:;i holds .....J! EiEflllOii ..a i.f i.UL UETSTOKT TO TliEEJilE ED 501 1 -1 , In His Spcsch at Grant Dinner In Pittsburg jlnsurncnts" iini Demo Returns I.-.dlcats O'RSedjRcctrjrwr.ts Are to Ks:?;Cr!!!!:r.t Ct:rt cf th: L!:y, r, - a Ax a : ' ( ' crats Are Successful for Governor Q;:i On Sundays I LofluE illFlLlLii 000 ! i i ! V 1 J 4 SPDXE 03 FDHBGS IFFJUBS VIoosly Dcfewded and tutor. )iHrtM PoUry wd j Flared Thaw Vhe Uen th nM doum Dijw-r it Bney Day far the ProdcBt. btm 1 star Bonk Mad M lOcacmi A4- i th Lif of GmC (By th Associated Pre.) ' Pittsburg. Pa, May 1. President Tft wM hit tw-dyt stay hi Pitts burg with speech at th Oraat Day dlaaer of the Amerlcu Club tool to whfcT deair JS6ri6Tirwrarr,, kbe foreign affairs of tha natioa. 'Th TtnIiIhiI paid a striking tribute ' U tha Secretary at Mala. Mr. Knox, who; 'was preaent Ha vigorously defended and justified lha fxTtarr'a Nloara 'gnan policy, payed thoe who terantad itba parse "dollar diplomacy," lth tha Maa at bringing contempt to a policy In which ha said tha nation la vitally Interested and concluded with tha declaration that tha racord of the "Stale Department during tha flrat ycur t tha piMl admlntatraUoa waa ana la which ha pointed with tba (raatatt arlda. . Tha Praetdnfi apaarli arauaad taa lnra to a hlf h pitch at aalhuataam. Mr. Taft had a axcaadlnglr ftuay lay and waa ttrad out whan ha ra tlrad o hoard hla prtvau ear tonlht preparatory ta lavln at l it a. in., lor OarlniuiU, whara ha hi dua to ar rtva at It II a. m4 tomorrow. , Count Voa BarnatorC. tha Uannaa Jlmhaaaador at ahlntoa. who waa la Lha prwldantlal party throufhout tha day, toft with tha Frealdant to night for Cincinnati. Tha Praatdant a day fcn with a htiaf addnaa to tha atvoaata or tna ruuvlTtsU Btata Colleaa for Wo man, whara ha told tha younp; ladlaa that ha wu aura thry wara prapar- lit thamaalviU to tako an Important part In tha nra of tha nauon, wnam ar thay wrra allowed to vota or not. Ha Mil aooka at tha rounder' tay asarclao at Carnegie Inetltuta. whara ha daclarad that In the development of tba aaethellc thte nation naa mum to Nwi from lha older countrlee of CBKBBat After luncheon at tb fnlvaralty Club, ram a lha ball aama between tha Pltteburf and rhlcato mmi vi mm National taria. , Purine hla entire a lay In I'lttaburg. Praaident Tat waa aurrounded by hundred! of policemen and plain rlotbee men. At the haaebalt H aeemed aa If half tha epetntora were ww blue oata and helmeta. Tha Prealdant waa tht tat epeaa er at the banquet. He waa preceded by Senator W. E. Borah, of Idaho, who made an tlo quenl Addreal on tha Ufa ut Orant. aWrreUry Knot and Count Vim Bern etorff alao ware amonv tha apeahera bnator Oee. T. tHIver. of Pennajl van la. waa toaitmaater. freetdent Taft declared In hie ad draaa thai; ' Xavax ttafur U tha hla Vory of the country have our rela tione with Houth American and Cen tral Amerltan Kepubllca been mora trin.tlv than the are today. B tact and diplomatic guldanca a war between Peru and Bolivia a avalde and not a httla of the credit for reachln an honorable and P''")' j aettlement aaa due to Oie emellile and etralahtforward aulfcatlona our lereury of HUte The ceuree r vur mi ipan ment with ript to certain email l-enual American Htatca haa bn aub)acted to crltlotam a hlch to ma aeema wholly unwarranted Turbu leaca and unatal.l ondllline In n tral America nrc a... .Kerennlal occu eatlon to the lpartment "f ftaie. The fteet Jiaturbar uf nNl America In re.nt ar haa been jUlata. the !rnncal and unprtn ' -tplit freaid'-nt "f the Republic of Nicaragua. 'It la uiid"ultrdl true Ibat 'he at titude of th.' I'i.HkI Klataa toward Ealaya i InJurMl hla preetlne and brought hlrn ao clearly to the bar of publi. ..iini..n of th wrJ aa an International rrlmmal thai He waa obMgcl M Mliati and leave hie fov. ernmem to a twMer man. It la hoped that the r Laleeen tha factlona la now draeiM to a . loee. and that a far betier jtuvernmeiit mev he eatabltahed which ahall have retard to the In tereet .f lt own . ttlaena aa well aa of tluw itl frien-lly natlona 'LaUe Ih.iij factlona, Madna and F.-tmla. have admitted In un Juet chars'ter of the hilllns of drove and t'nan Tin mnrrnmcnt must consider at the tr per time calling upon tha government of Nicaragua, when one an ba rec-nlvd. to make such reparation ii eh.ill a,-m to ! Juet for this iloWtWoi of American rights, and to gle adequate guaran tees for the future observance and Streanthenlng on th part of Nicara gua, the Weehlnatou conventlona. Meanwhile, pending the working out i of the Nlraraguan eiluattnn. wr hnvp saved further Invasion flf ATiric:n rlghta and hare Indlreetlv scrum eliin ed the elimination of tlaia aad of teveaun. t think any on who will analvso the Nlraraguan policy will a that It has armiptit aut lt riact and Itsat and benencleBt object "The territory that the Held of diplo macy does not Include In any degree toenmerce and the increase of trade relatione la one to whkh Mr. Knux and I tils admlnlatratlon da not eubecrtbe. We believe It to be of the utmost im portance that while our foreign policy he'ild not be tnmed a hair's breadth fro tha, straight path of Justice, tt may be well be made to Include active Intervention to-setsrw fr our mr rhandtee and our capitalists opportu nlty for pruflisb! Investmsnl which hll Inure to the benefit of both rounlrie concerned. There 1 nothing inconsistent in th pmmotlon of peecefnl retarWrs sn th BTolnotTon t trade relation.' " Asnortatrd rrra O (II err. if tPv th Aesoclated Preas. I Nrw Tor. May JuAl a meeting of th Board at Director of the Aeeo rtated Press held today at the oflk-e of the AaenctatlOQ tn'thls city 'hare wer present Vlco-preeldent Johnson ,nd Maclennan, and I 1 rector Xnreo, tteaa, Kidder. Scott, Nelson. McLean, Parr, Knapp, nark, Mctlabrhy. Rapier and Welea. B lha unanimous vote of ail th members present Mr. Metrfll K. Kt u reappointed general manager and Charles 8 lnhl, aaeuat anl general tnnrr. " E EI i:i JEOrD fl KtaaUoa fie hrrtots to the Akin. , Crowd That lb President la Notl nod at riUatmrg Ho LtlfH Uh Wrtrk ta. lb Hands of It IrTtc-ods .DlrTcs-cwe Mwni'; Uoiikc and fccnat Ar fJrc4.'" ' (Br th Associated Preea) Washington. D. C. Mar 1. Prei- deut Tart s railroad legialaiioa will b emasculated. At.th close of a protracted confer- anc of leading "regular" Republican senators tonight. It waa apparent that tha revolt ( tba Senate "Insurgents" Uee wiur ucresafntrnndthw " rsaarVlltag VI III V waeWUVBt .V tralfle a4Teenenta and merger, which Senator Cammlna and other Inaur enta have been fighting to amend will be abeuidtanad. Practlraliy amblng dletlnctlva of tha original bill will remain, aava tha aec ttona ' providing for the creation of a teurt of commarce. Even that haa had a pertloue time In tha liouea. and nobody tonight la prepared ta guar antee that tt will be enacted. In fact, the dlfferencaa between tha Senata and Houae ara ao vraat that, in view of lha radical action decided upon fey Senate leadara tonight. 1t would aorpnee nobody If tha entire bill abaald fall In conference. Ha eerioua became the altuatlon of the bill late today that Prealdent Taft himeelf, at ntalurg, Waa advlaad of tha altuatlon by Senator Aldrlch. TWO ' - Ueapalrlng of putting tha bill through the Senate In tba form la which It waa reported from tha Com' mlttee on Inter-State Commerce, tha leadera In thin conference tonight de cided to eliminate eectlnn T, which tha Inaurgenta claim practloally would have repealed tha Sherman Anti Ttuat taw by permitting traffic agree meota And aectlon II, which would have legalised mergera In eaaea where one railroad corporation awning al ready to per rent, of another desired to control outright Upon tha "Inaurgenta" tha admln latratlon will endeavor to place tha reaponeibillty for tha failure of tha Taft Railroad Legislation. To Sena tor Aldrlch over tha telephone Mr. Taft la eald ta have eipreaeed hlimwlt emphatically to thla affect: That he had Initiated tha pending meaaure and had advocated ' It throughout the country In tha form in which It was reported to tha San.' ale and that If- combination of In surgent Republicans and Democrats rendered It Impoaalbla for the Repub lican majority to enact the bill, then ha felt that tha admlnlatratlon should be relieved of responsibility for Its defeat. Hs rested the entire matter In the hands of Senator Aldrlch and hla Republican associates who ware than In conference. In the conference were Beta to re Aldrlch. Elktns, farter. Kean. Crane, hoot OurtU, rilnt Brandegee, Lodlte and from time to ttma others' of the Republican leadara. a7,.X ed,y eatopped from Daaa ng the Mil In in Torm in wnim i iher wbthad. lhadsnlniatratlon s Benalora at once lgmn ki formula- tlon of Plan, through wajch they will . ... ,. k- ... ( tha in.,ir. i gent Hepubllcans tha chance to claim j lmJr"t1r,' . "" direction of a . lean-cut victory for themaelvea. the wind la Indicated by arrows, while The even wor an air of Jubilation , the state of the weather whether tontfcht over the proepects of putting dear, cloudy or partly cloudy being theHnsurgent" ta rout In the pend- Indicated by symbols. Ing Vummlns amendment to tha trs ! The renters of area of low barome fic agreement section, which will 1 j t or general storms are Indicated by the first matter voted upon when tha the word "LOW." and the canters of bill la aaatn taken UP. probably bmur- FHiHTtSU WHITE PXAtil'K. Meeting of National Asa-Mta'am for e PrewenUoa and Hupv region of Tabrex-ariiela. y th Aasoclated Press ) Washington. D, C, May : - -Resolutions favoring ths eetabllahlng of a public health department, aimllar to the preaent government departments nppoelng the action of the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Kkamlner ex cluding from practice In that Hlale all physicians who bavs suffered at any lime from tuberculosis, and alan ths Nebraska law which requires indi gent tuberculosis patient to take the serum eouree of treatment were adopted at tonight's eslon of ths National Aeaoclatlon for th suppres sion and prevention of tuberculosis, which today begun a Iwo. days' session In this city Delegates were preaent from all ymrt of th country Interested In the flaht asalnat th hlta plaau Dr. r K. I'rsnkel. of New Tork. superintendent of the Industrial I partment of one of the large life In surance companies of ths United State, spoks tonight on "Insurance Against Tuberculosis " The moot Important topic discussed at the day session waa "A Budget and ! Program for a Ijoglcsl Antl-Tubercu-loels Campaign." th principal address on this subject being by James Jen kins, Jr., of I'rooklyn. secretary of ths Tuberculosis tVmmllte In that city. "AMttei RARER. Adn) Totier Arfreid on Charge of rrtntlllg IKlTn Muraien, (B yth Associated Press,! Richmond. Va., May 1. Adon A. Toder. publisher Of a weekly pamph let her, waa arreeted today on a warrant sworn out by the chief of police, charging him with printing matter tending to oorrupl youth, and win be arraigned In tha police court tomorrow. He waa recently convicted la tha police court of criminal libel, fined lit and eentenced to srrv I days In Jail. lie appealed to the Rusting court, where he wae convicted after a sen sational trial and fined It and con fined in Jail tor fifteen data. Th section ef th cod und.a- which he haa now been Heeeted. prescribe penalty ef 1201 fins and imprison ment in Jail for ens ear. Misses Jee Whitehead and Grace Wllllama, of Wilson, ara her for th Mualo Fetrmnl. Will1'; luiililWliii sirens; thee te aerv, the raedea, ta vital ferce and awild ap ta eeor aooy. VOTE FD3 OTHER CFFlGEfiS Caart for Raroad .Ctanimlaaloner ) and Htata Trrnaarar la Donbt Tboj I Rnca la the Firth ton get aalnnal IMa. trfct Kcema te Hay IWn Won by toogTieainan d. Tfaotnaa Uefllav. (By tha Assoc lated Press.) Montgomery, A leu. May !. Cn officlal ret u ma Indicate that Cpunat A. O'Neal, of Floranca and K. P. Thomas, of Eufaula. wara nominated in a primary election today by tha Uemocrata of Alabama, to be governor and lieutenant governor, respectively, of tba State,- O'Neal made tha race on tha local option platform. He was oaa of thd moot active opponent or tne State wide prohibition amendment In tha re cent campaign. , indication ara that Thomas oe feated hla opponent VV. IX Seed, of Tuacaiooaa by a majority oven larger than that given O Neat Early re turns Indicate tha aoralnatlon of tha following: Cyrua B. Brawn, for secre tary of State; C. B. Smith, fur State solicitor; H. C. Brlcfcrlt, for attorney general; Henry j. Wlltlngham, for superintendent of education; Reuben jr. Kelp, for eommlsstoaer of agri culture; J. R. bowelt chief Jus tice of th Supreme court; John C Anderson and Ormond Somarrllla. for Aaeoclaie Justice . of tha Supreme court, and John It. Bankhead, for United States lien tor. Tha aonteat for railroad eommia sloner and Stat treasurer are. la doubt Ieon McCord la nominated, undoubtedly with th aecond - place, between Maa Hamburger, frank Ja Itan and B. P. Kennedy. For treasurer, John Pnrafoy appear to be In tba lead with Wilkinson running strong. Tha race la tha fifth congressional district, tha only contested district la the Btata eeema to have beea won by ('engreeamaa J. Thomaa Heflln, al though hi opponent Judge A. J. Driver, haa polled a baary vots. r TO PUlUSHljiPS GAILY IMIXRMATIOX WinCH WILL HELP THE READER TO MORS 1 TK1JJ G ETTTiT AS8IMILATK THE REPORTS. TJja dally commertuU map of tha United Btatea Weather Bureau will be printed htreafter la tha Nawta and Oh. enrver and will give tha telegraphlo reports up to I p. in. Theee ra porta consists of obaervatlon of tha barom etar. tha velocity and dlrectioa of th wind, th amount of rain and all other Information heretofore furnish ed on the mapa that have been aent oat to-person a on tha mailing Hat I Ths solid line, or teabore drawa j across lha map take in all portions i that have tha aama atmoapbari praav -f. . . tXSL -- -- - - - baromster. Tha dotted lln or la- oinenn, are orawn eo aa mi emorare I"''1"? JFEaSSI a line being drawn for aero and frees- areas or mgn paromeier oy me worn HIQH." Th general movement of low and high la eastward and In their progression they ar similar to a aeries of atmosphsrlc wave, th creets ef which sr designted by high. Theee high and lows have sn average movement eastward of TOO dally. In advance of a low lha winds are anutherly or easterly and are there fore usually warmer. When the low lista east of a plars. ths wind shift to westerly or northwesterly, with low er temperature. Tha eastward ad vane ef a low Is Invsrlably preceded and attended by precipitation and la uauallv followed by clearing weathsh By hearing In mind the usual move ments of highs and lows ths general conditions of ths weather may fre quently be foreseen. T CHILDREX OP CETTFA'SIAL SCHOOL AND METHODIST OR PHAXAGK ATTEND TODAY'S PROGRAM. Th children af the , Centennial school and th Methodist' Orphanage were at tha Tuberculosis Exhibition yesterday. And thsr wer other folks loo. Then there wer meeting, and talk, and etereopticon addressee. and demonstrator. A faithful corps of helper wer on duty most of th day and evening to look after people j an1 () ln.Wer questions and da every- thing poaaibl to have tha exhibition be of th greateot good. . There wer question at most of ths meetings of tha day many of them. Moat could be ana wer ed to tha satisfaction of those who asked them. whll some neeessUslsd refaranoo tea th examlnatmn of particular patlenu ehlcle passed over has body. Th or special combinations of circum- i hor continued on It way to tne mill, stance. "If you don't know, then ' to which place tt had beea accustomed ask quatlona., Is th motto of onel'" golnr occasionally aad at am yen cart cf every axhlbltloa meeting . there without Its owner. Iir. w. a, Rankin discussed "W hat we are Doing Agalnat Tuberculosis. " and Prof. v. A. wiiners preeenlel "Th. K-H, of Right Uvinf , the bnvanlliia nf Tliharculoals " n ft I-. ; .' . served a chairmen of th twe meet ing. Tweaday's Prngram. Exhibition open all day and vn Ing. Hteraoptlcen, morning and aflsr Boon. !: p. Wilder stheol. I; 10 p. m , public meeting. . 1:1 p. nv public meeting. ' i aw i i eonrluetoa. . cal reputausa I already hiwh and le A Aa Fxnrrt Witness. Hamilton late thl averting md , certain t grww Thoee who beard , "'-7 several oneu.cesaf il attcmnta to .wer h'm last night w1!l be l4 to hear Mr. -rt.M -Allen. State rood Cheni-it srarld's n mils rscorda, , hwa agal tnjs afternoon and ,to lt I not m Aahevlile, where he is t Im ximm for th " mile wa J night to appear a an expert witness In th j j ! The fetivsTTorceafe wnrklng In Federat court In a cas In which P'tcr Tomorrow h promise to clip at t first rate harmony, and during Ihe Reman is rhwged with the manufne- j least severe I .-nni1 from the two 1 remainder of tha festival maj- b x tn re and sale of oleomargarine alih-) mil record "d " attempt to break t pelted evoet eva tbemseivea. The Out llcena. IKE C7.-5 " ST0HESL . TC3 Dttrham round That tad Waa on Too Tight I Aa llarlhSkaa. the I'aforta- ate Girt, the Victim as Her rncte, HilaaM lllfh. Die aa th Rraalt of Tbrtr NnPurj Tax WrO Paid rp (Sparlai to Kerns and Observer.) Durham. Mar I. Before th Board of Aldermen tonight attorney ap peared aaktne that reatrtctloosu dnder which th rNiAuranta run oa Sunday be removed. Th aldermen paaswd aa ordinance ton.ght re-oj-aning th drug atore and rvetaurvnt . Xtrug atorea to obaerv Sunday hours, restauraata to remain epen. , Ida II ark ham. tha alxtaea-year-;d girt peduoed by .bar sacla. Hitman High, who staco waa convicted and M u th read for all year, died laat night In Wake couaty, becoming a mother of a child of their aln. The g'.rl I reported by her parent today a testifying In her laat hour of her agony, that liigh forced her to yield t film at th point of a pistol. She waa th daughter of 1. C Markhata. a prosperous tobacco farmer of Wake. Tha two eloped ftept,mter of laat rear and were caaght la Rich mond. Tbe hartal take place tomor row. Durham people ara mora than Inter, (etc In tha Methodist Cenferoac thla week -at Ashevtllo. This city haa one of the poeatble btahope In Rear. J. C. Ktlgo, perhopa tba ablest pulpit orator la th Southern Methodist church.. - At tha elosa af th tax book to night Sheriff Harward foand th poll better paid than they had beea at any time sine th . flea age of the amendment At thl writing no Republican can didate ha been sprung. It assnn that they will wait antll tha Dam, erat meet la their Jan convention. a custom her. While all candidate war safely elected two year ago. a o body bad a majority to brag about Th electioa thla year ahould not be ao cloee since th Democrats ar aot divided greatly. Tha graduating recital at Mr. Orm Edward of tha Southern Conserva tory of Music will take place Wed nesday night of thl week la th Au ditorium of th Conservatory. EUSS WM IS BIIEO PtiAXT Or THE PTTTSBCRQ PLATE CLASH COMPANY DE8TROTED Lot tLado.tao , UXX OCT OF EMPLOTMUTT. (By th Aaaooletad Preea) rord City. Pa.. May 1. Th fac tory of th Ptttabarg Plata Olaas Com pany, located hero, waa destroyed by fire tonlaht The loan I estimated at ll.le.. Out of a popalattoa of l.0. In th community. ma are thrown out of oraployment It la believed that the Are started In the polishing pit by friction la th poltahtng wheels. Three lira companies on a special train were rtfhed from Klttannlng, and three others cam from Wlcks toro. A poor water aopply hampered the fir fighters, aad two hours after the fir started tha entire oonuaaalty waa threatened with destruction. I Ale tonight it was learned that John Bible, fifteen years old, was mlaatng. Hs had started for the glaaa plant with hla .ether's lunch, and haa aot been seen rlnce. It I feared he baa loot hla Ufa j in th fire. j GRIUTKbT ASSET Or THS RKPl'BUCAN PARTY. , T1k Way That Word Crtmaoa VVw ; th lae-vatloa of Uaghca to b preen Coawt HraM-. New Torn. Mas I. W ar about to lose from political lif th greatest aaeet ef th Kapubllcaa party," aald iJoyd C. Orlaaom. Praaident ef the New Tork Repubtlcaa County Com mittee, speaking tonight at tha din ner gives him by th ReUlcaa committee of th tth assembly dis trict of Oovernor Hugh, "It at dif ficult to over-estimate hla loan, bat the greater lb Ins th greater tha reaponeibillty of tha organisation t carry tha party burden." he added. Attorney-Oeneral Wlckereham da fended the National administration, which kt euoreeding to aa ara of at tack on epertal prlvlte. "I aot running amuck." h aald. "among the legitimate bueln e Interest" PROCEEDED WITHOUT DRIVER. Fanurr faUa Dead rroea Wagoa WhUo feotng MUX Mintroaa. Va.. May . Th arrival of aa lntsltlgt bora, drawing a wagoa filled wit hag of com bat car rying no driver. In front of th grtat mill In th hamlet of Potato Mill, near here, Satwrday, led th miller aad hi men to make aa laveetlaatioo whkh rewulted la the discovery of Captaie Wtn. AnadaJe. a prominent farmer of WestmoreUnd enemy, dead In the road some distant away. Captain Anadale had left hie horn to lake the corn to the mill and It Is supposed h waa as tea d with aa attack of heart troubls ta which a waa sub ject He had fallen from hla seat the waa-ea aad toe waeeia m toe tUPLAAE ITdUaTTS. , twim let tmw , j? ITaVuII. I " " ' " . ' . . .. , Atlanta, tea- ir S. harte K. HamUtonv ta a Curt tea wpta. maoe eight auceeeaful ft trna aero tooee at Ihe Atlanta avlatl"" speedway reurae on three of which be carried a alegle passenger. In "'" twenty horse power ft P. AwtomobHo. driven hr i John Juhuaf.ed feer mile. Hamilton wwn oy wootii -a varita. v time w "- ' " I ..h.a (h. crowd and tha vl- Itor waa given a great ovation at lis i mill th quick etart record. W illi Mar, Joanne JotneiU, Mr, Frank Croktoa, the Plusbavg Festival Or- , rfcrstra and the Raleigh Cboral Bo : ctcty Citing a Great rrograia Last Nlt Thcra WIS Bo OUxw ijnl- I rat Anlat at.th CepcrtiJi TWaj i Aftrrnoon and Tonight at the) Acad- J cxay af Maalr. . . -: -.. , . . I The best music festival la the hi, tory of Raleigh waa opened last Bight with a flrst-rat concert to an audi ence which filled the Academy ef Mu sic from th cboral society's -bleachers' almost to the door. , There waa nothing cheap or Ill-prepared In tha whole concert, and It would have been worth a Journey to hear. Thoas who took part were th Ralelrh Choral So cietv. th Pittaburg Festival Orches tra, Madame Jeanne Jomelil soprano; Mr. Prank Croston, toe;, and - Mr. M1RS LILL A SAELLTKO Tha Inarming Contralto Appeartng r. ka Th Maaac lntivai. Prana Kohlar. vloilotst Tha various anmbera wer conducted by Mr. Carl Bernthaler, of Pittsburg, aad Mr. Wad R. 'Brown. useful and hon ored ClUaea of Raleigh. The weatner aa excellent, th audience waa satis fled and restful, and th program waa both liberal aad happily arranged, Th pro ram opened with -the ever, tuf to Wbra opera "Dr rrie chuetx." by th orchestra under Mr. Bernthaler' s very poalUv and xprea aiva waad. wblch appeared V faacl aata tha choral aaciety people en their hard bene he a much aa If they had been nmong the orchestra play era. The orcheetra gav. by .way of an encore, Mosakowakl's graceful ser enade. . t . la the second1 number Mat Bruch'a "Pair Ellen.' tha audaanc heard tha choral aorlety, tha orchestr. Madams Joraelll, and Mr. Croxtrm. with Mr. Brown aa conductor. Thla remarka ble cantata, founded on th story of th relief of Lorhnow, with "The Campbell Are Coming.' for Its mu sical theme, waa admirably suited sot only to th choral society but also to th voice of th soloist. Tha can tata was wall received, and was a for t a aat aletlon. After ths cantata cams two orchestra numbers'. Mini net's "Last Sleep of th Virgin"; for muted string, and Victor Herbert's gay' and characteristic "Badinage." In th fourth number Madame Jo melll appeared In an aria from Masse net's "Thais," with orchestral accom paniment conducted by Mr. Berntha ler. The andlenc Insisted oa having an encore, and tha alngr responded. The one Instrumental aolotat af th evening was the concert master of tha ere hears, Mr. Fran Kohlar. who had established a re petal Ion aa a violinist m Raleigh a year ago. Hla two um ber whlrh appeared on tha printed programme wer an Adagio by Rle aad i Qypeev Dane by Saraaata. - In addition lo these. Mr. Kohlar played McDowell s "To a Wild Ros.- Thee violin piece wr among 'tha beat number of th evening '" Madam Jem el II appeared Wert to Ihe delight of very body, and particu larly of th Choral Society people. In a group of four aongt with two an rorea: Aa India aong. "The Moon Drop Low." by Cadmanf "Baby," by Mr Beach; Three Owleae," by Lrh Baaaa; "Tha Curko, aarain by Leh man: "Win o' th Wisp. by some body who aim th reporter and hi neighbor did not know; and "Annie laurte," which laat appeared ta giv more delight and that ta saying a good desj-e-thaa any of th other. Th ercheotra gav for th nrntt number two selection from Moss kowakl 'Hull of Ait Natlona," and played a lively dearrlptlv pteoe, "At th Mill,' for aa encore. Th laat Iteen, bt , on th pro. gramme waa a Parcarolle by Cheml- aada for two voice, which, to th treat happlnee of the audience, wer thnee ef Ma.lame Jomelil and Mr. Croxton. , For aa encore number, they gave another atans of th earn composition, wln a aomewnat a irr ev ent ending. The concert concluded nth Mg and happily ehoee chorus wtth. orrbeetra, the march) and ehoru. "Halt Brig Abode," from Tana haaeser." The tw solo singers who appaired !"t night answered every expectation. Madams Jomelil ta aa operatic So prano of th best type, with the pres ene of a bom slrgef. and with a mnet wonderful Voice, pure, flexible,! natural and srmpatheUr. Her sing ing was rare and great tiring, for ch singers at hard to hear except In th big iper hootM. Tbt Mr. Brown suceeided In getting iladam jomelil m lo be hs recorded aa aa ha prouii af. Mr. arntevemeat to b prou Croxton I a slrr-r of es reputation . than: Madam Jomelil; but hi moel- heral Societ- wkhg la t b heard - st I.OVS, MISMS AND After t ,...ig tlx) frco TUBERCIXOMS EJI'TRITION are Our Ii Of OlltiKDS aitd SUTTERS for Roy, WL-vc and noidrrn, ahlch la Umi tnuat complete Uim rtcr carried la tha Hty. Latc lausta, patrnia, . gun mrtsvlt, V Ida and tana, Three are carried fa narrow and wld aldtha. al-o In all of tlie'yarioai tor). . ....... . : , PO OL & CRO CKER l' ' . "WK FIT THE FEET. .,' . 10ft ritUle6rjrt . R-UijIOH, N . C, " again tonight ahows tha evidence of a year's good training undrr Mr. Brown, and know now to sing wun unanimity and clean tone. . It 1 an organisation which - haa don much for Raleigh at the expense of a Very conalderabla contribution In both tlms and money. Ths Choral Society big work, which haa been In prepara tion for iom month, will b Men- delmohn'a "Hymn of Pral tonight Th full programme for th rsmalndsr of th festival with a flut and harp duet added tonight for good pleasure la at follows: . l SECOND CONCERT. - Tacadajr Aflernooo May S, at Throe- amriy vcioca. PitUburg Festival Orchestra, Carl Bernthaler, conductor. ' Soloists: Mmt Alloa MerrlU-Cochran, Soprano; Miss Lllla Knelling, contralto; Dr. Franklin Lawson, tenor; Mr. Prank Croxton, baas; Mr. Frits Ooerner, cel list . , - y , ' . . IVngram. 1. Overture Midsummer Night's Dream Mendelssohn. Orchestra. 1. Aria Depult Is Jour, from "Louise Charpntlr. Mm. Mtrfltt-Coch- ran. L Aria Ah: Mon PUa. from "Pro- Phet" Meyerbeer, Mis Bnelltng. i. gymphonlo Poem The Moldeau Bmetana. Orchestra. I. Aria "Clelo , a maf from "La Oloconda PonchlellL sDr. Law- son, . (a Hear Ma T WTIndt and Waves HandeL (b Old Bcotch Tradl- lionat (0) Boat Song War. Mr. Croxton. - 1 : t, MdltaUo--Maaaiiat Mr. Ooer ner. : r -. . ' it 4 v I. Pplnlng Quartetta, from Martha Plotow. Mm. MaTTllt-Cochrtui, Miss BnalUng, Dr. lawson, Mr. - Cvexton. . .. . - -a. fi'Prelud v Day MlstrUng-ei Wagnsr. 'Ortihestra. " ! ' t THIRD CONCERT. Tnasday JewlnV May. 4e sdJP thirty O'fhn-k, Th PlUaburg Featlvsi Orchestra, Carl Bsrnthaler, conductor; Tha Ral sigh Choral Society. Wads R- BrowaJ. coodactor. , . t Sololatsi Mmt. AIlcs'Merritt-Coch. ran, soprano; Mies IJllla Snelllng. contralto: Dr. Franklin Lawson, tenor; Mr. Frank Croxton, basa , Prosrram Part Oaa, llraiq of prie Mendelssohn. tVlo- IsU: Mm. Alice Cochran, soprano; ' MM I.UUa Snelllng, contralte; Dr. Franhlla Iawson. tsnor Choral Society and Orchestra. Mr. Wad B. Brown, conductor. ' , - . Part Twex. I. Ovsrtur Egmont Beethorsn. Orchestr. f, DuV frrom Oarden Seen. Pauat Oounard. Mm. Merrttt-Cochrsjl and Dr. Law-son. S. SeigfrtadiJdylb-Wagnar,,. Orchet- tra. 4, Trio from Faust Oounod. Mma. Merrttt -Cochran, Dr. Lawson, Mr. Croxton. I," Church Seen front Crler1a Rua licsns Maacagnl. - Mm.' Merrltt Cochran, Mlas Knelling. Choral So clsty and Orchestra. fi.4S.RJlILWAY.PRQPErlfY TURNED OVER TO NEW CORPO RATION WHICH WILL BE KNOWN AS THE NORFOLK SOrTRERX R.VILWAY. fBy lha' Associated Press ) Richmond. Vfc, May I. All of tha line, equipment and other property of ths Norfolk and Southern Hallway Company, which waa recently sold un der a judrmeat of the U. S. Circuit Court today passed Into ths hand of a new rorpo ration, known as th Nor. folk and Southern Railroad Company, A. charter for tha new company was Issued by th Stat Corporation Com mleston today. Under th charter, which I. mad perpetual, mortgag bonds may be Is sued not to xrsd tll.t00.eoO. All th stock Is common, and no pre fer rJ stock la allowed to ba Issued without th consent of atockholdera In possession of not less than threo- fettrtb of th stock, Thl. action terminate a Inn. aerie of Irgel profeedlrg. Involving the fore cloeure of a tnortgar on the property, comprising many miles of road la Vir ginia and In North Carolina. Death of Mr. MOrarhy, - New haa been received bar of th death Sunday night of Mr. A. S. McOeachy. of FavettevIDe, a -brother nf Dr. ft S. McOeachy, of thl city. Mr. Mctleachy had Just returned to hi home In Faysttevlll from the Weev eherr h had " tpenT several year , i Eaatera League. Rorhester t; Jeraay City J. providenc I; Buff din t. . 1 . 1 n. a a S. UM.t.,.1 L; Newark t Toronto . I Thin? Pale? Cm.! f, j, w ' ass-a- Z-J CHILDREN GOEfiSIflTHEFI'EiS DENIED THAT UK CAMS TO OR GANIZE A SEW PARTY, BUT , TH.1T HE WAS ITUttTINQ Pot EQUALITY AND JUiiTICE. - ' (By th Asaorlated fess.) St Louis. May J. amuel Oomptr, president of the America Pedwathie of Labor, In aa address before rat Joint convention of Farmers' Unloai mnigat seniea tn report that hs caawj to organise a new political party, bat declared that "when organised Indue, trial workers and organised fares- will stand shoulder to shoulder, is fighting for equality and Justice, ikes wiu coma a new dispensation aad t new order of things, Th unrest throughout th country la not a protest of poverty and sue. ery." h said, "but It la th protest sf intelligent and progrssalv men sad women. That there ara poverty asd misery 1s undeniable. We need set go far to find a myriad ef sna and women begging and pleading for work Id spite ef eur boasted prosperity. Hi men and busy children are u in dent indictment of our present ear condition -Ths high cost ef living, laid at th door of tha farmer and wag earner by our opponents.' Is due la other causes entirely, true opponents want to pray for as five m In ate a weak, and pray upon at lha rest of th week. 1 "l be growing together of rgaatd labor and tha farmer means tha cod of tha battle between dollar aad ki man'ty and th and of U-struggle of age t free th industrial worker frewi being pound ta th aoit Oa the berisoa can be seea-4h dawa of a nlw day, when shall b ushered In tat real brotherhood of man." . PREPARING UH ODD TUAOW1 Ooi Joerph ' R. RuMneoe) DeHven SplevMNd Add ilresa at leuaing of PUa- till High BrJeaot, (Special to "aws and Obeerver.) Ooldabore, May I. Cot Jossph t Robinson, editor of tha Argus, has ac cepted ' an Invitation ' from Thomaa Rurfln Chapter, Daughters of ths Cea federacy to deliver th oralis s at Memorial Dag, la thla city. CeL Koblnson la a most plsaslng apeaker. and a rare treat kt In Mors for thsss who hav th pleasur of attending th xarclsea Th chamber of commerce ar pre paring to gtv th delegate to th 8tau Orand Lodge of Odd Fellowa which meets her early la May, a royal reception. Among other thing th chamber will gtv th delegate an open air barbecue. Th chamber also has mad preparations for a royal reception to the State Undertaker Association which aneets her nest week. Mr. Elton Wilson, on of Oolde boro't popular and highly young maa. aad Mle Hel Vinson, a popular aad accomplished young lady stenog rapher, wars tnarrlsd at tha restdenc at the bride's mother, Mrs. J. V. Vin son, Saturday morning. Hv. D B. Tattl. of St Paul church, officiating Th happy young rouple I ft e the noon train for a bridal trip t Ashe villa and other points ef Interest Thursday was a big day In PUevilk ths occasion being tha closing trclss of th rikavlll High school, which waa one of tha moot tuocrsafol In th history of th school. The erat nr of th day waa Cot Joseph Boblnaoa. editor .of the Ooldabor Dally Argus, who delivered a great speech and from start to finish hs held th closest attention of hkt cul tured audlenca Th entire town wat out to hear him, every tor be tuf closed during the time of hla addreov ' , AT CENTRAL CHURCH. The) Foarth Illustrated I more ta Mle-dnnary Coarse aat TharaJsJ Night, Tha fourth lertur In th Central church Illustrated course of mlaalo dry lacture will b give Thureoar May i. at ( p. m. Th subject si Ths Man from Italy." Starting I England th picture give a tour of Holland. Switzerland, and France t Italy. This I th moat picture rv1 "L.Z" I,." .TaV 7ke . t.-.. ..... . ,.i w wUal sr Italian at home newt Hut New fork In the sterg of an oceaa liner, the through tha Immigrant station at F.UIt Island and then through several Italian colonies In New Tork and Chi cago. Tha lecture la crowded with Infor mation on lb social and relleioat phase of th Immigration probleia Th picture ar all colored and the very firat else. The hymn. or Ate, wlil h ung. ilAetrated rTJ twelv magnificent dissolving patst Infft, Tr Aassat In RvlvsJ. . HT. Harry M. North, V1. Edenton Ptreet Methodist rhnrck H" gone to Wilson to assist Rr. O Smith In a revival meeting, , AU ma dove titlly rjred. thla. tilt. errveui? Aad to got tnnw bi W Thtn t afreet h, Tour doctor. Ak hftspinu,, JfArer'gnoo-tlcokor Ah hftepfntoa f Ayer'a noo-jc 'fenr !'erf!v. (n ,j4 , tflms- teate. Het.

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