-1 V. THE NT'tTf ANT ORSERVEil. " EPKESDAT, JITNE 1910 m m. Ga I ' to ix;-vri.s.t -a " ?i.wai J t kui Uj- ! - Why -Have an 0 verheatcd -- Kitchen In Summer? Vfcea the tultry day a cenxs and ths ccal nijs cakes the kitchea almost unbearable ai cocking a drtiici usk, pit c-t the rrge re t-ai try tie newest EscJio4 cf cociisg in Let weather use a j en OTtT cono n to uruiv J j rwrwx i . f j j t H, ti t i.fc( : praar-avtar vkuch ti , ail tat' ! t frfceais k fc ( ft, j ; ' t Tt noNa mu f i j tk Kev.t&A ihsmi 1 uu t- . WOHKOFGDHBRESS SupeHcr AdTant2e3 of tha Van Vinkle Cotton Gin Upheld by the United States Court LATVRJE AT OTB STrE ws t wm aaa ra t w Rica. : rvxcust a. KDmcak .1 KiM talW t aa M 111 BS.tf ' U a t Nv-na k west tfc ! barwtufje k a- 494 re.iak Tb Ber-It Villi Prcbab!; f t-. ; " 7- era 5 TV "t "C . v - - . . . . . x-4 - -liUttdQ.. twit a rtvrr, -t oj .-.. fLUIlk ' H H f r-C T - ru--Ss--- " Wat WtfU U Iv W I'l UFT EOT HiS BILL t mm t tim Mr rtM Onrt Ornr Ttarr Rboakl ! B&fvr - l tka rt that kit rirA4 rl Ijill lnirJaK-4 1st lw.k . j h; r tk tsetM tKll of lfc Lo4( chuuun nr. r . Jk . t Mkarvar c( tk 4ai)aiatrttM MM ; rculr t lk rr-AUHk tend, (fa . t&4 kap. tiA r lb IhI , i tfc mvIdm tmk bill , ,pfpvwlia tht th Pt4i. it. ui rttov tk bulk , . , f th rpouu frm tk csataikiUtM ' m"mal j hr lhr h u41. t4 an4 j tat tkea la (tntmt Koko. It I la tkouM hi tkat th ad Mk ml- kattMl A- Ab. baa , aa wait anil Wad nut wa hkra r blindly avar t uka ar banture: and that thr will b an kakrnina ( th public ronaiivnc that wtU r ault In rturr lti( a DmtM-rati: ma Jerlty ta th Houa. M Hhout d'ut th lnoldrnu of tk aioti ha f1va many lndkatlona thai them It a rhani la th palltlral wind brrw ! of Ceai CWI ta aVaaxwr Buaaiona' cjaaailt(. kaa rtarB4 hois. HI fpa4 kra lad tx hint at horn aaain. H talk lntr thBtr apea ta matter that oci--piM th, attmtioa at Cuncrvaa, aad tat Klfht aald: -Whit tk aaaaKHl or Cvntia that ha. fim lo-4 mJi-W J J ,"n, and tr, 'hJwT. mm ... r"? ...k. that BrobaM flr (rota It. la th HiHto. i tk prlttit aad nrtkiln oniwl acalnat Caaaoalaaa. that aa w(d hy tk tvnorratf and tho R'pub II ram who had fallen undr th wrlht f th tpakr a dlaplaur. party- "North Carolina rprantatl ta the Houm hava horn thmlvet wvtl duiini tnawaaloa. "Outaid of th flarht acalnat Can DoBtam. public attention centered nor on th Kenm than on th pro. cdlna f th Hotia. t What contrast I The kitchen no longer is stifling hot, the work is now done with comfort, and the housewife Is not worn out with the heat She mtcs her trrrjth, keep bcr bcalth and U better abt to enjoy t& tumiMr. Taw Kaar tNrtaftaaa do emytfcaif tjkat aa? atkat aa aaa do afl tk aaav Cy an.ia. hmkag. waakiaf aad lraa ln( H aaaaka. a dvat, aa adW. Kaa ta appM detfy aad aot waattd. A turs, and tb Baaw oat. Tk hew iNrfcktw . aaa a Caktsat To wttk tbtlf kar kMptac late aad faa4 aat, droa akarewt fcx tk cOrM aeaaw r,r" and atckld kawal rack. It kaa hnf towaaur-fchM tuna aiuaan. Tb aickal laiaa. antk tka ri(bt klua of tk ckanote. auk tk Bar r attracwaa ael wvttta alaan Uaaaa. Mad wilk L I and S bars ; tk t aad -barer pti caa b bad arltk or wttkewt Cabuwt. fada iw anatt M wmslm aw Standard Oil Company n fl 4 C? 1 .. ataatlna -. wtm n-tnr:' liill II IP 1 r- T ! ' aometlme out of Una with their eCanns fhe whoe fcouj; saves coaL xah rorxTY cowrvnox. MOD M tJTWQ COMPANY rkfr-rNLr niMii r. Ula tjrevUk kt, katalak. to Mati. JiidlWal Concrrwalonai t'oatratkaift. ind entlun Monday delexatea were nap-id' " .. . ... r- - hU f or T7 ' to the vsrloui cunventlunt Stat" partyr developed greet tren(th and I power To be tur th laM one of . them claim to he th only atmon-' Drlrgatew fcrkvtnl pur, reriulne Republican; unadulter- anJ , oompoaed Then will probably b Special to Neai nd Obaerv.r i drawn a tronn line of demarkation Hprlnf Hope. June 21 At the c ! between them and their follower! and t.lUa.I.Kulx. - - -- , Any how. th aplrlt of candid ex-1 convention. JudU.M onrentton. fnn--amlnatton which th InturaenU of greailonal Convention, and Senatorial the I na necii waaion eMiaen naa wn . Convention Quite a rooil deal of dm- North Carolina Kailroad Company wlli , atiy nrrnineneo at inn awaaion. ! cuakiua aaa luduled In before t herd at to oTtnrk k. m . Thuraday. nl tB w71,r thronfh tna dle(atea were appointed at Hotel Oullford. In the : ""B "w n,"n'r i'"!"" a in me trame 01 miiiu 01 iiaouri I 'Know me ' I "The proareaa throiifh the rt-nat of I tha railroad rate hill to establish the ' Court of Commerce, etc., waa, per 1 hapa, the niORt Intereatlnc frature of tha aeaalon It haa been aald that the Kenat la a aort of aortal club. In clnct except TCk!tak- here. local conditions mtlllaled iiamx him anl helped hl opponent There i" ome opp'Wttlon to I ri In rVo-kv Mt ome In the lower I r. . Inct In No T and ome In No. 1 When the full vote f tabulated, o 'l-1 of "t Mt. whliii the county Is .ut tied t he la kt aa4 'kwsa tfkter- itiii P. ' rVrk-a asaagt kat rad af ' Kara- a'U" tk taa.bd kuy. wk kay tat ki bat k for k-M 1 ear. ' kad a-U tb ua w tk araat . t yeuik1 editor el tk pr tfcea caU- , i ad Tk. a.aay eV'ain. u ta tb aam , !- ko krtd rue audicac pU-' bad la klrua a Tkaatr la tha early Jart r tk preewat Biatk tlia avb)evt aae jba liat M e ' tbem. Cltiarfuhip (f cours every M Mi.ut ta kaa hat i aader Jokn bat It prosed to b 'a fuu-eae4 rituea with patneu .keart. tr foraaej head and a pur ant fearte li!e All if th rbarc tera aer ,, .atrated with holewne fn that ket the aadian- ta fraat food humot Hut In the nUAet if1 the fun the ei-aker coatiajed to dr p eel ten n of truth, de larim 1'ia; ao man tin be fc aett rounded cic an without beinc atraitht in the lutwr tehtfi li explained that he aaa not preaching politic. tut principle anil urged every "citise'i to vote for no man from ronstartle x and councilman to mayor. Ie(lalat'r and rnfrHmin. a h te not auund on this qjtiun He p.ead lth ail I'hrutlan. eepei-lal.T eteaenla. dea runt and paators to take kn a-t:v anl afireaie nuereat In thu matter, that the K..m rk aireadt done In our ."late may be puahd f'rearl. that e nay never ta. kaard and made clear "the ne. c'V'l.tj v! 'ctij.ui.,, Kiefl'To tne'-'leiiitaluf' ij "lll T"'t and nl tet d"n the (real nuir uf ' aavlna humtmt) from the (rtni and mlaery of the h'ke traffic. xotice. frtlc ta herehr itrva thai W an Dual atnrkholdera' meetlnc of July It city of Greenaboro. North Caroltn. Nottc U further flven that th tock traaefer booka will b cloeed for tin daya nt precedlna; the aald data of tha atorkhulders' meeting. Thta June !!. 1119 A. H ELI. I R, Sec. and Treaa. -JI-10t Efery -Vfcasai m Bvnaiaa aaa ai la kmm , eew Um ewtiWhU I MARVLWb Wing Spray 1 1W Teaal reW. aemciwiTaa I Ll riaW th Pome of th leader thouaht the deleeiua ; khnuld fo to the Hlate Convention tin Inatruited. while others thought they' hould be Instructed. It was decided to Instruct, provided each townthlp In structed. It waa voted that the whole Vote of the county be cat fr Judge Walter Clark and Congressman pou i In the contest for Cortioratlon Com- ak, as an4 iaa tm lllueMi fc-aM. ft see fil saftMalart aaa 4 K-Ua miaaMe f UMm. ktnt. 44 kaet 4 aaeMk kksT kaataW 48th Annual Convention "N.E. A." Boston Mass. WUaua baa v.-t-e and of these he la good for It. ance haa 14 and It are tyre for him In Kranklln iou u there aaa a regular primary anl he bent his opponent who aal ! rn In that v. in ty fly votes In a ;ular c ontest Ftt.t aa thcee vote decide pre. inct delefrattona. Mr. Cic ey may have . slight majority In "ie delegation to th udcl conversion Mr Alls brook, howeyer. Is -rtaln of "0 out or Kranklln . i The full returns from Nash have j not been received. 1" t the partial re l volea aer lrt turns maae nim cer'ain oi at least ut :i votes were otes from that ounty and the rapnic gives mm runt a i. jl. i ine nniv n npr t umv ill ine 11 l ill ii v.,1.. ,i vir v n "aii.he.iMi i In mass convention next rtkturdnv m, becaus. of hi. thorough m , ' ' "2".. """i The convention waa In every wny a most hnrmontotrft one. and meiins a big victory for Iiemocrncy this fa.ll. In th Democratic primary held last Saturday a large vote was polled. T. A. Ellis, present clerk of court, de feated I)r T. T. Rrma by a large vote. Th.oppo.UJon mad t;y I r TW.r'rVn' b a targe vote. In the race for treas urer. 8. 8. (Jay, W. P Davis and J D Wlnctead wer candidate Oay led the ticket with Davla a close second Yi Instead l the present treasurer I (U. I V. . ! ,. 1 I i . . V. I t I .r 1 mnmm ftne enrk' and section after ei'. - ... " Delightful sea vo,.. t1on ,hat 1)em0(.r.u opop,0 H " ""T,?' v L. ii"!';, sxrsavJ , u. ' . i ny i"t, tri n nun' t-lilT-I j a, 1 1 T.- T T I one sense, to be sure, there Is color I mm.ioner. tiranam rceiveu J votes ur that. A aenator Is etaeted aa th I tf thr ""nventlon. and I-ee 1. and the reprsavntatlv of a sovereign Htata; anil mvmrv c m rt mm v and entlalilurn t Inn la properly awarded to him nu, a.t for Juda. Allen, and the remain . r : ' . ... I ritr tr t ht 7 4 fur Jtniiiit tunn ni fn W. ."and make hvoc aXr th. 1 Supreme Cotirt In the contest 1 trlct Is M.rtfn. Which held no prim.ry blows, and mak. havoc after .... -4. ai or precinct ineetlns but meet Clayi apeeche on the tariff used to HStonlsh jkk(4UaliuaM sertli. HstSte end "da tails: but there are today great Hena tora who hava tha details, now more, numerous, even mora at commund than Mr. Clay did. And th acquaint- I ance of many of tha Senator with I th. details of railroad, rate and: when the most cor-ervatlve f his IT r.K AI. OK mitTHiHiTi n um'-mw Mr rfiiain llynuio V Ihi Met Sw h a shoi KllU. Dvadi lu tuklh. i Spi . lal to Newt und ulatn'T I Wdenn June 2- The ri-malna .f lr Vernon Hinum rehd Wllaon i r. the eleven o'cl"i k ith n from ll.yl -gh last night, an uin, to liev H M ..rth. paster the lMeiu. n Street Me'hodlit . h ii, I: and .tv r:ctrlctan J I ar-.r of Halelgh Hie funeral Servl. rn cTd jct c : from thr rtaldrm e ..f Mr Hoyd lo num. brother of tie unfortunate oi.ng man this af tern.Miti, after v huh the r mains i-re interred ic M-M-lewo'id cemetery Key ii r Moth pa-.t T of the Kirn Method': fh-'i'i h of Wilnon, con l ji ted th serv -;. Hi.t.d by Hev Mr Norm, of Kaletgh vl.iprin (H. " (Jm (Im ria.ve Hut jIh ake lrnx-i-" lUI TlH-ir Duty ha Truly aa Did Tlnwrv at uncord To the Kdltor- Some time mo h f'ivJi. Hhm .prvdl t for- hwn thr-e----ys' r.h c-r Tile !Sri an.l'tTl-.TvrV fourths of the couniv I lipped a og bv referring to In the Judicial convention will be Hhde Island u the -Nu'meg" Slute !0i! votes. 104 beln nei ea.arv f. r a Your head-line artist very neatly at). I choice We figure m that tonventlon without ufTen-e corrected nr Honors, aa follows for Allabrook. i are even when Hunday New ami Greatly rducd Excursion Fares via. Norfolk .Southern Railroad. June) lath to' July Id. Travel via Norfolk and Steamer Ticket Include meals and state-room brth whtl aboard steamers. For complete information, apply to, D. V. fwrrn. faasx Aft. Bllh. of address H. C. HCDCINS. O I. A. Norfolk Va. their practlcs, was equally surpris ing. Republicans to many features of the Administration Kailroad mil was In-j tens: and th. sparks fairly flew from , th. anvil aa they struck their blows The, divisions raad. It pns-Jhla for the Democratic minority to get in , 5! :o 14 Kdgecomhs . . Franklin . . Vance Wilson Nash . 7 It will be seen from this that with only 9 votes from Martin he can win. His friends expect not less than 24 (HyM-rver eava In Its head-line "The Embattled Karmers Saved the Hfpub He at Islington Emerson's ' Embattled Farmers' stood at Concord, sn both the poem and th monument there say J AIJ.KN Hi'l-T Oak Ridge. June IT. 110 About Five Hundred Cubic Yards of Dirt can be secured from Carolina Power and Light Co, upon application by those who may desire same for filling lots, etc. A CUP OF COFFEE j a aatlafyUig whea lb rofT ! ajooA Tfctnli f wkat apl y about 1 poor toft. Kverybody rant ar eff. TRT " THEM. ' .R.FERRALL& COUPAHY Trlrpboo Ir""'' lied CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY SCEK'G ECUTE TO THE Vi'EST TNkr.B ' rAiT ETIt:tsl TEA1H WTT DtumtJ CAM HVICt TkeMak Fwllsaa KilHtl S iJ- tUa. filaaaik, t. Itlchmond .t-tpaj 45pBtlI;0ak .. bar svlii . I3ss Jpaa t I faekt.org IS S Bl Ar. Intlll J" a at i r. I Inrlanatt. I Waa mls StI"" r.l,k.o. ,IHra "pai M?" Ar at Lil P . T JT ktaap .pertsl wee days for Hlsto Ve ti.ksod aa. Chrltttl ' uLfy e l(bt wt wt-ea makngh aad rta.tun.lt 1 kt. aad kt ll telreet t.aa.rlt f-e All rwtmtt West Sad liMikee. Jt1CrT faT stOITK. 1M t tk eteleeet.4 staH. ad Ttf r Vamwlt Mee. sekadate Bad fail-M m alt . ' W. O 4BTH1", t I. A, kerkanaa. t a. gKO. T rOTTI, (.eat. r waet AgesdW thrown out. or amended; sections were added: so that the Pres tdettt at on tynp didn't TtnovV whether he wanted It passed- at all or not. While In the end It Is not such a bill a a DemooraMf. b wnultl Itkve framed, yet It fs generally considered as an Important Improvement on thes existing law. Neither th. amendment offered by Senator Overman, nor that offered by Henatnr Hlmmons. to meet I the outrageous rate discrimination. against North Carolina towne could j lie forced Into the bill: but many! ; think that the long and short haul i i clause, bj finally adopted, will be effective. It will depend on the Inter state Commission: and there was a rumor that a majority of those com missioner have already determined to remedy, the situation at Winston. Greensboro, and Durham by glvlnt a favorable Judgment In the case that haa been pending before them now for a long time. . In matters of ap propriations, the North Carolina Sen ator fared finely. Ruch work is ac complished In .th. committee room and In quiet conference In the clonk rooms, where personal Influence can he exerted to remove difficulties, to placate opposition, to interest men. whoa Bute ar not at all concerned, In tha merits of k proposition. "Senator Overman did well for pub lie buildings; and Senator fMmmona in th River and Harbor bin, o- While they were both very auccess- ful. And In saying thl. about tne Kenatnra, It 1. also to. be aald that the Representatives In the House did their full duty. "Mr. Simmon had bean orl1nally appointed k member of tha poll commttt on Price but h found that he could . not attend th meet ings of that committee and of hi. ret ular committee also; and th strain of the work on him was too great He therefor gave up hi membership on thta special committee to another Dem ocrat l Benator. Still circumstance led him kt th end of th eeaalon to make a speech on the ubjct of the high prices, which It was aald. In th Washington papers, would be used ss a' campaign document thl fall. Senator Idg'B report waa aubmttted Just before adjournment, and during th rera th Democratic members of th ccmmltt ar to prepar their renort "Th session waa notable for th number o Administration bills Pteat dent Taft was able to t through. But to moat of the measure there wa great objection; and perhaps some of them may prove Ilk that "musket that kicked Its ow-aer o-rwr. - ins proof of th pudding will b th arter math. "During a sojourn In Washington, a Houthemer la klwayg confronted with th. fact that aa a conaejuanea of th lata unpleaaantry. nearly every public aoaa r la named for No'tV rn or a western man. and rnonu. ments to Vnkm heroes adorn th city while there I. but little there to In diet that th Houthern States have any tltt to n1drtlnn. Confeder al. Ilk Stonewall Jackaon. would neither expect nor 4lr that, th Federal Government should eommem- j orate them la that way: but It aeemed ! to me that In this r of gwd will, of th monuments erected In the Federal ; city, k fair share sbsuld b awarded to th Southi seleotlng Rernlutlonary j heroe, or Satmn concerned In th establishment of the Constitution i and government or yreat statesmen , of pallnnal fam ant importance Were this don, a Southerner would kHvaklv tMl aniwewhat ninr. at home la aajjlngiok." , . ! I AN ABSOLUTELY PURE) - I fSI upnvani tii J L al rJ'l a xirA U 1001 I Z-va Abso- I Cooking IS lately H Value I - Pare II "PHt SMOOTH eomlstency sooght so long In g islad oil II - .1 Refined br th axluslr Wesson Process) and the highest ll raality which aletta competltroa. Odorless, tatteJcss, healthful j : II sad noarisklnc. Ta aaeiest and dsansat lo cook with. Three- j y towrthi . fieen quantity of enl doe the work of a full quantity of j H ruttsr, sad wilk moca bettst rwsulu. publUhe! n U TU Vliy l All Craerr H I Tbe Southern Cotton Oil Co, ! Illlllill " mi ' " 7 "a aaaas Mlddleeea. third. W K Jeffreys. W. H. titnver. J. W Kemp. J A Wll- 1 i ..... . u n ,1 a k L i. I . K .. I . . r nnM Intted for. Cfluntjr . Qjamilonra, I Kemp and Olover are new members, ! defeating A T. Htiickland and It. C. Olover. T. T. Thorne. Esq , of Rocky Mount, was nominated for the Ben ate, and J B. Boddle got the full vote of the primary for register of deed Tlie Are Democrat lUifliU The Convention was held yesterday. T M. Arlngton. of Rocky Mount, was mode chairman, and W. 8. Wilkinson. of Rocky Mount, secretary. I. T. Vaughan. Esq . of Nashville, was elect ed chairman of the executive commit tee. The convention waa, In every way. a most harmonious one, and the Democrats will present a solid front to tbe enemv In the November election. Mr. G W. Taylor, w ho was Just 104 behind Mr. J. I.. Comwell. for the Legislature, retired In the sake of party harmony from the race, thus avoiding the second primary. Mr W. P. Davla, who was a close second In the race for treasurer, also decid ed not to make a fight In the' second primary. This waa also the action taken by Mr. J. B. Lindsay, who could have been In a second primary for county commissioner. Since there Is to be no second primary, all bitter ncss that might have, arisen during the first primary will be done away with, and the Democrats are happy because they ran meet the enemy with united forces. AlibSBROOK xm BOIilCITOR. Hl Hotiiti Paper Claims Ills Nomina tton Otoe Couley. The Tarboro Southerner the following: Th next solicitor will be Richard 0. Allkbrook. of Edgecombe. Ha haa made tha good fight and a clever on and has won all sv the counting. In thl. county he carried very pra- A STEADY LIGHT A BRIGHT LIGHT ' Welsbach's DON'T Flicker. They ST A Y Lighted" w. . I . m a -w ai I m 1-1 .l.ll.MWl."lM,l". 1 J',. L ..sli.iinlismT, ,. iiiiigskaBBBSsBssSBBi I SjiissisBSai kssasaaasBaBSxaasa ' BB-i ,- , , jl--rimntW I I'll"" HI TOVE COOKwith GAS Kl'5- Standard Gas & Electric Co. Phone 223. Representative wjll calL v 223 Fayettevllle St r MinTtr tXwl;.'r. f t -a!IJCTc ka . a. i ts T- i Vk uuis Caa kad atactuB VVarka, of AUaet. Tk Ujrray Compaa kreshtsast to e vra th Vaa WckV .erpaay freta ec-suaau.- ta raaufctjr Ox cotton e.ra'-or asi dWTbctor, whtdl it kaa beew makir anJ srrkar i a aoiaber f fears, lea b recover aanag-e rtatmed to h rf-j for saas w tha ieraUxr airasajj E-avW ty Hj A 'Jar. la Coov paj. TS riaira was truvi that thia ratcr was an Kfreg cnt of th Al array patent No. 4717. A sjmiar S4i:t in. rwrk at aular sMUna, kaJ ka-en fotfct oat acJ won by tha Mjrray Ompany agxieat CH Contnr-n'sJ G.a Core p.-y, ta tk United M lirru t t'ourt ef Arpeal in Leiasrar, prksT to nitrur th suit f atnat tr Van W mil CcrrpacT. la it defense, th Van W:rk!o Cmrriy d j not caT exyert. to th k'an.1 but kaJTFSrS MAUE BY DISIN TEREdTlTD PRACTICAL IflXHAN'KS, cf tha mchin -nana.' ctux1 resprtiyly by the Texas and th (eeo-ra cocnpar.ie. ' diarar Wstk.na, of Atlanta, en of th leading attorneys in theiouth. rtvrented th Vaa W ir. kW Core pan y. In tS tour cf kit cpo-.k-a, Jj S'ewrran aaiTj "ll mm tm m that tk eebu-l CTSa St jr, Caaaitr) kae falV-4 ss piaiataia I senSMOtaan, ttal tA kl . , aitr-art'iM 'I t aa r'aed at tasaaetkla mil - .MS- fceem aaa saa itv-arud - TSst ta tt tesra t sm tt w 01 aaa saw tha aasway tkuws as anm t tk Biiaaw aiaisiaa. as.ahig kr rta -ra wetsM. aad f mrm'KJ UK vwaa at UM fa aw aat ef Uka ard gaiali t UseaatBia tfcek." Jiklf Newraaa eonclutk kua e-xitisiT and abi aninlon aa follows; " It ia ka Uat ksiafia tkat drfantenl k aatkkal s saaras dasassaln tk saJI ilk roaw tha hurra- Camsaar " For price and infurmation about th Van winkl Cotton Ginnlrur Machinery, a nt VAN WINKLE GIN AND MACHINE CO. ATUUfTA, CEOROU TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS AND TOWELS AT UNDER REGULAR PRICES Linen Table Damask Price Begins at 39c Large Well Woven Towels Price Begins at 1 Ic TABLE NAPKINS, Price Begins at 39c A Splendid Showing of German and Irish Tabic Linens This Underpricc Sale is an Unusual Opportunity for Housekeepers TltOS. A, PARTIN CO. LADIKS' Ft'RN IS1IINGS AND NOV1.I.TTES 131 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. Next to New Masonic Temple. Your Home Deserves the Best Looking Furniture And the licet I'umltiire Uutt you ran nffonl to furnish It with. It U In th Imiuc lliat you ami your family live ernjoy rat and re crcillon. It is in Die home that tile clllldrc n grl their flrt ami UaUng liiipre"l(Mia. tan ou Hfforil to Ih- csrelosH alwiiit tlx" home furniture tic home He"nrMiic' . IYoiii our iiiaiiiniotli stia k of tlu' hcM f urniture anil Canycts mode, you can select etioiev ul.a at alwiut tlip rl4N the. stiinll store Is iKiitnd to i hnrgc ymf f"r much loss dcslrslilc goods. We have ciistonirra all over the rWuitli. Write us for blur prints ( Plmtoirniplis) ami prior. i'urullure for Ute Home Ikwutlful. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, Inc. T09-II-I3 IT. Rroad fit.. RICHMOND. VA. A PENN MUTUAL PREMIUM LESS A PENN MUTUAL DIVIDEND purchasing a PEN N MVTt'AL POLICY, cotiulnlng PENN MVTt AL VALVES, make an LN81R.VNC1: PROPOSITION wliloh. In the sum of all Its BENEFITS, is unsurpasmtl for net LOW COST and twre of luter eats of all members. Mcpherson 3c barnes RALEIGH, N. C. General AllVnl for North Carolina. Agents wanted where, we are not now represented. On January 1st, 10, rates wtc reilucnl and values increased to fail I per rent reserve. BUY A LOT IN Cameron Park The Finest Resident Property in the State The Parker-Hunter Realty'Co., Agts. Ronnd Step Dank building. RALEIGH, K. C. - County Officers' Bonds V fcnd an OTIILK DOS DM and IU IU.LARY INSIRAcSCE polk -lea written THE LOWEST RATES Agent wanted where w ar aot ittm rcprrweoted. McrHERSON & BARNES, Ralel, N. C C.asral AgeaU fug N. C, AuttTkiau kWodiruj Cutupau. sr -w--. , agei t , rm sMeaksrVkP aaw v . - . , a i. ,-. k - a -A. k. . .-k.'- V a r . A- -k. , as - -k - - ? 'rf 3? s , - . W - - . ' - ,jm sv ' ,..-... --vAti -..a-a Ti4'-Vevsav-aw..-. . - " - - . x . -t.i -a,,... a ..... ' ""..... sr..,-- - rfr .JIi'T .v-'s tr"-"" t' y f,- t-v . " - ' ' j, ..-- t . . skaa ,awv," a i a 4 - ' 4

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