V The"Wcith?r as a mi. Mat ill iiwiim , 0 .Tts V.e::hcr jm AMuteri pKSy ttwm.iT I "Sill ut . - w keswaafrig i i i server. I! i! THE' ONI' DAILY IN' NOR NORTH CAROLINA THAT HAS OVER 15,123 SUBSCRIBERS RAT.TTTGII. N. a, SATURDAY MORNING, jtxe ii, mo PRICE 3 CENTS v Lea; I J. . tl .. tl tl - T T BRODIEDUKEBETS IN THE LIMELIGHT Fourth Patrimonial YenlTrip Down the tun Creates Sensation -IIH THICK WITH REPQRTSiBRlLLUNTDASGEHTKiGHT T Reports That It Marrlod Him Ro.AI rhWIe, of Dutan, hi Washing, j p. aOther Reports to Um Etw-t j That K Marriage Ha Take Place ad thai Groom Did So Appear M j Urn Ww th Crmmr VM to It ftn lOmwd. By TWOMM 1. PTNCE. , ... Wwhtngton. P C. lBroll faced th. .y.-l si ar on thr. rr hMdm. .revlou. wuim uwilmin,toa ! th. a-tooon ,hy Into Washington tooty and obtained t f..tf . wimlng"ii fna I1 a llceJ .Is. a5t Mtr - ;Wj1t nU t taanu at A ball ium, mn4 anatgM taa If tha waddlRf hai takan placa. tt) yrlnclpala hfttt ueal4 In karplnf tk fact from aquad of aawapaBar mrn aid "i ba'iXafVof phbtorrapari" h hav bo taadinc a vala purault at tha toupla throughout tha day. Tha wiarrtifa HctBta aamad th Kf Donald C MacLaod. paator of tha f'.rt Praabrtarlan rhurch. aa tha eentractlnr nitnlatrr. but ha had not prfurmad th rertmonjr at alavaa .'clock tonight and- ha announcad that ha would aat do ao at a later hour. At tha law In tha DUtrlct ra aulraa that th mlnlatar nam ad In tha Urvnsa parlurm tha oamnony, Mr. Dukf will hardly to through tha mar rtaga caramoiiy tonight for tha ra aon that tha office of tha dlapenaer at lloenae la cioaed until tomorrow ornlna. ... .r.V MJ naa. vhavabftaa.disahlaJ to locate th proepeotir rio or froom. Mr. Duke regtaterad at th . ibllt Heuaa, but ha trot rarunied to th htrtet alnre H Uff there early Out "morning." The hrabut of the - brlqe ar - equally aa myatartoua. Ahout three o'clock thlt arternooa a telephone call at Congreaeman More- ' fca t eillc eltciud th reapona that Ultm Rocbclle waa at the ether end of rfft Una, "I am to marry Bredle biik." uid the fair olt or th trirphone, "and t am waltinc at tha church for him to thow up." No one In Mr. Morehead' office rould vouch! InformatWn aa to B'. Puke whereabout. It waa only a hort time afterward the prospective groom ..reached the Houae office building In a rab. He waa unaccom. -pinwa."""E-Jndga'V.'Bl O'B. Robin on. who la her, aaw Mr. Duke duiv Ing the afternoon. ' That la all the tri, of Jhlra..Alijca JUa. Mpaxaaa.t in city hail early tn tne morning u t a marriage llcenaa. The bride I twenty-twa year of if. not much older than th ldeat of hf proapectlv gtep-grandchlldren, and la iald to b very pretty. While no "gum ahoe" method were adopts) by Mr. Duke tn connection with hi wadding festivities, he did not tak th public or any of has Washington-friends Into his eon dnce with regard to hi Intentions. He cam to Washington early this murntng.. and waa In th city hall al most as anon aa the marrtag clerk arrived. , Th time rg!etrd in the clerk's book shows Mr. Duk obtalnsd hll Jicena at-:J -and that h wa accompanied by a friend who did matt of th talking for htm, but wb fHd to identify himself. After f cetvlng th Uoni. Mr. Duk left th court house and disappeared. - It was iuat about nine o'clock that distinguished looking nan la dark clothing called at the study of th rst Presbyterian Church .and In troduced himself to th Rev. Dr. Mao od as a proapectlv bridegroom. Hs aw tn mliflater to marry MM, giving, the bride's name. , jut. MacLeo4 consented to perform the ceremony and lour .a'cJdck-wa t is the tlm for th event And then Mr. Duk disappeared. LaJer he W, messenger; requesting that that r,"U V. "1". ,h. vlTi.TTt. Ilcenaa u r..;..j . hi, The mi.rvary efrort to see that th visitors later complied with th request .' Brodle K rtuka Inii Ateerleil 'kughtera and three or tour ukswis a former U living in ttfornla, la addition to . noat of rem tnlscences of an . vntful i life, hie last , appearano la public rars go, which resulted In legal eompHcatloa before they wer finally ; 'rd away by the annulment of the inarrbLie alleged to have taken place Jtween Mr. Webb and Duk. Mr 'Wnb brought about hi Incarceration " a private asylum on Long Island a "tns and his relatives cam to hia "cu and secured his release, . " Nothing Is known her of Mis Rochell. and non of th North Car olina people who could be found today -s acquainted with her. The Flr New to Com. 'Bpeolal to News and Obeerrer.) Washington, th C, June l.-Noth '"g daunted h Ma thru nuvlnna mr. g, Brodle U Duke, a member of he North Carolina family of that w u w,th extensive tobacco Intereata, Hked boldly to the maniag llcenss "ureau toiy nd obtained a Uoense marry Mies "Wyland Rochelle. Duk tv nis residence as Durham, N. C. ' Th hrlds-to-be lo Is from Dur- nwn. This, Mr. Duks smilingly sd "'tiea to th license clerk, waa his experience. ., merrla wss set for 4 o'clock ' tne afternoon nd promptly at the eppolnteit h..... it. j. . ... th rectory, with Ms bride-to-be Where 4 V. , j r-. .... . . , ... '"a First I'rejibvterlen Church oer- Otmed the r,r,mnn id r ti,l. . . . . . i . -- v . - ii Lipnreq ei nw inerrief -.i sremeni ot tna f uianflin ny ncwierr "Ureaii .h,.,.. . T.,,. u , ...... nnrr ina inj.inpe vi dv nd oliteiiied Ms llcenee. from fc?o.f'rl' " "'ieavored to keep the wter w.rft, tvonunuea on rg f ight DAY" OF PLEASURE ! FOR ilLlip 0!d Cape Fear tb Baalae KKw Tiwi B ' lxW to Hoed a MU-wtssr Sees -" th Prps f Traaav " 'a. U Swiss sr B f""! lTr ' (Special to New and OWrw) . ... ...... . , . -. rural u.uia luuuut mu paay at a brilliant daoc ftwa at Lumtna ea th beach tin th river trip a brief eeoaloa of about half aa hour wea ... .- .-- - Many of the editor left for their; borne tonight, but a majority of them will not leer until tomorrow., I Doers th Cpr la.' At I o'clock thta morning betwa lit and membre of tha prees, including their fanJIla. boarded the' eUamar Wilmington and want to tha mouth of the t ap Fear. at Fort Caswell and Southuort. un the retnra trip t a party reached tha city at I t. Lunchaoa traa eerved on the boat. It waa tha first time that many of th editor had been down the Cap Fear, and they were greatly Impress ed with 'the advantage that would aeeru to tins port wuh a thirty-foot channel and secured miKh data that will be useful to tbem in the future In refereac to developing th most Im portant waterway of the State. Th flsirOT Were Specially lmproa4wtih wo maamncTOi oaroor m. ooumport r-vi,Tr "j'lj-ipn " nvta po-mw in 4m Mad to hold a mid winter Marion lav tha futura far th purpose of transacting bar I nee, th summer senslen biog so lmmf de voted te pleasure. The tlm. and plae will bo deoldod Ppea tatar. . Anpeovw KMd Miaeiwu. A resolution adopted by tho Ooad Roads Association raiatlv ta th fttata . voting 41(0. not bond to be ud la aiding round that vot bond for read building, the county to. reelv from th Blat at por oeat. of the amount voted waa discussed by the Press Association and adopted. The Association did not approve the part of ho - resolution, however, wtlch might tend to mak a change la th present county convict system. C. R. Hudson, of tb United Stat Department of Agriculture, wbo ta e slgned to this State, made a moat tn. teresting talk, arte which a resolu tion waa adopted approving th de monstration work ta th Stat and also teat farm. . RcanlotlotM of TTauika. Th association adopted resolutions expressing appreciation of th odttors at th hospitable treatment re ceived at th hand of the peopl of Wilmington; Capt. John W. Harper, commander of th steamer Wilming ton, and th Tidawater- Power Com pany, apodal ear having ben fur nished whenever noes ary to trans port editors to th beach free of cost - A Japanese) Daarsv - . Tonight Lumlna was brilliant with Japanese lan tenia, tho dance being styled a "Japan dam-. - In addi tion to hundred of email lanterns, an enormous umbrella, twenty feet in diameter, waa In th center of th ball room, and suspended from It were lantern, while around tho room Ja- Sana wind bUa ; tinkled in th re, and th air waa tilted with burning incense. Souvenirs wer dis tributed. -Th present gathering of th press has been on of the greatest la th hletory of th organisation in paint of numbers, and th number of new member received brok th record. Th local committee hav mad had a delightful tlat. - A telerram waa received from Mrs. Joseph P. Caldwell , today xpreaaing her deep' and alncere appreciation of th exquisite tributes paid Mr. Joseph P. "Caldwell, and sha thanked th as sociation ta his nam. if XrtVb PTT OX KEW TEXVUTTM. "(8pVlaI t "Nw and" Obaervsr.) Statesvlll, June 1. flupt Hodges, or th Aahevllle division of tha South era railway, spent ft short while la SUtesvill yesterday. Mr. Hodge say that within a short tlm tb Southern will plar flv new passen ger engines, of the newest model, eo th Aalievllle division. The engine ar of th 1.100 eriea, weigh- toaa each and hax 1 8 -Inch driving wheels -about as large Wheels as are seen la these parts. Th new engine will b a great Improvement over tho now In service en this .11 vision. KtUiED BY LIGHTSTXO. : Colored Trm Inr Two Mules and Two Hoy. " (Special to New and Observer.) rittsboro, June 10. On last Sunday lightning struck a barn belonging to Ben Dorseit, an Industrious colored farmer of Hickory Mount township, and killed two valuable mules and two hogs. Tha old facility of the PltleWo graded school hav been re-elected for the coming school year to th delight of th patron , . ' Their Ann nnl fVntlna. i rtl.kAih (I'v Inn, 1Th ffillu I . . . . . . . , , . . . . t nminn, imm iiniiuiirwi iiiaT ,ne ein- plovers of the mm will be gn-en their annual oiitlng June IS and that a train has been chartered to carry the crowds ta Virginia I each. iTiily $100,000 " " "AWAIT THE FLYETG i pF . ' f V v 3 j. . t (C. X. Ham rrto GIRL DRDWKED III CREEK - ....... - IAHTIOCX.RS ARE MbAGRE or TKAUEDT IX A.X&OX COCNTT : IT APIT. VKR GIRL WAS CROSS ISO trRK.Ot. Special to News and Obaerrer.) Wadaaboro, June 1. Telephonic advice from the eouthora part of th I county tell of th drowntng thle ttsiofwaaar of -tire -rtarjgMer of tK "tat' 1 VmrllAnlaM miiU nut but n mpp. that. th.j -wwer weremeen year ia ana was attMBBttna to rroaa Thomnaon a rmL which waa ruanlng awtfUy and fait, wnea ah waa drowned. Her panloa. another girl,, waa rvocued. HOfSK STUJLi DISAGREES. WOT Xo Rtand too Aot rvwvMoa -for VVJ Pweadisit and opeaJcer. - ' (By the Associated press,) Washington, D. C June 14. With out debate th Houee today voted to In let further upon its disagreement to th Senat amandmeet to th leg lalatlvo. xecuv aad Judicial bills making appropriation for the expense of ttutomoUlaa ios -tho Vie Prestdont sad th Speaker of tho Houae, All oLher portions of tho ooafarenoe re pert wer agreed to and. th co ni arise will again endeavor to coma to some understanding upoa th pro visions for automobile. Whoa thss Hatiat amendment wars taken up, Fpeaker Cannon left th eaajnber and Kepreoentatlv Olm staad. of PennaytvaitlB, presided over th House. Taking a seat on the RspubUcaa aid of tho chamber, Mr. Cannon, with a cigar potaed between hi Hps Ut - characteriaUa fashion, watrhad th proceexliog. By a vote of 41 to (1 the House refused to agree to th appropriation of It.ItO for the Vice-President, aad wham th amend ment providing for a similar allowano for th Speaker,-was taken up. .Mr, Cannon left the chamber; and going Into 'ill lobby, lighted hta cigar. By a vota of 41. to ,TI tho-Hous then - agaJa refused to appropriate money for th Speaker's automobile. Reproswatatlv Scott, of Kansas, chair, man of the committee on agrtcultura, voting with the tnsurgf nta and Demo crats against th appropriation, Tho report was thea sent baok to th conlWrence with Instroctlona to tn aist that th Bgnat withdraw its ameadment. ; OMMBl'g MGHTHOfJSJB BJXifc MNavi(iiitilJllM ' (Br th Assoc aud Press.) r Waahlngton, R C Jon-l -Conferee on th Omnibus llghthous btll reached an agreement today, and thir report waa adopt d hr tho Sonata. Th4 bill csurrle total appropnaisoa ot tl. 1(1.16. The bUl alaft oontAln a substltut for Independent moaaurea to (treat a bureau of lighthouses In th department of com marc aad la bor. In tha milnTcivlUaa inspector will bj em played bv th saw bureau. For a number of rears thor has been a aonteet ef th oueatioa as to wrhsther th ltsnthou adrrtlaUftration should k ooaduoted by clvlllaas or by officers ot th army and navy, as at preset t- Th Houe ha favorod clviUaa enMiloyea, . whil th Be oat favored th designation ef officer of the army and navy. Th eonferano bill, howevar, would permit the Presi dent to us amy and vy offlcors to act la lieu of the appointment of civil lan -ilghtbeuee "Inspoctor for a period not exceeding throe year. Vnder th new bureau, there would b appointed a commissioner of light house at I!, 008, a deputy commis sioner at 14.404. a chief constructing engineer at 14,000 and a superinten dent of naval construction at tl.000 aa well aa th necessary chief clerk and minor employ. There ar to be 1 UghUious districts and th Inspector will recetr salaries of 11.400. except In th third district, wher th al aiie ar fixed at 11.40. Th chief aide to xtavlgmtloa. wMoh will b onatructed under tb riew law tre o relief light vemwl et 114.000, one light veeeel for tsu John's river, Florida, t 1150.004; rang light at Norfolk. V, IJ5.00U. , PoetmaMnr Arjxi:teX (. (px-1sj 1o Kew and CSwrver ) Wserilnrton. D. C. June 10 Ans'ietua 7 iti rton la B"intnte4 poet- maatae f Hm 1 ... - i --"" nunur, N-vic O. E. Ilobertton, r ;M s, v . nt cash prizes r . i a. a H. CnrH. XdwU Ooold and WUbur WrigaO TRIAL OP ALLEGED Evidence All In and Ar gupient Begun. KIlUElSiSE MCliy1 Jcweftv and tady rjnrk Hnel for Not " Atsmttbm W wTtassae. Warwaat . ejot-i rjejt Cttargtaf Tossng Woman Wtttt Ufttnc a DOasnood ' Ring "Bitnd Tlgor" Rrrxtacrrs Tluowa Into Mat sjf rafusmn Xarsnt Graduaw Gwllford Supe rior Coast, ----- ; Br AXDRjnr jotxesl arwenaboro, N - C.rfmm lAftr two days' steady work th government rested Its testimony In the case against Sidney Allen and Preston I tick ens late yesterday afteraona, rv. tMn twentv-flv wltnemea sum toon from gvery seottoa of th na- .ia.iiiy aaieio In weaving th web of circumstantial evidence around the alleged counterfeiters. The ' da- fen aw ore four witness, principally th two defendants and Dluken was th first to take th stand. Dickens te a man of fine appearance, wear a plug hat, spike tall ooat, patent leath er shoe and- has th general appear ano of a man of means and Intelli gence, though In th latter respect he snowed llttle on in witness stand. telling, one tale and then, another un der thosuttllfut croaa-axatnlnation Con ducted by district Attorney Holton. HI general demeanor V was one of doubt and? the general Impression of thos who heard his testimony waA that h wma attemptlnir to' ahtald Al len, bell erred by th government to hav been the prim mover in mak Ing fend Issuing the spurious 1 20 gold pieces. This morning "Allen went on tho -stand, and hs waa put through th. most gruelling, examination ever heard her.- When court adjourned for tn noon recess his croee-examl nation was still under way, his nar rative ar tho visit t Winston, where th arrest waa mads, being in the pro eess of destruction under question of Holton. Th witness got along fairly well until he said he was merchant in response te a question from tne DUtrlct Attorney. "Wn you dldnt use that eaulpment In merchandising. asked Mr. Holton, pointing toward th machtn used for sautartng. and coloring which stood In plain .view ot th Jury- The Question stagred th witness and after mumbling consider ably made an. vaslv reply, r Th defens was eonoludad l,te this anernoon and argument of counsel was in pro grew when court adjourned for the day. - Attorney Tipton, ot Car roll county, Ta., and Axel stent -tUMrlct Attorney x-Judg Cool and J. C. tlttcrton spoke thl iafxeraoon, , Dla. trlot Attorney A. E. Holloa will mak the concluding speech, to tho Jury. Th oases against N. Glenn William, charging violations of the Internal rev enua law and fraud In connection with reports to th post-offlc depart ment relstlr to th post-offlc at Wil liams, Tadkia county, has been set for Monday. 1 . ' " STtop Tiftre Cirht. In municipal court this mornlnej fines of 10 each wer lmpod upon 8. Hchlffman. proprietor of on of th lnrgest Jewolry establishments In the city, and on of th young lady clerks employed by Schtffmaa for fail it re to anpesr as witness ss sgaJnst Mabel Harknwv. charged with "shop-lirt-Ing." Th Hackney woman I about 1 year of are and I very prominent In church circles. She was arrested 1st yesterday afternoon, though later released upon a 110 cesh bond, this having been arranged by T, I). Hark nev, father of the yoiiiw woman and a well-known and ' highly respected cltlsen. Ti a sneclflr charge exnluet the woman 1 that on Wednesday she lifted" a diamond ring from tb Rchlffman' Jewelry Companv. ..Th youtir w.men entered th rtnre and ' Cbn-tiuodos, Pf r-.Ul.. V COUHTERFEITERS MACmTE MEN - . I . j . 1 ' t J - . 1 , iTERRIFiC ELECTRIC STORM PARM9 HfljOODED AND KWDS R.DLY WASHED !' VSsON' I.IGHTMNG STR1H.KM HAR.V WHICH IS BURKED. (fSpeclal to New and t"be-rr ) I WlrlMttArn Tur.. IA T-i. . - I v " ' " "mii, v. iil(-I. - U terrific rais, torrav acrotripanlod- by a i ; eeVe're electrical display, thl after- I ! noo.u. covering the-nttrt -roumP CoU ; i ton la Injured. Karma ar flooded , and land wa badly washed. Ughtnlng struck a bar in the rear, of the residence nf H II. McUndon ner and It was burned. Soma prop erty was saved. The loss Is $Uf. with Insurance of tit KSIIRTAIM ATfrtMSTS. - ' Oxford Givoa tho Virginia Pecmle a Hearty Wrlrxmnn, (Special to New and Obaervtr ) (xford. N. C. June l Tbe tnen of Oxford yeeterday afternoon extend ed to the Times-Diapateh Vlnrtnta North Carolina -Knduranr run a lur rted but none the leas hearty welcome, and In th space of fifteen minutes howl lo JJh,jamber of tho partv such coartssles a the time permitted. The Granville Commercial Club, wltk a special entertainment committee eompoeed of Dr E T White, J K Lasaiter, F. M. Plnnli, J. O. Hall. fc. T Crews, Dr B, K. Hays, W. H. Hunt, J. A. Miles, T. Lanier and A. H. Powell together with the cltKens of th town, entertained the gentlemen at the Com' i mercial Club rooma, whil th ladlea of Oxford, with a gpwlal committee j from the Oxford Improvement Bocletv I composed of Mr. E. T. Whit. Mr. ' John Webb, Mrs. S H. Cannady.' lln ! J. A. Nile, Mr. K. T Rawlins, Mrs W. Land la. Mrs. C. D. Ray. Mr A. H I Powell and Mr. N. H. Cannady re-! eelved the ladle of th partv In th I parlors of th Kxchang Hotel. Thl pilot car, Oldamnblle. owned b nr. Stuart MoGuire, carrying Dr. MoOulre. ! str. Alan Potr. managing editor of th Times-Dispatch; Mr. Jonathan Bryan and Mr. Atkinson, piloted bv Mr. Buck Lyon, of Durham, with his Peerless, carrying Mrs. Lyon, Mia Payne and Miss VosL reached Oxford at about 1:10, having made the run from.Dur ham, a distance of thirty-three mllea In on hour and fifteen minutes, which speaks well for the good roads of Durham and Granville, , The fifteen other car In the run reached Oxford about' on hOuf later, and th entire party spoke enthusiastically of the good roads in North Carolina and the warm hearted hoapltallty. .axtanded them by th several cttle and towns in th Stat, through which they pars ed. Mr. and' Mrs. Ed. ft agg. accom panied hy Mayor Griawohi, of Durham, m arte the run over to Oxford' to sav good-bye to th party. Th county commissioners anxleu . to hav tha" road In good shape nt a scout ear. carrying-Rjad Engineer Jaa, Osborh and Mr. J.-Ar Nllrs over the route un Wednesday , and they reported th road In Granville in eery good order,, thu enabling th autolst 4 mak a good run through Granville count-. '"m . W. RegWeiaV;-.''- (Rpedat to News and Observer ) ' Wadesboro, June 10. MY. J. W. Red fern, who ha been sIcK for see. ereaj montha, died at hi hom her yeeterfiay, morning. During th past wek Ms. Redfem ha grown steadily worse and hta physicians derided yes terday that he had a well developed rase of pellagra,'' His weakened con dition made it Imposalbl to arrest the dlseaaa and death resulted, This I th first cass of death la thl coun ty from th dieeas. so far as known, Rev. R. M. Mann, pastor et ths Pres byterian church, conducted th funer al eervlcs, which was held this mora Ing. .- . To Balfimors for Ttyaumrnt, " (Special to New and Obwerewr Goldshoro. June 1. Dr. and Mra M. E. Robinson, accompanied by Mr. Robinson's sister, Mr. R. B. Borden, Jr., left last night for BaJtimor with their son, Mr. M. E. Robinson. Jr., for John Hopkins Hospital, fur consulta tion and treatment. If necessary. A telegram from them this morning ay patient stood the trip very well, and without any incidental complications, but at the hour of wiring no consult, tlon had been had with tho peclallst" shorn thr went t eontutt. ii A.Di Tfca rMiU-t now peep on ia Waia ernnj to bn sftUod ia tli lwai rtic jtnrcary v u.e SStli at June, ii tot t ccctMt fur ott-cas It :s uot niuniy a cuau f jg nutaoo in o'Ticw; it is no mwlr a f jriit fr hxitacxt gr.4 to jret cff cvra cm aIrir. Three Levic are inrolmd, and itt irr.rtriruat egiotyrh to dcrtiauij a rj arr f t lrii'm and of inhcji in jwiWio gi nunuVrnriNk Tlut tiio tipnang irf tho gtariinf l)tmmcvy 4 lh ouftinty gjid the guunch Drmoonoj of the dtj ii not ci&rj chieflv by thews iinporunt ieurv Thww waa rrf thin; r-r and mer iLat brougut forth tho My Lv iru; arni that has tyTvi the prvpia i Wake oounty trom cegitrw cir'Tttrr.forv'ncTi as thuw hgwj no. hen stim-l Inr ha ej.,'h-uiaiiiig; otmtwitni rf ' 1 ?. efiizAT inQm cST3,cl TAt srr'jei the jrj ls tr? ir tow urvivvi. i ray dASieiit! ueuU am at th ni tk npns:?g ;j th Itxii ,. of VaJtr lV:iorTcy. Tl r.fr! rfr?.nti'n o( th Courrj I iTr.-n-y i the aira tnd rnirjnt of tLe of lis Ths pnoplo Vers Jew to ujajva. Thrw cxruld $afl cwinarr vil ru partv niatnspvwnpct, ,t wf.er. these evils "hntA2 cnn-. thea fhe Liejaocrfj of 'Waie saw that to perrnit itf7& t.i cmr.tir.ue would be to uvrk the raort." srraia'iTO of the j&r v and to rtias rap Uvetr ohilrlregt in a fWitioai iriasrns that w.uld blight their high ideal and nuke thtu drarrt the LiiHit'xatic party or aoquitvoe in intnioral and diAonent and illegal practwea. Tte IQh4 that ijitrri the. liuwhiiinrr of the Demrcrab'e ltrtv in Wake santy hj brwi guilty of FRAUD, BRIBERY A;D RIOTINU and it i to "end thet enrues anun!it Dniuoenu and Iienoy the Ma.- Mfwtiiu? adTtcaii are making their tbbt. They care noihinjr for iiumi exenpt H.H Uiejf re the apMito f. r eflwtuve reiorum. To lm uum, Uiere are men sujttriiii die liiii wh arehpHttMwi onM-. not prattwe ettluy fraudj lHihpry..tr vkiluui. Tliwe itwwt do not know ''Uie way Uutt are dark and th tricks that are vain" to which certain Rinwrers mion tr hold their power. 1 1i Ihey lenew of these thinps, they would "oonie out from among them." Some of the Rood men who have heretofore supported l&iug mrn have left Ukmu and otliors are doing so evjjy day. The rowdyism hy whith llingrters breke up ths Ma Meoling on April 80th, cmt the liing arvrm rf votes, 'Manj peiple saw then for the firt tune that the policy "t the liinjjr, is llule or Knin and they nlved ihon to voU aaiitft . f'ery flingnur in Wake eouutr and to hav ia 4rffit'iale and a new and better Democratic orpsniution in "Wake vw.inty. THE RING WTLL PR.)CTICE TTUm AXD BKIBTRT TO CARRY ITS TSVS. The DonirKTatio primarieB in the city and county should be not only fair but above suepicioii. In th aty primsry the Raleigh Ring aliownd its teeth, ilind you, it is the vwj sajne Ring, run by the sanio person, who are now running the Ringtstor caiupaign in Wake oounty. When the citizexns of Raloigh grow tirod of the partner hip with city ofn'cialg and oriim, w4iicli oulininatod in Mu)initn and deetruotion of city reoorde, the Ring oalled a 8nap lMnutry, rofuaod rejreeyrnta tion to the Mai Meeting ticket at the polls, and betpm the methods that convinced the people of Raleigh that 4he Ring would practise fraud in certain ward of the city unleca the vigilance and determination of the citivguj prevented h. In the county Piutssry in 1006 nearly a thotwand Repnblicana were voted by the Ring and one Ring candidate spent over fifteen thousand dollar of money contribukMi by ruilroad and truoU' to get the nomination for an office that paid $240. -That wag the year when the Ring began wholesale fraud and bribery and made in eome prerineta a Doirtoc ratio psjrauy a - dttgrace trrDamrjcafairv. Born in that year, the nrada and bribery and debauchery on a smaller scale were practiaed in tiirouJityruiirtrof "I808lmdtilielimgriis oarae wten hcores of thfl'begt 1Dmccrta have no faith Ja the honeer of any Democratic priniary in certain precincts in Wake when tha Riiyj is in control and the counting.... In 1908 the primaries in certain prerineta were believed to . have Lena fraudulently conducted and prrvfrfrient Democnta in Raleigh, Wake Forest and certain other townships believe ' that some men were nominated by f rand and bribery, whereas . by clean methods their opponents would nave received the -certificate of nomination and now be in office. Thi belief ' that the 1908 county primary was tainted by fraud and bribery waa t5 strong that the Mass Meeting of citueng. in Raleigh in March, 1909, did not hesitate to declare that the1 citizens of Raleigh could not get a fair election except by tha vigorous threat to the Ring of "A1 Fair Election or a Fun eral." Why do the people believe that certain Eingsters have . practised fraud and would do U again? Plenty of good Dem ' erata will tell you they believe the same Ring backing the ,' oounty Ring ticket in 1903 cononittod fraud, in that year, ' ' but there was no law that would "punish them. On the eve , of the city election, the same Ring, believed to have commit- , ted fraud in the county election' of 1908, waa believed to be i planning to steal the city election, ln'a ranarkaUe' speech made in the Court IDquse in Raleigh, a the night before the city election, Mr. Jamea IL Too, former Chairman of tha " cjtate Democratic Executive Committee, made; a tpxvlx ia . ' .C(WTIM:EiJ OJf fAQJt THREEVa y. rioti- i .j.