I V Tim news and oiwnnvr:", Trnsnvr, .tcne sa. mio 3SJC"r, ID'S IIDS0L1E VOTE AT HIS HOME .. i Stronger, In Own Town ship ThanAny Other ( 9AVE STfiENSTHTO TICKET though He Lost Oat His Influence as a, Factor In the Tktory of Che Other Candidate of Uie Anti-Ring Tk-kW- Additional Result In ttte Primary. .' ' , , The contt In Ui primary Satur day waa' centered o atrongly -abost the county officer that many corres pond en ta failed to end In the vote fold Justice of the 8u prune Court, Cor poration CommlMlonfJrdgV of th Sixth Judicial district-' nnd minor eer A. tl county ticket .. V. Additional Information la published below and the complete returna will be published M rpidlT posslql. MR. HAL R AXD REJOICES I THIS BIO VICTORY. Though He Wan Defeated bv a Small Margin. Mr. Rand k Happy That the lanee tn Which He Contributed ho Much Did Win. Mr. Hal D.-Rand, of Garner, wae in the city yesterday, and on all sides Ms mends expressed their deep re nomination by less tnsn one nunarea majority. He was rejoicing at the Victory for the Maaa Meeting more - than, lie, was. regretting that he was not named for sheriff . He recognised all along thata she riff In office with nearly1 n' eeore of deputies would get tJit. Jwtesi. xou Jn,. th couniiv The Imocrats of Wake recoftnlse Mr. Rand's large contribution to the vic tory on Saturday, and not a few -- dee larad -yesterday--that the rounty would yet rail him to positions of honor and trust. Though Mr. Hand did not receive the nomination yet he has much reason for congratulation. He added great strength to the ticket and through ht splendid work and Influence otherae of the Anil-Ring ticket were elected. Another cause for congratulation Is the handsome Vote 4ven him In his own precinct, earner, and In hla native township, Panther Branch. In darner the vote wae 10 for Rand and IT for Seam Hal received a larger per cent of the Vote of his township than any other candidate on either aide. In Panther Branch which the Anti-King ticket Inst, on Kikes basin, by St majority, Mr. Hand carried hy a majority of 41. This heavy vote showa how Me, Rtrnd la regarded In hla adopted and na tive townships. rirtOX,D"ir.RD--l1Ht:f'DlVtsiriX. In the list of eS'-vuilv comm.ttee frenv the first division of the second ward published yesterday there was an error. The correct list Is as fol lows! Dj BrruiieW J H Vsalhsrs, K. K. Rrou'eitoa, A. A. Thompson, W. U tMMvell. Ht. Mary's Corner. For Supreme Court Allen M, Man. tilng I. for Corporation Commlslsoner Prown JI. flagwell Ti. Lee 17, Pear sen , Oraham II. For Judge HUth District Daniels 77. ClifTord SS. Consubts J. D. Carroll Executive . Committee J T. Prnughtnn. 8. J. Mltchlner. F. A WhltakeT.;Vy, ft. Jnneg.-W. n. Bryan, Delegates W, E. Smith Phtlo Tom llnson. H Ubbgofxl and 8, J. llltchl- JutV"'.",llT-; j, : i r- ; r dwarrls' Mnre M Creek. For Supreme (Qonrt Allen 102. Msnnlng 3 2. For 'rporstlon Commleisoners Drown It. Bagwell it, Lee 31. Pearson I. Oraham 17. Tor Judge Bjxth District Daniels II. Clifford II For Constable N. Warren 41. C J. liar wood d. JusW-ee of the Peace (elected) M. j. Carltom B. K"RTrS. O. Sandera. Ksecotire Committee telected) L P. Horrell, W. T. Smith. M J. Carlton, . M. Jackson. O. W. Lynn. Delegates A. M Horrell. I. T. floedwln. C. J. Harwood, A. M. Thompson. - lUrtoft'e rreek. t Foe Supreme Court Allen 114, Manning tl. For Corporation Commissioner Tlrown ltl. Bsgweil 5, Lee II, pear, son 14. Oraham 11. For Judge Sixth District Daniels III. Cllfterd II. , For a usstsbla iByrusa. 1st, Foe Juatleee of the Peace (elaesd) nBrlg er .JL- OHajr. JII, i all 111 , . . ' - -Ksecutlve Committee . P. Hslley. W. M. Turner. C. H. Hollowgy, O. B. Korwood. 8. W, Thompson, J. D. K ti ler. EtsctiTcmlu IKSTTOR-S KIPPUrXCK. . MedklM Tit Xeedew In Thia Case, It la hard te f on1cd him jseople that toffee deea them aa Inhjryi They lay their bad feelings te almost every reus but the true aad eneuspected - ea ''', But the doctor kttewe. Hit wide experience baa proven to hint that, to eome systems, coffee Is an Insldioua poison that undermines the health. Ask the d-wtor tf coffee kt the cause ef constipation, itomach and nervous treublea. , 'I have been a coffee drinker at) my life I am now 41 years eld and whea taken sick two year age with erveua prostration, the doctor said that my nervous system waa brokea dew and Jhst I would hae te give " eafee; T" . , -I tot so weak and shsky I could ot work, and reading your advertise Went ef Postum, I asked my greeee If be bed any ef It. He wild, tee," and that he us4 It In hla family and It was ail it claimed te be. ? ''So I Quit -coffee snd enromeiKed to uae Pneium steadily and found la about two wesr time 1 could Bleep soundly St night and get P I" the morning feeling fresh. In ebot two months I bn to gln desk. , I weifhd obIt Itt pounds when 1 com. tn.nced en F"tm e4 how 1 weigh 141 and fl better than I did at It years of it.. ' "I in workine eery day Snd Wp w! st n'M. i r two rhiiiiren were grt f.,f,i d-'nkers. but they he S"t crr,tt e"v etnea fntum rsme In's th. h". s-I sr far more healthy tm ts.f w tffirs." The r."d o WellvtUe. foTi- it, f'-,-i "There's a . 1 r- I I e !-.e .i.r? , Brt Ce .nr. f-m I'm' Inllnie. "IHef s- i, , true srn) l"l f bums a I t. . OCCUPATION INSURANCE Is a new method of protection against loss of profit while the plant is'out of commission. x Here's an example; The Chattahoochee Lumber Company of West Florida wired us oa Friday : . imntv Cha tennpn X -Unv?Hr , it. mr-Kcaxiuw ju ;r., ; .':. .a xt . ivC v.v-,:,-VT'ii'TDfc':.v;.vr. -T.,.'.;v jCi1? jv.,?jvt t e-.-.v'' -r -" "t -.? - - - '.i'--'t''--H n I lli i I hi si" i it r r r i I ilii T T aT Mi a TTi "Till -w V'f-',-'ii"-T " - - -i-.:;: pr"- -, -. . - . i - - V,-,"k:sl i ' "..V'taM VTiV..'. Jw m -"re, . f, (j . . sF'i ., F 1 .. ... ' . , fire today. Send jBalesman." We located our Mr. Walden by wire at Troy at 6 p. m. He took the . night train and was on the ground Saturday at day-break. He opened his samples before breakfast and ate his lunch with an order for $2,615.00 in his clothes. The House said a glad good-morning to that order in pur first mail of Monday, and the order went to the depot complete to the last paiiLbeiore three o'clock the same day. ; The shipment will reach its owner before Fri day, and be opened and on sale a week from, the day fif the fire loss. How's that for "Charlie on the spot"? House whose resource can meet an emergency of this kind a good "Occupation Insurance " to carry ? The premium is free. Merchants who don't bum out needn't miss even one Saturday's business. We got this order by confidence, the growth of long experience, for folks are coming to know and to say of RED SEAL Shoes, there's a "Dollar a pair saved in the wear." We have the biggest stock of July sellers in the South. Black Suedes and White Canvas. Mall orders on the way same, day. Salesman by appointment J. K. 0RR SHOE COMPANY, Georgia Shot-Makers. Atlanta. 8. W. Thompeon. O. B, Norwood. C. H. Holloway, w M. Turner. Xewar. Delegates R H. Ferguson. Nichols, J. 8. Hsrp (contest h Ksecutlve Committee N. W. Hat-h. Joe T. Hunter, J R. Mag. S. D. Harp, D. R. Oreep. " " Middle rreek. For Supreme Court Alien 17. Manning 14. For Corporation Core ire sstoner Rrown 101. Bagwell 1. Lea 1, Orshsm. 110. i For Judge Sixth District Daniels ! II, Clifford 17. Delegates T. J RagsdaU. Oeorge UM ullsra, W. T. Stewart, J. B Bal lentlne. Justice f the Peece-A. F. ilmlth. J. A. Adaasa, K-P. Stewart Constable I. H. Howland. V . , Executile Committee B. J. Raa dale. K B. Johnson. J. Real Jokjisop. R. p. Stewart, I. H. Rowland little KJvee Wske4rd. For Supreme Court Alleo IS. Van. Ping lit. For Corporation Commtsisowte -Prowa 104. Bagwell 4. Lee 17. Peareos) 1. Oraham 111. Fee Judgs Sixth District Dank. la 114. Clifford tl. Executive Committee W. U Wlgga, M B. Chamblse. a. M. Bell. J. M. M.-hul. I. rk M sassy, , . Delesstes O. M. Bell. M. C. Chstn-, kleer W. U Wlga. R- B- Atehohv Dr M. I- Fowler. T. T. raraer. . u L Jones. J, R. Broughton. Tbewaa Hay WQaQCaL Justices of the Peace J. M. Wkttlry. . W. Vlck. Black BtalHngs. jfoiiiUJnl Uunnicut tt. . Master fertroee WUIIame reaejrntea . lty . i The teht1al w ..... j Williams en '"J""""-' " , ' - unusually eniiiani is" "r"s nerwslon being the celebration af the departure ef Maeter Ortra-e tJ IIUam. nhe leaves today to spend the -a-malndee ef the summer nMk ktnfaske at North Wllkesbore. The W llltams 'lawn was beautifully tllumlned Aibasstable plJaeugnimj delicacies waa spread ends the aks end arcning vine sp - Allllsms had arranged a fsaet M good things for a half hundred ef more ef the young deporting easaliert. boy and girl companies aad fr lew-la The thotiihtful mother presided, with characteristic gr-a and charm and the yeungstere Ailed an eveaiaf fall ef fan and trnH MI FT WART1JW .UTOIMm. fnereesls MNs sr Jwe Wl Re- signs Hee PwsHJon ha Hate Tresss nrre's tHRcn. Mlsa) Msg Jones, whe has ben the atenogrspber snd llrensa clerk la ths nfrw-e of Ptsts Treasurer B. R. Lacy, has resigned her portion to ret-J'w to the bom ef br father. Hon. w. a- 1mm. In Ashevliie. Mes TCrn r ' srters. of leHesne. h" hss e.t a pwtinn Nln the o'ei-e of r 1 I: cnnTi?Tv4 .waa-ainnwa . A DrxiGiiTTTL rARrwrxsVy .. ;. j John C Drewrvt hs been err-'ne-i f "'- to 'e Sfe.., "ti.ln to succeed 'Mtsa-J"-" Fhe 1. a.P'- e. to J-."v r. rc,, sd to succee verr rnmrent and nr.N yoamg .n and her iranv fiends Si. gratified at-fee tP'-Ht!tenk r t i "STATE EPWORTH IUGUL W. HI 1.1 IIU4IIII kUIUULt - sheephead. Its htl always hsd St'JtDAT WAS A RIT) LKTTKR DAT i luc flaherman not only by Mt i bringing in large aumbors but eery AT THE HERTTORD COXIT.K-1 fl,h Thl, catch was remarka lCr ClXMilVO S47EXES ' beeauae of the slss of the fish. 1 Each sheephead averaged about II - i pounds. These are among the largest ,.,-. f sheephead ever rsught hers (Special to News aad Observer Mr. John Wiley. Mr. Horace King Hertford. Jaae 27. Saturday night ' and Mr. John Andrews and party i and yesterda (Sunder) wars rd ! . . . " ' . er rfi wnn me tpwon League conference In sesstna here. Th. sessions Were opened Saturday night a Uh religious arrricaa. tunducted by Rev. B. P. rtobtneen. of Oetea. The anlnataa ef the prerleue session was read by the aerretary. aftar which Mr. W. V. Martta. of Chsrlotts. was U tr educed and ass da one ef lb meet helpful speeches) ever heard here. Hie lasses waa the aeed ef the league In tha church, and Mr. Martin proved beyond atieaUe that there la a aeed for the rewg'je la every church. His addreea has dona murk to strengthen We" Tea ttiefi-throughout the" eenfef-" At 11 e-etoch yeateeday Res. W. a Parker. ( Norfolk, preached tha an aaal sersaeet te a large asdiencs. He took tot has text Pes low 1;4. "His Mae kas goes osjg throughout the earth." Mr. Parke te an Interesting :lkeir.tir'l "f duI""'iis"a,"e' great ' erofciea. "'" . la the afternoon Mr. W. V. Mania eeetdarted a model tengue, aad tt la ketkrved that this eras the sneet help, fast eeestte f ne entire cenfegeejee, Several new ahaaea were intredured K and the work area brought a a prar. tlcal ersw eefare the ennferenee. At the -tnettsneny . sswrrtre a number teaSISed and ajahe a eptrttnal feast wag At night tie closing aenrk-e wag held simI waa epwave wit ti devotional wti tmm wj nww. . ... vawsossp, Wl Iirharn- Mlaa Ellen Gslaey, ef the u hod sat Training eVhemt. ef N vtUe. Teaa. was the epeakee Of the near, spanking elrertty ef the work ef the erbol ehe espreeenta. Her addrsen nas tntereetiaf and el's a fareewkte Isnprenaten ea the large eeagTegnttsaa prsseat s The rloetng mom sets ef the con fereaeT were gpwrtti a 4TihtfuI and eeaattful rsnni.Me sevrVe, run darted by Raw, H It. Breaen. Every person preesnt elevlarse this tn be the asset sareeaaful eseston af the conference yet n4. The people ef Hert fre nre l"nih t nee th err), ears gad sir legatee depart. The In. gmnre the ywung eoIs leave behind tbeea at teosl ad all wne trh4 the vkattere were ma Ha better. The people ef Hertford wlil tl gtad , the eppnrtentty te entertain th rr,0. fereace again. Irtakt PwtaSoa-a Left tn Km In Owned. Br the AwMfisted rni Xorfolg. Ve, Jme !f .,ni-PT per rnt of tis IrWh ' rr e i9 ksrr tn ksg b t sd arnt to S-r'oK Is etU in tk r'"Hd aad farmers s 'd IMsr. i I f r th snnat fat. Rvs 1 l"t n-iMS pr.fi low if'" took & r-e a Tj.s jr tj i. t tru kets DISPUTIHG OVER TENTH DISTRICT Gudgers Claim Of .Ma- Cadger Conceded a Plurality Id AU Couiitlea Cxccpt ThreeBut It la Denied That He Can PoU (hie Vote - More Tliau a Majority When the District Convention Aasemblea If There Is a Tle-l'p in the CooTrn tion Walter E. Miff Will I"rove a 8trong t'omproiniv (a udldate La test llgurea In Tenth District. thpaclaj to Newa and Observer ) Asheville, NV June 27 .The re turns received from the thirteen coun TJei of the Tenth PUtriii while by.no I mean complete Indicate that J M Qudger, Jr.. is well tn the lead' for the i Democratc nomination for Congress. There Is a wide varlsn. e. however. In the claims of the five' candidates. Oudger claims thai he has enough votes to nominate him m the first bal- lot. having HI while 148 1 Is necessary for nomination, allowing Cocke 71 1-4.' Frank R Hewitt U, Moore If 3-4, GaJIeri 26 1-i The Cocke fortes, however, dispute irlWHUIUVt aaviejiiatiii an ItillUKI Gudger 114. Cooke Ml-I. Hewitt , . V.. .I... " ' """" K. Moore, ot Jackson county, has car- tied his ciHinty pratticHlly solid, thai ' remaining strength- gtig to Qudger Wtth thig eireprton -the- taock-forces ! concede that Oudger hns a plurality ; In all of the counties except Haywood ' and Folk "Th naywo .il Cocke claims 18 anowmg uuager n. ttewitt i I nrr 11 Tit ni nnr nil iff" mini wt.i Moore t, and in Polk oi ke I. Oudger , make sure of the Isrgi oi i M.- rej j 4 Moore 1 Uallert 1 resentallve of Its student body in the '.. .. ., , next Conference l-otHrvatlve eetlmH.e. b dl.lr.ier- , . 0(). f M f , , . eeted partle. place Qodger fnsldera- , , .,,,, ,lf !hly In th. lead and If hi. datm tha , r,rltnllnn rtod , ,r;n,n,,tl K'.,h.M .m,0ority I ?7 ? th "uV nd bl"f'rm periods, and the light' In all probability. ho that he la. ki u h. rllnfn (,T (hi .k villi aw w asr vis miuu vtca w UkM ak.r.. k. . ... ,, - . W alter E. Moore la regarded as a pos- , nioniiy, nui u la ovueeu inai itunaer will get enough If s second ballot ! should be necessary to elect him on I the acond ballot. The ottlnal returns lln Buncombe shows that Oudger car . ned the county over I'ocke by a plu I rallty of 415 votes Oudgcrs ote I was 1.701; Cocke !,;!; Hewitt. .11.1. Oallerl. 25; Moore, It There will be lfa eewii. gJarg-4n.lhe counts'. though there waa no majority In the sheriff's race, for Jx collector and 8iite Julius C Martin, who re reived a plurality of 111 over Zcbulon Weever. was declared 'he nominee for the Henate, the two Representative, being Robert R. Williams and Oallatln Roberta. THE F1HIIIXG CROP AT MORKHEAD. A Great Catch of Klieciicad ami the Water Is Hne. is , Jun, ,7 ThUr..ay Mr. W Observer.) City. N. C, U Ken nedy made a most unusual retch of ! brought In one or the season s largest. : mackerel rstrhes The mskerel flsh- ta th, ,,. n0Wi ,nd m,BV pnill 'oil 7 I Hundred, of blue Ash. and Irout are 1 brought in dally -The first clam haks Of tha season was given Thur.day evening by Mr Kalm. ef Bsltlmnre. The stsg party gathered around a large bonfire built close to the wster'i edgs One of Merehetd's most sxpsrtenced cook had ehsrg of th baking ef the aev ersl bushels of rlsma Mr. and Mrs Charles H Robs rt son and children. Mr. Cox Webb aad Mr. If. W. Webb arrived today from a ten days' flatting trip. sir, ana m rn. i . v v r-n n . fi" w 1 1 Baltimore, formerly of Oreensboro, A large crowd evening la expected Sunday Royal nVwmahlne Irons Montren I. 4 Special In News and Oheervsr ) Chicago, June 17 Belated efforts .to. regnla Chlrtuw A lake, ettrameren ny harbor lmpromente are being aided by reports from Bristol, for centuries one nf England' greatest porta, bet daring ths Iset fifty years la decline bemuee private osmsrshlp ef the dock prevented harbor developmenta The completion nf the Royal Ed wart Sock at Bristol which the new Royal llae ef steamahlpe owned by the Canadian Northern railway waa first te new, Mrs provided ths harbor depth fee btg bosts the lack ef which caused transatlantic steamship t develop Liverpool Instead nf Bristol a a great gtort. The first striae tewarn tna re inina of her old maritime nrsaHlsa : baa trees taken and the Royal Kdward, breaking all Canadian speed record arrows ths Atlantic, ha made her Ini tial voyage to Montreal where) the Canadian Northern lake and rsH eon nsrt tons link Bristol te the west .re provinces nf Canada, the lustiest new region ef the British Empire. , Referee an Rnnkrtrpery. IKpeHal t Kew and Obeerver ) Wllmlrgtoa. N- C. June IT. Mr. Matt J Herer. chairman ef the Board of Aedlt and Finance, and nntll re cently president ef the Southern Na ttonal Bank, hs been named by Oee. II Howell. Esq.. referee In bank- ruptty In this district as receiver ef ! the. Angola Lember Company, pend-j tng srttmt ea the ptltlon filed Friday W Hon. Joha I. Bellamy represent ing certain creditors, asking that the, rompsw be declared an Inreioetary j hankrant Mr. Ilevr gave th" re- auirrd bond d took charts) et th affairs of the wnrsnv. la im Pnim Cnrt. la ths police court yerds the1 following were tried for being drunk j ea the sirweta: F.1 Hedgepeth. eolored, 11 and foetg i ! yve. whits. II snd eos.s; Ivy ;! ftm. -i rrd'vred 11 and rosta; Iley Roe-'.. .' II M fostaV Ui m Wall. rjiove1. wis fined j lit at.4 sirStJ Ivr catryicg a p stoL IK :MI MM! Dr.W. L Poteat Tells of South ern Student Conference. Was Delighted With the Work and tlie Spirit of the Conference ami Deeply Rattle bnake. President W. I. Poteat, of Waks Forest College, passed through the city : yesterdsy evening on his return from the Southern Studnet Conference at I Montreat. X. C. H made one of the "platform addresses," his subject be-: Ing "The Prlncples ,6n Which to ! Choose a Lire Work," and led one of j the mission emdy-ctaesrs, namely, that j on "Comparative Religion-' He ex pressed himself as being delighted with the work and the spirit of the v.onrereni Bn deeply Impressed by its far-reaching significance for the Utal life of the colleges anil universi ties whlrri wrre represented in It Its practical results in the girding 'up of -the individual religions life, lh heip- -4 fli-". rj -tS. '"V1- " - s.In - ui-r. in nriKitsn ariivittes In the colleges. 1n the Inspiration' of fellowship with leading men from the student bodies of the South, and Jn unifying the forces of the entire Southern college field int o h ahole - some Intercollerlate rellinona eon. nclouiinens. Its practical results in these and other directions were of the kighest Importance. 'Yes, the conference mss un der , the direction or tli. Student I Apartment of the Young Men's Christian Association Its imme- aflame with a noble enthusiasm and iii mi.i i.i in nil. 1 " "lln rr, "is'Kht anil pni - i lence, waa Ur. W I) WwUherford. ofi Nashville. 1 have not often eeen i man so manifestly fiite.i to lino am ana delicate a sen ice.. The. meeting wag held June 1 7 th. the last Sunday night June 2Uh Thf total enrollment, including the (aulea anir xlsltnm. waa ZII. There were about 240 students. Tennesne.- leeding In the sise ttt the delegation K.verv man In attendance felt thai lie . ould do no , letter thing for his ciiege than to -...-..... i .in, iiiiiin w' i ...... .11 Hl.k 1 1. t , work i ead "r. was done b) m i, tenia and The afternoon ere sur rendered to sport baseiiiil. hasket hull, tennis, mountain limbing par ticlpated In hy every hod from the director down The exhibition of rol lege spirit was hearty atid free from bitterness. College yella rang almost constantly through the dining hall, now and again from the tables of the lcaJersa,it cil as .from the jvst,'' 'olest admitted that he and his brother. Ur K M Potest, of Knr mn tfitversltS', with t,wo friends, captuard on the top of Brushy Moun tain a live rattlesnake and brought him tied in a forked stick down t" the All Hotel, and thai at the supper table they gave with what volume they could command this yell; "Ray. Kay, Itay Brushy Mountain Rattle snske Uvs " , Mr. Oher. of Xew York, s member of the International Committee, show ed at Montreat the plan of the build ings of ths Southern Student Confer ence to bs erected on the beautiful grounds already acquired by hl com mittee, lying on the wooded slopes next south of Black Mountain station It la hoped that the butldtngs wtn he ready for the conference next June THE DISCIPLES OF BLACK STONE MEET It'sstlsaed Frssa Psgs Osa) Ueesrs Joseph F. lltner, Wilmlng- . ton, Frank K Thomson, Raleigh; William II Ird. Aahavtlle Oliver D. Wheeler. Charlotte, Franklin Oord.on, , Charlotte i Ths visitors will hs entertained Satnrdsy ntpht- at a smoker at the. feaahcre Hotel and on Monday. July 4th, a number of them will enjoy dp pen nahlng. which la especially fine off , Wrtghtavllle Beach thla season. The i arrhltecta will prohably bs taken for a trip dewn the Caps Fssr river on I the steamer Wilmington during their visit here. Cartoone have been son trlbutsd by a number of craftimen ; In the employ of architects of the as sociation and these will be published , . , win - i. ! ' """ """".,;! ferent arehlterta Funeral of Mrs. (J. I. Hadsnn. The funeral of Mrs. Q I Hudson a ho paased away Saturday, was held at Apex Sunday, conducted by the Baptist pastor. Rev. J M While Besides her hushand, Mr Mudanq l kurvivrd fry thru chTidrn-:-wnc A:"' V, Baucom and Mrs. Dr. Johnson, of; Apex, end Mr. Dudley, of South Car olina. Bsfore hsr msrrlsge. she was Mlse Olive, she. wee a woman of b'gh Christian ' character and a de- j voted member of the Baptist church. The surviving hushand. one of th foremost rltlsens ef Whit Oak town- j chip ha the sympathy of msnyt friends la hi hear ef affliction. WE. ARE OPEN TODAY fl Both Phones 95 King-Crowell Drug Co. MRS. AVXIK WRHiHT DKD: t , street 1Wr.m. ; Mr' n"' Wright, wife, ..f Mr James V Wrlghl parked swav Ui night at nine o'clock, at her home on ! Johnson street Hesldea her huHlnind 'hH Is purvlve! by het- parents 4il ! two children. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and the pas tor. Hev W Mc- White. D l ail! conduct the funeral from the" residency .tomorrow morning at 1 1 o'clo a Bank for Marshall. There wkp Hied Hi the, flffl. a. .al . Itue hdiTairi' 111 mmii ni i , m tmiii. i ,, I. or i :&A Clean Man Outiide cleanlinen ii le than hslf the batttf , A jsisa msy scrub bimseli e doxen times e day, snd still be ancicea. (rood health aseane cleanliness act only outside, but ouide. It aaeens a clean ttomsch, cleaa bo welt, clcaa blood, s clesa liter, sad new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who n clean m thit wsy will look it snd set it. He will work with energy aad think clean, clear, healthy thought, Hs will never be troubled with liver, lunf, itomach or blood diiordsrs. Dyspepsia aad isdi(etio originate tn unclean ttooi achn. Blood disesses srs found where there n aacleae blood. Consumption sad bnmchitu rseaa waclesa luogv Dr. Pierce's Golden Aedical Discovery prevents these diassact. It makes s assa'a iasidee ekas and healthy. It cleeas the digestive organs, makes pwre, eleaa blood, and Jeaa. keehky leak. It rritorea tone to the nervous avstean. snd cures oar n as evbauftioa and prostrstion. It contsias no alcohol or habit-forming drus. Constipation is the most onclrsn unclesnline.s , I)r Pierce s I'lesitaat Pel. leta curs it. Tkev never gripe. I'asy to taks as ready. WE GUARANTEE for two years the Kantleck Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles and Ice Caps. They cost ' no more than the others. Special attention to all prescriptions. HENRY T. HICKS CO. Doth Phones 107 The Farmers' Best Friend We hate the finest lot ever broag'1! te this snerhrt. Come and wee thesn. J.M.Pace Mule Co. E MARTIN ST- Pt. HOLDER W. A. CPCHl Rtll PERCT THOMAS Saleemen. THlv GREATEST- OF ALL SQUARE STEAM COOKERS With Double Doors and Whistle. Bakes and Steams. Positively Perfect and Practical IDEAL S7 E AM &OOKER. Prite $6.50 TH0S. IL BR1GGS & SONS RALKItirt. Jt. C. THE BIG HARDWARE MEN 4- "MOTHER'S FRIEND" BOYS WASH SUITS We have gotten in til the new tizes and patterns. Just the thing for the little fellows. Siies 2 1-2 to 7 years. 4 Price $1.09' to $4.65. " " Better come early to get the best pickings. Cross & Linehah Co. Ftyetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. t r4. . " e ssj i of Iro-f.rp.vratinrt l.v the Citlsent H.niK. ..f Marshall, which will do a i. miner, jn j,.rii!s ruinw The mi!h.ni-,l rspital t J50rt. sub-. riU.t. $:i t. cht H. Marshbwa e; a!, '.ncrporal.TS. Mr. t iLiiriu- M. JhutsUl in lirital. Mr I f M 'ih.Ti.Jd rerel(i a tele trim wleMav fr m lr Wilder, nt Itirm'ncham. AU . txtinc that his 'ii Mr K.igene M I nal l hsd been tiK. n t . the h"sp'tal with tphold 'twr ' Mr M I or 1.1 Ksleiah hoy and h. rcnti fr ntp h r :i of vhm t.t,a.,Li.t Jrt-.--. r. nim ft -a.rfv I -. 1 Jt i tl .it '!! i J ; i : .'. o .1 - a. a. a - -4l--- hi si rt. a.s aft e a a-ge-w 4 vn ' ' - -ur i it1-.-. r-.e - -.: T! fsl "rt"v

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