa not aa Important enough on for their oolteagve ami called upon Preaident Taft to whom they vokwd tkeir proteata. That the prea ident took action on those protests a evidenced by today' nomination of Mr. Kent to be consul at Newchang, China, a position paying 4 i0. Tha toraiaatioa of Mr. Kobertaon la a promotion. At present he la oon aul general at Tangier. Morocco, at a ealary of 3.& and hia appointment a tha consul generalship at Callan, Peru, ad ran res him Into another ileas with a salary of 1 4,J XATIOXAI. CrARi KC.MPMENT8 T1i Ftrat orth CroUna Rnrinieut Will Go Into Camp at Cbttsiuaaga. July II. By THOMAS i. PESCF. Waahlngwir; TJ? C. AprU II The First North Carolina regiment will go Into encampment at Chlckamauira, July 11th. and will remain until tha !0th Instant. Georgia and (South Carolina com pan ie will go In en campment at Chickamanga at th aame time. . In addition thera wilt be eleven rompanlea of cavalry, eleven of Infantry, ona airnal corp and one hnapltal corps of tha regular army. Thar waa aoma oWiiaaion about miing- th North Carolina troop to tiettysburg. Pa, where tha Virginia. Maryland, ' Pennsylvania and other troop go Into encampment. . There will he twenty-four encampments ef th National Guard af tba country at ten dinerent place. ' VIOLATED OKMXANCE. rtoe- f r AVerr Hnr-j in .-.iw istt '""i-. iiinwm iMvta to Ho Trtnd fur Violating Prohibition . IAW. f Specuvl to New and Otervr.) Monro. April l O. 8. Fort waa tried before a Jury In the recorder "onrt here jet.ruay. and waa found guilty of permitting a minor to enter hla near.beer saloon. Ila waa fined i: and appealed to tha Hunerrinr court. . Another caaa aratnst Fort, fur the tame alienee, will come up for trial next Monday.-. It is reported that tha fa.-ta In tha caa which will bo trld Monday ra much atronger than in the case In which Fort waa yester day convKied. . JUImon lavls will he tried on ton- day f'.r violating tha jrihlbltton law. 1 T:C- V PUN II ,1111,119 PUNT I -' ' ' ' JOHX W. VXRX. ! at me Dana la tba morning, ba had much power In tha bank aad had tho TB: UPWoPAL ORPHAN At.r: ATt"holu, coartdaneo of tha ofOciale, ,lxv. . M . ! Mr. Robarta added very UtUo to what CH ARIITTK TO BK PCT IX IIXE had ,redy baan told. (wnrnox the plaas. (Bpe'ial to Nawa and Obeerver ) , Charlotte. April SI. The formal anaouneemeat haa luat been made of I tha purpooa of tha. dlrectora of tha TltoropaoB "Xtrthahaea of ha ""Kpiaco- LPL r..h.HII?.'lt -JJLJI1 'a city, and of the aaaoclatl.m ef gull.U nattered throughout tha State, to unite in tha . ., . v...-... .v dollar plant to take tha pUoo of tha preaent plant, which 1a daraed inad- tng to coat thirty . thouaand dollara twill ho arerted 10 tha center of a aemU : etrcl. af rottaawa In whli h will ba tha tr it aaa tat .raiia gait tiuai aaaaa aavavH wwiiv A W.HJ... . A l.l.a a l U..ll.t homao of tha children. , Tha architecture oi tha entire Blaat wtll harm on I a with that of tha mln adminletratioH hu(lding, and tho plan .; aa bow drawn show a atrlktogty hand soma and attractive plctare, complete In every point To (he good womea who recently organised tha guilda over the Jttato la due In large meaaure tho dectalon anpounce.l today to under take tha large wirk. Itlshnp Joaeph Hlount Cheshire, of Raleigh, la chairman eg-olfk-'lo of th hoard of directors of the orphanage, an4 attended the meeting of that body Ink week, when final plana Were made to confer with the association of the guild In aeaalnn her, with th result announced today that the in stitution would be relmtlt, and ona 'hundred thouaand dollar expended,! on new punaing DAMAliK TO CROPS. Xo Thought to Ila aa Ureal aa 1'lret HrporteaV Ptntty of limei to Ko plant. (My the Associated Preee.) Waahington, 1) C. April 28 Hom age to tha crops In the flouUim not aa great aa aome of tha first re port aaemed to indicate, according to ,of tn R way. He aaid today that reports show cotton and corn have suffered In tha northern two third of the Htatea of Mlenlaslppl. Alabama and Georgia, but that further South these crops were not injured and that further north they were not far enough advanced ta la seriously hurt. "There la atlll ample time to re plant both cotton and corn," h" aaid, "and If thia ta dona aitnlvely the final yield may not be greatly reduced. Reporta Indlnat a general auspenston of cotton aaad. cruahlng by oil mills. With a view to conserving tha seed for planting. Tha peach crop doe not seem tn be materially damaged. Mel on and cantaloupe In Southern Georgia may have to be replanted to aoma extent, fltrawberrie miffr-red little. No damage was done to fruit. DIED FROM LICK OX THE HEAD. Ed Locaa, a Negro Laborer at Um llavknt-y Wagon Factory, Struck o th Head Irr a Hub Tlinrwhty Morn. tog Died Friilay Morning. (Hpoclal to News and Observer.) Wllaoni X, C. April SI. Yesterday morning Kd. Ijocaa, an employee at the Hackney wagon factory, while toaaing wagon hub to an ippwr story, mbtaed hla calculation, A heavy hub. Instead of going in a window aa ha Intended, ntck th facing and bounded back, striking him over th left ay, rendering him unoonMoue. The Hackney hud the unfortunate man removed to hia horn and every thing that medical aid could do for tha aufrarer. waa dona, but to no avail he expiring thi morning at ona o'clock. The deceased 1 a native ot Wake county, having coin her from Neuse, nerRalelgh, ASHEVILLE BANK CAKE. Tho lUnvrd Again Brarao and (Miter doe I p to Court of Ap. ileal. iMpwtial to New tin! Obaarver.) Aahevllle. April Jit, --The record In the ruae of th United HUtea against W. E. Breeee and J. E. Dlckerson, under sentence to be Imprisoned and fined for eoimptrary to defraud th First National Hank of Aahevllle, was forwarded today to th Circuit Court of Appeals at Richmond;-, after being approved bv District Attorney Jlolton abd defendant counsel. . Th record contains about two hundred and sixty t'touaand word, It ta poaaibla th c will he argued nt Stay term,1 Government Practically Closes IU Side THE CEFEIiSE JDECIDED WU Maka Kaoww Today wltneaaca WlU Ba Pat Oo Tbd Thaw of thw Coart Yttatrjay Urga. ly Takeai tp Ulth UraMlfytac Cara Uia fbarma Fbawal la Baak Aftoa tho Drfaolt Che.i.a raid Bat Motor CtMrgwl Vat to RaapocdT Acrouata. j (Apodal to Nawa ad Obeervor. ' Saw Bern. X ?,. April II. Tho' lima at tba Federal eoart today waa largely taken up with Idaatlfyta car ta! a checka found In tho Nadoaal Baak after Carraway'a default Thaa ehecka ram. through tho anart frona other bankji and wero aaid by tb; National Bank, but aavar chargadl alnt tha partlea glring tho chacka. a'ben court opened, tho "rat Witt neaa called waa U. H. Robarta, raaba lar of tha baak. Mr. Robarta aaid rarravay waa uaually tha llrat man) Mr. K. it. Ureen then teatlfled In re gard to tho aalo of aoma National Hank atflck to Mr. t'arraway. Carra way told Oroaa tbat ba wauld credif nia paraoaal account with tha l5. 'tha hank, teatlfled that. h waa in Newt JTork whan tha troubla waa dlarov- ared: that tha dlractora placed about th, ,hortM. ud ,.. carri turaad over about llO.evO la prop 1 arte. at.v f tho tima waa taken aa, " tha account of Capt. J. 1. lawn. "r v Itoltar atated that ho I . w- . . - 1 MffDI Itfl aVaOOlin lal. nat BaKtlV - that "br aavinga lta gava Carraway j check, buk took no depoalt Blip foe t. to bo credited to hla aavtnga jaaonnt.; Thia waa nnt de tihttl af- I ,,r ,h borao waa dlauovared. anw jrradlt waa given him on July ,J5lh for Mr. Walter Puffy, individual book keeper at the bank, waa then put on the stand and waa oil and on tha rest of the day. Huffy could find n entry of uch an amount to the credit of rpt. laiaaiter on the book of th bank. He stated that he place.! a email mark opposite each of tha Item said to ba falae; that the mark wer made at tha direction of Carre -Way;- that the entry waa made by htm and not Can-away: that Carra way put the depoalt Blip in a haakel and he got them and entered then on th book a Mr. Reed, of Austin. Nlchotj Com pany, and a half doaen cashiers of oth r large corporations, were called oi to Identify certain checka which hail 1 been received by their reapectiv firm from Jaa. F". Taylor. The chacka war not marked paid or cancelled, but wer turned ovsr by Carrawai I after the discovery of th trouble. They had never been charged again! I Taylor' account on tho hooka of th bank, but were paid by the bank. The government pratrtk-aUy clonal lta aide ot the case thia afternoon and the lawyer for tho defence Mated thas they would decide by morning wheth er they would Introduce any witneaaea. Th whole caaa at preaent 1 vera" much mixed and th evidence 1 W twisted that only a practical banker; could make much out of it. THE. RAILROAD BILL. Yott. in Senate Today oil tho TranVr Agrcratciil Dcbato Yoatcnlay Very; Animated. i (By Aaeoclated Praaal Wanhlngton. D. C, April II. Whoi,' the senate adjourned tonight them w a a general understanding that at vote would be reached tomorrow o tha traffic a-graement of tho raflroa't bill. So far aa wa known Mr. Cum' mlns wa the only aenator who would desire to apeak further on th sub ject ... . . Th flrxt vote will be on the Cum min substitute requiring approval ot the rate embraced tn agreement In advanc of their taking effect. With tht provision defeated, a ie probably will ba, the ballot then wilt recur on the Elklna-Crawford amend ment which ha been accepted a tho . committee provision. Th aupportere of the administration are claiming a majority of seven or eight vote in favor of thi section. The debate continued to be of an animated character. It waa partici pated tn by Mcssr. Ctimmlns. Root." Aldrlch, Borah. Bailey, Heyburn and, other. Henator Clay delivered a et speech in opposition to the bill and Senator Bdntow closed hi address tu condemnation of th ' present rat making system. . At the conclusion of Mr. Britow' peecb, Senator. Clay 'tpoka In an espe cial opposition to th court feature of the railroad bill an tha provision railmada and permitting combination ,'. , BAXVUXK UOES 1VET. Tlie l:l"(lon. Howavar. Waa Carried s by Only Ten Votew. Danvill. Va., April 2. IianvlUa j voted wet bday by. majority of tan. i vote In a total of 1,14 t after a vlgoroualy fought conteat - Haven year ago Danville voted against the opn m1ooh and since that time three additional election hava ben held, th rwiult alternating e.ch time. While within one hundred vote of the total registration waa polled, th election paaeed off without disorder' of ny kind. Tha city council will, it I expected, fit the Il'.enae tax and rg alutton v,ttliin th ii st thirty d. t

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