ime Tha Onlr fll- la erth I walla Tlul ties Ote 15,000 i imc ainrng. o VOLUME XC. NO. ISO ItALKKJII. x. a, ml PAY MOltXIXO, JUNK 17, 1010 TWCE 5 CENTS . '..'..' - l, . '.: -...' . J ft- i it w u iu f r rni.rJr fair jligiit Mat Imam tiprtttr, Yt ltnliHWiM niprrtMr, U ll I ( A AB U L L B Y THE HO R H S Southern Senators Can Bring Hale to Terjns SUBVEr OUFWASTE LAND Fifty Million Acres of ulhern Waste land Can bo Ilrvlainied -Korsuvr Dill to Appropriate 1160,000 for Making hurvey Turned Down by ApiroirlatlMi Committee ftliould It 'wv JuM 4iM Lr Hmy Bill xt Week If Majority Objects (southern Nenator Can Make All Hon of Trouble for Them. By THOMAS J. I'F.NCK. Washington, I. C., June IS Al though Senator Hale, tha chairman of - th powerful Senat Appropriation 'Z&emas&mr-A" ifi.rQnttr. amendment appropriates tha modest aum of "flSI.O io' to" bft ' employed in making turveji so a to show the peo ple of t he South and' Southwest ' how to reclaim fifty million arret of over flowed end wet land", raid to be the most productive In the nation, he ut tered no word of opposition in. tha Senate to an appropriation of thirty million dollar for reclamation projects on arid lands In several of the States of the Northwest. There is no com- i . . , .... r.t .u. parlson aa to the Importance of the two projects The was; lands of the South are In eaay reach of the mar ket of the populous centers, and ,ould go a long way towards furnish ing an adequate food supply when re claimed. 11 is the testimony of the wxpert of tha - agricultural depart- ment that tbeae lands are th richest. and most piouaetlve to bw found WP'ilon. Va'tm not represented at to - Tihtfi, H,a - - -f t Aail-eiouihera Iertlatli. .Senator Mala has simply t-nd tola ih.ler ag inRjPt-JsWlb Mi tha chairtJian of the Apprcorlatlon Committea of the Senate hta rrpoafttmr aH-pnwerftit. N turning down the aurvey for tha wet lamia of the South ern part 4 the cuntry. and permit ting the passage or tne tniny minion dollar appropriation for arid Isnds In tne n"rtnwestern uiaiew, in twnii , nrthwestrrn Btatea, tne nenaior Jrom Maine exposed his prejudice j eg4n?t irve Houtnwstt. 1 Senator Hale ha tood for numer. eue project at "this eaion of tra gresf, having the ostensible purpose of ien in uu lands for setllerv Only the ether day he permitted several , larie appropriaiions io oe inmnra '" th Sundry Civil hill Tor surveying Thirg-Tnut on of these propositions that he' did not like, and he opposed It. It ap propriated on hundred thousand dol lars for s survey of the public lands In ldsho. It was at thla point that Ben' ator Hepburn, the author of the pro. , vlso. furnished an object lesson to (outnern oenaiors. Instead or sunmitung io wnmw Ha! arbitrary opposition, tha Sena tor from Idaho' announced .that , he would oppose all new amendments in the bill should hi amendment be eliminated. Senator Heyhurn carried out his threat, and the ctsr of the Ap propriaeona V6ta&&' m'mm1 lated. ' 1 How the Trick Can Bo Tamed. Th t rgency Deficiency Appropria tion bill 1 coming up In tha Senate next week, and with th example of Senator lleyburii befora them, the Southern senator sea fore th Chair, man of lh Appropriation Commlttwe to Include In th measure th Foster amendment appropriating IUM0 for a surver of th waste lands of th Sth. ao that they can b reclaimed for settler. IWybum held -a tha rhalrman of th Appropriation Com tnttte singled handed and a Iowa, and what he did ihould be easy of accom plishment by a faction of th eountry that hit one-third of th entir jnem- Terhip of th teenate. If Ik aena tors of th South and Southwest notify M r Hal that he shall not include In th Vrgeney Deficiency BUI a single : tt'aimndmTrt untasa ha accepts th Toster amendment. will TP' quickly eom la terms. . It I na to senator from tha South .nd .Southwest whether er ant they -!ll get the money from th govern ment t enable tha reclajnatlna of th Rwan.p land of their section, Th Ra ttnn from which they hall to being enly gnd defiantly discriminated . against and it Is in thetr power to put .. ft atp UAiU i- i IIABTI B4V I"REIr Xeftileaheirg jary fVUheraiea Oa tfnare aod Reaarwa Aerdkr of "Mot tiwlhy." (Special to New an obeervee Charlotte. Jue I Will and Peary tenia, who have been on trial roe M dsya for tha killing ef flehert fimpsnn In Nnvember. Will Hants eharted with doing th shooting, wee elieeharaed from rnetody of the mirt thl afternoon hr Judge Pell, after the furv had rendered xerdirt of a ftu'Wy. The tn" de! berated en h'r bk feee r.edHn thetr yerdlet. Th r RmH create! etiTrie her, al theuf'l manr. eapeeletlf In lh eounty, we'l rtird atltb the outcome. Jtir fell reset; eoeeuened four Bra rire ant. im sn nt t lit AD HtHlwtiW ttJSte.MTOX.itea URltM.Statea Inefriet Attoewev . efr and leTe"te Vtarer. ef tha (!r (!, Aaaneia'ed Pras I Pn'W Depanmeot wbo ara eoO- W.. n l ... J ,n It TrI-; d'f"n 'he nv'a'ie.o T.'t "T"1 lertt.fHn 'todsy Wr. . sdmt.ied tba t tr. to anend tha ? stltl Mrer and 1 ...., r-,nu,,TL, h meets tn . ,., ,e t. I Ittl I ett. TV.. I.- "-,, yeseented r f--n-jw T...-.,.-a in reer-eee fees, four f - Nr-. 1. ef leiii isi: Vt il- e.n "t l'S. e irf.'s; 4 n. ? . lork, sr.l 1 s t ,, ef V, an ef a. 1111 I III! II HII I HI SI bUMUIIIillLUilLII ADOPT NEl PLAN Just What It Is This Story ..'.-OTTell-You-- JCortli Cemlltm (Titian Maniifui lurprs Association Meet ni Charlotte New flu H ( OrjunUaiiuu Involved to be Submitted to gubsMiary Or-runlxttllon.-t.lil!! Labor Plstuaelon phlet o Subject by Attains, Wlw UaJins Mill Children Are. Vie. valcd ti) Tlielr Kinplojmcnt and Knviron incut from Former Low ICl Still 111 feCMiOU. (Special to New and Observer.) Charlotte, y, 0.a,June If Tha North- firotina Cotton Manufaitttrer ;1 A Mnlallaa-xopveiiod. .la Chgtlott to day for a two days' session, President n. M. Millar, Jr . of Charlotte, pre-Wlei,'- The association after long de hate agreed to adopt a plsn of organisation-proposed by President Mil ler which In a nutshell Is as follows: Maintain the present North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers Association and have five sub-organization, under supervision of the present tssoclation, consisting or tne gray or wniie goods oeparimeni, ine coiorea gooaa acpori- yarn pp.nne nprtmenfi soft yarn (pinners department, and the knit good depHrtment, T)iee departments will work hnrinoniously ao that the hrd arn fplnnere. for instance, will take no atop to Inter fere with r Injure njty ,therjjepiirt ment, etc '' . --- j Plan to be Referred. This plan will be laid before the , , ,h . ,ubldlarr ortanlsa- . . . . i , i day's meeting, and thetr cooperations fournt tor. ' : TV, . imtlnm rar'lr A' iinftv ImDHf L1 Iah - fartoue -e la -af- prod(Kars - to , tlu .taxtlU business 1 believed, by President Miller to be ihe cauea 6ff much of tha present difficulty whieh tha mills find themseivaa by renaoH of slack bustneim. and it Is this condi tion that the North Carolina manufac- j lurers propoea ' to remedy. The presidents or oiner maie organ- Mtoni wtre today made Ironorsry member of th North Carolina er ganlxatlnn, while the mill of Irglnla in' w hick there 1 ho fttaf " Cfon Manufacturer' Association. were xmAm llHhl i mamherahln with the -ortj Carolina Manufacturer' Asso- elation. XUIIilrenla the Mills. The meeting discussed the child ta bor question In the afternoon, and endorsed formally the recent pam phlet prepared by Thos. H Dawley. of Atlanta, an tht sabject. In which It I is shown Ihst hundreds of people forn,.rW making practically nothing nd wUhout ,nr f the advantage of education. and cultured Ufa. are through the mill, brought Into eloser contact with elevating and uplifting Influence CiMidemn Cotton Ganihllng. The Association also adopted strong resolutions condemning speculation a JX hi .heretofore been conducted in cotton. President Miller plana tiftr organisation of all kind of textile manufacturing enterprise which h hope It will be able to get together and to persuade that In harmonious co-operation rather v than by . cut. throat competition or interests, win work for th betterment of all con cerned. Th meeting continue through tomorrow, when th annual election of officer and report of eom. mltteea Will com up and likely dl- cuaalon of th eortallraent remedy at p reseat acatteringiy aa-a naaysura atlrally resorted to. THE-WIRELESS-SWISDLE DEYX4rMEJrTI WCLtDK RK LFAKF Or , SEIJJXtl AnCt rneslBCXT OS BAIl-rOrlMXB . orntiAwi voyrR rru oov. KHNMEXT OiTICERS. (By the ASeoclatd Preaa ) New Tork. Jona !. Whlld th federal grand jury tht afternoon was taking up an laveotiaattnn Into th al tered I , swindle charged la connection with arreata ef I'nlted VI Ireleea Telegraph Company pfllclals ytrday.' We. W. Tompklna, preet oent New Tork Selling Agency, arrest ed at Levke Mahopae on th Joint In dictment with President Christopher c. Wilson nd Sam a el C, Bogsrt, of the I'nlted Wlreleee Company, appear ed hf're Vnllcd Sttea Commla-aton-er Shield, and furnished 1M ball for kls appearane. . Tompklne was charged With Col. Wllann end Ire-pdee, dent Boagart wtth wrtng the t nlted State mall for fraudulent furpoee. and poafomcei ln pe. I nee that J."0 of atrelaea stock bed been sold to th pubiiB t Sctl twuety high price and that the Mock the enld earn from the heldinr ef W l'n Bd h1 aaoefe. Abraham Wh't. Imf preatdent linerkas PeFnreat '-re leas Oot- peer, aKarhet by t e!t4 W1 re I had a enmfTwflm irii i'.nBww wi'n I W0 t w"r mnnmr m - :ei'"0 .d fre-ltted le'.r...-e de- . rme a rta u n F- K14 he. ft -a rs '.-I bef,r. the -nd 1-try. j h ' At tH efWee ef the rS'd Wir-t, t 'as- a tst-eef e i en it e-met ei tea t .Tt ef tb ; ar p ier i ;' jl eterny ty inspect- pays rig in rym ' 'Hr4MMa, Cat., Jum 1. Il JtfriH lalM Mam Ike ftcttf will fame aeaplt beteraar Olllette'a Mlatl, kaa alanltfol la fcaswhea I Ike rwaikliaMi tab ml hie aaatniaa aiM mm4 will Mas mmm aa rvaSaa Ala karaleal werh ta bala. The kls fallaw raasailr " Iks ka will aaa "a" faHkllr " Ar ar Ike Iw. week. I wkxi kaa alalaae4 Ike eradH fa tkia MHim itm aara ha fca la mmmmii JHTrtea tkat wkal be aerUa meat la MafUx fcarlwl kla4 kaiaa aa4 tfca aaa ike keaS tka l Sake Ma aaaterlag peMMra aa a a. aflar Ikee. a ka waaia aJware kaa a IMI aaaa la fraaM ml Htm W k- klaa calaaj a4 ike faalaal.. faglllal eH si I ha ralalka mate kaea mrm sarraa4 m ike wirf aSIHae la ' : - Ike ki Mlaar la la, aaaa bate aeclaml I belt Jehaeaa la la tmt a ka4 Urklag . , ,, 1 s " I ' iv V CRBAT6ACH . ; - : ,1 . f - V MUSCLES- - ''V e-w '- ' 1 K II !1 Today California' Alurnejr -ocncral W 111 File lotions fug Ftrftnaaent Injunction In the Supeiiar Cosrt If tho Uorernur Wins the Case the Pnglllat Say Tttry Will Move the Bcegie oi 'the Fight But TbJat U WU1 Rarejy Be PfJIexl Of Jutj 4 In riled to Mate of Waahiitftoa, bwt Nerad la aloag Ukcjy S-ea If -'ThIit'lkCo5t of Damagea by Manager of the Braiaera. . . . ,nm n. a - f , 0 B 1 . 1 ' . ' . ... ran rTawane vau., June n.niis a motion for a permanent Injunction . against the Jeffrtee-Johnaon fight and an application for a temporary re- j trainlny order against th Kaufmaii-1 Langford contest to b fllad la tho! Superior Court ber tomorrow Bvora-I Ing, Attomey-Oeneral Webb will fir . th first legal gun la th war declare! i oa prlaa BghUng in tht Slab by Ooy ernor OlUett ' , . : When Informed ef tho lntentloa ef tha AttomeT-Oeneral today Tex Rick-ard- aald that Immedlataly rt . aft a4- ttrt dedsicft of the court ho would ! rem or tho eo of th haul frouad to com ether State. Ho also stated that with tho handing dowa ef aa unfavorabl docleioa ha would eom ajieace a civil action against th Oo truer and th Attorney-OenersJ te re. eoTer damage for tha expense h has already jndrfor.e to pre par fey th fight her. . , . A ndy Bloee AUnrel at taa lAgheak Attoraey-Ueneral Webb stated today that oa account of proxtsnlty In time of th Kauffmaa-Iangford eeatesg which W arhd aid tor xt RturJ h will ask for, a temporary rastratw. Ing order etaiiMsv-tnai nam aa th court will hardly mvm time to Rear arguments for a permanent Injunctioe against It. . A th Dig msec a ooaa aot aeesr antll Jab . th Attoraeylneral does Mot e th neeeesltr for axmllar aetloa and tha motion win be mad for a permenaeu reesraimeg rJsir wkirh la the meantime will not prm nt th promoter frens eoetlnamg wrtk thetr pee pa ratio ea for tha match It J bardie Hkeiy. hewes-er, mat Plrkard ed Oleweewi wtu arejj tsn. vee Of tbl prlrHea foe they hare ordered all work - en the arena to I A Shift ef Sre Pvhahlek, That-th vaHofla promoters ar fee. rsr. to shirt th bl fiht a M til olner rT"I"" r.-n, to evt'la, was road man! feat ta s nnTTi r g w ha H was leareed tbat Bu y Mt Rrreas j had bew tepacheI to p.nn M bnMHvg ef th tarn fa - It fere It was a-'efal f.' - . k. j rmi. r r ,,.r rt v t,. j lr,ti. t.1 f" r' th r'- u f ! tv p irr-e er N-ir-r - r i Hr4 htU ll fM i l I Up. mi i m icrppicq . 'i-i-' tun 111. 1 ! iiiiii 1 1 II 11.1. Ullll ULI IIIIIL.U I I II IIIUID TUC PnilDT9t - r , . vi r 1 r 1 in : - He Is Facing A New An- Vp; ' : tagonist Today v' -;rz:, - UW STRIKESilfiST BLDW: "ST- ta v,s 1 lane riace; jejjries Shown to Be If- r mi It : I fmn Oaartaro, Cat dauae I . Rlcka ni lonlcht made the following stateenrnt : Om c for all I want te remove all fear that Jeffrie and Johnson will not wier. In the ring oa JdIj 4. Thvre need be no cajuraladua of Kpntel trains or tk-hets. Ttioao who Intended cxMulDg to ban Francisco caa "Ti ae pUtaueed asad feel aeanred Usui they will are the fight." The a tea ue m of Rscavard was anade oun after Soatltern Parlao of. Siiale asTitaed the pro alee that six apetial fight trains lead been eu cried daring the day. Rlrkard rae greetlf agitated by this Inforota tJoa a ad afco over the tact that many order are being reset red to can ret e fewatf ftghr lh eaa ' . rffrtcaf Maaacer Will Obey Coarfs , Tsam. . fa lYaaclaco. talJaaa ld-Tfce IgtU betwea Jeffrie and Joha soa situ take plaoe oft Jaly 4. If wot la flaa Fraartaco, then I will null It eaT ha Keen, bwt the ftftal will bo beat on the date set and 1 shall kenp That addltloaal sxateaWt FrVsa goalgttt. , fiaa I'Taactaro. CaL. Jaae ift. AlcVard adndued.hrrjdld not have the atlgtivoat hop of pallxac elf the ftght ia San FYeocco and that every day ef liWhscVdua as vrhese It wow hi take place merely Ins-reaaexl hie "If the eoart graieta aa tnjaacgioa her I leave for Reoo Sundajr morn. xaaa srUI tmeiwstlaie'j ewusisne th, ewecUoa of aa arena thera," alt lcaarl. "sty attorney hare aarlsed mm nog to bwck the Uu lessor and . tha Attorriey-tweral, bat t have agreed to wait until Batnrday. tt at Mtanr ntO fee? aa sasd a heavy loss, bwt I win take my ateds.' rtna aad kern my word te amll off this Sgtit If It's the lest thing I do." , For oatos Rtcaard vans nsht etch." Re Old not deny ft. WTille nog yet tend, go seasonm mm eaoMall, the pTunnier vtrtnaily admitted that the ftght neaid take sjtam al Bsao, event ef adverts action by ta CaM. forata auikerluaa The seread permit. ' Wasdmaa stated, we id be to bold the Jeffries Msso f gM twe dews hater. Rlrkard. hewwer. aw 14 teoay that a Steps bad been taken ky hies twerard trajssfer nng the seeee ef the Scat. Gosremor Oiliett errreed today to peeetde os-er a maas tRSeKlaeT ef ' the Paaama. Pweifle ripeastkea wbleh Is to be held this aftaraooa- He dr tared that he did not ear what tepexwtlon he en. eeunteeed. be erepeaed to carry est a clearly gefined law aad stop the Bght. - , . . V Told Of PfektrTg u t hwi, Covernor O llert a!d; 'Tt Teg Rfc-k-ard is tasking fee a fgit with he will get a ktgser ewe then be bss ad. veniaed fee Jtty th. her WBI B Be Fxeaght? Ma Fraatlse. Cat. la It Te all ieei an pal pease tae JefTrtee Jeheana ftght tealght kt a psr'ietX eut-set, ao far ae Canra!a la eon f.ree4 It kt a perfeetiy good f gh eieept that tt has ae seae ef ho t l'ttea. The fhtees are reajy and are trs'nteg faitkfwMy: tr hi RM vt lb pare, as Brly half th msT bee hw ft-r-esetei la th bn. rt tt laenpee la ess ea-a-rtwl dta I. foe trselv knew-t vbar. ft a g That ?g t b feerht. H nil h fe-ort 'a San irrvi - t er euhera li Cs'if" a It vary fi-viak. Rew, ft tS.al6a Ut in Great Shapc Pecsjaon Hoss-orer, If Adverse to vras made hy Trx Rk-kard to the Associated which tporting circlet grudgingly ogu ear. freavnter Blot declares he cannot aee hew hkf Jg-ronnd go can b are- vented, end say he will hokt It as erneeuiesi. Rut bit eelee lacked eoa vtrtloa when hs salj tt, WIS Oa IhrasreaNy If Cosrt la deeraa, versn. . Tt Rlrkard dose not ' bitead U eenteet the acUea ef Attorney Oea era I Webb who today ai. h vnmild ask for a permanent Injunction te are. vest the flrbt Me Raid today he Weuld , Immediately., transfer the match te em ether State, If tht eart ruled against him. . Governor Otllett whose letter yes terday t th attorney general created the greatee. esir In apertdsot has knosm atnei Jin Cerbett defeated Jeba L. Sullrrarrarrtrd fro Pmtrm nteRte telay. U was poet tie B ga. grdng his poeltloa. The Srht eenld be etorped and would be sfopseal, he declared. He sea ax d lsdfrrat te the eppoeJOoa are wee I aad ssid R. Work Stnp-iej sst Friar Arena. Th en'v real action of the day ta th big Cgkt attoation was a d1 son cert) e en for ftght iaaa Work was stepped on tho seen. Th men vreee R"t actoelty td eft antll today. Teg BtrkaH I etfl-a hs been flood ed all day with peopowaJa te slave hla k g ehaw. Been. Tvema. Jsarast, Mexice and aaveral eshar plaeat have i tC aerie sad ea Psr ni niinniinr) ULUUUUUHb a i Al AlllAILb - Villages Swept From The Face of The Earth PEOPLE. ME KILLED T''lcrnpli uihI telephone Mpe, m airmwl and 11 Ik ltcliced tlic Um or Ufr ami rr,-rtj i Much (.r"'atT l liau llux Vrt linen Isner. , , ..,l,"'.,, !,r,,le, ,V !,, tllntlnn. i;xMiHiiri unil iStartalloii Kaie I lie Minikin KetlileiitM In Inr-nfr HuiiKarv Aid .Must lie ITompi ami tuit k. (Hi t:ie A.'ciid l'rt-J Bilil:ipet. Iliingury. JuliB lli j Nearly :.) persons were kiled and several :i aea uiinihllaleil b i . I.uil hurttt today In kraaaoliaurenv, county of Hungary Bordering mi tTxaiiSilvunla. Kumauia. 'I'he rHplml of the county whirl, ij mainly peopled l Kumiins Is l.uau i Ii ia erpfed (ht the- deih will ,e in. rejaeil when cftuimunl.';, ttpTi. hi. h hae been almost , oni plelel mi off aie restored lirldo s telegraph and telephone wires In the district bm been destroyed and ti is feared that many of the survlmra of the flood will die of starvation or eipore hefore l! Is ponrb)e to send assistance A t'OMMITTKK tOMMITTH S Bill ro Creale New Rule Another ltl M t nnrionlam. illy the Associated Press ; Washington. P.C.June ! --Hepre. ' 'aentatUe Fowler Introduced a resoln- mnree TO repori a rui tu in,' it'uhp ' al ine peginning 01 ine nen sejiH.on. 1 nrovidl nir f,r a Committee on Com- imlttee. It was referred to the Rule? i 'ommlttee "Speaklng of hi resolution. Mr I. I 1 ... - kIm..Ia 'and nnked one Are you in feror nf "The Issue is ' anuunmni. vin bii i'a nuiirp cm p"m- kafMaekmail and political tritn 'queidon" Th8t '" lh (jresldent board, the Androacog- "There Is no posalble duuht of the'gi". a second salute will announce 1 titifaltering purpose of the progressive 1 thai he Is once more under te Amer- 1 Republican members to destroy one- man rule in the Houe will tne Democratic members hesitate to Join and aid -Hi this purpose despite the declaration of their last national ptat i form ?" Oklahtima City the (apltal. (V the AssuolHted Press i Olt'aliomw 4 "kla.. June li. . , Governor liaaacll tonight lamo-d o proclamation rteolarlng the , apltal lo cution bill carried and officially de cnlrlng Oklahoma City to have re ceived the greatest number of voter Th proclamation Is based on the complete election returns furnished the tlorernor by the "ttute Election card Tha measure carried by sp proxlmstely 11.090 majorlti 'lovern or Haskell aald tonight that ths over ruling of hla demurrer to prevent the removal of tha capital from Outhrle ; wss In the Influx of visitor which to Oklahoma City by Judge Huston : has slready begun In Outhrle today will not In the least ; Hotel register gave the beat proof Interfere with . the determination of0fttij, &vgaiM..aVU..JUaaa.Jiaai. f Tie Stars officials' to "remain pefmk-T,a UM Ur(,B hen word Was received nenlly In Oklahoma city Oovernor from governor Clark of that trrtUry. ll.iakell In hla demurrer look the po- , mat former dovemor W. O. Hoggart sltlon that as chief executive, he was 1 m arrl e here In time to represent not mnabl to the State court. j him in the ceremnniea Tomorrow. " '" i however. Is expected to ae th heavy Minister to Bolivia Rragna. (By th Associated Press 1 I Washington, D. C, June 11 Jams V. Htuesman, V. S. Minister to II,,- litrla for the past two years, has tan- i dered his resignation to th (Rat De- rtrtment. Ur. aUueemaa Is frem ndlana. SHE DRESSED FOR DEATH WAXYEHVOXB L.1BY ABJU.XO ISO TO ATTF3I1 CHTRCH KEETIM, U BIDDKM.T CAI.L KD BF.XC1C BOYS JAII.F.D. (Special te Nwt and Obterver ) Wyevll!, June II Whfls dress. log to go to church, Mrs. C. I. stiller was atrtefeea with psrlsis aad th tnesagr of death relieved her tuf. frtt at II o'clock aeon, today. , as waa a prominent aad devout member of the Eplarepal church. Sht leave a husband and several children, ail drown, to mourn her death. Tom Turpla, Branner Mitchell, and Ed Heed, th yosthfnl hova. who were under bond until the Jnlr term ef court oa a charge ef robbing a torn art agala la the tolls ef the law far robbing a hen none er a lot of hen, which, they told t m Inlet ere ef tht gtwpeL The boys Jre In jail. . A nestdeeif Son tn JTeav Orteaen, (By th Aseoelatad Prweal Vew OrleansL lev. Jane 1 1. Dier Cabrera, sea ef Pre.' dent Cabrera, of Guatemala, arrreed her late thie af. teruoea ea a apedel train from New Terk. aecem pealed by a physician and set-era 1 per sea, The young mini co. dltlea I wry aerloua, and orders bar been aTtren in the eonanlar rsprasant. a Urea at Guatemala la the I'nlted ' State te oxpdlt th Journey bom thai he may reach his saitr lead alf. Toaag CRheara Is tufferlng from tu herenloesa Bis met her, wb was with him la Eorep. fell a vtctlnr to this a a-see aad her hexty was raceeitly tag. ea back t Guatemala by th tame rout ever wkk-a he soa I row task- tuf ract rt ieauv - ILL ' ; mliE TOMORROW Great . Preparations to Welcome Him A SALUTE OP 21 Hotel HiyUicrH hlMm lie re of Territory WhUli Is HeprrweTu hy Nture Hlio Are Tlicre to t.rre th l.I-l'resJilenl reareriiii( wnnon U iw lw lMlluw4i by a lkrrajan W tilsl ! and Oilier Ntv Makers I'lnal ITiparslloiiM ninpieing a the MenmdU lci(e Bad M'emthe Some of the iKtailK of trv Ar raiiKeiiictiitt. ( By the Ao ia'ed Trea New York, June lti --Twenty-ona luns. the national salute, will greet former President Roosevelt a he first enters the outer harbor of New York mi his r. Mm to fills ceuntry Th tattlehlp South Tarollna to be eta iu,,d In Ambrose channel, - wtH thus notify an expectant rltv that tha Kulsir Victoria und her disUnguiah4 la-seiiger are c!oe at hand at last. In completion of the naval demon etratUin thai will fiilluw. Chairman R. A i" Smith, of the harbor dleplav , ommlttee an loiinced tonight the ht of vessels and the line of formation Klnal Instruction were also Riven t all captains Ktghty warships, har bor patiol tmata and other steamers wIM take oftivlal part In the parade up the Hudson river and back to tha jn addition, a flotilla of l.0 mer chant steamer will tarry alght-aaers down the bay t wlte the transfer of Colonel Kooeevelt and hi party 1 from the ocean liner to th Androarog- the r.vanua uutUr that will fcaar j mw r,v"i.i,, vk,u . Rooaevetr Irrtho parade?" la th a for-" lean Msg For two mlnutee following, the combined flotilla will Join In a deafening blast of whistles Kbcorteg" by revonue cutters, polt-a patrol boats, the Houth Carolina, flve torpedo boat destroyers uid the gov ernment dispatch boat Dolphin, the Androscoggin will lead the river pa- radu. When- UuL , Jiuuaai,alt U leaded. at the Battery, the formal wei. ome h Maor (Juynor will proceed His speech and that of Mr. Hooeevwlt wtll be the only addresses end the land parade will start Immediately New Y'ork began first preparations for the reception In earnest todav re spite rain and cloud, th decorating went steadily on. In other ways th near approach of the Roosevelt reception w tin- pressed upon the city On of these ! throng JAP. PIUNCK IX CHARGE. . He ami Wife bay Maay rbgtsang " Things About Rooanwdt. Chicago, June It. His Imperial Highness. Prince Hlroyaan Puahlmi. ' cousin of th Emperor of Japan, and hla wife. Prince Ttun Puahlmi. spent today In Chicago and rld with each other In eaylng "svreet and pleas ant" things about Mr. Rooeevalt. American aviator aad th United Mates navy, tha temperature and the dres of Amerlraa women. The royal pair, secempsnled by their suit, and John E. Wllkle, chief of the United States secret service, left tonight for Seattle after a busy day. "Col. Koosevtlt Is a great man. said hi Hlgnees, laaghlag. In our lountry. w think of htm aa alwart on th Jump. And I guee that la th wsv he Is spoken ef generally " When ths Prince was aeked his opinion ef Proetdent Taft, th lorai Japanese consul refused to allow htm to answer, 'eaylng: "The Prince Is not hare on a poltt. leal mission, so pleas do not ak hint any question about poll t lea" Prince Fushuvil we eathnataatM over the pt ogress made by America aeronaut 1 think tk United State Kary.hj ft great Institution, but I did hot hare time t studv tt a thorough ty ae I ihould have liked." Th prineeea. who is one ef the most beautiful women In Japan, eon. Sned bar spoken opinion to Amwrtrea women elethea Dne In Jfew Tork Fnrty Tsasa Mcentoc. ' K York. Ju'ae Theodora Roosevelt was within mllee b dead res-konlnf ef th areteem ?e-w York will giro hint Saturday morning . en hta return te Atneetca after aa ' eventful abeenee ef fifteen nearh Hi ship, the Kahsertn Aagrmtt Vte. terta. Is rated aa a erranteea tsgnt vessel tad at her norl speed she show! I eover the rentaiatrg ftlatanc In It Reura, brlngng the formssr prmm tdent to th gateway ef th barhog at I a. m Saturday. Th prograsa te for Colonel Roeeesrelt te et's the steemef st gtarnt!n at ler that morning, ea tkst It I praam etvet the vi sail will he hd beck when pearu pert, so as Rot te arrive be- tort KkHie Una nnnnriin t w UUhtVtL -aw w mm m mm mm m i