w The Weather pwMf i .r pea-heedy Bstarday I , Bsedetv . seelh wtede. VOLUltE Xt 2SO. SI IS GIVEN SNUB AT THE WHITE HOUSE Taft Refused to See Rcp resehtatiYQ. Harrison' nrrii ruTft-j np t f mUMi Ant UAUtiLtifttibta UltllMINHIIUfl fto Preside Bmc4 Hi RefisaaJ to ' tee the New York Coissjeaeawsui SuteMcnta by Kvwapapm AUrtba- gertlon Wet Mad the Prc-d-dent and Attoraer-Gea! ta Um WaW IXnchsi - . By th Xuoclatad fna) Washingta. IX C. Jun . Praai- fc, -rf My 41m t aeatv RtprtstentaUv FTaacla Burtoa Harri son. Damoerat, of Jxaw Tors, ho tailed t tSnuUHouaataca alth two other representative to In troduce a aumber at Jewi Ixavbbhf, who look up with th president tha quea- "BST of th ipiMoa6T,aowTrom Russia, W J flXMa- uitttu. oj aaoro, W - rwvntaUve 0oldfoM. of New Tom. Speaking- In support of th Senate artrd aa apokeataaa for the party, aad provtaton for a canal oonnectlnc the o adroitly had the attuaiion beeajgablne aad Nechee Rivera In Texaa, .handled.. r : Sacratary JSartoa. that . ao 1 vbich waa eowpromleed by the roi ae of the caitera knew anythlnr of fereea. Senator Bailey aaearted that the Incident until RepreawataUva liar- 1 mvmbora of the Houee had been rleon retureed to the rapltol aad there "awartntnc into the Henate aad tell made a atateeneat to Uia effect that he I n( Senatora that the defeat of the had beea rebuffed by the Preatdent. 'conference report meant the failure air. Taft baaed Ma refusal to ae air. Harrieoa .on the atateaaeat attributed v newspapora ta the repreaeatatlve la rnnnecUoB with his reanlntlba tn the Heuae cmlllna uaoa Attomey-0erea Wlckerahank for full taformarJoa as to the roaectioa of bis efflca with the Mr. Bailey referred, to the abolition Balllnfer-Ptnchn episode Mr. Har-jaf the waterwaya commlaaion and rftolL aaeordtBr To Th f Wta Hi4Mn that tne Kouae had taken its wovlon of the Bitter, charged, tae( -riewdent-aiid the Attnraer-Oeneral rtth having wUfullr attesaptaa to saw lead Congress tn the back datlag at the Attornsy-GeneraTa aurotnary at -the OlBThr rhargea armteat tba aeeee . . M- lixrrimM m -ETtt mM ' - havreg eyectared tae M Kt saw ts rtesoa for the Preandeat'a acttoa. Be aeM be awd avaje tha enaageeaeat wHb the Presldoitt soma tea dajra aeto and had receded a IntUaattea that hit presenca at the White Hmsj aaj undesirable, . . 8rretary Norton aa at km un-, willing to dtacaaa the lacWeat la any wey. Later wbea he was taforewed ef I he positive statesneota made by Mr. j Harrison, he to! J ta atory r anai happened. He declared that the President had BO pur p ess f publicly kumlllatlng the coarreesnaaa. aa had n charged; and that aorwnf would kae been said resjardtac the affair If Mr. Harrlsoa hlaaself hsd not ma-la ths matter public. Mr. Nnrtoa said It was Indeed hie aaderstaadtng that Mr. Harrison sxpreeely eatred that anthlng b said. Mr. Sortasr-f rmHl. Mr. Nortoa aald that- durtaf ths congTasla4. recotvtag bear thla morning ha aotk-ed Rcpreaeataitves Harrleos aad Ooldfogl. mt New Jtark. and., HepresenUtlvs hall I her. ef Ma sachusetts. with the party f Rabbis at the head at the Ua awalUag ad mi Ion t Ut Prealdeafa oAre. He epeke to all of ths meaabwra f th - party aad sj few ml n a Us latr Inform ed tile Presldsnt ef th- arseB of the deeatta: Mr. Taft announced that h would b (lad ta racetv every member af th delegaUoa. bat Mr. Harrison. H declared that becaus ef the Sew spa par stateoaeeita msd by Mr. Harrison he did a desire to apeak with him. barretary Norton thersupoa mvtted Mr. Harrlsew Into hi say tog he '.bad aome affairs to discuss with him. Meantime he had th party ehowg, - tot th President s Sitka, at ths ap pointed hour and aeked Mr. Ooidfot to tatrodsc the railarB ta Mr. Marrt- - IM 9 wVb9MfOaf, It was th Bret tlm Mr. Xortea had evr mt Mr. Harrlsoa, aad whan the le were alone th decrstarT-said he aa sitrvmely sorry that th - Brat ateetlsr should a th r-st of a diaagreeable duty. He toWt Mr. II a r rwn the Presideat woaid wot- ee hm. 0 - - - i - Mr. Harrtsoa. art-ordlng t Mr. A'ertea, aaid he thuht a twew why ' waath statement be bad made ragatdiag tka cennartoa of th la dat and th Attorney-Oeooral wah e Haltlnger-Ptnchat 'coatrererar Mr. Kortoa said be hsd Bt awt lb atatement and eonsoqnenlly wsa enmawbat l the dark. He akd Mr Hsmsntt , ml him a rcpy of whtfamwt heln srwtmrt the city. - Tti a Bad said. ipiainun aaaew lor iii.fii. air, Mr. Harrison s sited If Represent. rews; was a broker aad wsa killed tlvas Ooldfoal aad Keiriher sad th i taet year by pll f brick on ws 'hers la th party kaew that lblf th streets falling pon hlnw The "reeidvut had barred him est. Mr. ! f ertn replied that a awe knew It ut th I... Mr. Harris aald bs theaght It snnirssaiary for tb tbars t know anyihlrg alvowt It, and there left, aaying that be was rti xn apitul. Mr. Norton aVeleee (ttel tKa ft eal dat bhwaeif fcs4 ri proxtotj knowl. that Mr. Hamsnw was t b owe Jf his csllers todsy. , The enragemewt, . been mta in th rewtm way ' dais am lhrouah ths-Perretarr a i sfllcs. o .jKs "lad aa effeetlvs Auguet I. pending Mr. Harnena was snored en Msf Jl j tb an ailment ef IK railroad bill Bs karin-g said ef tha hawk datmf of ! sow tw cofifeeasK. If for any reason the Wlekeraham Summary: Mb bll should tt becen a law by "This ror.fea!oa ef ,tf AM.wey. j aguet 1. a further pa ponemeat of fiwil srfvosts to a corr:rfio that th ret will ha granted. Th srre PreirWent enf t A tteff-1ts. asewf yeawHes thak tne railroads eha II erl hst srfd t frw.ali t .-."' w""1 th eommtaston surptemen reas ir,lJ.CrC n Term a ion t rjp- '.T tane In poawemetit of th tar b'r an omiai gvumtit aa ef oe U-s which thr fled la at week. This 'a, whirs, was reaj r macy weeks errs nginest le made tn compliance later," , with the verhe' aa-eeemrt between Me. lfaeesc, " ma iT. iths ratee ral'wsy preeMenta and Pepr..r , , H4' . , mm x .ey I pre -lent T" and t ronfir-n to tie '"d'tnifst w h.n ha rt i'eM t tHe I row.n In th- r-roltng rajiroal bill t.at'oi iv.r s.f..it ef th-Ft- "et th ln(re Commere ,CoV; I'M w rr.nti S he a.i.i. as ' re'ee'ow e!l l.ra sntnv to ha h,r .a. i, rrea-Und general sd.an.es in ralea peod- Hit tin . . . . . ,,a , i .v4 r war- -, (i,.t ts be'" cf the reawirabltnea sf tb pro' ( .a ...iMlanlni ')toe4 .BCr.M. THE SENATOR BAILEY GETS REAL RILED Criticizes The River. and Harbor Measure t iri-HfVHMmtttr-Tmir 8js Ktirr Iter Favored On Ptan aa Agnliu: Agothor Says It - wr, AuVpts Cottferanoa Rcportta xsMtwiWue Tlw SrnaU) 7 How-e-ier. Adopt! Conference Hrporf by Vox of to 1! Baile- ItoUliat .bp'- FrcsmxUng CswfirrMsHiotx -- of rrcaidential Appulnuuenta. By the -ossoolated press.) . ' "Washington. D. C., Jun . Ths00" vote ths North Carolina eonlereac report on the river ajiaitmaceuucai association mis morning harbor bill iu adopted by the Senal Mr. Bailey erltloiaed the court, at tka Vo( Invert, aaylnc that they dli crlrnlnated In faor f .janalaeaa acalnat another. Thla," he aald, "la monatreua and If there were ne other - iPOXl oa thla arrount,?- 0r the bill tn the Houm. Aamitttinr that aome Senators had been Influ eaoed by theee repreaentatlons. Mr. Bailey exclaimed: "Ood pity a country that la to be governed by such men orea .to .athlikctoJna t tha. cocnraiasloB. Venator. Hurioo, lor at tempting to make Ike bill. He Ue rUrod such a coarse ta be dlearava fut The Tallure 6f fWnatore to TIaten lo ta oppoaltloat to- the adop wa -of-limixltrwiw rwt-r sM Inar tnli feir 1 w axewUva aeaelon. The Senate was prepared ta ronftrm a large number f Presidential nominations when Senator Bailey announced that to do so they would bars to get a quorum TVol more than twenty of twenty-five mrmtx-re were In their aeala. the oth- ere bavlo left th Capitol for the day. avarat fteaators told Mr. Bailey that It weald bs Impossible lo recall members and aeked him to withdraw his demand for a auorum. . . "1 II noLda it." h. haid. thoroughly angry.' Daring Mr. bailey's apeech aaalnat lha rivers and harbors conference re port he had railed attention to ths fart that few members were present during th proceedings, although a larva aumber were certain lo vote la favor of the adoption of the report. THE Xl'RY tXMPtr7m. Ready for Trial of lira. trSrtl Brown. I nargva wnn nnnrri. By the Aaewlatrd Preas.) rhlcsgo, IU . Jun Ths turr that will try ths rss against ts O'Nell Browne, of Ottawa, III.. Democratic minority leader or the Illinois legisla ture, charred with bribery In con nection with the eiecttpn nf-Wm. Lawinaer ta the I'nlted b atea Henata, waa completed toiay. Judge Mr Purely then adjourned court until Monday. Itat'a Attorney Wa man's most lm. partaat wMnesnea, 4iepresentatlvs Charasa A. White, who said Browns rave him !!. to not for Lorlmer; H. 3. C. Beckemeyer and Michael & Link,' arrived In Chicago today. GIVES A VEBOIGT OF $7,000 CAhF. Of; MRA, a.VKAX CRftTfiO AAIST ,TMB CTTY OP WIJ M15CTOV AXD jr. r. WOOLVIK A lAXG TRIAL. IBpeclal t ?em and Observer ) , Wiimlngiea. Juna . A verdict for 17.M1 waa returned this afternoon la taw rase of Suaaa M. Uregsv admin-, trains of K. M. Ores vs. City f W1I- mind on and t. f. Woolvin. the full Irlsl f th cas consume nsariy aig OS). ADVAVCT5 1-KtJOHT RATES". af th Bbr RoaahJ Will TV Twrirts rffersiv Awguet I. Py th Aaeoriated Preas.) -Wsatitngto. D. C Jan I. Rea- wrativM f th railways east of Chlcesw ad aorth ef ths Ohio river St a rowferwnce hers today decided thst th sdvaiwd freight rstes shwxild ire a rje'eririitintios hy tha rc-mm "News ONLY DAILY IN NORTH KALEIQII, N. HEW OFFICERS GF THE PILL ROLLERS Max T.'Payne, ofGreens ' boro President HEETOTT IU KPraridrat W attm-i Addreaa and R OBiineudatiuna Coolabird Tberria Wae the Frtur of 'Tewterdaj'i fiMUjftll 11a Xt.,1n I Unna Rardlnr Hanilllnf of Wbt. I key. KWonc Drurs, Sunday Openlnt i - ana ShortrHoura Tor iniarmaiiet 1 - Bpe?1!-to Kewi ano Obierver.) votea to move UD the time of ela-tion e teMu-heMr4 te -Hre wond dy, thouah eorue nembera thought this would cauae many delegates to ftara homa ona , day . aarller Mr - Id In b m x Da UUh k -ave .1 ' auopwa, tnai tne report. irom th VBfious committees Md the (1 1 acuss I o n it - tmpDrttni piipe rs"anj 5S1i,l"y, bu,,n for ae; "' " " "eoojec- wuea viipoaiDg tne nrst reao- lutlon -ass overcome. - In accordance with the new pro- ram officers were elected for the en suing year today as follows: President, Max T. Payne, of Greens boro; first vice-president, O. A. Mc Doosld. of High Point; second vice- president, j. p. WoodalL of Charlotte secretary, p, W. Vaughan. of Dur ham; treasurer, U. E Hurwell. Char lott J. P. Ktoae, Charlotte, was sleeted to serve on the Ktate Board of Phar - macy lor five years to succeed C. B. MilleT, of Ooldsboro. whose term ti- PlTd iwltn 'today's' '"session.' ltshiav.4at$Kis nlac'S for th 1 HI 1 .o n..nn,.n II. Old retiring prealdent, O. T Watson, fa..... i . , , . . .' . . of fioulhport. ta his ahoual Address, endorsed plan to rotate convenUoa plates, one year In ths mountains ont In a centred North Carolina town, and s j r SB t ha a jjj Tksj a ail al ai ai S . WJW . ' aa mi vy aaaLaiaaBl TTWiI Vf"f1T. way gvv eras -aBraJS aad the recommsnda. lions contained therein was the fea ture ef todays seaaion. In this be reviewed the history of the aaaorlatlon and mads auggestiong regarding the handling of whiskey, of strong drugs and of fjundmy.. ppenlo. of. ahortar hours for pharmacists, and for ths general elevation of the profession An Important step was also discussed tn thla address, and recommended, looking to closer union between this aasncistion and the N'orth 'Carolina Medical Association. The paper Was eefetrcd to-tha-nropr fomrolUee" to report back on It Regarding the whiskey bualneas. the ! brook, of Ohio, Cox, of Ohio; Foaa, of president said: The only lawful chan- . Massachusetts; Koala r. of Illinois: Bel now through which whiskey may I Hammond.' of Minnesota; Havens, of be purchased is upon original pre- New York; Henry, of Trias; Hitch ecrlptlon of a regularly licensed phy- rock, of Nebraska; Hughes, ef New alclsn, which prescription g filled at York; KJnant, of Nsw Jersey; Ma th drug stores. I regret ta say that tlre, of Nebraska; Martin, of Colo In some places of tha (Hate th law ' rado; Moss, of Indiana; Nlcholls. of nas oeen rreiy vioisted. I want to say that th drug business ha basa ths butt of ridicule too long on ac count of ths liquor question. I have shown ths peopl of my town that ths drug business la as honorabls as any and not allied with th liquor Inter eats. Let ths druggists of th Hlate drop tha sals of liquor and snow that they mean It.' . .. Tha report alio recommended thai pharmacists should bs politicians, too, working for better legislation and ths uplift of their business in all ways pos sible, but not tn regard to tha Bute Board ef pharmacy with which this asroclatlon Is oa th frlondllest terms. snd thsrsfrr none f the pharmacist I snouan may pontics wnsn it comas to th matter of electing men for the (Mate Board. . Th convention tonight I sn)oylng smoker st tha Colonial chrtj follow ing a two hours trolley rid over ths city. . . - , . , -, , DOST 1JKK hCHKDtXK. Mall bcrvtr Dciayesi Hmie sad Ma a. sfatlarinal Plaat Hold. (Bpeclal to New and Observer i Waahlngtsa. N. C. Jin t. The recent change la th Norfolk Southern train schedules between, this city and Raleigh. In which th early morning train and tba Bight traia arriving bars at 1:1. has Veen removed. Is causing s great deal of dlasatiafaXlon, not only la Wsahlngton and -vicinity, but Wn all of th Intermediat stations he. tween hev and Raleigh. The mall serried by Oris new ached tile has been thrown bark,, csuslng a delay ot be tween twelve and twenty-fos hours, as well ai the si preas being similarly delayed. Quit a nam her sf whole, sal shippers of flsh from this city to Northera points ere thus delayed snd la some ease unable to ship thlr goods a aa to reach certain destina tions as heretofore when we had ths mors suitable schedule. It Is general ly looked ape" bv Waahlnaton't trust. nes mea that this chsnrs Is quite a blow to tb bnainee and commercial Interests of ths city and It la to bs sinersly hoped that th railroad of. Aetata i an soon arrange ts put hack the tw trains that were dtaroa tind. 1 - Th larre stave and manufacturing plant of the Atlaatlo Manufacturing snd rv Company situated on the sutaklrta of 't' city, which has been In the hands of reeetvsr for ths pt several month was sold at pr.H snctlon st th cotirthona MoiHsy ry H C. Carter, Jr , aitoraey, receiver. The property waa sold to ths hlgheat bidder, Mr. rrank C. Kar'er, of th Knr'"r trcer Compspy, f .r th sum efiT JU. The properly snld Included the mill end ail farsonal property of the company Tha real eatat and fimhee f the ccmpser were wjlt la New Bern yeeterdsy. The fena plant was well .sold and l-ri.igrt f ill vsi.i. It Is iTortood ihst th. 'a.,iiu were several tnousan e.,or( to sx- Pt tit 1H'A - ' CARQLINA TlfAT HAS C. -FRIDAY ' MOItXIXG, POSHAi BILL ' ' . Every Republican Voted for Measure THE VDTEWAS 195 TO 101 Priur to J-lnal Hull tall the Hceuo- oratit- bubatitut Wan Voted lMvra, j IIS to 116 Debate on the Measure ' Ited Only Hour-TUf Bill Paaaed as Agreed on by lb He poo- j Ik-an t auou. J By-the-Aasootsted Hreaaxr W sahlngton, D. C. June By ths overwhelming majority of 1S to lal PASSED italina ham1 -u ',mM "hIT1 1 Savings Bank bill as recently agreed arolina Phar. , upon 0y the Republlian vaucua of the House. ro; a singi nepupncao i I v"eu Jim mm isui u m uui ff - L Prior lo this action ths Houee. by . hi rtantad the namorrailc substitute fur thahfll proposal by thsi ' . IDJJlgctU. Tha fnllns? wi meM iha IMtwrd mA. tinn. lnvnlvaH In the diaooaltloi. of the , VnJ ... -k.,. ' l -hlrh man Keoubllcana and or rat s "recorded their views" upon the - bHI of the majority and the substitute euppVr.eo oy a large Korvom oi .nr minority. The tkf afe areclI6h among the Detn. ocraia was shown a hen the Demo cratic substitute was voted upon, a I of them Joining; the ttepublirana in voting against ths measure, moat of shorn ware opposed to a postal sav ings system of any kind. Among theee IH-mocrata - were Brantley f Georgia; Brouaaard, of Lnulalana. Hurfeaa, of Texaa; I'arlin, of Mrgmla, Klood. of VirsiBla: tiarrstt. of Ten ' neeeee; UlUespie. t Inu; Haves and latmh. of. Virginia: Moon, of Tennee- . HIyltIV uf Xeiaa. aad TutttbuU, i of Virginia ' fr "h r . Kr uL m "litaurnni th. ni.lv member who voted with the Demo-' . . l . . . ... . . crate for their substitute On agrselng.t,the bill as proposed hv tha malorU a( tha Houaa aa a aiihatituta fer .. Ken.i. niuiur. iha.aro to dlecusa the matter Mr W MU.aM liHlte Oa Uia wteiW" arose lo a iuUm of II Dsaaocrsts tuir.lri ths HnutallcBna. i and ajnona Ihamtaiara AaLken o South Carolina? lohsson. of Kes- lucky; Pou. of North Carolina, and Randell, of Louisiana. nn neptioiicans juine, ins iiwno- erata i etm avgaUat hs. asnp.s.d Hlx Hepiibllians Jolne, the Ilemo bill of tha majority. After a motion of Mr Moon of Ten-1 neeeee. to recommend the blil to th committee which reported It had been! defeated, ths House vted upon final paasage. the vote being its tw 101. 14, Democrsts voting with the Republl- i cang. -ai rotlnw' JUken. r South ' Carolina; Ansberry. of Ohio; Ash- ' Pennsylvania; O'Connail. nf M rhusetu; KansJell, of Louisiana! Sucker, of Colorado;- Pa bath, of Illi nois; Sharp, of Ohio; Bui see. of New Tork: Taylor, of Colorado; Tonvells, of Ohio, UTIS JURY IS SECURED IIOWKViJt TWO VtvMRris WrJtK . EXHAVSTr lJ IX W FonT PIIOB- ABLV rim TTSMKS WILL TEhTUX 0prtai to News and Observer ) Chartott, Juns f Two veblres Ware exhausted hafaea' -a tun of l.slv. men was ur.d to try VTItl nanis, ana jus latasr, Henry Mania, for tha murder of Robert film peon, ea Kvembr It last, la eiimlnal court Mway me nret venir n in ""Ico..l Institution betnar tared to He a exhaueted st an aarly hoar this.. ,, ttkM - . i. mnralng-. and three Jurors' seats were till vacant. Judg Pell er.lered ths sheriff st that hour to havs a second venire f l men to be la th court nous by t it In th aftornooa, aad every man but una responded wbea tbetr names were called. ' There ware pros parts of having; to order a third ventre when the defense flBally ac cepted th three men lacking, and the jury was completed al four o'clock la ths af ternoos. It la aal that probably fifty wit Basse will bs a xa mined befers th cas la given to ths Jury, gnd that a week may be consumes' Is the hear ing. The aon, Will Hart Is. sat with his wife and rhlldrwn. holding n of ths llttls children oa hi tap most sf th while, He eemed in good splrlta, and at times smiled at humor ous remark) during th telectloa sf the Jury. Th father le he) J as sa ace piles, ths charge being acxeasory be. fore th fact. Tha programme f th dsfene ha pot yet become apparent though H M believed hy asm thst It will be -argued a part of th dofetie that Will Hartia, In th excitement ef (he moment, tad seeing Wirtleat I m psoas soa leep In front of his father Juat ss Hart is pulled ths trig ger, rauaed th young man t turn his weapon, and shoot by accident Robert Slmpeon, Who wsa not far from the man at whom Hartia first aimed. Little evidence waa adjured this af tersooa, and ths xsmlnstlon ot wit peaaes will be resumed early In th morning. Judge Pel I put a sudles rheck to the excues of veniremen that they had formed and expressed aa opinion as to defendant a guilt or la Boeence, bv Baking on f thee if he had fi Med the opinion af'er b was sunpoenaed ts sPPr tbo Venire. Aft.r tst vealremen wvr cartful kbout eltrlp'g tbid tMva , - - OVER 15.C0O SUBSCRIBERS JUNE 10, JEDITOBS LISTEN TO 1 . ' ' Second Days Session Most Pleasant One BANQUET LAST KISHT feast l.hn to the .North tarullna. Press AarariaUoii bj Wilmington ITcs Tbe Affair aa t iab. irate One ad TViok Pltrc at TarrynMwr Hotel ; Are Efcxtcd Mr bhipmaa Hr-oora Prrakieni (Special to Neat and ttkirer nllminrton. Junt t Ttr frt ouOi . !cUUoa has been . most ne,at one for the visitors and tonwht an elab- orate banquet wasgiwn t - the Hole!. l.'al preaa tne larrjrmur thif ; luUoaing-a-short aaaawa Tba morning aesl 10 o'clock aad attar ora .'rr illght ti thwit. Tmtrv read a letter from Congreaamaa small "eipraaaing deep regret at hi Thabfr " ' Preeent aad atated that he iaa detained ta Wesbtngtm, on im Uem-li"" ..!! "eel Justified In leaving at thia time .LV hv"!'''"'? an addreaa bv Mr John I Hold of - - - . - the WlUon Times, oa "The Heat At- n:Nr!VVI-fAt55..,:l TJTSiWWW'WVH-nwf. TI "11 1 IT 1111 7TTV TTM 0 ADDRESSES rsrtgerrrenT of Vewvpapef xym.'ii lUt"wr trr -rf" MureTie'siTaleiier as Mr. (lold only arrived th; morning hi. addreaa was postponed until later In the session Mr. K M Phillips, as sociate editor of the Creenehoro News, then read his eaaxi "n "The Newspaper and the I'pllft ? Country Life it wae one of the rr t sicel lenily prepared addreaan ief(.re th "-.invention. He was foloaed t.y Hev Hlght c Moore, editor of th Hihiical Herorder. who had aa ha .ih)e-t "Journalism and Hrrltgton ' hi. h waa V ' "' e.celleht When he had L-tnciudcd - aar waa aome dtscmrton. ted pi Mr. Mr preceding the name of a mln- u'" Of Ol it eeemed to be I .-on.vueua opinion t net wnere in initials ar ' i"piw nov. Mr is tne prcieraois orm. When Mr James H pnvweej an aeiare Csine- I "t of order, stating as his , 'ht aa Eagttahmaa was never kaown " . . P'at in a Joae I have known Mr. Dowd far eevea year.'- was Mr false a sigmncsnt ' ' ...... - - i repli- Mr. Do -cs .lM. a. a. MeMarh ean wring ww i that for one be had found an Kng- l'ehma who could apprvx-iaie a uke Th " roared with laughter . TlM" n"t speaker on the prorram aa J P Cook, chairman of the hoard trustees of the Ja kv.n Manual Trlnlns' f'hool and editor of the Cp - rlft.-brnrhed at v-xmcvertj Mr rnok " a strong snd eloquent aprMssJ for ins support or tne newspapers , oi .North ( arnlina tn b- ha,r ,.r the mag nificent Institution at Cpncord and cited many concrete instanue. to show beyond persdveature the value .f the school n the ntsie No address be fore the convention was listened to with greater Interest than that nf Mr Cook and no addre created eurh pro, longed dtacusaton. tktlicllor w. C. Hammer, editor of IBS Asnsonro t eurier ass tne nrat to speak on the paper a hu h he heartily endnraed In everv reapeit. He was followed by Mr. W-I. Hill, editor of Our Fatherless Ones. Hartum Springs Mr. Hill told of the condition of aome of the children when taken to the orphanage. wara they are given such training ss make them Christian men and women, eiisa af whom are a pow er for r-od ta the mate pdltor J J Partis, of th High Point f.nterpnee waa hertllv In arcord with thossx who had preceded him. but brought out another Important point that the mmswt ox in mate nura give ins children more atteatkm than the are i wont to do In thl day and time, which ! would msterlstly derresse the number --St of waywards Mr. rarrls , however. that he waa "'gu'e -7- going ,o ih. bo. wow The perrentar af wsywaM chlMrea In th State h considered small. At tnts point Mr Cook stated that there were oar) children in the I la th Hut who should be there and rr.xij. Jlr. W. K. Jacorasoh en-, doreed the metrwttoa and tb mv-; ment for Increasing the aerwmmnda- j V:. -.3 -rasr:'. ." tx .ni. s. 1 .. . aat v behalf of' th rwaUt allow and told eevwrai sauhsta lasisaiss thst at moot hrwnght tears to th eve nf aome . of the edftnew Kdttar D T Edw-arda, af ths Ktnstosi rreo Preas. s sreamed hhr ewdiiisswisnt f th tn- etltutioa aad TAHur R r. Beaater. f th Monro Joarwai. ra ni-e rewwxrxs mad th point that H coat mors to deal with th vwth after h hwcemes a hardeeed erimiwal than It east t prevent hst becoming n rvtmhul. Edi tor Msrblt, ef th Madkwsw Cwwnly Record, thostbt th wevw esf training th children should begin at heme, bat he thought that ther was aerially for th trslalwg srboal. Mr. W C Dowd. genes al saa oarer af th Char ltt News, long aa advocate of a training school for mrearl rhlldrwa, mad B pewerfal plea for th hxstlta- PTewllewt Atkiwaat Baaoaweed that wing t the fart that tb dlsrssmnn on th tralnlna- arhool osasttosi had take s marh tins th tea per ef CJltor Oarewca H. Pv of th Prsw greastv Farmer, wssld be ra4 at tb Joint sewsSea tn th after, tskirt tb place on tka pewg-rsmma f Ca freWtasasnMII SnfssVj. Mr John D. QolC tl't srvtred ia th hall, kte rer TVe Beet Ar ras game st f Ne-wwpaper CHlteeax" wag then read. Mr. Oold trae neck time aad stwdr t hw passer sad saaw fads af inter et to tl preeented. . Mr. Ool was followed i u. I O sb-KaaK anaetaj aawsat of tha Arrv-iltwral Deretmwtrt asi -A ttiaitssid sax rags I wag -, jl IMOREHEAO GETTING a- ' 1 Republican Flattering Promises a Farce i. I. H. HUSS WRITES; Anawer lo tc of Morclnil Frank- cnl t vnuiiutiicaUoiia Ad mating lite Kl-tiin of MrMiwti to t'ontrrcsa He Mtovts I p tlio tondition of tlic TPtth Indnatry ' ndcr KcfmbU- : iiimm blrikcs die ltiulliu ' C'onjrrcnhnian Nonvr Iknl) lilow. By THOMAS' JT TEVt'KT Msah.i.gton t) f June --Tin ""hl' Xun' l) Jun T1" r,,,al "' ' "nreamfcn John M More iieau in textile .mamiiai ttirers !u port .S S XI. Mm h f.r election lo (' in f nai t "r,i Tfi ?in!,, T'i'rr''Tr" ilii h w a b Rev 'rl, biuad. iuii under the Cimrt..t SherrT ' rnan Trunk in loiailon of U. hio not g,7i -t .ih a cry hearty r,j.iMnn . f '"t'l. n null men in Mr . Webh ilisttii't Sim of Ihe i. pl .man M rei,.al are in the poaesi..n ot ""' """" Webb, cople, haMnjc k'"' 1,1 'he writer. The bn set,, t, a n - rid n k up...rt "f Mr McNInch. throw h flood of iik-ht on the Congremi'inaJ, itu;i t:on iti th.- ,-ot(,,n mill iltri. t Hi the Htat x i.ruHal of them M . n vtn.e at.y one that Mr M.-Miuh is goln .loan m Ignominious d.fe.i i' he ..Mints .,n the textile vol him It, '.mares. With the t. vi r-f prt.ti. ally osralyi-d. im the tune f.,r Hepubilcan' . .u for Coi:re( to appeal to th. mil' '"te lo l. loin - 10 tidale H'it ittve vuur wttenllon f..r rent dear readef. to whnf th.' 1 1. tne anhlect. Here, for Instan. ialet- . ter sent Mr Morehrad by Mr A W" as. secret arv and treasurer of the lowell ManufacUiring Cumi.ti.iiv at herrvxllle, Huston rountv Cherryvtlle. N C, June 7 1910 Hun John ai Morehead. M C . Waahlngtott, t. C., "Dear Hir. "Vour leiiiitliv i oiinii'iiil. atlon of the Slh ultimo received. In reply thereto 1 have tins to say: That If our I Mnth district people were asiire.i thnl ,nf coveted .ondltions promised by j tne Republicans tw o tears ago, and outlined again In your letter they J would elect him most enthusiastically, 'e wouldn't mind much to promote him lo President Taft n place, es , eeemlngly the wlede Itcpublhwn huai- ! w haw fstwvt to make gtmrt ttsHr fhutcving prximlnra of two years ago. awxwiiiiasaniiing iiicir maiorily in buth Caexll.ll. Imwcver, I catiii.it p hem any Hcptitilkan can hope- for mssrh wmurageiiMitit wllh the. navst : few years' experience In tlx- trxtllt bwssncse In this ..moirr too will ha to admit that ibc hair falbi doww badly, ami hair iiticrlt failed lo drtlxrr tho g.NN as pnamlarxl. I canned an Itow the llrnubll.wiu n rnenr again to oar people, who are In- trlllgeni. and ak for llicir auppxrt. Assuring you that this la only the stats of affairs a I th- m "Tours very truly . Signed I ' A II 1tffis. "fsexi-Tress Howell Mfg In writing the McVim h letter Mr Morehesd hss don Congressmsn Webb s real service H,. his drvefop ed In a forceful 'nnd stnklns wav so as to attract the attention of the people of ths lltste. the fact that Its puoHcsn govsrnmawt in the nation has rrougni tne textile Industrv to stag- nation ana in many instances nib.iv rrlahment. MEETING OF THE NUHSES MKMRPHS Of THE -. Asm H I xTlox IX BrMOX AT AMiltll,l,K RAVF. A HI Y D V MUTI RK or Bt HIFJS AM) PI.KAM KK. litpeclal to News snd observer i Aahevllla Jun. 1 The Vrlh Caen. L ""T" ! r dy today, including two business j ! eswstoaa at the Battery Park HoteL a tee at th Mission Hospital given by Mhss Paxlon. the superintendent and the a arses of the city, followed by an aatomobll ride about the city, tea' ', deved by th ph) stria nt At the nxemlng session, with Miss Coeataar B. Pfohl, R.N., of Winston Balem. presiding, report ef the offi cers were read, showing proireas aqd good esadltloa f th association. Mis Pfohl- mad a short addreag of gTsmiBf. Th secretary. Miss Mary Bheeta. ef Winston -Ralem, made aa Interesting report of the year. Miss B'rdls Dana, of Raleigh, th secretary, reported the Bsaoelntioa In An condi tio flnancially. The report of Miss Ware L. Wych. of Durham, on tha sweeting of th aaao. latton alumna was read. It proved highly Irtstrwc tlv flhowtng th great need of the nurses of today waa presented by Miss Nexa, t'avbergwr, ef Charlotte, while Mea. Dorothy llayden diem ass Th valw of trifle.' At th after soon session th rsporta sf th committees were read, and th work of local association reviewed. Mem Aha rwrgneon, of Putswvllla. read a paper en Tb attitude af th aceial nra I th hospital." whlls Mta Ell McNIchols, of Charfcwt, siMvk ea "A few practical hints ta th ; elevatlosi or tn proTessnon. Tha Caai semloa will b held tomer. TheWcather Mailniuot IrniwnluH, ' Tt IrtnMi mialmam tewiperatars, t rrt 111 prerlpllellsB, l.M Inrbei VUlCJi 5 CENTS ! if m' ri VIRGINIA AUTOISTS Spend Delightful Time In The Bull City DURHAM TflBAGGO YEAR Tlie Marked Sold 7,OH.2O0 Pounds anil Made H1 Mumtug Tlio Trtntty l.w Srhonl Will Run rliroujrh llio Suiincr I nlarge s.awi!stt. ja, WOco .Jtelt.. Cotton Mills, TliOhr at Durham ho IVouglit Itond. , j " T'Spe. lal lo News and tilmyvar.) Durham, June - T1 autotstg front Ki'-limond Kae the city a pleas ant look today with Its twenty ladies and sevenu-odd men. . The en.l'ir nn. e runners came, in n K 'od . hi di.l time and the men went to u,e Klks club while the ladles refreshed Ui.-ni?elvs at tha c.r. oiHii Hot I They mad a loxp up at Trinity and from ther they ii-KiU . .wie--mes; -eHtre--wPhrt- ttr M.-w I'ark a nr.at harbexue was serv ed Hi" purtj. a pii-asing circumstance that wasn't xpe. ted by the tourists v V. n tlie ).'ft 'Virginia The party i stay here ass dellght f .1 It wrt. without accident or lu . -I. lent, the .ntlre twenty-six ma . limes coming r.cra with their i arg ues The taliurrt to see all of liurham s Ho-mI roa.ln was a m irtiflcattori The . o of th tobacco ear finds that there Iih been sold on this town , floors 7 UM JuU pouiida at an wlSi- of ilJ .12 The i.intract tor an extension to the Cvlden Itelt Cotton Milit ha.s been asarded to Maaara., Sulm m twimon, of thl dt. nver a large competition,. iorl.". l.'u feet lo lenxtk It Is to Iva completed by Ihtoher tha flrat Its sli meum the additional employment of ?'i'J hands and Is made necessary by the In. THauiing demands upon ths company a output. . Tha Addition will cost complete about ir.'i.tiut) and work on it will start probably nest week. Durham people wer .greatly grati fied that lli,0u of tha bomta wsre bought bv this city, the sldellly Bank taking 150 U0 Julian ft Carr. Hr, si- ..o i a j in sua. ir '.,,. iiTooo .Vd ht Ceotse W tatts Hi. 000. and ths l Itlxens Natlnnsl Hunk J26.D0O Trinity Hummer Schools. The . lose of the Trinity commence ment finds the summer law school still In operation ami It will run straight through the summer ANOTHKIt FORM OK (Ax xFX Hrlliea Kxlortetl 1oill AUena Who Da. sir to Become Naluralised. I By the Associated Press. I New York. June Mayor tiaynor has been hunting rrart In another field He says that he Baa found It, and that It was flourlehlng opemly lit the tr'ederai building here Ha ha written to Attorney-Oneral Wlcker rham, saying that bribes sre extorted from aliens who daslra to become na turalised. ftoon after the mayor took office, he re- :-led complaints which led him to h.-gln an Investigation. Applicants for naturalisation papere are lined up In the rederal building and stayed ther today after day waiting. De tectives wers stationed In, tha Una and one of ihem rportsd that Jaob tioldstein. spproached him and de manded 2i as the price of having hi case attended to (lol.lsteln tol. him. he said, that If h dirt not pay he might stand tn line lo.O tlavs without getting any nearer to the room In which the clerks wera making out the papere. The detective. saa Be pam fit ta i "Ir'S teln. who waa then arrested Uolilstein was arrested ha ought before a United Rtate commlaaloner charged with having conspired to extort money from appu. , cants for natiiralixation. ! Assistant Cntted htates District At ! tomey Walton, the Complainant la the esse, aald that he was not pr. ! P'rd proceed and the prisoner ! was discharged. The evidence ta Maior tiaynor s possession will b submitted to ths rederal grand Jury. i ss o HIXSIS I11IAIIX VI IHIi "IMa. Will Deliver oratiow at th Xcw Bey, Bl-rrnleanlaL apsclal to New and Ohaerver ) New Brn' Jun . Tbo foilowlnaj telegram was received tonight: "Washington, D. C, Jun t. R A. Nunn. New Bern. N. C. L ""enator aimmona and myself thla ' morning invite Hon. nssn laym ter-dellver oration at Nsw Bora's bi centennial celebration He accepts, taxter will invite Swiss minister and Oermen ambassador. -twtgiva) 'TIIA. A. THOMAJI" This means thst New Bern's meal distinguished son will visit hi Wrth phxrs and deliver th bi-eenteoalaj oration. Tr. Taylor waa mints or t Spain during Cleveland admlnlarra tion. H I regarded as owe of th greatest law-writers of America. Pop his magnificent work oa tha EngllsH constitution and great nnlvarwltle od Europe eonfecred apon him honorary degree rarely ever corif erred aposj aa AmertceTf." His expected visit wil b lookd forward to with rnterset. ' WtMX)NBlX ' RJLPCBI4CAvfi. TjxsVsrasx Xaiiortal Admrnl-rrstloii Bstd Transact Other Baatnesai. , tBy th Aaaocls,ted Pi sea 1 Milwaukee. Whv. Jun Adoption of platform strongly endorsing tha National administration, the selection of William D. Connor, of Marsh fte'd. aa state chalrmas and th choosing of a eampaiga eommltt ef twenty., tw vc em be re was th extent of th business transacted at the closing day's aeeslnn of the Rtpubltcaa Btat Cn-veBlioa. STOP AT DURHAM m i mat hi i i ' Ti