01o)'eiPeiro New r I 1 a Till WUJlft'S IVeA.irwtaj' TtuirvMy: 1'rJt b iMcat la -UN wind mntiJl b;rfc. T i-t if 15. CM i. r.g,- 'Si. -J , !, Ft..r-b.;.5.J. ... V0LU1TE JvC, NO. 31 nALEIGII, K. C., WEDNESDAY. MOUTCG, JTJXE 22, 1910 TRICE 3 CENTS i , V salt Otl O O j y' ..,-,- T T A Ti - tl O . TTv EFFORTS TO STRIP POSTALBftNK BILL Upper Branch's Onslaught OHIO DEMOCRATS WILL TODAY RENOMI-. Tfl H iCLERGi id mm NATE GOVERNOR JUDSON HARMON. 111 ALLY . MOW IN SESSION tataW CtaaV VUefaasaV hMBbV (Keval BHTTIIIO - 0!i JULY F BIG R B on Housi Bill -WILl-VO Vtsnal Raring Buk Bill Aa Ii Cam Freea the Home Kanaawrnilatrd of home of I la Important rrorUiona " Attack thsrfly Alraed at Sctioa Rrs ladng to Deposit and Withdrawal of the Poetal Rank Fund by Got nimn 1 sa i tyu tn iwmi rw Again . rttil Bank Erttrme Lark Aronad It. IE-IS f By the Associated les Tntf-SoTD. p-junl n Agree ing to vote t ( o'clock tomorrow oa the Carter motion to concur In the i Honn Poataf Saving Bnt;bHt-th I -in am jorract-----n'ctaJClc-:ttr-- night after a day devoted largely to an onslaught upon tbe Houa mcwa ur. A numbar of amendment were Tffw-bnr the? "pld-fnard" of ttifff" rtgulara waa oa duty and oach assault successfully resisted tha majority ranging from ail to eight vote. Word waa clrclod early la tha awasioa that tha President desired tba Houaa bill and tha message undoubtedly had an Influence In aaalntainlng tha measure Intact Tha amendments vara directed to I tha taction of tba House bill relating , In tha dpoalt and withdrawal of tha Postal tuada by tha government Th , general coatentloa waa that tha Houa j bill contemplated tba withdrawal of th fund from tba local banks, for transference ta tha larger eaetero I banaa and to tha national treasury. , while It waa urged that th Senate i bill would bold tba money at that boon banks except In raaa of war or other contingency. n ( tit amendmeatw le- posed af waa offered by Senator Bacon nd provided for the striking. ouLOl - rna-ymWoh" authorising tha tmm of , tha Postal Bank depoeila for tha pur ths of bonda." tipjorttnr his own amendment, Mr. "Harow declared that thr prwtslow of thr Howaa ta but aa tBterlna wadjra In the Iwtaraat of tha traat central bank. Ha aaid that tha ftnanrlera of Wall Street could hava arttte aothlna; aaora their Uk a(. Mr. Parry took adrantaca "f tha rtunre to maha a aneral speech haxln( tha FoatofBca Dapartroent alth falsa aeonomy la fallint to In trees tha rural free dUIry serrtc to meet tha demands of tha country, incidentally h charted that the po . Uticai power of tha Poetofflce Depart nant la belna; Taatly Increaaed te tha letnment of the country- , The amendment was oted down by a majority of els. aa waa tha neit mendmeot which was ofTeead by Mr. rmiu uit whirb reaulred that de- aosltortaa ahaM.ba a-4eadBac. ! tordasca kk a neaeral rtia. goaaa Aiuyta Ctmlrmtre Natal Bilt. Washtnctaa, u. - ", renrerenco report oa the narai mu waa acread to by the Houaa today. MR, n-nn. diko Iro4 utect or THE fcXPlXUOX. AH tha Boetnra Hoaare of Ft a-nat fViard l larto tho raaeaal. ( Special to Nawe and Obeerrer.) - Fternont Mr C June tt JU.-WB.. Flnar who waa aa terribly cj tnd elherwlee hurt In yaaterday a e plnaton. died In a boat two hours after th aiploetoa. Mr. Flonre waa burled thta aftaraaoa at three o'clork lathe rliy cemetery. Th ""i" waa coodarted by N. Shep herd ef the Baptist ehorca. All V butt new houaee ta town ware cloaed lurtnf the funeral. . Th traate death af Mr. floare mat arae rremont and tba sur- Mukdf eoaamualty. Ma waa tn hie '17th year, and waa a bard worklnd sad warm heartaJ eaaa. Ha waa treattr beloved ta tha Hanta tewn hi - MMBtf. Ha eav aa aceeT father and mother and three -brethera. M h tha sympathf " the community this sal hour. Tha aall bears ware: Meearn. Fraak J t. Hooka Jr O Wlad-ra. V. I Ml. Peaeoek, J. U Hare tad T. P. OulleY. tleaprrata Oaraete oa Chala Gana. f Diverts I as Newt and OMerwt 1 SUteertll. Juwo II. Rofaa Sharp, the deepeeata ehararter wha aa ball) ta.a e. ranlh M NeST Hope - hla a few days s and whipped iIwh nhl aba approached him. m.m ..kM rm tha mil yeaterday and tnrned (irer to tba aupartntendent of i a ebsM-aana; ta e-ra a aentewra m a a... a tr Maaietrateo More nd prtvett. who tried him In one of the number of aseaalt eeeee. I nl--hs pare the coets ta tba eaea he wni ksve ta work out the amount la addl- ba to the a-day term, a Wrl.ht. the eeir-peocla.ms rrran armnopolle, who tetkA tnm miirb abnat hta fun t tn tail her. Aa been ra- -mA motor IS bond for hta appear- knee st Super! oirt to eoewer fr -errvtne a concealed weepoo. Wrtaht koeet-d thet be bsd a pol ae lone; as hs srm; that be h.5 "le nine m-n. ew The snio roved to be a email. thesp ll-allbrea. Xot Marti of a -Revolatloa." Iv te aMorlste Preea 1 V'.Miro. H. Jane jt The Wetlra Amlwealor thle' afternoon irel peereery Knot perpon- i v thst the rp-rt ef eerlmis revo tutkasrr upHr.s In.Xonhern M,' !"o a greetlv eidrrerstel. He ld th.t the n'eord-re rsrted were only ni'b w.re inri-lnt to the everre r-it...i,. .itlon. The si'ate le b.rtment b riven no fraeh ln.trae - tr.)l thl, Yd. cf tb trd.f. ! S r -.X, , : 7J ; I W A i j '"'t" " 'y i AinTl-eiir pre AHa'Hu tK)TtltOK HARMOX, OHIO rtJXfiHESSM.VX 4. K. TrU.H. PKNX HOTTEST DAY OF KICK RDDSFVFLT THEYEAR. SO FAR Terrible Suffering in Some Localities ! DIER-l-f bwt F.M a4ee At Was thai Det Taa lmb Today Ma be Eve-j Uotle tn Rra York and othec hlf OUra rather Barraa'a OtBcial RefmrU at W aishtaaion Dlainee Wide) Area of Tonidlty--Maay ProatmUons tn New Tore. 100 I'ndar Bbada of Trraa la Waahbiftua -The tad N1 ta Blent TawWHSMtr I p; Ux) Worst la Vet to CXma," rrrhape. (By tha Aasoolated Preen.) Washington D. C. June 11. Everywhere east of the Rooky' Jloun WM tha fwiuti- ta In tba traap of a heat waa which Is tmaahtna June records and promises to continue with aa relief la etfht Unleea sores dla- tarbanca turn up In th atmosphere, weather trlaaacres predict the bifh Umperatura to continue though they may be lessened from lima to time by local shower. The weather bureau's metal thermometers shaded by trees on the street level la Pennsylvania Avenue her registered 101 degrees at I o'clock today. It registered more than I early In the day and llmoed steadily until th top notch was touched and then It began to recede slowly. Xrw Vorkcra Malo and Poor Rtigcr j awlalljr. , - iBy the Associated Prcew) New Tork, June IL. Hapleas New Yorkers alsaled and sweltered today while tha, mercury climbed, steadily until It eltatne,) a msxlmum ot da greee by efflrlal reading at t.il p. m. .'a high mark for tba year. Therrnoetr on th street ranged a high aa It. and three death directly doe to the best were recorded. More thaa thirty p.ro wer proatrated. EicaaaHra huirldlty added to th tort a res ( the year's k at teat day. ' In tha rongasted residence districts' the suffering waa Intense and hospital entbulanrea were kept busy raring for the yictima. - " At Mlneoia. L. I., during a pared (nd rontt af Lang Island' volunteer Bremen, half a doesa firemen were overcome and several sr.ects.tore were prostrated. Another hot day la th predtrtloa for tomorrow, Taw new the from Heat be rbflarirlphia Philadelphia. . Pa, June H. -Ten deaths and many pmstratloaa were ra. ported aa due te the esceoetvs hsat here todar. .The msxlmum tempera ture wee It decrees at fifteen minute! after three o'clock thl afternoon, brother Madenta tXmferetvrej. Ashevllla. K. C June !!. The fea ture of the day at the Bouthero Stu dents'! nnferenc at Montreal waa sn addree by Rev. M. H. Ifsneetl. for sl years., a missionary of the Method! Episcopal rhurrh In Korea. He bronchi a meiT from the student of the I"ar K.ast" to the students of the South, assuring the latter tht those who hav learned thalr first les sons In Western rlvlllnatton. under the Instruction ef mlwlorisrlea snt them v th rhurrh. sr still foklng to th for Inspiration snd uplift. This sfternoon taken tip with athletic conteets snd hsiwhaJI fame twtween rollea snd ftstea. Trinity rlUrm defre.ted Msryvllls t be.ket . f' tesm defeated this victory by ,defaw.i U.M.-pU THE SHRDE; ; . t INTO THE CELLAR And Boost Taft Into the Sun Parlor MINRESOTK INS Tim "Wins 0u.liaUry'' Admbtietra IKm of Hla HrfUnpaa Is Indorwd, Bat a HreuJulkm Heafflrmlng' (tup. poet otRoOwneat Pol (etc'' ! I Oa Um Tarda by tha Rrpubilcaa Btae ConreiiUtMi of Mlnnewrfa VII State Tkket Noiuliuwnrt 1,. Eberhart and Henator (Upp Tnanl- mouKiy Fndurand f lli-lo-U A "lUjOwc-THt Immjvetu" Gets In Conamatiun HeaoluUoa. (Uy tha Associated Press I ,-aU. Paul. Minn., June II. Indorsing ) th ""Wise Conciliatory" Administration . of President Taft but laying on the table by an overwhelming vote a reao- lutloa "reaffirming our unaltarablr support of th policies promulgated by Theodora KoAaevett" the Mlnneaota Bute Republican Convention mat to day and nominated a full State ticket. A full fltate ticket was nominated Including Gov. A. 0. Eberhart, for ra election, by acclamation. KeruUor Moaee K. Clapp ass unani mously nominated for r.-eledlon. The "Insurgsnt" element, led by Hugh T. Halbert, obtained the passage of a resolution In favor of tho ron- serration of national resources, "altmg tne unee suggested by Theodore Roosevelt," but hla efforts ta get fa vorable action on a resolution endors ing tho "other Roosevelt policies" and a resolution denouncing the Pnyne Aldrlch tariff bll ai a "repudiation of tha pledgee ot the He pu nitre n party to the A merit an people" were over whelmingly defeated. - - WORK OrTtirroSORESS. rprUMH) of tht IMiMipal laataUnai la the) National tiaiatftr Y rster. . tier-. A rid land awl lierwraatloa, tfty the Associated Press.) W ashington, Cw June J I After passing tha general eerk-leecy appro priation bill, tha Ist of toe great sup ply measures, and th bill to retire Justice Moody, the Senate today again took Bp-the Poets! ftavlnga Bank bill aod apeat about foor hour In dlartiea Ing tha motlin by "enator Carter to eoncar In the House bill. Th motion waa strenuously resisted by Senator Cummins, Krletow. Bacon and New. lands and supported by Henator Car ter and Burton. There waa great desire on th rv rt ef the supporters Of tha bill to bring about a vote toasy. . Th House held a night aeaeton and passed tha arid land reclamation bill in tha form In which It hid been re ported from the committee en public lends. The bill provldee for the iae- gnc ef certificate of Indebtedness te rrovtde a fund of tt."0. for the reclamation ef arid lands. Earlier In the session the House treed to tha conference report of the Naval bill and to a partial report nf the sundry civil bill, sending the latter me sure back to conference for fr ther consideration of Senate amend mants atlll In dsmut. COITvTT v . COST. . SH.4 2.W Tftre'Tth rn Ufwi 133. Ill Rickard Issues Definite Announcement EQLOFIELD TOO REMOTE J eff rleaoh nanii promoter Make rVtrmal ra4nnral of tha! Rraraas W hirll Actaated Him la Turning iHjera the Htghea Induce- . imeqts iHTcred by OoldnoM. and hays j Aim wgbllity to Reno W ae tha De- j Ming factor ' Brerna to be ttarw of j No Nirthr Iatcrfbrvnce fVoea the 1 1 i AutluiriUn of thai l-a Johnaon's ' rer rktitp hftfl TltTicr T)'tattr"" " (By th Associated Press j Keno, Nev., Juno II Tei Rickard 4eAnltrjr ahntravoad today that Keno . bAd.l)ciai ..ai0ected, Jtvr .. Aha. JtBrle.-... jinnn ngnt. Preparations for the arena were hrgun Immediately. Rlc Vard's offlelaTatatement "Tollowa." "1 have decided to hold the Jeffrles JohtiKin flight la Reno. In making sons fur so doing. Uoldneld made an i i(Tr which, l wad hard to tum down They are the gsmeat set of men 1 ever I sw This morning a oommtitee or ! Uoldneld butlnesa men offered to take uit Uu-al bank and guarantee me ! I.'OO OOO. I "I decided on Bnu. however, fur several reaaon In the Drat place. I did not (eel thai tight -fans' of the Kant and West ehoulri b cooipeUrd ( tske that eitra 12 hur ride across thr hut desert to Uoldneld. Then, again, the people from Ban Kranclaoo caa gat .here oa the morn i Ing of July 4. and leave tha m I night in urder to be bark ta buslnea if-'Paoa.Uty RKmttrf. for rhfe reaeor I think probably .pot ct twa. thnamnd fir come from Han K'rsnrlecg, that would not go to Ootdllelk v Tke Reno people have done all they rouM. They wt botl.t a mttabta-arenir-gnd pay for the I1.DUA lire nee for me. (mgned.t 1KX Itlt SiArtu.' i It la understood .1 hat Js Jnhnenn , will pitch his training quarter st Itelmonte, a resort just outside the ' rlty limits and within a atone s threw of tbs site likely to be selected for the fight. -Cho ! Ilrop Jm k" ConUnuea tat Artlvr Tralntng. Kan Kranclaro. I'll, June II .Not withstanding the preparations that are being made lo mr the flshl t Keno. Jack Johnson today did hln reg ular work A large part of the morn ing was occupied by a brisk walk over the send hills, followed by s plunge i In the evean. After lunrh. Johnson 1 railed his sparring partners and spent um wors Johnson has derided to move to tteno. not later than Thursday tiov. I H hereon I'rnmiaea Mot lo Inter , (ere. . Reno. Nev. June It. With Keno definitely fti-d as tba battleground with assurance from Gov Uckerson Iftst no attempt to interfere will be made by the Mate authorities, the Jef fries and Johnson fight aeeme certain of fulfilment on July 4th. The selection of a sit for stsglng the big fight was made thta afternoon. It I a rocky (irld in beat Kni. about a mils and a nair rrom tns nesrt or ths city. It Is fsmlliar In ring hlatory be the scene of the Hart and Hoot con test of July 4, li. It Is regsded aa a nldeal plat ss It affords plenty ef ground for s spsrloa structure. th place tod.v with Richard and th Contractor Mrijmghiia went over Rsna flgbt commute and Immediate ly began to arry out plana already prepared for the construction of tns arena.- A hul'dlng about tare hun dred feet square, mod .led along th line ef tbe structure- begun in Hea ftsnrlsco will be put up. It Is hoped to hava It completed by tha first of next month. - - - Another lftlo6 mtde this after noon waa trslnlng quarters for Jack Johnson. Tum Plsnnagan, the cham pion manaref, after looking over several si tea finally nettled on a road- house thr mile southwest of Reno, known ae Rick's Resort. According to JTanoagan, It la aa aaeellent pi are for a training camp and error a ait necessary facilities. Jeffries will be stationed at Meana gprlnsa. three ml lee south of Bene. Nothing, according to Manaaer Ber. ger reports. It Uhlng at thl pHve that could be desired in connection wMh a fighter's camp. Natural hot and cold aprtnge, an open air pavilion al ready provided, comfortable sleeping quertera and nearby fishing stream snd iskee, are among ; the Induco menta offered. A double fight will he Reao'a offer Ing on July 4th. If Bid Hester succeed In carrying out hla plaa to stage the Langford and Ketcnel fight oa the morning of the big batUe la th earn arena. Hester waa buey today, en dearnrlng to arrange for a permit and tn looking over new sitae tor hta fighter training. Richard a an nouncement ot th selection of tba battle ground for the Jeffrlee-Johnsoo contest was made In tha form of a signed statement ai i followa: Tt,- Uoldneld delegation which had made a determine! effort to awing the "Bettle of the Century" to Rick srd s ho town. accepted the aa .nunrement with aKpreastona. of re gret, bat WTtn promiwr w ir.-, in. gsme" te the extent or tneir amuty. Beno'g flaht fsnatlcs e wlldty elsted ovet the defeet of Ooldfleld. , JefTrlea and his trainer ar ex twcted tomorrow. Flanajrsn- hsa sent a tlegram advising the negro to lose no tlm la reaching Reno. . ma Mr. JrR win knock jack White ih first lUnw. ""Honolulu, Jua II. Tommy Burns THURSDAY NIGHT the Democracy THERE is to be a GREAT MEETING in the court house in Raleigh on Thursday night. The meeting will begin at 8: 1 5 and there will Anti-Ring speakers who will 9 a j clearly set out tne issues ot the campaign. The meeting will be a stirring one. full of interest. It will be worth while to be there. The meet ing brings nearly to a close a campaign to redeem the De mocracy of Wake County from Ring Rule. The Anti Ring Mass Meeting Demo cratic ticket will be elected ... . ...... . -. - on Saturday. The only ques tion is how great will be the majority. All Democrats are invited to attend the meeting Thursday night It begins at 8:15 I ii and Bill lang. of Australia, and Boh Iltsatmmons arrhed today en route to Reno to witness thi Jeffries - John - son fight on July 4. in nscuwini the coming tight, ritsslmmons pre dkt.d Johiis-in will turn white tn the ring the first Um that Jrftrlc. lands on htm " Jeffrtrs Hoot for Restu. ink land. t'el.. June 11 James J Jeffries, socompanied ty his wife snd his entire staff of trainers with ths eareption of Jl" Corbill. arrived from c Ben Umond tontsht Jeffries snd , bis helpers later left tor Heao. uo the trip- from Ben Lomond. Jeffries whiiMl tha houra away in a card game I with Joe Choynakt. his friend l1 k 1 Adams and Col. hiowalskl. To better hat good humor, he won most of the money In the card game. Before leav. ing Ben, Lomond Jeffries put In a good morning's work. Hla labor lasted' over aa hour and Included snappy bag Bunching, rope skipping. shadow "ama anj eseiMs at the pulley welahta. Jeffries expects to be batk at the grind at M'oana tomorrow afternoon. - OflW OKSKKTVT. Rprakerw la Cu recites) rrofMiwe to :nr tetrrerwor tJanajm rrratdeaet, .. . . iBy th Aaaolaad Pr. lmytoa. C).. Jwav II. Tea hundred and nlneyt-nlie delegates "knd hua dreda of spectators assembled In Moetaomery county Memorial Hall tealgbt at the opening at tha Demo, r ratio Btato Convention which will to morrow renomlaate Jadaoa . Harmon for a aecowd trm a Oovsmer of the Slate. Ttta first dav of tka ooavantlon pneewd oft quietly. Coastderahle Inter eet was centered In tho "key note speech" mad by Temporary Chairman Atlae Pomereae, of t'aatoa. tonight. Hla prediction that Ohio propose to send Oovarnor Har mon to tho w Mte Mouse to tntrodaca reforvng la the affairs of th Federal Ooverameot aroused much enthus iasm. .. x So far aa the minor State of Acer re concerned they ar still la doubt. It is believed that A tie Pomerana, Oovarnor Harmon' opponent for the gtjbematortej aomlnatloa la 1141, will be forced to accept tha second place oa the ticket tc be named tomorrow. THE IDAHO THK CRACK SHOT, Thr - Soah Carolina aerond Among th aval Blaarp .huNeca.-.- IBy the Associated Preea Washington. I. Jane II. -The battleehlp Idsho la to eajoy for a pear tba coveted official honor of belsg tha beet hitter In the AmerVaa navr. A compartsna of the shooting perform ance of the battleship thla year was made publlo today at the Navy de partment. Tka Idaho made a score with her gune of sf.lll. Ths outh Carolina gets second place with, a erore o 41.11s. and the Wisconsin third with a score of 4M7I. The battleships are competing for a trophy, their rank appending not only upon the hits of the guns. but. poa their work with mines and tor pedo. While tha tareet practice has beta concluded by tha battleship. in Court House be addressQiby a aa ? only a few have done thf reu rid mining f th.t the W'si onsln stands at ths hed of thuSe which Bavs corn- pisteo ine nompetitinn mth pror of 41)4. ih Mnrtlsnd e-,nd Kn ITtIT snd th W'e.i V irginian third with tz :tt oBfflBcliiroeorjiii THI4 mHT SHOW TH T NO. HOIlV kOMh 4 H T THK "Vft 1KT CiKXTI.:MV OP RAtiA. MHr: H.r III YrTF,RnAT. 1 tRv I ha Aasortalfd Pr. 1 Oyster Bs, N. T, June Jl aga more Hill settled down todsy to the routine of ths summer weeks which Theodore Roosevelt ties dedicated to peer and quiet. Col. Roosevelt spent the dsy in tbe leafy environ, of his estate but not la Idlenaea. Before he aaeke la th mvrtjtng s ciilrr had arrived. Nrxt rams sn Interviewer who had ot heard of the Colonel s order bsrr ing atl Tnijuwieri from his home. Hsrdly had he made his expedition exit, whan twa more rsUeri arrived. Later came a party of four who were gnosis st Saaamore Hill over night. The Colonel also unpacked some of his luggage, took a walk, entertained his gueata and went throueh part of the mass ef mall which hss accumulated aatdo from tht hie day was one of tret. Col. Roosevelt I . preparing for further dlvereioa to take up hla spar time, Workmen work buay today roll ing the tennis court on which so many a maa had gone do n to defsat be fore th -President'! lashing drives. Oyster Bay staxiad today with the ther. atometera registering a maximum ef is. w, nextr Wan Ilia Callers Were? - Th aona train- brought Oea. Luke Wright, ex-gecretary of War, aod Jameg Thompson Williams, Jr., a former newmp. r man. whom Presi dent Taft xade civil eervtc eommta. loser. . Mr. WDltama how live la New Mexico, Oyster Bay ta exhibit ing considerable Interest In the pur pose of hla visit. - Ha waa met at the station by Miss Ethel Roosevelt, who bad come la a carriage to meet him, Oeneral Wright remained at Saga more Hill only long enough for luncheon and to sea. soma of Mr. Raneevalt'e African trophic., "The Colonel seems to bo enjoying life, thoroughly,- said he. "My visit waa purely a social one" tkl Anybody bay He Wan TtreeJ of Being apim Ipoar , Lata la tbe afternoon Joe. 8. Bishop, secretary of tha Panama Canal eonv sMseina bad Q. C. LaKorga, aa archi tect, arrived. Both wore accom panied by their wtvee and remained over night with th Rooaevetta. Mr. Bishop said Col. Roosevelt wante.j to learn about progress oa the canal. Mr. LaKorae said he had come down juat to see h old friend, th Colons!. J ewwniiiniMiiM.itia Meeting of Value at St. Mary's School THE BISHOP OF DELAWARE I lel(ee Addrc That re of t.rret Value) and Then- Will (hvur Iju'Ii l) of Sreelmi TliU k Ttie V. ! tire IVogram ItWug ior Mmh In- ! trrri to llic fhun ti.- mnMniie of tne Ir.rny and ' 'h" two 'snliniis, of the pn: hiin h til. Ii i to lonilnus UI.JA1X .8-.. .a . UntiL! aa. lain Mil ,terday inurnins ih the rrlc I'ratlun of th,. H"l i 'onimiirtlnn. th'-re lieinu xrcii,f. .t mornuiK. sftrrnoon in. I pight .Mi'ina. the main adJre.jes . ut the day "liU iv lit Hev Kred- , VJlLk. ul . ii.ai.iliu... ii4tt, .-f --4tw- ire Thr- hi. In Kitt-n.Ume already -me f.Ti mi in'ir initore from out "f tn. . itj ariij ki rat int-rrrV .14 I'clr.g h.wn it. th.- . ..nf.-riu e, w Inch ts I larsrlv attetul.Hl fro'u the it Th lll.in air l-.in entrtalned at St. Marv a. an. I It n f.iiin.l that thl.wr ranicrriirnt la a nt.rat admiral.! oi e, 4til that It ri.. to an advantaae. Ttir arf cthtr wltora txpc.tffl t.t--la at th . .'lifrrt-n. e, H-Mrn t h a hlresecp of llmh'.p Kmnrnan thfre wer ronfrren(. lur nilt the mnrnltig and msht na nt i hnh thus' pr-.ent mured lirartlK At thr Httrnu.in irwiuit th'rr aa an aildrwa l- A r. h.lra. oti J.trr 1 her. wii In'rrr.t Itl all tiir in.'ftlnsa ihtri ew s nf Hlb) Kln-nisn Th ftmt addree, . h:. li wai Kleil nt a quarter papt n. ir. waa on tho top. . "Ttte IUII.I. . p i.inditloti or Mo.lrrn ijerman 1 h. first pan of uVia.rrxV a SfiVuUd la tke-on- td-ratlon of the ilifforent parties In the evtahllshed Kvang-ll.al t'hun-h of i terms ny aii 4 of certain inrtusnraa whi. h havt determined religious de velopment. The second' portion: trf tbe address related lo th teaching and prlnclplta of Alr.re. ht lllta. hi, th siieaker euiphaslilng the tail that the Hits.-hi tan Movement, when taken In Its historical mntrxt. U a movement In th dlrei tlon of or.eratle t'hrls tlunlty The aeron.1 ad lres w mvrn at 11 o'cliM'h. Tile putije. t m The 1 n f1unr, of I'alvtntsm " In p-sklng liriefl) uf Hi- tlv.l"Kl. al prlmiples ot John Calvin, the romrption of tio-l as Powsr and n t rn- n. a I applica tion In the dortrlne ( predestination, tha speaker (1 fit on Its effeits In tha development of . h.tra. It. pointing nus, that ("shinlnm hait aUa prodiu . men of strong will wh. tunc msdg Indelible marks on the history ot nudum natlona eepn-lallv in thta countrv There ha alan ln vari ous re-actlohs from Calvinism, rhtefW In th form of Coltarlaelsm and I'ni xersalism, which must be t c.mlil-re 1 in dealing with the Influenre "f Ihi. awetem The rhtef point mad M that Amsrlra owsa a debt to al vlnlPtlr Influence for men of pironq character and clear convictions, who. Influeni must he perpetuated In th fut ire f American t'hriatlanltjr. A t'mtfeareer m Held. It had heen expecied thsf ther would ha an address by Rev. I. V. t t-sley. of Philadelphia, at !:!. but I he ip kerl st home by sickness In plare of this Itn was thouahl wine M have sftrr the morning address o the lllshop a conference so ss tl tin to both the clergy and. the lay men opportunity for Informal discus, alona of othe prolilcms nearest tn the, heert of each In respective fields ot labor. Accordingly Rev. Tho. P. Noe, i Wilmington, called th-meetlng to or der tor th purpose of orgnnlxtng. t pon motion of Ur I'.obt B. Prsne, of Kdenton. Mr. Noe waa rhoee'ii chairman of thss meetlnga A steer Ing commutes waa elected, consisting of Rev. I. W. Hughes, of the Inocew- - f-Nortk V'sxdlnai Hev R Rr-Oulg nerd, nf the Diocese of Smith t'arollns; Rev. McNeely Duboee, of the Dtocraa of Ashevllle. nd Rev. Thos. P. Noe. of the Diocese of Rsst Carolina. Vpnt motion of Bishop Cheahtrs Mr. L. U. Ilargrave, a Uyman, waa made secre tary and x-offlrio member of tho steering rommltl . These motion were carried without dumtnt , The steering commute proceededta huslneee at once. Hea minutes pa th time limit llowrd a leader la dls-v cusnlon of any subject and five min ute allowed sack succeeding speaker. Rev. Geo. W. LaV moved that Mr. Duboee speak en "The I.aywien Mis sionary Movement." H heartily re. ponded and with eameetneaa told of tha fine spirit that baa been awakened In Mnrgantoa thd Burke county by . definite plaa of work. By request Bishop Cheshire wag asked to apeak on the subject and tn ' how the relation of tha church to thla movement He spoke feelingly mn church anltr and showed how thla movement might be directly helpful In bringing about thla unity which la earnestly desired by tho church. After thla Rv. B. Leaslter. pf Hertford, poke briefly on tho ' matter .and showed what waa dona ta hi parish) by a single layman. Ttas Afternoon Hcsasna. At tha afternoon see ion at five o'clock there were addresses by Rev. Edmund N. Joyner, formerty rch-. deacon at th colored work la the. run. ceae of South Carolina, and Rev, Henry B. Delaney, archdeacon ot tha colored convocation Of the Diocese of North Carolina. Tho aabject waa "Th Chnrch'r Duty to tho Negro." In thla there was eet oat tho duty af tbe white race to educate the aegro In the devel opment ef character, both by scientific training and be force of example, that the negro .thus helped m thoroughly 'qualified tor such efforts and to glad, to respond, aoing out among hts end (Continued pt.ga Seven.) .ft-sf '--Jits'- v f - -

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