Oi - " - 'Till: WEATHER auniniuni tern, peraturo, fit drcTem; total , i c: ! 1 r 4 C ,,.- " " " 11 11ALHIG1I, X. C, Tl' L.DAY :U)IiXING, 31 AY 1910 riucE s CUSTS - -, fi wJ J 'Jw T " 'r oil 11 M ortM Carolina Dailies fa News and Circulation J, o, Hi libLUi) lull bill . . a f ! 1 " I . sms f S"-e r-a . at. iih'Sl HIE I IS I Tcr.r.:sss3 ::!::.-.: J In Dccrca CL'sii.- ths Zizr.i ard CI! C:z;i::j cf Kentucky frcm tha State. D::;;i:n cf U. S. Suprc.7.3 Court L'iSSISSSrl 11S3 OriflBf: Tha, tbo (mi a lb AwortMlw af teas Untxr Dash an WW and UUM, Wbirm u -"Ho-fended F Vtridem of SqnM Cesrl S MiM idppI win arn Assessa-rd ths DocWoh m th Niaaiaalppi at-Hl Wn Ttte. im as th tapmM Court a the (By ths Associated Preaat) I Washington, tV C Iter 1. Ths Uxte of ths Stats 1 (Wr fight against nt-as were upheld today by U Suprwa Court ef x the Uattsd . lutes wMh tailing sffeet Tl Association of Retail Lumbar Xtouer ta Mlaslastppl u4 Louisiana, wss esbended by ejHrwaeaw ef th eVrt ef th Buprems Court f Mlas Mrv4 the Standard OH Company, of Xeatuclj, ni ousted (ran Tmmw by the approval bf (is 1mt ef th hmi Court of ftumii. Both, tit Kate eomrt held, had violated tha sxi:-traet art of Ih respective Slate. JoMko LArk anaonDco4 Um pMta tf tho court l tko KttotvjH mm. It was liia firt uturanco from tiw Soprano - Cort tench oat ' 1 ; "mat nucottoau Ho )( tho n Wrt th Mx-aH had ttl!ala ' .tfcgsln . to . iml " with " any Mafatrr t whoitMi'r i l imtr ' aoM to-'OMOoalaoa. t's VclW tkf a hCB tiwy Ca4urt4 a kuai- tuQrtnny torra, to jnM Tha MBdf of tho dubUc. . .. i H acptc4 ttt fin!lnya of Ui tiala coorta aa4 t;lr4 that It la aa llltl combioaUoa aat coespiraey iiaoar tha Xtlaalattppl atatvito. Tit proeeoo'ttun la Ibo Staadard Otl rata woro bcua ta lt7 under Um Tntmr antMraat .. . , 5 Tha chartro acainat th Standard rtaliMrtad ,oot of a traaaarttcHi at OaBatta ; Tana. Tfea Dcandard, o KBtucltj, ka4 0 atorad la' tanaa In Ttnararco, tmm hh a It procutod a apply to fuml) aaarekaats throufh aat vartooi awtkma of tho ftta. Tho i:anMtiio oil Corattaay-. of Kvaaa U4., mat a aalaamaa to GaJU- t ta tU olt. Ha obtained a agmhr f anH hrrMa tho ajrM.t of Uto U4I offerad tha mar tlai itn. RwUfltM of oil pet karraf to Ma obtained at namb-r "trmand thrtr urr ordara ilh KxanaTin oil Com bur. accoptad. . t Standard and io of Ita aaontaj ra Imltnod tdr tbo Stat a antl- Ooo of tha aaenta aa : ..,., " ; rBtctd. tt tho Vtanitart ota.iiMt kunhttmant oa tha tuoond tk( 11 'aid at bo r.nd andar tho act hut no ot.i fw ' "' "wr procoiHUlun vara thoa Ka. ! lMt W. tha charroa halnf t'0" Chnirli as a toknn of ratard a m tho iaIUltB ' tran.,7h',,,;h'!- f!- Bw... v. sj. otutlns; ; and B. T. Thoaipooa, of fayottovUle, h.tk aa appeal was ars karo. . v f , to tho Suprvma Court of tha i "" ' " " "" fBUNI gi.i. " I ETK OF THOMAS HERIIIXG. "v"n' BB,8n tho optn-jwsa QiUUy Aftrr Mruko of Appo. ,. ah uia canton of th. company ,ro di-poaad frl1r o th Utata. - "tmi or K M. B1RIMXU. h-fard hii a J-TL. "., . . T,n,r reri an appH(fHtln atroka u . 111 IBuwaa i land rmahwd tinronacluiia Until daath N4fctM of fhirtiom. icamo fla hotr lafar. fnlrtT11 w" tVwrw ) Mr. tit.ephsa Walla, who rocotvoi a a.. -,!m" N 'c-' 41 -I- lH ,!tht OTrr'1 Pa'alja'a Sunday ' la f tt!!'"!" "i'ii and tHr ! " "', a'ljT.T- ,H m"rn", shortly r-rihrIIT B. r. Prlfrga l(-s rrttl It. '""'"t 1r t9 -!,.. inn.., i ckliy U st h-s homo fmm parabsla iIwl,lM,h'lrjl"?,u'l!'l -aa '"lWn7 ntEht h ' jMt OUro rr to n.ro a Heord I i . yaararaa taorn w .1 ii'nia. vr : i II, fc,a VT ' runoral nntl-a rrt i s-tt - r!fl-ni or l ar ham ; rare. ; e a , i l,llHUM)S U(, M.HfK)It ''"H-X Ili.1l f tenia ' "llsl t v,,.. m,A an ss ne-lJ i'v e f are that Mount Olive la going to have leave. IVT! ate one f the brt atrswlerry aaaons In 'I W.v.,.- V-.?T?- . I! nMr, as i Ho Wetorr. It la climated thai and the rrmtim Mum .u -m ... .l, . . ...... . . . ,H,"lllail ( - , - w.t-, . n iiisimill. lie cum- R,'"t 7 - Tbe ririm-m.,re!!nipr' tirk-t has not bfn aX'er- hoot a Vf !:? ' I' t'J ta.ned at this hr. r-vrh,'1,'", h'k',, - e . rB ; Sl'ADIVOWT i,f W-rjet;!.'.', !'1" PP IVned , V en.e at nr,s et. . fri: x ,,. . . . T;r. ..v- Apnt ;o-.Msrgsret b'aflon.i ' " " hed-,,V.w Tork. ep. "-tatlve . ,''.' " 'J "nl "'aid the wife of 'i-t.lrl ,ZX T:' . Veto th-a ,f. i-Jtare in !h.ur,fll,-llltut, d!ve,T i tos - u'" "i- j i aad tho annate toachar ia te bo highly coaipUaaaoiad oa tha axcUat ro- darias, by bay auplla. of tho mualc-al I'poa tha whol. tha 'romtnaaro Mant waa tha boot Rlrhlaada haa had. Tha attaBdaoro WU Imraa nmKahl pooplo bclnr proamt aach niche i nmm acaooia aaacrvo oomaianaauoiL Thoy aro dulng axceltant work. Pro fcaaura Hall and rraek, prtnelpala ef tho Hlg &-hnl and traded arhoul r apoctlly, wll taJia a vaak'a vaca tion. ho they will hada tha alt treaka normal, arhlrh thay ar citing to roaduct for tba boaoM of trarher aad thooa oho am eontraiplatlnc Paaebinc- About thirty taarharo hava alPfady anroUrd and mora aro an. ptytne. ... - - ,. , ' .. . AXT TO hVtJ.P POSTED ; Wllaeatlaaa Who Wlah to Kcwp ma W1U Uo War AIb King Kate, Road ha Tbcar Mmanca to Uaa "Old KHIaMe." Rp(ilal to Naara and Uloarvrr.) Y'llaia MT 1 Thra la . m(- taka a hoot Tho Kewa and Ubmvn of bat Sunday bUs "rd-headd," and It tha atunia pull, if off at tho Aoadaany of Maato and tha court hooao woro accurately atatad la IU eolamaa. tho ouk-kar tho pooplo taka action to domollsh tka mai hlno and nroot tho raina of govarnment from vard-holara and othera, tha battor It olU ko for tho lty of Raiaich aad tha oooa aid rutintv , Tbo aprtacular blood aad thundar danonatraUona of Jart Raturday onlr a w anow mai i a ntifttarr- win raaort to any matboda la ordor to OonUauo "aacLltMt at tho f ibllo Uht," and that tha putj!t.i bo damnad. Inrlooad find a batch at arar auk w -"'i u mmn a"ap poaiafi aa : to t a OMtwaoa beta-acn ttia a (II of Uia iaopla ail tUo aehln. v -f. WAJTf KEWf TATIOJf. : Ca-tonla IrlrcaUoa. Com to Waohlnf too to htm lUUway OflMaka. ("poHal to Nowa and Ohaerrar.) Uaatonla, May I-A Oommlttaa of ton arominant koainaaa aud profw alonat man, ropraotntlag tha - tty eouarll, aominarciat eluk and cltlaana, loft tjaatoala oa No. II for Waahlna tun. wtoara tomorrow rnornlnir at II o'clock, aeoordln to appolntmont wada for thm by Cmmomig Wahb, Uwy IU confer wtth tTwridaat Fin lnr and othvr pClflala of tha ftouth cm Rallwar In mm to ti tm of awurtna for Oaotonta a ar paa. aiauon eotnmonaurato with tho dornanda of tho buoUtaaa of this point. Ih Commtttao (a Mmtaiat of VC T. i Cratf. fol C!. H. imin . i W - t V f-J o- . . ,1. Whit-. Troat Tartwo. 3. Tma JohiU j. nrnnaiD, n, m. naia, a. A. Kotolnaoa. . t . JOIIX DA.tcr JUTIRED. The .Xrgro Who Uaa l4d tA.IMM Job WaahlnttoBi for iatit Yrora. n THOMAS 4. I'EXtX.. "h,n,0" C. May :. John L..i' ",.r,0.rl n. ratlrad . , ' "vn vorouna. ratiroa ao Ktvoroar of taoda of tha y,rn or i o.umt.ta. a ma thousand doltor aoatuon that ha haa hold for -ijlht yoaro. Ills offloo fores present ad him irltk a Maoonlo fold rla stnddsd wtth dlaratonda. and ho alao arooaeo wnn oioratonda. and ho alao r-x-aiVKj frr.m n.ihi,u a w .11 dy Ma. IHnpim Wriu iMtttrr. "rwclal to Noo-s and Ohorvr.l 1tlon. llav WhJIa at na Jmornlns: at 19: US o'clock In tho sstab ; Itahmaat of WUllant Walla. Torn Hot - ' f ffnariat to Vawa ar nw,...1 j point., rrom ten to I) fleet. csr are 1" d' K. r, WAIU.HMJ), MAYOR. . . . I l"tcd by Uxi Toan of tmnnlr Yre- . -tla. , , t . tertlay (Special to Tws snd 01server l-nf.te Ma V-at jtin. held today, E. P. Wakefield waa j elected mtror by a maj'r!tv of it -aw fin STrllf gllrlV a, llHinMa ftmiTh I.IMn. ern.ion filed a ai.it f).it a ai.it ditrtriu'-tourt ... ( ii.tr, b.j4 ub ,i ma rmm v .1 AS .THE UIHTED ?PEAH 7ITH II A ! i Hfl.TaS.5lll)F5 ABO IT ;io" MAClCTMPITia - AXT1 noiu-ji MAjucns walk, ovt l-KHEXt K8 IflXD. - . . , (Spootal to Xaws and Obaorror.) ' Koar Born. May f fTlnoo Prlda tk-ra baa kaoa a strlks in tho aa. roik and RouUtarn rJlro4 ahopa Tha trouhkt has kaan krowlna- soma tint and within tha past fatr in on tha ono or two small strikss bavo taasit piano. but tha treabls had born adtuatad far a tlino. v M aaasu that tha nachlntsts, hollar rnakara. ate., on tha Norfolk and Boutharn ars paid loss tltaa soma othor aystams and th nan aaksd for aa tneroaso front It cants to II oonta par hour, satttnf lrtiday as tho dar for a rapiy. When norit cams, about If uoa quit work aad varr tttUo ma. china work ta soma; on la tha shops. Mr. Gould, of Norfolk, suporlatondant of motlrs po rar for tho Norfolk and Southern 1 haro today aad has hail savsial oonfaranea with' tha snon, tha final outcoma of which has aot hon dvaa out Another maatlng is to bo hold tonight'. : MEIMi rJMECTTD MAVOH. Otli tKnrrri Nomina lorl In Fvyotts Ills It-tmary Alno fnrtrS Death of Mrs. Martin. , ... fBliaclal to Xwa and ObaarVor KayattaTllla, May a, :pt. Jamas T. HcNaill u todao alar-it . Fayattavtlla wfthout bppoaitlnn In tha city )ctlon. Tha Board nf AMarmoa and Board of Audit and Klnanra nm inatao in tha reooat primary Vors also .us ru-!Bi primary wars also A. X. Martin, of this dr, died ;hls atemoon. Khe had been xrxrzj;rr ids- A. K. MArtJn. and tuw ut. ajwroa Mra. bara this III for nninftr hualmnd,- A. K. Martin, and four chll drn, . ' , . . . Tiin-HOVE ctt7iT irorsn ContmltM .ncflntrd to taok'Aft. tho Work, WhU-h Will ho nuthel fK(ei iBt to News and Obrvr Smlthneld, May l.The Itrvard' of County Commissioners in regular aa aton today appointed Sen j. joney, cult S. U l-mny and F. H. Itrnoka a committee to have the court house plaetered 0rrr.nil. painted Ineide and out, and otherwise bf-autioed fbs committee will hava ths work flnne at onre In ordyr to have ft ready tor home-coming. wo, MatJlth, . - Death of Mr. W. It Mcrrltt. (Special to Nowa and Oharrvcr Irurham. Ma 2,-Mr. W-. If. Jfee. ritt of MorrlavUlo. die., an lllnos. of m.r! ,i,.. ... . yela Uo vi-aa eevrnty-flre The old genUe.nan aa, a Confederate n.., l"" ww went to the farm. H . ., . ,.; V Miss (iwMiman. whtct u.:.. .. two living chllrl-.n. Ha merrled the ... " . '". The fmnral I wni irr riir-e tumnrrnw tr - ill., futher nf Mr. in.i 1.-.... . :i 'msnv 'h : iOto'Tvcr rrfontrial er.4. - I: ! I STATES SUPREIIE COURT 7ILL CHAiiLES E. HUGHES A UE1EBER 1 .' V SAID IT 13; ME was Mrr hiatioig iv saying xtb WOWiD BCY AXD STlllli VOTES. Tho Kowa and Ohstvaar printsd In Kundty morning a papar that Kick CtoUoy, tnonbar nf tho Wait a Count Datnooratlo Enacutlva Cnrnmltteo, aad mam bar of tho County Board of fclactions, had aaid: "I'M buy vuto and ataal thorn, too.- I will buy ail I ran fl, and what I can't buy J U ataal." ' A gontlemai). ho was proaaot whea DaBoy tnada tha romark aoora, ssJd Isat night: "I was prasont whan DaBoy mads tha romark. Thf ra wars svral DomooraU and aM-aral )(publi ana proaant and tha cunvarsallon turnod upon tho uaa of money la prhnartaa. particularly In lh (ubornatortat oloc tluna. . l)Boy w not In a sorlons mood. Ha tails ma ha was oktng and I rogardod his statement as of that nature. I nerer thought ha was sert- oua and I do not behave tho Kepub-t Urans present ao regarded It." Tho abovs ia printed hero to sir a Mr. paBoy the twneflt of havtns mads tho statement In a lok. :, Cimpsr'a t'aao Sat. (By tha AMnciated rroeo.) NaahviUa. Tann.. liar I .T7i trial of It o bin J. Cooper, charged with tho murder of furm. r Onltnd tatrs an ato K. W. Carraark. In this city. Nov. . 1SSI, was today set fur Juno 31. Toun CooDer rnnvlrtoA tn (ha criminal court and the caa was re cently, roveraed by tho Hiipromo Court, A a gl) . 1 LA A. " kf " M f illt 1-i 1 U -fLJfc g tocmocratic Mass Meeting ; will be held la RALEIGH Saturday, May Fourteenth lct Evco'body Coma Official CaU ; Will BevAnnouaccd Later V ... f- AW- 19 CGLDRED l'H KILLED lO&K TU tlK UTB BY A CAYtVIX. WEKK WORtXU AT WIMSTOJf. B.U.CM I3f A VF.iT KEWER - - MTCW. -; ' - (Spatial to News sad Observer.) Wlnetoo-Haletn. May Two col ored men, Harry Stockton, agsd II, and WUliam Xaak. seed II. both an marrlsd colored mon, were rruahed to doatk at noon today by a cava-In wtUlo tha mew "were at work In a daop sowar dltck. Three ether work man had harrow escapee -UrUVIS WIIJMJOTUV STAR. M. Rohm I. Gray ta tVicorao TiW JkUtorwU Wrttr oa tbo rUrfaanatl lrglalaav !psilaj to Jfewa and Observor.) - WUmtarton. Way t The Star t morrow nil carry tho editorial an Bonneemont of tbo retirement of Ed itor Kobort U Gray who leaves May J tnr Richmond. Ye , to become chief editorial writer em th. m kj Ylrrlnlaa In the n.n.. . j, - " : " -i"""'a Kalelgh. Mr. Gray carries e-trtt htm to hla new home the war hmJ a noet or menos In Wilmington for bia succeaa in his new and largWtrald of endeavor. i I'ATAIi INJtKIKA Mr. T. M. FwnBln, Who Vt as Csutght -in f-aw Mill Mstettnery at Faares tot Inat Wedrsneday. Dmd Swnday (Spedal to Xews and Observer ) W'lieon. May f Mr. T. (. Fottn lairv a Wtlaon marliintst while whet- ln a ssv st a saw mill st Fjigls It.rk. on tka Norfolk aad Southern Itailrnad last Wedneeday. and who wee terHbly muiH and brought to ths W'lieon Sanatntlum for treatmut died st that Institution Sunday morn- ma airer navmg one of hla limbs am putate 1 Saturday night. Mia remains Were io red tn Ms pie Cemetery to- d"r ,. w,f " thie small children. ... JT3r-ROSTimK THIEF., - llenliM tal- Tl-awi-m "- . tj - . I ...... 0mu In rMTault f IVmd. (Sp--!a! to News and OLaetn-er. ) SmlthneU. y r. hf ,B nsmo f Sf-stus Allen, br..ke In ths store f W. U Wmtdall. X. R. Oran tham, and Hood's drug store Saturday nlsht Irking several arlb-lea. He waa raptured Sunday morning by the rhlef of polii-e and ths sheriff, who found part of the rooda upon hJs perann and p hla trreaerntt.-' Me waa given, S preliminary hearing this morning he fore Mv.tr Wellin. who bnur.d him over to court lit three rases, 1,194 bond In earh cas. 'Falling to glva bond he wan committed to ieil. tlKwrinx Nowa fSperlai to Ns and Ohecrver.t Wiienn. May -Saturday la.-t Jgr. nraharq Wiwdi-d. a-in of 11. m. F. A. W"..derj ff ir. Andereou l"ft f-tr PhiJarfeiphfa -to visit H-m, F A. M'oodard, who i rn a enna-tnriu-n In that city for trtmevr. A tta-ra-n waa rrveived ye:erdav frtm i IT. .iid"To. a-t'ng t.t the rs- " n Ml . .... v,...- BILL PASSES FOR 0Pf,! r .. President's Signature Now Only Needed II Tho Objart of 11 Bareaa la to I'oatci, I"roanot aad Develop ths Mining aawtrywA Laog nod Maori Haul Aaacaidment to Railroad Bill Pro psawd by hcoator DUoa Was 8mo ct of lively Drhato la Uto Iluuaa (By the Associated Fraaa.) Washlagtoa. D. C, May I. in ad dition to considering tha railroad bill for two hours tho Beasts today dis cussed at length and psssod the bill erecting a bureau of mines In tha In- tsrtor Department. Tha bill had ra cshrsd the sanction ot thf House and bow only requires tha signature f tba Prssidoat Tha bill places tba bu rsas la tha bands Of a director with s salary of II.IOS n year. Its pur pose Is to fostsr. promote and develop ths mining Industry of tho Vnltad States, sapsclsiiy wtUt rsfsrsnos to ths safety ef miners.' It Is alao t- psrtod to give attsnUon to ths treat- msnt ot oraa and ths uss of eiplo alves. A long and short haul amendment th ths railroad bill, pre pared by Senator Dtsoa, was tha sub act of lively debate. This wss "susponslOB ds-' In the House, snd BUrasrous bills were pue ft. Amoog them were maasurea to tncreaso ths personnel of the en gineer corps of tha army, to provide for additions! light house equipment and to build a monument at Midway, Alabama, to ths memory of General Stewart of Revolutionary fame, the great great grandfather of former President Roosevelt, . Both Homes wHl be In session to- o em -an i - on. Moinrr opkrati o. Hopns Are tteatnlnod fi Bin KiiUrs KfwrrSf . (Special to News and Obsarvsr.l lion College, May t.- President Moffltt wss taken to St. 1-eo's Hss pltal Saturday evening aftsr a con sultation by his physicians, for an operation In the abdominal cavity. He stood the trip to ths hospital very well and passed a good night Satur day i night Early Sunday morning ths operation waa performed and was SuocooafuL In his extremely weak condition ha revived from tho sues thstlo somewhat slowly but Mis and sura. If no other compllcatlona arise It la ounfldently expected that he will recover entirely., theurh it will be soma time before he can be ready for active work. There Is grast re joining among the atudent body aa wall as a mora hie many friends throughout the State and elaewbera over tho seeming Improvement In hla eondiUon. AT JETIltl KM CAMP. The nghtsw Goes at IHa Training Willi n Rs"lt. (By ths Associated Pre ) Ban Lomond, Calirnmia. Mar : JerTrles started ths week st his train ing camp with a ruh, aienmpltahtng full da8 work before noon. II went at tha various In-door stunts In. . . i,, - .ii, 1 " "Z ,s "f m."em1,t This waa l especially notioeahle In four rounds o( bovlng with Bob Atmtrong. Jef fries had ths negro on the run moat f ths Urns with right arms Jabs to ths neck. Mors boxing was announced fnr the afternoon session,' Jeffries declar ing ha would go a few rounds with Joe Choynskl snd Billy Papke. . When ths time -cams to pat on tho gloves, H owever. Jeffries had chstignd his aniad. His boxing Was left to Cboytn akl and Papke. while Jeffries want tor n boat rids. BUYS ESSOM iK!TF. I'tA-TW. W tsot Ttidcr lliunmer tnr glO.OOO ltonht by C J. Karris. (Special to News and Observer.) Salisbury. May I. Lifder a bid of forty thousand dollars. Chan. J. Har ris, of DlHsberu, Republican' nominee for O-veroor tn Its, bought here to Aar four bla? ntants sf the Rason Granite Ca Oranlts Quarry. Row iaa county. , Ths property included the Piacey vrnaning t'isni. me piant ei tha amartpets Btone Comoativ. the 'trunn Msunuin Granite Company snd j the plant snd'Wrorks of the Balfour Ping Granite Qusrries. Ths sale, which waa sndr a receK-ershlp, in cludes also many hundreds of seres of valuable granite beds and much costly machinery snd buildings, TTiOMAaYltl43 IXICCTIOJI. Tho -Vew Mayor -end) the- Iwasrd of Ttown t "OTtinilwaiHM-M. I Special to aad Obaerver.l' Tltomaarvlll. May t- The muni cipal election was held hfe today and everything pa seed off very quietly. The following offlcera were elected: Mayer, John It Myera: BoSrd of Commla-ainnera- I. H. Connell. J. C, Oreen. J. A. Morrla, A, P. Ragan. All are prtigreaetve buaineaa men and will gits tha town tha ensuing year good gov ernment The new officers wars reg ularly Installed tonight as this ts the BUREAU " . " "',at .Nawctjwanr. enma,. a as confirmed CUT fOUtlCil. . v Ii,l,r hv tha fionet Poltttcs was not considered In thiel e!ect1n. The beat cltittens. eenreeem M Sil Taction were nominated and. (was vouny non-parii:aa, ( pEnmnocti X Vf . . , ... Edward Payson Weston's Walking Triumph imCDLlEfli Ell Tbo Trip Mads) ta 17 Days, a Wlthos a rturalW U ths Annals ot rvidftatrtanisra IjHI Um ftng.nsi nsi aarwarr IsV-Seaolwd Ctty HsU, 's Tort, Toatorday M Tmrntf TlMoanad reopto Ctkoortbst Vstcran Walks. t- (By ths AaeoolaUd TTass ) . t Naw Tork, May 1-Cuttlac his waw through a living mass of twooty thou, sand cheering people, his whita lock harod to ths braoas aad hi ahofffingi rset ksaping ttms ts tha strains of ths "Btsr Spangled Banner." Edward Payson Weston today brought ta m triumphant and his onean to sossa walk. He asosndsd ths stona of tka City Ball at Me p. m. eotnplatlnx tho traae-contlBsntai Joornsw nf MI.1, mllasln TT walking flays, a feat wtth-. out parallel In ths annala of pdes- trttnlam Ths grlnled athlete wag welcomed to his boms city by Mayor Oaynor, who preeeated him with a puree s l00. hurriedly -raised by a handful of his admirers In ths last hours of his speotaeular walk. This and ths admiration and applause of tho thou sands who hsvs followed Ids tramp sines ths dsy of Its Inception at Los Angeles on February 1st last. Is alt ths reward that comas to tho Intrepid septuagenarian aftsr his two moatb sad mors of trudging through heal and sold sxsrssp tha snntiaaa, In the" last stages ef his Walk from Tonkert, wtiero a spent Btuaday Into New Tork Weston was tha object t an ovettos sue. as has . rarely bssA, ocwrdad to sny Individual abort sf vlctoriotis admiral or the' eolonai si a Rough Rider's regiment rton Beventy -second street down Broad way from curb to curb was Wtrh With moving thousands Intact uport keeping sight of ths white-haired lit tle man ambling' along tn his peculiar) Jerky gait Aa Weston Anally turned into City Hall Park, black with thou sands, Weston was visibly moved ami It was with dtffloulty that ho found voles to thank ths mayor for hid words sf greeting "I wanted to show to the young sters what aa old athlete of 71 years cold ds." he said. Then, from ths itsps of tits City Hall, ha thanked thi crowd for Its Welcome and sxpreased himself wall paid by thstr cheers. 1-ater la ths mayor's private offles. be wss presented with n gold ehamploa ahlp ball by President P. T. Power. A the Ksstsrn Baseball tuna re i- thfl Unvmt atg-dar go-as-j.oo-pJeaae. i . . . . ... , . , . a cnampunaaip vmi. -won OT SlassnT and Cavenaugn fa lilt and IMS. re- sportively. In welcoming Wasten, Mayor fjay-f nor said: "Mr. Weston, I am varr happy tot welcome you here and to sxpraas ap-t prsclstlon for what you havw dons., People ought to do Ilka you and Ileal as much as possibls In th open alr2 If they did many of tham would live) to be 10 yesrs old." , .1 With the apeseh over, bin Han eel snd Weston had a cup ef ta together) In the mayor's offles and tha mayor, who ts sb srdsnt Walker, sxtendadi! sn invitation for Weston to wtslt hlsl country place pn Long Island. GOV. HTJGHEB COVITRMXD. j No Opposition psivelops La tha BjmatiJ All Xnreassry Xow Is to Takoj Oath of Ottk. i ' (By ths Assoctaied Prsant J Washington, p. C- May I. Govern. or Mughea. of New Torlt. was todsv confirmed by ths Senate to b aeaoel at irjattre of the Supreme Court of ths united Elates to auocad the late Justice Brewer, M. Hughes waa nom- Inatrd by President Taft on April IS, snd favo cable action upon the nomi nation waa taken thia miming bv the Senate Judiciary Cnmmtttee te whlcra It was rafrrred. In accordance with ths reqtMet af Senator Iepew, of New York, that Governor Hughe' confirmation should bs prompt and unnumtioned, tho nomlnatinn was Immediately acted upan There was no opposition. Ths action of ths Senate completed, ths appointment of Governor Hughes to the Supreme Court bench, snd all that iii1' sow neoeeaarr to enable Mm to take the seat Is th taking of ths . oath of olflca. Kent snd Itobertsna O. K'rl. (By the Associated Press.) Wsshlngton, r. C, fay . Tha nomination of William P. Kent of Vtr-a-tnla Ka, t'nlf-rf C, . , .. .... v llllam H. Robertson, of Virrtnia I (ir-iriM I'na'ii Lrenerai at jara'er. was also confirmed to b Conaul Ota rrai at Vlllao, i'ent