THE N"nT,75 ANT) OrEHTKTi, W HUNTS DAY. JULY ti, 1DI0 The News and Observer! 11 CENTS "1 TOMXSIUY. JalT . Wit L 7 A LINE 1 . . a n EOYLAN-PEARCE CO. EOYUUt'-PEARCE CO. HUT X.THt ITUtTSL SO I" Yil"R OLVME TO CET UAKoJi. a All Summer Suits Go Down in KABO AXD LA CRTCQXT: CORNETS ARE TTTE F.T5T EtTXrr. Cleaning Up and Clearing Out that Means Lower Prices Y-. l it- IUUI LAfl 1UIKI DAXLZ. at warA e a Lat) i MSJ WITH 'ORDER a- LA . Price ' 1 pi TY 15 1- - - 1 1 ' tiiri Au JJmm ftaawwr. 1: --. 133 a. a. !.. W t a. M lg MWI A IS .. !.. waWaywaj baBf) i 111. se p. A '- ta-Cy Jll 'ln ii ank A im Ua PaataJ - B-Uwwy. - iTiIijiij a - i IIULI 1 tit ,1,1 - . 7 -4. i it r..t it -i a .2 i 4 I r Ion kllk a AaMgA jiti uMi Ml 1 m w I wifS--. .-r-.-s: ia T"-a hii . m mi i . KarMk aad lurtut 1 inmMM ( lwa a Pa! . Ann hW A 1 - - , ! . 1 . ! M. l .Us-m. SafWWM wA Al eeeatee I M alao Mrt ya cma AlJ IS AND ABOCT THE CTTT. The National Ft: ovr ta Federal building u at half mast la nmory i of Chief Juatiee Full.. I . , U"T W ATI H T tTY-0E at HAmutua leo(-ava ywar nd ! teea UrkM iaruu ajMt aiJ urwadA ta i.jKn ... warm to I' M. BrwOimj. OVa Na aat uaro ji. Jerry M..lmn. oolurod. aa yaatar- THE CAMT 9on QIRIX. day co mm Iliad to )aii la il (fault t , Loxo Mar AaftonUo. Oat-4oor bond. bln( cha(Hi with larcaajr. ! a porta . carrfa awpomojaaa aat ta- a(rurtlo. Addroaa. Mjaa talo L. JJonoa tn trarry ma crat4 r nla to Mr: R. Hcvnora. or Waat Halairh. and H'Ja Naall A. Hmiih, of UcCulWra. Kav. J. K. llookar.- of Farnrvllla. Va. Arnv4 tn tho rttv "yratardav aad to tha rut of Kar W V(" VThtta. I. I . paior i f tha r!rt Prvabytarlaa chttrth. Ow-jra. eartacdaio. X T--lt. wa.vtJ); rosmoi by mtv tarad 4ni'at of 11 yaara aaavrv Bro aa rtart. i raars Butrr atoro. Ira jvia. a ta waaa-a part of StalA tTUraO. raj a aad uu-aaovr. Prof J It rarlvta. of tha fUt rf k , yaatarday on hla "a tn Wlndanr. (wa ha will i..k at a UaaoaVe rato- pratlou tomtrrpa. Tha hearing In tho matter of tha Ralelh unmn (tatloei. tii h aa to kava takan pJa. a on the th. has kaa t'oatpnned uiU tba th. on molius of tha pvUtlonara. dred thouaasd foot larva wfelto oaA tlmbar for aAJ atLh or wuaoul land. Write -mnl Parrlafer. Mob owrok N C. t..t WAJfTED Masmo Ai B.IXB mr eavorai year cTpeWaara ll funuah (ood refaroncA. Ad dreaa V lUcmnt. Janveonll, N C I T-e-J Ht. H B Htophetuaon. aiier1oea dant of the AmvMated t'tiaxiC tuMm .J III ad liaaapinmlrtn- l 'Tu, hmund to A VIH'JMi MA.1 W rTH w-oman and her two tittle eina from ; that city, who were tn dirtreaa hero , The three faaonle blue !'( hare moved their merttna; p)a a from tha j Mol- tnipl to tha tn t.ry of' the Wondard bulMtnc. corner Faretta. vim and Martin atreatA It la aaJd that tha chanir was made on ac - count uf tha reut. A TH11R- oufh buaiaeaa adacAUon m wnr at luae tor a auattloo. Tha i-it la atvaya (real for you 04 mea ao aulppad TaAa a buaiaaaa cauraa at hurra pam fvllesa RaiatAh aad t'harUxia PKKSON' AIA, ir akk mrmi rt vuut Klnc'a Umlaiaa Cuic aad aaa a lara. Itva hualnaaa rolieg at work. Btudenta frvm maur Btataa Ralalsh acd Ctiartotta Mr J V Htrdarrt; left veeterdiv for PrUratiurj an.l irsmia llaa'h Ki U.rvwrii'if rharlrs B Arrocli laft laat nlht for New York Mr J T. Ju.ld. of Naw trill, waa In the cky yeatKnlay Mr J Wlll.or Hiinn left yea'ntrlar afiarnoon for (Ireonaboro Warm. Hat 'a FVo. The fire aipiratua waa rlld out yrnerdav by an alarm, hut trxnx waa noting for It to do. A (aanllne pt W ANTED AT PlRttTOK Al - rora Braaa Hand. Moat hay i pertance and ha are 1 1 racomemaaded. HtAle aaiarr aitaetad Addreaa Au rora Cot -art Raad. Aurora N. G. T-l-wt WAXTVD: riKrUWnjUJI DRIO (lata to get full Information con cerning Page fVhool of Pharaiacy. Oraanaboro. N C Write for cata log All oourea beglna July lllh. I H i; tlmea aldentally merturnrd on tha IK YOC ARC t.l.TTIXj A ralary and want to do better, why (loo t you take a buelneaa cotiraa hi pel HuMncoa CMlega Da A- knowlodgad beat? Pawltlon a walls y'u at graduation Hal!gh aad i"haxlotte rooi 01 me noyaier alore. a hre .im tlnnera were at work N. daniagx waa (lone IF 1 - parr tna paopla of Ra.a(h. aa I aiara where cma Aiwaya (M what ' yow waat Tha ra ar larga, wwll aaaort 1v,Attd- ti ranr ejc".a-eVTa a .'tuula iAat jroaj caa aafitty rtly . WarmWeather Wearables " tra hara a pes ad ap two oaaea of cool rHao Printed lAwaa la aaat arylaa. white grwiad with am all Cfurad aad fYorai pattarna rhear TUttotaa. T 1-S& tralu for '. .. . .ac AU other pnotad lawaa la at k, taIum up to He for.' Iwo, Bed Sheets and Pillow Cases Thera'a oat flfteea doaea la an of taeaa 'good raloo" aheata. Tow'U aero to hurry Qojod ValM Sheet, T tilt tn. Ua OKWd Vaioa atA llttl U . .. Pillow Caaea to match .. . . I J 1-Sc. 10-4 Lineii Sheeting Tkto U a "blf aoerlaT1 B4 rntt want" to aaa n. " Vaed for milti ' grin 11 a aklrta aad waletA Worth r.. now M White and Colored Linen Suitings Plain atrlped Liotna. IT and 1 la. wldA In tha now rummer hAdea !, Special VAluaa fa White I J nana; medium heavy and Una ftodi; worth 1 aad It rant ys 11-tnrh braaa Lioem. every thread ftAii waa He., bow aOo Shirtings and Waistings Fin white Wad re Bhtrtlnga and Barred Klllaroey Unena; tuiarjjr JJ. i&itmli4 fc.v--re-r..r.r r. TT' fjo. Cambric Corset Covers Number of dainty Iaoo And Embroidery trimmed Cornet Coe- ara. wwll mad and Beat ntUng iftc. aad 59a. Havoc Played with the Prices All tha Uaaa Coat Holt are marked HALF PftfCE. and Ui fort 8u4U and Waah. JXn m m weHa t t f T It ra daced to - M M, M and IT 10 Skirt for.. , V and M.tS Colored Trimmed Hats ary ladle' hat tn etork from the ctmplrit to the dreralest crea tion Al ry much marked down price New Line of Hair Goods BOYLAII-PEARCE .COMPANY. W hare MRL.TT0dow eur rKUTS M KLKKlOr.RATORa NORTH STAR Kefng rater ro dure your xpn)ew. rt a ahould b pleaaed ta ahew yow aur ery cumpteia Una of bXMMXB Hardware. HAfff WARO KAHDWAFaE Icadtnf narwwaea RiUJOM, X.i -. ,.. j - - - - - I . . i iik- '-"bf" . - ...... - . : - . 4,1 ; 8 H aaar ttaaw for prk-w-ranlnc an : oanty-rattlr. ai ka Okw boat" alaW aad kkarka aa wrD haa had Jteeiry JAra af iw-krw-waActla. TTa a grwaa awna y-itor tl tor yaw. TMM raaacd aa to aava oaw ad tba vary beat "! ken rroaa earty 111 -1 t waytac 'araana. aad aw rtaiH ta tb al af tha UOa rtoUe aiaia 111 a ba tha raaara aa aarwa a a big dtareaal. ar ik ajoJart a Uaa (Arreat aad bra aaaker Chat KtpocmlkrAtaer aad Bart. SnAffa? d VA1.C.UI1X LAW UBRART Km' BALE. ! I AVTO: UKS OR WUMKN Tt V) letter ai home. 11 10 111 pel, ' j wrek; npertetx e not necaaaary IlKf.I A Y KKTKHD VY BY tX.RItm- r Pr. " O Box Zil. . WAhlngton. U C. : ATII CTIMMbSSION MATTERS! t U-7tl OF ANWIM1IJ.K A'T BOSmCK j 1FITH. y T.I Tt Bl Y DRftJ lit HI nr In a lle loan In Klern aro llna A'ldree PharmarUt. rare Ni and 'beenrer Tt The ("orporallim I'ommlealon yea- ' trday Itegan the work of apprising for tai valuation of the corporation of the State, of which (here are aom 1 over five thouiianil They begin with ! tha mllrrvarta, In which there will be very little change, aa theee are (laced by itatui on the aame baaJa a real i eetate for re-aeainent every four '. . ifurt. And ehrtee dra .only ' bring ' DiailP In mattrm of local aaaneamrni. axtendona. eti- Next year there will ' be general if iwumenl of al rall roail. A very large peri eiitag of the cor poration have been aatiafai lorlly prompt In ending In their report to tin t'oninilaston ihl yrar. but a few of their rc.oru ar atlll uutatandlng. and urK-nt renu.-t are l.lng made of w ,, lt fHKAIV THRt'JC MXTY'- CUT FLOWERS IF lot- ARK TIIIMllMi AIIOIT taking a buttnr rolleg coure vmi cannot enter a -o!hc which lll give von uch excellent train ing a King Rualne iollege ( J 11M now you ran aav money br , buyirar a acholaiahlp. whl. h ten can take later tf yon daelre. Haieigh 1 .and Charlola J RFWARD FF"RI P: UieiT ' j Haturday one pair gold (Ink button ' with FJnglleh H on them Ht irn to Wate Auditor' ofTI e and gel r-- j ward tf ! WTDTIWG BOQTTTT&. RIRTKPAY FIXTOTERa. 1XXF.R.VL DESIGX8. J. L. Ottinn & Co. Florists . . Raleigh, N. C rhonci 149 T01'RT CAR ITR KAI.F. : l j good condition Will exchange for , mailer car Addrea. ' Auto.. ' car ; New and Obeerter th'ff to kh thior inporta In at once. Klnnl onlor wun made yealerday by the t'ommiaHton over-ruling excrptlon to their rin'tlnga arbitrator In the mailer of loraium of new depot at AiiBonvUla hy the Wlnaton 8outhbound IlaJIway. Final order waa alao taaued yesti-rtay by the ('ommlaalon In the matter of union Mallon at Hoatlrk The new road of the Carolliia. Clinch field and Ohio croiwea the Kea board road 3.476 fH waat ( UoalUk. and It la ordered by tha ('ommlaalon that the Pt board maintain Ita freight de pot tn Boatlck and the Kcaboard and Carolina, t.'llnchneld and Ohio are or dered to maintain a union panenger Btatlon at the Junction, with the privi lege of ao Interchanging freight at the Junction. Haw. Continental lUn ftratera. 1 year uae Helling to p it In larger ayslem Hostaee outgrown my rapacity Addreaa W. T Hudnell. RovaJ. N C 7-l-lt W.JiT:i: TEACnKRS WTTIl fttate High fVhHl 1 ertirl'-alea. prin cipal and awdttanta Sum fine opening- Write quickly Sheri dan' Teacher' Arenry, Charlotte Hat-Sun-Wed-Thur J. H. MARTIN FLORIST. RALEIGH, N. C. Carnations and other Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, and Flow ers for all occasions fur nished on short notice. Phone 1010F. an yLfD.-U:ut; r. A. PanlelA F. a Danlala F. A. DANIELS & Son Attorneys-at-Law GOLDSIIORO, K. C. I Am authorised to aell prhratly to , fh mrheat bidder, aad for tha next j 1 day will receive bid for tha law , hooka roetalBed la tk Law Library of tha Horn, W. W. Clark, deceaaed. at hla offlca la New Bam. N. C. Among other book the following ar offered: Complete American I"t- 1 geat.' Word and Phraae. Cyclopedia ' f Law and Prmctlca; Encyclopedia of , Evidence; American and F-ngliih Kb- : cyclopedia Law; i?- Bond Volume H E. Reporter. America Stat Ka-1 porta. Ill Volume complete, with Dtgeata; cemplata Lawyer Ed. V & Reparu. Ufa: Lawyer Report 1 Annoted; let nt IbA. JTaHttoaa . trrWT" Tflefal Siata. Anno: aad Sua-I plemant Thompaoa'a Corporation Vol: Complel art NA Ca Report. 8 E. Raporter lagwatA. Acta of Lad taiatura, tad . maay Taluabla Test Hooka May be examined on rwqueat. or blda for pa rata got or Volumaa of Text Book will be received by mall and bid filed by the uaderalgaod on receipt. Addreaa Enoch Wide north, Admlntatrator. or Oaloa and . (ruton. Attorn), Naw B-B,forttl ' -TarotrnA- " " Jua llth. 1 y c. b. AYonev. R. w. wiMrrox. YCOCK & WINSTON, Aftorneys-at-Law PracUc la both Stat and Federal Court Offlr In Eleetrio Building, oppaalt poitofflrA on Martin treat. Raleigh. North Carolina. We Are Offering Exceptional ralucs in our Clothing Department. Every Suit in the hcuse has been greatly reduced in price. This includes all of our Hand-tailored Suits. Please remember that it will be a pleasure to show you whether you purchase or not J. ROSENGARTEN CO. i 8 8 8 FAYZTTEY1LUE STRFXT. C. C. PHOXE. RALFJCn. X. C nseor Thlmen wliolmafeTthe Celebrated Henry F. Miller Piano ar aot only machaatca of the highest aktU. but cultured mualclana, xno. tboroagbly aadaraaaad aad and arprartAt tba Important mlaataa -" f tha plaae I the world of muBO. It ta thia thorough underatajld tng of eraey prtnctpla that aiaka tha piaao aa artlatle rraatloa that ha placed t VI mr In th front rank af high grada piano and mad It th popular Bnaioa faTortt. There being over of thee beautiful lntrumnt la Boeton' music-loving honea. a record never before attained by any other piano In th artwtlo chua tn any other city. Wa will aell yoa a Millar Piano on monthly payment tf you w1h to parchAM that way. aad will take your old Inatrument a part pajr meg s DARNELL & THOMAS RALEIGH, N. C. I Buying Furniture by Mail is Easy It la th reiult of thoughtful people turning where thy can let mora- for their monay. It li the" raault or many po pla tiring of tha llttl atock that Offer only a. limited aa. . gortment to choona from. ; W want to tell you how thouwinda - of cuatomara throughout tha South kra buy. lng from ua to their profit and- atlifactlorv MOOKK.E1.TKRS WAVT3: THIS IS j an age of bustneaa, and there I 1 accordingly a great call for book keeper thoroughly trained In mod ern met node W teach tba moat ap proved and up-to-date eystemA at a low coat, by mall Write today for "Commercial Circular " I C S.. ' Box Jilt H. flcraaton. Pa. . WALTER CLARK, JR. Attorney-at-Law RALEIGH, . . N.C , 1 SYONOB & HUNDLEY, Inc. ' fOt-ll-lS E. Broad fit, ' lUchmond, Va,' Pumltura for tha noma bau. tiful. . . , CHICHESTER S PILLS V,C, TaaaiaaoaaaaAaa. T 48th Annual Convention "N. E. A." Boston Mass. r i;-' Greatly reduced Excuretoa Fare yt. Norfolk Southern Railroad. Jan Mlh art Jaly 1L Travel via Norfolk and Steamer. Delightful aaa voyagw. Ttrketa Includ meal and atat-rota. berth while Aboard steamer. For oomplete Information, apply to, D. V. Conn, Paaa. Agt.. Raleigh, or addraaa H. C. MUDOINS, O. P. A. Norfolk V. . NORFOLK SOCTHERX RAILROAb - ' OOMTAJTY. """ " Go ta tba Sea Mazt Bandar. peaehor Sunday outing Apectal, Ral eigh, WUaoa. Oroaavlll and Washing, ton, to Morahaad City, and Beaufort, every Sunday. Cheap wek-od aad Sunday xcur- acton, rata yjuv JJorfBlk Soathcaa. atall- nail. . ttpadal train laav Raleigh 1:11 a. m.. leara Wilson, T:l A m., leave r army II la : a. m., leav OreenvlUa 1:11 a. m., leave Washington 1:11 a. m aniva Morahaad City 11:0 noon. Returning apodal train learee au fort !: p. m Morehead aty 1:11 p. ra. Ask naarast tlckat agent tor com pleta Information. IL C lll'DOESa 0. P. A., Norfolk, Va. 1 9 tl fig The Style of a pair of glaaara should ba so kx-trd with aa much rare aa your dlaplar In aclrrtln; a hat or yoar riothn. Let u show yoa ear new finger place clip for eiyeajlaaar a. ArUatii' ocaO c laaalo wbatan tlaL Wa examine your eyea free of charge, J0I1Y-WYNNEJTO ra. 'OptonwtHatA RALEIGH, N. C IWMWWV TANNER PAINT & OIL CO., MAJtXTACTCRERJ High Grade Paints RICHMOND. VIRGINIA Taa caa gat treat), aeik-towa Caady. arytag traai H to SSe. pgr peand al Royster'a Candy Store H. P. S. KELLER Arcnitect Raleigh, North Carolina Good Carnations At thl sMaon of tba year It la oat of tha onttoary to hara extra fine Carnation, but w bar them hi great profusion, white and pink. Why not let aa send aome to your Mend, writ yoar card? , PRICE.... ...7Se. dot. J.MMey3wei7Ca, Green boro A PoaBoaa,v.C. T-':r-mc-:f-.t,'j Notre t hereby ghraw ThaTTh ; : nual atorkholdar' meeting of th , North Carolina Railroad Company will ' ba held at IS o'clock A m Thursday, ! July 14. Ill, at Hotel Ouilford; la th city of Oraanaboro, North Carolina. . Notlc la further given that tha t stock transfer book will ba eloaed for ten day next preceding tha said date of tha stockholder meeting. Thl Juno II. 111. j ., ' i 1 , A. . subin, oec ana ireaa , COW AEGUT THOSE LETTER HEADS? , Phone ua and wall coma around and talk . th matter ever. Our work utlaflsA, Our price please. M. J. CARROLL PRINTKB at klaela. Kale!, W.C C.V.BARRETT. An. local 'and Jonodia. fr ' "tekbhon cot " lim llew .. vilte Street, 6 aT RALEICRriC afiCtUSHrlll i:.txrc pr cosimf.kck nnt Norfolk. Virginia. BROA.O SELTZER CURtS HEADACHES. 10 CCNTS. EVCRYWHCRC. It Never Rains Us Out This la vhr we bar tha "up" on th washerwomen. If alao quit an Item to tha ha ua wife. With ua all you have to do Is to phon. or la noma way tat u know that you want ua and wa do. 1 ht ret In tba most mttefaetory manner. Kar yoa aeea aur family llatT OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY BOTH PHOXM. TIAIJTGR. If. 4V Early Buying of Graduation Gifts Means having the most complete stocks to select from. We are ready for your buying now with a splendid showing. T If exquisite beauty, charming excellence, and complete assortments appeal to,you4t will prove a mutual pleasure to have us show you our stock. H. MAHLER'S SONS JEWELERS RALEIGH, N. C. Sandy Andy Most "Complete Sand Toy on the market auto matic and very durablethe toy for every child excellent for the seashore. . $1.50 and fully worth the money. The J. D. Riggan Company Its FayrttwriOa Street. Fbona ttO. , - Ding WAVTED. , Bid for laying concrete aidrwalk, for th town of. etmltbneld. N.C. artll b received up to II o'clock (soon) ! Tueday. July 11, 1110. Plan and i pecincation majr ba seen at th may Of! Office'. ' Tha town rrvii th prtrUtgea of rejecting arfy or all blda Addras all bid and communlca Uona to tha Mayor of Bmlthneld. Bmlthnetd, N. C. , . 'i Candy making I aur buatneaA Wa know It. Yoa knot rva know (a U yon buy ; , ,. ROYSmS1 CMDYl Hubber Goods that 7ill ITot Leak . . Guaranteed for 2 Years SYRINGES, WATER BOTTLES. ETC. Drop tn and look ever my QuantAlr Lin. " PHcee low ' Tf aot corn call 144 and I will bav th goods at your door la a few min ute. J. C. BRANTLEY, MASOXIC TEMPLE. It ALEICH, 3tf. C. -..mlffWw'1'E,wly'-iBi''ii'lJ i ii , lauyWMMMwlwrjg-WttWMHa ' Jut.-tA. T g . J.. , t.dv '"7?;:.'??' 'TX"r "itr . a M-aH 4t