) inn rr. atd oi fs it xi) at, .nrxn 12. lnio 13 Li IE PEOPLE . GOWANS it King of Ititcrtiel reparations U easily tlie popular remedy in the home. Pecane it is a remedy thit is eutirely absorbed, carrying- tbe healing qualities to tht aSfected parts. , This Gowan's does, adding po extra, weight ia cases of congested longs. When Pneumonia threatens the light application does the work." Mothers talk it ; mothers buy it, and mothers use OR THE HILEISII ;1B ARE IOC "OX TIES fTRrjtO." 1 ' fBy a Ramrater ) Ar row 'Js the string" . Of the JtlDft :,, , ,: , . and loudly sing its praise. Have ft bottle in th Thome. Feel secure. When the doc tor is delayed you can be at work., lie cannot object to X hurt uied Oowan'a Prepa ration for Pneumonia with coneent and mMum of pny alctan. I believe I owi my life to lt prompt tfret. TTRTR Ti , J. A. WHITB, 1 ''' . rj -. - I - - -M f large part bf GOWAN'S repntation. Colds, Croop, anything wnere congestion or lnnnmmstton needs subduing UOWAN'3 baa been tested and never found wanting. Take nothing else, demand GOWAN'Syrtir druggist las it.. - r . .";' Three dizes: ji.eo, Soc, ae.. . That Huok-ed ana Mce-e galore "Ars'yout . - W ' ' ' - ': "" ' Ar you "On the trtng" Of -u- a&- FREEMAN'S STABLES Is the place to order a nice driving hone era saddle horse for an evening of pleasure JUST CALL 94 Avoid the bites of the dangerous mosquito and other insects by using i'SKEETSKOOT- i daintily perfumed tpedally-prepafed powder.- For sa Tucker BuildingPharmacy A PEO MUTUAL PREIIUM LESS A PEKX MUTUAL DIYICEKO pwchMint rxmr mnrcAii policy, cwauainhng pxanr hrcTCAi YAICE8, make mm IX8C1UACB PROPOSmOH Which, la tho sua at all ft BEXETTTS, ia anu-paased fat BS LOW COST and car f tutor. MU of all tuanibca, ' j . . Mcpherson & barnes ' RALEIGH, N. C. General Adnata for North Carolina, . Agvaiat wanted arhat mm mim mot wm ropiewotod. . On Jaanary 1st, ISO, rate war reduced ttl yalae tnrrnnwd fall MRS. FRANIt REDFORD r MILLINERY 4 All Colored Trimmed Hats and Fltrwers at Half Price , Phoa, lit , U WM BanrMt St. GRAND. EXCURSION VIA SOUTHERTJlRAILnAYi is nicHr.ionD, va. Oa JaM 14tA tb SmUmtb Xr. wUI operat Itt Aaaaal Earmto U Nelimand, V from Ootdaboro. RaMcti, DartaAaa, Oxford, Haadarawa and tntsriMdiat suuona lMrlUnf JMrraya, Va, Ccnl l,:is$ Tils tjpcrtellt' t3 Visit me . . HISTCHIC CAPITAL OF DIXIE ; ' ' with iu many polou of tatartna whll tha weatlwv la detlntfl, Vry ehp rata win apply m fellowai . ' Frcni EOLDSECHO; $150 Frca CL'HHAM, $3.00 r ; SELMA, . 150. 0IFCH0, 2.50 RALEIGH, 3.00 KETSYILLE,, -2.50 luta front ' mthrt . woukmm ia sam proporUo. ." " " ' r,""" : portal train win Ims Ooldaber at A. It, Mm :4i, SaMc T:4S, Drrtm 1:10, Hraderami aad Oxford 1:C A. mini Rtrhmend S O P. If, Jmmm llth. IUtmlnf tcwra IUrhmj.od, Wadawa. dar. Jmmm ISth, a f P. M. - , - .- r ro anriedaia raUt, ru, frnra Um aotata eat! oa any Umt Ry. aent wr mtitm - f- ' - " W. II, PAnriCLL, M:Pi:mprM . ' ! RALEICH, n. c. 2 tliio (oiifijiyii A3 Fiwt, La trtr?. Isa lirf itinf to 1a Af d, g!Mi w n-ry to tha StoehI tMaaaaaa, Anrrla, Cblerotia 4 t Tart County Officcrr Bond v-1 ai '7!-t n i-tt .) rt rw,t.u-.r iN-t nttn: p.:t whh m TIIC LOWEST UATL3 Tha UTilkr-ITtvln(r RIMTi Tha Ring that did a t ana dlfl. Ttta JUnc UuU took oft Ua ltd. Aad 4taaar to tha PpU aldl Ar ouT , Ar you "On tha Btrtoii ,. ,A . Of tha RlnfT 1 Tha Balarr-auaH Hlnr: ' TIm Rinf that'a Ca4-ld for palf, That koowa nobody but Smlt. But a goUis to b laid oa tha thalf! Ara rout Ar rw "Oa tha atrlair" ' '; r Of tha RtBff ') Tha Whlaky-rat fUnfT Kavor nlnd tbo aama It's Jovt tho mo, Ad all for tha carnal , .i . Ar irt.L,i.-l- 11.- Ara you "On tha Btring" Of tha Rtaft Tha Pao-fod Rlna. That fouvht to tha' kilt Tha aaUur-aroiiUaod Bill Whll flYlnc tha Bbotiil aztra swtU! Ar rout Ar jrou "On tha String or tha Rlna-T Tha Briba-alvtnc Ring That "ittala '," aaya Kiel, J Or "huye "tin ao alick That only tha Ring kaowa tha trick! ' a a a - Palas Ctkargeo VHfwtog Oat. When th. maaa-BioeUng. flnt notn-jlna-Ud. Mr. BotUa for tbo Houaa of j RopraaanUttvaa; tha Riocotora want about tha straotr actsrtn- that It wai . ilnna ltbnt.AU auJLhorlty. That 1 tha oolr trua thing thr haro - aald about Mr. Battia thta roar. Thar aald ha would repudiate tho aao of hla aamo ho "ho" raajmod- homa. ln atoM ha aocoptad. Paiaohoo No. 1. Thaa "Uiajr atta ha wwoW oaBak far tha ticket. Ha did make aa able pooch, declaring hla full armpathjr lor tha purpoeM of tha maaa-meetlng end tha apleadid ticket aominated bf It- Paloehood No. 1. Wnoa they aaw that tho atreagth of hla aama and character wore fives to tho Anti-King B-oreenent la Wake county, tho Rlng etora thea went about wbtaporlng (enlnd you. ther dared not talk St In public) that Mr. Battle, capable and tetorloue chairmen of tha Demo cratic State Executive Committee in tho oaaipeica whea Scalea waa elect ed Governor, waa nut a good Dem ocrat! Everybody who hoard Mr. Bat tle at the eourthoue . oa Tuesday nlcht felt putreed that area the moot mendadoua Ringater ahould Invent Paleehood No. I. It would bo aa true f Ida. Battle ear thatdta had. 'twatx' Stotltr or atalmr W' hraw ae thet- ho waa not a batter Democrat than any of hla delraeteta, But the moot eutragroua and allly of all the Ring-Mr Ua that have teen circulated la th atonr Rincatera tell that -Mr. BatUe, to. of couraa. a very alee men if he were - young enouah. but no men If poaxa old la autflcieatly alert to repreoent thla big county. Mind yea the King-tar hasn't aald Mr. Battle la If la so many worda but Paleehood No. 4 ta worse thaa a atralshtrorward (alaehood. Mr. Bat. tie la Just twelve years yoancer la tlmokthaa ths Rinastara said and Just twontyave years younssr la ansatal aJertaass and a thousand years youn asr la moral fibre thaa ths best Rlnr ster wha ever rvpested a felashood fa Waka oounty bsllca Tha Rinf-rters -bars been telling s that Xe iJxht waa solid Xorjthe rlag tlckst One of thorn, rather ta hla eupa, some nights sere, declared r "We eaa sarry New lAfht all right, for we've got ths moaoy and tho whiskey to do It." Ths Democrats of New Ucht will reseat that Insult to their Integrity oa Jan twentyarth by rolling ap a rood Insjortty roe the Aat-Ring tlckar. The aewa Is that ths Esaua there, as well as la other towaaatps, cannot per snada many other to aell their birth. Herat for a meat of potter. Bora la tho eootiraent ot New Ucht voters: pveninens Qafwckma ta FUirm. Bay, What Is all this talk 1 hoar - a boat thla County jnr.- Breaking o ths people' aneettag and all that sort of thing. And I hear they raa a papor which they called Tho Democrat -To keep Ihemeerve la office, "llI and all such things aa than ' Th re most be soma mkstaka. iioanei they weald not make a fuss. Certainly, Bernard weald hot, . neither would Mr. Haas. - Bocauoa they've beoa" la Oftte a many, many years - Thsr areni M wish to) keep la atHt, with Peerram and JNo aWra They moot be hard to eatJafy, tf they are not content, . . Da they wast to rhaaso tha ' lawa, tod make tnefr orncw permaneatr Now this la what tha people say, they don't make any bones. About making county politic thronca Rues and Armleteed Jones TTiy fit the county tkket If people doat Uka M, well They don't rare for the people, let the people are to 1 I want to knew about thla, aad It I find Hs troa, ' - -Jset wait tlU June the twertty-flrth. 1 U ahow them what I II do . - .. -ItV U.jmt-' e e e . . ' It was Stated ytwtrdaf that foible! Rmiih. obe lft fclih afir Ko mSmeraele kPeder-Ms In th nir ram- palgn wh the Ring was oft.l la i the rltf elartloa. baa rlrn4 to f a t(h to taks an active part to k-ij, the i rUnff retain Ha pvmr kn n and to earry tho elacU m. . ' .. t a eetlw from Wf Ha-k. and -R;.:a" ' 111 be a a!a4 ao-il' "a to tka wot kor la Raiiah to the fcmg n, kat ; a a e ' - The rtort that tfse eoafity ' who rtfuae te ai tiir tpar tf.tr torerne, are doaf awl d n n-, fc ta a trile Uke Thar oil fear wail itmnii k,it th.y de not t' ilia It la ear bv.n. f the tat-tar" to know r,,,, tr ti The r-t ..! ma It thetr lineae on tha s-(j of Jaa f a a a ' T tfca fhtlrie.s f t ta r ttr ii"!a eara he r rn af. I tar t.a fr"mrv ta h-J t i. , ta b---4 fr- p- !-d t. 1 p.. - - :r.a tha f1"""' "1 fia -n et n, rt - !!. - i f , . t ( o-ia. .' f a '-mf I, fit .r,M. f" ' B --h brar.r . t " an ! n 1 ha i i - . f , .v,r. , n. ' .-).-H-T tMarh:"- I r. t ... it a a a T'e av'act rr-m t .-Mrif f , f. a aa . . , ! V t . 1 r f ; . t i - ' . . . Requisites for the Traveler Ready-made Apparel for the Ladies Our $15.00 and $22.50 A i 7 v in I Necessary Requisites for the Traveler l. r . . - Furnishings for the Men Lion Brand Shirts, Coat Suits, Offer the greatest oppor tunity of a lady to get her traveling Suit Coats and Skirts and Waists Special provision has been made in Linen, Crash and Ramie Traveling Suits Necessary Requisites for the Traveler Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Hand Bags and all kinds of Small Leather Goods Millinery Miss Thorn has a number of stylish shapes in Hats suitable for traveP ing which may be matched to any suit. Also a number of all ready trimmed Hats, specially for the traveler Peperell Jean and Nainsook Drawers, Nainsook undershirts, Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Gauze and . Lisle Shirts, short and long sleeves. Hosiery, blacks and all stylish colors, silk with linen and lisle soles. Neckwear, Lion Brand Collars and Small Fixings. Bolbbie-FerrallCo. 123-125 FayettcviUe Street, RALEIGH, N. C. North Carolina's Largest and Leading Retail Dry Goods Store: Tho editor of tho Apes Journal, who wet a etsdent ander Beoator Blkea at Wake Parse, ears; ."At a teacher ha was toved by hit pupils, and he win ha honored by hi tolleaguea aa a Hanamr." . . a . a e . Tots for no raadtdate for tha Legit lata re Who does net com. out la- the open. "Tha Red Rftrlne Cltlitn glvea adrloo applicable ta Wake: "Ko froaa-roada tntervleers la thla rampaji). !t all ths randldates for eoonty offlrea soma Out before the prl marlea and tall what they kaow and anawor any gueetloa that may be ask ed thorn In ths ope. There ahould be as dodging of ths Issues." : e e e .Ths Wake eewaty eftVe holder seem Is think they have m mortaejre aa their rerpectlva seSooa Admitting that they have, tha people will foro. does the mortgage so June tl. Ltrr. yt1t SV. we vffl bead yae a4f tillat reeetaiB pee. Jaa eer deilar tea NO B eaw ead be aanvtacaa. Ion. af ths men whn are aald tor? t? - L travel ever tho oouaty working for the 8 waaTZU. itmg ttcaet aro makina votae bbs teat AaU-RIng ticket. If tha Ring does! not want ts be swept away hy a rycloa K had barter withdraw of Its anaavery rvpreeaataUvee Sara Demonstrators of VESSON SNOWDRIFT ,0E -aojf- w u m u ; ' r- A I 1 a gd aa OrAee ewe as laipert. Jterd aw

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