a ' A i . - 4 t4 !'.:".. - -"; a-- r, ft k - - . k pete, ti-iUKwo, t Q I e V- k-t - MOKNING, MAY 21, 1010 Leads all Noiti CaroMea La lies ta News aod GircmlatioM rur-ir pin th J!,!n PTnreiiiDC capiae: scott is a south TAKHI Oil TWO GUARDS KILL Ut..JLL Ulfl lU ;I.iU L.i.lLLtllilld ; START IIT Gl IL'LL OF HISTORY, SAYS THE SOE-r Gin WHURGHi DM CUT As a Tribute t3 lh: Lis Er.s::a Worth C:!:y i LjTed c;:;::;::3 m'M tee rai It. I Bhtl Ti-pevi Boat to IV D raaattnl and ortk t arU to tart of tfwrl W hi. I IWvmr lb fears of lit l jVifl W her tw. tallest Xerth lani,iiL.a Umt llto life W Ki! a Foe IHily Opt )Vwv lM-uulnl tot oa Ilntllc. ship. thoms a. rof- Wsshington, l. C, May IIA a further tribal to lb wmory'ef th lap Ensign Worth Basley, th Federal guverament wilt plac la th Hall of H .story at Raleigh U tinning tower of ttir laited flatee torpedo boat Wiaslow, la Krh th gallant Care liaiaa lost hta Ufa it tht rinl aff CanJtnaa. blaster Overman and th crvfy ol th Nvy, George Va L Meyer, hav had oa correspond ent oa th ubjct. and today tht Tar II 1 arnat.tr received tba fallow, log fetter from Ua Secretary of tba Kan: "Referring to your letter with rf aranra la tha donatio of tba conning lower at tha lotted Sutra hlp W'1nar. - w to (he people "of North CaroUna fur th purpose of placing It In tha Kail af History at RaJih. tha birth' llarr of tha htr Knin Worth Haic Wr. V. B. .V. I htTo tho honorto to "Tftti ou' a rolUra';""" Tha Urpartmrnt bvllavaa that thl would ba a auliaWa diFiomn of tha (oontna; tawar. whk-h bran tha artu-i of tha eaFAKtmrnt at Cardrnaa. ta Mcn tha Eal(H Baglry tt hit lift: but In V4w of thr tatt law prohiti'ttng tha artual transfer ft fta- rrtiment pmimrty, tba Dwpartraant tak pbtnitt In delivering tha ' eanilr tower la oueatian. If H would be rrcnted aa a loan. au)ect to r tall by tha Jvavjr Upartmeai ' whra, at anr Vmm au h r all may ba ne eaaarr. Thit Uaa raanot ba mada, however, antil aflar the Wlnslow haa been finally arteki from aary liat, and whan itrk aetton la taken you will be advieed acrdlnaly. Tha tea la equivalent to a rift. Tha Wtnlnw la now beiag dismantled at tha Norfolk Navy yard. , Cant, rrawa neiailed. Cantata Willla U. lvar. Coaat Ar tillery Corpa. I". 8. A, haa beeai detaJU ed an Proleaaor of Military fcieoca end Tactka at tha North Carolina Alt rlrultural and atachaalral Collate. anrreedtntr IJetttanant John 8. E. Tear, who ! ordored to report to Ji'a realwemt. Tha chanae a-ill tka rlara Juhr ISth. Prealdear Hill naked f or tha tDDotntment of Captain Paaea, who waa appointed to tha Military A'-ademy from North t--aroima in 111. - -Vata m RaltleiahltMi. The North Carolina aenatora voted for tha amendment In tha naval ap propriation bill authorhrtiur tha eon etrnrtloa of ana Instead of two bat tleehlpa. Tha two battleahjpa ad herenta won, though they had a emaller majority than a-tc hefora. During tha debate. K. B. Broutiton, J i. Bernard and party of Raleigh-; Ilea nera orriipaata In tha (ailery, where they were tnenta of tha aena- tore. Plf deleaatlona from tha South -tern arriving here to boom New Orleana for the Panama Canal Eipo-dtlon. Tha entire North Carolina detention will uttort the e talma of New Orleajim, which la Win TUo-walr oppoaad for the rnvntun eity by San ranciaco. It hi the belief hern that New Orleana will win out Repreaentntlve THomaa to back from tha Bute. rnvorahlo Krfwrt ntt Ilajnbrk'lt. Favorable repvrte were made today by the Snte Poatoftlw Com ml tie on the nomicatioi.a of J. V. Hamlirlrk to he pnatmaater at King'a Mountain and V. G. Fayeeur to ba poatmaater at fleeter.! a. There waa o-ipositlon to hath appointee, twit It, doe not Justi fy interferenre with the confirmation In tha opinion of the two aenatora. BfRUVtiTOX HIGH KCIIOOU Ilatvwlaa-rt'ate Sea mow by Rct. w" A, ' Imbcth. frttecil to New and ( vrver.l Burlington. May J J The enm menrement eerct ef ih UnrMrig tn K'rh Sch"ot txrn la.t r.:' t nh the ba.N.aurt ternion r.rched by . lev, W. A Imbeth. of Thnml!le i The eaditorltim waa beanfiful Jn Its i . -. .. . ' oecnrmiiona oi uir .i .ha cinea-' - ---- . a-- ef 11. red and whU. It wa. crowd- I P'trl with th. thumb and two Jw ed te K. u.moat c.M-ty by a large of th. eft nana " and attenlve audlenc. of picking of a dynamite cap with a (Iplendlii mulr waa rendered by a select rhoir .under th direction of Mr J U ftort. Rev. Mr. Ijtmbeth, who la barely on tha threshold of life, and who hae al. readv t mnny diilnrurt and hnnnrt fr his oratory in thie and 4.rher Piai. Nid hie cnprcaiion "pr 11-bounti l,v Tu niaate'rly irmiment rf b' !tt: ' Ye bava n.t rh.n roe. btit I ha, thwn yu and ordained jmi thut vou )i y;d go and bring fi-rth fruit" crr. wit. us rr. r.. retail. . IW. of M.M.rv ten. and Ta.c st A. a.l M. Ctrtl. t'nnlet tn Ne sn'l l.rrer I W-mt.'n. i C., Jlev 1. sp. tain v ! s: , 14 I par., a-i.'r ,..'( t l!. it 1 Vri -.r rf fry - I . I H 1 ' Am, er. ' e 1 n . r I hn n I. I f I, .- . r n cat. t.A, ' -'. H II.-' !:';. vici I 1 ..in-; ,'u.a I. t ri i a ta l!:v:l Apprcprialicn Gill Passes The tfetuue ter. treed. A boat tha IUU tWJp garMlott--Tth 1UU AlaO In riadiw Twt Ilea CoUettk n Rab HWHito Torpedo BtsM, SU Tofpe IWat Drtroyrra figtaainr Prpet RrtaUMl Some Ulalory CWawnlog the taraitHaa Epiawle. -' - (By tha Ataoclatad FYeaa.) ' Waahtnaton. D. C, May . Voting down ! to 31 an ajaandmaat offer ed by Mr. Hut ton to authorlaa only ona new Vattlethlp laatead of two, tha Benau today panted tha Naval appro prUiloa bill. Tha bill earrlea an ap proprtatton af almoat lti.aa.tl- It waa before tha Banal a for two days, tha debate being eon fined aloaoet a cluaivaly ta tba baltlaahlp auaatlon. Two Important amend menta vara adopted todagr. Ona of, them offered by Senator Johnaton appropriate 1 4 S a,S 9 a for the parcban ef torpedo boau -whoa vital era bekrw th normal load Una-; . th other by Benator Jan. llmlnate ' railroad, county and munk-lpaJ bot)d from th aervirltle wljlih. mry, b deponited by contractor.." ' '?'. Th , naval Incraaa for ina nec year ending Jan . UU, rwtna by th bill. 1 a follow: Two Brai-claaa baUloKhlpt AO.COB iiiii t 0OO.00S aarb. Two fleet eolller to ot ot -deeding ll.00.6 vch. , . rlv aub-marine iorp-ao txr-eedln a total of 1 i0,00. 81z torpedo beat deatroyer to on not .weeJlng J7.0.00 each. . Th Houa bin proviawi i "r four ubmartna and n torpadn " fleatrovera. Th Banal lo added a provtaion thet not mora than on ot tha bettleehip (hwnUl be built b th earn aompany. . Tha prnvlatun liuvnN in u """" bill requiring that the haMleehip and fleet collier ibould b built under th eight-hour law," wa retained by th Senat. - -'" . . Henator lpw. of New Tork, ra le ted aotn hlatory concerning the v-i-.n enlaod of th flrtt Clev- i.A mdmlnlatratlon. "An Intimate friend of mine who - a mat friend of Lord Balhjbury. than . v, . n.i.i.h PHma M In later, told me. be said, "that when tha Prealdenfa meetaLga waa promulgated Ijord SaJia bury aald to him. 'I bellt-a that on account f th ranoor eomlng Aown from the Revolutionary War and ae- v. u.rti.in or.currenre in th CTvtl War. America mean to haw war with Great Britain time and I believe now I th beat time, when America haa n navy. Th viewf th Prim Mintewrr w e -n.ied bv Oueen Victoria, but If ord Sallabury had had th ipow eaaed by' aom of the Sngllah Prime u.-i.t.-a the laaua eartainly would have been tried ont." '.!'- I Mr. Uepew twed thl tneiflent t fore an argument tn favor of a atrong anA foe th tireaent author!- tlon of two new battleahfp of- th Dreadnaught type. " " Mr. Owon confenaed to a enang f viewt n th queation ef navy ln- rreaee. Ho aaia tnai taat your had given hi vote for th naval pro gram. beca.ua of th pTwttflenr rep reeentatlona of th poeatblltty of for eign no plication, evil now, navm reached th eoncaiirton that war wa next to Impon-lbl. h had decided to vot for th Burton amendment. t proposed an amendment making an .-.nrnnrtetinn for the direct purpoa of promoting, international peace, but It wa ruled out n a point of order. Mr Heytrarn eTpreaeed tha opinion the, houid b a contntted ln- rreeM of the navy nnttl the comple tion of th Panama Canal. tv. rterniocrata rotlnr for two bat tleahip were Clark, of Arkanaaa; e- Enery, f Uaa. ano -ayior. GOES to wisrro-iAijrt Agent G. A. Ftehcr TWUtrmA from cJjrmrT IJttte Girl Irjnrrd GrretWlwro Cut Out ' l"" fPpectal to New) and Ohservwr.) tnr.atnn-fVa.lem. May tJ. O. F1her Ocket agent at Pallabury. ha heen annointed to take eharge of the Southern RatlwtV up-town pMiaen r m.nA rt-ket ofTlc her June let. p-!e pnvd, e'x-yoar-old dajigrhter t t.me. RiaterflelA. u in tn no. -.-it , The 11 run over th Nattonal automobile fTlghway between Atlanta and Nw Tork will paea through Win- aton-Riilem. Orraneboro having been tltminated. tVeUh of Infant Daughter, Spe-lat to News and OberveT. Kucky Wmint, SUy II. At th borne of of Mrs, B. K Bilta, on Main stre-t, Mary Ruth IJndssv. the two .r old dsittlt'er of Mr. It. P. Und- i an v. rti.1 st ai eiirly hour Batitrdsy ! morning. The child had been ill fur ! "k Ji "'T l2r.Ji ! f:1!hr 1K.1Ml .,.,, brnlh. !,,(rvl. the motsr ' hsvlpg pre.-1M - har eh 'd t., the lend of rest several n,m'ht ' Is. me tif Mrt. ;lra t. l.r.i 1 df,i't'ni)n th Jt Jl.,rl C . ... trtit ft t rt f t- 1 funrel u li-ld n. r.tf.r cf the 1 tw I V ! c.i h a'r re laid In tliete .-..at f I tl In I oeview em - ' Crew of Tho Trr Nova. EU1LDU-B RDJL0A:i J.!EH TUG JIORTH CAROLXX V ASSOC! A- TIQX K-ET9 IX CHAKUTXTK TO- ' DAT JfATIONAJj ASSOCIATION WIDDXESDAT AXD TTXTRSDAT. (Fpaclal t New and Obeervor ) Cbarlon May tl. The Nortb. Car Una league of building and loaa a aoclaUon will convent In thl city to morrow at II o'olook la It vath annual (eeaion. thna giving ample tlm for all thoa arriving ea tha morning train to participate In tha opening meeting of the aaaodatloa. There will be three oration of th RtM league at II :S atl: and at In th evening, ejid an attractlv program ha been prepared for th various gathertnga. Th North Carolina League of build ing and loan aaeoctatlnn etand rloa to the ton in th rank or tn variooa fUi. ortinlaaUona. '"having under tha tactful aad maaterful direction of It offl!ra, many of whom hv com from Charlott. achieved . a auccea that read almoat Ilk romance. The national aaenciation meet nert n Wdnday and Thuradny for a two day enloa and thl plan make It poafftbt for each member attending the. Kte.t orcantaation moeting.' to attend ajao th national meeting, thn gaining much benefit which can n uaed v the tmprvmeni ana ouiiuing Bp of th Ptnte'a n-taoolatton. Th t'nlttd fttate Aaeoclatloo of local b-illdlng and loan laa.ru - V vene Wedneadav ana apprcjiimaieir an thoueand delegate .and Vial tor art looked Jar. " 6E.TH OF DR. I HTS8ET. . j- wasnaa I- W an FtccIIent and HlgWy Ee tcrmnd Cttiana of UapUn County. . fdnectel la Km ml Obeerver.) ' Warsaw N. C. May U. Dr. I TTiiaaev. tha oldcat and moat promi nent rrhvaictan In th county, died hr lat night at 11 oviock. Cauo of death, general break-down, due to hi advanced' ag.":- .:, : x' . Dr. Huaeev wn born in .Ontlow eonntv. July . 1S1. and, Waa. thaw- fore, nearly ? rear of age. H to aurvtvert by hi devoted wlf and by the following atin -nd flaugnter Mr. John I. rTtiaaey. of Atlanta. Oa.; Mr. Cha B. Huneey. Chlnquepin, N. C! Mm. W. E. Aaron, Mt. Ollv. N. C; Mneert. N. Hiieeey and Edwin D. Huaaey, Charlotte; Mr. J .D. MaHard, Jackaonvlle, Fia.: Mr. J. n. imw- bury. 'Mr. B. Huaaty. Mlaeea Louie and Bailie Hneeev. Of Warsaw. ' AH then ar present to attend th fun traJ of their beloved . fathffr. . un daughter. Mr. Emma Whltaker. of JacketmvlH, Fla., preceded her father to the grave by it month, ah having died last November. In th death of Dr. Hoaeey ni ram- Dy lose a loving father and th com munity an honored and iwny citixen. Ha wn a genuine type f the true DnnrlMirn gentleman, loved, honored. and reenected by all claaae. He lived ahnv th ueiilU bickering and petty strife o often aeen and ngagea in by th ambltloua for wealth, powsr, and o1tion. The whoi town ana eommuraty loin with th family In mourning th ot of thi excellent man. OTHEB TEACHERS KUXTTD. To Fin lacanclo Cauaed by Reaigna- natloiwM axwwnoro. -fftoeeial to Kw and Obervat) Wad at. bom. May S3. Some week aro rTOT. J. n. racmr waai tunun tier ted itpertntndent and principal of th echoot, and all the teacher re elected with me exception or xaiea lnea Catidl. who resigned ber posi tion. Bine the letlon Ml Okla De and M!s !ucy Hawkin have resigned. I n - UMiowtng leacner have been elaotevl to All these va rancle: Ml Reaal Ivy, of Pay. boro. for th 7th grade. 6h ha taught two year In the city school of Jtshevllle. Ml Besstle Cot.tes, of Kmlthrield for the eoond grade, and Ml at Annie I. Harper for the first grad. Thee are all etrperlenoed teacher and come highly . reoom mendod. ,Th chool ha Just c.loed a, very gncceseful eeslon, ' REDl'CED NEAR TJitOl TAX. Acclrm Taken by Wllmlitrtnn. iyrr1 of AlJerweti 30tl lax ul JMtriu tltms. (K(e,ial to New nd OHaervar.) Wilmington, May . The Hoard nf Aldermen tonight reconaldrd Oiir former ctton placing the near beer license st one t.hntmm.nd dollar per venr end dopte,1 a tat cie.jin.,,.,, placing It at three bumiMd dohaj par year, pavabl In artvanca An ordinance waa utmn adoptmt placing nviinler cf r.wt r"ir 1 1.,,, upon dealers and pr,iv!,!!r f,,r f,,rfcinrt nf llcne for vii.Uti.nui of me law; will lo froh.it cmuiiI f t!ck (0 a alvt n liv each i1ttr No a, r,nii will Pa al'ttwed. Hiiwn tn-ikt cio.e at ' ai.veti at r r'i' tt.u.t itoep it-te-t.r j r.(hed, M ct, he )li's;.,-i,l t& any - 1 M J" a FT ot po;i-: r aom car unoy L 6.:-.--:. $, - "V 11- Utajlea nt CanijihrU, Ptret Mate, Di recting Loading f Ehh I TRAIL CF BSD CHEEKS SUSS. MVSICLUC QURliKB WTTH rAS81.Q WOHTHLFA CHOCKS TSDlit ARRKST AT I1KNDKR. (.special to New and Observer.) Monro. May II. Tb ra at J. i M. Maaeey. a, fe'.'sd. mualo teacher ot Monroe 1 xcit.ng much .Interest tbronghout-Vti (ectlo of th eoua- try. Master haa defrauded peopl ta Union, Anaoa and Moklanbarg, and ft U expected .that hl.bogu cheeks have hot yet all been heard from. 111 plan of operation la t bar an ac complice draw: a check dated ha4 ot tlm. on torn bank of this gecUon, nd forg om flctittou nam. Ma My; would thsa procetd t hav th check cashed. , 8o far, aertn of that fak check Day been protested, and th endorser ar - kicking. Tb check wsr l dated i wlthla two week of each other, and about tea day ago, th tlm vhnii knew th first on would. b protested. Maasey skipped out for Virginia. Chief of folic Liner, of Monro, haa traced Silm by letter - throughout Virginia. and ba finally located him at Hen derson, N. C. wber ha I In toil In default of a U bond, charged with obtaining money on worthies check. Chief Laney ba wired the Hender son authorities to send aaeey to Mon ro as soon a ha la triad there. Th chief of polio atated that be bad Man seven of Massey check wblcb have been protested. Thaw check are for amounta varying from IS to 3t, and are dated from May 1 on. Mr. lauiey stated also that another worthies order was cashed by Massey in Raleigh, and that th biggest chsck of all that Mti;., la known to have drawn, for U2B, ba not yet been beard from. , - . -. Massey I said to be a good musi cian. . He came to Monroe several year ago, and engaged In tb bui nea of tourtng the country and giving mualcal ntertaipmenta and recitals. He la known a "Professor" Massey. Chief Lany aald that el nc b has been chief of police, h ha received ao lea than fifty letter front three itatea. complaining that Maasey had "done" the writer. From eotu be had obtained money, from other he had taken viottn and what-not, pre tending to make repair. Prom thl It will b aeen that th fate that baa overtaken Maasey haa been la wailing a long time. There la anothsr !d of tb case from which enallunJ developments ar expected. Maasey had an 'agent to writ th cbck for him, for h it blind, and eould sot do It himself. The pnlic hare know who thl person In, but no arrest haa vet been mad The reason for thi. H 1 reported, is that the parson who drew th check for Mjy waa foeld Into It, a ltd did not know that a trim wa being com mrtd, FTRB AT ESIPOUIA. Saw , Mill Darned Iea A boat One 11 anil red Tbotind txHlar. 1 (Special to New and Observer Emporia. May !3.Th eawmlU department of the tpr M ami far turlng Company. CT ,ortn fcrnnorta was totally destroyed he fre a' mrTy" hoir"yetruy" rhorning. Tit riant plant waa vaiueo at about xis... 000. About per cent at covered by Insurajice, About too men will be thrown out ef employment. Officers of Compeny M. (Special to New nd nbeerver ) Waleeboro. Slay II -Vim pan v M. Ftecond North Carolina Rr tuent. Na- tlonal Onartla, has elected Ute follow Ins- officers; Captain. A -1 at n lck hart. I; ml sergeant. V H )...ae, sac- ond sartcant, T P- Carawv; third serreant, 5i D. Bte.il. f'ir.!i ajr M.-.I J P Teal: nr n sarfMt,i. r r. lr.in, quartermaater iitn', v C. Iinnnett. .Ir; rnrperais, 1 j 1 -v Ice-tun. T. F, Jones, V . J. Cieorg 1 atten, C. La IOTA XUrtia, 1 ! f LI fVevMoaa for Th Long Voyag. R005EYELTS BU1ET DAY GXTSt AT Lr"SCHV.O!S OF TWKX TY-Jtii J. ii .ve:. Mrrrats TAKES TE. WITH MR. AND MR A. CVRTt-jGIE. ' Ry th Aavoolated Pre.! London. May II Mr. Roovlt la ojojing the quietest day thus far of hi Knrepeaa toar, aad to getting nmthlag Ilka a, real rest. Tb throat tni bother bin aad bi vole to hnky. . . After apeai.Bg tb week-end at Rett Park. , th home - of American Ambassador an MreT"7 Reld, Mr. Rooeevelt. Mr. Reoaevelt Mlf Rooeevslt and Kerailt returned ta London today and ar' th guest ot Uutenr,t-Colcel .Withdraw AttbJtti)rBited by JTJdgr -HonohTT nread Ls at their city house.. Th lieuten nl -Colonel wa military attach at th British Embassy m Washington In lit. ' Th Roosevelt ' will remain with the Lees for the greater part of the week.. The demanda upon th former Prealdent'a Urn do not lessen, but his present boat to doing hi. ut most t prevail upon the Colonel to refuse to see taller and to have the quiet of which he standi mo much la need. j- .,-. Kr. Mr. Roovlt' only apeakmg en gagement thl wsea, ar for Wedne. day aad Thatraaay. - Oa Wedneaday he will receive a delegation from- th British group ef the Inters Parliamen tary t'nkm and on Iho following day he will receive a degree from cam bridge University. 'Today Mr. Roosevelt waa th guest el luncheon ef twenty big garoe bunters. several of whom Joined la presenting hint with a rifle befor ht started oa the African expedition. -This aiternooa Mr. Rooeevelt bad tea, at Dorchester House, meeting An drew Carnegie and Mrs. Carnegie, Dr. Wm. Osier and a few other. johx c, tost recommended To f.axvoul Mr. N. G. Grandy oa Board Cotutty tMiaiaeiisiitr . Dratll af Mia Braaa Jennings. .'"pelal to New nnd Observer.) .Xltxabeth City, Mar 21 Th Demo cretin executive committee of Pas quotank county, pursuant to a rail by thai chairman. C. B. Thompson, met ln creaton Saturday morning at It 'dock aad recommended John C. James. Jr.. of 8aicm township, ; to Bll the vacancy on tb board , of county cmnaniaaioasra, vice K. Q. Grady, of this city, resigned. "The committee also selected Satur day. June ISth, a th dste tor hold ing the precinct convention of th eounty, the precinct convention In Elisabeth city township to be bald at I p. m. Saturday and rural precinct meeting at I II p. in. At these precinct conventions delegate will be elected, t the county convention to be held In Elisabeth City at 7 5fl p. m . Baturdajr, July tnd. Neva wa received hero Ulto after noon of th eudden death today at IX o'clock of Miss Beeai Jennings. th oldest daughter or Mr. A. J. Jen nings, a prominent and well known farmer ot tht county residing neer Weeksville. Mia Jennings wa only about fourteen years of age and wa on of th snoet popular young girl ot ber netghtorbxi. t IRISH POTATO CROP. bboDftieOt Brtng Matte Froa tb Eltaabrth City tierttem. ( Special to News and Observer.) Elisabeth City. May It Th steam boats of the Lelluy Steamboat Com pany, brought la rargoee Saturday of 40 barrels of Irish potatoes from different point on It line.- Th west her Is extremely favorable to th trucking crop and tweet potatoes are reported to be coming forward very proml.lhgly. A big yield - of tht crop la expected thruugh thl section, which Is a great Irish and wret potato country. Prices en Irish potetne ar fair and the outlook lor coattl.lerable ctrcula- tla nf mmav mm thla enw al.ina looks good to the trut ker of Ktero i ramltna noma h: ahlnments are! expected lo go forward from this sec- i T, - 1 r . w T kt d. rash! ef th F!rtlSl-7. Thl passss teM about "lambs ! Vailtwal Bank, who has a nice farm ";.,. - . r-nnrtt tt.it k. Iisl laf ' "Coming ""Just after the election of very suc-eeerul this season lr his Irish (Mvsn blshopt. the Hey. c. R. Hyde, putat erx.p. ii of two Nirrele of jof LI til Rock. Ark., told th ssaem seed be bss hipped tl barrel of bly. tooev, "our Methodist brethren Irish pottMocs. ehlch to not a bad may think us offlciotia" He suggrst yield by any m t ed ao mot rertrence be Included tn - I greetings. MR. X1R HITTT DEAD. . i The assembly may adjourn Friday. A Heavy Hail Knrm sited I he Dove I K-.tl. SpetA! to N and Observer t - j ' ! r. May :J Mr J-e Vi hlity. - I tanner In the neiirn ot n. d of Until lTativteyr t h.iiiel. fici "er.la of sue iniotna. e ), st-.-nit f .riy-fl.a lie - 1 is survive,! by trife t t, btelyilery on charges nf heresy lufiiiw , a tasen to r nl. ksv. ts i...t.y rr burial - 1 A Mtr nail 1 k this , ertin yaair4y sftrr.-nrt, h,it Uie aojtg to gtif pMd t it .'..v Decisionof South. n Presbyterians causes a mm Aasembly Adopt OptkMatl rora f Cowwjanc .Mbrrrby Fattwrw )VnsKrs May Ito Assured That Thevr Ufta Rcruala Forrter to Ttel th-taalaaUoa. By th Associated Pre) LswUburg. W. V.. May U. De spite th protest that tb action might binder union with some other church th Southern Prabytrtan church la Oeneral Aaeembly her thl tfternooa adopted an optional form of convey, anc whereby tutur donor may b aaurd that their girt will remain forever In that organisation. Tb fight over th proposal waa th most earnest of any contest ef tb as sembly. Judge Frank B., Mutton, ef Abingdon. Va.. led th tore In fa vor of th adoption ef th form, hav ing presented a majority report of a special commit! t.. . . Rev. C. R. NetbeL of NuhviU, T.nn.. ubmlttd ' a minority report signed by htmarlf and wa th 'eeder ef what preVcd to be th majority on tba fiuur . Dr W- L. Ungls, of AU laala, U., playtd th rot of an un successful compromls. H wanted th aatembly to adopt no form. Th contest on the floor waa lnu- th form ot deed, providing that th property given to any court or Insti tution In th church could not b di verted to any institution beyond th control ot th church. Th discussion became Interesting when Dr. Nesbet declared that th action proposed . by Judge Huttnn would provoke an untimely discussion ot Organle Union. He aaked that tb church be- left to "follow wher th Holy Uplrit led." '' ' i- . "My conscience tell m. Mid he, If 1 let thl gt without protest I will b lnnr."' v Pulling up coatsleere In court.. room fashion, Judge Hutton Mt to Work to defend hi report. "Who's leading the o r Pd rit." h demanded of th minister with an ex planation that he waa not facetious! Doe any on know wher th spirit i going to lead us. How do we know that will Interfere with th leading of the .plrtt." Judge Hutton said that this would not permit organic union. He ex- kdalned that It merely provided form whereby person could give property to th church and know that It would never be diverted to any In. tltution outside, of trai Presbyterian church. "Your aMsmhly aaked our commit, tee to draw auch a form and we did It. And yet you accuse u of stirring up a debate on organic union and of be ing sinners." Dr. Nesbet got the floor long enough to My that the report wa dangerous because It provided for the aasembly giving It Influence to thll kind of donation. "I bop that never again will I ever be appointed on a committee with three lawyer," said he, Th debate became general. In their rnestneea, frocked gentlemen be came oblivious to their surrounding. Th Rev. Dr., M. 1 Icy, th very personification of dignity and rever ence, eo far forgot himself he patted out a point In th palm or hi hand a to eay. "I'll bet you" Laughter for the first time during the assembly put to rout th Pres byterian dignity of th kugust body. The gray haired old man changed hi statement, "I vntur ." Finally Judge Hutton' report was adopted by a vot of 10 te 71. During th dsy th Rev. J. D. Les lie, of Texas, waa elected permanent clerk over Dr. John R. tlerndon, of Tennessee; Dr. A. M. Eraser, of Vlr ginla, and E. M. Craig, of Alabama. Th committee on marrlag and divorce submitted report. No ac tion wa taken upon them. Whether a church may take fa vorable action on prohibition in a reg ular election, must be acted upon by th assembly. I'pon recommendation of the judicial committee the aasera bly today r-rganlxed a commission of 57 to hear th complaint of th Rev. W I. "innott against th Northern Alabama Presbytery. That Presuy. tery I charged with having tnkwn ac tion under such rirctiminces. Th assembly Is deeply rhagrlned at a mistake which 1 wild to hav crept Into the greetings Mnt to th Houttu-rn Methodist Conferenc at A she VI lie. N. C. In th mtaait the i mbly referred to Isaiah S.-7 a I .Xtiressing Its Sentiments. msieaa 01 ths brotherly passage about th me, sag from tli mountains being cited It is understood th reference when rit rrtvea at Asoeviue. waa Iwuan ! led to th slaughter ' H ERIY IS CHARGED. . NarUterii I'rsshttierfcajt Aearmbly a! take .clow Aglnt ow York t Atlantic City. N J., SUV 21 Th ; declslttn to try the New Yrk Prathv the grajttlng of M-tatrs PIa ti. ! jand. lim b preaching order after th (young men hail reruaao tn eccot full t ho beliefs of the enure , i,CinUnu4 Front rg Twj John LFcx of Anscn Had Knocked Guard Down WAS IRIS TO m sVhUo la wood Xrar Fair Groud " Knocked Dvwa Caartl !lonk-ta . and Took Hi Knlf While Xegr -Convict Aiding Hint firlxrd Geard Hare. Gaard runllh Shooting Fog . Twice Wlsra Guard Ilayea Release! by Aid of White Trs-ty Ended tb t onflk-t by bhotttlsg DrsperaM Co tl, - - ',: , la a dar.-devit attempt t - Mcap from 8tat' Prison Ouard. John L. Fog, a detperat convict from. Anson county, yesterday morning ahortly af ter seven o'clock knocked down on guard and Mixing hi magaxln rifle, covered another guard. Who shot hint twlc. a third 'guard, who bad been seised by a negro convict, confederate of Fog, being released by tb blow of another convict, then shooting Fox. ' who died Instantly. , ..j - '' Th ttempt to secgp waa as det. perate a on a haa occurred In yearly and took place In th wood a halt mile north of. the Fair around, whsrw - party of taetv convicts bad been. taken -to-ctear-ewt; underbrush -fvr-at rift rang being contructd. - It wag only by th quick action of N. la Bmlth. of Wake eounty. that he wa not .hob and giving aid In releasing Uaaxd. mo. C. liya."or-vke:-w r a whit convict. Robert Hanner, ol Btanly county, who ha yet two year to serve for bigamy. It wa a nar row escape for th guard which end d In th death of Fog. John L. Pox. ef WadMboro. to th whit convict who on August third p( last year escaped . from th Stat. Prison by placing a dummy ngur in, hi cll, lUying from supper oa pre tense of being sick. He hid out and, Jt .. (.. .Wa .UK. . 1 K&l.. ... u 1, niiriii ilia niput a"v. y w-n..a . y tured tn Nw ' London. . Conn., oa March IS, white working as a barber, that being hi trade. He wa about forty year, "of ag. and wa sentenced) In May. ltd, for manslaughter, big term bng twelve years. H ta the un derstanding that h had killed twt men in hi time, and at th Bute prison he u regarded a being run ning and resourceful, but not drapers ate, though a he had made on es cape shackles were kept on him a as to prevent a getaway. HI widow; and on child now live In Newton. N'4 C, and after hi body wa removed ta th Brown undertaking establishment a message wa sent to her. No ar ran gem en t a have a yet been mad ag to the removal of the body of Kox. Tito Arrival In tlvs Woods. By permission of th Board of TM rector of the Stat' prison a convict tore I now at work clearing aw th underbrush north of the Fall Grounds, to be ued by the Raleigh: military and th HtaX military a rifle range, and yesterday morning. quad of twelve convict, two of whom ar tru.tys, went to the rang In two wnsrnn. being In chart ot three guarda.'and no troubl was, an -tlcipated. - , " , The qud went In two wgnna. Fox Itelng with th two-horse team on the front seat of which sat Guard) fleo.- C. Hayes with a shot gun. net, Robert Hanner. th white truaty wh , was driving, while on board a croe th rear ot th wagon mt Guard H. H. llunnlcutt. with a Mulligan magaxln rifle. Beated on the front seat of th one-horse wagon waa Ouard , N. U Smith, whn had a shot gun. Anions the convict in tn parry were mr( Kellv. lust sent Up from Beaurnrt eounty for thirty yr for killing Mr.1 Slam Taylo., Feathereton. the convict Jtit recaptured In Jersey city rtr being out sine 1I. Robert Hanner,; th bigamist from Btanly county. JohnJ B...I. th. m.ii i-nn vtt reoentlv rill. ' tured In Hpartanhurg. 8. C after tw eacane. ent up for IS yar for lw crime, on murder tn the second de gree. with 31 year yet to erv: a negro Meurt Mcintosh, of ttcotltin4 eounfy. in for eight year for man slaughter, brought In about three week o. and other eonrict for leaser terms. T1m AUetnpt End in Death A th wagon stopped In tb wood Fog arose and quick as a flli had out a knife eoncealed about him, H struck at Guard Hunntcutt with tha knife, which struck th gun and st once gave Hunnlrtitt Violent blent , which knocked him off the wagon, the desperate convict seising the mass- sine rile, and a he started to jump took aim al Ouard Hmtth who had leaped from th econd wagon. But i w th quicker of th tw nd a. thr.a un hla im Rmlth abot ) an(.a. end then the scaond time. isj iad of buckshot trlklng Fox In the stomach and hreaet ome going Int the wood-work of th gun. Fos stood on th .round when sj third shot ome. this from Ouard n. C, Hye. who hd been having troubl e tee front ef the- tworterrs trium, A Fog struck M-tnnlcutt, the negcy convict. Mervil Mcintosh, threw b't arm about Haynee and tried tn h-i'4 him. At this Robert Htnner sittinst next to llsyee. stmtk th negro full In tb fa-e and strnigll't Jde.i Have to fre hlmeelf from the rtetro. A 'Hayes got loose he Jumped to th j around nd Sent the third sh..t ln . fax, who t once fell, dying lustsntic, Which of the shots killed him Is r I to i known, ll In hi bofly are buck. I shot. I Prcnertng foe M' 1"tih. ' - ! A Pot fell to the ttmind riM- wtiilh ,-nvered Mclntr.ah tn'b h.a gut "f j.nd eallad to him d.'O t V" mnt a nt blow yottr brains out " to wh t ; th r rei,ed. "I ln gtg I" An tt"thing elee.' sr. at -..! a.(iat t'y tl (III t"" ""' '- tilt ContiByed en ri gt.o fc