riir, m;hn and tnKicvx::. Tuesday, Jrxn 21, into V PiiOiJE AS 10 SAUlRlESJflOt KEPT Charlie Harm Too Ouch For Other Legislators iwttitTie v stir iaV. ir;r if"".-! mi ia, n w t ... l ill .1 nil .ktit & ' .1 ; i ix, J.Ul-i Hw J. K-.U-a Ei-RcprcarutaUve W, C DougUwe T1U til People thai He Could Not Carry ' Put Ilia Promise Brnauan Mtartea r. Harris Wu Quieter and More Sururasful. ' r On Saturday, ax-Representatlve W. C. Douglaa want put, to Apes and mada a. characteristic speech for tha King ticket Ma had a tight to do ao. even though ha want to apeak td' tha crowd that had coma to 1 hear ' tha Anti-Ring candidate by appointment In tha course of his speech , Mr. ttouglaaa discussed the tha Mlal bill to put tha county officers on ssJarlea. Ha told tha paopla that ho (Douglaas) . draw tha Mlal bill, that whan he heard I that it . WM 'befpra pi commute ha had ruahad thara only to And that the commttta had- about mada up ta jnlnd and did not flva him a harln, but amrnbro( ,tha commltwa aald that a' minority raport tepuld ha filed. ao ha aaid that waa what ha wanted ! Whan tha -bill rama up befnra tha Houaa Mr Harria mad a motion to table and thoue-h TiaStdba eady-lotM1 m champion it debate waa not allowed and tha bill waa killed. W hat Mr. MlaJ fWtya, Mr. Millard Mlal. who wilt ba nominated dark In tha (Saturday pri mary both bar uaa ha la aa capable Id "Bit the ofllca aa any man Tn Wake county and bacauee tha people honor W-Te -TOrT-hl,- r1fD :::''My":mnaiaiA HIS '" --ot) "'S K Influence that Up rvuia Uaa rnuU not put county officer- ' on aalariea (It HOuld have ml 140,000 la the County TreMury If Um MlaJ Mil had pawed) waa in Ralolsh yeatarday. Me waa aaked about' tha'Safemeht6frMr7 Pouflaaa at Apex on Saturday and aid: "Mr. IngiM did not draw tha MIL It waa drawn by Mr. W. K. tone. la tit anain flirbt befora tha CommlttM . on fiaktriea and Few, Mr. Douclaa did not appear. AfU It waa roTtrred to th CommlUf on judiciary and tha fata of U waa weJI-nlrh aratlod a a forlorn hope, he did ninke aomo effort for the Nil. I have alwnya tried to rre Mr. Douiaa full credit for wliat he did and hia coi mixtion with the alary Mil haa been allwied tn and Mated la the Nrwa and Obarrrer." Wht The Ilatora' I'roinlaed'.'" " la tha conteat tn tha Democratic primary In every candidate for nomination for the Letialature waa undaratood to have promlned to out tha rcutity otflcrra bn aalarlea, and when the Let lalatura au( tha people all esv wactad that to ba don. Aftor- tha Lairlalatur aaaembted, it became- a p parent that thara waa damrer that the promlaa would not ba kept. ' It being pabllahed that , all the laaialatora had made that promlaa, the people eipect ad tha reform and tha aavlng to the county. When they beaan to demand that their leglalatora pare tha aalary bill. Representative charlea V. inrrtf denied that he had promlned to iftture the paaaaa of tha salary act. It ..aeema that, whan the matter waa pre ecu led to him on the ran rata, Harris : replied that ha waa a vary young msn In politics, did aot know what the county officers were receiving, and that ha would take the matter up and do what waa be for the coenty, and therefore that he had right to vnte aa ha pleaaed. having mada no specific pledge. - At Apex Mr. Harris declared nlmeelf for "fair aalarlea for county orflcera when he la shown that they are receiving too snurh l. That being Everyone deeply respects A person who is guided Bycwl judgment And common sense. If one find that hibits . Of food or drink are producing Hints of disease, he should1 Heed Nature's warnings and Adjust his diet to keep the Human machinery in order. One doesn't always know -Where to commence To correct a diet, rButone thtagtostoptsToffee, An alluring, insidious enemy That sings one to sleep and r then knifes him." : ' the slow but sure effect of Caffeine the actire drug in Coffee on the heart, finally produces weak pulse and a Deranged, nervous system Which grows slowly tut Steadily more pronounced And ends in some Filed organic disease, Unless the cause be removed. Is scientifically made cf ' Selected rart3 cf tbs rjainSj TV. .-.tt . , i v , , , a a.at jr ivtii t. - . - c t I v T.'tich rcbu::i ar.J give Vii-l tr-r to )-fy mi Colds Conquered Meani Sickness Saved Aiijhii liilerc-ied In the cure ef fon- I r j , I It II Blioulil t una of ill hook let I . 1 1 1 1 K nf reroverlr ) lit UN Of K fc' Bii"! Allemtlia. t'mifha, Htuhlmrn t'ulds and Pneumonia tnay i the hewtittitng of marm miuna tniillites-- l, kruii ' AMi-tue ,is UiS si Cecil te nmwttr. Tali it In lime. naraUsa. N. V , il.r. ltNIA, Oentleuien: tor flr or ill )n I was troubled with eutifh end aipertorettoo. My case waa declared f'unatimptlnn hy my doctor, After Uklu K.kuio Alterative, wlilrli u rscuuuueuded, I dm so tl rely csred (Hltned Affidavit! Jtuiea W. Kansly. Krl.nan'a Alterative, la good for all Thrp" u4 -4-h jui. lay 4Hk eale "VsM-nAt fct' ati'-f rtifc kt. 1 -it en'slsW, J OliJ(liy:4t f. prw iwd -by, y,r local Wtfk-liaia. Ask f.r nutlet ''of rrii C- WWe' for 'f.Mwree-Vt4ie' . mas laboratory. I'MIs,. I's. '. : , so, the people aald: "Well, that doesn't matter: Draw ry,' Douglas and Mlal all promised to paaa the salary bill, and aa they are the older men they can auccsed even If Marrla should not be convinced that the beat Inter, est of tha county demanded that tha pledge of the Senator and tha other two Representatives be carried out." But, according to Mr. Douglass, the people ware mistaken and young Mr. llajrrla waa too quick and too Influan tlal for Senator Drewry himself and Mr. Mlal, and therefore the promlaa made by these three leglalatora waa not kept In the account of Dr. Bikes speech In. White Oak Baturday. tha following statement appeared in the special from Apes.: - "He referred to Charlea U. Harria statement that ha killed tha aalary bill, 'yea,' said Dr. Bikes, ha was Ilka tha UUle sparrow who kUUd Cot k Robin.' 'Yes,' said Harria, 1 kUled tha alary bill. I did it with my little bow and arrow.' 'Yea, he shot an arrow that cut the county out of 1 10,00 a year. That's the trouble,' he aald. 'there, have been too many sparrows In the .Legislature. Too many 14 lawyers. One reason why the peo ple complain about tha laws Is that sparrow hawks have bean filling tha What Wake It by Failure of Lrta- What, did It cost Wake county tax payers for Charlea U. Harris to tabls that bill and show that Mr. Douglass, abler lawyer than he la, wu Impotent to JheJpMr. Mlal to paaa ttt Nobody can tll exactly,- But one thing la certain; If Mr CXT, Harria be quicker and secure the paasage t the Mlal bill, the bill that John Hlna dale and Buck Jones passed, adding a year to tha sheriff's commis sions, could not havetMSComealaw. That Is certain. , """ '" What Bu'-rwnbe Satvee By telartea. A few days ago Mr. Charlea A. Webb, preaident of tha Stats Hoapltal Commission, was In Raleigh. Ha aerved three Urms aa Stats Senator from Buncombe, and secured tha paa aage of an act putting the officers of that county on a salary. What waa the result? MR. WKBB MAYS IT HAS t A V ED THE TAXPAYERS OP mxcoMiiK x)rnc twkntv THOCSAND DOLLARS A VEAR. Buncombe county Is not as rich aa Wake, It doea not give as many mort gages and It raa lesa crime. And yet that county by stopping the fee sys tem, according to Htate Senator Webb aavea I20.00 a ysat . . ..., ,,. Wbat-UnUford Saved ITy tflirte When Dr. J. R. Gordon and Weat cott Robertson were In the House and Alfred Moore Scales was In tha fteaete from Oullford, they paased the Gordon blU putting the otneera - of Utillford county on aalarlea. What happened? .-Last year OullforaV coun ty taxpayers saved I10.TI9. Charles I'. Harria and County Officers Cue Wake (,000. .. Wouldn't the Wake county taxpay ers Ilka to save that much, money? Wall, the ability of Charlea V. Harris and the Clerk of tha Court, the Reg later of Deeds and the Sheriff tn kill the Mlal. bill haa COST THE TAX. PAYERS OP VYAKK AT LKAST lie.eoe a year. Ring Haa Death-bed Conversion.. --BiVV aay tha ' King cnndldatea. "ws are In favor of aalarlea." Since when? On April tOth. in tha Rump Rlngster Mass Meeting in tha court' house, William B. Jones, tha Ring candidate for tha State Senate, de clared that putting county offlcera on aalarlea waa "lumping on the Repub lican platform" and yet In a letter dated May Uth the same W. B. Jones wrote, "1 have never oppoaed placing tha county offlcera upon a aalary ana. If nominated. J wtil ace to It that they are put upon a salary-" - ' Jones waa a member of the last Stste-Senate. He had the chance to how his attitude as to aalarlea. What did ha do aa to aalarlea of county officers? He passed . .Jblll through, the Senate increasing the salary of the county commissioners and adding J.- tOO a year to the income of tha sheriff f tha county. Do iou wish the sal rtea te be fixed by leglalatora with that ecordT Mr, Charles V Hsrrta la no now a candidate and hs ta not being dis cussed except aa brought In by Ring speakers, lie could not nave aersat d the Mlal bill by himself. , Tbree of tha present county offlcera fought It effectively aa this statement by Mr Millard Mlal shows: "Imagine ray aurprW wticsi" t'anw that my bill wee bNng oppoaed by the Wake county oIJhtts. fcume of trtetw peered la per"' are4nt R before ilea Ownmlttee of the Ueaieawl Aa 4t. OUwxe employed auoraera to work against It. Between them ttMT flrt killed It tn the Committee) on Salartea and re.- It wear Thee ewwewHe. that Clerk of the Coert W. M. Hmm) drtarrd that the demand to pwt the offlcera of Weke (Vxanty en aalariee waa. 'only a RcpaMlcaa dewiand.' Tha ttoraeya of feTteriS rwara were pree. e nppneing the Mil. Mierllf fWrs and Itrgteter of Dwrrta rVesrtf mrri aae preeewt and oppoeaae; the bllj. -In enanegeewe tha bill wee wa favneahty reported." If there were no ether reason fnr defeating the loner-term county offi cers their action tn defeallna the aal ary bill after Wskes titalnrs had pmeniard a pass M h siiHrl-nt. Thy rontnuled to the repu'llstlon of a solemn pledae made by e(lslore te the people and did It be iuk they w ihd to get more pay for them. eel". 1 The ta i pa vers where do Ihey enma In? The 4r ef the Deeaocratto taa pavers in Wake kt Saturday, June IHh. If the tsvpaysrs wlh-t endorsO the rpidtiinn of tha pledte by whkh the tpvre ha lost at least lie a year Ihey wul vot the Ring tfc-ket If they thirk tst's'e-e are entitled rnttr eoeaMerattr r t .e, aie yeew, MH.r el.l "te the i - trket. If i t,y wl.ti h th tai and ft! aaiartea ( fr a!, tiy w l p the Kirg u.T ,'., ih om p.r,t i ,r - . s'.-'.g t r.d way, thy tii t? V. :rsg 1'- GIVE US GHIflGE CnYOFCEDAOFORK Majority in Both Precincts ainst Ring And They Know How to Get It What Leading Subtree) ttiUBva Me Say of tha AUgnmtnt of the Township oa tha Ponding Iseuce and Candidates Dr. Slkea Spokai at Morrtaville Yeatarday bad Mada a 'Ftne Im pieaatuaAfter Ha Left to FUI An other Appointment Joora Made Defaneiva Speech. (Staff Correspondence.) 1 Morrtaville, June 30. The peopla here are , thoroughly, posted on tha fight for clean Democracy In Wake county. For the moat part the peopla are taking a keen interest realising the great Importance ef tha move- ront. Interviews with the leading men of this place and some from tha country around revealed & pretty accurate condition of the contending forces. Those who are beet poeted here say that tha ticket needed ty ur. Hikes, the Anti-Ring ticket the ticket for reform ' and economical county government will get a ma jority Jhere. Undoubtedly the majority eenumem here la give as a change in the man- ty and give it to ua through the Democratic party. These people feel that the hope ot the people nt tn the Democratic party and for thl reason there js such a strenuous fight to" purify the party and relegate .corrupt methods mmm -The--leaders In thla sevtlnn rifrtTm-wrOMheiirJw that n rountynsfg stanaTnf bynriAnTi-Ttin movement becauee they feel that it la not only to the best Interest of the Democratic party, but the bet In terest of Wake county The people realise that reform. If had, must comr tneooa-hs the DemowatlC "partyrj"On 'Twn'CT"T1I'Kys'''moM,''promnenf They went reform and are therefore deeply interested tn wresting the managment of affalra In Wake from the Rtngstera Here, too, they are oppoaed to boss lam and the cut and dried policy of tha Rtngstera of killing and making alive. The Indictment of extravagance against the Ring also cuts quits a ftirure here. The senti ment, too. is for sending strong; snd able men to the Legislature, men who 111 represent and harksn to the voice of the people. Aa one sent le nt an expressed It: "We have been sending too many boys to the Legis lature..? He agreed thoroughly with Dr. fllkes In hi speech at Apex Sat urday when he said that the trouble With MiPlv,; hA Jt, lea. tslatlve representation ."too ...many 4. sparrow hawks had been occupying the eagle nest." Another citlsen who wields , great Influence' In this section and whose loyalty to Democracy has never been shaken, even In the most stormy periods, put H hht - wur about tha situation: "Tha way thincs are run In Wake county now la the 'wild rat' way. and not tha Democratic way." Thla light In tha Democratic ranks might appear to some to be a email matter, but they were mlataken it waa In truth a most Important mat ter. The extravagance and the methods of the rings must bs check ed. New men must be put at ths helm and a general clsan out must be had. If thla waa not dona, the Democratic fatty aould disintegrate and lose out as the dominant party in the oouaty."1-.As -he saw It. a clean weep waa neceaeary. Strong men and stron Demorrata here are hoid In" to ese vlesra. Another Democrat aald that he could see ths faults la hla own party aa well aa he could see them la the other, and be waa thoroughly con- TRT th BEST-A warded H Blue by evsry taat - JAGIISOi S Itg Aroma to deUcdoaa' Ita Flavor U rich, its Ndy la Sna." -tn atF.flrllties.rtd Ti""uFgrocer aelis it li eta and 11 eta 'per pound. 1 IMPORTERS COFFEE CO., Ltd. -Jl'ALfTt MOt'RK of Hew OrVraiaa.- -t- pit - THE KEYNOTE . a . Sucoeae la medicine rellee anlely aa Ha power ta relieve mnea aeor0. Ing ta tha demande ot the purpose. The keyaete ef suec4 In rhs se ef any medicine compounded by me Is In the fact ttat rwf drug need la elected with, the knowledge of ita purity sad potency, and eewtpewhded according te most sclent i He methods by efflcieat pharmacist. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. nOTH niONES 10) : We carry the most complete line of Toilet Water, Talcum and Sachet Poxvdcfs, . Soap end Perfumes to be had.' Srcria! attention jiven to prescriptions.' ANDTIIEn MAHKET iipnmsT A Waiter Full of "Envir- onment" and Sich The Market Houaa CornnUiudone Who Id Married to An Uljrlble Site (In Hla Mind) and hy the Colonel Broke Step While Promenading With "Mr. Mayor" The Chewier, flrid Manila the ladle a few That Some of Then Will Not Relish Then He Talk About Availability and Home More KiivlnMtmcnt" He. 1 retdimcirt ta rWil Along Rut Where's tha Fn?" To the Editor! 'There seems te be fun and frolic, If not frenxy and fa voritism, entering Into the proposition of selecting a location fnr a new nvir: ket place for Raletph; and to go fart her luio- the res Ira of llUeriion, It would appear to the average citixen and taxpayer that thrrt- la a auspi'luu of aentlmentallty and simplicity enter- Ing Into tha contest I have recently read a lengthy coin- munlCStlon from OlntinxulsheJ mem- ber of the commission, who for s in i surely the one hundrel snd twenty-i must he apparent to every falr-mlnd-renaon seems to be wedded to a alto, i five thousand dollar municipal build-' aaaaasaBaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBa beside w hlch all other locations look : ins and auditorium, located on Wll-1 - to him Ilka thirty cents miniton. Parte and rnvettevllle i In matters generally regard Mayor , Wynn'e Judgment of xreat value ' ew,"BIt-and'WTewr' states that the old market house prp-' erty Is the finest sn i most valuable ' piece of business property now on the . market anher1u North Carolina, II quite aires:, wl.trt.hain. and -J-wttV l further and say thst 1 believe It to be 1 the meet elu4eerlt most: gvallaiiiaprojioxadwtlt. fmth- a wen Why. T trKwly prune oh ftbe mnrk't'In the coi tal city for the next h't a century More He IxiM M-p. But hen In the' ame article he save thst the piece of oronertv hteh. dry end smooth, and fronting 1J0 feet streets, with 40 foot entrances from two more of tha city's moat prominent street. Is not fitted for a market plRce for Raleigh, then he snd I nmM part company la so far ss our Ideas of svallsbility and val'ie are concern ed And when 1 learn that this loca- vlnced that the Rlnsxters needed to be cleaned out. The reporta hers are that Pollard s precinct, the other precinct In Cedar Kork township would giee a msjorlty! for the Anti-Ring ticket The Antl Rlnf speakers there Saturday night made a fine Impreealon. convincing the people of the )utnea of their cause and the necessity for putting them la office ' to v.,. . , The -eops e -thl ee-teon need at tention badly and hence there was not s very large turn out here st the speaking this afternoon. theuMh apeak Ings were sdertlaed both the Antl Rina and the Rlna; candidates. IV Rlkes. who Is making a wonder ful canvs,s. snd wtm votes wherever he, goes, spoke to the assembly this af ternoon. He arraigned the Ring for Ita favoritism In workine? the roads. Its extravagance In administering the affairs of the county, ths Rtngstera and Ring officeholders for killing the aal ary bill and for breaking up the masa meet Ins of Democratic voters who went to Vslelch on April 10 to dis ease the affairs of the count r . He also save hla political record. All were pleased with his speech and were convinced of his sincerity and honesty and the further fart that he Is going tn make one of the best senators Wake county haa ever had In a few minutes after the antl Rlnsr speakers hsd .concluded Mr. W. B. Jonee. the Rtne candidate for the senate made a short speech to the earns crowd In w hich ha defended him self and the Ring gibbons for QUAUTT the BEST ' QUAtlE COFFEE Tun on isn bs purrhsaed by ths cltv for i one-hslf or le.a than one-half of what II W'liild lake to nurrhaaa Mr. Wynne's llal site, which la lut Sh'iiit Jf)0 feel further from that min tliuMt piece of hualneea property In North t'sro-j llns, and which has less frontage, on Ihi same two prominent streets upon! til' h t he other location fronts, with! propiaed entrances from two other cross streets, one of these two en trances to be only fifteen feet, wide, I then I can but wonder to what reslm of "dnn't-raredness" the question of economy has flown and Into what tomb of sentimentality or personal preference the Interest of the taxpayer has bsen consigned, . To say that one of these 'locations, each fronllnr on the anme streeta. VWataiUn. tl ihrtt'.'-each.'-JMsted in . rhst nav:, he,. 1 ternieit thA Verv heert if rinlelo-h lee ,...weHry4, vpTrtn-irtlHl' m' for market- place purposes, te 4n- wy opinion runnlnr amuck of good Judg ment and. sound reasoning. ' (lieeterfleld to the Ncar-eitifrrsgrUe. But Usee tha ladles Qod bless them) have been Invited Into the con test and have rushed In with all their (charming graces, characteristic . en thusiasm, bubbling emotions and de lightful sentiment. Ws mltbt ronwnt for their desr snd delightful sake that ths market be located In the w, at end of the capltol smi&re. next to the Rsney Uhrarv and the First Ban-' list church, but thst proposition would ! t'T" i,.,,iir irn.inr, nim mil i, to think that even thoufth It went there, after the sentiment snd sensa tion wore off. these ladles would he found using the telephone for mar keting purposes Immensely more than they would their desr little feet. " And then. 'If it la location the laillea want, what's theuae In mnvlnx the market houaei Surely they could not Jtope, to. Jmpxove unihe iiaesL piuc4 of hiislnesa propertv tn the State, If It Is sanitation they want, surely they must know that the architects. lioll,1. an, UTmrm . I, . . ,, , U , .. jcsllon. must furnish the aanllatlon Question of "Knvlronment." Tf It la envlrnnment thei m,i. i K.v. streets, can furnUh as much of that1 "s the colored church on Wilmington.' the slightest Intention of reflecting on' the colored church, Thla Is No Mirror llit.lnrw. I would seem alo Hint the Yar-1 - borough House at -4e.t when It i Improved In accordant with plana dainty and delicate environment as, the two or more horae horse boarding houaea hoapliala snd located near, the. other site. And surely, too. such institution , ss the Commercial National Hank, the t'rowder an Rand M.m H. ihe new j A"TT Andrews marble rront block.; the Ha r her block, the w a Mvstt block, the Capudlns block and other j such splendid structures, an com- j pete with ths Strickland t'ndertsklns 1 establishment, ths Rneenthal (frneerv block or the former Howell House In . the environment business An. this without sny reflection an where As to "AvallstHIlM ' If It Is svallahlllty and convenience! the ladles want, It must he admitted j that the streets upon Which nil these! eataMWhmenta are located and thej! great new auditorium la be'nt erected.!' will furnish as Inviting aid ss attrac tive convenience as those streets thst surround the other location ) Invitation to a Rcwerved Scat. j 1 ,hs. sec. errTMMl lwret In-the-t-matter, but as a clllxen and a tax-' payer. I do tielleve that Sound buel - nees judgment snd due regard to the Interest of tha taxpayers of Ral.leh whose money must buy the location Bennettsville Sanitarium WILL CURE THE DRUG HABIT IN TEN DAYS FOR $125.00 OR REFUND THE MONEY AND PAY ALL RAILROAD FARES Come at Once Bennettsville, S. C. Pure Salad Oil " r i ' - Antoine Chiris (Grasse France) uses only Selected Olives. . Quality fully guaranteed. Price 75c' per pint slightly cheaper in large quantity. MT-rt,v.rtat'iir.3j,i;"1f a. eiJyjA u.iva.RJtf''a-j'ece'jt--ei jftid. : will please you. " ' King-Crowell Drug Co. WE ARE SOLE HUYLER'S and ereet the market, should KUHle the commission In the Important mi, embarrassing public duty they hsve been called upon to perform. And thatfcpersonal preference, selfish -tereat, sentimentality, and frenzied Htid fanciful dreama should all tsite "" w ? f J" e rear. Raleigh. N. June !0th. 110 It Otlirr Sk fuU To the Editor Mr Ft. Edwards' curd voiced the sentiments of a vast number of Raleigh's lieat clttxens It When'Yoa'fhmk Ot the pain which many women experience with every month it msket the gentleness sad kiadaess slwsys sasoci eted -with wemseheed -eeesa to be almost a eracle. W hile in lentrsi nq woman rebels aaaiast what she re-' tarda s a strural necessity there ia no woman wfio would not gtsdrrtay trertirnn rlitrTrMTrin Dr. Pierce' A'arerffe rescrefe makes weak teats afreag mmd sc wemee we, aasf grea tktm freedem from pmla. It eefabffsAea rerfy, sagstuca ! mertee, aeaf afcsrariea umt care fe male weataeaa. Sick woetca are iavited to consult us by letter, re. All oorrespondenoe strictly privste sod tscrtdly eon- fidcatssl. Writs without fear and without Ice to World's Dispensary Med ical Aasocistioa, R. V. Pierce, M. 0., Preaident, Buffalo, N. Y. II you wsnt a book tbst tells sit shout womsn'a diseases, aad how to cure them at boms, tead 31 ens-cent atsmpt to pay coat of wrappia and mailing esy, snd ws will send you s frtt copy o l)r. Pierce's frsst thousand page ilhattrstcd Conxsaoa Sense Medical Adviser revised, vp-to -date adit too, ia hsndaome Preaeh etoth bindia. MRS. FRANK REDFGRD MILLINERY 1 ... . , . - - , . All uoiorea inmmea nais Pbons til. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" BOYS' WASH SUITS We have gotten in all the new sizes and pattern Just, the thing for the little fellows. Sixes 2 1-3 Jo 7 years. Price $1.09 to $1.00. Better come early to get the best pickings. " Cross & Linehan Co. Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C . y AGENTS FOR CANDY ed man and woman that no place, la, nor i an one be found, quite ao con venient for the lady marketera. aa the prraint site. Aa 1 voted for the sals of the market houae I am entitled to) vole a reconsideration snd the more I think about it. the more I am eon. vlnced that it will he best to let well enough alone. Mr Edwarda struck the right cord and it must come aa a greet relief to a committee that aeema to be hope lesely divided. Respectfully, C. A. SHERWOOD. , ana if lowers at nail Tice U West Hargett St. all-" i .. . 1. i. t 1 n r If hy t.h Tea, pe I t'-e.t, ,.rf-,cmf Sc. .f i,! hf tiM , I I- .'- - e f t. y. l r. 1 Y " " w.t IK f . tMt K. . li- Kl T. J r a wsr t- b ' I t . f, t t ft v"s t ' 1 . ' r a f r v 1 HENRY T. HICKS CO. Huh Phones 107 1 - '

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