me wr.ATnr.u- News m TkeOaly ytally hi Serf. ar.ll Thst Hm Over 15.030 . tOM BIBER. (,iml)- fair Mae' nl laaiK) i Uti MUM srhMsi Nulna inln, Hi (atcliaaai nmil, Mi betal Brent litlMtoe. lacfcra. VOLXJME Xt NO. 28 ItALEiail, N. C. SATUKDAY M)HXl'a,"jUXE IS, 1910. TRICE 3 CENTS oil o o I;. I kS V. IS"--! . " "- j" ' " - ' OUR N1TI III LAflDSlin ' i Teddy the First and Once Only Is Back - J YORlV-, . . - - POLITICiSlirWieiHrUlllSHSliLfi The Kx-Frvwlclcrii Las Xtt A gala kcitcrated live. 8WNnnii That M Kill Aheolatclj IVfuee? to Dtirwi IHillilce If He's Kyrnpatleic With . Om nurtis n woi nkt H'y Omm Time aad Ocvun o Hay So IWrply Tow-hed by the Mantfr- Shorn a for Him by the Aawdrai IVopIc w York's Oral WrsVwene Till Morning H ill Be a Rosea. TWrte Associated -Press .) . Klrti uiul J lclorta Vta M.roonl W'lreleaato WaWonneit, Maa. I Jvrne 17. Th KaiawlB -Aufuale TW !(.) X 'K' 'w iuf inrouKn a imcK log and witn hr ; mauea diowuik ronatantly. ; fnrr. raturninc home aftar hunt j jbm, a. Fallen and Maurlfa H. In the African Juni and a tour i RotkachlKI vera alo auned la th ta thrnugh Itartlona af Europe, tired af- dMmtata. Ball filed at II.IH trr a ttrenuoua day apenl tn dlapoalnf I rh and the defendanta were given of a portion of hi volumlnoua cor-' lhr dra to qualify, reapondar,-.. wa. h.p lont.hO ov ; the proapmt of two month of quiet iht manipulating the i-Uoa atarkat at Oyater Bay He la aomewhat (tout-1 ' axninat the law. t ae indlt-tawnt of tr than htn he- emerged from ih imm Pawra .of Chicago, anj jungle and hla fate la bronaed. He ! '""r "Wrutea In the apeculatlv edmlta that the weeka of traAel arid ' P""3 Thej are rharged lniuetlng hava tired him. and aayi,th coaP" r tn reatralat of trade h would not rare to undertake a hard ' "ler rbe Pheranaa antt-tmat law. talk - He plane a trip to the BUvrk ral "r7 InbJ IndlrtfMeett. Hllla to Malt Heth Bullock before hla Th Indictment waa returned by a oieech In 8eptenher at the National : apeaal Federal grand jury late Ule t'nneratlon conareea tn St. Paul : afteraooo and handed up before Cul. .HoofcT.ii i. in ik. A.r -. ,n Judge Hough m the I'nlted Htatea fir th. preparaUona" forhia lco7 m'Hfir'rtt" -mw"t :th-Hee j .New Tork tomorrow But Col. Rooae-i rmwn- "Irene acaiea. rrana tv 4 will Mitlf la tNe baevda i Hajra. Wm. P Bro and U 11 th wekomlDg committee.. He think ! Hothctgldej-ave bail ef $.( a re he haa eerved the problem of what'u,r4 " w"1 ror the oth ahall be don with et-Preeldeata. H.icr wa were neither preeeat la nay ha ha done thlngi for hlmaelf thus far and has had a apleodld time Kaleertn Adguste. (Via Marconi Wireless to (Maeconaett. Maaa.l Jan 1 farmer President Roosevelt, nn the eve of his arrival home, tonlgitt gave out the following; Interview: "i - . i quarter. While I enjoyed Africa moat, j l enjoyed Europe a very great deed. la fact. 1 faU to see how aav ana could have hl . mora Int.reMm. I plent.r trip than I hav. had. i -I wlah to espreas my very deep appreciation of the more lhaa geaer. ua courtesy nd hospitality with which I was treated, bv th people. , and the rulers of the ceunJl th.ough whkh-t-pw, taic4 course, l sm glad to get home "I appreciate deeply th kindliness of multitude of friend, who hava asked me to a peek In different pkacea. and hope they will understand that It Is almply a physical Impossibility for m even to consider accepting; snore than on la a hundred af thee lavt tatlont. 1 shall not speak for more Kaneas ttty. at th Cheyenae roa.f', "d moanpnllsil, llllioxjcot- tier uaiherirtg at the ooaservatloa ooa srees la HC Paul aad peaslhly at- one or two other places. "1 shall have nothing wdtsleeee say la tha Immedlaia future about poll ties and HU hold no. Intervleer what ever on th subject with aay one, and anything; pu naming a be an In tervtew with me that may appear eaa be safely set dowa at once a aa Inven tion. . i "1 take this opportunity of ackaowl. edging with heartiest af than he the . numerous 'marranlsTama., aad letter greetlags which I reretreit In Leaden before starttnsA and which ft ha been tmpoaslbl to acknowledge. I need ae say how aaeply I am totarbedl by theee Kind meeeages. and am sore the senders will understand that my fail ure ro answer 'all of them la du aim- ' ply In the far that the are so pa meroua that It Is aa absolute physical Impossibility." ... P1.TCU.I AT t-T. . Kntortooa rtlnrwavtre la - Arrested In Harnett Cnwnty. f Special to News and Oheerrer. Ulllngton, Jans 17. -Wednesday - evening rtf this week fthertff Jamas B. " fanl.r. of Harnett eonnty, and leputy K. H. Birra. srreated K. Bnla. a n- lorious nlockafler wno reaao in tne bushes sixteen mile wast of Isling ton. Ha was brought to Lll'ingtna and rave bond la tha sum of II. SA for hi appearance Thursday morning at t o'clock, but when that hour ar rived Pule had tak.n leg bail. "Thi. man Bui Is H years- of ac- and ,hs been selling; llouor for a aumber tf years In that' section of the cuntr and It seemed Imposetbls to ft him. but t last he waa caught and w bow at liberty again and will ho dbt be in th bu.hes for a while. Next Meet I " rover- Nstlonal Fnlhsi al . ' t l airlotie. t (Bv th Aeeoclated Pr-aa ) Trx.rksna. Ark, June It. Secre tary Iavls of the Nstional Farmer I'nfon snnounced today thst the next convention of the union w-oul be held St Charlotte, N. C.. Peptemleer 14. of this year..Pt. iKoula Atlanta. Denver. Memphis snd AtlanOc Chv were among th other, cities which bid for the convention. ' .. Ii man's C'mnet I-ead. BliHirv, N. C. J ine II Ir. R Ro. Icr.ett, sired eeventv-slf vearm died st h! home her from h-art ter.nhl. or thlrtv years he bed ben romner for Rowan cciintv sh was' much ss they ildelv known aa a ph irli l.n. ne lilthiw tr to fl.v wn-ut eert- ecrvii.d bv ce rlsut'iter, Mt R I. j ai.:y enhancing the prlco. hut never Imbeth, of ThnmasrUla The Intee-, theiem ta such -n event tosether -cent take. f. t hj BtlV hym j they wei!d ler e'ore fnf (,i ef In 1 -no., i h t uny. . esied es rr T" ,. PATTENAflD BFIQVif ARE 1IIDIGTED -i - - - -- r .Grand Jury Also Presents Other Cotton Bulls': Ttrj Are Sen Scared, Hovmr, DnajXM the Grand JarTa Actio Hrlped the Cottoa (Mwrra Tretcr- lay la the Market by Their Casus. ' lavage Satan ef Cotton Mli-eand Mannfattarra Naaacd a "CsMon yirwSor Text of Ik rUraeat as Fowad by the vnm Jr) Wwr Details aal rank-ulara of Iaapor taace. JBxjhsJleeocisted Pre.) New York.' Jan it raak Ham. Wav p. Brown J Eurn - "lktr"W Ta.ricM Vvtr T- T r . . , . . . vrmi rnna jury ini aurrnoon ior u rtotatloa of tha "haranaa act. In conBectioo with th bull bool In etmrt ar reprweeatad hx lawyara. bench warraata were awued. They are: lydaey . rlermaa. Robert M, Tkeenpeoa and Charles A. Kittle. Immediately after th Indictment waa announced, there waa aa eaclted break oa th New Terfe Cotton Ci- JJT i A . delrretiee July "T. r.i, ' " T JT7.' n ii J ? ,B.i JS. f again II t and 14 4 at fhe close f JTZTSTiSL B"U lfmArn Hri fouosj . .rmV m.r.r -T? ZL. hm'Z- f" " W m " 'urbed br 'h Tt", '",,br 'b"r i"?r; ji e?,rr.";i!,r-r,2, during th that Tew Ihtflutee. July clos ing at 14 I Piad Aagwat 14.4 bid or about 1 1 to 1 4 potata up frosn the low level of the day. Five eepata are em beared la tha Indictment which la la blanket form sad contains tea theaaand urerda. The Bret count charges that the defend an la enlawfullf did ronaplre with certain corporation notfberein toa ' Mills Xasarat as Co-Oosiaptntore. The firms snenttoaed aa co-eon-splratwra, though aot tseludsd. la th Indictment, are as follows' - A habama ' Avon ale Milks, Blrm Insbam. Central Milla. fhiacaaga: Ea terprtso Mills. Bnasrprtse: Montgom. ery Cotton Will.. Montgomery; Pratt Vllle Cottoa Mill; Prsurtlle. OoorgiaeA acho Duck MUla, Pome. -aat Cecten Mdia. Can to a; Rim CRy Cotton Mills. Lstlrangw; Ki poettloa Cotton Mills. Atlsnta; Floyd Cotton Milks. Resno: Centrertlle Hos ier Mills. OraatMlle; Habershsm Mills, Habersham; lAwrencerlii. Man. ufacturtaf Comvaay. I a wrencevin.; tots Cnnsa Mills. IugtasvlUe; Mil steady Maaafacturing Company. M li st seedy; Newman Cotton Milt. Tw man: Roswwll. MsaufortuHnsT. Com pany. - BaawaU .subkty Manufacturing twipany. Awgvsta; nrottdalo- alllla. Atlanta: Tryon Maaafaeturtng Com pany Trios) ractory; , I'rlty Cotton MUla. laiiraog.. Iheew hnnh tswoltna Mills laeareed. North Carolina annon Manufse tertnt Cwmpany, Concord: ' Henrietta Milks.' Caroleea; Mecktenburs; Manu facturing Osnpany. Charlotte. oath Carolina Aiken M.nufartur. Ins; Compear. Rl: Helton Hi'. Del t..n: Brsndoa Mills. OreenvliSe: Capi tal City Mills. Cs4unbis: Ra.t.y Cottoa Mills, Esaley; Olea-Iew.rr Manufse taring Cm pas y. Wltmh-e: Orsnby Cotton Mills. Oreenwood: ' Jsckaoa Jackena 1 MUla. Irs; Lancaeter Cotton MlDa. Incaater-lAngleT Msaufse- turtcg t 'ore pear. - langley; Mon.aan Mil., Oreenvllle: Ninety Rig Cotton M'lta,- Oreenwood;. tMrtnpns ; Cotton Mills. Columbia: Ottsry Cnttna Mills. Cnlon: P.lrer Msnufseturtn; Corn- fan r. Pelier: piedmont Manjfactue- Int; rami ey. Piedmont; RlchlandS Cotton Miii-s Cntirmbta: ' Riverside Msnafacturtng Com pa ay. Clearwater; Totawav Mtllsv Auderson; fnton Buf falo Mi'ls Corona nvj- fnloa; Williams tosrn M ''. Wlioasmdowrn; Woodruff Cotton Villa. Woodruff; Wondsld Cotton M ' .. Oreenvllle. rA the lnUrtsneet. IVwni.ina the Inside -worklnss of the alter-! eon.pirsT. the Indlclm.' tors inn 1 1. coe.wpir.ioc were ro re rem. members er sod envage In sn unlawful emb'rtar1'.n rn the form tf an aa-reement under w h c h thev wer severally to purrha frr shipment from th Hro!t t st Tok all the cotton not dlrec'Jy sTbed by ths demands of foT. an sod domestic spln- ! tiers and manufacturer In ths erdl i narv con ree ef buio; In other enid pnr- NOTE THE WONPERFUL ClfANGE IN JEFFRIES' l , . : t- Vsy--f J isws TZh&4Y BRUISERS DRAW THE FIRST BLOOD Court Refuses to Grant the Injunction HEAR-CXLL FOR " TROOPS . - ii. i - '" .. ' Wbesj Ooiemor Clllctar .earned That th Application of the Attorney- ;rVn",,nAJrl'n t It 1 ct IVeriend. nhetrenr Jrfrrlee-f-rneraj Had Been . Refund. He j Joluunn Ftght III Be Itrrameri. Ttireatened to OJI (tat (he Military . Pj.u f"rl "' J ' Posltlvaljr tnted early tndav thHj the to Proceed to the nve) of tha Pro- Johnann-Jfjri flyht would b. h.lil n-.i .t.t Thi. tvanh. -j ' I" tloldfteld. Ne . the sportlnt aorlrl poaeeJ FHht This Rventnc and Pre- . urMK,nvinced , There la a strong vent It lint oa Procnlm- of Local i i.. . - ..... . " Mup . - ear arnhhedrj Ills UtU. . " ; ( By tha Assoctatad Prtjea ) bait FranctMrviv June) IT Altie- aey-Ooneral WelA this afternoon Meidl aa apoMtwtkm fur aa bijunr- ttua against th l4UfMrtl-Hauf- aaaa Parht on ther ground t'urt M as a pobiio auUance. , e eHedgs) Rcfuans Pealtlon of Attor tayt?e-eaal. a Haa Pre net ww, June IT. Judro Van NoaCnaud desdtitral to grant mfwaa-tlosi mat raining langhrrd- a svaarmaa ngnt Today's Pmtoaed Fight May Not Tagta nsrxs. o vf Praoctai-o. Jum 17. T.ov. fiUW-Ue, M xeaa Stasnd wow id (SU1 sm th troops If n. ternary to atop th tn timiosrasr. letter It Is aiiiHmnoed that ns lis promtes of a lMtau-aut . Attorney sfcert . and ttilef of polbvy Martin that they. e wnuld ss) Oiei laarfnrd-Kaafmaj lutnt . aoneocrow afteenoio, Uov eenoe (UUb-tle) announced sliat hev a would rewind hla ord-r railing owt Uvs miliUa. .-.. S 1, ; Ths Utoka Like Rrrlowt Trmihen. s . .. . , ... ... s baa rranrtsrvx, taJ.. June) lit. 1 a. snv laKis I Hot, poenKetrr trt Hwi Kaafmaa-Lsyaatfoexi nsrlit, sfte a coafreencve with his at turner dwv luT tjhej night anncmtM'el tluit he o Id carry put ttwa natit Haturday ." (HMtay) as Bdrertuerxl and wouhl petti enw for an Injwnrston -eetrsln- insr tha INiVvAtioa-aey'aut the) Pwtltw trunk tatrrfrrlng If the mjunctlosj la granted tlie twaTwar's nttly remeuiaw Is to rail 'vm th smiitta. . ' , y " ' Mau-nvrnt by the nmsot of tall- fornua. Ban rtanclaco, Csl." Jun If. ft stilt hav. an aea In the hole. When t-angford and Kaufman' appear, to morrow in ths ring, sitting In th sunt bog with rdtrtrt Attorney Flcfc srt and Chief of Police Martin will ba Adjutant General J. K. Lauck, rem mender of the "tats militia of Cali fornia. I have ths porttlv uranc that they (Fltk.rt and Martin) will not permit a single round to be fought'. Their promises wsr given to me per sonally. 1 betievn and expect they will be The doom of prla fight ing In California haa (en sounded." Ths foregoing statement made to night bv Governor James N. OUlotte epltomlrea ths latent situation of tha prtse fight controversy that haa plunar d Pan Prsnciaco Into a crlats bearing slf ths sspects Of crvlj war. Ftcht promoter feflcw the (eoreere-ie. Iouls Hiot . the promoter of the fight Is la enen Insurrection iair..t California's chief executive. Openly defying the Governor, who had order - ed owt two rompaniea of. militia t. prevent tn 'Ting cort'.f ir city c.m. cer refused to Sft. lUot declared he would hold the Kaufman and lnr. ford alTr tomorrow even tloinh "an ermv" wer called on tn 1 Uh. pro - eeedlngs. Oeten.lbly Plot nd slon. hut un til late Unlay he had t Icii.t the pas sive g-jpport of the district ittorny. and of tn tnnrtj At th. eleventh tours IH.trlct Attorney H, kert and Chief of police. Itart.n ji..iijed thetr word la A(tircj-4(j, ri Wt&U Uit APPEARANCE WITHIN THE , thv would prevent the Ak hi Acting ' en their nurance, Oovernor t)ilett( held up hla order ' callinK out th r'tat troop.. Still nbdurnte. Rim per-i-J In hla I dcclar.titin that the light vrnilil hr hrjd m arheiluled and unl-. h re tract from hla position th ouicom' of hi rrpolllon will not h. ili tirmln-il , until tomorrow afternoon at -' o'clock Pa. itlr time, when th runtcr are wh.ylulfd to come together I For a time today It .(.pcareil a j though Ran Francisco e. ild oprn' relwl againat California llot, everyone la utv.. i.nnot I carry' out his determination to over ride th. Governor's authority and to .JPVtMQ purposes the ar t M an end. 1 Oovernor OHIrtl. btt'or I. not twtthviv envtft,fl- th W-rt rtta nnf r wttempl la go on with th fight, and mar mar be a hltti In the bo- precfitVs prerer the costiet. ' fhs tin -ttmrmcted- rjtient-n-rrl ' i lurk tn be at th. rlngwlde prepared lingering auaplrlon that Reno will he jthr ' ground Rlckarda' an noun .ment was m.vU ! this morning oa receipt of a ; gram from Maurice Hulllvan. a m-r-1 'chant of ' noldfleld It an! 'orer-or (uu.uus ror Ihe right and 1 Rlckard without wmtU'i J-ealualua. Tde-lared for iloldtleld offer -of I110.0U for the fight and Th. nromoter however immerll. ately qualified hi. decision with the phrase. "If no higher bid Is received from s Nevada town " No sooner hsd nrd of Rlcksrd s action reached N.vada than the w1r. wer burdened with meawaa-es of pro- test and entreat, from Reno and Ks. It U certain that .tron ruarante. k.. ik. ,1,., . u- a.k. w- back the requests that tak.n to Rly or Hero. J& determined with the oppolttun toTJotflfleld try the other Xevatia town 1 that ths promoter partly surrendered . r vvrwvu. inax. in th. sfternoon lie Informed ur- "'T'S'Z UmcV. Indicates would gent petitioner. In Itsna and Ely lhst;" d"n " ,h" """ Con he wuuld listen to what they had lo .WT"rr .1,.t . , ear Rundav nlsht in Reno. Thi. no.'.. Wf dlswerad th sert srlng on tics wss also ronieved to Qoldfl.ld ' xr:L, Nsvada towns will In at Rano Hunday J,'teln. from iilck.rd'. ..o.iiri.. i ilt.. ... m. M , ii.- I meeting at Reno til ha aa auction, at tCawtlaeed .. Pas Twol COLlEfiE Y. M. C: l MEET FOt'R - DATA' SWHOXrAT MOJf TREAT lm.I!rWDIC"ll.TBEK. .- - . 0r WOmRI. IJSCTTTtyTI Q hmLK l.4kt Mt.irr; Special 'to New snd tOheervev) Terrall, June II Ths Ve-sders In h religious llf of ths colleges of th Hgious life of Ihe colleges of the South gathered todav four hundred strong, at Alontreat for a ten day's conference upon Ihe yelialoua prsb- 1 I'm of colleg men. : Prtrtlcally tsftr -X, M.C . i-I A . int. very luthern eollegw U- represented Tml.. w.a ocruuled ekUil. .,w roeoe oures m nm eiSTTCWHwrB! ,-e- orslJua- tabTrtame. tV Tnt.1rm organisation lata for the vart- m.pectlon In the Southern statea. TrJ"aVw In" ch.rSe f -"'-h look him to Wrlghtllle. while IJl. ..-..:- ,!Pf.r .r . .th,r!!he Wste Prea A-Ci.tloH was In m- '..r: --"r.V.c. -:e.: T..rada hure.. In the AsrtewUursl Ie- repre-entlng th leading educator ef out college..' Tonight -in ins suairnrium in Ihtlmat human way, rr. Henry N Pnyrier,' preside nt of Wofford Cuilege, st Spsrtanbura. C lectured upon lh ...ail at Ml. tttbta. I hi. troll, .line I , . ... . " , ' -" . th high order nf tha lectures to b given. r ' 1 Dr. Snyder po'"if " different Iwsys of studying ths Bible. Th.r hi i ths critical, th actual, tha Interprets tlve, Jut greater than any of the J thars Is the- literary .approach of a i reverend reeponslvs Intelligent reed in nf tha Pi bis a a great connected, bonk. , It deal as a whole with the' pro foudest truth of human life and ex c.ti.nce. It belong to the literature of 1 pewer; for Ita presentstlve . method makes It grip us d'ep down tn lh In nermost depth. The fTectivenes of sny truth depend upon the manner In which H appeals, and In this the Bible I supreme. The literary approach to th study of ths Bible is the .sine ss the (levotlonsl or spiritual .111104. J.U l..M nothing h had nut live J, LAST FOUR MONTHS CUSTOMS' DEPUTY GETS HIE PILE Saved Uncle Sam Two Million Dollars Will BE PI $1,11 - hXTrear M'Vrnugh and Pmahieat Tart llriiitrd on that Sum aa Ihw Hewuh of a Conference V rear r day. Money to he Pahl Out of Mobrt) Fund tlaltiie of Two OUtrr Mm Werei Turned Ihiw n eerlve U ho Ikrougtit Rauyar Tra-1 to Book for Hwrnrittfi I . a. H the Associated l'r i Washington, D C. June 17 Rich, srd Psrr, the tustom. d.puti at New i t i. . L . llLZ. Z J-ll ! !JIV.. r aaawteel the ng rrv.r tl - "1 the augar underwelghlng lo ' reward of I I T declsl.m to reward Parr in the i m"UB "f ! ase.reached at a p""" "J"" b""M? Fr-ident Tart ?nd ''-,nr Macah today There T'T 'Mu tm. ,h ' , anlch reas rds ar paid to rover the amount agreed oa. so thst unless other srrangements are made aa ap f1 ' "n will hare u be made Ihe dock of th American Sugar Re- by whi,h ud-. riinn V 1 I o e mmm rvne. aw inv final dloim-ertaa of fraud wore mad In hgd la donbctlns; Ihe duties out of which It had heen de franded. Ther i wet. two " athe with Psrr for reward. rial mats Thsy Edwin I Anderson snd Charles M Ialty. e-retary MacVeagh submit ted to Attomey-Oen.ral Wicker. ham tha' question whether be wss Suther land to rsaard tha three men.. but th Attoroer-tl.neral h1 that Parr only aa entitled to any compensation from I the Moiety fund The svrcca of the) suits to recover money must be attrtb-1 uted largely to Parr a work according (0 Secretary -MacVeagh There Is a Iso ' TTvy wmm1f ' W JtWl y, Liraasjrj i Parr wss large smounta cf;Petles wko is presiding ate a ons- I moneV and that h waa dug-re by i week terva of Cravwa county .aperlor rdetecUve. (ewnrti whoa tywrar KHpalrick. a - " 'Hi " . year-otd colored hear wss placed an 1 JfOftTW rAROf.lK. teteOtD IUD. trial for burglary la tk flret degrree t . '. - - - KUpsirlrk la. ths boy who aevoral ; 4MBctal of t-ood Roada twees) a) a seats saw broke tats the residence " wrsesmngwen i nwsisj -a mbmu , sWf ai H. T. at Dtr la order Unw tn Thi State. i to secure eesne . bs bavins- savtea I Sporlel to ana Observer ar . r l .. . ii . I v i. " "- - -v - P,Byb.rk,r, thi chief of the H was pleased srttb the ao t irmm kl. immm. Moetb -Caeatkna la m.K m in i wtm war nr mn am miii ment, snd had a good srnrd for th action of the State Preen A eoc tattoo. in paaelng favorable rewnhttloa. - Mr. . . . . . ' Kennyneraer-n ueparxwtemi nas recerv-. ,4 ttativs t. porta, which show- that I between th rears 114 and lt. that inrTt.M tn goenj , road, building In on n iinain. w i , . mywr cm., i ne .bowing is reeardec) aa aa xrlleat ana by Mr. Pennyharker. TAR RIVKK hTlIX RISJXG. Cmp In ekwne soctlrma R as"! leel Prm-sbaOy Imaniod. f Ppeclal to New and Obeerrer.) Tarboro.. Junw It. Tar Rtver at this plars la still rising1 and also at Rocky Mount. Ftehlng Creek.- -aad Rnfleld. Indication ar . that the water -will ro higher than It did last April. . ' - ' ' Tha eat ero-s tn, the Battlebnrq, sec tion ha been V ay fine, but an low lands Inn crop h,ta been practkaily r 1 dtVmya u auras puAcesV HQUSEADOPTS THE HUILE CODN AND GQNEON Can Hereafter Recall Bills From Committees 'ROES TfiE PIGEOS-HOLE antlirr lotli. Blow al fanaowiuii lV-crt F.tecwlrel by t'e4creea ee- brrrtay Itmtfil ltMg Bank Bll H Right of Way la Vaatr To Iaj ' oofrernor Report oa Kail tsj VbnlnMratioei Bill tgr.-nl i by tbc smaer e. i licnHerrat. Voted for It. HcfM-tcnc lull still t'SHlrr IH4rn The Work of ' -tBaTjaw4aBaj Vaws)oesBa -v -i , H Ur iaa,f, tbs it Wnh : ! n I) ( . Jun IT -H a vol- ..i 8-.nt toUv rtj tf tn- f ti rrm rirl in c ;tf t TbeJete cam at Ike ci-i ul :nt raaiin. which a . ileVKii .e)-. e.f'tetvly to a ueelon .. 'r. r.ilrna l meaur !uee h.- 'r- mmle hWnators N lands H-'-.'v ii, mm in ghd ulhcr. i o' ih rriii.te vote and a -1 of th. rxii tote were cast i. tMmi r; F'..r- 1 ournin the motion I rosxu- 'n the House amendmi-hU i.. me r-i ' i Mans bill mad. thr unftni.hei) Kustpewi hi' h meac Ih! it ei'.i t taken up .1 ; a"cl k t'morroa The H mluded Its tea im .. day t.) aiiopttng a new rale b h h a m.).ri!v f Ha membership mn ti any time r, tl fr..m a commltl. e am Mil -r re., jinn referred to 'i nn. plae th ni'jre upon the ,l'n,!.(r .r voi..iler.tlon Advocate, 'f it ne mle 1. m That It Kill fTe.-'ui;t present th pigeun-hollng of an pro-(-e,l le'.uuon ahhh h. the p pral of . mal-r1t of ih ll vi.e Theia"ttirfh r ihe" new rtile ass hf- anlmous tote The rkPflrVency gDPrrtHfo. WJll awler eonetderatloe durtnd m iat of tha evasion tottav. but was not dis posed of Mtb koiieea aiU be In aesaioa to morrow PaaMige nf the Tan Railway Hill W ashinalon D C . June IT -The nenat today r'aced its final stamp or ; approval on the ednVnlat ration rail road bill which haa heen pending In I banning 'of ..."""Tv 17. the rep., of ,.. conference comm. t" ' toe on thst nr The vcie came st Ihe close of a day devated to a fragments diecuaston of the measure, and aa. althout ..peclai feature The report prevail ed by a lar,, majority, th. .e being ta.avA tba n, 11. All of th nr. tvo votes acre cast hi . , ., . VJ? haanberl.,n t la, Mc- uS CZ IT lT.; In. m . r l-:fh. b.?l ,",,IU" Just before ,h. vot. ... l.k.n Sen. st-r Mone ellC.ed a .tat.rn.nt from nenator Clkin. to the effect thst no agreement had been entered Into be- tweea th R,pbttc.n leader. ,nd Imo.ratle sV.uor. looking to the elimination of the '-spttaltastlon pro visions of th bill railing for a quo rum for ths expressed purpose of pro curing ths Streadan. e rf the Senator from Wast Virginia. Mr Ptone men tioned thp frequeat reports to the effect that there bad been such A bargain, snd a araedul Mr Elklos tM n r.lft4. 1 1 n t i. Ik. . . K Mr Elk ins said he did not try eer all tha report, that w.r Jt to answer ail tha reports that on foot by tka nowapaOera. but that he could- sm frankly th)! no such sgreemeat evor bad been mane. "The atettosi to strike out ths capi talisation fsaiswa -sma made by a bam orrwt and waa aaippwrted by the votes of ail but on ef tha Reaatora." added Mr Elklaa. "After that there was no cariosity for a barpala. and o far as 1 know there s aaaa" feof Bi tiCi-AJi bKvrrxT- 1 ' Patheako fa iJwpojs-sl of By Judge fiiMta ha tlravs CowrV . New Bern. Jane 17. One of the . snost pat bet e case ever tried la this en wr mm TSW-OB Tm aj-s-aj xra-qp . mV T 1 not hlrg la two days, sad while tn the ' . - . . ' . -. w - , . . lemw was ftrfed apoa by Mr. whit and as ssvwrsly srownded that his left .rm had b be amputated. mrm M a ee mputateq. tea aewant af lb boy", th th charge was anal 'tarceny awdnla hT j pia of BN contendr. and bora eatrem naly changed entered plea, of bete contend re and the court ordered him bowwd eat la torn ro- , ..i. . -. "SCARbT AT t.RFEXVIlXE. , - . Mee yj-sTma VAerw riytas ... . Than IsnaL ... . . ISpeetal to News and Observer I Oreennlie, N C, Jun 17. Tea death. In tv d.vs t af a aesro texo- . u let ion or . na raasesi soma ex- cttemenl smneig Green v-tUe When it became known that each a large aumber waa dying It was at first feared there eras a definite fatal mal- .A ' erttdem W .Rut aar.atfcealton , .nows no-aorh thlnr the death all being from nrniii natural causes. -' thy. Mare at Wrisa11e, . trpecial ta News and Obaarwer ) tUmntrron. N. June It. Ur. C, A Stiles, thb famous hookworm ex pert and artentific secretary ef the Rockefeller Ceen mission, haa arrived at Wrlshsxtllle beach and will maks aa address during the eomina;. week J bsfora 4t) Stat AttditiJ SotUt. 1 1TEAGHERS GDTTHE Assembly Completes Its Work and 'Adjourns WilSBH It PRESIDENT- Xew nmcera CTicen. But Ms iter of ( haugtng time of. Meeting. W a . 1-ft . to ExecwUre t'ominltlee. and he Setectkaa of eit I'ln.-e of Meet ing Raleigh Ma; Be the Si-cnc of he Neat weeM- lew Pee.itvt Itpf.Meil to ITeacnt eihod f se lecting Teat Kooke Filitor INie Nic4ik U omsn'. hcliool Itctter tiwut ,-lalMi licit. New t)fTI- Si,il to N nd (ilieererl Ah.ilie. Jim- 1" Th. Plate Teacher.- AlMmMl .completed It urk todii and aJ;uurcd thlt e Ca ll', g " ' The f,-(,r, .,( (r, morning .ciwlon . ihe 1, h.r. A-emlh . . . sfirr ng .1.1re. .e,.re. by the editor T Ihe Prngr. F.rhier, f'larenre If Hi. imrril i.l.Ject as. ' N'eed 'ii Ai.ptms Kdu. t,.in to Rural Life " ".nil during hi t!k he mad a eera r'innient if th, prr.ent method ..f l i. .11. .n -u have tausht, hoi. all limit 'r"k r and Ijtun roota hut ught thm nothing about corn mui. Yo.i hav. taught them .11 shout the t;r,ek rharioU onh t . I., mn over t i tn. twentieth jntur . u torn. .Pile II- Mid th. fmt er.eif step In hrinitlng shout the a.1piton of aduiati .n to rural life i. the get ting of the propsr kind . f tet hHik Half the prohlrm would K. tmlved then He utis h. had recently read In Ptut.rrh that mti.t .tudv hat would he.-ia.efui ti then -ther im p '(1 It aeem that It ha. taken th. world I.3B year to realiaa this'' Too Tllynert " II. 1lare,l thai the hoi. school , yatein waa onnatrm-t.d by city people for it children to make city peopla Illustrating from th apelllng hook, h said f word were given out which come In the life of farmof hova. such as mat lock hoe, clevt. .wtrfgl. tr.e. etc Many of the authorities had th. 'meiric svatem. latitude and longi. ' t fl "J"? " i " IS Zfll - -. '. lug relative value of f.rtlll- sers; yet the eouth rrpenf IT - . r nnt for fertilisers snd 11' 1 early for education lie unpared the sU- , ;"h " ' ' , " "1 'l H '." ' " w a part, she la the whole; so it was with j'n.niii, in. wnoi. out .o nil ,.,, ,,, , h(1 wtroductlon of th. kind of education In school. ,,. ,uid he ! U,UJ "- V n'1 "' ""1 M JL ' 11" e - rh,, l,f, ! hf"th: , f,,lJh" ,hT " ',U" ''h dlrsot return, for, ' "V "" xf '.r,'b',,'n ot ih ""'"'ry ho rbr J'T Would he olrd He believed that this would add dignity to farm Ufa. , Th Assembly adjournsd at I this afternoon, sflsr selecting th am eer, and adopting a revolution leaMng with the executive committee th ad -vlaahltitv of changing th tints of meelng from June to soma tlms In ths I '"- rm"' . ,. n ";""' presented to hold th next convention In Raleigh Following ar. the officer choaeg: President tltsrl.s U Coon, Bups Intendent Wilson ty Rchoosa. Vies-Prssldsnt E. C Brooks, of Trinity Cnllef. Secretary and Treasurer R. J. W. Connor, of Raleigh Member of thi KxeesUv Commit tee Miss Mary Graham and H. B. Hall, of Gaston la Tit report of the eommtttae an peat form was adopted favoring; th estab lishment of aa auxiliary board ta work In conjunction with the State Board of Education on all mailer bertatntrrg to educational work, favoring- a eon tltstlonal amendment changing tha term, of public schools from four lo eight ' mo h I ha "TH 011frWnTwTcTmrr f county su perlnt.nd.nts and board of education, uniform examinations of teacher.', aad th , sstablitrunsnt of farm school in th eountie. Pi ou t - AAsdnst he Meattnel of Sa- lectlna; Text- Boka After thks report waa presented C. , t. Coon arose and entered a protect against the present method of select ing text books for th schools. He declared ths Board nf Education la not ths proper ona for this to he left ta. H wanted lt.1n the hands af th teachers. He did ot want th teach era to corns to be a sub-committee; he would have It th supreme emjrt. Superintendent Reynold explained . that he and , Mr. Coort wr ef the same opinion but that It was differ nce ta going about It Aftar stating that ho did not believe that the first section aa Incorporated tn th plat form resly meant anything, he ststed that he would let those on the plat form have their way b had simply . expressed ' Report of Committee em Rceolotlon. . The committee on , rewolutloa . rrought In thsnking the board of trad. Ashevlll Electrle Company, the churches, 8uprtntedenb Tlgh aad Reynolds and their assistants for., entertaining th convention, showing spprovsl ef ths reengnltlo accorded the State In the selection ' of J. I. Joyncr a president of th National. Educational Association and accord ing him their support by a rising rwtei- appelating-, a committee nn nerrolosry. composed of M. C. 8 Kohls, . B. Sesrls and B. E. Rorer. endors mg tha North Carolina Journal af Education; showing spprectatlom af . ,CoqtJiuel rI rtva. - i 1 . , - . ... - ... 1 I,-,, 1 ,. x.

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