tut, yrvrs Ayn trTAiYr.ii, ivzt.xy, JULY 3. ioio GUILFORD BATTLE 19 Mil to hat ba Ul UOU4ll beverel Death. Very treat rrw & f:t kere at tfee deals st il F A Own at kt 0 Y fnrvl Qnrnin n t-vthTear Bes Seplea-; UA4UIU uvuuuu J , beroth. 1 1 7 'Hitvir OLHiffiRCIAL - Olfard. S. C - Do You Wat A School That Prepares ' far College cr BuUsei The GHOUHD EXEHHSES;&H rr 6.tar4r ae tata f typaoij fever. Me of J en 4 Mr M &aerd sad TuUK far iuu! . . ... .,..11149 Aypiy f- uzuatrat'es e'akce r. r. BOBuuoa nation-albabk: w. ef tarn . u4 I mriat ! old. A .It.-. I RsMtiihi- Strue.a, M tH favertt k.. sal & married U Mr. P.- A Owfi ( XL Airy. a&ojj -JWI " i Mr. W. r. Iwm, 1 r.,BBf d ed si BL Le I H capital this georaiM, after toeg RALEIGH, N. C, Then Write fer Catalogue to Mcnurncnt an4Jbb!et$ . .. . - Are UnyeHed I 'H 12 1 SCI 00 1 IKE H EtSSViaE SEOMT. i-r -rs.rvfx.,f : i.lne. H u a Cm (Wvter, an j aatii a' im.u railed ecvarei amacuaa! i r l it J larrret Atveewled AaaaaJ CoWbUn ' ta ft HWorj The. Frtacipal AJ 4nn H DHlvrrrd by Dr. & f. Dtioa, Short Addrraar an Made May tert Ctok BU Win Three Deaiba. Mlaa Into Mftta. Um Aimu liuia, f CharUaton. 8. C. dwd Satarday sight at It aOock at Telfair Baartartoaa altar Ulae f sevaral mootha with paralysta, Tfcs remain er Mat ta Ckerleree tor intermeat. . Nitrate of Soda By AXDRFW JOYXF-K-GrMlro. N C. July 4 Tt ual eitrattorW at Uullford Battl Crooad today attrat4 an Ihioimim taroaa- af aepla froa Uaabttt i ad urroundiM cIUm and towa. for ! awaraj -afea ITi4u J. U Mora- fcaad haa bn DUtanlnc for tha avtnL i which waa tntyijr atlvrr'O&d Hi Alr ffjf nricn. mult u that aij train arriving In Qraaaaaara momiac aiara crovdrd wtlh xwt wrnlnt to par Urlpata In tha dajr fMtlVttlra. la point of Bumtri tdar'a raWbratloa v' raa atlrndvd by ai atanir tf not aiora j RALFfTC"( N. C pvpia ink! anj iikv orraaion m ywa. . - . a M a - Tha auth.rn Uall-.r oparatad ! Cor. MaiUll BlOtlllt StU .1 aawrlal trmma from tha Wrat Markt 1 atr'aat croaaln to tha Katrta Oround i ry fnrty mmulH and vry train , ,)aawi( tha rlty m r4d to thai flatform. la addition nutnhvra of pxpl ilrova nut In automobllra and thrr mnvayanrao and hundroda ot fkrtnvra rMtilina; vtthln a radlua l avrl mlra of the Iiattla Ground tn thoir famlllra to n)oT tha r'" ur of tha (H-labrailnn. Tha day dawnrd hrlght and vry ona Uft tha r wth piaaaant antici pation of an anjoyabla outlna aa wall i a a thnticht that thty would b n--i ttrtalaad-a4-lniwiM--r---rh'J-t Will help your cotton and corn crop. V. A. MY ATT HALF DATES . vy!. p cf. Look Well Into This la atrath of baauty. atyU ad artur aur akawtac ef (prlaf Wall Paper arpaaaaa all praTloua txhihl'i MATHERS I FERRY Dccoratlnc Drpartnirnt. -- ; - f - bKDEPOSrr. " WeTnVfte ifto I if ApfUra for krtnx r-id hjr Uta tk srrmtftoVR u. ROOMS ASMoSt D IX ORPKR or Amjt inox. BUa.k OX RI.ytT.ST. For eWalU adlrraa. REV. GEO. W. LAY, RECTOR, ST M VRr. RAUJOIt X C. Trinity College n Di.aFtnaata O-l.nvat. Oraduat. klafinaartBg La and CducaUon L-f library tacllltlra W'l-a4ulppa4 Ubralina, In all dpartman:t at .'itnca Grana m turalahad lth bat tinra tu Kipaxr rar moJtrit, Aid fur wur-.by itudtnu Trtiara and Madrnu tprttna' to mfaar In tarhla: (hould tuveaiUat the Mtprrtiie aUantaaY, uf trrrl h) Ow lwiin. aarnt of t.dwaiK'n la TYln- K'.r further Inturmat'.-n ad ijrua R. L Flowers, Secretary Durham, N. C. nal call or correspondence have idle money. OFFICERS: you R..a. JIHMW l-.U-nt. t. B H4W. (khrr J J THOM . Otairwan IVwrd a. )w r pm r To FUQUAY SPRINGS FROM Aa STATIONS ON RAt E16H AND SQUTHPORT RAILWAY ri of (ha dlffaranl aptakara. and thua b mnro thonuahly imbued with tha patriotic antlmnt that fvar, i trrrtAm.r,an , In c.t In. .Jjg Jj DJgJJ Ttlf 111 rhara of tha formal ai- i trrlara arrtvad at th Kattla Oround . t It a'ckwk and tha procraalon . formrd In front of tha praldant'a rot- j ta and prordd to th pavlllton. ! w her tha axerclaca took place. Mi . I OH Ttrathaw maatar of car-1 monra. and Introdurod th pakera Mualo for th oocaalon waa furnlthad by tha Olhannvllla band, tmdr th d'- I ration of Prof. Jai K Illworth Th ; aarrlao opnd with "Th Star I Branded Banner, " by th band, fol lowed hv pry.p h th chaplain. Rav. I. Edmund Harrlaon. of hlrhmond. Va. Th prlarlpaj addreaa waa d Hvrd by Btat Auditor B. F IMion. who told In a highly entertaining manner of tile life and career of Peter FraiH-loon At th ronclualon of Ma armlrabla . ad'lrru there wrb ahnVt tklkf tlT. different atweata and h Virrlaea rloaad wHh mualo. "Tb Old Nonh State. M Following th err!ee fh Tiroe. Ion formed and marched to the mon ument marking the center of Oen. Oreene'a line of regular and to the tahieta erected to th memory of Col. WtTHam Waahlnftun, to the. Harqui' of Hretlirny and to Ptr Franclwo, on ef tha brave fighter n the con tinental army. Th monument and tablet were unveiled, the oeremonle being rery mprelv. An Intefeatlng fart In connection with the uffvolllng Of th latter tablet la that It waa un yelled by th great, creat grandchil dren of the aoldler In whoa memory It wa erected. They ar Maater Rob ert forter. on of Mr. and Mr. W. A. Porter, of thla city, and Mlao Car rie" Frandeco, of Knpxvllle. Tenneaaea, twA4 I Uiln(r Mr. nij Kri. Porter. New Itiillrtlng For Oah. , The Merchant and Manufacturer Club, at a largely attended meeting Saturday night, appointed a commit tee to consider the adrlaabHIty of erecting a modem club building, and to report their ronrluilon at an early date. Th club now occupies tha entlr ' aecond floor af th Dlita Fire Inaur ance building, and It la Ita purr-one to erect tha new building before the i Plrttlon of the prevent leaaa. Pig Krai (Mate' Iral. It to Uarned today that Mayor J. fl. Wybna. of Raleigh, baa anld to Mr. J. R. Thomaa. of Oreaneboro, th cor ner building occupied by tha Oreena. boro Drag Company on Flm and Mar ket tracts.-'tt haai thirty-five feet front on Elm atreet and tha price Ml In; I near nor. If yu arc ave . rJ, often arnU o ytm rcprrwrnt. Ajrrnu f1nt It ant leak as oll pollrttw in tlie ( Incorporated ) GREENSBORO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GRr:NSRORO. X. C. Reraaae It to Rafr, ftr-rarr ami ronanr- I railic : A limited namber of aarnta I In open inmuin r n tdeI plar to cvjr real bue nr training Uidern ";jlpmnt larg. aril ventilated i. nil. electrto fun, ttryEg. jIctui mmi, at)t ."llipanl -nit ruel!nta rki-ultv 1 ", kl'KriAL Sl'MMKH RATES j Enter NOW and ,av fr.m II to IIS lvm..n gn-an:..! . col lege ;uurn4 iti: all about our OKKAT it USJtH UKKfcH. Wr.i. (ur ll A4dra. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE ftunc.n. w. c. on cilvuiottf. c. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH, N. C. t ontllllon at t Vmw nf llu-m.--. J'jnr Jo, lll'l I't I I0 I.ani and dsa- nim'i t-'.lraf' i.r. I .r t . I' !t H"nde t.. . .,r. r JJUm Aiim.ta t'rrmlutne of I" I li. i 1 Hurklna ho'iae fntfn ir t .pf un ban.! and .In-- tr . H-.lrniptlnn f ind uh t' I ' It it t Total I'apitil ai'X'k Hur.lua I t In ided prorka i tr. ulatlnn ll ItlhIT . . . I I l.ll Mil i ..i i .).) it. t 1 . . i I tT.osa t; Total i' vii iu iniMi j m tin t . iii is not) rn Hat. Ah HI MM-hm MK H i rJ( dralred a M rt tt n i i aawH weaai m i nn pwwwaaww atf vtM !-5tK' tiji. 'Uaiui I tjaeltf afar ml i fc.fcrV I aHaarraa,iaaaaUiBa, e.i U Ifhiiiiim ar akwrniioal . atMii atainM, kaawiM 1 aaMb; Hew , I 57 eateiM . rei. iat iOT.eraoniaaa.Ta, a-a, a, Effenivo neat tar day and bandayjuly t4 and Ird, and vch Satup. day and minday tltereaf-. . try antll further notice), the fiAtctftt and South - port Railway will sWI roond-trip ticket from all station to Raleigh, Fnquay Hprlrvf and Fa yet trv file at rat of ona fare far the roond trip, minimum tS cent. Tickets will be rod to return only os date et ale, and will not be trSBSfetTSble, All ottier round-trip rates are withdrawn. JOHN A, MILLS, President t. W. FRY. Prraldent. JTLIAJI FRlt F. brt-mary. XGRAYED WEDDIN8 IIVITAT10IS g) M eack, aMlUaaal 111 Win 1 n - -rt ""- nww Tnow, t ieyiMf mmn v.ouri t iuriea. Art. III 1.3 i hi'-)"k maiiitalued by Wf tlaff u prrt.,Hl rullrgs- L.'MlTr araiaad Imtroctora. Taaea uulf ion braeciand ih ,n'i,.ldTr hX-V,.r'"rtu tWarta. lecture. u,n, ha.kit "ka. 1 Bwaaoa er.i k eieej trw ll mitirVaCIM uill UaffGUliaM 11 Inf , . , i r Am... BKItH Y JKKOnC TOCKAJtQ, A. Fr, liter. Baleub. B.C. TM kaed, nvto taiiiag ta like reaaaaabkl arVe lAMflJa OU - 4' t TUX BOX BOOK BTATJOWFRT CO I RICHMONXk. VeV BATTERIES Automobile Telephone Engine and Bell THE CAROLINA ELECTRICAL It" Fsyetterflle BL Neit to Exprcaa Ofltoa, -Oawaf Ukawarysaet i In ill CililM k Aeiaetca -() lr-e1awSa1k)giiiil aal pmlula t, ea TLkONS aOTI 1MB rlilai, TtUirtikt. 4t. Ikna Hra k, BJI. . WiWilar raat law OHa S . I na at) tm4 neai a ki awkr m. Mrrae&kL, Mtbaaaa, ft 07oodT!Late u:ed-Potatoes . are aelected teerl potatoes ; carried in cold atorage, so at-to supply them unsprout .V nd in the best condition , " for summer planting. ' - ; ' The best ti;ne to plant Late Potatoes is in June or early in July, tp make tho . largest yielding crops for winter use or market. : ' Write for nVcci'i Crcj - , SpCdil. giving; prices and ' seasonable information a bout. Late Potatoes and t other . Seeds: for Summer ; PLmtlng.-. ",- ',;;.;': T. 17. 1'Icod & Sohs, ., v eedsmcn, . Richmond, Va. Horfolk Souttiern RaQroad k Ismmrr Bcbedvla Chance Night PuUman Train Effective Stukday, erne ath. Beginning Suhday, Jun (th. Nor folk Southern Railroad will Inaugu rate Pullman Sleeping Car Bervlc be tween Raleigh, N. Ch and Norfolk, Va., via Wtlaon, Ornvlll. Wachlngtoa and Ellaabath City, vis.: No. l,TanyrKlth : Expraaa. leave Raleigh, Union "nation. :00 p. m., leave Wilton, 11:10 p. m., leevs Farm, villt Xl:t a, m -leave Oreenvill 11:19 a. mi leave Waahlngton t:ll a. m. Arrive Elliabeth City 4:11 t aretwa Wnefnlk 1 11 a ns ConnectloDa via Southern Rllway7i lave Ornboro. 1:1 p. -n.. Dor- ham, p, m. .. . Connection via R. S. and p. Rail- ray. laavs FayettevlU 1:19 p. m, Connection via 8. A. L Rail laavaa Hanaaraoa 4:11 p. m. No. 11, Dally eaoept Sunday. Day Expreaa, leavs Raleigh 1 :1( a. in.; leave Wlleon l:0 a . mi leave Farm vilia.Trn A W.; leax1 Ornvlll 1st a. m.: leav Waihlnrton. 19:41 a. m Arrive Elisabeth City, 1:19 p. n. ar rive Norfolk, I II p. m. No, 11 Dally except Sunday, through train between Raleigh and New Bars. Lev Raleigh 4:11 a. m. rrtvs New Bern 11:11 p. m. Trains Arrive RaWgh, rnloit fttaUon, No. It daily, 1:11 i. m., frona Nor folk and Intermediate stations. No. 11 dally, except Sunday, Till a. m., from Norfolk. Wiwhlngton, New Bern, oreanviiia an Wilson. ilway, J. C. GRINNAN PRESSED DRICK, CEMENT AND LIME ': Delivered price In any quantity upci spptlcatlon. . ,.' : NOrOLI VA. The Royal Typewriter Humane Dog Muzzles A flow the Dog to open his mouth, drink water and eat. TH0S. E BRIGGS & SONS RALF.n.ll. X. c. THEBIG HARDWARE MEN C1IAS. E. JOHNSON, President. THE I. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. Raleigh BanK ins & Trust Co. 4 INTEREST PAID On Time Certificates of Deposit To those who desire it, we are pre pared to issue certificates of deposit bearing 4 interest from date of issue. CALL AT THE BANK Cha. F. JnlinMin. Jaa. A. nrlufa. W. A. Unul'aii. II. E. NorrU. IRKCORS. F. O Morlng. U X . Jonra. J. II. Cliamlirrlaln. T. U. t'rowdcr. Alfred Vt llllama, Tlaia. S. Hi nao John V. lUrden. afy K. Uurfry. Thi li a new machine In the mar ket, carrying all the up-to-date 1119 feature If you are Interested write u at once. Mad by aa Independent company. No big royaltle paid and tha price to cut from tha standard IJOO to Ml. Don't overlook this prop osition. Further Information and JgTm on application. The Union Central Life insurance Company of Cincinnati, Ohio Offers moa attractive potkV to buym, berasa they COST LESS than similar poUelna hi other com panic, aa shown by their swnra reports. WbyT atevesee of auperlog oadrt of the buetneaa. Write na toby about a Policy, or con trait to sell them, if a hulcT. , . CAREY I. HUNTER & BR0., i"'W a IN COBB BROS. & COMPANY BANKERS AND BROKERS Member of New York and Norfolk i'otton Eacliaine. Cotton. Stock, Honda, (.rain, rrovlkioua. 1-rltale wtrea. Prompt attention to tt-lrgraplilc and 'plHuie ortlers. nrcade Buildlnj. HORFOLK, VIRGINIA. Alfred Williams & Co, Raleigh, N. C. HWECTtON BRO U " 0rwrmiaa4Ucaaialiat aiikeai ukbii.wiw la tk MOST OB5TINATB CA5E8 OLO ALL DRUOaisTS. A MEETTXO OF. XORTH CAROLINA f BTA1K HOARD OF DfcJiTAX. Th regular annual meeting of North Carolina Stat Board of Dental Examiners will be held at Wrights. villa, N. U, beginning at 9 a. an. July 11, 1419, fer tha examination of ap plicants who wish to practice dentia try 1 North . Carolina. Practical work will be required la both Opera, tlva and Froethelio Dentistry, - The applicants must fuml.h engines, in trumnt and material and must In aert at lea at one fold filing each j they Biuet lo bring re.ly for ' soldering With bard solder, bridge containing at least four teeth,' soldsrlnr to be done In th presence of th. board. In written (lamination they are required to make an average ot 10 per rent Patient and the chairs furnlahed by the board. All applicants must b graduate from reputable dental cob lege ani before reitratlon and ex amlnatlou are required to pay a fee ef 114.09 and preaent diploma for In paction. DR. F. L, Ht'Vr. Becrtxy ot Boar '. Juns.lt-ll , . AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS SYSTEMS ' W. P. HILTON ACCPUNTANT AUDITOR - : SSS-S04 Montlrcllo Arcade. - NORFOLK, VA. 4xX Distance B dl 'Phone SB. Every Dollar Put in My Buggies liny lioiirst ntatrriab) at KvweM price I liave on band a fW Hw of Rwr gle. all ntylca and prinra. Sew mj line before lulling. I guarttntw every buggy I eJl. no. VV. Evans' San Cor. Uargsn and Blount Street. RALEIGH, N. C BEST GOODS TOR .i LEAST MONEY" "1 . .. - v- For a filing. Cabinet UX I TT. Solid ci"erao, rods and folleef nok SK-M oVUvcvcd. . If kitcreeted write na, . tf- ' carry svcrytiuna; yoa want for yoar pfJtos. Alfred WiliinnisCo. The Capital of this Bank Is now Three Hundred thousand Dollars -- 1 " ' t ' ' r ' ' i " - We issue Letters of Credit, or our Drafts, payable all over the world, and handle all ., kinds of legltimlte banking business. JOSEPH O. RROWN, ProaMaot, . A. D. AXDRCU S. TlrwFra4denC IIXXnT E. UTCUFORT), Cashier. The Raleigh Savings Bank & Trust. Co. 4 Certificate The Raleigh Saving Rank ami Trust Co.i are bow bwulng In ddl Uon to Ihrhr rrnlsr ftVpoul ho r tern a ninety tiny certlfa-ate ef di'pualt fiir five hanilml dollara or over, lutercat payaM frAm rcrtlncato where h tletioan yre ' mains tmdiMturbed. Mmukl any of the deposit her withdraw daring; the ninety daya, a new crrtl ata will be I ward for temalnder de posit brwrtnc intetcet trotn date of wltlidrswal. . : .,. . ' Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent at Both Offices : -. .-'i . T ' , . ,J ' ." . .,""' - i ". ' Our combined reapwrcee of more Uuin Two; and a Quarter Million ltollsra are aed for the aVvelopmeait of this amlon with abaolnte faith In the rredll of I he 'State we vrlO own on the brat day ef Jaly, wheal the now bonds are iaawed, 4H70,"9 Mat Four nuking as probably the iargcH holder ef three bnmmm wttbhi ' the boned ef the State). In addition to thla, wo own iH,n00 Government boiMl thus givtiut er depoalW era the sorwrtty of more than HALF MILLION DOLLARS ot the beil acoirlUcs known, tn mMlUo le Ute asually carried by sank. severities

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