11IJB AD onsmVEIt. TCKSDAT,JLrLY 0.1910 t 1 t I. . .1. .,. .t. ! - t - t i. '1 , -ii "t ! I' I 1 ' f . 1 a . . ' e 7 ) t'1 I .'Ke V?' ' ' f i v 1 ; r ! '"'V f (.1 I f 1 : 1 i J . J:l . . r .4 .' I a I. 1 THEGOLlUISSIQSEilS MEET niisf si:smox or ji ly mkfting ... ui;u yi:mkiuy iiouiu ai. JOlIt.NED AT NoUX lMlO.VOn . r THE FOVRTII. -Th County Commissioners met In regular monthly session yesterday for th transaction of routine business. It wss ordered that Commissioner u. .......... i,.. . ........ : report of W.J Kin tor dasiturea on ! arrrainl nf I Jut A... .!. . J-e M'l .rrff --the hatpn ' . - ' crme,- -; lie M'lui It-t-tlim hl be had j F. p "Atattn. auiparlnanndent mfl'"'1 "hra to feci In tha dayi of : the eMTlnienUI road work waa In- fh; '"u,h ml Pow'- ttrupfrd to tuti over to KuprniMr Johnaon went over to the 'apot and le all mahlnery of tha county, and tood potst-d over hi adverry. hla Bla aenrtcee were orderel dlnpeneed I body read for a left hook If Jrffrlei ! m-tth h. hQ. . h. ...ii. i.i. r.. cxpertmentMl road Th board adjourn! at Boon In honor of the Fourth of July and will meet again today at 11 o'ctovk. Mr. It. T. Johnoon appotnteil a' delegate to the meeting ot ) lommieeloner of the State, to le held at Charlotte LETTER CRRRIERS HEETfH? " -terrtflo right unianh to. the Jaw. THK KTVTT: ASNOCTATinX' IT1 CH.UUyTTK r. A. "l"Bt!M ,n ,' inmii pkrsiikit r.t Xii-irxa at klLXitBiuiw llcjf to New and t)lrver ) Charlotte. July 4 Th Stale Ao. tiMtluu of t'lty Loiter C'errltra con vened In thl olty t hla. morning in n ptml tfuUm with Vlie-rromlent P. A. tars in th chair, the preaxteut. W K Urawr. of Anhevtllo. l-ing itntaln d at home The adJren, of welrom waa delivered by Poetmaaler J. It Bpenr, of i'hartotte, ni the rn(n by Mr H '. Comber, of Ralkttiurv" The event of the day w an nldree on practkaJ uh)rt delivered by the aueet of honor o( the ronvrnllon. Mr It- r. yuinn. of Philadelphia The v- Tmt-'r-oniTne" ih'iiuumed r aa follows: IteaolHtlonii N i White. W R. IVennr. W II. tKtenwn. Audltlnv M r TTO-Bttfiatt. J O. rne; R M Maw-: In an lntnt after the crowd rl 1na Credentials: W. U Vest, F L. i lie.1 that th flaht wa or the rl'na Morgan. K Htlkeleafher Among the ittles represented wer Ashevllbr. Wln.ton. irenboro. Wll- KRXHilAKI) TO lAY H M.V. eWwiUirrq and i owet Ut tfwl,mirth l a. I, fr KTr.-.-tllig KanfoSl Kla- tloii It, fore the Corporation Commission j yesterday morning argument was! heard In the nmll r of the dlvtaien of the I'oal of the erection of the new bnlon pHeenser station at banford. Heprcaentlng (hi Seaboard was Hpt V A Gun- The Alliintt. Coa-t l.lt, wa represented Ii) 8upt. W. II Newell, and the Houtbem by Mr 11 W. Miller, of thl rltj. at.lvtant to Flmt Vre-lreiident A It. Andrew Th commission deilrtrd that th He board ahould pay half lb coat snd the Coaal l.lne and thn Southern one-fourth ea, h II HITS 1X111 lltl TIV MUlftlripman lelle I, Jordu, A eignvil tu Uh (emrgia. Midahlpman IkI ia F Jordan, son of lo- and Mr. T t Jordan of IK4e t-ttr. left vesterday T'r PhlladeT phln. where tnlai he 1l n-piirt fur ilutj i'U the I K X. H.oriria II,. graduated with ere. lit from the Academy gl the close 'f lb. scuinn Just raded. r-HlliMTITL will H of train, autnmoliit or bugy may cause ruts, bruise. abralon. noralns or wound, tbst demand Hneklen' Ar - nie. m ive eana sreniee, neier. Oul. k relief and prompt ere result mlngton. Halhd.ury. MalsMII snd there was a fee, ,f personal Iom ' . YZ chnch th foMtyw 1 V'l " " h J.fTrlss oB.y In sight Wllkb,rr.. l'a , Jply 4 -Fire at Mh , , "P ' 'n,,,"n 'n,,ei Jeff hovV Jack back easily Jlf. .... r . 1 TeiRlcksrd announced that the Benton. Columbia county, tonight At the e ectloB .,f oth, ere tht. after- br,u UM ,h, itm , t , d Jeff swung h left ' -JSTl. 21"!"' J "wr-C i purse of 1111.000 Is all up and will I caused by a firecracker lodging In a noon Mr Paul A Hum, former vlce-,, ,hHr (ou, hl4j .rumhl.d and this bl.-k ?wh', kLia J rtel ?f ."t "," " Wi U sM Hr V111L brk bm. dewreyed half th town Th president. ... el.K-te,l bead of th. or- , , ,w Thtv ,oul(, 0, fr th body but mlMed ; Mr Jff jallr Jryln, hi. I.h one. m. u fc of ( 000. Hlckard I Hrnton Argt. plant a hotel, bank and " ?h T."., (..''Tutw,. ' hH" ,,,' lln,,r h,m nJ th" lulu" As thev broke Jack landld a Cl. fl. ilm.. w .Jl "l4 "W1" ,h ""menu wh.n principal sler... and twenty-fl. dwell- nvZTu'ZZZTr. , WVmZ : SSI Hln. f,dr. JU.y4 -I,hadb..nru-. NJ XU Th. bu.,-., .,,. tblng, ever mad.' W . ,,.-, b, stun. Jeffr,e on ,h. fac. , ,,, hesd ,0 eoc.p. ,h. rU, are lr King N. w Uf. Pill. Krery with 11 left ; UVI-er-ert whenever they got together . Jr.,", .J". . . 1 trouble .. e.o.ed he enlisted men 1.111 1. a .1Kr eo.t. d globule of be A-oetaUd Pre- , , . j.ffr,,,.- .houted Crrbtt In . cl.nch Jack nt thr. upp.r- ! ."l"..! With, that change. w.akneM Into , kn. Nevada. July 4 -John Ar- Thu I. ft I. a Joke Jeffrie stepped cow ic the fsc In ou.ck ..ucw.len ! ','r Ti! u!"!' PJiWM,V ..rength. languor Into enrrgv. brin- Jfhn.m. . T.e nrgro. .on of.ln .ho, . .tr.h, left to th. and Jeff appeared tird They shovsd ' " 'j itutM n tt A deUehm.nt o? Z.rtnZ teg Into Ihenul power; coring Cn..i- ' America,, slay, to.lgh, I. the first I t.lav. k. . head and th. crowd ehrd sIk.uL Jeff with hla had on Jack's, th ' ,hrum.Jw,,,!!Ll 'ijl Uom th! Tn.vv Y.rd J "fdrngTSe po! ration. Il.ad.che. rhilla. i.e.pep,,,.. nd undisputed heavyweight champion , Th ,, follBd th(m ,n . f,ch snoOWer snd when they fln.lly br,k. ; , by JohLonTefoJU ! 1c in ou.ll th. rM ki.i.ri. m, .11 He... ...,r. puglllM of th. world. T....i .m. .,. . thl. tim. Jack hooked Kla laft hard to lh. noa l,rounl "N"'.' bv Johnsons refusal ' "fo ui in noi For burn. b"tls, eon. of all kinds, i juries j,,. K, . green man. The ecema. . happed hanila and Up, soreiget Jeffries ws like a log The e,., or i-riia. lie supreme Surest i reviled Johnsin wa Ilk a black pan pile rure ' W druggists. ' ther. beautiful In his alertness and MllMUV H DHI KKH. Miw IW-fciulaoU TVieil IWforr l.IH-e Jnetw-n Mnsnart, r-Mccttay Ths following were tried before Police Justice Wronech yetrdy on th rharg of bring drunk ' W. C lrkmy. whit, t) and goals; J.sle Chavla. colored, tl and costs, John White, white. II and tosts, John cooper, colored. It and cost; c.ln Mlntsr. colored. 11 and costs; H. I- Page, whits, tl snd costs; Hannah Hlnton. colored. 16 and i-oata. Ed. Hsrrts. whits. 13 and costs Robert Thompson. colored, wss rJtsrgsiill'Uli. carrytng concealed Weapon and firing Into a bouse. In Mch case ha was fined i and cost, but h appealed FayetlavHIa. July 4-Mr. Clarenr. R Ayr. for fiftn year m .all known merchant al this plac. paawsd ray yesterday afternoon at nis nom OTw.-Ti Ayr, and was 4 years of ag Will YOU PAY UFE INSURANCE OR DEATH INSURANCE ; WHICH? ' Pe.pl willingly pay l.rt a sit fey Tift taeanac. which I reslly .ltk Isssrtsee, hut reel life lets rs nee frenseatly eeetttta as tsklsg Kcse' Attersih. . c. ssy -lssg stes" sereo sgerd B4 lake Ike AlteesUeel Isvestigst It. Write tht eery dsy foe letters, testis. Wlsie s.4 stidavlu shwwtag tksl It really be. 11 UKl T.herenlefia. g(gs So sillk fslte. srltkeal caring, firs rwat, say. SO eewl. dose, foreed feeding with eer snd sntlk (IS egr a daft g! ) a weebg gasrl milk a dsy. at I ge-ta. gl t ewe'a ever 13 a week. Pekat' Allsealle sheraess th s pMtte. stake life look different. krtg tetter- beeltb with g reefer serving power. I if tea peraua. are s ssseh tntpreved tket they rk, work ere before they srs tatlly cweMl - need Mil fn tlterefaes en the strtiyset. If yes sr aeed asteded ewengh t w. , llee that ther cat be a rsr wklrk has gjni beea senaellMMlly eipMted. r wklrk Is aM bM4 aieretf wa rli attK st wkrt twrletla. ' "," ' rknsss's Al'eesfle St geed fog sU Tkroet see) l( tree. lee tag Is mm sals ta SMk by all fh-iei. M ewa ass. be eMsine! . er procured by. yeY loesl Jimt-rt.t A foe fUteklet ef Csred fsee. er tit for Erlde ) t lb Ecksisa Lak er! lory, rblla. Pai ¬ JOHNSON KNOCKS OUT ' ' (Continued from page one.) T with something of his old agtrsssiv. i "I ness. Nut Oio'Jcff of llie Years Agon. ' tr,n ,or ,h hort -Mow As The fifteenth round started with ' they broke JerTrteent a li ft to John cllnrh after Jeffrie had failed to land ' awn'a B"11 B th n atopped ' land on tht' body. Johnaon th tora i t missed. Tim. Tha Oong ran loos and te,for the spectators wer when they clinched, Th fighting was prepared for tha tlnl-h h had Km itenn lit rw4 l tliilf wtM Jeffrie down with lightning lft and Jeffrie tapped Jack on in shoulder right bloas to ths law. Jeffries reeled ; v'1 hnlfjey throuarh the ropes on ' - . - KirV7V ""Si"-' Jim t'orbetl. who had twice gone .h in Jeffrie corner all during thin n.ht i.iim. . wat and how h In for th great- ard with )uttret'hd arm crying "Ua bak, dun't hit him '' Jeffries ' painfully ralxed hlmnelf to hi ft. With trembling leg and put up a top th follow ed by two lit hook He wem. down lagiin Jeffrie' phrt'lan nd Mlber friends pimped Into the ring u....- i . i i.t.j.' ... . k. . I -Tiw thL" Sal.l J.ff at IM. I Krom Johrwon a.rner hi aecon-t 'WTreTTrtttnr r,-r -hTm tirnnT Th.ii ffier refrre. (tupped the tlina-kMper nd .It u all oxer The toothing liquid j er applied I the fallen champion i hruleed fHi . but hl hert wa tome i t hut could not be reached Aa non u ' he re)Hluvd hi ne of peraon and i;f the rapid fire event that had puh ! "1 htm Into oblivion, he took ha head la hi hand end jrrond. I waa too old to cum back," he aJd 'ort-tt and Joe choyinak! and Bro gMrl nnd the other wi re ready to cry, but they united in trylnn to cheer th defeated limn ..... , , "Its. ll.ufl. wm. lul ou did the bent you .uld." 'Thcer tip. wr't! go PsMrig lomor- r"W," mid Krunk llotrh. ths wrt- ling champion wa tamfdl by a wild throng Th. hort end betting men were hllarloua. out In the great mass of apoctatora Jnnies J Jeffries, of California, win , ner of twentv-two 1 hamplonahlp lilit. the man who tievrr wa hreusht 5 his k neeWfor. y Ado. wnlgT. I l"'"-d lnt;,lt.y . broken Idol C He met defeat at the black clou up loll In hands "f the ths JUlaanth round While Jeffrlea was not ...n - lustiy rminted out. he was el l this crowning sham by hi frlendi elendlng with Johnson not to hit th fallen man aattln. and the tirwel wan brmurht Inbi the rlne from hie enr. ncr. At the end of fifteenth roujid. ref. rce Tel Itlekard raised th black xrm nnd th great c'nwd filed out. fliioi Htoi silent J.fT wan drssrgrd to his romer. bl ling from none end mouth, and a doen iiils on th far. He had 11,'n.l. rinsed eve. nii swollen fe turet and h held hla head In hi loin l rtaaenl jnnnaon wsiseq Tut or in ring without a mark on his bodv, eirept sllsht rot on pis lip. which wnali, tuw u, FMrew the lhtl the pening ui a wounn sun.rei in "'""ng It tt a a Hum right. King etpert agree thst It was r t even a ihampionhlp nght Jeffries had a chance !n the second round, perhaps, toil after ths slsth. It plain that he was weakened and out claused in every polnL Altar the rleventl, round It waa hopele. It was the gTsatest demonstration the ring haa ever seen of ths failure ' ,,f . flghte' to com back after of retirement. The vouth anl year ;,h. science of the Mark man mad. i defensive tactics Jeffrie fotuht bv Instinct. it seemed, showing hi gamenea snd his greet fighting heart In every rouno, but he was only the shell of his old eelf The old power to tske s terrn beating and bare in until he It-idod i the knockout blow was gone in.r k. ihierf re.mrf t..,,- treated hts opponent almost aa a Joke Me smiled and blocked playfullv warding off thn bearlike rushes nf Jeffrie with a manelous srlenee. now tucking a blow under his arm. aaaln plucking It nut of the air aa a man stops a batebsll Out of lh sea of opinions and arguments that bolstered up (his fight snd mad It tha talk of the world, these pinnacle of fact has ben cast tip: Hut It Wss mi th Hqoar-e. 4iTh. light was on lh aquar. Of lh. h w ws. no doabt Jter ths nr"' fount! 1 " " J.; ,J . ., . . .. , . nmt !,. , One. IUI"' sf 1 1 ' VW msiwiv-i vspn tw iwN as W. Orbett. an A oat rattan I sporting and ring expert, declared th gl Trrmtrrr Pnftir tl rt TUt V ft ter fight against Johnson, and that ths black man waa only playing with th other man. Th wnd was swift and tsrrlbla, ft looked as though Johnson had been holding himself under cover all ths rest n( the time: and bow that h had measured Jeffrie In all Ms weak ness, h had determined to atop It aukkly. Jeffrlea had lost th power of de fense. A srt Of right and left up perrulg delivered at will sent him slggfinT to tha rope. lis turned and fought bach by Instinct as though h. wer dying hard. With, th exception of ft few fast rounds, th fight ws tarn. Jeffrie did slot har lh power 1b punch to hurt Johaanit , aftc b had received blow after blow on th Jaw. and his vital power was ebbing But- grim b for tht stag cam Jeffrie) could B reach tha black. Th blows, almost all of them, tandsd with all th speed taksa out of them. It wag Ilk hlttlhf a punching; hag. - " .,' , ' TTTK rrOHT BT HOTWIMl. ' lloin4.ie littg tr-f -i At -p. m. . They earns up. Jiff He walked In and feinted, both smiled and John son gset) gmtrnd. Johnort led straight' left nl landed lightly oh Jeffries' fie. They wer rautlou and clinched. Johnon hovd Jeffrie gwsy. JsrTrl book- ed a left to th neck and In th clinc mood J.reiwl tu itt trjttf for Wow. As thf bruh Jeffrie tent left to Johnson ' neck. - - l Johnson responded with a left and continued to siaad breast,' ta t-raael ana smueu. - . - Hound I Jeffrlea assumed Johneon rlnped lq a hard upprt to Jeffrlee' Kio. Jfffrlea aen a rtht to the tit and took a left on.tha face flSartara. , . Jaffrtaa crouihad and --wn. Jnhnaon. but he waa "-JT imnt They tame together without a blow and Johnaon triad hi upper-cut but mined. Jeffrie put hia right on 'jack1 ehouldera and Puahed hlnv When thy brok Jack. hot hla left "r1 tu Jffrl' fac and tried hi we a lot of wratllng. but nut much fighting. Th gong rng witnout a ..,,,! I l';w bring atruck. Itountl t. Juhnana tw-ttlug crr oua. JefT did not eem to braatb hard but Johnaon appeared nrua aa he waa rabtwd down. Tak It ey. Jff ." aald Corblt aa thv walked to tha center. Jff Hilled and led for th head with, a i.fr ttiit mtaeul ' Johnaon hooked a : .tiff left to th body and right to th head but nelthea Dtow nara. Tn'V hovd and puahed eax h other about th ting Jeffrtea hooked In to the ,iemy ana got unoer jonnaon right Jeffrie atood breast to bfat and they held and hoed about th rlijg Johnson seat two left J.b to the fe and tried his right t t chin but missed th latter. JetTrt continued to bor in It wa simply a wreetling bout thus far Jeffrie kept welkins on calmly but missed a left bod v fectis blow, Jack blochln, them V ml 4 -Jeff Assumes 111 (.voactv 't' -"WFir-nV --tt'fril hrWfulr-k movement e-nt iharp ' hl. ";.. k", J. J. t . . tm ki. ..hlir''" V, J.ijri i u. missed and thay cam tog.tbsr in a ; In. k Juhncon tried hi right for the sxchang of talk, "don't ruh. Jtra; .a I U "A nrt m.h Jim- " Ooii t you hr what I n UUlng you.' said Johnson, aa Jeffrie forced him oet end -thoy-ewm a eHnch. Kooiid Htttnsj warm, bot wo daiimire yet. JfTr1 walked straight uut tu Jack and tried to land hla left The both iparred carefully and Jf- m iea left ror in oooy ana w witb n., dam.aa ta either Hound . JesTs Right Optic Dam- aged. Jl vxm Johnson. . BoW-ctT, 1 r.tuhed rhS' etepped ground -n other J.,hnm trvlna to .nd In tlff Johnw.n trying to send In stiff tu the Jaw One cut Jeffries i.fi. cheek a bit Again they loiiau ini 1 h olhers embrace, but neither was I e ... . i. , ip.i u : I WW1IHS to ,.. mm !i Johnson ker, up . unnln. flow of I talk t Jeffries when thy ram to clinch, but Jeff ralmly chewed gum snd waded In M missed Jack with a left and look a left on the head Jack git a left on ihe fsce Js. k dosed Jeffries right ey Jack m Us ed t o rights. .Jeff's noss was bleed. M w-r. Ing when the gong sounded Jeff took hi at hi second got bu with hi eye, but Jff sasurefi tnsm : mat u wa an ngm an mey omj avow) ot leee. tnne.n mBi. , round. tssrr. mrt s-Jsfl. t r,,u j, hsnewhtl laatr w-ig.d rlaht in. but bafoiw 'chaifc Jack led with right snd Isft and missed Jff s svs was badly swollen and he rubbed It with his ' rlovr. X. feinted and tried to draw Johnson on, but th negro declined to iromn In Jeffrie stepped in with a left for ths bodv. but missed M and look s left nn the head Jeff hooked a left to the head and Johnaon laugh ed loudly. Jeffrlea got a Isft on th fac twice at does rang Jeff butted Ms war Into another clinch, but fall ad to land H drew Jack's lead and shot a left to the fare Jsck a Hp bird In 'a clos quarter mix Jack tent his left to th fsc twice and Jim's Hp bled Thit round waa somewhat faster. Knwmt Ji4innti' Rlinn SaMitV iter. Itnt Jeff la Inhurt, Rata lite trft Ky. Tom on Jeff." said Jack aa they faced arh 1 other Jeff ram on and got a lft in th fac M iwlesed J. k tody wlih a left and took two lefts on ths far. ',lll Jimmy." jsald Jack to Corbatt aa he leaned on Jeff. "Did yog that on?" I Jert waiaeo inio a ten io ina lace and again thay mauled sach other ; without dsmsgs at rlo rrrga "Tom. on. break." aald Jeff aa Jack held hi 'gloves. Rlcksrd did not touch the i men but allowed them to take th.tr 'tim. I Jim mleeed twice with hi lft and I took a left on the far. Jeff aheeed Ijark about smlruly with aaa. Th .gong found them, locked. Johnson's I bli4ws up to Bow had been saapptet 1 anl cleaner but oittsld of a bruiaew j. v Jeff was not. hurt. Dh, . m . . . sun. suits, i.it Never mind, fust waJt," responded Johnaon tried Mrft for lh body. Jeff got Insid ef It and putting hts hsad against Jack s chest shev.d th negro to tha rnpea, jtff took It ait calmly,. eemed ta b waiting. Jack : - i . ' ' - . ... ., - V .' - - : . ' ' "ni-ABAD WAY" Itslrigh Knub 1H Frwl fur I lit. innsrmauon. Wfcea your t-er It ft yt;. Hrnmra lame, mU or aching; . When. Lripary tr-MiHe-1 K -' YJT l.lae-a" are ' in a bad way; Ioaaa Kidney ftlla will cur you. : Here la local evMrnee 10 prov it: air. John H. "Winfrey. (It go, "wain atreet. ftalt!gh. N. f", aaya; "I uawd iMaa KtdMy JHlla and they provea ol th freateat benefit to ma i .:r - .7.: 1 waa ax a io- la know fcow t' dlepoa . ... .. . v. . f of th anBoyahc. My kidney. r. weak and the aagi of th aecre ttiona were far too frequent When toa'a Kidney mil wr brought to my iMjtlc. 7 ebtatl bog from th Bobbttt-Wynn Vrug iy.. and had used them only a ahort time before I waa relieved. They entirely disposed of the backarti and kidney weakness and alnr then I have been In the beet of health " For a!a by all daira Price It cant. ror-Mtlbuni Co.. BoffaJn. Xr York, aol agent for th Vnlted 9tta . t Remetnher th rjm Doan'a and tak bo other. fil4 for the head. h stepped qulikb I and slot a left hard for th body but Jff glova was thr flra. fm 1 received two Jabs on the fa-. no damaga. H swnng his left arm around J?k a neck a they eama to-1 get her H's wrist landed hard on: the rib and Johnaon did ot appear to Vk It. - - i Kosnd 1 Jest rerwnea a "IieliL. tea HlgtA to th Jawr.--Ther cam up autekly Jack shot a left to the far but Jff bruahd it away and re sponded with a left to th body. Jack again ma4 lightning right for th taw aad they hauled al'out the , -. him back. Johnaon sent a laft upper-cut to ths msuth and as they ; mlal a right for th J Jen- got under a left lead and seemed to tat ' 1 nvwg -mm wo lefts to Jack's fax and be got one in return John son took tw lefts In th fac when 'her t'okt, . . Johnson uulekly and ahot a Jut a th gong rang appears in oe ir.n as n watted f.i b g.ng and watched Johnson waa also fresh but , j,rls The blood ft wed from Jeff s no and lis.- Hi appeared slow compared h Jr Ju' n"" T"r d right lo body feaU Jack waa going , d rtW lo body aU ! and wa not B rtaetriaitlv - j.dukZwT' ieinl Zi iilmTrtnrCmA ' V ..e -LoTrTi. 7m. 5i v.-J But ' .. . f l""lU, dsfens. Jack simply waited and then tbrw bark or hooked a felt to th fac 'Thought y said yourwwra going to have me wild,'' said Johnaon. Jsfl 1.1 ....... I .. V . - j . h 'T :rJT A"".k."T? 'a" - : i-4 L p ' ..r. I..V.T.J! j flr.w rher from th crowd. i jff forced hi war ta olo Quarter ) but got a Isft on th sot i no fof hit rsw.rd Hi no-' hl.d'rf.e.y and as ! b turnd to Uk. hi. seat at ths gong m,"fLblfM . Jff was not worried apparently and looked freeh ' Johfujna s.m.d to gain confidence a th fight proceeded, Kowssl It Jeff (era s lot of Pn- lentnewt Hut btswds It Weil r Al " 77. . , . -" Johasna enter ths srsns, before his 1 fac. J.ff walked Bt0 iasefon) Anoo-anre II WIU Chal clinch without . b ow Tsn Ibsy eng Jneon. brok. Johnaon snt left t. th body Rlng BMfc 7ul. 4 H,m Uingord uPPr-,utTlu"d h;Icama on lh platform and cud th. chin fkick ther. Jim .houtsd j , BBouneemsnt to ha made that h t orbtt The. he took two lefts and I would challsng Johnson win or lose. ' '" - " . tmm. eonnwn sent la three lefts to the fsc tjuick w Teuton snd then upper-cut to th. fac. Jeff smd tlrtd and low II could not Bolv th negro' defsn. snd .Hk all ths blows that cam his way Jack stood back and swung Isft to th fac. then calmly clinched Jeff continued t cent Im Ib spite of th punhthment. This rwuad wa all Johneon a J.fT . ey wag slot oat rloewd "Cover up," said Corbelt. be. tween th round "Tog will get him." HowsmI 14 atohoarwt' CntltJwaea to Isal sad MM Jew.- Tttrr MrsUgM ta the PWc. Jeff walked tAlght Into a left aad I hey huag ea I each otWr. Jack tapped th big fellow en th far with left twlo aad block ed Jeff" attempt t rlo flghllng. bambltsg f new eg IC took thre eirsight lefts to th fse and got In a toft ta th face lightly. JefT left wer simply -pk-ked at gf th air by th clever Beam befoe they eauld get wlihla als Inch f hi face. "How go yva feel. Jim I ' aald Jack, aa they clinched "Hw d y Uks 'enf - Jeff waa sobr and made r. sporis. M walked tot thre tefrg tl qub-k Bar ssst.a. - -they dwnt b.n," said JsfTrles. "J tl give peg soras more ef tham i.1"k- "5 p?ptii Seed twd lefts In tha fsc RMttvd Itwia whirs. Jeff Gets His fVilstt. wtn tha me faced each other H waa plain ta all that Jeffries ag IB distress. H's fac was puffed aad bseedlBf front tha punishing lefts aad righta he had reeiv4, gad hig movent.nta wer languid. Ha sham bled after th slwstr. aetrrw, om tlmew eroachlng low Wth hi left hand stack t ta front, aad sometime stsad'ng erect. (Hooping or erect, h waa m mark for Johnson's accurately driven blow a Johnaon simply wgitsd for th big whit sn.a ta com la. and thopped his far to piece. They earn Into a tllach after a feeble attempt by Jeffrvea t land left hand blow en th body, and a thwy brok away Johnson ahot hi left and right to th jaw ta the fifth. Jwff gtaggered back agarrun th ropjea Hi defenelv power seethed to desert him la aa In stant. Job nana wrt at him Pk a tl ger. A rata at lefts and rights de livered st eloea quarter fsttif Jeff reeling hliadly. i- ' Aanthsr serle of short, snappy June he, aad th big whit glint went own for th first, tim ta hla ring career.- If fell under tha top pop, wr I he tewe owe, and oa th ovec hsnsjtwg fnat fee-m. FeetHvff nn hi h'r-t-he anal right Slhavw. Jiff ties looked aroand In a dssed wsy. gsd rt bp at tb e-ouat ef nln. Whll h 1 waa down Jobrsna atood almost over aloi BUl Rkkaxd avd Urn tct He atood ready to atrika, and when I Jeff roa front hi knree, he daehed In a;aln. , - Jeffrie reeled about and .triad to clin h, hut Johnenn eluded him. and a the old rnamplon iun aroutld to th ato'th aide of the'rlnal Johnon Jolted him tp-e on th Jaw. JeffrW aank to hla kneaa. wk and tired, but tot Up fn at the count, of nine. It . aaa then that JerTftn" friend- . began to call to Ktrkard to atop the fight. "Stop It," thy ahoutad from all aldea. Ilrkrd gtra heeH to thee I p. - ' - waa naipieea now onn aa . . : u ata.gered t - t-. . . -1 ! . L.ie ... t cntrtt utile--aka t ne-eiew Y.'k" ttZLXZJZ 'eeTo and lowered hla arm. tolling off th j aeconda. lie tf reached th count of reven when Jeffriea' aeeonda put : toot In nlde th rope nd Richard walked between the fallen man and; the naaro champion. 'Placing h!s ; twnd en Johnaon a hoiilJr. he de clared him th winner- Whil Jffrie waa not counUd out. thl ru, merely a - technical evasion. It waa nrldant that he could never hav got up ala id of ' tan aeconda THE RINGSIDE PRELIMINARIES By tha Associated Press.) Arena Klng.lde. July 1. To gates : w,' Pnd at 4 n. sharp. Thou- j sau4 wer then thronged about the ftr sntrancea. ths majority Plng t formed In the serpen(ln columns J that strtrhd through all parts of I tha ground. A tha gat .were j wung wd there waa a grawt ruh. i for Thg tumrtlie and tha aurglng I 1 crowd rushad rapidly Into th arena. I n leas than fifteen minutes the gal Wr "t" h "-" platform the tl klrting th topmot outer rim of arena waa half Bltod. Coming In from the cool wind-swept trs.t of th flat country lurrouoa Ing th battleground, a startling hang of temperatur. was noted in th arna Tb bar pin boards generated terrific heat from tha scorching sun and th sarly corner Immediately proceeded to shed their coata and Till i ty er Trorn 1T nngklds and Thirty fswrftont' 1h T1hgll aha to a atandtng potU.n n I l he nfwm wmm weltlTe ftiv him. JL JeJl . Jl 1, , 'due west, so that the sun wouli! nol'nvir Jfri thu ntmiwrn interiera, battery of nln motion plctur machine surerlmDos.d In -Sf.""l i ni akrvw--w-Hother-wtaTts left to th tiodylTbelng mgnnad and mad. ready fori with beer bottles ; th, 0 sfurnoon l-oree IMvtgton 0 and 0 Pre OnL Klngsln. July 4 At J 19 th ring - 1 .1,1. bettinc we. 1 lo t wrllh olantv to. Tito Gloves Brought In. iore efarttn. offwHal- iiMM.tr. er. rame In with the glovee In a btg'i grean box. two pairs for sach fighter f . m C.M of burstsd leather or accl- Idenr. When the band olared "Amer- ! U' 1 aersplrlng crowd mad feeble """" ,n ". htrt II tjulostljf citl - i lted and tha pctatoe w.nt back ! hsndk.rchl.fs. Maay Wnnirn to Wltncen Flaht. Oldfight attendants vowsd that never before had a prise flghl In this country had a many woman ipeota- tors as this Th crowd began to Igrow Impatient an nd railed loudly and, .,. (o, ,h. fl.ht.ra Th. hee-ti. rV.t.Ja j.c Vo;;;: cim into 1 '" "! aa seated near theiductor Hoharts. of the Iron Mountain ring Billy J.vdaa Entrrs tho, Aniioance ' tu-7 ,A. "r., i.Umb,t through Ihs ! ' rou'l. pTlsuss. Hm- infy Jordan, tha vt- f Han rranclsco. th ropes at 141 and At 1 p m It seemed that very seat In the arena was occupied and tha six-foot platform that axtands around the upper rim was black with 1 JeknuM Faim ths Was. In ! Mlaaatde. Jul. 4 Johnaon cMmbed through ths rope at ths northeast corner of ths ring near ths seconds, Billy Delsney, Al Kaufman, Prof Hums, Oeorg Cotton, Poo Furwy and Dav Mill, his time keeper. fcHanlsy Kstrhsl was already In th ring. Johnson wore a long silk bath rob. Jrffrirw "Jump Ttaroogh tha Rope." Hlngstds. July 4 I SI p. m Jef fn lumped though th rnps. fol lowed by Jim t'orbavtt, Jo Cboynski. Ram Berger. Bugene Vsa Court, Farmer Duma Roger Cornell and hla time keeper, Billy Gallagher. Jeffrie waa fully dressed, but With out shirt or underwear He woe w golf cap and rhewed gum. H triatd out th ring covering, springing about nimbly. A big sunshad was held ovsr him ag Attll wound bis hand with tape. At 1:11 Johnaon doffed his rob and was - Introduced. Hs wore blue trunks with aa Amsrtran flat ff bait. e Crowd Ton Eager aad Hot to rttrtw. Ther waa no great, snthuataam when lh men took their asata la their corner. Th crowd was too agrly watching th principals and tea hot to cheer. When Jeff rise took hts seat In th cleared corner granted him by Johnson r rmrksd: " "I don't car what corner they put rwritt ;u trtn w -ta thg gam la ue nd Jehnsoa looksd la superb coadl- o. At l;lf Jeffrie dropped hts trousers and took sff his coat Thsrs waa a rhr from th crowd whea he walked to th center af th ring ta h Introduced. II war purpl trunks with a silk Amrlca flag for a belt. Jeffrie looked brown and rugged, his gauge is ahowina plainly. . Th Mea bt the Clovea, T Jordan cleared th ring ef photo graph ere at l;t Th ma then daaaed the ttorwy v t IIR.'FCUSKETS FIGURES . (Coatlnod from Pgg Oaa.) mora thaa patrugh ta nomlntt hlra. Tea will aotlr that at th above named rountle Manning hag carried II count Is. AUa II; Meaning carried solidly. Allen I solidly gad lrq countle divided 0,uJly. (Hlgnedl Hi A. ratrBHEB. Dr. and Mrs. Carl P. Norrtg. of Durham, whe were married her ea thitth ef June, bv returned from their bridal tour and ar trending a tew osj-s wun ins nrtae s talner. oa Korfh Iawsoa atreet They will re turn t Ihirham wnr tbey will makt tour hots s fw day .. r When ou g i wv - pig POOL & CROCKER "We Fit 105 Fayctteville Street, RIOTS AND BL00DSHE0 FOLLOW PRIZE FIGHT I (Continued from Pag On.) th rassrves and tha detactlv fore wa called out and th down-town street are patrolled Sogresoi s Attack Whit Woman. Port Worth, Tsi.. July 4 Minor 1t.ttielt.Aj. IlllWa.n vhllu .ni , . nounrement nf Jnhnenn , snnounrement of Johnson's victory. The mot : mtIqus sua an attack bv two aetrewea Ptrcrrackrr IWrai Half nf 1W. i , IRv ih. Aunel.ie Trt Th situation was under control early this morning but more trnubl e feecred -. E. Kv1ll Olennsn. city editor of the Virginian-Pilot, had hla collar-: I bene broken by baing struck with a brick thrown br a nearn Mr Glsn- nan Is how at Ht Vincent's Hospital 1 Weg-eoe. ghmH T'p s Western Tnww. Mound. Ill, July 4 -eOn dd and one mortally wounded Is th result of sn sttempt by four hegroe. to shoot up the town In honor of Jack John- son's victory at Rsno tonight A ne- : gro rnnstabl was killed when' hs at- tempted to arrest theno 1 ' Nesrrp Mmnts CoiMlurtnr. Tsilulah. La.. July 4 wnen ton - wl,,.VVw ' ... - son, a negro near hare, this sfurnoon, , th UtUr ahot Robert down. Ths conductor Is probably moKslly I wounded He was ruetied to the rail- rnkd hnepltsl at Magee. Ark Th hegfo lumped from the train, and hs Is being searched for ny a large crowd nf armed rltltena tonight Thst hs will be lynched. If captured soemt cer tain. Augusta. Oa.. July 4 A racs riot j occurred at' Avaldla on ths Oeorgla , and florid Railroad. Two negroes , havs been killed. Mill RktUtvg at Midnight. Nsw t Means. La., July 4 Two ne- j gross wer shot here 1st tonight It , I not, thought that th negro, ar mntaity wounaeo boast In. of flsht raeult. being Dulled from trt csrs and riots threatened in down-lown tret at midnight Ex tra police ar and uty to prvnl mob bing . nlufield, W. V., July . Negrot.) r boisterous at Ksyston. W. V.. tonight and srs said to b In poe.es slon f th town, th police baing pow. rt. Nn violence haa bn reported so fsr At that town sarller In th night a negro man was stabbed to death by a negro woman. Telegraph and telephone offices at Ksyston ar closed for th Bight gygriAL atLLBTiw. " Thaed'W giat P.'H. ' ' wwmpsratitra. ii si' .TATIOX8. t IP ' Tt tl Astiartllg , Atlsmta .. 4 f Cbarleetoa Norfolk ...54 II IlalBlgh . tl . I V Mhlngioo 14 ' Salisbury, July 4 Th feature of th blf clbratlnn la tallabary today wa a speech by genator 1 ). Over man. 11 wag heard by several thoa. sand visitors who ram from different eoaatle t attend th Rowaa celsbra tinn. - Baseball and horsa rarsa held th Crowd thl afternoon, , .-- !i ?i I la - ir. It it n .t id 11 .14 s ti- .11 ti-ir'' .- ,s- wtt I, ft It i M ,TI . .11 t U 1.14 f KcgaroA, AoT,Tttar, Potto Oak, ptmplea, to, mhaw that mm althr hunrn er hckl Impurity hi diswa.in, geWr" 7th. cUtJoI ao that lastrai t( gupplyinn nomuhment and gtngth to tha gktn. tg ooa ttonaUy pouit oul lu acU and nohiUiy aocumutaUoDg. CaT., w.i!ia . ini J "ra-J PPUftions, may rtli.r gomgef t: . lwUa ierilftoti!?rtSJ,',l fcr "kUi -, ba uc! traatmael tag P- a .vLJJTv, " ? ' . iraith- tl, ana thsre.'ra cannot STUtw. itiT -r b 100(1 "'I r.!y cur for t OJseawgf ry partlcla of th nun magi drlraa front thcirjJatioa. Plih.8, 4,. M wmady, hc-p, jt n, th r-wat of U blood par Wsrs. M g-g lato th cirouktioa ani nmottt tn-r rirtb of tumor whthr It b aa afctlott of jwteonnug runts, er f ictwr eausM, and, make tha blood gtrwam pur, ru n ani hoaishr. ! ca- tt to . doftgg god rli th gkla tr.stsad of trrttaUa. rt r. -.ti- rt with flarr humors. fmtohilviio vnte. "' on Visit the CapitalCity: rthis month don't fail to call at our store. We'll snr-: ma i..- x i wonaenui vaiues we are shoYdng in stylish footwear at all prices. We lead the State in both style and price. the Feet" RALEIGH. N. I i FIFTH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS TODAY (Continued from Pat On. all h leading political worker of th city and county and many 4.1. gate from other counties. 4II sntbu- lasttc and determined to fore tht fighting from ihs start and loo no r. rt kirn -. . . j A Chiim si Vtwm liihi ... .. On tha Brat ballot, hkt tnanagtr. A VA' t ook, aald tonight; tSkt WaJOf Red." !mana friend ar alrsd baf frois ail paru of th district and all gr confidant of victory." """w. "Hs will go Into tha convenUn with a strong lead ott all tha the? candidal, and thr will b a d. 1 aertlons, and he la bound to win " Major Htdmn will b placed Is nomination by K. J. Juatiea. of OuM i ford, his nomination being gocondeg by W. r Carter, of Burry. His sus- porter, Thomaa C. Hoyla, of OullfoM, rhalnnaa of tha district oornmlttea, will rail ths convention lo order an. , will same another Btedmaa man. K & ! Parksr. of Alamance, aa tasnporary chairman of tha eonvwntloa. frn preent propect. rrlandg of th other i candidal, will make o fight on bat ; Ing Parksr continued aa permanent ; chairman. Jornea Forxir oa th On d. Judge Jon, of Porayth. with a '' number f friend arrived thn i morning from Wine, en. and a spacltl i trarti brlngya hsmdr4.s?-YTriSBt3a I Slm and Kerwyih. iurry and Stokei county sup partes, and dlenUa will i a Tie early In th morning. Hlt headqutrtara ara In tha WL. f t. building, wh.r all daiegwiag will bt srlcomd, and hi personal head- Qu.rter are tha MeA4av sloasl. ! clot con for. nc with him daring th j night wer Mewsra C. B. Watama tng i a. H. Hssllngs, of Wlnston-elalem: R. R King and many thr laadiag Ouir 1 ford msa. j a. HasTlngw, Judg af Winston's aiu- ncllpal court, will plac hiwa la noml- I natton and eonalng apwwch wtll be mad by C. B. Wstsoa. ef rorgyta. .gndJ.F. Hendren. ef flurry- flpaaklng of Judg Jon' proepert. tonight Mr. t iiwn esiq. r will SJW IB I". convention with ovr a hundrwd ts. w pct Major Btedman t bd the flrat ballot but w har a Blsdged i dalssatldm aw hand mm ta sight jbat w-Mj srentually wtn.". At Hesss Headqussrstwa. Dr. Oeorg A Msbaa haa head- quarters st th Guilford and hia rootm wsrs crowded tonight whea h wss ought for an expreeslon Of th Sttut tlon His manager, Thomas ft Bea!l of Guilford, aald: "Whll. Mban wlU not enter th renvtntlea with a many ballots as some other candi dates, th dlrateg her and aa th way are strong In his support, and ws ar satisfied that before th flgM I over be will be receamtaed a th logical candidal for th great, is- dustrtsl district la lh Ulai: II will b placed la BominatWi by 1 . or rtocBingnam. aeeonoe by J. 8 Cook, of Alamaace. Oenral B. . It oyster' t headquar ter ar also at the Guilford, but hi rooms ar dark tonight because of th fact that he and hi entire dele gation of Graarllls county eupport ers missed ooanecflnn at rMirham, snl will not srrtv until Tuaday tnornlng Hs hag mdny friend here fmm Orang. Durham and Atarrtanc and a olld Person county delesratloa not In tha absene of thslr chief umn seemed to be no attempt at organisa tion for htm tonight and aa parties. lam nf hla convention oampaltin obtainable. Rumor f Dark llesrweat. "Antwered report of m rumor w night that h.-might poaathly hs successful "dark horse,- Me C. Watson stclalmad, "trspnesIM. b" caua I will not permit K.' Thf also persistent rumor that hs tht e-vent ef a long contest th nam Gen. J. 8. Car, ef Durham. wW presented as th next best aid eoldlef candidal on whom all can lt an that he wtU ha forced to tak th nomination as a compromla candi data. , AU thee rumors ar Idle fof delegate wtthent exeeption ear 1hT ar going ta atlck a, the . a dldslf . that wer befor th prtmarie. Vonro. July 4 A coal rcela from Botie wsl derailed fir mile north of Monros on th BMsoard Air I Jo 1:1 this aftemonn. Trame delayed three and a half hoar. Passenger were transferred gl point of track blocked Nobody Injured. Tea cart la th ditch. aiTISECZEILUOIE, tettehpoisg:! viiul Mm IHSHwt anrl an e ' ' tin" .Ha 871VX CO, Ii U t ' ' s

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