tux yews and observe it, Tuesday, june c.s, mo Tho News and Observer ... : isi Ctarm FiiRsifci ttz;yt joirran dakixI. Mai Xewe a4 Wami BU. Warils St Mr ST LOOK TO THE FTATE. (Secretary of Stats , expreeere vlw i strikingly lmllr to thne of Mr. Root THE MORUI INTKIIVIEW HEAItsT Valuable Laxative Free A Woman's Great Idea 1 how to make herie'.f attractive. But without? hral'.U. It I t.rd for her to b lovely la face, form or temper. A arsk, eukty woman wtil be nervous and lrrltaUie. Cuuattoailon and Kid prvC'teon show In purplca, tl.iti ha. aitTnerup'-lons and a wretched com plexlun. ut f:irctrU tiitter alway prove a goircd to women who want health, beauty and friends. Thry reg ulate Stomach. Liver aad ' Kidneys, purify ths hiood; givs strong nerves, bright eyes, pur breath, smooth, vel vety skin, lovely complexion, god health. Try them, fifto at all drwg- CRUCLEY'S , I'l.PA !tTMl'T 8TOEE. ' RAHICH, H. C. " VACATION NOH-.S: TRVXK DtJAillMKXT. Our X.0 Iwthrr Suit Csss, bravy cow leather, St In. with atraiw. ; ' Bags 80c. to 91 AO. TninkS"al.0O lo $15.00. Salt Cars 0c. to $T.00. There are two classes of pecpls t la reepect to the dignity, the power, etrsnge thing hnpen these days. There was a time when the New Vork World had such fet-ilntf Tor the editor of the New Turk American that the nam Hrartt rarely found In tile New York World. The readers of the World hsve lately been surprised to see ths World featurs Mr. Heart Ths chief article In ths -World on Sunday was a flvs column Interview with Mr. Hearst, who la la Paris. In which ths New York editor reviews pontics and suggests a .third party, who take the ground that only the Federal government ca fat a ad to th robbery ef trasta. The first Uilnn la a strong cen trsllsed Government that should teas unto Itself all power except wurklog the road and paying the ttwi for schools. They even wtah te regulate marrtMe through tft Federal gowrn Kent and to fix metea and bound to ths sixs of families. ' They believe la the Harolttonian theory of government and the prerogative of the Stairs of tbe i nloii. , . , , :. winr ptxchot is srsnoots. The 'administration papers do not dar attack the Integrity of Mr. Pln rht or his learning. They seek to Injurs the fore of his recent arraign meat of the partnership between gov ernment and men of the Guggenheim strips by declaring him to be an an . "idealist" and the Chicago Inter- via olt rmi riBUHm at tbs TATE CaNTAL rSlBw full Associated Press Reports Keit to food linetf there Is nothing nf grcnter imparlance to the hatuS UHH than to make that food do It fluty. By Huty Is B-eant te farniak health, treBftk .xii rich tlocd to th body. It Is beretoary fintt ef all to chew toed FROT JARS AXO fiTT"TJ3L; thoroughly. Kext tbe atnuiarh Biiwt he and would. If they could, hare no real Th surprise I not in what he says, f t t : ) i ; t ' -11- f t -t r it i. i " V 1 1 ; t ; i K v , '" s i i ; ' ' i 1 I I , ' 1 1 ( . 1 nuniv . t '.),. ii.i-f'J J; : i ' ' re. i r i I."-. !' ', til. ( . - i . . 1 . f , . '. . ' -; i. ;-. 1 4, r Bit steal hi .. Sot tree at tlx eoetofly-t it fcaftigk,' V. C, aeeesd-rtaae Mil aattar. TTTEfcDAY.. Juno SS, lilt. MOHXIXQ TOXIC. (Byron.) Truth I a era that to toon at area depth; whilst on the surfacs et this world, all things are weighed by Uie fal ecaJe of euetom. Uncle Walt ' The Poet Philosopher There- nlwar mm treeste . a ' with weei W wtaMS the wealfcee H UffT with eaewt tit wit He ket aad la esetag M I vet, and the eetaraa'a the mtaatty ri aad e we We uk ihreash the crowd i OS. way aheald Ike eslrtt ef atertel ae prewar When eae' keek ltMj w4y BJCP TO aU Mjy tkeeer ae pfaea etg .tea r a --.. U th tM Oon ot peat keagry a. theaS. there- -MeMT Mlaeourt and Tenaeasee and le m. aad whea yea re ae4 baagry t Mtaslsstppt In convicting and paalah IIm grab aaa i -a mi. ! key a aew.lng certain frusta, aobody can here-: " ahM. aad M Bit like a shread Ok, way after Say: "A State can do nothing --nBrsnV-BkB-eJtBHg-F k. Ike easw h r-S tim stnagas; ft to tb r4u Oovnmanf It lent, yeae beUe ea rear eed . . Sara ea year tt. aaS all tkat yee !-1 h" rt shown that a Southern State -W to plnaea wh swurlh.S kyi c la COS case Inflict a heavier pe- ..HM.deMera ta dec-Leila Sma. Aad y ( alty that aOc k agal net t he rHl trust yea ere kaspr. alerkr rhampel lee I than all the penaMee that Ike Fed aiaiBty weat eta la Ike ktee-eMM ) eral Government ka ordered, deraeei Tea tlaislr weal wilt TMMk ; i a f.mou. .peech In Pennrrl- ZTr9TT'. "TJtVanl.; Senator Hoot Tthen Secretary earth with a Madbarat ef learel Y. ... wl V. . akeew a year kale mm4 r tees wtik ot Httm lm Woeett . cabinet) took the erews aag Ikei- wke the eptrM et 1 ,h ound that the rraaun the " ed it arel tCepyrlgbt. 1- ;'. Matthts ! dMl( . , I would be compelled to surrender thewe ; Uovrnment would thrrefore be com Tfou can pretty accurately judge tb I polled to sia lo and exercise three Democratlo majority In Wake In the November election by ascertaining ths number of votee In the primary that nominates county officer PouV years ago t.Itt vet were cast in ths primary and that year the V4mVJ J majority was 1.114. In 1101 ths vote In the Democratic primary waa $.114 " and th "Oemocratlo majority tn No v am bar waa only 1,H. Last Hatur day ths vots la th primary was truly a record-breaker and reached MM la ths contest for State Senator. Some fantastic and rainbow-chasing Hepublirana are making claims of making gain thla year In Wake coun ty. If there had been a dull and email primary, held with no general Interest, sums Republican gain might have been possible, but with t.OIT mlMtaal Democrat, who aers suffi ciently aroused to go to the polls on Saturday and vote, the last hops ef Republicans vea being able to make aa Interesting flght disappeared. In evtry election iome men are dl. appointed. Thl I neceesarlly so. Four years ago many of the men who ars Mjoiclsg row over ths result of ths primary wars as greatly dlsap. pointed ai ars ths men who loot out oa Saturday. But they Demo crats Is dfat well as tn victory and supported the ticket that was named with earnestness and haloed to cell up a majority ef nearly 1,1 is. Th men whs did' sot Succeed In naming their favorites In Wake last Saturday will support the ticket named, and .visiter to Waks county whea the campaign open will not be ah) ts discover that Democrats were engaged In a warm rnnteat In June, la some States, It I Mid, many voters lack ths political Integrity to vots for ths ucroeful candidates If their fa vorite war not named. There are. mt Wureet a few men so wanting In political honor to go Into a primary and then fall to atand true, but la ,.T. ,wAk .Jaunty there hv never been many men w6 would tai part In a Democrat to primary and then refute to abide by the result Ths majority In Wake county In November will be big and Republicans In Waks county will receive a defeat mnet rmshtng. TtRKD OF TUB BRAXTTX There never was a time whea the Republican party was mors unpopular la th country than bow. It has made promises to ths people It did not keen, and whea November eomee thousands nf ths ' Rspubllrtns who voted for Taft ars going ts gladly help ths Data scrata ts carry ths country. The fol lowing from ths Qreehibore Record voices th i fseliag m many stber places as well as la Guilford eounty: "Here's a sample," said a man to day, who has been voting the Repub lican ticket for yeara, i rered so little a boat voting thla year that I aie! ts pay wy poll tax. I wish new I had paid It, for I certainly would vote the - straight Democratic ticket thl fall I am tired ef this brand of Repsbllcas prosperity. 1 hsvs been sat of a job , two-third ef th time, and joet a lit Us mors sf this same kind wf pros rertty aad I will get very hungry.' ' This maa has bees voting ths Repahll. ran ticket "ail his life, and has relied oa th cry of Republican prosperity, but he ha his syes open at last. Aad so hav a good many others" ' An srstor recently declared: "ilil tnolrf ls S marvelous Stats with a his tory of marvelous achievement' Ts which th Loulsvtli Courier-Journal adds: ,'Vertalaly, certainly. The sea torshlp of fVilllam Lorlmer ts not aa -achievement , It Is Just a lapse from vanftot alter Stats Bn.ee and (pwra they wish to hare the Federal govern. MM to ateadlly encroach upoa pow er tgtherto assumed by the States and to givs almost monarchical pow er to the admlnltt ration at Washing ton. ' ; . The second clue that nJwari save, let the Federal Qoverameut regulate monopoly embraces thooo who love to declaim against the robbery of trust a. but do not wish to help strike the blow Out will cad the (way of monopoly. . They are not Federalist, but" they are rather men who believe la hi rung the rteporurtUlity to seme far-off shoulders rather - tha to take part In the home light of en hog the extortion of ' the outlaws of com merce. ; But though the poer of the Fed eral Government has grown tremend ously there are Indications that lead to the hope, that this dangeroaa ten deary will be checked. The surest to check thla tendency la for each State te exercise Its powers. 'eral Government would have te as ! sums legislation aa te mvnopollea was I because the lndlldual Btatea would I not art and that nnleaa t ha Btatea power to protect th people. Mr. Knox, the preseat Hecretary of State, and. of course, a leading Re publican ha ta d a atatemeot de clining to be a candidate fur Governor of "r"nnYlvenia hf-sjtrt President Tsft urges him ts remain In the cabi net. ! his letter Mr. Kaon says: "In my judgment there Is no mere fruitful field for high pubUe servtc at thl period than la the tStetea. whose proper powers aad relatione should be appreciated, exercised, aad preserved for the general good of the whole country. " Commenting epos the above exprea- l don ths New York rimes says: "Secretary elnox takes his stand with Mr. Moot In defense of State right Mr. Knox is now Secretary of Stnte Mr. Hoot was Becretary of Slate In Mr. Rooeevelt'a cabinet when he delivered In this city thst memora- ble addrees In whUh the Stales Were ' warned against the gradual tra safer to ths Federal Government of power re rvd to theraslts, powers Which ' they should freely and cow U anally ex- , ere lee for the benefit of their own people. Mr. Knox, complying with the President's dee) re that he remain ' In the cabinet Isaacs a brief stats- ' ment declining to permit hla name to j h.lflM .Km B.BBhllMB MITMHU In Pennsylvania aa a candidate for the governorship. la the eeacludlag paragraph --ut thai. AAtrmrnt th THE I.RKAT CUmJU ARH1 A great deal ef Interest aaa always been manifested la the Great East ern, the ft rat big steamship, ts be built snd upoa Its ft ret arrival tn this eauatry. an June H. lit, the ae-wepaper wee feu of account f this "tea monster" Its subsequent use In sonaortlos with the laying of the Atlantic Cable hroed ta continue thla laterewt At th time of rea strwrtloa of the Oreat Eastern H wa tb largest thlp ta the world. It was rompleted tn lilt tn Fn gland aad Started Wl Wf IHm Binsmptttti on Jnns IT. lilt, rroeetng ths AUsntle la sloven days, Ths tengtH af tb Great Bastsm was (It feet, beam tl. depth It. end Its gross tonnlng. It.llt. Whea this vi nl M compared with lbs big steamships of todsy, H rsa readily be seen what a furors Ra appearance la oar waters must have created. The Mauritania and Laattankn, tw of the biggest hlns ot today, are Tt feet In length, II feet wide snd feet deep, Wirt n grew tonnage of tries. During the year lit and th great, er part of 111 ths Great Eastern mads many vwyagws to and from Kw rope. In Decern tor. 1111. when po litical relations with th Verted State looked ominous, the Oread ffsstora served ss a treup ahls. la lilt negnttsttows were entered Into with ths Atlsntl Telegraph Com pany and the Telegraph Coaatrwrtle aad Maintenance Company for ths ens ployment sf th Oreat Eastern ss cable-laying ship. I a till ths vessel was eon verted frees a raMe-kaylng let a assenger ehln. in order to provide few the travel ts the Parts Exposition, Late N was again weed for reel work and laid sosns sf ths snoot Important telegraphic rablte across the At lantic, ml the Mediterranean, k ths Red Sea, etc. In 111! It becams a seed halk In tha harbor sf oibraitar. and hi HIT tt was sold, to be broken p. for tli.lt. Th Great Eastern reached Kew Terk an ths twenty-eighth sf Jane and was docked at o'clock In the af ternoon. The sw-wt created sswcb On Jan tini, arrwired th. gnSnosw battl eg Fort Mowltrlt.. It Is stsrw in itial 04 U-brtueel Moawamith hi IJ7S, sad ot the M sTTbe. rvrrew the sop aad Ow Ftrtwlorr hi Ml, h la tlM Mrtlirlay of Petce Panl Re bew tdl!inf4-hr r-H,- ITI: the f aH f lweATl.t," Jsmew ftohrrtsnw, -Th- Fat of Ttettwf (ITIt) , RlrtnwotMl M. prwe-m Um btmihrm tri4 tisoa); John T. Srow,thi Ki-oiwcby itrman l.ijt JfBia I, trtta fcemtry et thrTrrMarr biiW u, k 1 . . . . . . I aim svua ug ears in nl III W I IBs a, na Bfll 1 ka . ,:uut in 1'arls and ask him. to give i f tell hoixMU but la afflicted with the r-rrttii1raam disagreea with him does so from sordid motives." Ths Louisville Courier-Journal an swers the Inter-Ocean effectively by saving that whatever spirit of criti cism Mr. Flnchot has developed can be traced to his recent exprlnceln Ufa an Intimate sxperienc with ths Republican . national administration, and adds: 'Was not Mr. Plnchot for a brief Urns a cog In tbe machinery ot ths ad. ministration T Didn't he rub against other cogs? TMdn't hs familiarise hi mar If wilt) the machinery? "If ths miserable 'lnclderrf which has occupied so much space in pubUe thought and discussion sikca last fal was not enough to make the veriest optimtBt ths worst pessimist what would have that effect? "Anton ths persons who disagreed with Mr. Plnchot upon ths Question of ine rtness of the Becretary ot ths In terior were many Individuals, high In the councils ot the party In power. Among them, as it developed, was the President, much esteemed by men of all parties. The denouncement, de spite n strenuous effort of the admin istration to do a little jury packing ba. fore setting' the investigation going, revealed in extremely Interesting stnte of affairs in high octal circles. Bs- sordidaeas behind proclaimed high sautive were aa numerous aa huckle berrhts In a pis. Few, If any, con nected with ons of the srestest sx oneratlon PWWti or modern times. however, doss so, and It Is bright, and soothed Ajid.- Ma44e-ia.4heas. words upon -ths (stum -of caped - U4kSoat had.' Antony remarked upon aa occasion well remembered, they wers all hon orable men. Hasn't Mr. Plnchot gone through enough "tn the rast sis month i to smash all of hi tlluilonaf Is It remarkable that when ha observes suaptcious actions he suspects dis creditable motives? In It strsnge thai be 1 not ot a fruitful nature after hi eyea Uave been smitten with hlds oui revelations ? "Ths Inter-Ocean should make al lowances for what It considsrs Mr. Plnchot' jaundiced point of view. If an honest sailor ships on a vessel that clear as a merchantman, but awakes st sea to find hlmaclf a member of a pirate crew, and ts first keel-hauled aad then marooned because of his un willingness to participate In plratlonl enterprises la he to be blamed for Re lieving that the moral of seafaring men are no better than they ought to beT" Th-suggestion of a''W)wttwM . Rill Nye has been widely approved. Ths otnan'g National Dairy sjnrr "Nye's wish, it 1 said, was that his grave at Ardea ihould remain un marked, aav-e by the great granite boulder, unadorned, which reet above It But It Is regarded aa appropriate that at Raleigh, the State capital, or somewhere sIm. a ihaft should be i reared as ths tangible evidence of tho ieeteem In which the Stats' lllua ' trlou adopted son was held. Thl seems just and fitting. Thousand of men and women In the United States would regard It a privilege to aid such a movement." Mr Hearst evidently still has it in for Mr. Roosevelt for hs says: "Mr. Rooeevelt talked th country Into the depths of a dleastrous panic. It has been Mr. Taft difficult duty t restore prosperity, to euesursgs ths return of I Bn"cJ - business activity, llhout abandoning a proper governmental . control ?ver them " VfcS IX XGV TOR Jf XK ts. excitement la the city thst bu tinea generally waa neglected, and multi tude ot people thronged the wharves and roof to get a (lance at the mon ster. Whea the boat was paaalng Fort lAFayette tn the harbor a aalute waa fired, which waa promptly responded te from ths four guns ot ths Greet Faetern, and from thlf fTthS onward, until her arrival tn ths North Rlvsr. It waa en continual ovation ts the dle tlngutehed vktltor: Cannon boomed. steam whistles shrieked, flags wen peep-i hurrahed, handkerchiefs wavsd, and demonstrations of a kindly naturs cams from every Quarter. At tk present lima several tunas dally larger voaaele pass la and out of tha harbor et New York with as attention being paid to their coming or going, When the vessel waa nearly spps t ths battery, ths chimes of Old Trlatty Chwrrta were heard across th watar. playtnt "Rnls Britannia. -Strang to say, only forty-three pas senger roe 14 be round in the year lit to "venture" en ths ft ret vsvag of "ths most splendid ship that sver floated tn tha ocean:- but this was swing, of renrse, te ths novelty gad vastness of the experiment and ts ths ewrtooe doubts which had beea so fre nuently expressed, from th very Srst conception ef ths taterpriee. aa to the manages blenee of such B vessel la a at During th Urns tbe veasel Uy In port ah wen wlslled by tend of thou, sand of persona, whs gladly paid ths ndmiasioa fee charged, to Inspect the majeette structure. Irge excursion parties rams from ail the principal cities of the Union, ts view her lofty walla of Iron, her stupendous machin ery, aad her marvelous Internal ar rangements; and. la due time, oppor tunity was afforded thoaa who wished to witnewf her sailing qualities to be carried by tho aeble ihkp. a pleasure eavaretsns to -Tap May and elaewhere privilege which thowssads availed thernsetveo of. Including many persons eminent la statical and artentlflo mat. ter. his ItiaTaWuan,-, national teal! Him r i-JThie bears out. th story . that surprised nswipaper men law year to ths effect that Mr. PullUer had a high apprecla. tion of hla ability and much admira tion for Mr. Hearst, la ths Interview Mr. ,Hearat says that Taft la "th Louis XVI of Ameri can politics; though Mr. Roosevelt ln th snd wiii besoms openly an ex treme conservative and will publicly consort with ths 'practical men' with whom he has been shown privately to correspond. Th reason for, this win Us la ths fact that ths psopls whom Mr. Roosevelt pretends to serve will eventually find Jilmout and desert him, while tbe Interests 'hs actually serves will And him useful nd sup-" port Mm; that - ths struggle - is no longer between ' tbe so-cajled Demo cratic and Republican parties; It Is between the progressiva element In ths whols community and ths retro, gresslve element In the community. The division In the coming elections is likely to be not according to parties, but according to principle a consum mation devoutly to be wished." LIFE'S PK.WF.R. --fhtidrtr wtvw -TWWyr "p rgyeTT- than Robert Louis Stevenson', It t Ons and so uplifting that It la aJnooat a aacrileg to paraphrase It. Life. Roosevelt: "Help us to bear the man: help u to listen with patience, .and forglve- I ness; help u to thank our lucky stars for thla last year' vacation; for rent ed nerves; for rreedom from sudden ehocks. for mother long Immunity, for cumulated strength to bear ths future. " A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun. Us can, rusty nail. Artwork, or o( any other nature, de- I mends prompt treatment with Buck- ten' Arnica Salv to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It' the qulck eet lurest healer for all such wound as also for Huron. Holla. Sores, 8kla Eruptions. Kcirma. Chapped Hand. Corn or Pile. Ho. at all druggtata. New Tobacco Warrlima fur Rocky Mount. . f Special. t.K.Tg. and OhsomAf i. Rocky Mount-N. C, Jun IT. Arming the recant, tranafors of prop erty tn tnts city n been the pur chae ot a lot on Ytlghland street by the American Tobaeco Co., from the Rocky Mount Brick Co.. and It ia the Intentions of th purchsser to have erected a atorag warwnous to be uaed tn connection with their present plant The plan of the tobacco com pany are to erect a etorage warehouse with a rapacity of between a thousand and fifteen hundred hoiahead. Th lot purchased Is near their present pisnt and t within easy acceaa of It. This nsw storage warehouse will mean greater things for this firm In this city and In keeping with the progreaelv move begun by - them a number of year ago. Th storing of s larger amount of tobacco win natu rally mean mors taTha city hi ths form of tsxea, while the securing of (he supply for itorage will mean mors purchasing on th local market One May Overcome eon it! p tion permanently by proper personal c-opertlon with tha bene ficial effects ot Sirup of Flgn and. Cltitr of Sanaa, bq re paired. Thl forming of rejular habits la moat Im portant and while sndsarorlui to form Utea tbe Mxlstaaca of Eyrnp of flit md Elixir of Senna It moat nV Bible, aa it la the only laxatlra which acta without dlitvrtraf tha natural Tunctlona and without debilitating and It li tha oa laxaUra which leave th internal organa In t naturally healthy oondltlon, thereby rfaliy aiding one la that wa. To get Ita bsaeaclal sffecta, buy tha geauin fflanufaetured by tha Cillfrrnli Jig Byraji C4, ohlxsM fpf Uls If an leading drug lilt. Syrup of Flgi and Elixir of Banna is never tlused bf tha wen-Informed with medlemes which maka extraragsnt aad asfouaded ctatma to eur habttuat eongtlpatlom without , pgraotal co-op. aratloB,' . . -; . Wood's Late t. Jggfggn, , '-fx f gBBSSaw ' i. I. f ..w ; oeed rotatoes are selected eerl potatoes carriecl in cold storage, so Rt to supply them un sprout ed and la ths best condition for rummer planting. ' The best turne. to plant Late Potatoes is in June or early in July, to make tha largest fielding crops fof printer use or market Write for mCcTi CrtJ Spcdal, giving prices ana . seasonable inform a tion a botA 1 Late PotUors and other Seeds for Summer Planting. ' ' T. 17. Viced & Sons, Seedsmen, Lkh jic !, Va, right hers o moy -flutf' .AetyTWateet'? toed stiya la ths t6asach sod bewela, la- pairuig ttie aerrr nil blood, grriag riae to eallow remclexloe. headache, soar (tomark, bad breath aad eftea aerloBS af tctioas Ilk ekta distaste. All thle I dee to Impaired digestion and to s refute! of tuevbowele la do their work. Tbe beat way yet fotiad t tresgtbea ths itonsrh aad toe the bowels so that they win do their wrk Is by the aae of loch grsad laxative tonic Dr. 4'aldweir Syrup repels. aw for nearly a qaerter of ceaterv the eae raoet Important kooaekoid remedy. It is a reined y aaa snre relief that U th family ras Has for ths cere ef ena itipatloa, lndlseauoa, liver troahle ed all other ailments of ths it twitch, liver and bowel a Thouaaada. sf America families as It regularly for ttm trouble, for. It eaa be five with eafety to the amaileat child. I the home of Mary Belford. Loeurrllie. RyV ae weH it that ef Jobs nattth. Moor, beadi Ml., they would aa ooa thtak et being wlthqitt . the . actaaL aereaaUlee a Without lr. Caldwell' Hyrop Pepats. Bar reeltetag kew aeptlrl aaany people are boot laiittre, owing to the dUAVulty ef finding ene-tbat la geautaely' good, Pr. Caldwell will eead s free ttnSpnr of hit mw.iy .re Mirnnt oewnng it. tie. win cheerfully 'do thia, so do sot beaitats to-' stake the reo,net. Th remedy ran be, boeght of y drsggttt at only fifty reott nd ea dollar a bottle, the large betttei being for family See. . ! Dr. Caldwell pecwaaliy will be pleased) tn tire ye any uedlrai drke yow Buy 1 dealr for yeunelf or family pertaining te -the a tu latch, liter - er boaela aheoiateiy : free of charge. Explala year rate la a ' letter tad be will reply te yea la detail. Kor tb free atmole atmnlt aMiit t,.nr ' ntme and tddrea ea t anetal card r tor t tddreae It Pr W. B Caldwell, it ma Caldwell btrtldtag, Moatlcello. ill. IT MEMORIAM. ; -' - The death -of - Mr - PoUy- Dsneon Alston at the ripe old age of seventy- o mt cuumy sna to tns Ststs no more worthy repreoentattv ' of ths social culture of womanhood 1 in the olden time In th South. Ts a I New Englandrr sixty ykers ago this I womanhood seemed a distinct .type. ' having a very rare and unlqus order of feminine graces. Partly this rams . from contact with a domestic institu tion ever demanding a mlnlvtertng to i th wants of th loveliest snd which' brought on a naturalness of manner, and a freedom from the mannerism of etf-ronsclousne; a well aa an In dependence If individuality which east. ! ly ro to an equality with ths highest Born In the lap of wealth, ma a daughter of William Kearny, aha blended In her vein (train of blood drawn from a Celtic and ' a Saxon origin a Kearny and an Alston, and revesled th quirk lympathy snd eager spirit af the former, and ths wrertiitvees of -purpose "Wnd Wgn ' re serve ot the latter Reared In contart with a manhood which was a direct heritage of ths ttms when her countv with o sasy superiority led all other la the State In high orflrlal trusts, and with ths daughters ef s womanhood which had, brought such sots to the county she wss allied In marriage with Alfred Alston, a distant cousin, a conspicuous cltlten of th county. Four eon and three daughters sur vive, who hsvs honored her with a marked filial devotion, and are very highly esteemed for their personal characters. Hew grarlou was hr ktadllneea! How free and open to her friends and relation th hoapltallty of her home! How high bred th re finements of her home keepiiMri- How dear In life to all her relation, and In death how revered her memory' She ttv tor years n member---the Methodist church snd died In Its full communion, a devoted and humble follower of her Ird. Truly a pathetic cn it was, as at her grave a grand daughter, a very bright ana lovtiy child, itood alone. In front of the mourning relatives, taking In the greatest sorrow of her life, and destined Perchance n hold In the clasp of a longer sacred gad Inspiring trod a memory of a grand mother So deaf To her. If seemed as though an early stsr ef ths svsaing emerging 'from th horison had caught from ths fading glories of ths unset somewhat of their radiance, and was bearing It aloft to th arch way ef ths heavens; - - B. - - (Incorporated! fg aa tdesi place ta aeeura a real business training, J4era atmlpmsnt Urg. vtsHltated rooms, 1tr iuuK practise! eearwea, ble and egpertenesg faculty. , SPCCIAL SClfMta RATia Xatsr NOW and sav frog tl la llt poaltloai sarkateed. New KING'S BUSINESS ColXEGE RAIFtnit W. C On I CTLtRIOTTF, W. c. I A eJfT.rtattt . n.rnl. Vt.AJ t I I hll.Jn. e.aar4 t4atJ,eIttTgjr2JL2!T''ir' J J.I,1ietrmot-raf41e..s. t rttHtS JTn V bt-l. ft rtie lur eurewun,., M..Mtlu tA.rt.tL.TT.t , " '-" - - - Tfti !-. la Sate) Hit ia I.MiwrtMli II The Real Saving in Drug Store Goods Whers ths real saving coins In. la drug trre purchases It In tk little thing yoa buy over ths drug sundries mantes every week ef your life. Ton wnt to hsvs value lrt them ss wll vtUu In jer dollar pur chase t We do not pabiWi treat long tints of patents sad high priced sundrie at Cut price and then chart b.g profits to ts!I rurr glv to real Mlu hf ths IHtls thlrgs thst yoa buy verydr. DOBBITT - WYNNE DRUG GO. ' e . roTii nio:;rs m .. - . . .":..J - - jJlnrMVt-Liwwi RALEIGH. . Nad Ths Feeling of ABSOLCTE fSECTRrTT , l Surrounds . ths man who hold a , Policy la tha , CHEDiSBOnO . 7 - kuhkce mm CTtFEXSBORO, X. C - - See an Agent er write the Home Offlcs, Oreensboro. X C, Jodayv Safe, Const n stive. Secure. ' . d. tk FRXr -Fvvatdcwxi ' XI4-i!f.tfUCF; Stxrmary. ST. MARY'S RALEIGH. Apr Ilea tions bow feting- rerrtved at anion, begimttng srrrransEn is, tiiaT ROOMS A-SKIGTED Vt tRDEB OF AFPUCATTOX. I BLATtas ox RxqrFjrr. For dewatls tuMiews, REV. GEO. W. LAY, RECTOR. ST. MART, RALC3GH. X. tX 37th Year Begins Septem ber 6th. , A School That Prepare! for . College or Business Then Write for Catalogue to THE RElBSYIliE SH.LW 'Reldsfille, I. C. Terms Low Co-edacationaL Oxford Seminary Fnandog TS3B. Oxford. If.- a Board aad Tuition far A nasal teaalon 1I4 SI Apply" for Illustrated ttalalogut r, r. hobuood. I i"n , i 1 i I - ri 17 i sffi I ' if'twi'uu I tiWIrWMalMt t halaa.lsratwaw4 T'.oes asTg grm tewdawl StSib. . . Be BUS) aw tw a Bt W t , B. ti nwii f -m t. w m ' ttttetettf 4-ak),M "it B-sja, L f tatttiuaH J'. ', -i--; -. E"! " t I3x0,bhcr4a. 15c. FIRX1TTRK. ' 6TOVE8 AXD RANGES. Frt?errs and Water Coolers. .." ", Hammock 't 1. 00, $1.40, $118. Forch Chairs and Swings, llosquito Cs nop lea, $1.40 to 17.1 . e CARPETS, MATTIXGS., , HomfMtalr Carpet, 12,' ISc, Matting Ruga. 4Ou II JIO, tiM. 6TB-WV HATS TO CLOSE. CRIfJIC LEY'S J. C. GRINNAN PRESSED BRICK, CEMENT AND LIME - Delivered prices la any Quantity upon application. . . , NORFOLK, VA. -Ruiloik Mlm RaSfcail rti1nls -Chain Might ! Pnllrnnn Train Effoctlvs Suadai, r'Juns Slfi."" z'Z, - ' Beginning Sunday, Jsns ItK Kor jfolk Southern Railroad will Inaugu j rat Pullman' Sleeping far Bervlee he- twea Kalelgh. tl. C. and Norfolk. Vs.. via Wilson, Oreenvllle, Washington 'and Elisabeth CJty, via.: ! No. II. Dally, Night Express, leave Raleigh Union Station, l td p. m.. , leave Wilson, ll;lt p. tn., leave Farm ivillejl:!! a. m.J leave Oreenvlll 1 11:11 a. m.: leave Washington I IS . a- nv Arrive Elisabeth City 4:11 a. m : arrive Norfolk 1:41 a. m. Connections via Southern Railway, (leaves Oreenshoro, 1:11 p. m., Dur- ham. 1:11 p. tn. Connection via R. S. and P. Rsll- wsy. leavea rsyettevtlle 1:11 p. in. Connection via S. A. L Railway, leaves Henderson 4:11 p. m. s No. It, Daily except gonday. Day Express, leave Raleigh 4:11 a m.; leaves Wilson 1:14 S. m l leave Farm, vllle. 1:11 a. m.: leave Oreenvllle :! n. m.; leav Washington, 11:41 a. m.; Arrive Elisabeth City. 1:11 p, g,; r-. rtVtt KtMtRkt-staS pv-w',' - No. II Dally except Sunday, through train between Raleigh and New Brn teav Raleigh l:ll a. m.; artivi Ktw Bern 11:11 p. tn. Train Arrive) RaMgh, rntan Statinn. No. II dally, t:4i a, m.. from Nor folk and Intermediate stations. No. 11 dally, except Sunday, T:ll p front Norfolk. Washington, Ntw Barn, Oreenvllle and Wilson. fool The Style eg a Bah? of gla stas abosld be as Isvtntl wtth as wiorh rwra as yon' dlaplsy hs arlrctiRg a bat or your rtothre. Lrt a snow raw SWT new finger piece dtp for crcyUraei, ArusUo neat classlo ea betas. uat, ;;' " : ' ' Ws rxamlns roar eyes tree) of ct large. jouutisyniUHm Optometrists, RALEIGU, N. a Look .WcU Into ThU ." ta strength at beauty, style and variety , eur showing af Spring : . . " -Wall Paper , ' nrpasses 11 prevtou txhlbita IVEATKERS h FLT.HY - Decorating Department. ii7fi-":-.",i5L, r:iE::UC. .vnrtf r. Nftl I hri y given that tv S Pual at wl hi,t' tvmmV-'W f ths North freia T'-!!ro.J ( cr will hellt St 1 o'rlo. k tr. . 1 h .rtllV. ! Ju'y 14. ill tv, at !!. 1 ( r"r rf Gr.enM,'rn, .-r a in furthsf c k tr..'. r I h I i .lir. p,t rf r I f ' 9 - r 1 Ij - :' 1 . 1 I 1 In ths 1 ( )'!. r-l that tt i r ' i fr '-. i dt -1 ,t - 4 " "..... virtu.- - i L,Z, i?? fM BaM),jpoM, BaJar, tba ar, is). 'j I ;i-;,i