r CHICAGO FALLS TO PITTSBMRG y Bigbie Wins NEW YORK REGAINS SECOND Mcdonald. The Results Yesterday 7mxv . ( a r.ll H. Stick -Work ' : : I . II I C . T , ;. SOlT!KO EB1TOK , V "Ti T 'i i r . -i i 1 I II Standing of the Clubs I American ItrntwiMBCrVn Luyster Gets Bumpid Hard by the Sailors Who Win With the Greatest Ease WILSON BOYS SLUG Tirains flaajiataaa'a Olfta ( Baaaa aad Errata Dtaaatreaa ta Oaldabtra Tarma i PMahaa Wall lata Mart ttaaa Bail : Caaaaa ia tka BXM wick Baad Wark raa Claata Iaaklliljr to Hit aa Needed He) pa tba Bed Hrde Tleaaeaa, a Giea Baa Baaaet, keerea Beth Baaa Blfble HM the Ball Wata a Hit Meaat Daaaer- 'aa'tWkTrIati'v"Be-M aetTed the Want Drakblat af Hla Ca- rear at taa Baada at the Kallare Babe award Ten BTaetlra Aagiaat the Hlgh- laaden WUaaa HHa the Ball Hard la Blbae. Haaaa ou balls, off BeU 1 ; tiaader- , the Tar n.rf nri.l.. i,.,,.. - ,. i n t Btrock oat. br Taraer 3; by BHI the Very n,it, Drirlaa- Urlrda Freaa the j. br Guadiraon 1 fitolea baaa. CWaieea i Bea finan, Allbeafh Hit HfcaV Waal1.'"' 1.3. t ptre, pckartE , J AMe 4e Kerp Theaa ncatMn4 Wkleh ' hat Becky Memat Oat Wllaea Hit the! JHsM. lei k, Tilal af Jaattaaa. Baaaa. tioldsboro lost to Raleifk becauae of .fssteat aaw ' plared " here Ibis eeeaoa MltXmiaalLJrKkUaft-imAjlUlJhUi' tbe baU at Ike rigkt Uaw. It was a fast 1 1, .? ii7 1.1 . ,b aala etreaa gam but oaluf to tba Indications of rata ,,t..a . ..1.1; Try aalnate after the third Inalm tbe fans aad players both were uneasy that tba game would be broken ap before tba Beceaaary lanlnga could be completed Hlfht her., tha writer wauls to take oc Caaloa to prates Uoldaboro for her sports manlike way la trying to complete Ike am before ralu raaie. Although Ualela-h ru I . I K. ImmA tmmt Ik. r . u t It Ilk. mi. .u,ih ....(..!. w pthe game. There waa such a terrific wtad hlowlag tbat tbe rala passed ow Uotdsbero played Ilka trae sports aad nm ror aa laaiaai am mey try to delay tbe sme, bat aa tba other hand took tbelr PMHiowe an tba field- a t Ar wirt tn Tk. r pnnapi manner. line 18 He 11 snoutd but so many tea ma have adopted Mta wry lactic, wnea ram aemuetl to be com ing that there Is a great deal of prate due Qoldabore aad they will slwars be held In eetrrni for suth actions by trae Wheal Oelileboro had her eight k Inning Cmptre I'prknn-k called the gsuia on ai roant of darkaess. It waa too dark to ae. to play aad both teauia at well aa th. epertatore war glad he took tkla aecea- aary aethm. 1 Onaderaaa pitched great ball bat he was ! reanooalble la a larte aieesure for Iba las ! . Li. - 1 , . 1 . I nlae la erkl.-k fl II ..I ut.A. vi. aiora t.ba ewe, but this didn't get s rim o. acoant of tbe lilant. pulling together mnn wibbfiibv r tummy vmii. TuVuer ws. doing kla aue old cenal.t - ot werk fur Rsleigk f. tbe fir. I.tg, ke pitched. Italy four kite did tbe Uaaie ana piayiag rraasy nail llell wa pitching la the aery first frame flunderena walkert-tha first batter whlik prored - enough t win the game. Per efter Hlmaiona hot foollablr bunted kla third strike llemeaa Stole ike only baa. of the game and csaie home on Big etewaia ale- which Wotf waw twin-bring: Tbe other genre earn. to. the alith la a like amnnrr. I rnoesa weat te secoad aa lutes' wild throw af .a easy sut and kberrllt aitajadted A line hit by nishle which- weat Ikrongh kla legs, acorlog rieraeaa. Tbe fee tore, nf the game were; A .Ice -atati by RbhgrdiaA, Ittrriie-B ttnVly stick gad werk .1 second. Oernews' base ran blag and hard werg In tbe ef, garden, A moat magnificent catch br Ka. the urellent werk of botk h.tley add UcTor mlck behind Ik. hat. the general good flaying ef balk Infield.. Mcltonald'a bit llag aad werk at tint and the prereatlo. ef tbe do.hle eteal br Dallea, Ooldaboro. rirat tl.tea pop. to second. Sharp hit for two baaee to centra, hber Mil fane, Uclwesld ent abort to flrat. Ilaletgb. Pleat rVmene walk., kla atena bant third atrlke ami la ent, riem rwa ateela aecoed, It'sMe alnirle. to -.-eamee, -Trtwr taamiew The ltd III nd Tleniena J-hre. hat Blalite ta raa.ht at second, Hnbhwwat ahori tit ftrat. odbort, rWoad lller alnglea te fight, Krana pons to pHcber, Wolf alnglea to left, flaacr eat eaeend te flrat aklla the ether, adrance, Qnaderann fan.. Ralelrb. ajerendRb'hardaoa pop te Jlxrrt, Ksatlng out third ta first. Bell fsns. aaldaboen. Third flatnt oat third to flrat. siharpe file. I. aecoad. Sberrlll eat bort a firat . BsUH.b. - Th1rd-McVtrmlrt file. to eeniea, Twraer feea, t'bneawe flte. t. left tinidahorai. Fourth-Mel hmald sin r tea te Wt, I'slley file, te right .Praa. hit. ta - Ttlrhsrdaaa a hot ee wkb-k b atooa nice ly awl throe-a bla eat at flrat. Waif eat pitcher ta first. Rslelgb. Fonrtb-Slftimoae aof aemnn) to "'a. - P."". mugs Blghie'a Vt. Ilobha placea g Teiaa learoer eeer eecond, tSa dohh alee I fsll. be.-a.ae Blgble erer taa. third and la loacbed oat, Hlcbsrti on boo eat to third. , - floldebnrw. Hflh-I lancr pop. In seensd. (Iiin.leraoa fans. Oatea fonla to Slmmona. Rslelgb. Fifth-Kestina le robbed ef a tw beager er more by r'r.aa' Panlfra,t tonnlng eat.-h. BH fsna, kMNwrnh-k slks, Taraer la kit ee tha hand b hall and eobama takes bla pl-r. althoarh the atplre lldn"t ee.' him hit and CM led It foal. Mf-t orreli g .teal aerwad, Joiword "ne to third. - fjotd.borov Pltth-Belt to tdlcblng eed Jobyrni la to rlrht, Pharne eat sborf to flraf, Shemil fiiea to rewtre. Mdieaald '"'ee to let. tisiler file, to left. Btletsh. Mitb- lemena hlta to tlsteaL ak. .1 . .. . v o.w. 11 awar seal ne aoea to aec. " - iarea roasee a rl,- catr. or bioBs fotit. iirite hits throcak bberrlll-a bt aad tema Seerea. Iloka f.ala tm 1 ""ner and llkbardsoa die. aeroad to(r Prat io1V.t.orn, pereeib-Fr.n. atnglea te Jeft. Waif hlta o aimmoea who force, f-'.n (t eeeoad. tlsacy fana, GaaderarHi faaa Rale!tb. twrrenlh-Keatleg tine, e te -l. Bt hits tbr.ish short. M'-t'or- ' tB.W u left. JrHaa files I teo.ra i ,, ( .hrt to f"!, fioi.t.hofo. Frhb li.tea walks, SbArp y ' to tl." I at an forraa mnnmr at eeron.4 eerrtu o..t .erond to fJ-ef Mrrion.ld t F"P to third snd tbe gam It tailed . J gather from hi. dellrery. two of tks-e 1 """""" "P're. nnomsi , ,(,-'7," " " '"' to prarjn tiluhl. Is Iht baa u 1 mill, , H still .1 tba bst .be. th. aide aaal a baseball team sat at Jefferson grew ' beet .. : war. . , 11 k cemlng togetber la one frame after oae I INirts. . leeli wrk ap with tbe three run 1 as.. Kot a gam. nasaea la which be pt.ys retired All the men va btaea were put i A a!X . mJ usa It euTarr Ibew Uiit laawre. " k ' 7. PUL ,5, M.Bteaj for naught lriHllTa ... 'H.'ore b. Ia.lk . ,. wBt get a kit .eat. The pitcher bad thmwo one hall til 1 haaatet Tit rhurrk aad ntalaat Thee lk ., . . . reMered by tb, obi .t,ad-by li.ll. wb.. la .J.pe.d.1 e New. and Obsrner 1 LT-a, a"-1., Tu T"" 1 .. ' itaf iwilaad thara. TbeathT 'iT " (lw.4 .1fcA h doing t mock ty keep R.lel.k l the wl-i Boh hlmt. X. f . June 24 Hit. for -dEBMll,. Keattiia Is doing eacetleal work eeerp play la tried on the neat ball pitched ! Th.t had beslen the Fastern teem, eenr ' "g ria2?e P1. .LIU b',," ." o',Tn ' "" ,""rn whether .tr I..M. g.r, the Tulaccoalat. f.Ir ' Ii hs. 1TthlTrT ' rtrery time he gera tha with the result th.t the runner 1. caught blw " T Flaally Ibey ware l . , , ,,,., the b.11 tb. strni-h T.rner was from the fun. In opening frame and dror, plnber ha. loa? M.ei dT' ,'"C ,rith h"" ,h r " " tnt '" " P'hed the re T)M were captained b, lark. ..A ... fre IZl ,.V "M " "TL"' "Pr .h,; aay ;Hfr)n froa tbe mound PatteiZa mid! " """ ! m.lalng runner sltempu to steal and la I Hed b, HV.b "' aad d h.V.',,'," f"" ' rste the aaiplre called It foul Istrtke,. little oat. of atemmlng the . ... - .. ' , caagbt T. T.Z iV-. wi..a.P otrngale -bich BHI far the tkreelunl... h. pitched did though he pitched ,he,X-7l, fi j B Tl ,. 1TaT Tta rw.5 ?..' IS "TT" steady werk. They only bit htm twice, with .It kit.. Both teams a.t ub rol -r4l''. 1 Mr To aiiat M k.a " .hlT ' ""oaed w.r.rn. which reeie .iteeaat In iIismmi r.M sn.. . IT . ' s. Mr Tom n roc kail rsa-allad old bor hood ahbb arrived aa boas l.t ... ?.e?"l..,,5f!!,,-,ll 'tl3r!77,. fH?,., w "t ib. Armatrr... leading alt. S t, data to hla meaorr br ratchln. . nif-uit The fyiwall hr. can.. . ik. .tmm h., ,. " .rTr ." rceant of darkntaa. flOLPKBOBO. -Oataa. Sb ASK H K. . a i , i i ii Bbarpe. rf . . Lf herrllL Jb. aiimniia, ll)f, ... ,. Kfaat, If.. .. Woll, cf (Maary. .. . . Guivdrraon, p.. .. 4 I ..191 .. 3 C 1 .301 ..30 . I Q W Total ... .. , BALKIOH. drawna, U , ., MliaiBooi. Tib .. Bifble. 2b'.... Nnhh. cf... Rlohardaoa. lb. KratluK. aa., .. Bell, rf Mrt'erajlck. e. .. . i i a o .30 .tut .31 .30 .10 .31 .11 .10 0 10 4) i,Trer. p jooioo, p ToUl ore by Inuinn I J 5 R II K Ono m an- a 3 kh-j s at ; Ktlelgk.. num,ry -Two bx- htt. Kbirpe. Rita.' oil Taroer 5 it lnnlnii H.il n i. ' Bt'BI HOWARD WA BrFBCTIVB ! AOAIMUT TA1 KTT1LLK. 1 ..(giiawlal Kewe' aird f)bal in 1 M limiu.l.kn V ' I . t... .l. " . i" oo a tsi .. . "TT ' ywr"ay. moand aad recelred tbe wonrt drabhln W "iL? r""' h,T,0 bera poonded for nlae bits, aad la third aad sl.tb iBBlnaa the loci. r f,r ,Bd three bits res,.ectrel u nJ. U ,LLIt AB.BB.ro A.B. : iHibtma. Ill .-, 1 11 1 n a s " I 14 1 1 ! 14 1 ! J,u?;"k,r' i a 1 I 3 1 1 1 0 x 1 3 ! , j non"1T,'- J1 O'Halloraa. 2b 4 a t f) 4 a 4 A 1 0 j ' g 1 aa . ! a kf f v ? J ' t ' ' I ' Total Wll, wilt, TON. Klntts. cf iHlhha. at Tyderaaa, If... Mlit Ik Itoil. rt Carroll. Sb. .. . Bnrke. th. (illmire. c Bowsrd, p 31 1 A 14 SO I AB BH.t-O A B. 4 12 10 0' 1 0 Total . 31 t r it Si-ore by Innings: H II K 100 msi ikin 1 a a r-tlrTlllr Wilmington . (aa On; hi, . , Hnmrnerr : Two bsae kits. I.ayster sad t . . : ' t-a- v rail. 1 J'."".'! i. """VSa1 ?Tk nu' 1 """ I ' ?ltr- Z'r" i ..J'T'io K,rrl'". , Wllndngioa 1 riiiu rnc-niii-e nits. Mills Hear on balls h lit liailOMIW. Ar4 ... Ike fee loe. Miller kit a boas. ra. la the Jrat with two taea oa baaea. Urtfna be. been eat ef the game for three weeks on acco.nl of aa Injury aad today, return frmad bla act tet reentered from tbe toilury to bla pitching hand Rala theent ewed to break up the game after tha aa... owd tnptnr hoaeref If waa palled Ihroaga la threatening a eat her. Wllawtaj AB B.R rO.A W II. Mol.ehaa, oB. . . JiK-el.a Jl,. Weotlske, r Miller, rf .. . . r al.-tiehaa.lb. , Sheridan, cf . . . . A r matron.. If. . , .. fpnl'llng. a. . , .. Foreman, p Total. , . BOt'HT wot XT. Ollleaple. 3, Fnrgti. as. ,. Steta.' If Scbams.. rf taeae, cf Phelaa. lb tiaatmeyer.-lb, . . . pattrraia. a, ,, ,, I I I 2 1 0 1 I T 1 I n 1 3 12 1 I 0 A I .1 a ,1 1 ..ar r f n n 1 AB.st.lt mtt . .. 4 a t . a, a a- ., 4 a 1 1 a ., 3 a 1 . .. 4 1 a .. 4 t i e .. 4 a 0 . . 4 I a 2,to" ; 34 f I 17 a; Scere by taalnga: II rt K : nilais ,.w ...4 (t,(r. a t Rnckr Moaar mat ana rtat-a T a Snmmarr ParnA. kit. Weatlake, Ml, br plt.-bed ball. Speldin., Bsae. en balm. " off llrrflto I; off Patierena eff Fr.ee-1 aaae 1. Strwck eet. by Psttereow T: be ? OrlfAa.A; by Fereman T. Steee baaea.1 Weatlake Twebaae bit, I. Mca-iebaa.'1 Jaroti. Wcallake, (.llleaple f. Mcthej crm.irong. lMHe lua.a, emalOlea, It. Mctlehaa to C. Mrateb.e. Left en hear, Roche Moent f; Wllaea i. Time, t. I niplre, Parr. Attendance. 4W. . BeebleaAHMai Bad teortobwr Mete a HV lealag ISMtle WHheet ISnectal to Xew. .ad Obeeriet.l -- Rechlnebam. f. ' . June 14 -The bartt betwaea Itorklaaham ea th diamond here today waa Indeed great. It area tm. Inning cae. called ea Seconal ef dark. . 1 he feetnre wee tb battles? ef trnncsn. foe Rocklngbaa. d ttVMillaa. for M.rtnbarg. Score: . ft. R. R Rorklnrhsa .... .. .. .. 4 V L.orlnberg ,. , ' ., s Battertea; Fr-r Rorhterbam. Morrow sod Pale: for jnhnrg. ptjiftord nd Setfee. Atteadswce. , telamble Merbeelca JTIa by rtee Keeee. ' (AraH.I te Seem and OWr.or I Unnrne. X. Jaae .4 4'nlambte bfe. Icbanks beit Monro tsdsr. the ai-ore kav f ta . . BAMerlea; For the Merb.njce. Twiner m .roe. ppoeg pnit see-! ksn. Becnel gsroe of eerie, af three.' Fo". tlr1-re coeaarwtlre Innings b Red Bird. ke bet.t their eenaeieeia with out . ran. Tom Weat eoftoed this sn-t t . "tow can't bet If - He b wail en on each end Rnlet.h has new .of a f d show with n-h plating for lbt rag Ffther Retl or Jo'son will broUsblr work srsin Stnebr. who taat re.e .iK-ar: kfty - foer teatnga witbeat a bae bi''.s. KoCy Moeat t; Wlieoa T. . Batalgk 2; W da bore e. '- i Giwortll. J -.Spartaabarg I. ' ( toriotte-Grereibero gmayt postponed ; j rale. .vadr.a ; Wlaatoa-SaMua 1 It Boatoa : WaahlBrtoV'tt Boatoa 1 At New lerk: PkUadetpkla 1; New York i At Cllad: Chicago 4; nerelsad 1 A twerou: AU. LmH 8; Detroit L IAt PkOadalpkla: Baatea tkUtdalBkU ' M rtfftbart: Cklra(a ; Ptttabarf 1 At St, Leaia: CVlsull 4;'tU. Leal 1 Teroets l; Baltlaiera T. Oal; aee (aaje tudiji. At lillllflliaMI I Una) n. w t . . vrwtni a t . BlrnlBf baa ! Blnatafhaai I; Mobile 0- At Nuhillle: KaabrUla : Maeapkla 1. At AUaau. AUaata 3; Chattaaoefa 4. eath Atteatle Leaaa. At Olaakbaa: Celaaibaa Saraaoah t r 4. 0 At Merea fiJlSk.OrtMaiaa. jb Axaaaah 1 T I r4aie Norfolk II : Lyarkber 5 Iui laaiuvrk 4: RlckBoad ft. Roaaoka liaarllla rui poatpoaed: rain. aatkaasm Askerlile 3; htorrtatowa t. National League fWaawaf Btta the Ball at Bight Tbas aad fMe Leera. Piitsbar. I'a, Jaae 34 A astioaal 1 -s "wcw tar uacttniy at first bsae I "sh at today s taaae betwere ; Tlaltto, leaa. fall la, hare a alaala pat- fdlt U the el,ht taaTaV i be Plajed that poartea. aad bat i 1-1.Y ! V he m ckaai. be kad waa Tlak-7. "mi areaader la tbe aieead I I. T , t k. A claetee af hits off ( aaala. two iibsbis i. im im iad saner s faauble gsre r IKe rana la tbe fourth. loe ti.llnre IM 1 bat la the stub. Waaaer a doable rle...Mi : the l.s a aad gave Ptttahara arg tbe three runs nereaserr t ale Pklltlne k.M ii raao aril sfter I N. ikkM...!.. f . w -r t . fcore by Inalags: una a! ' BslterW taraarta. Phtlllp aad tllheoaijr KaWgh added a "won game-' Ui her Richie, tola Ui-lai.r. ..A a.. i- I scmlna i,i " . immi , e- .lu.e .en .oral. . ,, , 7 ' . . "- '" 7 -Boaton bit "-vwinae warw anir weien perfertiT to dej. wlaalag frosa Pklladelphta. i to 4 K"re by loala ga : R H r ! ul gracefnlnea ran mi 4 o oh " "luai.. urn nia -444! ren '' la th peatna no Phlartelphu (ra Itaiterlea M altera rnv-k aad Orahsm M.-Vulltsa and Moraa Time, I 44 I ni ptrre, O I'ay sad Brenaaa riertaaatt Beeee ta the Bees A.. . J"' 'V I ?ro- iZ.T?, I " ,1""' ,n Jaae K tladnnsil to- ...i.. 01 ine series W title halt a h. 00 s had toTTui am nr . .W. o.-. - . !!. - 1W j Eastern ; Carolina. " J? 5 fl . 1 X tC J, J a 8 3 "SS I 3 3 5 5 I rrttiiiia U.SS. f I I i ? ! Zt ioldbor t I 4 13 .8TS t U .w-L kf . 1 a i a . . iOamaa Loit .... U 11 1J li II 73 TJ CAROUXA LBAGtB. PC ! . i hi !" Hnba Woa. Lost. jUreniTtlla ,, . ja jj Ckarlotia r m Anderaoa .. ,. .. . J4 J3 Wlnaiua .. 9i fH Urrenaburn .. .. . .) jii Rpartaaburf . us' v; ill K ATIOBTAL LKAOl B. Cloba. Chlcaao :. ., New York .. Httahur .. Ctnetanatl .. Pklladelubla St. Loala .. Brnoklya .. Boatoa .. .. Won. Loet. P.C. IT .7 a n . n :j .i tl 24 7 n M 3D 38 .04 ja ui M AMBBICA1T LEACIB. floba Wbb. I. at. P.C, I PklUdeipkla M - m If New York .......... SO dm i ICtre4A. 'ar-s . ' T4 " ' ' Boaton , , ,. ...J, jj 'blrao 23 2 .443 ; : fTJeland rt 4SS I waablnirtoa ,. .. ., .. 2.1 M .404! ! St. Loula 14 jal Ot TBBBB LiAOlB. I Clabi , New OrkesDt . . Wo.. Loat ..3d M . T7 . HJ 2 . 4 W . til .12" Jl , - Si . 22 3V I.KA4H B. Wna lyoet. H 7 It fa 37 85 II ,1 ir.ru. Wnn I.oat X 1 2d 1 ' 2.1 2.1 24 . .JO .28. . . IV 70 atianu . . . 'hattaanoca , Xlnuliif tism , Moatfomery . Kssbillle .. . M . . ,1 Jlijju Mobile Clbba. Mam. jacket" life i.?u i.,'.,.. I fnliahu ' ' ' 4 tIBCIVIA LEACrtt. I clubs L'BT,' 1'itrtanontk KK-bmoad ; leaiemay wns rrtdar and the thirteenth . r n"i riiraa ore I on I a same: 0 . 7.11. : , - V. V Jl . 1 J , . " " a oiisran caance. ' aeesalngly eas on account nf bla fleet-. i.Tiiiinii, ai a paae-ni.aet I. tbe first nlare he . be Beat nlsrat he - - and takea opportualtlea that other, aerer McCormlck behind tbe bat. Is all that .,2. ' " ""'n, " "rl w ' . .. v . nt nnlr Is Rat a avwwt lk k,.t I . AjrrxAjis todai. Ml I I). . .. . : "nr is neii . gooo Burner but lie oa oaaea wita aoae out- The neit bailer ; nani aors ! .. , t" : run. mrn i n Ma. i to -. i. ! t averted shut-out by bunching ','ngt nd double ! th. ninth with o' out. Both Stroud anil Wtlieii ii.i i fulkUUbl' 8chw'"' "" run fe- ' A' ta-taV, B H. E. 14141? TV,L.7." .'' ..WU 04. 101-41 II u '! ' . lietroit no ran ani Jni: Lake and Sthaeia: R.roi.o- : " " Co"" Claralud. Da, v J Tau 94 1.1 L l iao aa tba aorlaa af Hi nma hi I White ftoi buochart hlta la tbe aeratil .i.r nl?. . v"r;. .. -rna i ld'wT.'.lt 4 7i?XrnS T"- ftjulaM.- .k.1- i. Score by taolafa: ' B. H. B. : lerejaaa OW 010 010 a i.i bLl;. ' wJn.- Bwoni t riiiwiiri. annrnail ana Swtarry-lCiaMtadp.yAa-i; Boatoa. ktaaa.. Xaoa 14. Boaton .. to ' w"urw ernaa or na (ainet oy winning rrom ; I SVM'f50".? J.0-1 Ml0. ,.0s,, Bt,ll ot) i of tba locale tallies reenlted. froai ermra VpUi: but "- up"Tti M by Innlnrs: n h w , , WashlnVp 901 mn (in , s j iBi'Stoa... , 1010DIKW-2 H II B.tterlea Gray lad Htraet H.11 . Elewaw. T1a 1:43. I'm pi re Perrle. and O Louab In. rerd Brl... Aaetae, 6a. t. T.,a . Jbeam . i'erkt Jane- ' o errors . H. nm mo ono a s ooo ,W2 0O- A arore by laaloga: Philadelphia .. .. New Tork Batteries ' Coo nabs tnd lnn: Ford sad Sweeney. Tina, 1:44. Umpire., Bheridaa sod KfSQ (toldsbora baa aa addition In one M steal on McCormlck. er DaJley or Fulton 511 - e s ftMl i . Boosts 4PJ I . - -uvw ..... r - -"ki'.'m.mh rvmi HeastrTe hllL ror ' .he Mtlet aeeh la a BMSteet n saner 1 Juau hill. . thr rnnssrLt-ii J iY.. alsc got two alnglee and tber were bard Colonel RrvoeerveJt wwa atttlng on ' nawUrabi. rtrewmTV Z??, k .T 7" C sad clra. eaea Seaa. rear. , McDoa.ld ' the veranda walUng When he w Umn? n"?Jn jy . with Ue3,(ae. ,)w,,lJ I tr.- podding up th. MM h, walked pUaV""'". ' Tb. Baab fao. ar. anxlooa to m. ! m"t thm Th - " APlachl.n region. - 4n bow many baaaa thoee lllrhlandem can e ,V4 If Brooks pltchea today what will tbe .-ore be betareea Payetterllle tnd Wll mlnstoni Near answer Brooks baa pit. bed two no kit and two one hit gamea 'C S Hon Tbe Oiant. hare a third baaemsn good rwt tbe beat, aad they bare some pltrbera B, 10 bat they are degclent la batting If they 1 tap shew ap better with tka bat tber will 444..JtJ'V y,-wrft tvse olsb-. goed and i ,3041 strong That catch br Brans uf buril drtre That catch br Brans nf tbat makes you want to tell n irurai neauua was or T Be STsrr tnr sort Ij(,t ftoMlbo was a regalsi War ! ttlroa bare tarwed Into Jonah " la awallowed 1 tk. i.. . r... 411. k..a .., . . .,.w .... ii.ri an haaa. with a... ...f Tk. ... k.i... foal In Iba bwarbera Ha la aa ardent fsa and a great aupporter of tbe Raleigh " I Be sura to read th account nf tb Pitta- burg Chicago gam and learn of tbe ub- usual btppeatBg thai occurred. j Craegaa get hi hit He's aaatlly tber 5 Porgae kit It twice Of lb Bin bits W liana got, ire aer for two btaea. 8 I Farewaa sanuig to be th winning pitch- er fur Wlleoa. Their beat eaea are on a stamp 0 Orlfie 1 en at tb beat tn tha bad- eee. and ha. not stayed la aalte a wblu wing to a lulufT Math he will bar. petier reaatta today. Bvery man ef tb Wilson team hit the ball tirepl Foreman aad Bpaldlag. Araatrsaff tad C.HicOebaa kit It twtre aad each ewe roaed, oas for two baaea. I -WaWMtr-tr11'L'tW.'" r forSil T fans. msd. a ra. aad kit the ball tor1 twa btaea wkee It wis herded. 0 Reeky Meaat putted .a errerlea gaaa ad got twa lee. bit. thaa Wllaea yet ah raalda't aeera. The kite wealda't rom WBJH sBrwW39wL Oil leapt did kla share with tbe bat. R kit Foreaaa rwtca. ee. of wkkk went Tor Klalta, Tydemttt add Deck rack kit L.yeter secces.ltely tarliw. s.d saa at alalia weat tor aa .itra kaa. jj Old Bab Reward, wha held th Rlh leader raaaef leaa after b grat fraasa. got hut aaa.l bit Rah k) th hlttlag pitcBwr f us ags. tayster kit Bab for a twa baser R fvha wa th stsr for Payettswiii wit a t mi. h got ee. third of th hlta. Larger .arte tb bey that brak Pay. nietiiivB wiaaiag etrraa. Tee Sailer pea a dee kla kard cat) wed a aii. la tha third laalag they lamped ea Layetar for fowr ce. .acted gafeUea. - V Agsia ta tba aiith the poaadad kla far tkrea aera. Fsysatswfll tk beaty IHtlng aloag by aaklag feat rror. . a1als Prlrrharw Allows CoaMrl Pn. 'Rr th Aswoclatej PrM ) Aahndll. N. C, Jan tl Judg J. C. Ptltchard trf th Vrjlted fttatr. Ctr rait court signed aa order today- al lowing sV. H. Putroughg, receiver la the caee ef A. E. Rurrougha. trust , against th To i a way Company, rom fxnaatlon Br attornay fee a recom mended In th report, ef Rfcr J. JHywood Parker. Eacrptlon to tha mastera reniirk will b beard la thl -DoBt bother saa.- aald Ty. T haea aa 1,. 7, ""' rbr'T One of the aoet reiriark.hl. happerlrg. , InsplraUoa " Ho they left hire aloae. but ! b en the ,raV, .mirtl 1. IT af bssebsll occarred In lo dsboro wheti ., . ,. n. ,ii-. a " ' P.yatterlll. ... last playing at Uold. P" he " to -here HughKJ " ""J" J" -b Hon. b.iro. At tb. tins, a tloldsboro fan called Lark., and r reran a were sitting and talk-, heard it the . VL " T' tbe play to tbe attention of the writer thing, nm, sod said: 'Tea made a , leera-d it Tit ,7Z ? ?1,U ,n. '"r will long be remembered br tboee who M kome I saw 1 peach back there at1 ,,,,,. ,"11 h, , '"'-torr " : n , the last matins, and wbeeerer I eee'ewa. from lh ,rn J,'.', V."", "I"" dtp .ulj. If. - , HUD GARFIELD - . RVMOR THAT THE XRM ATIOX OP A NEW NATIONAL POLITIC Al. PARTY WAS A SITUXT OF IX)X. FERENCE. Hy tit AaaocUtad Ytm wyaiar Bay. .N y . jUOa 1 I Thwilor, Rooaavalt haLi a km. iiu I aWK' rjf A t-V that lvv J nIa.a ; ". raa rv. .arneia. hta P'nchot.' the oHef 'former. Thorn -! they laid and what. haaHn if ,h"r tlk n the national polttt. - i rtutlon la known only to theirmcUc. iiFvcry prwautlon waa taken to- ke. , It u iir.ifnund . TV. i. -. tha 0,vataTaay Uot appaaiad jm-lih. an editorial uttaranca to tlM effect were verv buav formtnr a new iunai party. Mr. Garfield- and Mr Plnchot left Mr Roorni ,;;d:y.! tertaihlna hla aueata. Reaidea htnaar. Garfield, Plnchot and McCormlck. he had with htm - Jack' Oreenwav of ". .7?: . , 0, ,'h "j" ' ' M t Inst. rupie). uaianoana, Edward h a .fftirt to nn.Ju .. 'Emeraon, of Boaton all 0I4 R,,h ' , VadJ , TZtV u 'Z' I Hlder romradea-Ialla TJlta.liLIn!.hl'Jl? T,. Wwr-Tnrk t.kT1aud, TriUoiC ltn.llahmen. who or- Philadelphia to. , untied hla African axpHlttUm. better of Coomba Krancla J Hen.v the Ran is.n.-l..- ontaaL All tbe ' , " lJ A , " . . B. 0r-rnor Hugh. 1. rxreotrd In j'Cyster Bay either at the end of this ijweek or Dan week, after Mr H- velt ramrna from Cambridge Th, thr- Roug-h Rlderw-Borwln. MKHnty and Errworr-onned th.tr uniform. In New York at m.n-rtae. were ferrterl ai rrraa tha rant rtvwr and then rorta all tha way to Oyater ! provutfm 4it taaue the Senate acceot i Ymv on oow nnntee -A t. - . -They Ixvro the- rlera 4w rhe yrwn. ton. the two regimental fl which WON IN THE NINTH By CHRISTY MATHEWSON , " PaW riTt-HfsVOr TBJt MnrtOUIilAKTA (rapTtight, 1r. by B. J. Badaare fVangaiBf. ew Trk i Ihirtag the ran raa of the morning when ! there waa about aa hour's run ro the aeit atop. Johnny Keeraon sad Arthur ; .iT(B fnlin4 Ty Bobb la the fsr roreerj 1 wtMat huM'- . Wrltlag to Iba falkaT" aakad Jskaay. pearhea I think nf 'dene fields IrttlaJ f .. nasi I new ne Blanen 10 sing ebee, I They begs a to plsf tb gam at twa . M"? "teat. Mnn Pleu : ! 'l'n to their la ef woa. ; Then Tommy came along with hla mind la a etew And placed ta hi credit bacgar-twa Wall Larry braoght (aarck -h baaa aa niac hagaa te rwa, Bnt they wee thrnwgk. Llatea ta ' their wtll f wo. .... eaap get hta baa aad Larh got twax Tbh) waa I tb rttlk ad broagkt J.b.ay Tb eight saw Tip. ask seethe acrrwa. Score twa. Beora tana. . Lists to ear lark sf am. Tk raot at the taalag a be wed a Both rag Park sto to bat and each side withdrew, Tb batter the pitcher re Ida ! eebdee. Hip Here. Hip Hare. Lists te tkat tat f woe. Wk.1 af tb team tkat JerTerao. grewT tdeked br Lowell ef f aera id bee. Another aasa ssd It akaslea la threagk. They . e t. Wall for th aeit UI ef wo. A Ty Mas lkt ether hoy gatkered reand kla aad a aseet of thaa kaew tb tea they war preeeetlf rrewdlng rteae, tookln. ever kla akoaldee et taa avaa aad jo sing 1. Then the aade repte ef M aad swat them hp tb eorter into to ether ear of lb trala. Prettr saaa rarybed ea th trala el tber had a er bed learned the tblag by heart and wkeneeer ther stopped at atattea tkary weald all get eat oa the ahttferaaa ee leee at af th wind ssd totredee th new eag to tb erewd at tb etatteos. a I war a eavtBg- a rew ewpiee heeie. By the tlaee tber taaihad LowelL oerl ha the -.. big, bat prwaeaUy ts tk trass, sad tb frea (Tare land to LeweiJ se4 fewod It way tba aaal day lata mist erery big Peper la tha reentry, ae tbat alateet eeery Leered, me ta th toad keew K within twenty-fowr boar after H wt. reapsssd. Preeeatly tb trala Baited Into tbe ata ttea t Lwwtl. Tb hey looked oat St tb amb that waa there to wal, eeie tk aJ Jtrawff 'glw3-Wre : Er8, fw-sfs "1J raur tha colon, .lwy One KMrr, I.V'll.." RECI -AMATTON PRoJt?TS. l .,!rr" HlH ,ur -1'IV-a4m of lav WaPhln.ton. D r. jun! : 4 Tti. the House nravim. tn .L. "vw iiiT-r iiini bill "'n m .ireunr of t'naoo 0 irrth of i rrtrn..-. ,V.-J T the roRioi.tton f ik. - Ina re, lamatl..n pn.je, -t. rcxjulrinr an namlBatloti c arniv rnrinrrn n i hu h it Is propoard to ralac-d. Thrv "u money maje the concrc.n. however. th twuld b modined a ,'h' P"r .9 S.f")nIEnJtva.. S-T', : ' "ne" oulrej the apprural aJaii of m arm - Th n opp.-art turolnc over to , army enrirreera the .llMIMion of xm- .n.u.n I" . . 1 . 1 ran)r of th' pro)x-ta runt ,upTa to fh"ai wh"r they !L . , fM,,,nJ aooordin to the orttnaJ plana or all or th. moo-v . 1. to ". Vf .?? quewton,., JXJTL ',urlun ' hawln: the ppiJect ex- ?fUnf rnX eamrwra he left to flier pethni of uaa eawcaittre and ,h. ,. ocnfwr-ea wewTnin." accept this auaei,.n " Hba mlhrr . ..,. v erer, until after a.alr nf.. at ti. CaplkuT dXTntrT rojted oeSy iCtl "0 cr, 1 reaaton. bv the Senate cnAirwea After onnalrW.Hi. k.. . .w.- a saa a Wahlna-tnn n r rx,. . Ti.. 'am to l-oa-ell when Una b..l h....,.K. back This was s dllfei-rnt kind of , iZ. T""ng There eta no aslkln,; ... a baa. ears f", ,,' e"K.'Z h, ' , "77 ".eg in rarrtagaa thst nlabt It i toe team sureir and 1 bar m a-ssse ahead of he'll nt da hot ' AH but ' ee sa?e it m fin.i:. .Sr'iig i.p. nam e-irt. t beta ' t tha aaae They knew that J.s.oT to:'""' fought herd aad bratelr anH li aay task to heat them but t....ji ... . v.:-' '". on i T"f ? a gcaeroaa wi,-,.. I They let the Jefferaoa team ride In c.r. i ' "a"'. aowwr.r. ceelaetlar thew 1th singing a few af the Jerteraoa mingled with thr ewa leered n.M "i, o.., ,.,,,, . - re.,. ,t.. h9f JH.,r " M all aloe, the rcnty and they area. Aat.iisl.od to ante tlwt! sin. s entirely dlfTeeeat one before another twenty f oar baara had passed t'HAPTSR IIH IMettagalAed Fwa. Th day ef the aereed ef the big game k rkmr aad -arm The ,oe rVruT t aa to be Botteed araweal ik. .m broke .eellega tewa as ea the day of b Arat j gam at Jetrerwoa Uwml.'eewaAe.. , t btod ta a arg etty. aad there- fore the people who had rvate to tha fV "r - aettcaabk. SpecUl trala. frea Beetea. hew Tark. aad ether pol.t. b.a peartag tbatr bad ef Lowell .. I Jrgerape ranter tat tha sdd at sites he--Tee am eVhsaw ta tb aarai... .ng tba f Weedy atrsaa saf mmUm tVattbierw aatll g.ae tlaea. which wa agata tar eVtoch. see taa sny errrrtat time mtgkt bar hang aeat. ea thar he.ee had the M tfoaBd rbeace te let et to", bf aaradlaf th t raejace se hat eff Boas ef tbetr trasHav gad Mag- ea Mess areata. -r.t. t.n - waue aewa aaestAw trset www 14 raa th I .""".J lltaa, T?. T Mtallef. atogto, -Alsaa H-,- Vheoewar tbe ss-J i lasar wd fraat BMagllag ef ewllesr l WH" aa aaaa eeartr aa w a when tber were an.r.a ..a aayaa wHbeat tba eelleare an Ms ably II ea thee.h a ranaitc ,.,i, bW see. tarwed sweTYpo isw to-V a? " y wUbew thbj oelkegw smthsnwaea ha Aaae. that tat I i 7777 ? paradtd ap aad 4 owe the '" their been roelewt. sad fteallr took ap Iba Berh ta th dlrwrttoa ef LewaJI fletd. where tb earne artei. toeg plae whsrh kad heea aeea t Jeffwrwo. a tka day af tk tnt bby ..me. The bead played IW tb Mireruiaaamt ef tb crowd. Note rtohe'led th yelks sad tbo aeega. tbe rawd btned ta. aad thae the aetertaloed thtsaaalii aatli gsaae ilea. Areaed tba pa bile tea. re. and aaera partVal.rfy hs front af let well Arm, tha aaeet pepolar beaal la the Ware, waa we eabbw a greet crowd, .ad only a ebam pleoahlp ball gm ttaalf rwM bat kept tb gweet of tale bsa ma heto. the'rem tor f th aaltarsa-a tble sVar. tor tba Pleat A 1. 1 waa ta arrtre dartng the aserw. lag snd tb b-tet sraa already filled with atoea, Repraeamistlree, hmbewederw aad big aeMttcteaa. who ar ttk-t ta here areend tba Preeldaat ea ewek arraetoee. V o parpea af sawto tba baU gem, hot other, who r pleytag th pethe-al eanae all tba ttwm. aeeed to aah-h th Preetdewt ear dart.g hi rtatt. WUea tka l'realdeat did trrttw aad area weirs sead bp each thBaUa as tba tatwsmanaba, atadeat. aad rtattora ei4 apete froa tb beeebaU ..ate. be toraM emu swr aa aay owe win, had aartkieg to y " tat aobjert bet beaetmil tad rellega H Ja. n sraa beaad to be a her agala aliitmi be cease t Leweii sod J aaaaal a-e hat .portal a. UgkL . the efatLn. ... 4 1 ii . .4- -i Hal aad Bsa tkoagkt at tb tartaar rt l aowoaet, peaaiiasij) - ; " asr. A tk' s bn .i itw)"'-it.' . -. a - -r- e

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