Tim ?;i:t; AVn amr:i:v n, nn i) ay, jt:xi: ci, inm .er-arW.',! I "! T 5 s . it t i I '1 I i ' 1 - 7 1 t tk I l. f )!:. r 4 I e , 'ij-y." : f I ; 'i L.. . : , i TTT7 i T l" if ..". . . , . 1 i ,4-!- The Newt and Observer isn i:i Cissrtar Pi.!l..!ef Ccir.psaj , fOtltrHll pABlaTld, praetaeat. Omrei Mews M Obeesrer Blsc Bertie St. mi on 11 Paras ri aunri attiib tTATB CAPITAL tslhO Full Associated Press Reports at mcbiptiom pbicbi " Ore rw .. .. ...... v.,,tM i raeaihs Kntered at th poetofflce tt Balalfk, H. C serend rleee Mall waller. TnTRADAT, . Jun M, ltl MOKXISO TOXIC. Hilton.) H who reign within hlmlf, nl rule passions, due I res and fear, li more than a kin. Uncle Walt The Poet Philosopher Om mUkw g" to th haunts or man. In memrch of local color) and tlxan ha anil with hla traunhaal pro and he yam conk not tm duller. II makaa of his wrtuiiff craft SOME a trade, and Fa In Ma AUTHORS parne brtsUoi ha work like a man wtth a ditch, tngr aped, and Kf whew he hear th wtalsUe. Ha doean't care for tha good aid po 4h oat of B plot that nM)-' -to lightly aHTIe yon that iknrt of rt would do for a Read or Dacfcane. Ba nhaaa round In thoMraary havnta of tha town and Bnda lt vec mlni M kmt a plot for tain ha wants. Hit a Ml for weary sermon. Oh, Ihcaa tlreaomo hook with thrar Ur- , Bom Facta, .aad their pwHovr fchtrrse dtrttonl The? ar not "porn" and thoy aiw not tracte, and Ihrjr an ml are not BKtonl cyrtkt. . by Oeorg Mittbew Allans I HIGH BTAKDINO OP THE PRC AH. Th atrangth and Influanc of th North Carolina newapaper haa grown materially In thla decade. Allualon ha been made In thee column to th ability In writing and (peaking hown by th editor at the recent edi torial aaeoclatloe. The people read more, they pay better Moat of the aewapaper In North Carolina are party paper, but they are not tha organa of men but of .principle, and heW Mttifrriead" ranrthan ttl)w." Charity and Children of yeaterday con tain tha following editorial that ihowa th preeent high atandlng of the preaa of North Carolina: With all modeaty wa are glad to ay that tha average North Carolina newapaper com pare a very well with thoee nf any other State. Within the paet decade there ha been a marked advance in the atrength and tone of th preaa. Then waa a time when editor themaelve dlenredlted th profeaalon by pauperlalng It. We quite a (Tee with Editor King, of the Iurham Heratd. who remarked to ua th other day -that h had no patience with a ftewepter mu who fave olr to the belief that th biialneaa la con ducted within plain view of the poor houee. Mr. King remarked that If he could make ai much money at any thing elae aa he ran tn the newapaper buetneaa ha would quit the paper and go Into that huelneaa Not only are our papera In good financial condi tion, generally apeaklng. hut they are free from cent and demagoauery. It waa not ! ao. At one time In the hlamrv t the huelnrae editor rould hardb all their eoula their own. They feared t apeak tha honeat truth tet "the party" might be hurt. Thank GMd. thnt day la paaalng Our North Carolina newapapera. aa a rule, are . caadld and couragaoua In th axprra akn of their opinion. They are lead er rather than follower of public sen timent They do not wear other peo ple collar any more.- Moet of them re o n"il I'V the men who run them, and the othere are allowed latitude enough for a full play of their ron rtencea. They are Independent and rlf-repectln (entlemen and they now their rlghta and knowing, dare maintain them Of course there may be treptlone to the general rule. Here nd there may he found 'knockera, r a toady, or a rabbit at th head of a paper, but we are ipeaklng broadly, and w rejolre to know that our papar. both dally and' weekly, are stronger, more high-toned and mora Influential right now than they hava rvr been " . RED HEADED STEr-CIIILD. Th Taft republican, administration top bow and then tn throw k bou !t at th Booth and encourac (fvoa rh ar ae4ly satisfied But when It ofjMa I treating tha South with ra Aecant faint, no consideration - B) Bhawa H. Th preeent Centree ha appiwprlated 1 on thou Mod million ,. , loUara: Think ef that Immsnse drain from th packets of th people for aa 1 ttUweagrant gvrament. Hw mwnti tu approprlaiad for th Snath? Leea IhaA twenty million dollar, aad our Cotkffreasmea had ta fc alert Bad act tew aad aggreaslv er that eoea paratrva haadrul. rroaa th day th ttepbllcjt party ,aew lata powar. tha Sovth ha swe trtd Ilk b red -head e4 Btap-chlM. Th) CoeperaUea Cewtaaasale) hld reejulr better tract Th Pfttibara reevd need hnprevetnent th Chat ham Bacardi how: Th pangr eaeh mi th train a tha l1ttber raflrMd got ff th track aa4 Thrt tkf , Bietning t fcefora reaching Umt Vat th traia wa gatrkly topewdl wit newt aap dansMr betng leave. Aa B reawN g th aSerailmeat. th trtla d hr Bawttt 11 'cleck lid Bt rrtv anttt 1 Vhw.w Th Feet! Baring Btak bttt, to AMrkh permitted It t paa. k hat aa It-mat Btep towarg h propeaad Cea trJ Wak. t noak another Kkkola Biddla WJtking MOULlILUiB HAD EIAMI'ML Ceftgreeemea hv th right to us th franking prtvtlsg on public bul ries, but thy hav no right to uta, It for political or prlvata bualhess, aa Congreaeman Morshpad recently did whan ha "t out hla letter to pop In th Ninth District urging thm to vot fur 'flrtppar" MnNlnch. That uaa of th franking prlvlleg wa violation of law. If Corf ressman ran work politic without paying postag on hi appoali to vot for -a floppar, Idt wa pruaont In th mind of a pluln dtitn-nf 7mm?ny wr W hit mmbr of - Contra th,' following Ut tr: ' "dear air will you plaaa Mil m aoma anvalop with my nam on o I won't hava to put any auunp o thm I would Ilk to hava nvlope without putlln namra on I will pay juit aa mut'h tha atampad tnvalopa coal you ran hv th plara whra th atamp la to bn put Fald Ic and aand thm to ma I want whim nvlopa I want them I can mall without a u.m pi I will pay them Juat tha aama If aa tha itampa on tham I would ha (lad to. hava tham fraa or I will pay for thnm If you want It I want anvalop Juat Ilka tha poatmaatar hav and do not naad to put any a lamp on I ran pay for tham I want whlu papar an vtlopaa with my nun on tha left aid Juat Ilka you part our hair I want about a do or do alao plaaa tall ma how io cut Hot nd Pit or Th Mania mln ha tham oma thing cruel and I have put aomethlng on tham hut could not halp them alio pleaaa tall m how to train pointer I will have some aoon and want to hav them wall trained to quail I would Ilka to hav lofflo flan which I can keep them In email water all tha time with out dying auoh aa barrel -tank act and what to eat and how to make them grow faat I will cloee vary truly J F Bam peon ' From "Succeaa Maga lna." THE PORK IUIUUX, Idenry ha had much to aay about tha need of economy and Mr. Tawney, tha head of th appropriation committee, alao talked about reducing, but In th main It wa talk. To show th wanton stivgwnc practlcod-. Mrr Arthur t. Street, who haa a strong article tn th 8ucca Magailn, lay: "Thirty-two million dollar paid for politic.! pig!. Ada to it th amount paid for th seed pig, the clerical pig In both house of Congress, the pig on th poatofflc and other rentals (where the rentals are claaaed a rent als), and tha aggregate price w pay for Membership In the Pork promo tion of th principle of Pushing a Oood Thing Along, becomes Ilk th following: , Kre ed J 9,0 Congressional clerical waate. It per cent 400,000 Rental waate 1,(00.000 Building waste 11,000,000 Total waste I34.400.p00 i an you ana i rac that' hug noa- t ,fH,.,iJre.w-,.th llmyjt. .Pl,.J.SKlJW'x enceT Can w fancy that Tt will per-: petually ate y away from our own roof and hltr and not visit eonaequeneea upon ua Individually a wall a col lectively ? "Ther Isn't BtaU In the Union itlon but display soma rush Inequity reaerai ravor a the instanc mentioned And in each ras aom body sr som town haa been "dump ed" for some other body or acme other I town. The Ton's and I s who haven't "stood In" hav had to "atay out"; j and we have been bearing th burden ' and paying th penalty for the care- , leaanees and rckleeaneaa of th sys tem to which w hav all alike sub- i scribed." i Th beat apeech mad In thla coun try thla year en a great pnbllo qiies tion wsa made yesterday before the North Camltna Merchants Asaocle tlon by Hon. E. J. Juatlc. It will be published In full In TImi News and Oh ever tomorrow. If he had made that apeech In tha United States ffenaie It would have given Mr. Justice national reputation IIOXFS MI ST BE PTBLICLY IN. rECTTCH AND IXK'HED OR SEALED. I"oll hokdm and voeer atrnwld ere that tie prwvletuns f ttve Pahllo laea of I HIT, (Ta. Pi, are strictly rompllral with. Aatong U'c moat Insportant of tlir prvvMona are timer rotitalned la rrtloa I, aa followai "That beftjrw any hallnta are re ceived at sssrh primary edrirtlona, and Immediately before the) opeadng of tho I iKJIa, ew h managrt-s aha opc eav-ti ballot bog a ha urd In assrli elrvtkka, JgniT aha!! UhlNl Hi aama paibiU ly T J ahnw that ttievw nrw no ballots In sweh Ion. Tha (hall then cwwe and kxk or seal ap Bwh boa, est-rpt th open, ing to roredv the) balioCa, and aba II net again anew tie sauna antll tN closw of Um reloa., Xa owe ha a rtght to open aay hal lo bo far any pairpone antll th poll hava ctoercL Ttila fliwar snaal mh only be tatr. Bw abnre) say aaepliina eg anfalrnewa. Two msxil car rannot ha taeevterd lA aersng that all tha aaPegwarrfa thrwwa acvawl th saaw Wf of tha bawnt'Brw rtgnaty arrved. New ta M. Mr. Vaar-e, that ywwr balk a VpoatJ ra a bwkes ar aeaieg Bo a taw KCOISTER OK PEEDS IK COilE. TL offlf Of IWigfar of IVexJl remg not to par aa irwll u it did fonnrlr. Tht Uf Mr. W. IL Hood, who waa ctrki in 1898 (rrdwming; lit erwny frria tb IlewmbUcang), told a frid that h mad $3,100 th first rsar he held th ftfiSos In 19S. Th next jtt the not paj-jrnt dowa' to 9 M00. It vrns io har bfn j ""rwiDking" a'rr jsar aians for tha prwit RopisteT of Drd Beiwd rfjad oath in 1909 that ' hkr ast inonrrHt fof the prapJmj' fttt rat Jf 1 1,500. Well, a Milgrj iroull &o rtdaoa that mwx 1 SlfUUHING THE BALLOT GIIQ iffl FOR fl. Dr. Hufham Stands with , Anti-Ring Forces titum ATiflniiin innrn M II ft I H "h I H ll I fi h" I f t I M 4 Th Vrmerablo Ir. Ilafham, a Tower of Btrengtit IUeTh(ouanrB Bad Who Oonaldrred tV l II MTa rVro dftn Hla Oeato and Hi Btat Um KoMoat Barrier tn Helping to Klr4 Um Immortal Vancw, Intro daoM Dr. Mike and Rpeake, for Anti-Ring CBn Alwyi a Leader In th Bawl Thlnga for the State. That grand old Baptlet mlnteter. Ii. Hufham, wh alway ha and t)U I a pillar of itrength for rlghteeuane In North Carolina and who. In the. drk. day of ...Eorth. CgrolloA ccnrld-! red that ha Wa doing hi Creator "fe- ! SB 1 . e;:, .ZNiC- 1 j ' ' , i-ICAMPAIGN OF CLEAN DEMOCRACY! REV. J. D. BtTHAM. THE MOST X OTABIJC BAPTIST MIMSTEB IX. THJE STATE, AM) ONE OF TH K HOeT BELOVED CITIZENS, WHO CONSIDERED THAT BE M AS DOING HIS HIGHEST DCTT TO BIS STATE WHEN HE THREW HIS WEIGHT MR THE EI.rXTION or THE IMMORTAL VAWCE TH IRTY-nVE YEARS AGO, M'KARk I.N BTIRRI.NO TONE8 rOH THB CACSE OT llfAM DEMOCRACY IN WAKE COUNTY. nd hi State, th greatest possible service In espousing tha election or th Immortal Vane governor of th State and later aealated at th in auguration of Governor Charles B Aycock haa alway been a leader in tha best thing for tha Stat. He is loved and enerated by all who know him and his name is a household word In North Carolina , This beluved minister who for fifty years has preached the gospel. Intro duced Ilr. Hikes at the AMl-Ring meeting at Robinson a store. In New Light township Wednesday. Dr Hufham la Intimately acquaint ed wtth Dr. Bike, the Anti-Ring can- dldats for the Senate and In intro ducing him he paid him a high com pliment. Ha altu made a strong ! speech for clean Democracy In Wak j county. It waa a stirring appeal to . tho present and hla words arrind I great weight. Such a man aa Dr, Hufham la a tower of atrength to 'the Antl-HIng forces Dr. Hikes made a atrong appeal to th rrowd for clean democracy and i tha nwewlty for sweeping out th ; ring with It unclean methods. Its. unfair treatment of the people of that county and their extravagant mlaman- ' tgement nf the county' affair. While hi Indictment wer severe ther wa bus II simply held up be-. for th people the record or " th ' Blagst- --i As usual Dr. Hike captured th: crowd by hi humor aad- hla convtnc- Ing Brguments. II won votes In New I LHht. which th Bin ha been clatmtinr. Th Ring will be shoe red t th return vea from New UchL The micro he of clean Democracy I la th lr. Th people of Witt eounty re thoroughly Inocculatel aad ow Saturday next the Wake county Ring! will be burled n deep beneath ballot j ttit clean Democracy that He ana will j car to resurmt It, hot even g Ring up porter. Ye, after th mek ef battl ha cleared away vta th Blag upport ers WUI reellse that tha Anti-Ring mevement ta" driving aut th Ring Baby's Feet 4 Shoald Rarer tha twstnst faeas, W8 CARHY TUB KINO OF SLIPPERS THAT START TlLEJf CROWINO CORRECT LY, AND T1IKY LOOK PRET TY TOO. ItnAtmA th t ,i errvbe to th rm pre(li) Jtir c,a bra) arvlre tKt haul vr bean fcorf rtned. UTTtj; rt i.ib to fur. rWMwal hriWia Over Romalo of Aanl (.ortrwdo Ruflla. Tber waa bld at Bva o clock yea. terdey fim.H,'i trmn .the rldn-e of Mr, and Mra. 1 her Ire Rulltri, tot rlouth BalWbnry aireet, th funeral aervtate or th remain of their four month old daughter, Aanl Uertrud hurnn. TTw-ra er la attendance many :ru'r,u'"n ' J' -H- hrr. pjwr-f BeUit fitreet Methodtat church, and during It th rbotr and frlenda tenderly aang: "Bate In th Amu of Jeeua" and "The Bweet Btory o( Old " At tha crmeiery there im lung -Bometim. Wa ll L'n deratand " Th Interment wa In Oak wood rametery, th little mound being cov. ered "h flowera. Th palt-bearer were Meaara. Robert lee. FhIMp Rand, J a me Hay and Arthur Holding. a. , WATCH THE score. To Voerj W atrh th roant, k-h th taDy awwt Bad (usee rot. Rotn of the Ringetnv are dreyeaatej and all atop at Boihlaa;. Work and watch to pewter Ua rtrtorj. ' i lOV owe a daty a a rtUaen. VOI rannnl shirk tltat daly aad tt-harm that duty. Ttw le'ue tn Make raant) to he) orMled tntnor- mw fat not our of mew. It Is high at.v- that. The) Ue ae Is Dnvett IkettHM-rarv ae-alna Kine Raiet. e nie to reams a lmnera-T Io Um Kor the Proper. YtH'R ote I hnportant. e e e e M I t rt BIN TONIGHT. Mr. 4. N. H "Miner aad Mr. W. C, Dowcta at tha Coatft Hoaw. Th Ring force will snake their laat appearance, tonight and will hav a meeting at th court ' boaee Th speaker will be Mr 1. K Holdtn nd Mr. W. c. Dowgtoa. Th Ring aee defeat staring thora In th far, bnt ho pea bf putting aa the two pewker t prevent Balelgh'a giving a very big majority atalrtet them eeeee e TfH R VOTK IMPORTANT. TTTC tHMld fret bad toenormw a. K VUC haeV. Mlsli w aad tlaiaeby rixte aana had aeeat a are ad ay Ue Riwg. Tlseregwra vws and vote) early, aad do YtHTt daty. :o-racnT a- vT-i I ai-i . rX-a f i Tfcl lwfrv4l BWBaw9e feU BaleC tdt Bid. fare I to S. Price $1.C) ; e i e 'eeeeeeeee.aeee.e. .TP"'a T TFH' saMi jtasac . 1 j ' H FUEL CAT All nil CUHE . Rad flrrwtli, K'Kaklig, Illngtng I the) lata; Itoefiwwe, Hacking tgh ami fplujng gil, Wly (urwt EDIANiC CALM Th Itetnedf WbbJt Cure . cauch y Killing lite t- !UJ ,",,, I--a t.T. t.l , . , -i r Voi mMt o Begtert dlacbarge of MAl'br.ATINU YfcJUUlW M A ITEJl from tle far, ' and Throat, CATAMHIi IH hur OhLT lANoKBf)t t la thla way, bat M cauee ulceratlooa death ad dery of boaee. kllla aoiblllea, eflea ease lie e( BiipeUte aod rearhee te general debility, IJIory aad laaanliy. ll aeeik attentiea at eeee.- Cera It ky Ukleg Betaaia aaeed Beia (B. B. B.). It la a gnlch. rail l a I. peruuiaeat care, be nue It rids Me yneai at the poise fere last caeee eaterrk. At th aeae let Bleed Bala IB. BV B. pnrlHea the kloed. 4o away. wltk. every symptom ef eaterrk. a I. a. aeada tlnsllag Seed ef waraa. rich, par bleed dlre-t t Ike paralysed aeree. aad parta affected ky eaiarrbai pelsaa, giving waraitk aad atreaatfe Joel wker It I Meded, sad la this way BJsklas a perfect, laatlag car et eaterrk I all Ua ferata. B. B. . ba eaured taeaeaads ef eaUrrb tne saoet eieea-easted kind-, ather treataaeat bad failed, eed Bwlaa IB. A I I to oleaa. and ears te take: eeniineed of per UT lnrreHeote.i--BAUlL.. .Bl:Mt rittB try wrttteg ainod Balm Ce Atlanta, Oa HOLD HI rm ihjimth, er eent by ipi At fl HI LABOI BOTTLE. IHCKS' CAPUDIHE CURES HEADAqiES :WbetIw trom Heat, Cold, Brain Fag. Over ExerhoQ or Stomafh Trouble... -Try k aad -be convinced It'i Liquid Pleasant to Tale Med$ j Immediately. 10,21aaalMCajai AT ALL DRUCGISTS MBiQiB mm acrBej-iHii R.UTK n COMMERCE Bm.DnfCJ Norfolk, Virginia. BROMO- ...... trtlBXB Hcadachee io cximkvtaYwiw H. P. S. KELLER Architect Raleigh, North Carolina DIRECT LUTE WEST. Srbedule la Effect May IS, itlO. Lv. Norfolk.... a: 11a.m. 1:0 Pm. Lv. Petersburg. K.I0 a.m. 10:40 p.m. Lv. Durham.... 7:a.m. 1:10p.m. Lv. Lynchburg' 1:11 p.m. 1:1 a.m. Ar. Cincinnati.. M em. I. SI p.m. Ar. Columbus.. 1:41 a.m. T:llp.m' PVLLMAN' SLEEPERS aad N. eY W. CAFE DINING CARS. Cloee connection mad for Chicago, St Lout. Seattle. Ban Francisco and II Western point F8f rates, lime tables and full information, write to j C. H. BOSLEY, W. B. BEVILL, D. P. A, O. p. A, Rsrhasaatd Va. Roaaoera, Ta. UTERT 8TAB1JC PROPERTY IX)R BALE. By vtrta ef authority conferred by B cartalB taertgag from Jam K. Robbms and Mrc Mlnnla C hobblna, hi wife, registered Hi th afltr of th Regitr of Ieed for Wak county. N. C, la Book tit, at page 441, and hp two agreement lgned by them, and rgltrd In said nfrto In Boob I4T, at pag til aad lit, r prttvly, nd pursuant t th ad lewraaisut w -fhr Vtvt tlttt; Ttrr. and f th Jan llth. 111. aaJsa, w will a Tharwday. Jlana urd, (g. ell .at pablh audtlon t th highest bidder for cash, at th Robbln Livery Stable. Bouth Sails Imi ry atrvet. la Raleigh, 14. C a lot of llrery etahle property. Including hor, earriagea, ., buftrie. ete barnea btidlee, addleav alaahata, lap reeea, mvvahle rtabt Sat urea, eqtilpmaat, appliance and supplies; lot ef livery stable of rice fyrelture, Stture. 4)ilpmenl and p pllaacea: Uo good will of Livery and Boskrdlag Stable 'hoatnea heretofore wadieeted T ld Rnhhtn and Rob-, hn Ihwt at Km ft Swsjth aalkebury street. In Raleigh, N. C. Aa Item lead list of tk property ta ha ae4d a b aeea la the peeaeealon I ef Jha W. Harden, receiver, at th ! BaleiH Banking and True Cora p ay. ta RaietgK H C. J Ti" af Sal; ft a'cleeh, , QfiHn M H4SDEN, J t n s HOLcrs, ' 1 tOHS W. HARDEN, Reeereer f HARMS dt HOLDER, MMaa NOT! CTC Th eeawmttatoner of th town of i ri iime"m. N ( deerfs to mot-vet i , l-T th Inkling af tejg tm by fae ! triclty, Pa u prpe thev wtH oe(d. er ewer ti'l th let ef Ainn. 1IIH i i i ms;, te rieht bTr to o rept l btd la the meantime Aa the len)r. of said f-eech'ea fir a reaareeeia teea-th ef time drpen4 vry iers;tr tfoa the neN ant (k.rtoe ef n ta enetx'ed that p-ral leterw are tn4 f er4ee rf tre Feerd. th'a It'll day f Java, 11 t o'-r w Jl IT i r.-a t.c ia KS h-m . ..j J y J ;; t'.'armj ILtkito'c home ; met cos!. MODEL HfATIKO COM PAN a. e ii aa-e rMf a nn ai i mi.v) row (t teriUe fcL. ki4ua. Which Sort of I "YouBuyinf? Are you getting the best that the factories of the land turn out for the money? Are you choosing from a stock that offers you the latest in wide yariety? If you - are , not, and want to get away from the store 'that ..cannot afford to-giveyou the test, then write us for blue prints and prices.' SYDKOR & HUKOLEY. inc. i '.'''. . . 709-1 1-11 E. Broad Bt,, WHe Furniture for the Home '. BeautifuL - - V Bak tt, aod Umam ft oo4. VISITING CARDS - Y8B' ay have hnd ne almost a cheap aa printed one tf yeu will writ ua for samples aad price. Also waddlna? Invitation BELL BOOR STATION EB I CO. RICHMOND, VA. EXECVTORS NOTICE. Having qualified a ezecuor of th tat A. B. fltronach, w hereby request all persona Indebted to his estate to settle with u at one. And all par sons bavin claim against aald ae tata are hereby notified to present them to us on or before Jun 17th. 1011. or this notice will be plead In i bar of their payment. , , MAUT A- BTBONACH, ' KATHERIN8 8TRONACH. Kaleigh, N. C Jun l,l10. lw-w CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY SCENIC ROUTE TO THE WEST TRBBB PAT TEiTIBlLB TBAIM WITH PIMIira CAB gBBVlCB. Thrsagh Pallaaaa Weeeera to . tla vlUa, Llea me II, Caleage, ad Bt. Leeli. Lv Rlrknend tMpa 41:09 p at Lv. Cbar's'iils .11:18 pa : Lv. Lyachhurg 6:10 pa sr. IealaTtlle 10:00a A r. Cincinnati. T :IW a ss 1A-M n IWpm Ar.Cklcase. ,l:Spni gonpm T:lhan Ar St Louis H flip 19 pm T IT a at Moantaln Special week days far niatoa Ira res RlckBoad U :V0 at. ; CkarlottesvIlM i Mp. s. Oaly ne light ant betwee RaMgb aid Ctnctnaati. Cblcsge aad M. lunula IMrset Caaaaatlaae ree All Petata Wee aad Northwest. QrintSkT AMD BT BATTB. The Lies te lb Cetehrsted Beeert et Tlr gtete. Pee deeertptlra saaMee. arhedale aad Pallsaaa Beaervatasaa, addreaa , Mr Q. WABtHEN. ! P. aV. Bieasaeaa, Va. gso. I. POTTS. OeaX Paeaeager Ageat. , About Five Hundred Cubic Yards of Dirt can secured from - CcIIna Pot &i Ugnt Co. upon ippllcttion by tKs!Twno may desire tame for filling lots, etc t it it; n sathtfylnB wbe th Tee le geed. Think af " .- what people say abeel peer eolTee. Evrysdy areiee ar Cegee. TRY TflKM. , J. R. FERKALL d COITPAITY Ytlephoaa arder ailrd prose p I. j 41th AnnutI Convention "N.E. A" Boston Mass. Omt'f rdic4 Tt rafn Pares Va horf'.! S.jsbem Pajlroed. Jmm 1H w Jolr td. T vt a tf,n 1 '"' Il-f-htftil e veraea. TVV;.a fe ve Wee end e-rn'.-v. r'h mfirmri p--.f fr; l f !"i ly tn r V ACUPOF COFFEE f""- ' ' . F -). nr adtreea t t . I.ll ' ' r A. t a. Announcements To Democratic Voters I hereby announo myself a aandl gat fr Itletr of Deed (or Wak Couny. utJt to the actio ef th Iteinovrall frlmarr. tf V. tL AHttrt40H. AhXOl'NtTJHK.KT. Ilavlng been endorsed by th Meat Meeting of lamocrailo voters fr th poeltlon of Commlaatoner of Wak myaolf. It BftWtfiiaUd, fo oU.rv and anforr Uia platform adopted by that meovheg.-" m a 'Iwrmovraft;- Bltd' ktn" candidal subject to th pMmarlee jun Kth. ' MUIIRELL B XBANKUN. R. P. P. N. 4. to the pi'buo. t am a candidal far iwoominatloa to th offlc at JHgltr af Ixd fr Wake County. Notwithstanding th fala artltuda In which I hav been placed, I am not now, and hav never bean apposed to th salary basis If tha people t Wak eounty want It I am a candidate an my recerd, which I ' familiar ta every boatnea man In Wake county, and aollctt your support.- ' 1. i. BKRNARtX "KOTlCEt To tha Democratla Volar of Wak County:- , , . .4 .Jaesaby- annoust, myaelf w oandl data for t-nomlnatlon for th post. tJon of Treaaurer af Wak county, kabjeoi to th actio af th Deenocra. I prtmarte on Jun tlth. lit. L BROWN PEQRAM. lOt . MOMIXATIOIf VXK SHEBJTT. Having been endorsed by th Mass Masting af Imocratlo voUr for th position of hrlfl of Wak county, I hereby acnounc myself a candidal, for that offlc. and pledge myself, if .nominated, to obeerv end enforce th platform adopted By tntl lntrng. I am b Pern oc rat. aad am a candidal subject to th prlmariea, June II. H. IX. RAND, Garnar, N. C. : .--AKKOVIiCSMKtrr. - : Having been andoraod by tha m acting of Democratic voter for tha poaltlon of Treasursr of Waa a oounty, I hereby announo myself g candi date Jprtht office, nd pledge my aell. If nominated, ta ebeerve and an forc th platform adopted by that meeting. I am a Democrat and am a candidate uDjct to tn pnmari Jun 21. OEOROE T. NORWOOD. AXNOCNCEMEXT. Having been endoroed by a meet ing of th Democratic volar for th poaltlon of County Commissioner wake county, 1 hereby announce my self a candidate for that offlc. and pledge myself. If nominated, to ob serve and enforce th platform adopt ed by that meeting. I am a Demo crat, and am a candidate subject ta th primartea June tt. ' ,.....-.- -. . . y.- TT XTPW. j, ....).'... ,.,.).)iwi'..l.'i.mJ.1. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT. I am a candidate for th cBo of Clark of th Court and hav ra cerved th endorsement pf h mass meeting held on May 14. which en dorsement t ublect to th action of th Democratic prlmarle pn. Jun tith, aad U ratlfled, t will ha glad te serve vou. MILLARD MIAL. ANNOCNCEMENT. Having been ndoreea by th Ma Meeting of Democratic votera for th poaltlon of member of tha House of Representative from Wake eounty. I hereby anoouoc myaelf a candidate for this offlc. aad pledg myaelf. If nominated, to obeerve and enrorce tne platform adopted by that moatlag. I m a Democrat aad ara a candidate subject to th primaries of Jun fl. J. T. JUDD, Nw Bill. N. C. EIECtTOR'8 NOTICE. Having iualifled a executor ef thi lata W. H. Mtrrttt. of MorrbrvIM. N C, I hereby notify all persons having claim gain?, ni ewtat io present them to me on or hfor th llth dsy of May, lull . All persons Indebted to mid estate will mak payment to m. LincolntoB, N. C, or to my attor ney, Peel d Mayaard, Raleigh, N. C : J. M. MEHR1TT. Executor ef W. H. MerritL Thla May llth, 11. Pal di Mayatrd. Attya Poar Year Tansl " TXfW Corpora Uuei Cuaiiulasfnaf ta gan-aed B. T. Aycorh vote for , L. C BAGWELL, - a Wak Oswnty AJfSOVsVCEMENT. Hating been adareed by tha Bias meeting of tho Domerratl voter for f hA . PompBoiaentjtJJoWWkAqi caunty.- 1 hereby aaaounea myself candidal for that offlc. aad pledn myself. If nominated, ta Cheer-re end eti force th platform adopted by that meeting. I am a Democrat! aad am randldato ukjct to th prlmarlee. Jane II. - & W. tlKEaV . ANJfOfNCKMEXT. ' Having been endorsed by th Mam Meetlfie of Renreeentatlve Demarratie ver for the portion nf mem her of th Heus of Wak County, I herthf enounce myself a eendMaie for that eff.ee, and -phedgw rarelf,- tf nimfn-' tea. to obeerv nd nforr tbo Plat form adopted bjr that meeting. I " B Democrat and m a candidal sub ject t th primaries Jin llth K. it. FACB- Agewtg t'Blveewenv A grew Triat It la a Mraeant Tank to Mil ke wra pa th 3 UTE CRrxxunoRo, a, c A limited muatbe af gwa r e Wred In opest tevrttory. Write th Hons eflVw today, ' j. w. mr. tivat, JTXIA rUK r, F-arary. C?f wVtr)t w H. 1 nra ' if ym hy la 9mr Baw W I kepw w Aeesi BV oysters ennoi It i

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