A ' T a 0m f r-j is ra m t Pet tat i .A TOLniE XC, 0. 31? RALEIGII, N. Jt'I-SDAY MOIlNDfG, JUNE 28, 1910 miCE 5 CENTS fl -ITU. LAFALLETTE AT .WILL THE HEW LAWjTHE DISCIPLES OF SUGflMORE HiLLi HE1PH0RTH GARO.I BiiGKSTOfiE-HEET FIGHT TO BE POWELL TfilAL IS STATE TROOPS ' U M TIME ifrn iinnm 11 r ' - ; I i. - .... : TT . . . U. ;MDRE DEFINITE XV HIM DEAD PRIMARY RETURNS II LLL UIIULII iia Insurgent's Daddy Con - fers With Teddy. THEY- TALKED FGL1TIGS 1m, Iwkrd, ' DM Talk Polltlca. Bald ". gmr$.m He AAi4 (to bli'DMb? ; 5o; A the Oataaf I Bat the In-! argent . Captaia Km Greatly Tickled Over Bka Vbet ll It IVr-He-red the Tii rfiu Ww Kium vatle btanwM Bad AW Hon win vim nt- tr t A-oclmll PrH Oytr Bv. X. Y, Ju T . Rub- rt K. LroIItt, UoIU4 Hut, Bn- ; lor from WWoiwi. mod th Uthr of t Kpbcma tniurjiC .p.ot t , kira thU aflernoon uiklnf puUUca . wlU TbJar. Ko-v,lt. H lfx Ojwr Bay Hc a broad tmlU. -Miator Elmer Brket. .( Nbr.- ka, "Other aut-and-oat ln.urBt. to aomiac W.lmMrt HUI afUt Culoa ; RooMvoit rctarna from boati-a. Ha. t too, will talk politic. j Rapraavniauva Matfiaon, of Kuil i irroconclUbla lorant and ardent j arianavr af uinora jnncnoi aa a mam- I ber of tba Balllnrar-Plocbot Cortfr alonal Invaatlcatrna; rooimHtra. alll ba at Saaamora Hill probably lata thia aaak. Hi. thorn a will ba polltlra Menatue IVallxta .rrlv4 plv tba aftarnooa. Ha Bad with him U E. Hoe. a New Tor Uwyar. who waa lurmerly hi law partner. Col. Rooaa- vtlt a chauffeur waa wattlnf for them nd whlakad tham away to Swmore HUt. Th. Senator had pullod hi hat down orer hla aywa. and tried to aa. cap uaaaea, but ha waa raurnt fairly at It by a troup of nawapapar men h aaw tba Kooaevalt automoblla Thar tackled him on au.pldoo. al- , ekz..XrSy rwcoa-n'aed am. taa Jr hat hid hla famoua poaipadour , "Not a word.' ha aald: "I'm wln to avmora Hill, but I don't want a wtrrtt bald aboaa 4fc whan ha returned luat la time to Ilka a buhnol boy who bad luat won mortal. . Ha aa anoUInf hla moo . i.n.lva. per.ua.tva amll. "It a all rlaht, bora. ' ba cried Jovially. Tha Colonel aayt t may talk ta you." Tha train pulled out and an tha troup of lntervVewera hoppad with tha Kenator and rod on to tha next atatlon. "IMd wa talk politic he replied ta tha flrat uuaatloa. "W did." and ba amphadaed tha afllrmallon. "W talked af th rtmpaiirn f tha preeant aeralnn of Conirea. ha con unuea. "irom tna ainiune oi inoan mam per er tria rrepuoncin mrlltm.----Twa-1aalara-ULfeo.wavar. ae .n.a ill Rvwiwjrii are yir..,u jtw call Inaurgvnta. "Can you lo In detail?- "Ko, 1 prefer that they coma from Ragamora Hill. I am very much pleaaed with tha raault .of my vlalt with Cot Rooaavett, vary much pleaa ad. Indaad." Tha Senator pauaed tor a moment recalling the happening- of th after- boon. Suddenly tha amlle left hla faca for tha flrat lima and he aald lm- jrraatrlraty-r " , appointment oa klarvnal In tha Wet- b fur a trip down th hlatorlc I want to tall you that Col. Rooaa- ern, district thouith Mr. Duncan aald ;! lrT Hvar on tha ateamar Wil velt la tha irreataat living American I he hd no Information oa the .abjart j aalagtow, Capt John W. Harper, re-nd,- ha added alowly. and algnin- Inleaa KeynoM la given a raceaa ap- tumlaa; to the city lata la tha after tantly, -ha la In fighting trim!" Mvolntmeat by the Irealdent ha wMI ! aooft. and 1ll ba conveyed directly ta An hour later tha colon.l received nrff he abla to take rharre of tha r.f- ( th Beaahora Hotel In ttma for aupper. the Interviewer, who told him what Menatur LaFoilatla aald abAt pint and their maatlng. Tha Colonel ml led aa though ha liked It. "1 think there ia nothing I can add to what tha aanator haa aald," ha eommanted. . . More Inaorgrnta Corulnif. Pneciilatlnn amonv Ofitar polltkhtna ia keener I hsit aver bafore. One atory going the rouHtla ta that tha inaurjtente have coma and aean. but have not conquered. Yet there la another group of poaitlve onea who Inatat that tba Olonel haa ahawn clearly by hla ata that ha la veering toward tn raatcaia. aji agree, bow 4V'ttatlr-aUtrattr BDlnlnn. When Colonel Roogevelt received the Interviewer ha waa ataodlng on tha aide of tha Hilt which .lopee down from hla home. One of a group of four thickly cluatered tree ba had Chopped half through. ' "Walt luat a moment, pleaae," ha called out Ha ralaed hla ate and whacked r the three with a hard, true atroke. In another minute the tree quivered and then fell. "Great eierclae." he aald, at ha eat rroaa-legged on tha fallen trunk, hi x acroea hla knee. "It ia about the only exercl.e I get out here. . I have Junt been In the hay Held. - I apent all tha morning In going through thla mornlng a mall," ha con tinued. "I am willing to work aa hard a any man, but 1 like to get aorae where. It rxmtnde me of the famoua eat whk h fail Into the wall and climb ed up one foot every day, only to fall back two feet at night. The volume of mall haa becume ao great that I left word at the poatofflce to hava It II aont back to my editorial office in New York." ' ... W III Aildrewt rrcwa Club. The Colonel agreed definitely today to apeak before the Milwaukee Preaa Club a hlle on hla Weatern tour which jheitlna the laat of Augtiat. He aleo derided to make another trip early in October, when ha will apeak to the Knlfthta of C'olumbua of Peoria, Hla, on ooioher 1!. and In Atlanta, a ' on "Cncle Remna" !. which he thmiKht wa Dctober 17tb. Col. Roo.evelt waa aaked about the report pulillnhed today that an op eration on lil. throat waa to have been porformod thla morning. He laughed alonn in hi bovlsh way. "Whv. tha flrat I heard of It." ha mm, n when nonaior irui.r.nToi '"- " ' arrived here and told me that ha had (plaint. A forced ! of about tioa.. tfontlnued on lace Two.) - ao haa been levlei. H Mill, "wna when ftonator MFollette Some Hops NowOf CasesjN. C. Bar Association In Before Commission FEEI9HT DISB!M-SJlTlC:iTeCAY AT WHiCHTSVILlEJEFFRlES ATi A FAST GUP lates-etas C. rs- - III. SeeeAvf Casoitoa Cneea to a tHirwuaa tmUm m TafV Aad Tarsa'a Rerre, Ajpiasstssrsl for P. M. at ball.Wy Haa ma Clin to Today .Tarfcert Jim Alius irf Itrn i in w i Bf THOMAS J. PKXCt WulUauB. u C, Jm IT T. I.nant M f th Knb CrUM Corruioi. CmuMii awl tam rui.,,, gm, f lh, auta .hii. tM, ,k.., ii.lTt-lm' -j MEt Krth aruilAa tou In f.or p yjrttaia polat. la th mit- of frMlM ralr t, to b. la tb. n.st Nv mr, k ttM (n.t. roTO- e w. , , .. ...... .... Thla lotaraUoa aa caavrl ta 8aator Orarmaa today bf.Cbalrtnaa Knapp, at thm (vMaotottoo. Th rut waa argvad before th cotumlaaloa nearly to yeari ao, but it haa In ol4 aurb knotty probleana that era- parp.w.y re- , lerTea in im cxparuiioa tnat n - .f'" - , 'd aaart Jer.UUon daclar - ,n Sv "ow far Intent at. carrlora i - "V ' ' hort haul baala ; Tha railway Mil rweatly paaaed by Conitreaa haa a Ka and ahort haul proUUon. . k H ia beUovad by th. '"' tba North f-araltna dala- Katloa will eaaMa tha lataratata com Were, roanmlaatoa lo corrart th dia rrlmlnatlona practiced aralnat No. l allna rliU. la favor a.Jar2tJti- w rwioiai pan. it!""! "lw'r'mln"uf Jat t'har-i , Mi,r ,t , J o eUcV iy e4uda lotte. Urwenaboro and other Carottaajv.'. Tim rr lake, of Wak Karaat, 4ien.ii ma. iiiii...M jm uu a wnoir- . ..n ' " w-mv.vry By in tww aaetara oa tha flour at tha aaa- "l , - Benalor Ovarasaa haa a rallor at tha Whlta Ilouaa today, whara ha jeadln m.mlwr f tha local bar and. talked with tha Fraatdeat a boot oar- U pmiBant candidate for Conraa eral matter rotx-emiaf North Caro,,! , ,,. Atmrirt M la nrwt plea.-. Un: . . ... lnc and ornate apaaker and ha will! Tlia rraatdent wmi not irtva a racaaa re-appolntment to tha poetmaater. at j aoara welcome In hla uaual ala Hallabury. who la aadoraod byfo- j qunt mana.r. Tha respunaa will reaamaa Cow lea. b mado by Hon. Lock Cralx. of Aaha- para la another raadktatatronly ,n. on, y,, hat known and moat endoraaa by b-altoburj peap. fr the. inaat amem erf the profea-fon appointment which Ucttaaa -l in tha rUate. Followlna the addreaa 1 encrd Senator Overman to hla behalf. ! nt he ta keephit bra haada aT tha to it mat the candidate that la pro- pnaed by tha Republican oranlxatka (et a aquara deal I National Committeeman Duncan la ! here and aaw tha Poaronatar-Onetal today about patroaaca matter. Mr. : Duncan will remain over until tomor row to look after Red Hprlrur. Aaha boro and other appolntmenta hun up ' III 111,11111. MMtnn aT tk. Em ... There la a report here that Itunrv Rernoi-d. will not ba alvea a eee. Inca which l atlll being, adminlatered by Collector Browa. - with aa addraa by W. 11. I'aca. EaM Reaaior Overman leavea tomorrow of Raleigh. Thla will ba tha cob morning for Kaleia-h ta attend I he eluding aeealon of tha convention, marrtaga of Mlaa Mauda Mamaaaa. j A aommltiee from tha local bar, Zeb Vaara Walaer. who waa hare. ! com poaed of Thomaa W. Uavl, chair- left tonight for WrtahUvllle ta attend the meeting of the titat Bar Aaaoclav Bayjtlon. 1 J . .c...... , M, , - - CAKED ITR BY IRKMDKVT. He Wire to rem Vie Beat McdVa Attewtloa for VlrUaa af Aato Ar - ttdCat. . : , (By th AaaoHated Preaa Taft waa greatly diatreaaad when he tearaed of anfortacata accideat la which hla- eon figured at Beverly.. II aa. . He Immediately aeat a long telegraphic meeaage ta hla eon which la aald to have contained Inatrw-ttoaa to da everything poaalbl for the In jured maa. Tba following telegram then waa aent to an old college friend of theneaident: - - -Samuel Carr, Amee Building. Boeton. Maaa. - "By an unfortunate automobile ac cident at Beverly my bey Robert etrurk atreet laborer, fracturing hla akull. He U at Beverly HoapheJ. Win you not can ap by "phone the beat aurgeoa la Boaton and have him viait the hoapital at once and tender eervtcee to the jrealdent phratctaji and do all he ran for the injured maa. The Preaident then aent a personal telegram to the Injured man. evpreaa ing hla profound regret aver tha ac cident and conveying to the victim hla earnest wtah for apeedy recovery. Rrroluikmleta Still 'Capturing' Eofnev Otlng. Ban Juan. Del Pur. IMcaxagua, June IT. According to reporta reaching here ' the town of Acnyapa, In the department of Chontalea haa been captured by the RewolBtlonleta The announcement also la mad that the Port of Han I'bahlo on lake Nk-a-rarua haa fallen Into tha handii nf General Mena'a men. The government haa aent a etrong fortm to re-occupy the towna Special teleirwphlc lnlnjctlona hnve been forwarded to the governor of the viurlou d-partment t- aive partlcalaf attention to the protec of f..reim rntereotiL In order to .--..a . 1. - . kmiav. rn mini. '.i .i.Ve " a , i,. . fk. . a , m Annual Session. ;ou North fctBr Tmr Hundired" "' w "ivew Three Days tarweua ol Twelfth .UiMl MUa twn Todty hwrW el huttm at tkm Mor laortoat KvraM (h Mvtla oi Ummj Xrmi-An-httctm (iMtal to Nm and (Nwnn I Hllmioaton. juaa II. Tba Ittk:"' praparattoa for the Kourtb of July, aanual maotina at tba Narth Care- far uprama-T batweea J riV ttaa Mar Aortarton 1tt ta bald at Seaafcora Hutat. WHhtrtlla Paach. thla waoa. nna ll tm connaenay paitad that (hara will ba In attand aac aoaMthlna bka 44 leadlnc lata! Uirhta af th. mata, lncludlnf mem ben ' of tharr Tam.'naa. - " Tbrra ara aipoa the prufraalon In North Carolina many nthualajttc clplan of lanack Walton, and thay are aipcld to apand aiurh of their, leitura time from tba convention hall pulling out Una trout and pl(-nah off Wrtbutlla pa-h, whara th n.run umumllf , Bl. . Mr ' a,, .-. ... th. un.ri .t- ' taldad and nut plmaant ,on-iitl..n j ,n he Blur). or th urilallon. The prormm ha. own well arrantad ao that tha hntora will hava ample j nrn for rMt Bn(J r.ratloi, Th. bvwrera will befflu to arttv tomorrow ; oriuo,. and all train. ,n th, lt uur1n. d,y w, ,nlrj wlt j tlurlna th day will be well lllleh wltn IVat Snaaua That fctrnln. The openlrif Mun le held In the aMmbly .liiSr of W eihore Il.x.l TudiU. .v.nlna L.ln r-allerl ih. ncaiiiilttaa i?, adtrr. of wrlrom In behalf c,f j th lot-al war and city of Wtlmlnatom jaad'th hea-b wrMt be dettvered by I u. h.,i u.., na. .,e ih. .Md to the vt.it ora a cordial a of wek'om. and rraponaa the annual addreaa of - tha preaident. Col. John tf.,Hlnadal.fjrta4thJ wllUta made ad report, racrtvad froai atandtnf commlttoea Wednesday moraine tha aaaoclatlnn will hear an addreaa by Hon. N. A. McUaan. of limberton, and report nf tha committee on mamorlala, and the evenlnc aeealon will ba featured by an addraaa by Hon. Jam Byrne, of New York city, a lawyer of proml- " mwopoi-. - Thuradajr mornlaa-tha vlaHora wHl n avaning aeamon win oa, 1 eat urea ' maa; Root Ru&rk. Eaq , and Thoma I IX Mearaa, Jr.. haa made elaborate j arrangement for tha entertainment . j t 01 in. viavuira .au mil win n nivca the time of their uvea. Tha kaeocla Uoa mat at Wrlghtarvllta Beach four year ago, and were ao carried away with the reeort that it waa only necea aary to eitend aa invlutlon to get them to return thla year. Thoma W, Datta. Kaq. of thla city, la aecra- MeirUng of N. C ArrfaiterU. - Immediately following the 11th an nual meeting of the North Carolina Bar AaaodattoB at WHghuvUle beach will be the fourth aanual meeting of the North Carolina Architectural Aa octatron. which, meet at the Sea ahore Hotel. Wrlghtavllla Beach. FM day. Saturday end Monday, July lat Ind and 4th with Preaident Joaeptv V. lltnrr, of Wilmlmtton, prealdtng. The convention will bring to the beach eometulng like one hundred Victor, aome of whom will arrive a early aa Thuraday. Ia addition to the member of the aaeociatioa, there will ba architerta In attendance from South Carolina, Oaorgla, Florida and Vir ginia, beatdea representative f man ufarturera or building materlala The architecta will have a Una art eihlblt, conaiatlng of water color work, iketchee and photographa of bulldinaa erected by them. Thla will be the moat complete exhibit of the kind In the hlatory of the organlxatlon. Man. ufacturera of building materia la of varlotia kind hava aaked for and been granted the privilege of having an exhibit In the aaaembly hall of tha hotel to demonatrate their product. Theae ehlbita will, be open to tha public. Two, Beaaiona will be held dally, otte in the anornlng and tha other In the afternoon. A number of papers of Intereat to the archltecti will be read and there will be numrrou ahort ad dreaeea and diacuamona. Among the important butrlneee matter I the an nual election of offlcera. The prea ent oflcera are I'renldent, Joseph F. Ijeltoer.; of Wilmington, who haa held the off.ee for two term.: vice- preiHent Frank K. Thnmpum, of i italelah; aecretary and treanrer. Mr. . (Gordon, of i'hartotte. Th roln.adna .k. a . cmro.e the board nf fllrectora I tContmurd on late Hia) J ;rr-r-"r What Th8 Jwo Bruisers Are Doing This Week. Am rTWf atom rt mbcb inwvrw la tamp T Rkaard haya Battle Will Beta ai Ua Thirty la the Af -Huoai H Va OrtglaaUy fM for Tbaxta OTfcx-k-lHirvla npa Jai-b Kraa Jaaj Som fhoaa , Morarla fur jpnriiMV Admirer. t"j tm , in Reno. NaT., Jao SI "1 fww T . i Tha laat week fJarto and Jack Uhmt oyenMl el-wiw. ox. t i i ; . , . New York. June ST. With ITO.OOO la caah "Hia Tim ' Sullivan cornea inui tha llmellfht of the Jeffrlee-Johnaon nght with a Uooud., "Hla Tim.'' ona Of f Ha ImH.,. nf HnnmiMi.' tl -1 1 I yaw .: y V" -A i V, .. . aportlngjuaa end theatrleai maunate,' ,,T " con.wmefltn TrTlTTr-rTre caw: wanta th balance of the tial.ooa : Judge Ward doe.n t crowd anybody, puree or. he aava. there will ha noi""1 h I"1'!" (lueant loaf lie I fight In Keno Hnllhan I due to r. ' "bundantly patient but ahundantly rive In Reno the lat of Julv. aad ha j b"lnM,. nl the caae wi he gone wye he ll going to take ITO.OOO of!,,hro",rh V.h l""!,lmt" ()'"','Ih , 11 the tiume In a aafe alima with him i ,h" "Vl"l'n ' "tany that Frldtiy On hla arrival In Keno the promoter ! are due to turn over tSI.OWO In caah i to him. Twenty Ihotmand of the 170.. 000 now held by Hulllvan will be re turned t JetTriea a4 Johnena, befh men having nut up 1 1 0.iinn edch I', guarantee their appearance In the ring. Reno without any of the excitement which marked ila Immediate predecee- eora. Such progrea waa made on thai1" Interpoe a plea of Insanity. It arena today that It. completion In time for the right Is certain; both fighter are In aplendid trim and everything connected with the event If moving along aatlafactorlly. " Swinging himself unto the boxing platform at MOanii Xprtngi ihortly af ter I o'clock hla. morning, Jeffrie plunged It round of contlnuoua box ing, alternating with Cboyuaki, Cor bett Armitrong and Bertrer; and fol lowed up with two rounds of tugging and naullng around tha PlRaT - arlia. Farmer- Barn.- HfnrhJt; ttiflom i work from start to flnlah and Jeffrlea kept Increasing hla para until the final round with Ht rger it waa close to a real fiicht " In tha laat of hla three rounds with Armstrong. Jeffrlea aent hla dusky re tainer to the floor with a powerful right ; It was n clean knock-down,' In all Jeffrlea boxed three rounds With Athoynsk I, - three with Renter, three with Armstrong and two with Corbett , .'" ' ' The last round was with liergar and thla one attracted - much attention. Jeffrlea, who waa dancing about tha ring like a school boy. Insinuated that flam waa too , tired ..to go. another round. Berger resented It and re torted that "I'M ahow you whether I can g another or not'' He dashed at Jeffrie with a vigor that carried the big man back a atep or two, and the training crew greed that it waa tha fasteat work Jeffrlea- ha done since getting into shape... - - - 1 " Johnson opened tha last week of his training with an eight mile Jaunt along tha roads. He moved rapidly, either trotting or keeping up a awift walk, went later to Reno to meet Tex Rlckard in a nuelnese conference. Neither would Ulacusa th nature of the conference .further than that It waa a strictly bustneea talk. Ah! Ili( feUtkrliolder. h v . Tim Hulllvan, of New York, stake holder of the Jeff rlea-Johnson contest, telex" phed Richard todxy he would be in Reno Julv 1. The message from Hulllvan Instructed Rlckard to order the transfer of the 1.10,000 puree money from Ban Fror Cisco, where it ia now In deposit to It mo. This w HI be done tomorrow, John Jeffries, brother of the former champion, arrived from Hun Francisco today, eccnmpsnled by his wife. There (Continued on Page Two.) ejov - v.v - - vaw t. Jury Selected and Testi- mony Begun. SPfiUSS KEW SENSATION- ParUrtpaat Jam Warrra foamy loartruooi Ftrat lay of Trtal 1 ba Cnai-tadnl Till. Wank IXf ear loa. 'rntratlac IU DrfonM oa Mw tne PWa af lBoaaHy If Jury Uulft. in That Opliiloa It U Hrltrvrxd It Will 1'oWcu IVm4l lo (Ylnunal livwor rn.Mii i ik ( lU-nU and tmia at tlu Trial. Kpa-Ial t ta oherer i arrn(on. June y, The I'oarll trial beg-an tnla momln in the jiret the lutia town han pinniv of rubber- necker on tha oul .V iik the ram mer bird on tli eatrri r th- m.. . (T .UicLAaOidata lur n... iuum-. -all wat-tintt to get un th. i.- ii.t n . .a lew the alwro iwtn.d l.irti. anilns tu (t out i The mltlcatln eleni-m. inn.li Ihr interior more piraaam an. I ihf ru.re than filled bar waa a. . . n I ri poauilile The prlaouir . . n..i with out lil comforter .ml ! chief Kitnraar mere fh Hie theory of the tttat tin- honil. lde w atuufnli ... t.i k ., i. h in th.it 'fl,-,.. hut r. .1 mind . 1 h. Iwn the Ji.ri n . n v mornlria rt..l the wi, rKll.: nf a dim Hi rrcalcr part of the .1. t.ken .,(i h, ih.. iirt.nn . Tlie i.r, 11 venire 'of ) ' ' w-ll i!rtio,l dn'in ll B H'ml the tKtiloi.. formi.'.a f ir a. ceptiinci oi retctlon hdj be.-n .in over with ht hk;orM . nll 1 dHiui.l. l It.-i rttli.ii. l.ut n.n, ii, ti.un .of t-i'.hrr side tn: -u. r ll .im ....a ( ill" n t .jni-n -Mi! j.iet what tpe of a-uiuo mm or n!,i innocent ana Itili . t-.iltm .peciilatl.in fo luv t n -diil(Ti'l ct ll r . utet Ko- "M- ci ..f ( rlitilnr!.. a Jury of hc-jr.lle youth haa.JLiteu Kpuku li b plckad wilh giKd r-aon. r hlle kit pe. U of e.lilk kftl aia sot U1fr.4m.mly a wv e. Irahle iui. T1k Jure (luwni. Thr haun t been anMhlntf at.-lk-Initly apparent In the choice tcdav and one cMncludn that nn lntHirnt Ixidy of tni will alt on Ihl ae The lurnrs a ho will fit In the caae re: Kler Junr. Ilinrv U.i-jicII M J. Clarke. W, J Ha, I w K link. C M Kord. J C Itraurr U W H Tucker. T ('. Rf,l. T II tcck. J A. Hhepard an,! T. J Hln, kualL Ona Juror. Ilenrv H ...... II 1. negro. Mnl.h TruU TtiU Wret. Dplnluii. iliffcr a. to the lime thai "'V!' " . b ' the nd Th. wltneaw are abundant There are but few. teetlfler. to the H.tual hooting or to any evidence antecedent to that The right will be about the mart' vanity MaU I Proaniitin, Vlgiamualy. Th Htate hand will be ahown properly tomorrow. In that time It ho pea to put up enough wltneaae to overthrow the poaaiblllty of an acquit tal on the ground Intimated It It known here that whll th defma win not mane ue or mat excuae. ua In the event of aorb acquittal, It ta understood here that the defena would want the prisoner confined In the departments for those of his kind, and It la therefor not a plea that 4 will ha likely to create hoatlllty her. i nougn in taw nrm oi Aycocx and Winston heads th defena In tha Powell caae. Judge Winston will not be here. Governor Ay cock will con duct the larger number of the exami nations, it la aald here, though at Ihl. at age nobody particularly has license to speak about thla phase of It The aelr4ng- ef-thw- evtrretrrir -can't telt Pruttica of the roceedlnga lu ftoert Warrenton; S. C. June 17. When Mlaa Alice Powell left the witness stand thia a ft el-noon, aha dropped an item hitherto - unrhronlcled in the State preaa, and that waa a pistol duel between Richard Kltchln and E. E. Powell, Sr., the prisoner, a few min utes .after the tragedy - - Every newspaper man eat up and observed, i What effect it might have upon the iaauee waa lost largely In Its newneea, every., body having had tha conviction that all there waa to be learned of the raea had been many time written. Herein will be aa isaus. There Will be testimony to ahow that Powell shot first hut no body knew that Kltchln had tried hla gun on the slayer of Dunn. " - Remarkable progress - has marked the day.' Though one hundred and fifty men were exhausted In the flrat attempt at trial, not half of that number were necessary today and tha defense used but thirteen of Its peremptory challenges. Judge Ward expressed himself aa pleaaed that so tew formed or expressed oplnlona had marked tha Judicial frame of mind In which 'warren county flnda herself now, " ' - , -. .. The trier were selected before noon. It took less than three httara. i Four of them ara regular second week men and the second on I a negro. Henry Russell. He la of the antique type, but hla choice was nevertheless unexpected. During then Jury con finement, he Is kept separately and eats In true Southern atyle. A. P. Hltdiln TretiAce. The testimony did not begin until three o'clock thla afternoon,, owing to failure of many witnesses to reach Warrenton early. When Faul K'",vln took tha stand and detailed . (Continued on Page Two.) s.-i-t. .rn-'e- l4i-.vii Fate Of Thefcaded Georgia Despeiw y: KILLED THREE CfFiCERS ta rTwrtir irx raw w ib- im IHU1 I1U Mi IMUr hlKirra lu ttw Itarrftatlra IUmu U Mtl Him Km St-nt !) Juia Hrle oUr After iUri Ma llnsi lau the Htkr)n Il of Itvr krui lulalm llr . rit of Two I xan im ! .W.anl rwii while t Mr hado of ' , .!. !i . .-rl aruuad. h-ai and lul.,) ' after vol e fr. ra the new Uprt'iar-.e..! , rtf 1 f mate mipua com 1 ww made a eiev. ,f th wali. of hl rt in. ' !'lt Iwmtv H... ll... IWt.i.l. xn. a ivia ... deeper. do who MamrU hi. .' s'. ' . lauii Ja b ia murder of t - .-f- ' fl. .-m of the tjw and the r,. ' 'wounding of thr other, i-a'.l th- ' penalty ..r death vhorlli aft-r V ' ; o . liM-i. th.. morning Me ... .Tir-.t T. rhail Wouailt re eixe.i loin t e ' vulievs fire.1 into tne buiMit i.- ,n' ' in the niM h . mob of '!.' --: ' ' cii.Knn or from t hoe of th. mil.' w hich began an attack eJ'rr o a thi morning ' Alm.iat at the urn. mom.-.' f ' J I" M. Inn. of Irwin - w . - ' ' in. wt.iiii.leO ir.tertlay w' m.k n ' .1 iletpcrite attempt to refiioe ' eot.n.led fellow officer fr. m 'he un. ' . ' lt.,twh k deadly f,-. eip.r.,1 Jaium illl. di.olher otfi. , .. Ill l-l 10 tile !.' ..f WUUIllt'd 1 tl 11" earlv tnofr.fna foatlade I .1 t te- ' lieveit that he will r'.Mt 4 M.: i rounded b hia eta I m:. h.. Jrn ' ( whom he held (.rteonera ilm t.. the ' end of the iiee. )i.it.w. k h t 1 1 . .lei lared hi. i terit'on o .!,'n ratrter ' ih.aii auhinit to irTMt ,.n ih- ch.re . "fUwivPtm u mjrjrr (iif btothcr t ' In liw. fought ihe ba'tle to th .at 11 Hi h Know Ins that death u tif.-. ' .the de.pernte man finally allow .-U the . . hildrrii to l.-ave tha houa. but thay ' wo ild not reveal cne Incident of the i ' 'night ta th rittmsrr nrn sis The dead are. ' J I' M. Inne. .her'.rf Irw.n ownti ' Steve ImivU, chief ' polK-e of ",li i m put) flhertff Sh eft eld. Iraln i ixsn- ty W II Itostwl. k. iH!m ef ilwM ' t.red Into bl. home. The Injured ' Jame. (M 11. srioiiel wounded iN-puty Kh.rlff T C llase, arm ' broken anil thot In aSdonien . IVputv Sh.ilff Wyett Tu.ker In- Jurle. ullsllt i j mi M NO ttmitt ITIN. i Milp suheWy Jzlwlatioa ImeMllallnl ' oiiimlllrr Makre lUpm 1 1 the Ae late.l I'rr i ( Waahinatnn. Ii C . Jun. !!. After ; three month, of hearings, the liouwe i committer to Inve.tlaate rharcr re-' i fleeting "n members of runur In j i onni-tion with .hip-.ubeidy leataia ; Hon, clo.e.1 Ita Washington eesln i t.wlay with n nnoirtclal announcement . to roun.el th.vt It had tound no tor j ruptlon on the part of any member of v t 'ongre. Two Weetern newspaper editor- J . A l'Mahoiiiy. of Indlanapoli. and W. A bhaw. editor of th ' Tema ; Farmer." teetlfled today that they t ; Iteved there sa. a lobby here, but ' neither produced any denn.te details ! Mr O'klahoney said that while he waa a Washington oorrepoitrn over a decade ago, he understood that one Don M. Smith and ' a maa named Daddea." by whom counsel thought he meant the late lr mavis, a steam. ' ship representative had "lobbied ' , here for the foreign lines He told of -Uaddea" suhmltlina a .liu.Lov a ' Philadelphia correspondent long atacw . deadwhich the latter told the steam ship man waa "too apparent" to use. ; He had heard that ten men wer on , tba pay roll of what he called thej ' steam. hip . combine." but he could j auggeat only theae two names and whta asked arhf m - he meant., .by "venal aubstdlsed newspapers." aald newspapers were a.ii-stdiied by their advertlaemeata The commlueee-rebuked Editor 8haw for hla allea tlona that there were etramshlp rep resentatives in Congreea Inasmuch aa such a "alander" was they said, urn aupported by any detajla whatever. NO VERDICT YET l , IAHIMEK 11 HI BUt Y CASK- (By the Aasociated Preaa l : Chicago. III.. June 17. Eighty; houra and no aign of a -verdict That i waa the story tonight of the Jury) which Is considering the rase of l.e '. O'Nelt Browne,- Temnrratle minority leader of the Illtnolna, Iril.latur. charged with bribing C. A. White to vote for Wn, Uorlmer for Cnlted. Sutee senator. . Not a word came from tha juror. The twelve men already have eatab Itahed a new record In thlcaxe aa an endurance Jury. When Judga Uc- Bureiy went home last night, he ral-. terated hie plan not to interfere witH the Jury until next Friday. Then if he flnda It la hopeleealy divided lie will discharge It. rilUfT RAMS OP COTTOM IX - , -N. Ya AT M I K.NTS POt'.VD. (By tha Aasociated Preaa) New York, June It. Th flrat bale of the cotton crop of ltlt-1 was wold at auction here today aad brought cenla per pound, the proceed being for the uaual charity. This bale was picked at Hidalgo county . Tvx.a. weighed about tit pounds, sad waa classed aa food middling; cotton. It waa first anld at Houaton. Texatv oa June tl. tor ? and was fhlpped from there to this city, v The cotton purchased today will ba shipped to . Liverpool, w hem It will again be auctioned. . . ---! a. aw .a.a.w,. . In Which Will Be Found Some Surprises WHEDBEE JUD9E IN TH1H0 Iateat ttaJnu nf the lrw and Maa. atng aanaare. IVi'-e-vle.l Fnoatww lkt le rv.wi.-b tlcweea ll Iwika like va4ardav t irt iwaTr-tsdona trr To Itr Awalu-d With l.rewt Vsvvrt, 11. Ilirth Sl.kw (MlWsaJ llgiin-w t.nni lsi a .nkfr of (-n lal to Ninas aud Ut.nnee. iHAI-Jmni. t . June SI. I re mi irM to i-tvangn my Sjruyva of yralter ew-Apt tu add in tim menttrw riving Ju.dc Alb-n frnm tuu-UiiXOU llirswi fiiurtha af tlw-w Male, name!) llutwiNMba, Fvankha Na-h. itliajapiia, I ahMt ami W likes Ytake and taitkin give IV abiHit Ihrr-afthw rtih trill tn-i-rtac In suaorU tu out Imma than I T iMtRTTH. Manae. I1t Mil t Klsl't Ts IMlRTtirH Fit. I Kl i'SWtai to News an.1 tlharrree ) Dirtaaiii t'.. Juie 17 aa-na-toe It. . Fimtre. Jwire Man- a manaree. ahes arm t nlibt a id akrd n-ganllng Judge. VtaanttvcTi. oomlnallim. fi-plli-it "kliiltmal eeert i-onrlmi my uicitM-wi that Jutigi. Mannltig wilt he muninaied h a safe me- I rad the atatramemt of Cfdiinel Ikorti-h. Jadge tlla-n's nvanager. la llw HMiTKlnc paMw of the 14 .Mtatlev 1 1 ai inol by him to tw two llilro. n all for Jwure Ulrw. JS Jifdaw. MaiwelnaarXi ram ihrrr- ,J Ua-m by a good ina Jorttl. : will break rveo in St. and wtll M nMire tlian ivna--lblrd la In- .Klaerw. tar Um It cnaatlee whta-ti Mr. nrts-h aay will he" e et flatty tfrvwaea). fl tithe uip"e reptM'ia how that Judge) Manning wir get SO pre crrK of ooe. It per ce nf a nut her. tvto-tlitrrt-a uf a llilrd. It wrr i-rol f a fourth, and ai wr cent of a art h. -tit "III he aottard that Judga Mh o r u.- gr?-!li nvcr ewumale.1 JtHlge Alltm'. in-iMrth la nratt; luilf Ihe oamtlei nanird by him. 1 1 I. wtgnifkvnt tliat he la areaiatutell leni an to bl rntae lle iitore tliaui half he Htate. Aad la nolle a number of lhe count era named by him no vote ha. .wrrn or will lir taken tw-fore falurttBy." a . . e Ketwrna from the Ivmo.ratlo pri rmiri Saturdav from a number n counties will be found printed todav, most of them giving more definitely the rulta than haa len hltherti po-wjhle t secure. Home Interesting Information concerning the .andtdatet till in doubt Is furnished In the re ports printed herewith Ttw -H'ord Vote. iSicimI to News and Observer iSpectarl t. News and tbaerver i tireensboro N t'. June IT - It ws fv.. ,-iiM-k this afternoon before the vote frm North tlllmer town. hip, ithe ten mi Ion mill preclmtl waa eent in. and before an eiact count of tie primary vote could lie obtained. The result for Htate and district eae dldstes Is. Supreme court. Clark MTS. amoriat Juat Ices, Manning Hit Walker 1111. Allen lilt: ao llcltor. Oattl. :.2Tf; conareas. 8ted maa Jonea MI. Mebane IK, It oyster 3t corporation cpmmlsi-ilon-ers. ' Brown 1..U. Bagwell 117. Ue l, lir ham LIU. Pearson 63 Uallford Coaaty Komtneea. Following county candlhtte ara aomlnated: Rankin for register; Mr. Kinney for treasurer. Devtdeon. Tucker, Boren for county coramlnalon ers; F P. Hobgood for the senate; J. E. STrkftian" f of the Douse. ' ""' The following will have to run In a saxon d primary Thuraday: House, T J. Oold and T R. Dlllard. to be de cided between the two. Sheriff. B. K. Jonee and D. B. Stafford Clerk. W. P. Beall. James F. Forbla. Coanty commlmlo'tera. two to be chosen. W, Q. Bradshaw. J. N. Raokln. T. A. Wil son, W. J. Gruome. For Corporation CVsnunlsetotirr. ' The aame trouble as waa experi enced In the Judgeship tickets was encountered by the candidate far corporation commissioner, thus; Cor poration commissioner (vote for two) W. T. Lee. II. C. Brown. U C. Bag well, Joha H. Psarsoa. A- W. Oraham. One result of this Is scan In the vote Just returned from tba mill precinct, where Oraham waa strong. Vetera marked Oraham and t with following result: Oraham 114, Wee JPeereon Bagwell t. Brown t4. Medmaa'e fXrads Claim 100 ba Com - vent loa. For CoagTSsa Stedman'a manager here says that enough haa been heard frop orange, Caswell. Surry and Oullford to make hut vote la these counties alone aa even 101 In the con-, ventloa, and that taS votes will nomi nate. '! - Person, Stokes, Durham tad Ala- , mane t have not been heard from, but It la confidently claimed that Sted man'a vole la those counties will give him M to Ii additional, thus putting -him nearly to succeaa on tha flrat bal lot. The - countiea of Forsyth, Rockingham and Granville are given eolld to tha caadldatae living there. Whrdbee Jadge Third Di-rv-. (Special ta News and Observer.) . Greenville. K. C-. June SI. Tt sports from the various counties in tha third : (Continued, oa ta( Two.), !' -e--e.. , t.. ,M1 ., ,d . S - r .eaaaa an-' cc a- a A 3 f aakaOTBk, iBiaSi it1. aaa jama.aWaaA - a a .T.tajM i ift -a- it 1 j: 'J i f il i i -ii 4 ?fl 4 o

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