siomio EOYLATf-PEARCE CO. E0YLA,'.PEARCE CO. BIG REDUCTION Oz Hits, tih triced t-3 crtrin-M Sce cf tie Flowers tzl Virs rtdarei AUSStt REESE a COMPANY, Fiyettrriale Staet,- - - - . RALEIGH, 17. C TTt-MAY. (uki iutm ax!.-.) waixi m Veres ks W The Latest in Summer Ms CIS irr; ORDER 3 : a. m. ! Jivn. 11:2 a BE. IS r- a. t f- m I Sit R M aline, Lice, Chiffon mi Lingerie Hits. New Style Stilors for June, V Something new every week. 4 I tsa u ua .; In Fitting Glasses Mfcerawaa Ke .!?. tL. --aw .--. ..-..jw (aaar-.-.T - aw -s, T." rlKlT Ta . .. a m mm , ai. r 1 TV te a keeri't araer f re fraoa iWi a errtaia laaw (a awrata tUa, aa4 aaat Uaa aCatekt ajf1i eaa Va kjiei.1 , - -rr--n " ' 1 " t it t Ri forget it If you want a Hit you wont. Ladies Linen Suits and Lingerie Suits IM. com. 1 i3 aw tally ,IT YlH" tl AT FIRST CUa ! aaaeni lMrtr. kuUeraal.a ee CJ-eaaa. artta a fu f.rwa . alawtva t .raery Cav. HKaery. X C. Tor ackanuAa fid arimtnatlaa CH tplaatU vaJaea (hey art fotatM)4ka4 PERSONALS. ataraaij. kMttOir OfXlaaU rrpartraakL i.-rtniissasxasi TlVS News an J Observer tf .1 K . - I TBI A . - - TL- t '-... k se i k a sv !.! - , 4 , . S ! sistga mm isaasnet I teea aa m k ! 11I l,utmm ' 1 ' Ma utf vto i.n n J" at .' Mr htm J K-. f HU : f f -" -t- rr: i 4 1 i 1 V. . 1 " ". ; i --- : Hi . 1.1 i -h M , t- f t , -; Tit r. I a i ' 1.1 1 ' . 1 1 i' : "1 : 1 V r if . 1 , t t1-! ( 1 f .. ' , J i ? : 1 ,j T, I v : m :n fhV tit fdf Mr 1' H f4 mtt. left" raeXartay -Vr " J KfTrtt of P!rutd, wfc j .-it teriaf Mr W r Wi-Mllan, .f New Ber. Mr J M Wlh, (-( H'l!ot. vw hi- -eiHrJm 'r..f M ' S Nubi, of Chajxii i fil l aj In llAih yetrrla; M Thorn T 1 -x o4T 0no. Wl th rftjr er1ay . C. In th rltr tiT lj in andTboutthe city: (n,.r. ri r,,Mrl T W Hi. kK lf! yta-.r.i,! r vTiib-ne .in f.rvf ion . a !'uin.-i n :ff J iiiir. WalUr I'Urt r(urn 4 .! Inn lenuir. Nr Tfvur.!. "ni .-rk rfmrvlm pote frm 1Jr rriru. rji I., .jn hriirv In h 'y'J'Btir-tw"-pi -wff f? y4 ' r ' 1 art m rrfr .. Mr V lixW Hrtx .mvortina edttoe j .f lh 1 lrl..n Sfv epOTt Kun 1y in the ;ty u)d iturnl hncae . ytrilajf i I lrt our Inn id poll Trie ho. ln f.r liBjrtarh townphtp are ..fn r ihr . ..uri -h.uiiM 'ii an hli lh 1 l Inkrr. ,y llatlnK lour taJL I '! Mr Inliix M vk. of tHa o.i ulnf ,,f th !urtiairt l(ir). tnt H'in lUy In (wi -it. rrturotnc home early tmi tm1 mwrtury Tho "Tiira. ii.ra have beran th ' w.rv nf tmpmin N'aKh Hgiiare I ) ' pMttinic l'n TI'm on rtte rurhlnire T). "rk .'f l:nlnit tlj- rranoll'. n!i walk will t ti-;im ehurtly. I rn'l i1-iav lri l!Ktim of your taiea i Thn b"rk fur nalflgh lovinhlp are! 'ln at ili fnurt-hniiae tlatlv and' Mrrm Htia- nl -imhlH are the ltan-rn 'i.r t,ii. .Jr Mr II. P V rnnor lrft vrai'Mit afTm"n r r Nw Ileni lo . nfir lth lhe cinim'ftr on arm cipT a priiKram f"r th M - antcrn' x liratlon. 11 r- tax Uatera. f jr liUltk IihiI a bum do y'rda T. " nirri" ' diftEY "at" tha euuti Iw n-, nn. ; -ui hiui'l l:i our J4i kl ..t;.- V .1! Cullnn. nf lh 'hnr f HI I- lit Wake Koreet ftl!.-. In ih.' . H calcrila) . rturn!ti h m fmm 1 i 1 n ti. tiri ht hi b! aa m.tin lli-v W M ,Ml.Mlk-,.. pf Uiu.. i -lllr in n rr",nvul TniH'tinif t Mr l ii.l 1 olllna, of l.umlwrtou, ! alin Iim I ii mi!yiiiiX ai th- I'lav j ton H h 1 1 t i hur.h. tn the -H V'ti'i.l4 koIiik to I'arv- Ha rpori thm Hi- ii.-w pnainr of tin 1aton btir.h. Mf Mr HHinhv. will arru. frnm tKmt Ui 1 11 Hiip'ipt iiiitTar- Ihla ..k. .in. I will take rhxrirn ..f th pariah nvxl Htinda)-. How's This? Wa effar rwa M '.mop-I lw lv. Reare fee aa-, eaa. of lalarrfe lual tf-auaul tm curve er Hal. latarrk Cur - - T 7 rwr-rrT a rrr.'Twwi n the ervdarnened. b... lawn r i ikta tr la aval II Yfwra. aad aalM. kne ttartWiir nrala la all baeinea UaiHu.'ta atul anaafWd akla to carry mji any .lie.o.H ma.1. hv he ftrta aAi.Mo. ki.ui e 1iaii. U lkowwi Imicgtota Tnawla o Wati'i I'alarrh ( .f. m Uk.a hitrn.a'T. ataaj lllH-tly iittct ll b..HJ nfl mucee aurtaaa wt la .ltm Irafliiinnlal. aftit ftm ITV. : ceea HI ta.lil. Holrt lir .11 I'nmela Iai.a Haul lacnliy t urn U rvnettpeuua I'l.-iiikford. I'.l. M.iy 2T. lr f. i. m.. I f n I !nr for ab.oit ats i r 'th pi ! !i nif.-fM mmm Im i . iisiomiT we hara euppHed la rrrfertk kfltUflcrl (Kir ealea have Jn.-renMd each jcaf Our paintem rlnlrn II the beet paint they ever used Your truly, I'll, AN K FORD HDrVK TO 1 J. H. MARTIN n-omsT. RALEIGH, N. C. Carnations and other Cut" Flowers, ' Floral Designs, and Flow ers for all occasions fur nished on short notice. Phone 1010F. EXECtTRII'S NOTICE. Having ' qualified as executrix of J. T. Hollow ay, deceased, late of tl'ake county, I hereby notify all per son, having claims against hta es tate to present them to me for eettre Inent on or before tha !0tnday of April, 1811. Paranna Indebted wlU j lesse make payment. EVA E HOLLOW AT. . Eiacutrlk. M It. K. D. No. . RaJlf tv '4-l-1wk-wka. HIS1E tXTLIta PiJMTlOX IX DRIO Mora bj J v4T.f aaaa artla far ) ear it-rrviae mi referauca Attaraaa 'tera. fara tats lrr smrfjr; hor1: Wn klwuid. ea BaiariUjr a itil. J aae aaa lara kay mavre, Wf hi about lie l-xaada t-ihl year ett Lena taul aa4 heety Biana. Orey arouaa eya L.l - Nie faxfter tof buary alt r' ' ruoc:B rar an J fcia k body I .tr. haraeea without IrxnBina l'Se rear4 for the t ilur e4irrer the horaa anl buf- Hyrd. KoaAPke Tf JbUKlk'H. N " Itfr. OfU.W: Ml KT II J. (HJt AT ..n.- o H anjUer. Kaii-ih, X' i;. VT I: 10 S:rT POTATO .anu Nan.) Hail or Pumpkin lam asn i ft.'.rpn. - 80 lll. HkfVjril - lt-Tuee Kim mtv M4m M MSlMi I t. 1. 'Kttib icuera ar Iwtttr 4.tat-rh reratro tticra-H Tirrmihf t. il-rt jour irwufhta. They are lMrr arlttrn. It-ieuae the etrnog rihr rl!e fr .m the aor.le you ei-'a ejil not from the not- eh t-ik-. Th r are a K:ra f aJ ri the uae f the Kdla.n ffrnt hi. h ae will be flad to .leu I )..u J LOaU.n a Co. I r I'harlntb. X I" l i J 1 Amuuuiii, Wahin t ., . l-7-lw. II J IIKllI: XI IITMIIK. frl ..r luuti), tt-11 how Ion " a ha . m a .rr,r.t. bow aJT-ted. eu: We h. the only cure, KradUate th iiiaaat from the ptm FOH l:KK !!) la danroua U'KITE Ttil.AT J ii a A. H. Hall lUfonl. X '" TO! K Tl KK4fK l'Lt.AS..T. 1 unoniltai, leavifK Jul r r... - Italy. Kerltterlaji.l rman . I i..n 1'layi. BruaacU World l'. rnitiand, ten mm lre iv-iri) i . n.ln-ld by Mr rtar.-mr rr"tr5a."F of TaTiTttaa ' , r'-il anIIDfaIitvl.,,rirr(.Ai,M. - Ue t lii. wnmriut mi. C l-fi;in Tuea XK KAI.I". tN, HIMI'AH.ATtYK l Rrm S.i rtandr. Kemlnfton ni-rltrr it a daicam II H. ilarri..n. itrr'nilmm, .. (' .M I I.I- H l All l lll Mi MAN axe lenity -one tTofpaalonal atu d.-ot Wante work of any kind dur- 11. a atloii KxprrletX'e In i.r and (enrrat ofrhe work rrfren. ea Addreee Amluua T. I )rtt lile. N. I' t-4 druf Heel Hok :t l.utia At UKH (HMIII II KIM t Mill t.nil-rr near Southern Italia 11 an a. re. M M ITalt, Marlon, X " t i It nK A FYI.I. KQIII'MKXT : improved chair inai huu r Will all or any part at a l aritalii JwaUti lirui he ra k .,.. q,, X 1 :6 lot lrt rTlNMUNT KM I'll) It IS WANT- -! II r.ii for ekamliiai ion a. li".luln. F ranklin Institute, I -p' 2331". Horhennr, X. I t 1 5 at. WAXTK I P OI'l, A K. ) V I'KKHM and aah lumber,, n I order; can u.. ui iuntll. Uii. i. .ii -n.ide at rnl'.l Vane L.i; r.i. John 8. Mitchell, til Hedn. NS .i . YMUninf. 'v n. C. . :-:it AX rW Tfc-Al M l-iU 4KiFl and hiKh echoula. ninny eplendld cpenlnaa. vewan. y U.i free; auaran' tied enrPltmeni S)i. ridan'i reach ffT AltVy. r-.,ir: ,h, t tl-Hi.n Tl.e, Tli iia Snl IU. klls tl HAKX 11118 H ae at r'armere Warehouea, - Ku jUi.v rprliia. X ' fome and gal your fluee ttofore the rush com meocea and h i.e the price la low, MUuire a - 8u.Tu.lri l;t AMIlITII-lH lNi MKX TO HK conie trexeliin eaieanu-n Experi ence un"e.-eury Write for partic ular H-a.i-ireet rhatem, Kochea t.r. N Y S--bu Tu Th t tlOo MONTHLY AMI KXriiKKM to travel and dlatiibute samples fur Adir manufacturer: et-adv work. 8 R.-herTer. Treasurer . c to, Chicago. I ArTOMOIII.K FOR KUjF.: WF bave a car In splendid condition for tale or will trade for a good horse nd buggy. For Information addreas ! IH- R. 1 Caraon. Fajfttevllle, N. C. , t-6-Sun-Tues HAKIIFK 8HOP FOR RALE: FOIl a quick sale, wa will ttlva a bargain In aa up-to-dat barber shop wtth four chairs, new and latent modal; a good stand; hot and cold bat ha. Will sell on eaae terms to good party A J 3 re aa Lock Boa US. Rocky Mount. X' C. -t-sun-tues-thura aAWTF IX fiCHOOL OF MJXLnTKRT. Regular training; schooL Oldeat In Routll. Write for catalogue, 40 1-1 Whitehall treat, Atlanta, Oa. 4-Il-Tuee-Thurs-Piin. WAXTHk-IKITIOX AS KAI.KH. man, retail grorerr; t years experi ence Reference furnished. Ad flrese -J.,T Kaenao at, Wilson. S. C, Fr.8u.TM P13111A1H YOU HATE DECWKD - 4 taka a bualnaaa eouraa thla tall A wlaa reaolea. A pointer: Kite your scholarship now and save t to-tlL Kings Business College tha beat In tha outb, -ies kch?:er wimoj ; op COMMERCE RCit OtXti Norfollta Yirnia. AM Kill Uka wmm lr ffoara tvw a aald at w prkt U MM aasila ts th Iinrei ealia, whrla, Batarai ah awl re LiltM Omrr aaria tf MaaeM. Iaarrrw arum trlia aiHy Ur WhiteLawn Seial la tferr anue tha wtr4 tin pi lea, ar Uma bigti aa. a Dahh collar atakata. takM. mbrtiidtrtd and lac trUnniad M Llnm aalera U N aod up. xMktUkoalJSpecials lU.liant and ritancrable taApia Cearance Bttcraa, PUlow Wipe and Bnlakrr to pa- Tba c, and l - c4 with pi ira food raluea. New Showng of Silks Xim aflki In new atytra. at prWa- to ha howi ttaki weak rill turHy tron(iy appeal to ytaar nxxx-y-MTlnf prc Ifyl tiea. BOVLAII-PEARCE-COMPANY X)KT CASWKJJ X. C MAY Tll. 11 Heeled prfvptieale In trlplltaU for wlrlriK with fUturee two double avti of o III. era quarters here will be receive.! until S. Si p. m., June th. ami then publicly opened Informa tion furnlehed npon raiiueaL Plana and p Itb etlona may be obtained upon ilepoult of 110 00 to jiiarantee "-' TeTIITn " frTtreloprir TrirfrirttTtfir -prw-poeali ahould be marked "pro. ala for electrl.- wirln of public hulldliiM" and adilreaa.'d to Hret Lieutenant H. o Kdwarda, -'n-tructliig yuartennaaler May 2.'i7, !,;', June T.t T1IK lR.K7.IJT, MOHT X)X- Vfntrmf TIMBl tn" Fmktnrn arntrna -b The Terminal Ooldkboro. 1XIH 8AI.K-TVO tAIJM)Kll J II. V. bub k t paeeeiiger car. Newly painted throuhout. Knitlne anJ machinery put In thorough rapalr. AVIll sell at bargain If iold at onca. ddreiw Hulck. I'oeiofflc Bo 1011. Aahevllle. N. C. -o-t V AXTKD AX KliUKKLY MDY TO take charge of boarding houaa for cotton mill office) forca. Addreee Ja X. Wllllamaon Hon. IFOR R EXT -SI X ROOM HOrMG, modern, at ateel and gaa rang-ea, clone tn, Oret-clkea locaitty, tit. 4 96 i KayeUavUle it rant. 6-1-lt I I SK MY PKJIS)XAI TYPKWRITER letter. They are buelneaa get tera ote getter, lrw than one cant i ech. Krnoat Carroll. Raleigh.' N. ! C. 't ' i OUK.INAL PIUH'FH TYPKWRIT ten letterf leas llian one cent aach, Krnest Carroll, Raleigh. N, C . t FXR r.AI.-l0 KIXXXI-H.VXn hewing Machine, will ell at a bar gain. -For full Information kddreas I.o k Box X'o. Hi. Hamlet. X'. C ROOSEVFJ.TK MARVELOFH OA reer and African Trip. Authentic, low-priced book. Liberal terma Outfit free. Ramarkably eaay sail er. Many arents making 110.00 a day. Act qulokly. Universal Houaa, 1.13 Arch st., Philadelphia, ' l-31-t-I----Ii. IIAXDIDATE'S PRIMARY T1CKKTH eOc. per thouaand postpaid, Lyoh'a PrlriteTy, Lyons, N. C. -e-6t KTRATED--A RliACX AND WHITE cocker spaniel, -Strayad from premi ses 104 N. Person. Reward npon return. jt- W.VNTED A Fm.STCIiARS WHITE Barber; guaranteed f 11.(0 a week; 10 par cant m ora twenty. Raply at once. Q. C, Danlal, Bos ITI. Ox- ' ford. X. C. WAXTEO TO SELL ALL OR PART Interest Ih a wall established and beautifully equipped drug buslneas In central North Carolina; rood" lo cation and good business. 4f inter ested, write for particulars. Ad drees Drugflat," ear Newa aad Obeefvar. - l-C-Dun Tuea. A CHAXCE TO MYK $t TO $18 1 You ran do It by purchsslng- a scholarship now at Klng't Bualnaaa College. WANTTH TEACIIKR8, Rl'RAI ) railed and Huts rVhoola Many , splendid openlruja. List frea. fther. " ldnn'a Teachers Agency, Ctwrotxa. --8u.Tu.Th-lt FOR R.AUC NKW BARBER HHOP Flxiures at Helma, N. C. Writ L, R. IJoyd, Chapel 1UIU . C, . i-i-a - . Mrk WAadfsi aaaa twj aa4 mmht6frj ........ .1744 t.M tat I1S-M Shirtwaists lulk pairTt-i-filrtity blacky j1J. Saes Tabcs Cmwra a4 prirea yoa raat aifrard a. lakaea ae, eianatanU 1 1,000 STATE QV KOBTU CARO UXA. Il.AIAVi'a; pr RFtXVDI.Xli noUN Ntyr siu max mth. Dated Jul, I. lUft,- payaWa JBlr t. 1(11, without prior option. Interact four per contum par annum, payable emL-annueXb: January.-., awl -Vtrlr-i: ' Hoth principal and Intereit payable at National Park Bank. New York Oty The underlined State Traaa urer, will re. elva' aealed bldi at hU office. Maleiuh. Worth Carolina, for aald band until II o'clock M , June loth, 1(10. The legality of aald boada h been approved by Hubbard fc W"""''chi of N'WjTPrlu hoaa opintoo. bo furnished without ooet to tba purrhaaer. Printed clrculara, gtvln full Infor mation and blank forma on which ail I.Ida muet be mad will be furntohad on application to the undersigned or to mild Hubbard Ifaasllch. B. R. IJlCT, lata Treajrurer Bun A Tuea Campaign Printing Wa can and ar, doing lota of It. Anything from a ticket to a placard. J'o long walla wa give it to "you whan wa say we will doaan't taka long to do -It. either. Write or call M. J. CARROLL, Printer Acadvtuy of Maata Bldg. RALEIGH, X. C CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT STORE. RALEIGH, I. C DRY GOODS DEPT. IM. Curtain gwlaa, la Pillow Cases, Xto. 71x!0 Bad Shaata, Ota, Yard wide Cnhlaach, I 1-1 a To. Lce Curt&lna, 41a. to 11.00 pt. CROCKERY. Kwer and Baalna II. 01. It, 11.00 1.35. Toilet Seta wtth Slop Jara, $l.n, Fruit Jars and jelUem . KHObX AB alaes, TRTTXfc ITEATQCARTEBA. Mosquito Canopies, 11.40, IMs. Hemp Stair Carpet. It I-to, MatUng llel7o.. 104. II, Rugs, too. to 110.00. ' FCRXrn.'KR 8TOTC9 AXD RAXQES. Vase Lam pa. 1.0 to 14.00. . Screen Ixior and Wlndowa. Freeeers and Coolers. ' , - Hammock and Lawn Bwlnga, ; cmn.aEV's Hist fcaaansY P -. tLmX Cattle ears, sad tea Uka QUaWr. THXBIXL ItOOIC BTATJOagBT CO. " ' : XlLvMt, TaV-t - miAmii JEWELRY CI RAmGH.NTc j. c. grinnan PRESSED BRICK, CEMENT AND LBIE Deere4 arlcea la aay aaaRtitr upoa kyllcaCloa. BEST GOODS FOR LEAST MONEY For a fiuui rabiiara 'thia Is IX HolUI nttJrvaa. rotl aad fuUuw flork tll.&O doUveVed. If tnurtatnd wrtta aa. Wa carry erea-ytbliuj; ywa a am for fwar osaca. Alfred Williams & Co.: RALEIGH. K. tt If rot) carry A Life Policy la tha GREENSBORO LIFE insOrakce co:,!Pm GREEXSBORO, X. tt Tou can feel absolutely secara We solicit fulleat lDTaUrarJon k aowlnf that jou will And tha Oreen- a boro Ufa "afa. ConaorvaUea and se en ra Investigate today. J. w. FRY. PrraMesO. JTJLIAX PRICK, SB- tli 1 pf H.P.S. KELLER; Architect Raleigh, North Ourollna; $125,000,00 CITY OF RALEIGH MUKICIPAL BUILDIK6 EOKDS ' Dated July 1. 1001. payable July 1. 1111, without prior option. Interest flea per oentum per aanuaa, payable semi-annually January L and July I. Both principal and Interest parable at the Farm ere and Merchants National Bank, Baltimore, Maryland. Tha un dersigned. City Clerk, will receive aealed bids at hta otQce. Raleigh, Narta Carolina, for said bonds until 11 o'clock. M., June 10th. lilt. "Printed cireulara, giving full tnfar rfiatlon and blank forms on which an. bids must be mads will bo furnished aa application to tha undersigned. WILLIAM W. WILLBOX. 'City Clerk. Advice to the Sixmmer Clothes Buyer A ahaapty mad ammmer suit whk bags aad aaga aad fad as after a few weeks' wearing, to tear at th Cheapest pllce remember that: Make tip yoor mind that you ar going t hare th best suit that roar money wm btry, .then look arooad and 00m par until you have foaad It. Coma her first or last and e what w oan do for rod. If I"nn" In quality at th fairest prV b your tjuest, yoa will buy hr. -,- . Beoansa her you'll find th beet suit mad. Th smartest t)l. th moat attractlT modeli and fabrloa th bast taUorlof, tha wtdeat chlca. ' :, .t - ' If yen want something for tit f 0, 111 00 to tlS.OO we can show you unaqualed valuta at those price. jd ' at IIT.I0, 110.00 to 131.10 w bar quail Ues to more than match those-Drlce k . - . Oenulne Panama Hat from ti to tt-10. We Jutt receired another shipment of mtd-summer Negllr Bhlrta, wtth collars attached, from 0c to 12 00. W slao carry a full line of suit cases ' and hand baia Prtoes from tl-10 tll.OO. - . . ; The One-Piice Clothier . MLEIGH, IT. C. ? CAPITAL CITY PHONE 59 The J. D. Riggan Company Show Your Good SeLise Spend .Your Pennies With Us Hath. ttaat yoa rt pkursea tha TO axe a -rally said mmd Brew OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY writ mom itAxcrvx. v HAIR BRUSHES Flave you seen the Hair Brush we are selling this wefc tot . ONE DOLLAR f -Dont misa your chance to set one of these. The brush to take with you on your Summer vacation. Come or call 107. HENRY T. J. C. BRANTLEY, Druggist Pt'CCESSOR TO MASONIC TEMPLE FTtARMACT. I waat YOU to help ma la maka thla tha beat Drac Mora tn JTrtrrh rsmtfa. I wilt keep a canipieaa and se4eot Una aa PVRE DRVtM AXD DRTO tilMlKIFJI AT AIAj TUUCa. I kstra Uae Drag? Baetnewa amd I know, yoor wmrrta. I kraot roa " ta inala Uila Kiora roar Mora. " " ' J. C. BRANTLEY, DRUG CIST. W CCES.SOR TO M.ASOXIC TEMPLJE PHARMACY. af4tal City Thona a4. RALEIGH, V. a KaMch 'Pnooa IM. The Union Central Life Insurance Company of Cincinnati, Ohio Oae anoat aMiartlea loUciea ta.bayes becatiaa they COST LESS Usaa stmikar pntkana la athar eoen panics, as ahowa by their swora reporta. WhyT . Boraoaa of supcrtor oondact of tha haetneas. Write as today aboat a Policy, or a wmtracO to sell Uwea, If baatlrr. CAREY J. HUUTER & BR0., M'- TANKER PAINT & OIL CO., atAXUFAOTYTRXRJ High Grade Paints RICHMOND, Say! Mr. Vehicle User WleB aaav ytmgo fata at mi arhaok taka M k Ino. W. Evans' Son HAU3GX. V. a Ka b th aaava) rha aaa ftg tt ao an i ga iaa"wrnaii im ' 1 1 itit .-. - av nlfl I and tba HICKS CO. VIRGINU m raaa aara (tMS aa ran aanola. atkow aaa aarpafawtti.