Tiir. netts A?rr orrnrrn, satit.dat. jrrc n. KS CREEK IS 1 BQIiDS MUZZtE DOSS OR RluOSTERS PACKED atjke f::kf a M JELLS 1; inn -ne STTHE RING: SOLO 111 HOLD 111 LEASH? THLL1ASS MEETIilb Kt;-j Ti;:f !s Ei::rUJ b tt SIOEJF STOBY GIvjs"5 Practical Demc3 stratica cf Tragedy Enthusiastic Upetlr.g at Premium Was $4,614 calAldennen Piss OrdinancelScnt f-Icney ta Bring Intw-iud. n. Thriving Town cf Wendell Issue cf $150,000 taThat Effect Their Hirtllncs W ii m tt ftMhtam - Mr Lrtrt Hliiri Ttoet Was) ft Fair a Mr. ftewr Tmmim, Whs. A TiT.rr...:.'. !''' esai. . name ve.eae --- rvr ,. in aawawawr n Jim mmmmtmmsmsr,:; f W- ivir a-L C f ' f r tJrrI r It- i-kih"'-'-- 1 h ! i. ,1 ' Tto, Pw Urf U k to Ipn tt I'm h4 Mat vew lvh i - tnl rutl Whs Will Lewd to Hntrr Rate la Wake. There we eteakt& by the Um Meeting representative at the wide awake aad thriving Wwa of W eadeli Thursday Bight. Mr W N Jeaee and ITef W J Frrrwil mad speeches ! people of the county, and the Baal K ittf of Deeds and Treasurer f the county, Meaara C H jr' and i T Norwood, annouai d their Candida, y Tur thee pottl..n There iter about 111 peepl pree- jt Tha crvd ( unnaccinf tantlon for ahwt taa houra and a half Mark Craa tuanahip haa han al m"l anlul fir tha Maaa Moaiias plal I.fm and randMaiaa frt-rh tha bain nj jt a aunt 'i.f it!r at TTia pmnirT l'm tb ih of Jan a Mr Jnna ptatad that ha toil cn "pr'ntM In r rraoht"khd'p. ad did lrof Krrrall. M tha rauaat of frianda at Wriidrll ttiiraatad In tha p..nu-ai j aituatlon In tlia ruuitty. that ha da- ' urad tn rt a-ttataraT ttiftuanro ha j il tha lui ana mi ..f its tandldaiaa. and urfad all pra. atit to do lltaa He atataJ that It tia1 baan mnra than a doaan aara o'nro tha I NBiniK-raiV paopla of tha -rrmnty had had maotlna to aaproaa thamaalaa al-out party affair aiid yuan anil maaaiiraa; that ha ballavad thla a a "d yrar for that pur .aa ami a., .ltd "th-r Ittsana, but tluaa In hara; "f lli parlr ma-htn-ry had d-tirminad that thla ahnuld not bo, aud hrn tha niaatlnf rallad by riraantat a lamorrata from all var tha -ouiit brnkan up by a ytotoui lam"tmiraUcin whlrh would hava baan a dtairraca to naaro poll Ill at maatlhiri In tha palmlaat d) of l(a ..tiatructlon Mr Jnnpa ax Id thut ha fait that thla li Kt handad part nrmaiif a ahould ba rabukad by th- penpla of tha county, and ha wIlltriK to do what h tould to aauura thla rnd Mr Junes l(l that tn unrtarstnod three days bafora tha' maatlii ot April SOth a' held that Mr Bailey nn trTnoilet. if(1( frr tha t-itl r fht-'Maaa Maailhg, w-iM to Ttowl e. down by thoae opposad to tham. It aji openly llkeit on tha streets of Halelith tlv reason of hi connection with Mr Bailey he could say nothing as to him hut ha eould oay this of Mr Daniel, that tliers was no man In the Rtate to whom tha people owed mora both for tha purity of tha man and hla courage ns an editor That no man In the lemooratlo party da sered more at Its hands than he; that not only ths paopla of Wake county knew thla but the people of the whole Htate llkawls and the j people of North Carolina would be: er.M ilns memorlaJs to hts name when hla Irartucar war dead, burled sid ! lorgoiten. ; Mr Jonas callsd attention to the el- , ellcnt ticket composed of high lonl , men put out by the representatives a1 the people. Ha suld that h believed ) It to ba to the beat Interest of all the people of county to nominate j this ticket. That the men on It, would meet the eipectatlon of the i people, and that they could ' ba de pended upon to discharge ,helr full duty as public irnaiid from Its hesJ to Its foot. He also called attention to the vari ous provision! of t lie1 platform. He dwelt upon tha necessity of having the party machinery In the hand of those who would hold th scales with entire Impartiality toward all hade. , , " , ,r f.. ......... ,-: fKK wv -wwa-4 of opinion In the Dem the county. That this aa aosentlal to party success; that It wis of th highest importance that the affairs of the party should be conducted with fairness to all. lie hIho dwelt upon tha purity of election; that they should to free from fraud, corruption and bribery, and every such suspicion; that unless this could ba done It would be totter to openly put up the offices to the highest bidder and be done with it Hy this method , would at least stop corrupting a lot of sorry men; that debauching the doctorate wag noth ing less than an assassination ot our form of government. Mr. Jones spoke with customary earnestness and seal and hla speech made a nrofound Im pression. Prof. I-'erreJI was at home In Wen dell and In Mark's Creek. Hla old friends and neighbor received him with every mark of faver. He gave a vary amusing account, of tha per formance of thoae who took part in breaking up the mass meeting on April SOth. He told- wtot they said anj did and his account waa ridicul ous as well aa mirth producing to tha crowd. He thought It much better . to have a ticket put out by representa tive Democrats of the county than a ticket put forth by office-soakers and ' a few men In secret He' urged his friend and neighbors to ttpport tto masa meeting ticket and said that he was sure, these wera tha man they hould support in this contest Mr. Ken-all literally "shelled tha woods" In hi plcttfjert rlngaters and a comparison-eiiU-rlng TH with rlngsters delighted hts hearer. , , He ta a vote maker. Mr. Anderson was also among hit home people. He seemed to know verybcf y and they all seemed to to for him for register of dead a .He wa busy Introducing - hla friend. Treasurer Norwood, whom they prom ised to support for hi own asks as well aa hi friend- . Tto spaa king at Wendell wa a good occasion for th maaa meeting ticket 'Mark's Creek ha very few Esau aa the Rlngsters are finding to their dtsmar. . ' ARNOLD'S OALSALl Diarrhoea r , W. d. Thass, Reary T Rick Co.. Raleigh, T A Holding ft re.. Wake For, ". C ttattna Drug Co., riartna. V, C attanaaata. tuuuurwi in t tK,nta rarh of thaaa toraaa ara rrf t rhlf aad baauada4 ta tha city awnt ntB- It aa pival t J4 ,,,.ra at Ba rf rat bafinalnt ' pound. Tka avaara of auck do, by Ur M A OrtlBn. ko haj.puy ,,h Juy , ,,,, Md M n. yr j koDaor kaooa, ahall to ftoUAad. rr-.Bd tha apaaiiara Tha j .ill haa alaroad tha Orat of Jly tha a tha da(i ahall ka kapt la. tka oltf aain fuf tha Maaa Mrot n t ainrraaiaa ar, lo ru fnr only !l yarm. pUD4 for two day. If tka ownaa yronomuad and ma apar ,h c,u obtalnthf tha ttanaflt of tha dooa aot rodaoni by paylRff tha tax. If ""J' tfcrou.h. I r i ,t,ro.t. . 4M ta uaHaanaaa. aad tka eoota W1U M-.-PIWa4- Mt la are lin ftae ! rVwgM y X. W. HaMrf A Cat. af cw. Turk a a rvwalaaa of Declared bf representatives af the ; tuyere to have baaa autd at aa aa- I itramety flae price ta Ik brwasat rwev I I dtU-ia of lb boad iiuktl, ntMOlMl Ibvade of Ova rlU ef Relet, mm lu I and the aianxi- i ailn "its at TO kuyra Mara Hal- tT 'hibi. of Naw tura. l ( bid tlX.lt. a pramlum II lit f t . iha !!. of aiaak-iaai kilJm bond, aad l:i.?. a tunt at ' nil on lha 1:1(01 of rfun31n , Thar a vara flftaea bidders for tha municipal building bonds aad elatea . fr tha rafunjtng bonds Here aa iha repf -aentativa of at users N. W ' llalaay t o, af It Wail straat. Near York, was Mr Horar C. S) Waaler, vf : Jkoaa - Xasa. tkfa sAkar aitUara Wc represented by Mr. Uaorg - ltl. of I Field, lngatatk ".. taeatmsnt Jwkers'o CtaaisMaaU; . Mr, J: H Hrhumann, rapreaenMBf Seaaonfood Meyer, of New York, and Mr. W A ilryaon. rrpreeentlng Hrred 4k Harri son, of Clnclnnaa Tka kids acta opened by lly Clerk W. W. Wlllann. there being preaant also t'ol. Charles r. Johne-in. chairman af tha munici pal building commlwaloti: Miasra A ' I. Cm and Joseph (I Browrn, mem ban of the commission. Mr. H. a. Jerman, rlty traasurer. uiJar whoa direction tha refunding boads wars auld. and Mr. Walter Clark. Jr. city attorney. I Tha sai or the bonds at a premium of .03071 show that Iha credit of tha lty la high, and the number Of bid ders after the bonds show that there was an actl demand for tha offering of the rlty At the meeting of the Hoarj of Aldarroen last nlghl the sale of tha bond was isntlrmad. Tha Md received wera: tlM.000 MunMpel MollUlnf RnMa Bread Hsrrlaon. of Cincinnati. Ohio, bid llll. Ilk. premium. l:i. Field. Lnngtreth Co.. of tlncln nstl. Ohio, ktd HIT. Ill; premium. 12.101 A. H Leach t o . of New York. bid tlH.411 10. premium. 411.60. Heasonaood a Meyer, of Cincinnati. Ohio,, bid IllUlli premtvMn.-H.Si -i Womttn, MrfVear -ar- Moor, wf TTtt- j rago. Ill, blj 12 ,,119; premium. I )n ny of the provisions of the or 'il( Idlnanc. . if's.'.a'atS -'?L '"BTaiTa? Md ! nmn Or.llruuvca. Herlard. ,,W,,.,i "7m Mm' 1;4 , , Thee. walTpasaed by th Board last ll?0.'.,tiO- U,l"attht a rvheed plmhlag ordinate, Ohio, bid I1H.I2&; premium, tl.tjl. ,.1- , v.. Vrfi ,m Otis A Hough, of Cleveland, Ohio. bid 1111,000. I'o A Pavtea. of HaJtlmare. VJ . bid for I.SO.000 at 100 11 Vorth Carolina Home Insurance Company, of Kaleifh, 11.000 at pe H. A Kean A Co.. cf Chicago. Ill . bid 12,611 leas thaa par on both Is- UtS. ' N W. Halsay A Co.. of New York, bid 1121. IIS; premium, 13,145 Baker Watt A Co., of Italtlraort. bid 1127,700; premium. 12.700 126,000 Rrfundluc Bonds. Ttretd A llarrlaon. of Ch-iiinnail. OWo. bid 111,125. premium. Kleld. Longareth A Co.. of Cincin nati, Ohio, bid 111,101; premium, 401 A II. Larh ft CO.. of New York. bid IK. OH IO; premium, III It ' HeaaongoiMl a) Meyer, ot Cincinnati, Ohio, bid til, IK; premium, ll. Woodln, McNear A Moore, of Chi- , rago, Md 121,112, premium, 1212 , Estabrook A Co.. of Baltimore. Md., t Did III. 211. XI; premium. 1:11 21. . Wll. Both ft Co.. of Cincinnati. Ohio, blj til. HI; premium, 13:6 Haker Watt A Co.. of Raltlmor. ! u u.u ,, n, um 4 aw-a -aV- 1 1 rbltswlk aw4 HalV swit AAawiaa Md . bid III. lit; premium H40 bid til. 000. Hood A Co.. of Chicago. 111., bid 125,010; premium. 130 N. W. Haleey A Co. of New York, bid 121.711, premium, 1711. TO CHAHLOTl; MILITARY. Commissions to the OflU-ers of Cnaat Artillery (VMiipany. Commissions to the officers of th Fifth Company, Coast Artillery Corps, of Charlotte, were Issued yesterday by th Adjutant-General They are to Capt W. M. Robey, First Lieutenant Charles R. Rosa and Second Lieutenant John R Noel. Death of a Child. ryours In today's paper ta th reply. (Special to New and Observer.! I if 1 am correct I wish to renew my Rocky Mount. Jun It The many"; reqneat to you and -to th association, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso that notices be placed at once upon Hick will be pained to hear of the j each hydrant tn Oak wood Cemetery, death of their Infant son w hich oc-1 reading: aSoal Drink That Waken cur red At their homwon Hammond- Itlotr reaper (fully. street at hail-peat aia yesterday after- ' TH08. M. JORDAN, noon. Th child had Wen sick some Sunt ofHealth. week ago, but had Improved of late, when a sudden turn in th disease for th worse cam yesterday, result - Ing in death. It' was a great ahoi-k to tha loving parent and all the family. The little one wat eight month and fiv day obi. Th funerak conducted by Dr. Mercer, te fixed for $ o'clock thla af teron at th house, and ths inter ment will to her at Plneylew ceme tery. , -- Death af Ant Infant Rocky Mount, Jun 11 At half past tlv o'clock thl morning th In fant daughter of Mr. aad Mr. Jullua R. Griffin passsd away at their home on Lexington street being lust aevea months old today. Th little on had been 111 for some weeks, and until yes terday evening hop af her recovery had been entertained Th funeral eervtc was conducted by Dr. Mercer at th residence thl morning at 11:11 o'clock, and lh In terment will be at th horn place f Mr. M. Orlffln, th father ot Mr. Jullua Orlffln, In Nash county, eosne twlv mile from th city. Th sympathy of. many frleaJa go ut to theaa young people la their bereavement J la tto I" lew Coart. In th oily pole renrt yesterday Bud R os-era. colored, wa taxed with coat amounting I 11. It for disor derly ndtt4. Melvin Chavte. colored, wa fined tig and taxed wlt the coais In the rase for aa assault wltk a deadly , weapoa. U to " ITS Fv ?Ve to Hav OMf to to Raw MwatCtoa 4 uao p. x. to tosa! evy doe has his day. tut thnee I RaJa:- have had already. accord tn ta aa Kliiun sit fcy Hoard af AUwn ta adJoaraed Tka rdtnaa pU Uat all (fan Bcaaad ar aaltcaaMd. rvaalnf t tar, ar foaad aara-kar la tha my KJ)(k aawaa lanlad ar kald 1, ar a ta arannax af tka erttf. ahall to toa a ky tka- kaltaa or araaa authrkw4 kf tka of keeping- tka tot aad a fe of fifty ranta. whether N la licensed or aot, thea tha dog. aflar bataf kept ta tha crty pouad for two day, ahall ba hill ed wttb aa Jittla sufTartag aa poaalbja. Twa chief of poUra la authorlaed or persona, when airaaasry, to eatch ad hnpoung such dog and ts par stsrli p eraong sof aertoa asH aaoaed ins; tit par month, which pndl ture shall ba paid by tha city. All ordtnaarsa In conflict wttk thla ordlaaaoa ware ordered rapaaied- Asy parens Interfering with any police of- ratrh dng shall to ordlnanoaa shall ba ftned til Thea In full fore en aad after Jwry 1st , FvdW-ei x a Ttalaat, . A f aaolulMut was. pssssd iacraaaloc the pay of the rlty police offlcara from til to t't per month, and living them on Hunday In each month, be tween tha months of fteptambay and June. Pool Routn lAcwnm Incevaaed. Tha llcn on pool rooms and on sll place where persons psy to en sage In games, waa Increased from til to tit par year Tha ordlnanoa provides further that all such place shall ba closed between tha hour of II: JO p. m. and 7 a. m., aad that; there shall he no screens rutting off from' view the Interior, where per son are engaged In playing pool and other such game. Over all pool rooms and other i plarea where person pay to engage In gam tha police shall have uper- i.,, .nd Iha naraona runnlns thamJ (nj, ,naiV trans r.voksd by lh mayor IT the gtolt fall 'to compfy on. Tw Widen X. MaJlabwry Htrewi. Tha "treat Committee waa author ised to make contracts with person owning land on th east side of North Salisbury ttrt, north of North street, and to proceed with the widening of aid atree aa epedlly as poaalbta. Ths Street Committee wsa also au thorised to re-eurface all streets (where such la needed), within tha territory kouadad by Oawaon, Blouat, Davie and Morgan streets. WANTS . SISNS PUT IIP OR. T. M. JORDAN MAKES R Ql'KST OF OAKWOOD tiEME- TERT ASSOCIATION. . - ( Dr. T. M. Jordan ha furnished the , following letter witn tne request tor publication. It la addressed to Mr. B. Forrest, Supt Oak wood Cemetery, Raleigh. N. C, dated June 10 and- readwr "Dear Sir: Noting your letter In to - day- paper. "Dont Drink This Water". : I reply through same medium to you ana to tne associaiinn you represent. ' 81 nee you hav elected to go before the, public with the matter, that thla j notice la Insufficient and will hot be the ' protection the uninformed shouru : have. tome days since, bv letter to' the ) president of the Oak wood Cemetery i Association, t, as euperintendent of I health of the city, requested that your I association Mould place a metal pla- card or lgn upon each hydrant est ! ting forth the Information contained In j headline of your notice In News and i ObssTvrtr today. Having had no an I wr to my letter. I naturally auppoee m , rooked ELT aAUJ.n x taTeJvDAI. ( . - Leave eat tto Katarrra Aaguste Duo to Arrive la Now York Jan IS. (By th Associated Press) Southampton. Jun It. After an absence, from horn of nearly fifteen months, eleven of which ha haa 'Spent In tto Africa a lung la, and tha re mainder of th time In making a tour through northera Africa and various part of Europe. Theodore Roosevelt sails t from Southampton today on board th Steamship Kalswrln August Victoria, bound for New York. ' Accompanying CoU Roosevelt were Mrs. Roosevelt. Mr. Nicholas Long worth, Mlaa cttoi and Ksrmit Roose velt. i The Katoerln August to du to land Col. Roeoevelt and hi party In New York Saturday morning, Jan II. ' MISS ROCHUJJ DISCO VrcRED. W i ' Ha Located at Mr, Horwrtey's, a nivaity Tatnr. Wsshlngton, D. C, June 11. Mlsa Roc holla wa dlw-evered late tonight at th born of Mrs. Mary O. Horse- ley, a private tutor, under whom she ha been studying. Mr. Duk callsd tn snnrtiy srter clock, had a or let eoavrraatioa with her and dl appeared again. Mlaa Rorhell waa highly Indignant over th notoriety attending the attempted marrtaaw, and innnawred her Intention of re tarnlrg Immediately to her horn la pwrham. "I waa going te marry Mr. Duk to-dev.- ew aid. "but I don't know j-whetner I will or i- - ilMiML, tor Miiil a4 Ttod Ha Ha4 CMeta to A TV-kru Tbosa Wto CaU Hat 9mt Ttm. (SpaetaJ ta Kewt aad Otoarrar.) , mtvwasf attora. Jaaa lt-Xa tto paafctkf aera thla aftarsea ft wma s-gals deenooat raled that tka Waa county Klxtcatara had kdraitsga ta RaWurh April It. at whUk tisaa lhy kroto up the I noc rat l maaa aaeetlng. A ntuaa af this eomiauattr toldly adiatttaw that gasaey M aM ta thla secUoa. to ttoftogtara 4tkt a aa rw. seated ta buy Uctota for aay waa eauia sot bar them to puttt aaaag saaattne. A good alaad crowd greeted tto tatt rtag apaaker kere thi aitartMoa. Tha aajidldata who apaka wer Mr. a. T -Judd. Mr & r. rraaktla aad Dr. K. Mr. gikea Tto flrat tw mad abort apaachee. Mr. J. J. Burt, who tn trad scad th (paaJtara, at tha doe of ill. Judd s ramarka, aaid: "That la w of the bast polmeal speecheo I totro beard for year. W want kiat such a man as Mr. Jadd." . D. :.aa mad ara aiistki aavd stirred tka crowd it did mack good aad strengthened ths ma la thia aao- tioa- wna ara Utereughly aroaaad to th aseaaaltjr for ovarth rowing th waka cotiatji ring Holly Bpiinga township aaa ba counted oa t da bar fall ihara ta th good caaa. He mad aora ooavarta. 1 waa a af laa atraagews ,ieaek wtttea - been dellvwred la the campalaTa- At tha eoaclusioB of hla s peach ha aaawarad souui . question atoat to salary piaa which at th caattar .straight with some who did not thoroughly underetani It They didn't understand that the fee covered Into th treasury woald pay tha aaJarte of tha omcera and five tha county taa or mora thousand dollar la addlUoa. tlon. THE CONFERENCE CLOSES ixSTTTcrK coxnrcTOKs tmui ADDRESS BT PR. RtVRIN ACFA niAA. D. HrlVKR Olf BttTTiat. MEJTT WORK. T(, i i i . . . . .. . . ... - I. . . rrT1ICTl BM l" toaaon la tha High WctlOol TSuTliirng; aosod" ysatarday aftr a full morning as sal on, which waa given to tha discussion of various topics of Interest. Th opantng sxsr else war conductad by Prof. A. J. Bsrwlck, of tha SUt Department of Puhflo Instruction, after which trior was delivered by Dr.-Waton & Ran kin, aecrotary to th Etata Board of Health-, an Interesting addreaa on thai health of tha children In tha aohoola Df Rankin apoks espsclaly of dis ease of th aye and eara. Ho urged upon th teacher preaant tha neceeetty of examining and caring for tha child's physical weaknesses. Th citrlo obliga tion to preserve th Ufa and health of penpt he declared to ba the high est of all. Tha taoharg obligation to ths child, he said, waa almost as re sponsible as that of lb parent After tha address by Dr. Rankin, rs. Charle D. Mclver, of Greens boro. pok In behalf of tha better ment work. She urgvd oooporatlon be tween parent and teacher. Miss Mary Graham, of th Stats Normal and Industrial School, then discussed reading. The aasaton closed with a short ad dress by ftupeTlntnednt Joyner. MAPEX WILLRESENT INSULT , ... . I u HrTK OAK WILL GIVE MAJORI TT AGAINST IUXO RCLfi AND ROTTEXWE8S. (Apes Journal) Whit Oak will glv good ma jority against Ring Rut and Rotten ness. If there' any spring cleaning to ba done, you may always cott on Whit Oak doing tor share. Advlo to all AnU-RIng candidates: Never deny any ' statement lnvoltrlngl your character or record advanced by the rlngsters, for while you ar prov ing on false. t8ey j will . advance a dosea more. The masses of th Wak county voter ar becoming educated to tha Issues Involved In th campaign at hand. A laboring man. and a man who-iot pomtdaitswa heard to remark Monday: "They're trying to fool th peo ple. They know that on little one-hor senator cant change a Slat law, and f!vt us -lont " again." ' ; And ao it Is all over th county, men who think, s lining up against the ring, and the voters th farmers and mechanic, ar hot going to to fooled esslly as th ringstera think for Armlatead Jonas ami hi Crowd of fered an Insult to the people of Apex nd , White Oak tnwnahlp when they tent their henchmen among us te try to Influence our vote by offering us free paaaee t and from Raleigh on tht occasion of the Mass Meeting April II. Many of those who accepted them tov since aonaht the distributor and made him accept pay for then, and other hav taken It as an evidence of tto Ring's methods, and will vote against them la the coming nrimaiiea. No, Sir! Th good people of Whtt Oak townahln ran not be influenced In such i hiw, and a-IU register an unmlv takable rebuke to those wh offered thl Insult ' -" ' fareitesicctt ft Ho4wcrwfclrMt. Sheriff Oe. X Ricks, of Beaufort eountv. came t Raleiait last nlrht bringing Charles Harboe. colored, who I to serve fir yearg for th crime of house breaking, lie was sentenced for the same offense in H0. but eactd after h had served 11 month Inir Ing hla former confinement In the tate'g IMaon ha was known aa Oeo. Flpr. Hi Mentttr waa unknown un til ha had been eeptenced. ? wifH !ao hroughf to Ra leigh laat Bight a hegre who U to eerie tw year f r manslaughter. i- ty arrwat. llwai -o-iJ by I awaaarow drr aiati nfi was asaaa yewtaroay gaorauaa; a awl 11 a'cwaa, kea Mr. W. H taa. wttk draw a word, ta kas atrkta few aad bar bead, aacortad to tha poi)c stauoai, m oacapaay wltB ofBcwr J. K. Me tVtary, LtoaaJo OtO. waota to eap- tarod at tha gala of thw tsidwt of Mr. lMg aauaaar, lit toatA McDow aU atraec Mr. Saaw rooana at Mr. tkiaaer' PaatdB4.a. Foe aoeaa uaao to tod beea sniaaing arUelaa froca th aawaa, . As ku. Sataaara fantuy waa away rroca botaa, to aartded to aaptar ta thlaf wto had baoa dotnA tka ataaiiag. a yoatarway wxralna about aiaa clack to wast ta th aouao, pajtea as eta shoe aad waitad for th appaaraac of tka bargla. AJW a traaa tto wla- dow af hla roota waa raised aad OtU crawled la. Ma. haw rmmedlatelT grabbed Mr. Skinner- award, wklrk ts oa tto wait aad wont for th rro. wtto tumpad from tto window. Mr. Bnaw foiiowad and eaoglit the tblsf at tha gat, whlck wa faateaed. touchin' hint e wttk th gword. Th aegro back4 aad goad a motto aa If ta draw a rua, bat th bhitt did aot work, aad OlU waa forced t aarraa dar - Mr. thaoy thaa aeeempaaled tto ae gro to th ante af Wbb A Iklaaar. oa rayatwyrlMa atraot, waor to waa jolaad by OfBcor J. N. McRary In roapoBto t a ealL Hi aagT wa than escorted by Mr. Shaw aad Officer McRary to tto ata- letlo balld. tAarvhmg la military style, wttk draw rwa.- TV eea ai itd ao Itttl nUtement oa rwyottawtil street It wa found thai th aecr tod oa a pair of Mr. Bklnaar trooaara, which ha tod -prawtonaly atolaa. Mr. Vhaafa homo Is at Boo tham gaa." BiHi awtfl Trnnar. ami ad ao troabia la captansg to uuet. - Makw ( H. ia4ato Hera. VWtlag la tka efty la Major Ctorlea K. Oattia, of Atvgxista.- Oa.. th gan aral pasaefiger agwnt or tha Oacrfla aad Florida Railroad, formerly located In Jtalelgh as tha dlatrtet paaaaoawr sg-ent of tha "eaboard Air Una It was a pleasur to hi many friends to e him In tha clty LIGHTNING -STRIKES MILL ax KMrtoTEB roTJiro dead, BCTTOAED TO ltATK REEX KILLED BT &AMB BOLT ITRE QCICELT rTXTWOrWHED. Special to News and Observer.) -TayeaMHw. f aw t-DtTlnT';af tnunflwatnrm Hr aoout t:i tnit er enlng the Holt Morgan Cotton Mill waa truck by lightning and set on fir. James Oarvan, an operator, was found dead near th entrance and la anp poeed to hav been killed by same bolt Tha. Ar waa . xtingulatod without great damage. MRS. 8. K. TAYLOR DEAD. Faanral of FMrawoea Womast torfl Ba Held Tht MornlrMj. Thertj paastd away reetorday morn ing at three o'clook Mrs. A B. Tay lor, whoa death occurred at the reai denc of her daughter, Mr a F. tatneaatar, 111 North Harrington treat . ' Mr. Taylor was a woman" highly eataemtd ty a large circle of friend. She Is turvtvod by three sons, Messrs. K. D. Taylor, of Sim Oltr! t. C. Tav- lor, of rfemont, and W. C. Taylor, of Raleigh, and one daughter, Mrs. A F. Lancaster, of Raleigh. Tha funeral will take plaoa at ten o'clock thla rooming from tto resi dence. ANOTHER RAIX STORM, Raleigh Wa VMted by a Heavy Otto xpsaarnsf Arurnooa. A rain storm of much volume vlalt- ad Raleigh yesterday afternoon. though- with nothing Ilk th violence of th one which flooded part ot the WtjrThuraday afternoon. The downpour was heavy for a time. tne akle threatening tn their black net. Later th weather cleared up only for th rain to begin again after nightfall. No damage hava been re ported, bat It la declared by th farm' r that there has been enough rain for the present in thl section. K104 Tbrca Dog. During Thursday night thret dog wer killed on Faysttevllle street by officer Pop and Denning, It was r. ported that they were in convulsion with the appearance of having been given strychnin or torn poison. On Charter Yesterday. ths North Fork Lumber Co. of AaaV laa, Bunoomto ounty. waa chartered yesterday with aa authorised capital or lio.too. oeo. E. Lewis, J. Walker and Wt B. McEwsn, lnoorpor- atora. -,. Korfclk Scilcm Bai!r... tommer aVhcdalo Cltaiig-rtgtil ruiimati Trata atwtrm Sunday. . Jan aia. Beginning Sunday. June tth, Nor folk Bouthsrn Railroad will inaugu rat Pullman Sleeping Car Servto be tween Raleigh, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., via Wlleon, Greenville, Washington and Elisabeth City, via.: No. II, Dally, Nlghl Ecpraea, leave Raleigh union Station, t:tl p. m., leave Wilson, 11:11 p. m., lsars Farm, villa ll:tl a m.; totv Oreeaville ll:lt a m. leave Washington 1:11 a. m. Arrive Elisabeth City 4:11 m.; arrive Norfolk i ll a m. Connections via Southern Railway, leave Greensboro, 1:1 p. m, Dur ham, 1:11 p. m. : Connection via R. S, and P. Rail- eway. leave Fayettevlll I: It p. m. connection via 8. A., la Railway, lesvee Henderson 1:31 a. m. No. II, Dally except Sunday. Day Kvxprees, teave Raleigh t:ll A -m. leaves Wtlsoa t t . m Isave Farm Villa, 1:11 a. m.; leave Oreenrllle 1:11 a. m. Itav Washington. 10:41 A m. mve Elisabeth city, 1:11 p. m.; ar rive Norfolk. :l b. m. No. It Illy except Bundtv, threixh train between Raleigh and New Bern Leave Raleigh t It a. m.; arrive Nsw nera 11:11 s. n. Trains Arrtvo IUWt ViU.wi Statlnei ce it oauy. i.ii a, m.. from or folk an Intermediate etatlons. K'M ll a-n . . . i riceri numiay, i:is . m from Knrfolk, Waahington, Nsw Btrn, ureeavuie an vy i;on t:fj i 1 UaaiJWar A tsrszjutmtoiaam! CLINCH RADICAL JOYCE TitegrenLosftJtMKiiisHtiw V-Ri-lcI Boss osastham Taatthla ta tto Itortw Tto Radical DrpwOea lay )loco.m toaa Cwaaty ienami oa aectag iha Tag Booaa. CBpoclaJ to News and Observer ) , KaidavUla, Juaa It ChaJrmaa lvto, of tto Democrat! execaUve commtt- tt ItaXW Wg swoao set froa foi raaatas. Ratay af. Waot. wwrtrw aretary of tha Repttbhcaa executive commltta to Deputy Sheriff rrf. of toakavtll. May tttb, aay lag: . J hav aaa Joye. Dottt permit anybody to your book." e Joyce referred t la the post ttaatay At-RsUavlU aol chairman ot the Republican executive committee. Th Instruction related to the action of tha LeaksvUla township deputy, about whom ao mnch haa been wrtttea wUh refereocg . to ito-.dlafxaacIiJeW-. mint of Damoc ratio voter aa a result of hla refusal to allow Democrat to at a list of their delinquent and tha deputy sheriff' absence from his township which prevented voter from paying their tax before the Bret of May a a prerequisite to vote. Dem ocrats tod charged that Fagg told a number of etttaen to acted upon In structions from Sheriff Clark and Chairman Joyce. Joyce denied that he told Fagg not to show the book, and Fagg later said he waa solely ra sponslbl tor hi action. Several affidavits tov toon printed from rltl an wh heard Fagg aay Joyc aad Clark advised him not to ahow the took, and th telegram now In the hands of the Democrats, they aay. how that th deputy sheriff dldget 1Sriftrom rlg1is tip-: N KEXT CXCTVEKTIOJf WILL BE BXXD AT GRJTXXABOKO--OFTI-OETta AITD BOARD OF DrRECT- ors arjb Elected. (Special to New and Observer.) Astovtlle, June 10. The North Carolina But Nurses' Association ad journed thl aUrnoon to hold th next convention fa OrwsnsboTO. On of the feature of th oonventlon to day waa th orgaalsaUon of an asso ciation f superintendent of hospitals for North Carolina with th follow ing orneer: Mis Laxtoa, Aatovtlm. Sunerlntwail. tnt of Mission Hospital, president mis wyene, superintendent of wait Hospitai. Durham, first vtc. president Ml McXichola of th Presbyterian Hospital, Chariot ts, second nce-pree,-dent Mies Trist of Clarence Barker Ua- monei Hospital, Asoevllle secretary and treasurer. Thi aaeoclatlon will attempt to gat all Hospital Bupoiintendsnts a mora- per. - i At today's aseslon th following na- per were read: "The relation of nurse to patient and to family j viewed by one Out of the prof eeeion." snrw. uarnaa nf n i.ik . Ta RslatloB of Nurse to Patient ana Family a Viewed by On In tto Pro fession," Mis Blanch Foleeome. of Aehevill; "Th Danger of Overfeeding Babies," Mint M. T. Shaekieford. of Tarboro; "Tutorouloaia," bv Mlaa lyonv, of Aehevtile. ....... . Tea -new' members -wrv-re- reeesswd. making th membershin 17:- .: The Aaeoclatlon elacteq th follow ing board ot director, which will se lect tn officer: Mis Constance E. FfohU of Winston: Mlaa Umhenrer . of Charlotte; Ml Mary L. Wyc.he, of Durham i Mr-a- McNlehols,- of Char lotte; Mia Birdie Dunn, of RaleUli Miss Lax ton, of Ashevtlls. . THE-v DROBGISTS - RD JBURN COXDEMJf DISPLAY OP OBSCEXE OR CNCI1ASTE PICTURES p AD Tamsiso wearly all or THE PRESIDENT'S " " aTGCiES TIONt ADOPTED. ; V. , S (Special to New and Observer.) Charlotte, . Jun 10. A decided sUnd waa taken by th North Caro lina Pharmaceutical Association to day before final afljrrommant upon a movement tnauifursted by tht Wo men' National Association or Retail Druggists against the displaying In nswepaper or on bill boards or other public places of otocene or unchaat picture whlcH tto North Carolinians, tn term equally ss strong as those adopted by the women' association placed their mar, jof '..duatprovai apen, ...... All of tha gtandlng fommltieee re ported today, and many resolutions were adopted, one fevering Sunday closing. If pna,bl.' an( tfwclsring fur shorter hour en Sundsy. Nearly all of th stiareailons In re tiring President Watson s annual ad dree and report wer ct1 upon fe vorably Mr. F W. Hancock, of Oxford, wee rpolnted local chairman to have charaa of the preparattone for the tneatlng at More head 4iiy paxt aun. mar. no member of th. organlxat nn being a ri(lnt o" that town Adjournment wa had at 1 Zi this ,afternooa I '-'.. inHEiTriallEI2! Ttot Bqtk tgpartal to Neva aad Obaaner i Charlotta. Juw It. Wivh a mart how af a-tteBBt ar fear thaa wa to dtaoaayrA by a ana talktag aver tb teacup with his aetgbbora. Wllj Har tla. charred WHk tka deatk ot Hi PUBpooa la Noreanbar, lltt. au mu fraaa CTvarWrtte, waa piacod aa wttaew ataad la ai as a bahaif t.d by hay cooaaai aad related fca aury Hla axasBjaatioa wag esaductwd k; Mr riamgaar garasrt and at tha erttie. BjtArlAJJxv.tswarl Irnjerwja-. ataA tha arfeadaat a ticum at th a-a JgesUoa af Hart la. while tka defeadaoi anowea accwrouaa aa tarn atorr, Mr. cUmpooa bad aetsed tha musala nf h i flwa, tamed M Bade, aad reaching t km alp. tod xciaiaod. "now i ta. got you." A woodaa wtlck waa weed la th pas toaaliB to reprsBt Hartia' gua Har tls story waa la Barjy every eaaenuai porM coalradtotory of tha tawtimoey af th Btata wKniaaes aad t Su had rtosod Its case this gaoratn. wri; Uadefeaaa fcwgaa Its taataf aoo.t BOOM. Simpson had driven peat ha huuM atsd blt1ng.j bsd failed hizn tq ttt froat, and aoasaj him ta words thai were moat vile, finally throwing rocu at him while Robert Slmpeon had toll Mm he would get him before day. light, aad William Slmpann taded. and what to .learet, ,i will gej. a4 th only reeeoa, I am not going to Jo It aow ie because my ga wn ( ihyr Taea eald Hartia tha two daav en. Later he tod to go to th store where the tragedy occurred, aud waa warn a. ttot BUI glinpaon. oa Uu war path. He west thea to. hla father i got a sua and accompanied by his father went to the store. Here,- he eald. he entered by the rear te avoid trouble and than a he appeared In the , Mr. Kobert atmpaoa started towards him anil ths tragedy waa enacted aa abov re peated from the eVtdeace. Hartli .said to waa fingering with the ham mer of hla gun. tha hammer being under his arm. when he shot Blmpeon. Stats' witnesses testified that Hartia eater tto store and pointed his gut at William Slmpaoa, but wa prevent ed from shooting by Simpson's ana jumping between, whereupon ha pointed tto gun towards Robert Simp. n. some feet away ana nrea. It t tmnoaalhla vet to forecast whB lite trial will to 'concluded! : I ...,.. S. C. COTTON IJILL MEN ARE HAYING A DElJGHTTn. TIME AT HEX DFJUOXTIIJi- ANXTAL ELtXTIOX OP OFF1. CTR9 TODAT. ' (Special to News and Observer.) HendereonvUle, June It. The Cut- ton Manufacturers Association ot South Carolina ar In aseslon her to night about one " hundrej deiegetet representing thkee million sptndlm aad alrty million dollar Invested capi tal., are. preaant. - The members of the astorlatiMi were tendered a reception at ins Hotel Gate to the citltens of the town at three o'clock, At tour o clock. through the courtesy of W. A. emit a, they were given a street car ride to Laurel Park, where th Merchants' Aatooiattoa tendered - them a recep tion and presented them with a four foot long toy I th city. Refrnh menta were served, some good mutt) listened to after wftjaa the delegate returned to Iowa At I it th first business seaatoa wa held In the court. house. . ij. . Reports of tto preeldent the stand ing committee and of the traffic man ager were read, followed by a general discussion ef ths connection anj goodt markets. At I It Saturday morning will w held the nnnual election of omcen, followed by-addres from Vice-President W. 8. Lee, of th Southern Pow er Company. At three o'clock. In car riage and automobile, the delegaue will to taken to the jakee and othsf point of. scenlo Interest, - . The weather t . perfect and tht member f the association stem 'J pleased - with their - reception " treatment. - '' -Prtond f Mr. Bareey Pik will Tl-to-ltr-tlist .b iaatpUt hf home. N-Us, Sooth McDowell ttrsH by sIckDraa. .--.-- HAPPYSULTS Hava Mad Many Ralolgtt .RreideBW No wonder acors of Ralslgh eW" ens grow enthusiastic. - H la snou to make anyone happy to Snd rsim after year of suffering. PuhBe ' menta like the following are truthful representation ot th ar work done la Raleigh by Doen't aey Pllla. Mr. W. W. Hudson. 411 Avenue. Relelga, N. C "D""" Kidney Pills proved to to the " kidney remedy I ever used "a give nr. pleaaare to speak In favor. I uffered a great deal frs kidney trouble, the principal tTJ" , tom of which wi a dull, mi! pain arroee my kack. I could rest well snd upon arising Is" mon-lng. I had no strength r"?,C to begin the day wort. The hdVT secret Ions a two nv me a great of annnvsni by their -frriiecy " paaaae end plainly denoted to t unnatural arpearance that tnf " nevt were out of order. tiWslalngo b"X of Imani kidney Pills fr ' Bobblt-W ynne lni Co., 1 H tj" according te directions snd a rv prompt relief Affr taking th re' erty shnrt tltwe longer, ry TBT torn of my trouMe rtir reared " sm-e then st had no retur lark a" . tl f or . by sil driers. Prb " renta - rosier. V ,lhur Co.. New York, sol scents fof th LAItsa wnq sod Kotort ai 84 Atoae. aa4 TOlaWal Kto Ba4 TlaDwaeaaid to arasaa Iti w, ttosaaty IwaVr fftoaa Ttog at awaara tW lb Stato. - - Hi b lea liemeirber th Bxroe Do , take no oihar.

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