TIIK JfEWft AJTO Or.SETlVER, SUXDAT, JUNE 12, 1010 ti , i :1c ) 4 I ) '-VI ry-''?'v.tet"- 5. , 1, l ft I 1 i 1 I ' i i s -i t. ? i -1 L The News find Observer m VAUnE T K:ts i:l CtcrniT r.(!ls.!f. Ccr;irj tosErtn daxiils. ' Preside!. 1 Heet News M4 (lktwr Meg. Marti V tub ont rar rrmuumn mtii stats triTi ctino Full Associated Press Reports carrier, and permit ihi re of the Southern Btatre to amend the 'Jim OoW laws after th example of Ken- tucky." ' A North Carolina mule casta to hie death by sating a New and (Tlaw-ecr, which h could not digest, an 4 being thrown from the track by a Southern Railway anglns. Qptnlon. differs as to which waa tha dlrct causs of bis death. A cow In Jf Jeraey dlad from swallowlne; a eorsst tay and tha owner of tha cow wrota this spltapb for tha cow's tomb-stons: . . , Thls.feHhfal 'f3R115W'3 uaMvrafsiii'-r-ii i v: It WM not hers to stay. . , Tha New Bern Bun gives uttsraao to a well known truth whan It sayst "An editor need fer no damage from tha Constant bllllngata burled at him by an organ organlied alroply for tha. purpose of deallnit In such stuff." North! Cerdllna no only furnlahaa tha President of tha University of Virginia! the Freetdsntc JJaPo!y- htmself, which ran only be acquired t mnU contain hardly . thanumbeTTl technic State School, but now Dr. Borne day ego thl paper, congrattl lating the State upon the fact that Dvtdon College had ihcre aeed Its an dowrpeht fund three hundred thoue and .dollara, aald: ' It ' la oone of the beat of . tha smalUr col lege In the country. It haa made a reputaitojt for thoroughness and the high character and abiatj of its graduates" Tha Bladen Journal does notllks. fhe term "entailer col lege" aa applied to Davljeon, and;Vi! i 'ftsustme,d .Ap.svteJ '' fta VfimV.Hm.n irv 1.L .. Ilwra. la flt. Metered a th oeOvAoe at , baleigtj, V. C ee eemad-deae Bill auttet. . i the above remark. Davidson U rlaaeed aa one of tha 'smaller col leges." Compared with Harvard. , Yale,' Smith and other large Institu tions, Davidson la Indeej a email col I lege; so ta the I'niveralty of North Carolina, Wake Foreet, Trinfly and the A. A M. at Raleigh.' Devidaon had thia year 141 bona tide etudenta. (Zimmerman.) j all of whom were etrlctly academic. Never loee eight of thla Important ! Compare thla number of academic truth, that no one ran be truly great j etudenta with many other college and until he haa gained a knowledge of you find that their acaJemlo depart- bTNDAY ...Jane tf, 1110. MORXIYG TOMC, by occaatonal retirement. Uncle Walt The Poet Philosopher Ktae assirks relieved la U Edward aererTra te tke timhi alae 1errfce wmtfe4. ee te e 4rmm atW a keell ttmm ee eet eeea Ktag Mward'e a4 the ratste lbete ef e ew, Asd M kit lak TB MIirB EIJoa the entea ete (the 1 college In which he cornea In cloaeat ms he di( the j touch with tha ableat profeaeora. A geexe e htageii "Xie mrrh. college with one hundred etudenta and Mr hrmr9 errey. era a ilea eiee R4 fiarldeon haa no law, medicine, theo logy, and other department with which to ewetl her member Aa a college etrtcdy apeakln'g, Pavldeon houlcj hot be rated aa one of the 'emailer' on, when comparing her with other collrgea of thla State or th South." , . Thla paper would bare called any Of the North Carolina college "matler- In the connection rwtrfi which that term waa uaed. . The truth ta that we have a partiality for the emailer college" Jot the training of young meat up to graduation. The beat college for a young man la the Chaa. C. Weaver haa been elected pres ident of Emory and Henry College. Mr. Harrteon Je not humiliated or hurt by Mr. Taft'a attempt to anub him, but Mr. Taf t haa falle la tha good opinion of many men. MR. ROWJjAMD COMKETDEI. of ''Doormat Club'' ra never ahowtt "a d'spoiitlon ta rone thua Into detail, for among many teachera Uter axlita a contrwpt of apelllng to a degree that would bard'r be believed In Noth Carolina. Theea teacher are atrung on "the thought;" nothing elee mat ter: they aa.y the children will learn to aprll when they get older. But the teachera of higher grease eipect children to know how to epell before they oome to them; coneeaueuUy, a large number of puplla never learn Veiling. . ' ThU fad, "fbrtunataly, haa neve taken do Ion of North Carolina, avnd i hwltervw the deolwrabla reeultal any college. In North Carolina. For, hatevar may be , the shortcoming of tha . North . Carolina elementary achoola, It ta a fact that apelllng and reading ar batter taught there than In many more wealthy northern com inunttlea. .Tha older generatlona ' of North Carolinians ware brought up on the Blue Baci wpeuer, wnicn if las words sword lug tj their CHEAT GilS AT HOLLY SPRINGS The Wholo Township Aliva with Oonositionsto Rina ' Hey l eeg the fllflrt eererelsw ee MVUv tlni Vui are Ikeret theew ef Mnni ealaet Aa4 at taer gte (heir eeae. eea tkee kr4a( ttfe lMe eIS tmmdtt Cm mU heir mrmmlrt ee4 Iketr ehlpe krtag taagh- Mr iheee aea white Uet Tea hatrirent having eon to grajuate. alae rrewae ead iiewtiai alae, brlag e ' aw e th e4 tke Ufe Street Mia aeee-r at JTM CROW CARS IJXiAIi. an able and lmplrlng fakglty la bet ter for the atudent In the claaees lead tng tQ (raduatlon thaa w. InaUtuUon wit h large, Hm.bera, .rldae randa among the foremoat of our cpllegea, and the fart that (t la aot over-grown in number 1 an Inducement to pa- and fruits Were Furaiahed so the I lWj5- IVZ?M.5!I Wok Tha Supeeintendern U Kind 7 T'TT,. " ...rt i.nriW.ik Repreawntatlv rrcta BarliaJiay- To the Editor: 1 notice In thla morn- Ing e lue of The) Sows and Ooawier i there waa. an article relative to tha i eipenae of tha County Home. I beg ; pac In your paper to make tha fol-, loa-lna atatemcnt: Borne years ago I a e atarh e keis When Oklahoma ertehed to ha ad- (Copyi(ot. ' eem air. laii oui 10 ine l l Tf 1 1" 'he peope what they UW ,o become a Rtat. Ai Itro. br Oenrge Aima I . Jk J - " Mm Blwri r . . I mltted to Ptatehood. Ur. Roosevelt ! eent Mr. Taft out to tha territory to must not. doi Among other things Mr. Taft told the Leglalature ! It could hot paea a law requiring exp ert te saaaenger cara for tha raves If I It wlahed tf be an American State. And that threat ratiwd Oklahoma to ! , bury Ita Jim Crow car bill. Now the ! Supreme Court of the United State beat about ahle eprt tn America j hM overruled Mr Taft a Oklahoma uggeeted Joeeph Hoimea u i' . I fulmlnatlon and upheld the Jim Crow OJTE HOIiMFS WORTH A nUJJAGERK. Mattaew , dotew Congreea bj eelabltthrd a Rureag f Mlnee exd the men who know waa Buffering eo with asthma that I thought I would be Improved by liv ing In the country and waa recom mended to go to tha County Horn 4 unlet Mr Mien, snfl t lived thsra lor several year.' and I wish to say, la behalf of Mr. Rowland, the auperln tehdent. that he haa been very kind and conaiderate to each and every one of Aha people out there, that the lit tle delloaclea have been dlatrlbuted among tha people, and that any par ton In the Home who wUhed any dell Icacy had It furnlehaithem. Ha has furnlahed u fleh roe, canned vpeachr es. Tteali flh, apple and other thing that out appetite called for. Pruita were f urnUhed to the elck people upon their requeet. To my knofieage, there are three or four Inmate of tha Horns who uae Poetum. , W H. ROTBTER. the rallroada to afToni equal accom- j mndatlon for the ra-ea Writing of the recent derlalon to lhn effect that Sep. i former State Oeologlet .-f North Cam Una, for the Important poaltlon aa head of the bureau. Hut It aerma that Mr. Holmes, who la the beet qualified man In Aroerlra for the place, le not approved by Ballihgef. t There., no-i mr4, tcrojfIauna ae - raerrer msn Than ' TW. Holmes aa all tf ar axjualiy good, the New North tern Una knows Commenting I York Time eaya: upon Palllner a oppoatUon t" Holmee, ; ThB e,M f Chllee vs. the Cheea- the Paltlmre Sun editorially aaye: i prake and Ohio hallruad Company. PalUnger enake-kliiing COU JOSOTB E, ROBIN80S TOR OONOKKhti IN THE THIRD DISTRICT. To the Editor: A It I well known throughout the dietrlct. the nam of our worthy townsman. Col. Joseph K. noblnaon. will be preeentej to the omerreaalonal convention aa a candl- naoa of New Tor. State) Is a very an happy nsua. Rapraaaatatre Kar- nsoa was mad the charter an bar wham ha called on rrastdsnt Taft alorvai wtlh a number of other New Tor songTeaecoea and Waited In Secretary Norton a offloa while tha other eoOarrvawnan ware) admit ted to tha praaklern'a raoet. Harrt eon haa taJtsn the ralwika of tha vraeMaria y cvfteh to haart thai h ta boay topptxm hie feUow and szplatoliks that ha will not be the only ssasahar of lh ctab for long. He Is hoand to have pany, ha aavysj.) law In hie own admlnttratlon. The date for nomination a a repreaenta Houlharn Statea are careful to direct l Hve In CongreM. Those who know CoU KoMnaon -en anow. mat i "Rut the campaign by no mean those he regarde aa b mle ' It ettenda to offlclala who ts fueed tn aid In hie defence. Prof Jeaepb A. Holmee la regarded aa the ableet eipen ta cartala faaturea of mimes and mine-rearoe work In thla coenir). Cnngreaa created a Bureau of kllnee In order to eitend the nota ble work In whl. h I-nfrewor Holme the Vexlrral Supreme i enda wlthlt'urt. eotahtwhea the principle ant.n I at lire 'ene- elated In llli In the circuit court of Tenneeeeee mat lor memoera ?r ou ter en t races eeperate accommodations may be provided In publlo convey ances. If the accommodation ba equally good The colored paeoenger Chllee traveled from the rlty of Wash ington on a through ticket between Stalta to Islington. Ky. The law of baa ren engaged for eeveral yeara. ! n.emury requirea inai ne oe piar.o and no other mn waa thought of for'tn a Jim Crow car after paaaina the flrt chief of thte bureau Holmee within the State a conflnea. and this, take, no Internet ahetrver In poMth l. waa In accordance with the rail- . . . . ..a.4 te-gnlg t y a rulgaga 4 r A ttfl 1 I M r.r;art;rZ0Ha...,n.er,,a,': 'th. cn of ,h. circuit rouri ' principal .asentlal. of a repretatlv. feir H. enrnt hie time In attn.1ln In thla caae. now oonflrmsd. dailareU ila tengreae. etrtrtty t" rwrtness TIoIme the , ro-worker of Secretary Uarflehl and' Gilford PlnChot In the prerlnu ad - ' fealty, devotion to principles, anu ceaaelrea and untiring work for the Jt jimuutiut rf Ite he,4ntrat; ptey an, pae whatever la aouxlag biiAl tha nomination, ne naa a recwo ow hlnd blm of a quarter of a century, Murine? which time he haa never falter. ed In rila duty, nor wearied In tha pro motion of thoae ptinclplea of dsmoo racy which have ever been dear' to Die heart, and for which ha haa oafMed on an aggressive fight, unrivalled save by the loyalty which haa ever charao terlaed hi political Ufa Evan when the State was In ths dark ehadow of fusion rule, ae chairman of hie dle trict, by concentrated effort and grim determination, he redeemed the dis trict from negro repreeentatloa In tha hall Of Congrese. and threw ths ail very lining of Iwmocracy acroaa tn blnrk cloud of fualon. which threat ened the peace and proeperity of our commonwealth. Party devotion and i nnilrtns work are not all. nor tha people into thal-f prtvata tnkarasta, "Eouat rurhla to all and SDScial vrmiag:as-toasev" oamfftha staooara. upon which he haa fought Ma sounty and diatrtct figma woulj also oharae urns his national vouaoat wwrtara. Ha la a ma a araiy verse Hi the Baaylg of tha paopka, and thosa things which wxrald promots tbetr aapplnasg aad prosperity, spoaa which bangs safety of tha cation. Ma- gisjtasii ail thai mjalffltsaOtsria ncee,ry for tha high ofBoa to which ha aaptrea, a goaolarhr gsatlsmaa. gifted speaker, who would eoasclaatl- oualy maintala the rlghu whloh espoused. Bo far as loyalty to party la concerned, or being entitled ta reooemltioo. or prw-emlneot fitnees for ths position, or what, tbera a no aua who woulj do tha diatrtct mora con sdentloua service, or reflect mora credit on thoae whom h represented, then CoL Joseph K. Ho hi neon, and ths convention would make no mtatakajAl Muaea nig Krur-w-iTn int voramauoo. WIIJU B CBA-WTORTJ, U. tk Goldsboro. N. G, Jeoe Tth. 111. sounds. , Vrom ths at ad point of mod em adweatrsait-enarh fault can ba found with the old Blua Bark; but no other text-book ever fulfilled Ita purpose so we it t and ths one surpnss of that book wag to produce food spellers. Beginners la ths North Carolina schools are sUU taught ths spelling of words ctasa tried acoordlng to their sounds: It is even a belter classifica tion for young children .than that of tha eld Blua Baok. I rsfsr to Teach era' Bulletin ' Number 1. prepared by Mr. Charles Lb Cooa. when la Supsr tntendent Joynsr'a ofSca, and now soppued to alj . alemaatarr laarhara for a gold a In teaching reading and spoiling. AS far as thy knowledge goes, thla Is tha bast manual aa ths teach ing at reading aver publtahed; aad as long aa tha achooig or worth Carolina follow It, they need iot .fear com parison la spelling with othsr schools anywhere. IOOAN D. HOWELAi. New Tork, MayJI. Hl. SHARP TILT BETWEEN THE COCRT AJTD ATTOIIXEX ROCN XKXE KXOXrRATIOJf OF WOOLTCf BT JTBT SET ASIDE. Special to News aad Obsarvar.) WUmlngton, Jons 11. rh ths wares ef arg-ument In tha Superior court today retail vt to tha lnconlt- j ttwan nro. sacy of tha verdict In tha case of The general OEFelQCRAGY ON THE WAVE Tii) Simmcs Yssterday Coriatdcrad tha Ores test of ths Ctaipaiga, Tb Bey BJati WU1 Ca lata Ita Cellar When It Uears tha New a From HoUy aprUigs oa Jusa Tveeuty-OXUi. (Special to New and Obaarrer.) . Molly Springs. Juns 11 This after noun at lilt about 11 citlaen of Hol ly Springs township, farmers tor ths most part, who needed the time at home, assembled bare te hear the lag' lelallv oaadldatsg of the Reform Uukel dlaouaa the lasuaa of the cam paign. Oa the preceding day a large crowd heard these men In another Sart of Jhe townahlDJ,JXJla. JajrgBAt oiieace shews ths deep Interest whleh ths people ef this tewashi have la the approaching primary- Tha tuooeaa o( -this aftemoon.-con- idring all things. Is ths greateat yet Mr. Judd, candidate - for Repreaanta uva, Jlrt made hi announcsmsnt, with a Ova minute' talk. The people are unanimous for him. Dr. Blkvsa aa oa ether occasions. mads ths chief address. Us waa at his beat, and when ha had flalaheaV a eu known mlnlstsr from Wilmington said: That, was rtrSlwnc TlrS-pso pie recognised ths man " pe,hlnd hlg woroa an q iney iistsnea wiin me keenest IntereaL joining heartily In the applause, and -it anything can be determined from many expreeetons of those present, ths sntlrs crowd left not only to vols for but to work for Cue arruplee , whatever. Somebody le leepJiiBlt.le for thla Condition In Wake county, it la wrong to eell . vols: it Is wrong to sell on'a 0" fluenc. It Is the same aa aelimi ones self reapect He who lose hia olf reepect Is unworthy of my repct And yet such buying snd selling of votes Is not uncommon In Wske couq. ty. As Hon. Jamea H. Pou aaid In ths campaign in ths city of Raleigh it la not who ought to hold the omce' It la who ought to go to tha penlten! tlary-' Man boast ef how muck money they get for their Influence la elections. "We dlfr.fvfshlaed ,,feBer7LT2iV ,f f iriiiisltu',.aiiv&iig ' eth-ir res? aona, ne was purcnaeabi. And shell -white men Uke the place of the a, grot Ws'.dlsfrancbUad tha preacher hecau he peddled poliUM' low much better, ta the white rsaa who haa taken the flaoe ef the negra ' preacner, ne wno Buys - and sella votes commit a crime agalnat th State o North Carolina Hs who uses liquor at tha polls la a criminal in ths eye of the taw. Ht TJ" ' 'J '.T '"a pcuwny hats ing a bottle at liquor to his no m an enemy to Wake county. ,. fraud and such debauchery and aura criminality does hot-hind my vote. The eumma loun nas asoiarsd th fraud bind nobody. Ths Rlngateranr Wake county have captured ths ma chinery et our Party l thev hav. .,a Lit fraudulently; they have uaed It ta dlirranehlee white msn; they hav used It to disfranchise Democrat at the primary and to snfranchlss Re publicans. Honesty must not bow down to criminality. "Two years ago I refused to vote tha Ring county ttekt.IL wea-my pro. teat, "hot against tha Democratic party, but against ths criminals and traitnrj who were outraging ihst party. Tha Wske county ring has. placed tn power and In poaltlon of lnfluenc men notorious for fraudulent conduct in politics. Again, ,1 repeat. I am not bound by criminals, traitor, bribery, debauchery and fraud. "I hsvs heard of men boasting in public that they had received com tlv and soma fit for their Influence. I have heard meg declare that thev distributed llauor f reelv sad ..aaaAaa a rhavC'ttC'wrliUlC who., wsrs disfranchised by the Influ ence of this ring when leading Damn, crats stood by and begged that they be permitted to -yX.f bscauoe they ha answered satlsfsctorily every question required to be asked of them either by the law or the Democratic panr. Theee men showsd beyond any Ural doubt that they were qualified vot-rt. tha euccess of ths movement Tha aitdreaa waa a atrons call to du- DemocraUo party here. Mr. TTTTysars. In Waks ciSuhTrstTTflwiiTfuriir Holt, a prominent merchant, said: "I j In thslr townships four months, snl brieve every ma here will voto for : had paid their poll taxes, but, no - that a railroad company may. Iml-- tand on mneee ror ine puwuvn. , to t ouf o( Nwh Carolina, that pendently r a Btate law. adopt and ana nere w wnrre ..... j company haa com forward a the enforce rules requiring colored r-r , s trong clslm ss any man who coals dllwnIna ,4 oti, to uk eone. although they are Interrelate , eaptre to the honorej pemwon , on mI1Uon aolblr 9t tha bond new Having sat at uia ieet o. . v.am...-. on (h, mark,t n,. bowtera shoold In learning from hi earliest boyhood reua thetr howTtnaj. and carefully guarded and nourlahed i Iant caww to Fwce a gaaaJrea esT Spirit of the Press Met thy laaicgiaij, Ooldsboro Argua. All honor to tha aaakere of our commonwealth tnrrodlng the Ameri can Tohacoo Company, which would sound better named "The North Car olina Tehacoo Company;" aad alt hon or ta Ooveraor Kttrhla for the epaa. manly and reliant manner ta whlnh he met the emergency ana annihilat ed U. "Rboald Cewa) Tbeir Hnarttn." Greenville Reflector. Notwithstanding there has bean much opposition to ths Amertcah To bacco Company. mlnletratlon Hut he failed 10 roah tn the rearua of tuihnfer. and the Secretary of tha Interior la doing every thing In h:a i- wt to humiliate paeerngrre. to occupy separate roaches. Thle opinion practically revareee to lining and .n m annthar man ' .v. nr th Munrm I iwrt in . the Intellectual aead enwn by hi gift- chief of the ftur.au of Mlnea Mr ' it-s in the ,-aaa of Hall a l. M!r. 1 ed father, he haa arrived at the prime The LeerlaJatejra Noer. Ralllngar ta "rr:y tailng thr patience of the Amarlian .r. l )ia attltuda aa the witnae atan.l and Ma rnuree S1nce1hat tlm ah. , Irarly what wtanfter f man h la " Though lr Holntre married In North arolina and haa lived In thla State aioe of tha time aince he left ' twrlega, whre he patd ht own way t by work He la a native of South Cera. I Una, and the t'olumbla Stat thu com. I mente up.n th. Malltnger view: 1 'Jn' Holmaa la known to hnn- i dred of propia In South Camllne and every man who knows him believes I In him r tears he was a member j ef iha fevrultv of trie I'ntve ratty oft North Carolina Wldi Ptp fVejlnajlt of j nnnn 1 aroiina. nrr no more high-minded gentlemen sd hS ta a modaet. unaaviimlng atudent of great common enee. unaelfleh and wholly davnted to hie erlanttnc pursuits Long before tha coming of the automoblla, Which gave a new Impelua to high- ay Improvement. Prof. Holmee waa writing and lecturing In ath the Car olina to Mir Inlereet In that subject "be was one of the fret hi the South to arge good road making and tn tell the people how ta make good roads "Even presuming thst Secretary Bellinger la an honeat man, Mr Hlmee I worth a doarn of hi Ilk tJ the public earrlne. No one haa aver suggeated thst sny ronnyUng or outstds lsterast has diluted Mr. Holmes' seal for the work m whu h he la engages and no one who know him ran believe that he could be eub yeqi te eny partisan or unworthy In-' Saehra. The olmple fact that a Srrra tary ef the Interior la unfrtedly tn the ereaaetlea a artawrta of Mr Holmes' temperament and gttalnmenta . k enemsh te Mare the monvee or that aesrvtary aaeW sweatfiea." wheraln a "Jim Crow" act or luin ana waa declared unconatltutlonal n the ground that It preeume.l to rrgulate tha conduct of carrtere e-tigair'd In ln teratat rommerrS - The prearnt decl elon reveala the Influenra of the rhanr In DubllO opinion alnce tha re- ra Doth ronatructlon era: it. Juettfl ths sw snd rompllancs with It by ths j eilpplng away from the handa of the of mature manhood with a mind moat 1 Wadeeboro Aneontea. richly endowed and a heart warmed 1 Maybe the Amerioaa Tobacco Com towarda hia fellowman. and eyea not , pany dldnt care te faea a seaeton of lulled to eleep aa they kep vigil o er 1 the Leglalature Just B the people' rights The prtaclplea he advocatee are thoee which mean a return to tne purity of Democracy, and prevent the isss'.r'.: BAewgasi WAT TTLF.R RIR FJJ-lOX Jsas IB, There broke out tn Kngiand, nn j The insurgents tnreatenea to eiom meir eirongnoio 11 ins King aia not come out snd speak to them. Hs did so, but this did not pacify the", and they broke Into the tower, and so ,ng ths bondmen of Eei snd of ' greet wss tha conetematlon that the T1' f" ? "j antdlers dar nnt raise a hand whlls States aid after all thoee tnaw eiiret- t, but it .rea,1 at once to a num- ru(TUns searched the dlffereot l"g speeches that Oovemor Kltchla Mr. H arris 'va Is etll a Cengeeeeenan wha has the cearsge of his coarle tkma Mr. Tat b stin ths President with aa gsaggeratsd ld ef his dig alty, whs has lost carte because of Ms spirit ef .lese-mejeety j Tom Wetsoa wee slow about H. but be rams back to the May early that the people raa trust for reform. The Popj'set whs joins the Republicans imitates a man la the Bible whs fed oh the tasks fed to swine. , Everybody at glad that North Csre tlniaaa teak the boada eacept tha tittle f l Radical eeiters was beped to eyisks ponttcal cspttal ht the failure : pf the bead asae. . Mr. M ore head 1 man freai North Carolina asking hlni for tn Intiall rdeeit of the yrameed Taft err parity Is vary teary these da) a But he an gar te leUera, ,. , . . ' ; 1 June II, tltl. formidable maurrec tlon. known aa Wat Tylar'a Rebellion The moveent ei-ni to have begun amon Ken bar of other countlee The peaaantry armed wlih bludgona anj ruely swords, first occupied th road by a hlch pilgrims wrnt to Csnterbury snd made every one swear that ha would le true to King Richard snd1 not scrtpt a King nsmrd John. This, j at roarea. was aimed at tha govern- ment or John of tMiint. to whrnn the r-eopi attrimrre t every grievance they had-to enmptata ef. The prlncltal. or et leaet th immediate cauee of of fence aroee out of a poll-tea which had been voted In the preceding year The chief under in the tneurrectlon waa Wat Tyler, end hia two aseoclatee were Joha Rail, a priest and preacher ef democratic aad aortallath) doctrines. tn one known as Jack Strew.' There ahoul j have been little difficulty to have kept the inswrgettts emt of Lon don, but l.-ondoner generally, and anens ef the aldereaen, were Inclined to ths reK,l. en en Wedneedsy, Juns 1, the Insurgenta began ta stream In arrnea the 1ondoa bridge, and finally tha whole body waa tiers Had to. ths splendid paiace or tne fuss ei in raster. . Ths palace was'' wrecked and beroad, gold and ellver plate waa haltered, and the battleexee throws Into the Thamea; rings and smaller tf they had their way theA. T Com pany would be abamt the only one with Interest enough to Jaetifx saving the State. Ths Amerioaa Tbbaece Corn pan y saved the State, moch Governor Kltrhln delight. Woader If they wrruia nave dona aa lor any one else M. Oragg. administratrix, va City ef Wilmington, and James T. Wool vtn, a verdlot having been re turned several days ago agant the , City tor IT.iOO, Judge Cooke elated to the attorneys thai be thought the ary was aot governed by the testi mony and tha charge of the court In reaching Ita verdict, thai he did not chargs oormpUon. aad he wanted to disavow any Intimation that tha jury Intentionally made a mistake, but that the members wsrs governed by Impulses not tn accord with the teetl- moreJ mony and the law In the oase In ab solving; jamae r. wooivta rrona Dieme. At thla point Mr. George Rouatree, of counsel for the plainU&Jetlf. with "Mr'och hsat: "lou have practically kUled ear- ptaiirtiff- and statsd that hs thought th court had rone out of Its way tn commenting as it had done la regard to the verdict. Judge Cooke strongly commanded Mr. Rouatree ta take hia peat, which he did. Hut Honor stated further that he bad Waa treated wHh much Indignity by counsel' during ths trial of ths case Ths counsel present arose and disavowed any such Inten tion, bst Mr. Rountree got his hst end left the court room without mak ing an apoloery. The verdict agalnat the city was etgaed, but tb Issue exonerating Weohrla from blame waa set aslds, which meaaa a second trial. - The Atlantis Coast Une announced today that an additional passenger trala would be put on between Wll mlgtoa and Sanforj oa or before July 1st. ths said train to arrive In Wll- mlngton bstevss and - 1 - tn he morning and will leave between six and seven in the evening. Thla train has long been deelred and the Chamber of Commerce took ths mat ter up with the railroad authorltlee several month ago. Thla will make addttkiaal pgasartger aarvtc place j en three roads out ef Wilmington In the last few months. In addition to raetaurante formerly granted llcenae. twenty-eight new ap plication were favorably acted upoa by ths board of aldermen today. making the total number about Tl. Even with thla number alx appllca Uona were Bt paseed upon and It Is aaij thsre wilt ba others " A a umber of reetauraata haVeTT- cease to eell aeer beer and certain restrlctlona plsced upon such setsb- Uehmanta June let. wsrs roads less stringent sentiment Is that thsrs minds Of ths rln raters who were ths la no oomperison between ths oppoa-1 pollholdsrs. It waa clear beyond the Ing candidates aad ths campaign 1 shadow of a doubt that the rlnseters methods of ths Ring In oonutrast with ; hsd determined to rob these men e( th wpea methwds wf "the- Att-Rtnf, their -Inrar rtW."W--Tts. The true eaodldates are held in contempt, reason of this dhtfranehlsemsnt m A little contact with ths psopls used ! that thee men refused to promle. to tsavs ae doubt aa to ths sffsct of the ' vote as these rtnrsters wanted them present movement oa ths Democratic , .. , ... party. The people feel that they have ! What will auch men make of the been given thTvery opportunity which Democratic party? They will maka it they moot needed At the meeting a party of spoils and not of principle: hsrs todly ssvsrsl man dlarsd In a party for l' h oonveraaUon that thsy would not navs ' ""V k... votsd ths Ring ticket even if no oth- apotl the Pevwhoes SImJJ" J hA kaaa affarad. Thev era not that It haa etood for the good of all the people. Thev would outrage na dtegraee tne party .trnose, neen.ati j. been' slfsrldu sines Jefferson gv Tha Treat aaaA th New Bars Pin No special si salsa of the Tagiala ture. Maybe tb Amerioaa Tobacco Cam pany had re eea for b trying the Stele booda? They can my all they want to about the American TnbevReo Com pany, but they are oarUlnly goad to North Carolina We are surprised that tha Americas TO1SX0T CANAL COMPLETrJX 1 Wl Last Stioved rail of room,- not even aparing th Xing' bedroom. In their search for th Archbishop of Canterbury. Tha Archbishop and the Lord : Tr-aesurer wars found and beheaded. Murder now became the order of the day and foreigners were among the chief victim; and altogether It Is eald that peiiahed, On June II, the King, with aa armed eecort went to ths ramp af the insurgents, and Invited them te a per sonal conference. In the midst ef the Xing' conference, aa some provoca tion or pretended provocation tn hi werde or bearing, the popular tesder' wad struck from bis here aad klileX King Richard Immediately rede est before the rank of the rebels, while they ware still dated by .the suddsa sew and audacity of ths treacherous blow, crying, 'I will ba your leader ; follow ma" . The mob followed aaj soen were surrounded by bodies of treope whom eoureae had revived. The Klag aow com weeded the trem bling peasants ts "fall on their baeea. cut the strings et thetr bows, and leave the rlty and Its neighborhood, under pain of death, before nightfall. This command was Instantly obeyed. , . The Wat Tyler Rebellion proved die- aewele were brased in mortar, snrtaetrows In Ita effect en the work ef and embroidered drew wars tram pled wnder fort and torn ap. men the Temple was bumd with sit It munfment. ' Other noted buildings wera Aaetreyed, and the King and bis reurt took refuge la the tower. rhurrh reform which Wyhllf wss the pursuing. Msf b f tha odium ef the outbreak fed en tha Reformer, Joha Ball, who had figured In the front rank of the remit, wag claimed a en of his adhetsnta.- . . v narls IL IsSA. Near York City we incorporated by Nartentla. m that rk th Srat "aval battle efcthe Renwiwilo) wwwirevl at Machta. Maine, In Ills, The Rye Howes lln ha 1 "triaad are cltartnaerl r teag. The tMarmratlrwt of Rigreta Adopted- by tb Virginia rmvrnurHi la I Tie. Iowa rwwealaeel aa a trerttnry I gSS. Th Ameetr army aatlaal fnr Cab to thinr-tw traaaporta I) I sea. It te the Mrthrier of fremrga Baeh. the eeauaewt tha-ologtaa (111! HarrV-t Mart I've a, th nrlwli aathnr I SOI) 1 4nhm A. RnrMing. th ewrine'e ( 1 Wat end arHa . Dallas, poet and saihray (iasS). Vi.iatll, liis wuuam CsUlew liryaM eVed, mad a couple of years age. It CaevW Ns OMffalliwt Oreenebere Teliam. v . Oovemor Kltrhia tb dnsMleas deltghted that haf eld TrVad. the tobacco trvto. came to hia aid la the bead matter. It eou'da't here beaa mere ganero If - Larb Craig bad been Oovwraqr. la ra tare for the help. She rrast will sxpewt te be let alowe la North Carolina la future e It has beast la the past; aad the hankers, toe. may sxpsnt mew little f avers for their help eutesrlU Lead. - rxarka . . What would tha landmark have deal red m th matter? Would it have favored a refusal to sell t the treat tke bonds H offer to bay We think aot, Whenrvae a trust waats t be friend tr. ewaisaatnstaMs avrd abllging. why let It ft doe t taaeaby pat the Stale ajnder aw fa of aMigathm to refrain from aoeiehing n th meat It doe something, ferblddea by tha Stats If Us trust has ba) let alone" perhepe It 4lrrd te b. If It didn't daeerr te b let alone, let' all bands try to get ths r.tt I oa' sla te re te pam "a law t,H-' THE mWrVCTwSECF rccn SPEUEHSm 1 Hwjadrads ef to of tl Mad. . (Special to Nwwe aad Observer ) W II eon. N. C June 11 Th Tots aot Drainsas Canals which haa beaa under coutrwrt ion si no June Ith. 1 , was completed. Tuesday ef last week. The wwrk was dona aadsr three contracts; the first embracing eevan and three quarter mile ef re nal, ths second a lateral branch tons fourth of a mil loag. and tha third another sctioo at the mala renal, four mllea long. The eaiel varies to width from twenty feet at the upper ead to 11 fast at the lower sad. aver earm -ft feet wide, by seven aad a half feet faea. The total Improve ment coat l.e.eee. to be paid by ths land owners benefited thereby. The work haa gone forward with ns seri etas delay ef any kind slaee Its start a year age aad baa successfully ar eompllshad the drainage ef tha band eaerht te be benefited. , Two then mad acres at band will be directly re sr had been offered. They are not only voting for the reform ticket, but srs enthusiastic 'or. lU.fyocee and ars at "work. "Tn party tfatnsd hsrs a-et aniy tn strength, ju I In h umber. The people listened with marked at- tentenuon and wsrs anxious tor ins apesksr to continue. Men who had not come wlth . great enthusiasm catisht ths" spirit and v hoped tnsy would havs such an opportunity again before the campaign was over. Al tbl plscs where tnere nas osen considers be disaffection. Dr. Slkea mads an sloqusnt and persosalvs plea for ths Democratic party. Said her The Democrats; party haa stood tor the people since the day that Jefferson gsvs birth to Rs Immortal Ideas, it drove Federalism from lis stronghold la 1101 and destroyed aristoeracy; it carried the euffragw to disfranchised thoueands when Jackson triutapnea In Hit and so popularised ths Ameri can government; this same old party both North and South-s-etood by you In th dsrkest hour that you 01a men ever hnwr and todey M l etiU the pelladlusi of your hopes. Ouard It character and Its purity aa tha He brew guarded tne covenant or 01 u. Protect her as you would ths honor of your horns. Let u maka the Democratic party in waks county tas model for th whole State. Men of Waks county. It ta your party Tou made It great, you mads its glorious record. Tou men can yet rally to th old standard anj make It but stepping (tones to higher things. Will you do It? Will you rally under ths old flag and march again te glorious victory." This glowing appeal by ths speaksr 1jNrmedth .hearts of ths old men ana ins iua-werm, ana many wrnr had wandered away declared that they were coming back. One old man said: "That's ths speech I've been wanting to bear for yeara. " Towards ths last of hia address Dr. tike turned to the Subject of fraud and eororuptlon. Hs said: 'They ask ms why I refratnsj from voting two yeara age the ring Wake tounty ticket. "1 answer, because there was de bauchery, bribery and fraud practised la securing the aeanlnatlena The aw ef money has become common, ee common that men sell their votes and thslr Influence aa4 feel ae eoneclentl- ben slfrfidua sines Jefferson gax birth to its immortal Ideas, aaa erne Jackson made Its teachings household word in America. A war with su a crawl Democracy la Wake county has sti Cored at thslr handa for a mere piratical political eraer never scuttled ths ship or made the victims walk th gang-nlank.- - At Stephene" Store yesterday a vnje who had evidently been listening t th rlngstsrs called out and aaked Dr. Sikss If he would support ths Dome- Vratlo ticket It's funny how ensue folks will listen to iingotsr sienaert, Ths reply of Dr. Bikes was a rigotvra Democratic speech, embodying th plain declaration of loyalty to tha part aad Ite prtoelples, ead a ?-' all meat to do aa be would da, to wit: Work and vote for the full DemocraOa ticket nominated In th primary Jum 11. f REACHES 10,000, MARK. Mearure-etrlp af th Knights ef rythta In North Carolina. fSnerlsl to New and Obaerver Wilmington, Juns 11. Ths grati fying announcement is mads tonight from the office ef Stats Deputy Orand Chancellor' James D. Nutt. of the Knights of Fythlss. that the member ship in the order la this mat has reached lbs !. mark, ths ths fraternity for soma year, which entltlee the Oread Lodge of North Caroltner which meats In Charlotte thle week, to a third supreme repre eentatlvo. ApnaJachlan ExpoaltKvn. f Special t Nsws and Obaerver ! Salisbury. N. C, Joss 11 V. A Stevenson, colored. splendid repre sentative of the colored race in SaiUJ bury, haa beaa appointed a member of the executive committee of the Ap palachian Expoeltlon to be held in Knasville, Tean . September II th t October 11th. Ths epsntment was msds by Dr. M. M, Orsen. of Inartoa, chairman of. ths geasral rem mlttee ef the colored department. Th recognition of a North Carolinian en ths committee en the pert af the col ered people la appreciated f colored racs la this section. rmwim i.i--"- i HEAT ! 1 n-ia-raigmci :isiah kiiMii STYLISH 1 THIS DAINTY BUTTON OXFORD IS ALWAYS IN r.OOD TASTE. MADE IN PATENT KID. WITH DULL $nZZlil TOP. AND ACOOD SOLS FOR WALKING.-; . , - The renal baa enabled th county te exahliaa two food msda With Steal bridge serosa th swamp end win wawoubtedly da away with malarial rendition wblcbj reeult frora stag nant water. Th esnal has never overflowed elnr Its roeetmrtlon gad th water In the swamp bag been low- itl - - W. 4, sa a aa I a sg. Some ef the land bag already il ex- I f1 PRICE $3.00 Ask for our special title Hoes at lie. The arettlsst Silk Lllls Met made. Price le. (fserlsail Fraaa Pasa Owsl , j method ewer tvaght t apeH The S war Is, according t an em 'neat ae thnrtty. , ' "When ths chlWrea "W a dbrpnsw ilnn te analre the eerteTeea. snd dterover for themer ! vp tfcet thev art mmred ef words. "v er Tty for a speillr.g leeao " T- fc e ',rt Inttmstica fr ever b xx drew do not kenar tt tney r. neirg wneits when ihy erak. Bat from tha spelling ef may t"t com to kifh tvheei, I kns t' et Kiay kas parted that btrg crop will he mae , wit a favorable season. Ths Contract for ths work Wss tak. t e by Lawrawe ' Urett. Civil and Draiaaea rwgnar. tmt MW Its com-. pHMtna the Hrtt JCnrineering and Cowtrartrng Com pany was formed to ' taks ever th contract snd eor.tlnu the drarnere, hwstnaes la North! Care- j Ma, with Wiha ae the main orSce. WILL HEAR THE LADIE. " MeaXrng at Cranbrr' of CVaisMiWn s Moeadae; Mgttt em Mark as Hotter . . Tb evera'f ft mvnmlttee ef the Wo man a Club kaving reiuetet a bear-' rug before tha new market et'e Is se lected, ths committee has egraa4 to basr them en M'Mt'iar evening at : IS St th rannve of the Chamhrr of Cms. merra. The rnmenlt daelres tt gt the teat lorertn. poaat'kla. end wiil nnt refuse a hearing to any cna ...... I 1 i I: i! i - : I ! Fcr June Cridss end All HcusckeEp-rs Ws havs a line ef rhnlr rurnltufs that roakrs rhooeing a rest plaaeurs. Not neceemry for you to buy mthlng you era not aat lened with, juet hacsuee you here but a limited assortment to ee rrt from. Th main Ide with ss la to ep conetantly an band enough ef . th best sad medium gnaiity ft Furnitty St lh lowest, prices to enable snv on to hnp with mtiefsctlon. a- ' ' Writ us. , SYDN0R & HUNDLEY . tl ll ll E Pmed S , pify.mnnd , Va. rcTtirnTtF: "h ms imnF rr.tiTitri

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