THE NEWS AM) OBSERVER, SATURDAY, JUS 11 23. 1310 The News and Observer ; T , . ' . Km i;i Observer Pi.ii5!fi. Ccipiny jJOgEriU DAMCL. , OSrtl Imul Mamr Wag. Merita . THE ISTRGEXT MOVEMENT. j had' prectVaily appointed Knot. thstt the 'Morgan mterrwte turn Ml Wtflnr- i K.OW XfTHta ABOrT THE i lUAKACTKH OF r. A. D.IMFLS THE US " UK AN UP-TO-DATE GTOVE Do ycu rcilizs there is no avgtr my rcsscn hf you should us, s coil range? Oil is cbnpcr thia ccsj; it is lighter and easier to handle, tr4 givei sa intense heat. Provided' you have the right stove, eil is more economical, cleaner asd less trouble. Have you seen the He7 T?i3K3sfio-w ; - The who! country I naturally deep ham and . that i the ( x w, ,, , tTa rt H Hs Iv Interested In the insurs-ent move- ! mmH RaJUnxer. Mr. Roceeveit. ha Jodlvtal Temperament and Dignity ment In tha Republican party led by ieed, would be forced' ta mdora tha To the Editor: I ant today la re ceipt of a? copy of 'The State Demo crat," under data of Raleigh. N. C Tuesday. June II. 1111. It carries at ft mast-head thaw word, "Loral Self-Government, tba Eaaenca of De mocracy," but It I had read the paper without eeeing Ha title and "tail." I abauld have been ceavtnred that It waa as antl-prohjbltlnn. Republican, liquor organ, tta editor la one J. C CaddelL On tha firafpage. under tha COXCtrDIXG SESSION OF THE AS--OClATIOJf AT WRIGHTSVOXE BK.VCH TE8TERDAY LAKGF-ST JfEETiXO YET HELD. (Special td News aad Observer.) Wrlghlsville Beach, H. C-'nna It. Tha continuing aeaalon of tha North Carolina BBkra ( Aaaoclatioa waa LaFolIrtts, C'ummini and Bevertdge Thla interest haa Increased alma tha Taft supporters In Wisconsin orxen titd to fight LnFolIctta and tba Vice-President- hsderlsred' war ag alnat the Inaurgentn ' Tha lndlanaponi??VC"th"eTIst newspaper In tha Weat. which la Inde pendent la politlca, thuadlscusss that Taft administration and to get behind htm for re-election, because T,ft was tha maa of hi making, and that he Maid nt go back an hta own creatloB- TBI OXLT PAPR W wUSHBDATTHI TATB CAPITAL l.INO Full Associated Press Reports What Will Rocweveit do CoL WaL teraoa tho forecasts ah future at the clce long editorial: "Bat there la a great place for htm and a grext'fu- heading. "Oreat Democratic Rally,- It ; ? , s i i 3 rt. V 1 1: : t i i rBM-mrrtoN pairi; Or rear .. la ami ha Entered at tha postoflVe it Islslgb, C a Second class nail gutter, SATTRDAY. June 15, III. MOfiMSO TOXIC. (David BUrr Jordan.) V W..e . . l (ipi Lai it ii i nna -t ia"t n rnriuna lea i naa "lrlM".1!'. lPrt.U"',r. .T11' come to him who ran make ua of It. Uncle Walt The Poet Philosopher My temper's aa eerety geaM. a tkleg ef bWed ad fleei I'M eeerlf always beer aeamnla' ee aew ta ebeeii my Ire eeww tlasee a Kerserfc raae eewiee m'mt mm ae mt sews Vlkleg te 1 iM mum asd rrlerlea flee beteee e. ea4 weatea TNI rigaf seTeaaa ead falsi. Areead mr heme I rsge sad Ikaa- " " "Her, a.r IHU the THile Mir. leer Ike rsrattare aneeer, sag brisk Ike ehssaelleee. I areare ereead I warlike laakiee. aaa aaeteat aaews ere chanae. Ho when they saw that there that ware I fly tat a l time te ', actually were Republican In t'ongreaa ellmfc leee My lew, per is a ikies - " bo were prepared to fight their bat rertaia la betk lis rte aad rslli teiwetlate rallied to the support of theee It eteadt a let of hartla' sag aeree kaeks , n.. .... ... . .., wrw.. 'd paaened aiy aese. aad ta lb. I ef sseass aad Sawe m$ leas- . wv I. ' reee, a aalf bear later, wkee I ked ieeraered kewei " T keif ewe like tk rwalag eratee ef Aelaa. dewa aeer Itewie. I sieewved a. teams I bed tbe raklea. aad ewie,.ke thlss. wltk t-yekrt net wet wa ary wrte ww4 bablee. wklrfc she ar martial eesl uVf7t (Copyright, l(v he fteorg Mitthew Adams ) Mfl fT ATT Pr-MOCrtACT KSX TTtF WAKE COTTTi" COXTKITT. Tocley the Democrat of everr coun ty In North C.r-TT.MI wW 'fiT f ft" their prlmarle or township conven tion to elect rtelegatee to the vrlous convention and set In motion the ma chinery to eelert th llemocrstle can didates from Conatable to Chief Jus tic In moat eountle the convention plan will prevail and today township delegates will ha choaen tn the county convention which will be held In every county of the Plate on th second day of July. In mnel eountlee the only huilnees todav will concern State and district matter, for very few eountle will nominate their county candidates tn dv Wsk. Mecklenh'trg. Oullford and a few other count's will name i rounty officers. Others counllee will nm them Ister In some , tounlle th fMI4it tor coun ty officer and legtelattv positions are not named int;l Augtist or September There is a growing feeling (snd proper nnel In I HI a day 'of oul' k cnmmunlrstlon to post, pone political conventions until two months or ten weeks lfore election In the old times when It look several flay to get the news from Sew Light ir VtskefleH in Wek muntv. snd candidate, reculred months to reach the people, esrlv conventions were neces.iirv (t.t P'iw (hit have rallrou ls rencbtng neerlv every sec tion telephones going everywhere, rural delivery tn all pits nf the State. V'ui van reach the penpl.t h.-t . ter n .e in one week thsn Jon could rerh them In a month In Vanre s time Therefore polltl, l parties should defrr all convention n I pri maries until August eo that hot ti much of the tear shall be taken up with political contests Todny Hi Democracy of Wake county l It mar.h to the polts-m two contending armies, each seeking to nanlnate the . H t, k a t that , baa presented for th ronalderatlnn of the voters of the rountr It has been g hot ronte.ton. of th. warmest th.t . tha county ha know n. Th conteet today will be fought earnestly until thO po.1. Com and each ..da .... con. tost svsry Inch of ths grouAd Ths a. w,U mt thl. morning po, con. tending forces of Democracy The party in vtase is sngagen in a rami y ......... . roniuct iaaa nx an ismny rows It I no pink tea affair) and tha ques tion to ba, tattled today la whether th man supporting th Mas Meeting ticket or the men supporting tha old officer will guide tha party and ad minister tha affairs nf th county. Tt Is a ssrloua struggle that la being se riously and ttrsnuously fought out and tho men engaged In It are ef tha type f "by tha eternal" Democrats who nortr surrender. But th tun tomorrow morning will rtss upoa a militant aad united Wak towntr Democracy. Tha men who tra nominated today will ba tha agents selected for carrying out th pom, eratic principle and Deraocrati policies. ,1 Bom Voter will bs disap pointed In not seeing their favorite nominated la tha primary, and with Soma tha disappointment will go hard. But th trad and tried Democrats who will participate la today, primary wilt 'bow ta tha will of tha majority of thif party associate and tha ticket named wilt racwtva th aupport at story Domocrai la tha eemnty, whether tha rnea be trots for la th primary " or other ar nominated. iHnave" ha pu h -w- nv mat to ta derived from a eoasidsrs tlon of tha strength of tha Insurgent movement In tha Republican - party. That tnovemant la strong because it rama by -way of reaction agatnat evil and abuse that had grown to be In tolerable. It waa nut premeditated and not 'made- by any one man orfj,d authority, perfect diainteroatad roraniiwunn oi men. mere n own : ho organlUon at work In Ita behalf. ,BI tTnPr'T, procedure, ma. It waa treated aolely by condltiona. It i tar of Maeir. equally free and fearteaa la the fault of a reaction or protest i of the hand-made etateemea and tln The movement, like all great politic al ; horB ,BglMrlea bf bottt tba Demo- mwinntBn came ifuee u wee nm ;ed. and for no other reason Ja thia ' ' raae the need waa great. i.. n -. "ver aee, before how the Inter- est had. Intrenched themeelve In our tariff legislation (lid Republlcana w ho I had been shoutlne for brotactlnn for I ' run Kn f I t .1 unitAfvlanit t K.f the protection moot d eel red. the pro tection which the Impudent lobby de manded, wa protection of certain 'greaf miinopoTIei whlrh already coh- trolled large -Industries, and to eome : eitent controlled the government I Itself The tariff wa revealed as the butirea of privilege And every word in It defense that waa apoken by such t men a Aldrlch. Cannon, lxlaa and Hale only served to strengthen the popular conviction that our tariff method were altogether wrong, and to relnf.irrv the people In their belief ; that the particular bill waa vlcloua ' spirit of revolt waa In the hearte of I ,.;..i " " T "r y I (in Rrr, IT." J WV HI 11 7 ' of them had been for year, for ! men enn tney are neninn them to. day Jf it were not eo nothing could n,, bn Rr.,rn,h,rt - ,h. iniurgent In Waehlhgton. Of them- selves they aould have been helpleee. ' And this Is the point that should be preeeed on the people. What counts le, fw the leadership of -men, wot 4 the leadership of Ideas And that le : the sort of leadership that w. are get- fine from ih. in,nr.Mi, Tt. i for wMcw thry stand IT TlgM, ind1h,,B rheeen Cssnn.lss.snsr - they are. too. the Ideae that are lodir d.iminating the popular thought of the "' presenting Mr Brews aa a however, exported him ta do other nation Ho It U that these few men I Western man. Surry eouaty la well wise, for hla public career had been re more powerful In many walw1,n,a her rights leeosrraphlrally aha characterised by fidelity to duty and than the whole organisation crowd. about lt tnlle northweet of Rat-: loyalty to every promise or pledge. In spit of the Aldrlch control In f,n' "4 th A"'''"T "jountalna I Nuw Mr E4llwfi wh.n Mr Thomas the Senate, and the Cannon despotism I ,or,m r trn bor,f Trw T made that promise two year ago that In the lloui. and the III -concealed i nLy coun'''- Alleghany and n4 sould Mt u , candidate for re- r hllllnewe of the President, the Inaiir- gents are carrying through th Preel d'nt s program, and redeeming- the partv promises. Of the Idea which th Insurgent represent, and which ea attrrtns the paoyHw. -the' 1rnwet Is the determination tht privilege must be destroyed And that Is why th old lender, the friends of privi lege, are so helpless They have noth ing back of them except organisation nd money There I no contac t what ever between them and the thought of tha people -the two meet at a- point. Indeed, many of the reaction rt do not even know wht the peo ple are thinking about. They assume that tha old order I to b permanent, and are ulillmaly unconscious of th almost revolutionary haiwie that has come over the public mind The new movement, therefore Is full of lessons for our people, leeeons which 'hey greatly needed to learn The are proving to be apt pupils rinsllv there la a thought that should be pondered by the maker of nev parties. Doubtlraa new partlea can oc- v made Hut the rule is now. thuua-h It la nut asnexailt i. 1 cogriireil as such the tnsnrgent wing of the Republican party VI hat Is 'j ture may be no one can tell, but it is st the present time a new pari), though still a part of the old organisa tion It is new lecause It ts 'I I led with new Ideal, aim and P':rpoee. end I'ctaus It reflect the . haiid thought nf th people We regard It a the most encouraging factor in the present political situation jt v II heiir a good deal of study ' Kolk tHildnt i if Mlnaourl haa hmi the eeeentlals for tv and i leader In ihta day. In a rrirnt addreea si Atlanta he declared that IMcainson aa. appointed at the rei iest of Har rimn. before th death of the rail- tntvgnate: tho I the a'cl Industry" L".eBaSi!!!.i-l!.r HH;lV; OF THF til.i IMit Th manufai ture of glaae waa known to the Kg-vpttan at a very early data- Aa (ar ba. k aa R, C , th tombs Twntwm irhsvrrathtns giaaa-blower at work, and glased pottery has been dlecovered that - tie I . 1?"r T.t. . ' L" ; a ikiviiiv iga, hi st7 tat aairaj s-vgs. iy ifitilam. f e vldence. of tho manufacture of glass hsvs been discovered, and utter In , ''""'" ' i ,n ',"')' f '.!. ,PP!7 " "; rnan-ar Jft. I power The use of glass la Increased J ovrio".y ri. oi i.iu-..7 waa introdared Into Haul. Soain and :" ....". . j Germany. In .ViL J aa early as eariy as ,ne i nn cen'wry.anu in Franca the rsncs tns lactone, oi ere sctlvs during th Roman and rantwpiaa r Aini laaarsi Frank k.r periods, survived ths Nr-I sandwich. M aaa With t kTduZwee. r.",h:nrn?e,m wkVra Wl JIZ aoatlsm! worker of tks (orM H natural gas. ths raster of Mlddl Area. glass-mskfng moved wast of th Alls- Greet differences of opinion prevail gheniea. where It stut remain, regarding tha origin of glass-making' By tha eta of Ittt. tm ceaau In Oreat Britain, some claiming that j shews that ths glaaa Industry af the It waa establish! before ths Raman Called States kutd been brought tn a conquest, nod other a lots as thtj very extenelv aad prosperous con alxteenth century idttloa. There Were then III factories Olaaa mhufctur In th United! la tho Vetted States, at a oa pit a Has State date at a vary mach later! tlon of cloee to tweoty.flve milllwn period, la 111 soms glaaa-makers! dollars ta lit, th nambeg of fac worn among th artisan brtratht te torle. kad Inrrsaaed to t and tha Jameotowa. a., but tho eras for I rapltallsaUaa bad, doubled Wself tobacco Interfered with their Indus try, la lilt, several Italian glass workers wer imported to maaufac tor bead for th Indiana In 1199, a glaaa hows was reeled at Baleen, Mess and William Psnn alludes te a (junker glass-house la 111. The first glass-making estabtlah ment la th Colonies, however, waa Jane IIUi I tha da to of the ftret MethndHt cwifssessfsx HeM (a Utt. taJUxn ewgasnajsithi ChlwCwe wsters between the Rittteli a net Chine-ess la whtcti they were awstetod by tho AsaeeSreuee, aae) OosaaaaaMte-r-Tsttnetl made Ma fajnoaw otrtanatlosi Rlonel 1 tMrtkee than waaee" lw I ana. It kt the Mrthday of wiUlaea am It h, the Aaertrae hlearartanv (TTlt Mstnanlei Deertrig. th aathnr. 4111) Vensenev fatrttrdd. UkTAwwtrait poet..(lo): Oilva Thnrra Miltef. !! asirenerea. f ui I : an4 MtHlialwrat Votmg, lavrntor of aaaU h aad brweh snaking soar nines, ( IM), ill tMel chief JuaUce o lae I rMl.laaue uv waelher trank Lnu...W ef tae TlalUng banharf tart thla altars ; ;v w .- . -i . wle.iif I Hlgh"tiurT and ha will be ea accepted by tha en lightened and Tha progressive af ail parties; Ita purpose tha purging of the public service; lis jurtsdtrtloa whom ever the heed artses. Ita authorisation cratlc and Rrpubllcaa partlea, where . . . , a Mr. Roo, a ow. auta of Kaw Tork and ta tha 8tta of Illinois." 1. BRQWfi'S CillLE. DR. BOOTH RKFtaiJI BOOS fa LiTTrJU TO MR. To the I sea Mr J 1 Roone of Va)nill, haa an. article In tha paper attempting to reply to my let ter of the IHh in regard to the can didacy of Judge A W Qrahaaa for Corporation Comminontr. In which he positively dealea that Mr. 11 C. Brown oomicne is. air Boone or Mr Brown him-lf .mt a1 frleoaa . 1 ty verhallm from page 1 of the rirruie-r enuuwa, rt t ttrwwn tor Corporation Commissioner." sent out h Mr. Brown snd hta friend an nouncing hla candidacy "TtM Voice of Swrry t wnty. ' I'reaente Henry Clay Brown to the Im4 rata of NerUi Carolina for Cor- roratton Commknaoner "Henry Clay Brown wa called to the poeiuea of chief Clerk to the Corporation Com m tees oo from Surry eauntyr arry iaiaa tha honor of hla great aentce to tha mate, and Pae far herself ajd her section of the Ml ale. law klaher hwner ef havtnw Oemocrau or North i arolina. Ashe, between Harry and Tenn I'.e. The West beyond the Blue Rids haa been re pr seen Led on the Coenmla- .Ion now twelve years, sad from ths reogrsphlcsl point or view. w. ss ; 4na h, wa. n.r .n e,n,- tTrej.rn W-r.ia,.fM.aa Tmm,l' eooabl and luM ptuwmIUuw that mmITV.tVl.kJ.,k? nurrv section oi tne weat. mat uv tn;.i vrvthin i . t-.-.n cninmi m.nw. ...... . V-.-... aay aterytninsj point w n uaanocmtiei. . ...uiii. . i u,.r.h..4 rit. northwestern portion of North Cnro- landslide lrn. Is now mora luatly entitled to', thing the honor of the office, eo far ae'ge -, n erai n.ra. riaima can gw (nsn any etn.BM, important cemmltteee In Con et portion or tne w eat Thle le et.ned by ninty-four Ia4 - In Democrats of furry county and wss circulated by Mr Brown and hie manager u. e.. w a l-ii- i AiA He was then running .gainst M r. for whom Mr J B Boone o b. champ.on Wh.n did Mr Brown hang his domicile J.Wre Crahnea t la not a mmttdat agnlnai Mr. I Wo em. but Mr Lc I trvlng to use Mr Prnwa aupposed location aswlnst th candidacy of Judge Uraham The claim that Mr Rrown Is Waka ro .nty man ta Just aa untenable .. to T C . "tl UZn w J BrT1 ilrtmee. of Pitt; Hon. B F In ion. of Cleveland. Hon. Franklin McNeill, of New Hanover, and other State emote la have resided with their families in Balelgh for many year they are aleo Wk county men How doe Wake county relUh hav. Ing ever) office holder who happen to move his family to Kalelgh to live while In the eervlce of the State charged up a a resident against her? (loverwor Kltrhln now llvee In Rat- elgh. and of courwe he. too. Is a Wake count) man' S D BOOTH. Oxford N C. June Jl. 111. IHIJJ tlHp: T SIX Tlie twdla oiM-n In RabJ.h .Ki. ewiwiilng at atx aVkarfe and the will ie at Ni oikw-s. I hi. at crn-HMt. I lm t focxrt. la the old Umej the ill. cwwwsl In Itsivetrtl a awn-are. bat I THIS W AR THF llll.l-s CIOUK AT l o tMH K lHP sTRY IX AMRRir. VXE ts. opeoe irtt. eaed for operation i oa Jane It In Brook ryn. New Tork. k. a intcn gentleman named Bamnor.i and the first bottle ki. . ., b,. J - - weaver c-olltlog of the thit borough. Historical Society ofi Qlaasborough. K J. waa founded , , - - 21 1"T Oerwian glses-wiaker. mL",. ,11.1", In 1717. the "ZTT lrTJrX right to mass glass In ths Stats for twcHtLT factoirrt tho Calt Pittsburg. Pa ftrwt mmm - .... 'L. "T ao glass In ' m etui a moot tmoortavnt giaew-maaine renter At the vere h hle ginning coal was Weed Instead af the t tradltlonaj wwod fued. 1 lln prsswew ' .im ' . "'' ..... . - - witnin recent yean artistic jita waro af great beauty bad bon pr. duced hi th t'nlted St.tev a nnt.t. example of which ta th famnua "Fsvrllle glaaa The V'olteA States till Imports tnoro gtasa tkta ai.e exports, the e porta botna that n. culler product af Tank Ingenuity--pressed glass . . ianiia (Jooephua) u wining ta aac ! " i its appearance, i cm rcaiir can gppraoatB n nntu you ucr i ceumy and la the state to elect hi brother. aonta month 'ago when Mr. Prank Danlela announced hta candi dacy for tha judgeahlp. aeveral of ua aald that we could ant aupport hlro, bacauaa wa did not want to place tha judiciary In tha hand of Ttie New and Oberrrt." Theae worda are cred ited to Mr. Jon m hla apeach. On page two of thla aame paper appear thla paragraph: "The Newt and Ob- 'amer, that aeldnm ever atagfeT up I t?k.. oi 51T rS. M.TLi makes votea tot. the Daniels-Bailey .bolter ticket, but It will be a futile aa I tha randldac of the editor's brother " Purely the editor of the State Demo crat and Mr. William B Jones are not coualnted with Mr Frank A. Danlela. and know nothing whatever about hi ; tharactee-Wweeh; and aWIUy, or they would not snake these lUtemeata. Ta know Frank Daniel personally la ta feel that you have a very good man aa your, beat friend, and no one can dla pute hla ability aa a lawyer or hla Judicial temperament and dignity. Moat men who know hm would not hesitate to have him preelda over a court In which they might have a mat. ter tried agatnat his brother. I desire to heartily endorse ail that haa been aald about Mr. Frank A. y. ( Munrva, Ksq.. Mr Nathan ""ry ana me e-mor 01 the UOIfle- 1 . , "u"- A. B. flRADY. Mount OUea. it. C . Juna 11, 119. MR. THOMAH FOR COGRt(S. tondlttona Are Quito Ilffc-ent" rrnen the TtnMS Wrren He Said Ho Woe Id Aot Bo Iwadtdaie for Ro-eifvtioek To the Editor: My admiration aad respect for the Hon Chae. H. Thomas . have ualy been Increased and height-. enrd by reading his recent open letter to the people of this district In which ' he annuunt'ea hla nurnnH to ituul Hv . plediee aoada tat a Wtlee written we.biL 0aDrarAmoly jpt .f Jttlnf two yeara ago. No one who knew him electlon thla year, conditions wer quite different from what they are to. day At that time his health was ..V I, ha. h tu?, VLioT In November Should uch happen Mr Thomas would nklng member on one of the fTM and In poeltlon to aerve hi State ,n4 th, g,,, M Bv,r K,(or,. . I ,T h'm dowf ", onhalal ,ur uaefulnea to hi district and aeepl would be a poUtKal crtma and "f" "lb?djr .b"' 'I' mn "Tit? In his stead. Are the rank and file "f ti?T0ps ,.Ma0mm,, Jli '? "Tor? ' ""'"- Mmty vi eur ovpie complain at tne tree-t- mem wa receive at the hand of Con greea, much of which I due to the fact that wa too often limit the terme of our Congressman while uaeful countr . ikere Indef.nltaly. With twelve year, experience to fr Mr Thomas would bo able tnemeera rrom otner parts or tne; le go fsrther-to the front and-sendee more effectual service to hi district aad State than ever and I appeal to .k. . a .-a i...iu. ..... (.d Third ' to rally around hi 'olor and after complimenting the favorite candidate from the different coun- tie renominate Thomaa. keep him on the ilrtni line and at the front where he eouht be Invaluable to hi dl- trlrt snd peopl under a Iemocratlc Congress. I could write columna. but this Ik enough J. H COLVIN. Atkinson. N '.. June 10. 11. eeao SOTHINti TO IKI WITH WAKfi rt)LITlCS - ii... b-v-kmW a 1a a-.i .mi. tltkrd too th Pasttiua of SnperVir Conrt Jwdge, To tha Kdltnr: Kindly irant ma pace for a few llae to th voter of Wake county who may have been prejudiced bv some unfortunate state ment that have found their way Into print In some of our paper with ref erence to Mr Frank Denial who Is a csndldste for ths Democratic nomi nal loa for Judgs In this district. Mr. Frsnk Daniel ha had nothing to da snd la not Interested In the poli tics of Wake savs as a wall wiahr for he rntintv'a nrnaoSrttl?.' He "tBS friend to all of Ua candldatea and - """ - to" punlah nr "frtettn. i k.M -mn tkakwaraira. rnAnaT aea, M. ,mtnentlv fitted for tba eoai- tlon te which he aspires by education, temperament and training and would be an honor to th position. Aa on who la not in politics but who 1 In terested In everything that make for th betterment of our good old Kta'e t plead his cause. Not because ho la a friend bnd acquaintance of year do I urge you to vote for him In the rimer tomorrow. - - .i ,w- . nerd Wm on) the nciwn tn nortsj t r- oilna. He la aa honest, fearless, Intel llgent, Christian and a gentleman. Hla nan da ar clean. Nominate him aad we will never regret It i. O. OCTHRIE, Raleigh. S. P. The rvaenrns of Morrhe-d City. iineeUl to Ki aad Observer.) Morehesd City. Jun H Th Valted States torpsd boot Dusont on Juhe Jltb, will be stationed off More- bead City. Thl boat ta stationed here for the Nw Bern Naval Re serves' pre ct Ics. Th officers will as Invited to attend th germ an given at tha Atlantic Hotel Saturday bight. One of the moot attractive partlea af tho seaaoa wss given ' by Mr. Chsrlee Herndon. Wednes-Iay night After the dance the party assembled sa th pier and th full moon waa en the wane befor th parttctpenta dispersed. Delicious refreshment wer served). Colonel Morton ha made great preparatlona tor tha Fourth of July. Many aquatle aports will be engaged In. And, beetle th boat race, aiming matrhre, tub racea, there will hea morning and evening german. Mr. W. C Tounr. of Norfolk, will lead the german. There will alas be a beau tlful display of rework Colonel Morion exnecte the largest crowd that he ha ever entertained as hi bookings are unusually large. In the 1 ,.u rmmmin ".""" a raxaraalf amik le aaan i waa kaa aaed la, at aoea eamhlaeT that I number .will, remain at Wrlghtarina Beach over fundey. It la generally conceded that thla had baea the' largest' gathering of banker In tha history of tha organisation, and tha convention la every respect haa been n eucceea. Tha Wilmington bankers have exerted themselves to their at meat ta aea that tha visitor were properly looked after while at Wrlghtavtlle, whlrh la la fact a su burb of Wilmington. During tha past few day while tha : financiers and physician of tha State , read In tha papers or tha Intense neat In other portion af this and other Bute they . reclined comfortably IS rockers on tha spacious porches of the hotels tha beach and drank In tha re freshing breeses from th Atlantic. Col. Jotn F. Bruton, president of th First National Bank Of Wllaon, poke on "Bank T aaa tlon," Mr. H. E. Lite h feed -ntha:"jrtrTni gytem," Mr. L. W. Norman on "Capital of Bank," at today aeaalon. v Tba Kaw OfBrera, Tha new edlrera elected today for the enaulng year are a follow Preeldent,v W. C. Wilkinson. Char lotte: 11. fd and Ird nra-preldents reapectiveiy. J. C. Braawell, Rocky Mount: Leak S. Covington. Rocking ham, and George A. H old e mesa. Tar boro: secretary and treasurer. W. A. Hunt. Henderson; exeoutlv oommlt John I). Biggs, Wliliameton; J. C. Hall. Wllaon; J. A. UtxalU New Bern; w. M. Drake. Jr.. Raleigh; J. Elwood Cox. High Point; C. N. Ivana, Wilmington; A. U James, LaurlnBurg; W. H. White. Salisbury; i. V. Orr. Charlotte, and L, E. Baylea. Murphy. Committee on Legislation; John F. Bruton. chairman, Wllaon; C K. John ann, Raleigh: W. I Jamea, Iaurln burg; J. A. Long, Roaboro; J. iilwood C0. High Point. . The resolution altered yester day by Colonel Bruton relating ta bank. . tajuulua M unani mously adopted today and tha legislative committee of the Associa tion will take th matter up with the " tax iaw reiwung to bank modified Th secretary of th Association wa Instructed to have tha addresa da. live red by Col Bruton on "Bank Taxation" printed and a copy sent to every banker In tha Stat, and every member of the next General Assem bly The addreea of Mr. Lltchford on "Torrns System of Land Registra tion" Is also U be placed In the hand ' -' h M e-Jflncrlil committee wss nama to mk IpvegtlfaUoR. M to , th m.rl - tha eywtem an4 report to ths next " " "'-.TJZ i.... .si. l decided upon by ths executive com mittee The convention asjournaa thl afternoon at 1 o'clock. After the adjournment ef the Con vention, th member of th American Bankers' Association met, with J. P. Sawyer, of Ashrvtlle, president of the Mattery Park Bank prealdlng. Mr. Sawyer wa re-elected vlc-preldnt for North Carolina of th American Bankers' Association and Mr. Henry C. McQueen, president of the Mur- ihlaon National Bank, of Wilmington. ' was chnsra a delegate aa a memoer or the nominating committee of the next convention of the American Bankers ' Association. Mr. litctifnett'a Htwerh. Th following l th addresa on the Torrena Land Registration tysum Wkda "try Mr. Hennr B. Uteh ford. csehler of the Itlsen Na tional Bank of Raleigh. dllverd at the seelaon of tha North Carolina I anker" Association Friday. June tt. He aald: Of all the classes nf se curity required by the bank and tha money lender, none I mora secure, none more atabl than our greatest asset real estate. And still, bee a use of the many dlfflcultlea surrounding It It I th tloweet and least available. Think of It, tha national bank of the country, which represent so mny mil lion of dollsr ef capital and re sources, are ebeolutely prohibited from lending money on real estate, nor )w they parmlttsd under th law to acquire real sstste except for the pur pose ef providing themselves with banking houeea. Thsy ar kilo wed to "buy In" rest estate to secure them aelve from loses on account of dshtx rrrevtrrosiy contracted" out in aurh case they are required te dis pose of such property a any aa. practicable. Bank doing uainess unaer ensie charters lend money ea realty, but BO wU regulated oani or tnia cina rill Invert more than a small per eeatag of Ita asset la this way There are reason for thl tat nf thing, which ar eound, and eom- mend'themaeivee to tns judgment oi ths business pubic, ant thsrs ar many who do not understand them, and In tManwmlrlr the- ban k n tlonal bank aaperlally. I Uke thl occaalon to eadeawir to make plain eome ef these reasons Disquieting uncertainty attend every real setat transaction even thougJi the most carerui ana respon sible attorney may spend many day in laborious ftort to ascertain the ti tle to b clear.. Th law In regard to real aetata era practically the same today ab thsy wore more than a hun dred year eg, while the oommerotal law ar ever changing, keeping pace with th greet strides oar country Is maklna la all lines of activity. That theee law governing real estate are inadequate and confusing la wll known to, svery an. v; srwtiw or the tleesnt land taws. Onlv evidenced af title ar record ed. Hence all the evidence must he examined every time and the difficulty, danger and labor increase with svsry transfer. This causes Increasing de lay and costs, beside augmented an. certainty. ' . I Much Important evidence la not re. corded, but la altogether "In pel a," nartlcularlv evidence concerning the true heir of descendants This add to th uncertainty sad Slat ths past with showt that not only haunt, but frsaiiently take actual pneaeaeloa of lands transferred to their detriment " There la no certainty of Identity to parties. " The examiner rellea wholly upon seeming Identity shewn hy Index to deede, hut they may bs miny "John Smith." There Is no proof of legal rapacity of parties at the time deed we de livered. No certainty about marriage or di vorce. ' .Right of dower courtesy may spring IP . ' lnda may he ut!ect to right by adverse pose salon or prescription of which there Is absolutely no record. Rlshte may arise under wllla tm penehed or ertablirhed sear after 41 part probate, and th statu ts give aaal raa wtU.da aaxap taaa Ua raa. Tha Kew Partmt OU Caaa- taea wia da aaything, ream aiartrg g, ,, ,, " .-jhw k"11" waoktaf aaaiaa - tnfT dimer, agyabaa . k Cmi Jaeie "eli'te rw4a Kaw rrweu.', Q Standard OU tra an additional reservation In favor of Infanta. Thars la no certainty about bound aries under ouf pnreent system Ths law of title by eminent domain may not appear by ordinary examina tion af tha deed hooka. Confllot of patents and Interlocks will not appear by ordinary examina tion. Tha chain may ba faultless, while ths original link la worthless. Laws of title by reversal of dec reee of court may not be shewn by th deed books. Indexes are Imperfect and faleT mis take msy bo mad by omleslons or other defects. "Court title" -those passing ma-araB6r aviaTcefUltt: Questions of proper partlea and procedure muat be determined by each examiner, t her by causing resa le examination ef title, entailing delay and expense. Titles are dependent upon the may b raised and clouds cast 6f eaoh one. The character of every man property la. therefore, aubject to deatractlvs or oUy libel or Blander by any Irresponsible examiner. Ona may bur on tha opinion of aa export and bo rwte frrtrri" setting by thn opinion of a novice. Th difficulties, dangers and float of examining titles grow with Increasing record, No certainty can be attained with rare etocptions, aad kbeolutely nana can ba maintained. Though "all questions of tit Is be ju diciously" settled today, other aver arias under the present system with every transfer. Real estate la sold for th non-pay ment of taxes, but vn than tha State does not guarantee to protect tha title to the lend so sold Tha Slate ahould take no mora than ner juet out. ..ape enouio give anew lute titles to the property shs under take to aeli. Th sale should bo made on the premise after proper advertisement and the proceeds ahould he dealt wrta aa If arising from ths enforcement of a deed of trust. Under theee clrowmstaaoss a sound article be ing sold, ths property wewld bring Hs full market taiua, and the urplu proceed of th sals, after tha aatla f action of tax and every coat charge, thould be paid over to the previous owner. Thla la equity, and would pre vent legalised robbery of the poor and do sway with a system to which th State la Sow a party, but from which ah darlvee a peculiar benefit The consequent results of our pree nt svtm are: (1) Trenaactloh In real aetata ar curtailed by th uncertainty and the Insecurity of tltleeby delay in trane frrrlng titles - by east of transferring titles. ( I ) Tees of real eatat ar lessened (!) Values of real estate are low.' ered. (4) I'aneceaaary burdens are Im posed on real estate and the large body of the people the small owner are tne chief tuner rs. . These evil may be cured by ' th adoption of th Torrens System " of Registration, whlth ha proven a ac cess In Australia. England, Germany, j Denmark, Sweden. Norway, Russia, th Osrmaa Canton of Switzerland. I nd In aeveral Bute of our Union: Illinois, California, Maaaachusotta. Montana, Minnesota. Oregon. Colo rado, and haa been sanctioned by our Federal government by Introduction la ths Philippines, Hawaii and Ports Rico. It. operates In th following' "we' I iaae'.BefciwAfmcn.-.i; i vj;r-9ww.- m..!. A title la examined once officially and confirmed by order of court. That nd th matter and cuts ut th end less examlnatljn f titles aa fct aow tha cast. The Stat guarantee th title, landing ss aa Immense barrier be tween th owner of th property and all possible harm. The State I paid a reasonable fee to cover the exponas of Investigation and a email premium oa account of an Insurance fund or guarantee fund, t Every time a transaotloa I aow mad In ; real estate a aew lawyer haa to be em ployed to asamias and ansa upon the Utla, which title, ae doubt, may have i "V"-' k-. i ,, ... ... .lend rverv eurreaadlna for the treat- j wow ia w hundred time before, each time at great expense with attendant tedious delays,' all of which labor, expense aad delay go te wasts so far aa future purchaser or future lender of money are concerned. Aad the fee of the attorney t uncertain, as It la a mat. ter of private contract hot regulated by taw. And, by the way, a lawyer Who passe upon b tltl anj declares It to be good makes hln own estate liable In the event of difficulty arising from any oversight on his part. Thle la why lawyer spear to be charging too much for Investigating title wheo really they ar not.) Tour tltl Is registered and yon have made a permanent lmprovemeit, which wilt teat aa long as ths liw pre vails, and wUl not call for betterment or repair. Tou ar then given a ctrtlrirat of tills, whlrh guarantees to all of tha world yon have such a tltl aa hi t forth. Tou ran then deal with this certificate of title as freely as with certificate of atock or a bond, bee a us everybody ran ca from ths r'rilflcat, exactly what the . T uSnl"' thai work of lis, examiner. - Tou hold an iir.que!nab!e certificate of ownec hip of your property. . All doubt1 anj danger ar rctnuvJ, H you t sat ret wf areer. Ug ft and gt Is res.. Tar ft down and ft Is . Only a woman waa know tha wwwbla 4 tavrryk-f aaej aad ssaWny ta bat Kfstbsn coat appear it want mean. gurea a siewav, awrlect Stars that win as aarthtog, boO, babs sr raw, aad at wtm newt tba fcw-aea. Hewkife tVanaf Th flaana) in anMraJM la tsj. aroosaa Mae) . ansmal cnaaMarn, aed gVstts4 atsinat tsa snot sat wf , m. ksttk) or srewn, and oaty Shsra, Tan taasa epsraess aswwer ft awantod and nowhare sjgav Wita that sasws TOW gihshasi ft aaaal, Tba neaaal aaiah wtth l4 W4at Mm si tha rhlmnsyt gaakat dka aanrs arsav al and aatrwxwwa, ktadw wrrea 1,1 1 bwnarai th I anal I NMtOa Caaeaet. Iwf i was sierewwesii V I Company desire ta sell your property, no further examiaatloa at title at aeceeaary. The certificate Itself ahow tha condition of the title. The pare baser practi cally bays year rtincsua He rar- rtee it to the proper traasfar office with your deed te him. awrrender th certificate which I cancelled and a new one la properly tssueel la ths asms of the buyer. Should yea desir to borrow money oa your property from a bank your certificate la handled by the beak la practically the enan war aa .It ..would, .it a foitlnoata of . atoca . In a estton mill a railroad astnpany or any ether eorporatsoa. A trans action which should toaswme only a lew jntcitait ot.tima. This will aatyyeur real estate oa a foot lag with peer peraaaaltty. and not only so, but give opportunity for adding millions ef dollars to ths banking and capital of North Carolina Land grabber will hav ta go out of business. Ths State will b enabled her taaea preplly aad no maa'a land, when the registered, can be sold for delinquent taxes without his knowledge Everybody whe gents ta real estate will bs beacfttted. The coot af tnewctions la realty will be laid. ThafaiwrkefWril w etieaw- -latsd aad enlarged aad vatwoa will, of course, be greatly men sea I. Aa In flux sf Immigration weald be a result (I estimate to have the title ta one a real property la North Carolina reg istered under the Torrea'a system howl average til. prs the premium ef, say li t for tneuraaee ar ruares tee. The coot of tut wee transfer ahould be only about tilt to pay tranafer and Insurance charge.) The email Iseestee anil be greatly encouraged to deal la real estate for h will then be abl to procure email lean on short tlm from the banks with trifling tpenae. whereas now tbe same ta Impassible. Another thing ts be considered is. a man thus borrowing money can ds so ronfldentislly aad not have tbe public know, a I now th case, when he executes a mortgage en hie prop, erty. A maa today t ' pledge hi realty injure hat credit a It la re garded aa a rather suspicious trans action, evldesclng gnanctal weakness It should be made so that ha ran uss his real property la like manner aa hla stacks or bonds or notes or no reuats quickly t little expense, for short time, and Tor such amownt aa his demand require and eoafldentl aiir , The tn trod act loa af tha Terree yetem in North Carolina would meaa to the people and the beaks an in crease In banking rsssureee at three hundred mUlloa dollare eig time ths pressnt resources of all ear banking Institutions, and 1 bellev th saving la Ave year weald S turn sufflctsnt to macadamise vry country road In the State. The greatest good ta be derived. hwvr, la easouragtng the purehas of land, for "the smell land holders are the moat preclou part af a State. ' The Btau claJma ts be tha awnef. th original and ultimate owner ef all of her made. Thla ownership Srst appear H her lead greats aad I aow found ta the sere lee of the right of eminent domain, escheat aad tn levy ing f taxes. Claiming aad exer cising theee anginal rights anj oe erelBgn power. It I th duty of the State ta grant good Otiee to her ctti ens aad ta enable them ta keep their tltlee good aader the yuet aomtnle- plain duty haa never be rat of ere he performed by Ike State, and the time haa aow com whoa h should meet her high obligation In thla regard. : r; oxfokd kkws jrrjrmi. J . Oxford. Jun It Th oal grea need of Oxford now t aa up-te-da' hospital. We have a7 Sne oorpa of physicians, whs would gladly welcome a prelect for the foundation of a hos pital, Whleh would ftndonbtedty be talneq and snrtyoTafM. Very may esse are treated in d 'slant hospltala ncesttated by th want of a hem hospital. We have ths finest ellmata - ,,..,. K - . . a- cltala awa from Oxford. Is there eome one who will tart th enter- nrtwe so ftrwmlalMe with etioceaaf Mr. J. Clifton Robarda. who left Ox ford for Richmond a week ago ' ferlng with appendicitis, ondsrwest -an operation In tbe hoenltal and now convalescent most favorable port coming every day from hi bed' aide . : There are a umber of Improve ments going sa In Oxford. On ths sits ef the Oeborn Hotel, whleh wa burned some year ago, an up--dan building le rapidly going up. built brtckt, fit feet long by I feet rraat It la being built by th Oxford Bugs? Company. - Several rt'1nce are netrtog " pletlon. The j common' lou residence of Rev. and Mr. F. W. sh.mburgef. near corner of Main and High street It wearing completion. " Mr. James W. Horner, who pureh ed the Pool residence en O'lUam streot. h moved the bene te an sdeew lot on Oilllam street snd hi having tt i. . . . . ... .i . ...ei a a up-to-date home reairt.ncs on tbs cnr. p,f ef olllism an,l fnrlng streets The hanrtsome cnl""-ial realdencs ef iff. .nd Mr. A. A. JfU.k on Colleg street add much to th beauty ef t town, " - 1

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