0 J , 1 THE WEATHER Mkmt Wdnclar, fuJ. lowed by fair, cooler; Thursday fair, warmer In resteTn portl'm; mourat to north!- wind. ,f flu. saw . , I )-., 1 If v l J " U, nri!t-i't 11 v vii o V 4 haliiigii, x. c, v j:dm: day mokntno, may 4, ioio PRICE 5 CEXTS Leads all North Carolina Dailies M News CircM atfloe llllESIDIO IE 111Q DILL te and Ho'jss Both Busy With Auger SECTI0:iS7A':012 GUTCUT H Mrl Referred to the Traffic Agree ment Provision Ti Latter Would Hate permitted Any Railroad ' trnwlng SVty Fr Cent ' Another Bead to Absorb It Section Prohlb Itiaf ' Hlft-har lUle for a Short ! Haul Titan Long Haul Adopted. ' ' (By the Associated Press, y Washington, D. C.May 1. The dlamantllng of the Administration rail road bill proceed la both houtei of Congress today.;; , Section 7-the traffic agreement provision wa eliminated by both Senate and Houset the Senat struck : out also aectlon 12, which would have . permitted any railroad .owning . .fifty par cent of another road to absorb It altogether. Te7ct,on prohibiting a railroad to charge a higher rata for a ahort haul than for a long haul waa adopted by the Houae la form report ed by the committee on Interstate . Commerce, but with an additional pro. vlsioa for an Instigation and report : to Congress by tha Interatata Com. mere Commlarton on the fact relative 1s the lone; and ehort haul question. There Is no aectlon corresponding to this in the bill aa It Is pending In the rnt; hut an amendment offered by Ketiuor Heyburn today to modify the extatinf law to similar effect precipi tated an extended debate, which waa still in progress .when the Senate ad' , Jeurned. . v i Strictly speaking, each houae today u boring hole in a separata bill the inflate In tha Renal bill Intro Cured by Senator Elklna; the Houae In the House bill tntrdueed by Rep teutatlv Tow mend but the bills t the ' outset were Identical; thvnth Oicy were made . . differ. ent In ve.rtout respects by the commlt . tr! . i, ri-nrt-iwl Hit-ru. Eeu. li Ver- ot t . bin I m yet to be fawd n Its own houae and then will have to uudi-rpo tiia temiur mercies -of the ether. V, eether either wilt ever emerge fnim the flnil stage f Joint tonferenrn ts a thing nobody la pre-, pared Jvt now to prophesy. NVver rtnee It was reported to the Senate some nln weeks ago, has the bill moved nng with such celerity as leday. The entire program outlin es at yesterday"! conference of re puhllean leaders wss carried out and rittoded. In rapid succession the t'titamlas and the Crawford-EIklns mnlmetita to the finance committee provision, mere withdrawn and the en tire merger provisions strickea out The Clay amendment striking out the agreement provision waa accepted without division and thla action waa followed immediately by the addition t a motion by Henator Nelson, strlk l"f out without division section It, hH rovers the nuesUons of mergers. X, Hryburn then precipitated the obt f tae (jBV hy presenting an anendmeat prohibiting a greater for ihort than for lonr hauls. In Jirrort of his amendment. Mr. Hey. burn presenting; many Inetances of al . l'ged. dlactimination. Admitting that apparently there are aome eaaew nf Injuattce, Mr. Aldrlch I4 the trouble was to find a remedy. Ieelarlng thst roanv cities, ouch as JL lsui. Kansas city and lnver had area built up by the railroads, he lied Mr, Heyburn whether he advo cated their annihilation. In the Inter. fur I net an re, of some unknown JrV Idaho. He declared that Mr. Jlejhtirn s contentions, carried to their h-IHImsta eeault. would convert the great central part of the country Into a harr waate. "That la the old alren song." re P"ded Mr. Heyhum. He would not admit Its applicabili ty, and declared that If the terminal rhanres Of the railroads were fsir and remunerative, there could I no In joeilce In charptng the same price lor a ehorter haul The Hevburn amendment was still mjder consideration when the Senate adjourned. . , Voting was begun on amendments he bmg and short hsul aectlon .v .., hours' debate upon It la -ne House. l. JL li ,0 ,B mndni nt b Mr. 'Urtv. f Teta a, to strike out the prT.e,n perrolttlna- the Interatats ,,l!m,'' 'omnt.ton to permit the "ir, of ,. thrr,UK1i ratw In view cornpetltms, was dlsgreed awli fr,,0B dialing to the long and .2 11 elane. , -M then agreed w m practically the form In whkh ,1 rP"rted. As sirreed to by tZa. th too permiU rsli ," to charge low rates for a lot.g m view Pf m competition arlL!r "'n ,o,r, r' h bMn ,1? br Interstate Commerce - ProvlaUw ant heetln t m .re"U between raUToa.la then MM,! Un Mr Townaend, of vidin " ufr''r', amendment pro- J' in f any such ssree than w""l'd reault In higher rates tate r,,'",ir charged, the Inter. SnitL, f'min,r!; commnwlon should effecr th rate.. . t,efra ,.r became intm Mr' '8r'in- f footh !" thal.t"1 'H.lte vrovidlng r"' rna.le t, trufve seree- !! h"n,'l he enroi e. bv the com. n7-r'B ''for beromlfg eSecttve In nincea. ft v..t f , tn Mr. Martin t c '" dlcr.. nf I Itren,.n, 1 'e smen.lmer '. fered as i the entire ," ' "f 119 r-'i-A to. Hiutilln,na a o.jr"l.r -.'the Jiad-j "T (if U e ti. tH . n.Tg.n, I .-m i n a r.' , SENATOR LORIMER AND OFFICIALS . INVESTIGATING ERICERV SCANDAL 1 V y SS GREAT CONFEREflGE! 7 &h OFTHEMETHODISTS .... . . v f Will Begin At Ashevills ' This Morning DELEGATES PDURIKGiH AM Bhshopsi Present Estvp Biahop IlUgcrakl-Wlio It to Pired VU1 'o Arrive, Owing to PacMe Con.! dIUon AdJress) of Bishop Usos) , Concurred Is) by Um Otber Bbthopa Will Be DcUvcresl This Morning. ' (Special to New and Observer.) Ashevll K. C. May I. From all parts of the country, where there la a Conference of the Mettiodist Episco pal Church, South, delegates have poured Into the city today for the Quadrennial General Conference, which begins IU three weeks aessloa tomorrow morning at I c'clock. Bishops Wilson Hendricks, Key. Candler, Morrison. Hose and Atkins are hare, but Bishop PHsgerald. It Is feared, will not arrive, aa he la Very feeble. Fourteen extra Pullmans have arrived In the city, each with lie full quota. Going several mile out from Aahsvltle. each train waa boarded by a recsptioa commutes and the hand ling of the delegate was thus greatly facilitated. The headquarter ef the conference are at the Battery Park Hotel where all ot the bishops and correctional of fleers and about two hundred of the delegates are slopping. Ths delegates of the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences arrived today and are at the Battery Park tibial. -Rverytftlng to In readiness for the opsnlng session. - The address of Bishop Wilson, eon. furred In by all the othar bishops, will be delivered at thr- morning session and It la espected that besides die raaslng the history of ths church. Its pro trees in recent j-ears, etc., be will touch upon some of the mors impor tant queetlons that will come op for discussion. , His sd drees will probably contain a recommendation as t the nnmber of bishop the conference should elect. ' A meeting of tbe Board of Fdues- i.., , .... .. ""ti. i " - ternoon and their report compiled la to be made to the conference. , ; nnu, ITATE SOLD. T,,J htrjtrr rrcTrtv sf,Itoi.lnj "" Imin f-ol.i fe li.BJi. ' Ruckttighein, N. i May very valuable plecwi of reel estate changed hHjida at puhllc acaln her , Mt . r .4 . . erdar. "amon them belrg the ; Whlte.ker uropertr on nffh im which waa bid In hr fiherlff HlpeoBfn rr mf Flot for I5 15 A mnoth ago thU prop- On yewerdav a wagn, .nt frr ertc was eold for .llvtaion and brought ' ihem nrd ther wre ( .od n and li t?, but ens of ths nlilwrs leter ierred r. the h.,m ef tbir fahr s rted the bid. ablch neceitate. afreets Is Nah fosmr, r -r ah. re-aaie. Hberiff ll'non will Improve vile. fVfor (casing the cm- !or tbe pr..perv end tt wltl be one ..f the ; Tborne diked eer i of thn e, K moat deairable ete In the tosn. i new suiting, wn-ch in' ludej ai-: arel m mm m I from heed to f ct Tisrbev-wo tmt Itrwnra-b k New, . Wihaton-Saiem. Mir p.t "W j, ,(v a "barbeene and Kr;mvn k .t.. at b.:en rrk. hih n on. Hit- f,,, - 1y, Mv 7. 111. In honor of the : deleeatee attr-dm the ftnte I'.inrm. : rir.n of the Sonh t.'amMr l"iaiei Trvers Prc!e tivs 1- a-.lc of j Am?ii-s. EEliZiXTO EXPLODES 0E MAX IS IXyrAXTLY &.IIXKD, "AJf OTHER ' Kl.RIOrSLY : MAX . - mlD AVD A SCORE or OTUKRS VERIorSLT BllOiKD. By the Associated Press ) . FhJUdelphla, Pa May J. One ma wss Instantly killed, another waa seriously mangled and a score ef oth er were seriously burned today when a i.eo gallon tank of ben cine ex ploded Ire the extracting house of the M.-L. shoemaker Company's fer tiliser plant. East Venango street, and Delaware River. Wilson IJoyd. ag'll 4i years, and Fredeiick Schumann, aged 14 yeaua, were tha only person ls the eitrsct ing house when the tank exploded. Both men were burled through the roof. Lloyd fell bark Into the bias ing structure and perlalwd in the flames, fkhunwaa. who was found lying sa the river bank, a hundred yards away, had a leg and ana torn off and waa frtshtfollr burned. The physicians say he cannot survive. Two score of workmen who were in the vicinity of the building, were showered with the biasing oil and benalns and other chsmtcahv Many of them had the clothing burned from their backs. I. R. kern, aged li years. In at tempting to escape from tbe fiery shower, waa knocked dosrn by frightened team of horse His ana waa broken and shell frsvotnred. DEbiXTS IIKK CHILD IlEX, vYomaa Did Xot fVieiuwit Kalctdc, liat l4t W lti M "Arnnttjr.- (gpeclsl to New sad Ubserver.) Bocky Mount. May I, Krtday night event that pat the tonrue of many la the city to wargtnv. ben the report that Mrs Wfcttfteid, young white woman, had drowned herself hi Tar rtver, has reanlrM It self Into a aataalloa entlrelv differ eat from wbat wa first renorted and arter a thorough Investigation by ths police of U city H was learned thst the woman had hot gone near the river, but thst her dtsaappearae waa doe te the feet that she had roa awav ' free home with mm "sfnajtv." Isavtn her four smslt chlldrea. the oldei twelve years old. to ths car of say person ini! wih". it-i ,nFj mifnt fall. Tlie woman" wrote MstoT; Thome a letter. sattn tint she was ' going t take her life and after j mailing ine wmmm ene in ,ne cttr isrlth a man who had been paying her j !(,nnon heretofore. . ' , TM tbe city placed ! the children twir er or a h'nd neighbor, while the faev iJ the chil dren, who r Idee In , Naeh ceajity. "inrai hot'f ed of the oiiH'e.jrs stt told to send Tor me little ones The icanse of the womfen's a- tloom. ft t j'nongni, - ' ' "at nuwo o -''I ci ar jend thai ine.r owwip wmiom h4 of lVlae. Hymr'Hl tO a, tee Norn. -I tn 5 ' eer ) Haire te q iite e at h.e f,m tn th. r hi- c.ar.a. l T j 1 e-n-i-p. rave peonoun-e tr-. n acd 4 a t .i UN (. pe'iBjfTa. DEASOi EK1F0II Increase In Gold, Extrava ganced Waste ' liE'SJIf.EO'TlFEJ.IIi WlM-m thci Blanio I Placed by &pc , rial Masaarttasctt fitate CommtMsaoa Wliirb Has Boca Investigating ' tha SubkM fo Kigbt Wcesufr sihlla Xot Ia.ll.-Unx the . Tariff It Thinks M rupwlioal to Kesnova Pa- tic on Food Products. (By the Associated Press.) . Boston, Mass., ilsy 3. A marked Increase In the . world's gold kupply aad extravagance' and waste public and private, are the principal reason given for the high cost of living by a special tat commission which has been Investigating the subject , for eight weeks. In the report of the In vestigation Issued, today the commis sion gives ths Increased gold supply ss the primary cgues and classes as a contributory factor the "enormous waste of income in the I'nited State, through uneconomic expenditure for war aad national firmament, and mul tiple form of extravagance both pub lie and private.", Although agreeing thst tha tariff I not a contributory; factor, ths commis sion is of the opinion that when the tariff is further revised, the expedi ency of removing the duties- on food products Sho aid ie carefully consld- erea. t , j . ! regard to trasta the commission also feel that while. they cannot be held responsible for the present con dition, constant vigilance With refer ence to the action of combinations dealing with the necessities of life to diHtbty Incumbent. (9.0OO IX 12i (,OLO PIKCK6V : Second iAMsllmetit of i Um ' JctTrin. Vilinsan light Paid Over. , Bv the Associated Press.) Ran IVanctoce, Cat. May I. Thirty thousand dollars la twenty dallar piece waa ths second Installment of the JefTrtea-Johneon fight money de posited today In the Metropolis Bank rn this city bv "Tex" Richard and Jack Oleason, Jhe promoters. The gold was heaped In a glittering pile at the receiving window while Richard, nieeson. Jack Johnson. Ber ger and "Little grouped themselves about It ta pose for a picture. John son' famous "golden smlls" flaahlng across ths stack of coin from his post behind the windoe . rivalled the heap la brilliancy. KOLAM) STILI. BTl'CK. Othew Barge In the Rex we to Ught- ea liic Ioad. . Norfolk. Va. May l.-The Oermaa steamship Roland, from Galveston to Bremen with a cargo of cotton, which stranded ha the Currituck chosJa dur ing dens fog Hunday night, eras to day ertn hard aground, all efforts to float her having proven futile. - In addition to the wrecking barge, Haggerty. sent out from Norfolk today In tw of the salvage steamer Coley, the Parse Chittenden wa started to day from Near York In tow of ths steamer I -J. Merrill. Both barge wtll be need In lightening the cargo of the Roland. tia ANTI Democratic Mass Meeting to be held in JIALEIGII Saturday May 1 4th Let Every Dem ocrat who En dorses Platform Adopted by the Regular Mass Meeting Come Official Call to be made later f RING TO EHD THE WAR IN NICARAGUA Action of Court of Justice of Central America PLEAD FOB I ARMISTICE The Court Would Act Mediator Be- tweea the Wsrrlng y Faxtkms ' and :. brads RcsolnUon Both' to Madrls and Itrada - Koretary Knox t'pon Bc4n Informed, Bead rongratuhv s tory Mrmmgm to the Judges. ' (By the AssocJsted Press.) Washington, D. C, May 3. Anoth er strong sffort I betog , mad to bring about peacs1 between .the two warring factions In Nicaragua. A dispatch ha been received . at th 8tat Department from Vntted Rtate Consul Moffatt, at Bluefields. stating that the- Central American Court of Justice st Cartago, Costa Rica, had unanimously passed resolution which had been sent to Or. Madrii at Managua and General Kstrada at Blueflelda, gtrongly urging That an armistice for eight days be declared with a view to aa agreement through the mediation of th Cartago court, looking to the establishment of peace In Nicaragua. Th t resolution mad sn earnest appeal W the two com mander nrglng that for love of country and In the Interest of peace, a further effort b made to reach an tmlcbh " ubderslanaihg througa' which further lost of life would b prevented. In reply to tfis disust.h received from Consul Moffatt. at Klueflsld an. nounolng tha action which the Cen tral American Court of Justice had taken In (he matter, Secretary Knox by telephone from Pittsburg, di rected that the following telegram be sent to Dr. A 1 hero Uoles, President ef the Court; ---- .v. ,- .- .. .. "Using advised ihat the Central American Court of Justice, acting In ths spirit of ths high purpose, for which It was Instituted, haa, by unani mous resolution made to I)r. Msdrl and General Kstra.la Identical repre sentations urging armistice and direct agreement with the frjendly media tion of the court, even before receiv ing the text thereof. I hastened to congratulate th honorable judge upon thla high-minded Idea which I hop may contribute to the establish ment in Nicaragua of those condi tion of good government, progress and prosperity which th Cnlted Wates, like 'te Republics of Central America, so greatly desires to see." A dispatch received from Consul Osneral Ollvar.es at Managua, state that tleneral Irtae. whom In-. Madri recently appointed commissioner to tsks charge o affairs on ths Atlantic Coast, had left Managua for Drey town, presnmably for ths purpose of assuming ths offensive against the Estrsda for use. BKQVEATHKD BY ANCESTORS. Borne Defect titfi Whltew Have YA hk-ii i Um Kegroe) are IVwe From. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, Msy S Ths whit man' educated ancestor has bequeathed to him a lot of afflictions from which ths negro of today Is free, according to the declaration of lr. J. L. Minor, of Memphla, Tenn., mads to th American Ophthalmolo gics! Hoclaty, ons of the constituent organisation of th congress of Amsr lesn Physlclana aad Burgeons, which began II sessions hers todsy. A comparatlv study of children In th two races. Dr. Minor said, showed that negro children had a better average of normal vision than whit children, and that the negroes showsd a remarkable absence of re fractlv errors Ths eiUteno ef these char set eristics In children, he contended, was du to ancestry. H aatd that old ago did not make the Inroada on the -eye of the negro that It did on a whit person, aad that muscular defect war Infrequent In th negro. Cross eye were almost unknown among negroes, he added. On th other thnd, h said. th. choma. often waa seen among colored people. . ' MARK TWAINU VTM' Leave All of HI 1 elate t III Dah. tec tiara, (By th Associated Press.) Redding, Conn., May t The will ef gamuel U nemens,, (Mark Twain vii filed for probata her todsy and leaves th entire estate tn ths sur viving daughter. ' Clarax I a ng home Clemen, wife nt Oselp Gabiilnwltsch. The amount of th estats Is not given. Th will was drswa August 17, lll Ths tiofns. H"Tmr)e,Jd, Is valued1 st I1M and ther Is thought t be about tlie.et on deposit In banks. No estimate "has been made Of the literary asset, but they will he gene through by th trustee of tn will later. Th will eats that his daughter, n&ra, end h biographer. lr. pains, know his desire ss to Irs literary as sets and directs thst th trustees b guided by them at their dlpi. Apfdlea tmly to Bookmaker. v tha Aaaoclated Preea k Albanv. N. Y . Mar S. Tbe "eosts Modus amended the Agnew' bill pro- Mbitlng the publication of betting iv.-l so s to make It apply soleij- to ; txenk-m&king on horse r-eac As ln tmdwed ib bill ir.terpreted tn im hide In its prohintirn btitng odd on host race, ootoail, baevbsil ana , areatejr por TRYING l!0 OFF TO CHRISTIANA I Feature of Visit Will Be , Nobel Prize Soeech r Tli Colottd 1 JYesented With Two Lovlrfg Cap. Also IW 'placqeea Iom the Royal Porcrlaia Wort Municipality Grrc m Dinar In Ml HotkswPsjssvw Tlirough 8qaadron of Warship an Honor Vmaalry paed Only to Royalty, . (By ths Associated Press.) ! Copenhagen, May . a. Mr. Roost- j velt left here at l;J8 . tonight foe Christiana, where he wltl arrive ahortly after noon tomorrow.' .The feature of hla vlalt there will be the nobel prlie speech Which will be de livered on Thursday afternoon. An enormous crowd gaUtared at the station to bid farewell to the Roosevelt party. Col. Roosevelt was tha redolent to day of two loving cup. ons bearing the Dnnlah Coat of Arm and the other the American arms ana 'also four placques from th Royal Por celain Work, upon which were pic tured several wild beast, in mskinir the presentation the manager of the works told Mr. Roosevelt thev were "wild beast of Africa Mr. Roosevelt n cc-nt.l 4K -l,...!.. graciously, and while examining the figure of an elephant, looked up sud denly and aald smilingly "This Is not an a in can eiepnant. "That Is quite true." replied the manager. "These plates were btade specially. rVe have ao study of Afri can elephants, and so used Asiatic." The Incident caused a great deal of amusement, and the Colonel re marked: -I am very glad to have all kinds of elephants." Th municipality gave a dinner at the-CttyHaM in honof of th -President t i- ;v Th Lord Mayor pral,!s1 and all tha members of the cabinet were present The Mayor proposed th health of the guest of honor and th eomnanv cheered enthrilatlnv as h concluded "long live Roose velt" Mr. Roosevelt. In responding, touched upon the similarity of tha problems confronting all free coun tries. He wa cheered when h left th dinner and by big crowds that had gathered outside the City UalL During the rourae of the day the Roosevelt party motored to Etainoi I m -In WIMT I',...- ,,h, nl-,u shown In the old Klalnog Castle, "the "W " t I . .mi irtuilini I, , Copenhagen on the aeamer Queen Maud which pasaed between squad- I ron ef Dsnish and Hwedlah warships i that accorded honora to the former j Chief KleCHtlve of tha I'nlteH dletee which are usually paid only to royalty. ; PK4JTE8T AGAINST TI1K JK.I"FIU-JOHNM)N FIGHT. lvbUo Mas Meeting H,4 In Re. nHHWtratne. . (By th Associated Preae.) Oakland. Cat.. May 3 Branding , ths match m ''desecration of our na- I Hons great patriotic bolldsr." the greater Oakland Charter Convention! last night adopted a resolution pro. testing against th holding of the Jef-fries-Johnson prls fight on July 4. A public mas meeting held In re monstrance asralnst "this threatened : violation of th moral sentiment snd 1 good order of th community" Is planned. Mlnistrw Protest. Han Diego, Cal, Msy 3 The Mln Istsrtal Association of thla cltr has sent a tslegram to Governor Otllett, protesting against ths Jsffrles-John-son fight ' beis 1.B0O ItaJcs of Cotton. (By th Associated Press ) Nsw Orleans. Msy I Through a restraining order Issued In the Cnlted Htste court a shipment of 1.1 bale of cotton alleged to be among th as set of the failed cotton firm of Knight, Yancey a Company, ha been luld up at thla port.- This cotton had already been stored on th steamer Ingelflngen consigned to Bremen aad Genoa Th restrain ing order wsat brought.' about by a petition which th receiver f Knlcht Yaocer Com pan r filed todsy. alieg. Ing thst the original hilt of tailing for thla cotton hsve been destroyed, Th master of the vessel Is ordered to appear next Friday and show rsus why th cotton should not be seised. IV I h of Dr. 5nh Davl. I Br th Associated Press.) Charlottesville, Vs. Msy i. Dr. Nosh Knowles Davt. who until his retirement four years sgc, hsd held the chair ef moral philostphr In ths Cnlveratty of Virginia, died todar. lie was distinguished scholar and aithor-wbv had been educated at Mercer Cnlvers'.ty. Georgia. At on time h.s president of Jndson In stitute "ed t another heed of Itethet College. Kent'ickv. Aside from being ! the author of tnsvty works on logic, ' prhoogv and ehh-s, he had written j Juda's Jewels and the storv ef ths Naxsrtne. a study In Hebrew PontmaMcr Appidnted. I Rpecisl to News and Observer I hington, I. Mav .1. P'g ' Pjrtes la srtoir.ted pratmaater st Tin- jaai. ioiiiu couii.j, a. e. evw 4rrtgned. . - -, AlllCH f.Ufj TO YIELD Trust Crowd Losing Out On Railroad Bill BILL MAY FALL THROUGH TU Indication Arc That the Insur gents and Drtnorvats TAW Pa as I'p Radical) j Different Measure From that WbMi tl Administration Tried p Paha Off on the Coantry Tle Democrat and rnaurgveit Cnntplctnly la the Saddle. By THOMAS J. I'KNCK. Washington. l. C. May S.Tha complete eurr-nder of. the Aldrlch mschlns In the Senate on sections seven and twelve, the two most rher Ished provisions In the bill from th reactionary standpoint., haa raised a doubt In man;- quarters a to whether . ther will really be a railway hill out of the slit -second Congress. Ths Indications ars that If the Democrats will vot with th Insurgents to th en.l. there will be a railroad bill and it will he a rsdlcal bin that the In surgents and Dtnocrata will pass up to President Taft for his signature. If the Henate Democrat will con tinue to vot with the Insurgent In the efforts to perfect th bill. It will then be necessary rr the Aldrtih Klkins regulars to vot agalust It in crsls generally, if Is expeted. will vote against ths adoption of the bill, even though so thoroughly reformed ss It I todsy. though such Iem. rrats as Kenator Uore or Senator Chamberlain will probably not b found voting against perfected measure. On th other hand, many Republican .Senators from th Mid dle West, like those who have joined In ths young revolt against th ma. rhino on Th long aad ehort haul . clause, would not darn to. follow. Al- , drlch and iUkin In any anovs w de test the bill, should such a course be deemed expedient. 8o it Is sxvected thst the Senate will pass the railroad bill with the pooling clause, th merger provision and the stock and bond features eliminated, trail tha entirely reconstructed bill la the House la in such shspe that Demo crats who were f.irmerlypped to ths measure now confess that the bill la getting into such shape where thev will no longer l able to oppose It. and Its pssstg In th llouee appears assured. With the insurgents and Wmwreii rotnplstely In the saddle In the tlnuas they will probably control the llniieo conference. In tact th pact hss been about concluded wherel.j the lm- crats and Inaurgsuts will R.-tual! nam th conferee. Everytliing in view of recent developments lml I. -a tea that there will be either a bill more radical than wbst Is left of th Senate bill or no Mil a all. The victory of Cum m me, lfolett-. Dolllver. Clap and other tfeoate pro gressive over th A 10 rich marhla fa one of ths jsoet remarksbie lesielativs episode In year. It I the surrender of a powerful machine to a group of fighting men who have been read out of the Republican party . time and again by the mschlne which now ha completely surrendered o (he fry point which the mm bine said consti tuted treaeon. While the president and the Bcnate organisation sere ew rendering to the progressives. Attoe. fiey -i-,neral w irkereaam wss again reading them out of th party tn a pee. h tn Chicago, Mayor Cmig snd a delegation from flsatonla came here today and aaw : President Ktnlev, of I he Southern 1 Itsliwsy with reganl to the .construc tion of a new depot at thst place. A W. McLean, of Robeson, Is her Rl'ILDIXO FEVER I AT RteCKJM.HAM. Ma More Are. Dean Is III ANrt ! gwlte a Xsbe ot Dwetllagw. -. 8peiJ to New and Observers . RoealrMrbam, X. C Msy 1. Th ' building fever seems tn hsve struck Rocktneham good and hard N'lna asr store are In prerea of erection, sat, livery stabls la nearlv complete-!, and a brick building to be occupied a a negr restaerant will soon be resdv for ocwpaaey. - In addition to thee quits a number of dwellings are well under way in varVou parts of th town. It seem a. benrewee. ths with all these new dwelling going ap tha apply sf bowse t not near snasl th desnaad. Bom famllle hare beew want teg bowse for weversj anowth The t'twn seem to be tn healthy state of growth. RRIM.N HI IT nm tS-wM. Wcgr lahnree Ulaats Dasnsgei FVorrt tnstatrartlnsi tbainaw. Opedal te News aad Observer 1 Wgdeaborn. X. C. May 3 Jht , Hubbard, colored, IhrousSTiTs eli--Inej. T. 3. Coxe and W. C. Brock. ! brought a action t tr aawlnat Me. IJ. T. Bennett a Boathbowwd Ra.teowi 1 contractor, snd th owthbeond Ei'l- mad for II. damaare an account if Injuries reeeived in an ecident whl;s working at Mr. Reentt s ramp oef town. Mubbsrd hd t(i fingers gnash ed off while coir le rare. jt'Due roxtttn if AJiurviLLE. i ri pedrewl fowrt l Itorbe to Be IVafel l tgoec'sl t News snd Chserver Afhevi.le. May Judge H. O. I Connor. tiiav opened the M- t-rr i ef Crated iate tstrt t ronrt here, i Me asd gne aldrxs to the smi.d ' birr, snd n 1 iteeed he win here several week, s Cere sre rc- - " Important Hrtt rase to coma ur. Tb day wss tsken up cftieSr 1 tbs trial sf "moonahuj ' case. FORCED