13 EFFORT FOB BETTER! ora:iiis VE PE-RIR.A GAVED MY LIFE." 3 Week Terra tor Trial c! union smio,;:- HIGHER AND HIGHER Street Cir Cesptay Hfc pw( at txS) Hearing Before -ths Ccr y te tmu t : sjm! Bn4 Naaaa as ; i it aa tt kr Th) Corny y TQ Sajar cm wee ef UW BSSF i 1 . tie wOi a poraticn Commission la Free Moving PY-caiv Show Tbaww frva ttat h4 B4 Usees ret bxr- on tarn XUrV-rvio Show WTtTX j raa,.,. . ... a,,.-,,.. UmtttTG.t-r-rrrjz-jrLxsri ' -' vfV- i i i p i i i a in i i i i mm i si 1 1 h Tlir AND orCRVTiT, SUN'DAT, JULY 10. 1910 ! ! " Cri.rlr.il Cues I the antswa I Hist V i h kiT base ' j Jade ChaHoe "M. Ox to rreeije. . . MB Owt ax Porkce Tww of, ties . V A S amber a IUKic Otlf An Boom k XcoM U Vm Tr d that V ru m ?Co h AA Atnunl0'i Railroad Mr G Sud CWm that radar rta AS 10 B W. miilta tk tMtAdelUBa of th aatoa ot frws m-nly on by th railroad Um raa Katetck ar atlll makins a tBt for nor adjuU fart1Ua ikaa ara coatralatad br tha rait- raa4a, Th aiad tiUa at lha Kal ilk Katail Marrbaata Aanclatloa and atar rttiMoa mm glvra a aar tn( kr Um Corporation Commtaaioa varda and mna prartirallr all th dar Wttatna for both th ramplalaaata and tho railroada rao j aummad aa to tba adaauary of tha balldln adar tha praaaBt pun or ra- maaltn. Tba aim for tha com. lalaana war all atroaa-ly of tha opto, toa that tha propoaad rhaafaa wara ' ' tkoraochty InaJruaia. whita tha rail rada arltataaaa wara aa firmly ron rtnd that undar tha rhamtfa tha ar romBodattoaa would ba tho'ouclr adaaata, . Tha W11' rr tna tiu"i aa Mian w ar BTtn rNM-. natrd aad that mora mom waa aardad and that tba ramodalUna- prflally nil na Tor,m- tha otr H '- mainln tha aaioa. tha only chana b ln a r-arrnw!it- Tha railroad wttnaaoaa rlalmad that tha nw ordar r arranfunant would mnla nob to BTommodata all L.fm and that tha floor ra-a A faator. dartng tha aamlnatl ". which craatad tha moat tntaraat wa M .a k.1 aaaal VI kl 1jbbT tha .iaw--JJ ".Z.rZi 7.1 1 " wiilj Va! waa tarmad th -'f., I mata Into a " J?,?" f ,m partHloa la rlaca' gratlnr whkh a-rrataa th. Jl ! (oaiMdad that tha plana - "J w .iMt. ' V.. i'io, . ! .(lon waa found tdaoata trial lha mrourm, - Into uaa. -nIJaratlon on 1 Whlla thla wa ar for aim futura ar.Tat U ZZXZ ! . - .w. ,ni.inii. thit it Mr Iltnrv ill ler waa ma nrat wn rhor among tlu ' pJ"l"ttVl aaj for tha d-fndanta Ha autad VI&'&1 Pn laaot. ton and .".naw plana H. auud tunc tha rmr- ...,, -.,,,. I TTa ma"ar " ". nit Kaiaiai inu wart daclarad that It ama Impractt cabla aicapt at onormoua axpanao which would ba too burdanaoma to tha rompanlaa. Thara waa an arfumant yaatordaf and on agraa-naat with eoanael tt waa loft with tha Corr-o ration Corn mlaalca to aat tha data tor argvmant and thli will potatbly ba about two waaki hanca Omarnor CTira B- Aycock rapfo aarviad tha eoinplatnanta. Mr. rank McNInch. tha North Carolina Rail road. Mr. Jamaa H. Pou. tha fW hoard and "outharm. aad Mr. R. K. Blmma, tha Ralalah and Bouthport and tha Korfolk Bouthara. Tha Twatlmoaa, - tn mtar MT. WrXlnrh aiktd that tha potttloa with rafaranca to tba North Carolina Railroad. bo dtamlnood aa R waa not an o pa rating road, but waa laaaad to tha Bowtharn. Mr. 3. O. Ball wa tha flrat wltnaoa. Ht aald tha praaant atatloa waa aa taMtthad ta ltt. Ha had aaa tha Baw plana and thoaght that thay wwald not an larra tha- arcommnda tlent. Jla eltad tha tmci that thara wara bat waaa i.tt and I. It ata dantt frora othar plarva who attand rhoolg and eoUagea haras and that thaaa eoraa and go about four tlmoa a yaar. Ha aroa of d-Ura oa tha part ef tba Korfolk Boutharn ta tatting Into tpot undar praaant arrangw mant af oatng tha Baaboard Air Una trarka Ha a lan ttatad that whad tha atatloa waa built thara wara only twa road a, now thara Wara four, all oalng tha aUtloa. Mr. Ball wat rroaa agaralnad by Mr. Poa and Mr. Wmma, who arguad In thalr oktatloBa that thara wara how it tratnt a dar. which bad tha affart of rallalng tha roagaatlnn. and ag to gchoola mada tha point that thaaa did not gloat or tha tarn day. Tha diffi culty af tha Ralalgh aad Bouthport fatting. Into tha atatloa en It owa trark waa alao brought out. 1 "Hilar ra-dlrort axamlnatlon. Mr. Ball kid aotlcod tha laertaaa la paa aoagar traral and tha congaatlnn at tha d-pot whoa tralna a-ara 'bahtnd, which waa of fraquoat ocrurranca, CoL Jooaph K. Pogaa waa lntroduo ad to thow tha eongaatloa at atatloa . daring Xalr stk.-44o ototod that tha rallroadt brought about lt. to tha laat Fair and that moot train want to tha anion dr pot. Bald attaadaaoa Tmf Tttaltty, tnap aad ga" ta a Wrakfaat wf Grape-Nuts Why? Ita raaaa, aatora atom ip . Ia rhki Ba4 bartoy Tba INnatatar TTioaphaM la gwrh form aa to Nowruh brala aad arrrcav Tha food unit who ortglnaird Grape -Nuts Bctalaed UiU ahtabla , Element In th fond. j .Tnerfi a Rrwaon." ' - " Rod tti famnwg Utile bnok. Tha Road ta TXrUm, rnd la pa km.--. -rOKTCM CKREAL COM PAXT. limited. ' ailt'.t Creek, atlchitaa, Bthrt a-dlng th.lr own tWk. ! htb" -JJJ . h:wt'a nioD? Into tha atatloa. which la part of tha I of tha altlng room for Z.! ZJ??V niB 4 I . 1 1 ai 9 vL . BKllaarakar mmA mun ma ranraawnia iit : - cmnd faiMaa Ui tka Mua. ar eaa ka fad IlVmm W aa-tl? aad cWra a ataf m 1 1 na a aam i Oarxd ravaU. CT Band BoQdafc PtH, ItL. aai ! rU -ra-ttaa af iki. aad iarfnl ; at Fair had InbM atnc daaot waa boilt Ha tMtiftad to iarra erowda vbaa tha Iaal(atura aad taa Grand I VMtn t iaoa mat. I Tha rarord of tba paaaaniar n fa of tha rallraada In tba Stata ia lilt and ia lltt vara oflarad la art tnra, OoTfrnar. Ayaock aboartar thai tha SoatMtra bad larraaaad from 1 1. !. to til t aad tha Baa beard freni'tl.ttMOt ta .TT,. . ... Atrr K- J:"lK a trvlln aalaaman, vada ona of tba baat wltniiiii for tha eani(4anaata Ha aottead qutta aa tn rraaao In traral ta tha paat taa raara, and bad ehaarvad rongaatlaa at tha atatlna. Alas toattQad to balaf dakayad by Norfolk Soulbarn la fatttnc Into KltOB aftar fattln to Ralalah Of- taa dalayad oa RaJaifh and Boath port train balng anUWa to fat Into block. Brine rroaa-aximlnad by Mr. Vlmina ha bad axparlancad difflcalty ta rttln throurh rrowda at union atatkm. That ha had aa Idea of tha old and floor apaco propoaad. That thara a as no matartal fhanra la da, tha nd ona tmaat. TTiatTBaTF'a-maoia icr nj ruu 10 alia rould not ba mat-rtally larg-r, aa tha sama walla ara to ramaja. Ha did not think tha room for whlta paopla larra aa tha ona at Oraanaboro. Al to rom paring with Wilmington drpot ba aald that town had .prartlcally auaa. It waa tha pooraat fra had arar aatn Ha aiplainrd tha difficulty of grttlng Into dry t by tha Ralalgh and Mouthport. itt Ptui'a davrlopad that und-r tha naw plana thara la to ba an entrnnco and alt ! for purtngeri at tha atallon partition "h-ra imln,d gava practl- rally tha aamr t-.tlm.ny at to con- gaatlon. Ina.lrqurj of naw plana and m. ,A raf.rrni-. to dalaya of Norfolk louih.rn and Kalrlgh and Bouthport ,,. )n block wara Ma-.r,. E. IW1U Bmllh, A T. Uuckatt. N. B. .,,. r WUa,r R E. U.a ,nd K. U Rand Pollcaman Popa POa of tha rongaatton of Talr waa J) of tralna balng atop pad at tha I -pot on thaaa oocaalona ZZt Hanry Miller waa tha flrat wtt- Ha waa Incllnad to think that tha ra- j.h... m )ii. .o.mn.olata - - - tpace. The crowd could do tquantea batter In tha oae room than la two. He stated how the colored waiting room could be extended oa MartM treat whenever n ecu aery and that tha white watting room could ba doubled by taking In the concourea and put ting tip a glaat partition where tha Iron grating now dlvldaa tha ehed. It could be. at ram heated and a concrete Boor put In. Thla could ba used aa a lounging or smoking rvim. Tha new plant, ha aald. provided for entrance and exist galea to tha tralna, which would rellave congestion. Ha then ca ptained tha plaat In detail from tha blua print, tha- same aa heretofore printed. Ha compared., tha apace In tha-whiter-watting room with othar cities, and elated that It would ba larger than that ef any city In tha State, and larger than 'that In tha Southern's stations at Richmond and Knoxvtlla, He gave tha araragt dally eala of tickets for April at tha follow ing towaa: Raleigh t. Charlotte (oqthera only) !, BaHtbury IM (thla being transfer point did not rep resent near tha Toluma of -travel), Knoxrllle (14, Oreenaboro 101 (an other point which In now We repre sented tha traffic), Iirhm 1T (only Southern). Richmond (only Bouthara) 110 (no union station). On question of Commissioner Brown. Mr. Millar aald that ha did not consider tha ac commodations at Greensboro adequate. 'Ht explained tha traffic arrangement of the Ralalgh and Bouthport with the Bouthara and tha block eystem. Ha believed that tha new atatloa would b adequate, except for excursion and lounger; that It waa tha daaira of lit railway to provide adequata aocommo- dationa, Ha eonatdered that tt would take aa Immense amount to extend It own track Into tha anloa atatloa. and pkt of It recent heavy expenditure la the way of statlont and ths build In? of 'the lone- bride acme Albe marle eound. Ha also testified a to the difficulty of the Raleigh aad Bouth port vetting la aa owa line. Under rrota-examlnatton et-Oortr- nor Aycock anageeted that the matter could be settled If the railway would agree to the concourse plan advanced. but Mr. Millar ttatad that suggestion waa only In ease the remodelling proved inadeauate. Ha believed that the new plan wara adequate, and ha wm of the opinion that the railway men were more capable of Judging thaa the wit- neaaea who had tee-lined. Corporation Commissi oner ; Rogers seemed to hare been struck by the concourea tlan, and asked Mr.. Millar a numoer or queatione rejaung to it. Mr. Miller did not toe that It would materially affect the present plan, but he was unable to approximate the cost tie could not tva tha Increase in travel. Governor Aycock aakad, did ha not know that tt waa fivefold t Mr. Gore, aiiperlntendant of the gae end division of the Seaboard Air Line, wt tha next witness. He threw no light oa the question at Issue, and under examination by Oovernor Ay- rock got etranded. He led off by "ly ing that he felt that the Improvement at the station would prove adequate: that tha eaparlty of the welting room would be doubled. Ha spoke of the rhsnre In the arrangement for telling tickets, the passenger not having to go out af the waiting room. Ha tpok of the entrance and exit gate to trains, nd about baggage arrange menU. When Oovernor Aycock asked him how the removal of a partition and the ticket office and a cloaet would double the seating rnpaclty 0 the welting room, he wit floored romplete rv and rould never answer the quea tlon. He could not answer about the Increase In truffle In the State, nor on hie own mad. At the conclusion of Mr. flora' tes timony, 1:30, a recee waa taken until oVlorlf Vpnn the resumption of tha hearing Mr. John Mi :. president 01 in nai rich and Pouthport went on the stand He mM that he wss familiar with r!iav development and wtth condi tions at the union tln, being tr-ere'rtnllv. - lie. sfntert tbnt the r.iii.'eh and Bouthport tad no Oa Maadar alf ht aaxt lha atraat railway campaay artll taaarorata lu traa mtrring plctuxa axhibttlau at rlaa rark by a tid dlaplay of tr I varka, Thla aupply waa archaad for tt f,nJl July pt ow,, u tha . , r. taa company aoaa aot prupoaa ta b autdona by taa vaathr and aaaea bav dctdad aa Konday nlfht. aaxt wnT niJ-.lU S .xh.hKr t h . Artar tha rlacUr aoru. iu bo arrani h.t tha paopia can hatra a toad viaw. Tba w-nrln, pra axbtw.lon. will aoatlcua each alht thoraattar a n l aa thrr attrart tha erowda. Tha f law will ba chaaart awteo a waaa or aftaaar If tha crowd yaaufy. Thla aup will taod raatl 10 pope laiiaa tba park durtat tha hot aval mar alfhta, Tha pubUo can tat tha advantaca of tha coollnc braaaaa and ba amitaad at tha aaraa tlma t no amtra aipaoaa. troubla la attlnr to tha union ttatlom aftar fvttlnf on tha main Una axrapt oa two or thraa ocraalom during fair waak. Tha uoubla at tha block, ha said, waa vary rar. Tha rhacfa at tha nation would not ramady tt Tha praaant tarrntnua of tha RaMfh and Boutbport waa two and ona-half mllaa tha union atatloa. That It would coat 1 198. tOO to do to. Tha tu krt talag out of Ralalgh wara about IL00 par month. Ha rontldtrad It pricttcall aa Impoaalblllty fur th Norfolk Boutharn to axtand tta trtik to tha untoa dtpot. Ha thought It would coot thorn ovar 1180, 000 yuaatloa ad aa to tha baat placa for a ualoa dapot. ha thought tha aoutharn par or RklttgK Tht x'hrdul-a of tha Ralalgh and Bouthport do not conflict with tha Boutharn nr tha Norfolk Boutharn with tha Bra board Air Una. Tha only erowda ha had r.otkad at tha union nation wara pnpl fatting tick tta. Ha had nrvor taan any crowding In tha waiting roomt Ha could taa plenty of enu'ty taata at any tlmt. Ha aald ha waa parUaMy familiar with tha now plana Thought thay would give adiuate room. Ha thought tha em-beure of concoufta would ba a beautiful Idea. It would nearly double tha apace and It would accommodate for yaare to coma. Mr. I'ou 'Without concourea, don't you think the room It ampltf Mr. Mtlla; ' I do." Oov Aycock: "If It It neceeaary to use the concourea. don't you think It would be batter to do It now!" Mr. Mllla: "I think to . At the conflualon of Mr Mlll'e tea tlmony It wte agreed to leave tha day for argument to ba let by tht com mlattoiiera. WHEDBEE CHOSEN SUPERIOR JUDGE (Continued from Page Nina.) by Justin Iverttt of Pitt aad J Jon Wllllama The txecutlve commltttt named It composed of the following: I. O. Fowls, of Carteret! B. at. tirtnson, 01 Craven; (J. A. McUhee, of Oraane; W T. Caho of Pamlico, J. R. Barker, of Jonea, and D. C. Moore of Pitt Tht ntw nominee tor Judge 11 if years old, and l one e of the gbleel lawyart of hi year la in state. Judge Ward ha mada a tin repu tation at ona of the beet Judge in tht State. The large delegation! here from all tha countiee report that the Democratic prospects ara bright as could ba d sal red and that the 1 dem ocratic majority In the whole taction will be Increaaed In November. . . . . WORK M HOCRA A DAT. The busiest Uttle thing ever made are Pr. King's Naw IJfe PIHa Every Ill I a augar-roated globule ol(mnn j a. m Servlrea during the ealth. that changes weakness Into w.k. wadnesdsv I p. m : Friday 1ft strength. languor Into energy, brain - fag Into mental power; curing Const 1- pation, neaaacne. vniiia. iryapapsia, 1 MatartA ISe at alt drug store. THE HALIFAX "PtPtyt-.f DKSTn." Ttiey Win Ron a BevaraUt County Ticket and Kot Bottle PlffegrtirM Within Desnorratlo Party lias A aggatrd. The Welden correspondent of the New and Obaerrar write a follow concerning the Independent" move ment In Halifax county politic In correction of the Inference thle paper placed on a former ataument of tht titustlon br him 1 ' '.'Tha Independents will not light it out within party Unas, and refuse to a Into the primaries or convention of' the regular democracy of Halifax, and will have a ticket In opposition to ths ticket to ba named later try tba Democrat. "I thould have stated that tne inat nendent tickets Wore In 1101 and 1101 and that In thoea fears the Re publican ef Halifax county had no tickets of their owa In the field, and It Is alleged that Republican voted the Independent tickets In tha rears named." COLORED BAPTISTS. Ties Btofas Onventlow Mta m Hen- t doraja Today. ; ThS North Crrolln Colore! Baptist Convention convenes la Henderson to day, with the Bprtng Btraet Baptist church. Ray. C- M. Cartwrteht U president of the convention. The In dication are for a large attendance. The Woman's Btata auxiliary conven tion mtet thara alao. S S)tQ)t JffaUrla U a trttsmlo blood potto ft fllssaM J"" thanchniandnotirUhlB aUmenw ot tha jm poison battle to absorl. ths rtch, 4 oorpuaolM of pale, aaDow complexion, and ft general , topwliwntol means mora thatvlbji, and U the blood ?m","???. tha anoetita faUk dlasttlon Is dteturbexi, chills and slight fever are Ire fnentfand ln tvriud cat., boll, and rapt'on. absoeaaa. break out on tha n.h. To um It M1 "t porarty, end tha onlf war t tha trcmbU U to anrlch and purify the KoodV Nothing TU aqua! to 8. 8. 8. as ft blood purifier and it Is .icUllt a!Cid to tha cnrTof mntart.1 ttonbls baxtatiN 1 mlneraU. and while ridding; the blood of tba BalarW .JatU bo tha entire irttem br it no tonw enecio. i i rnalwla" bRia thft tia of 8.8. 8. at Once, and bjr etofttwln the blood, rid vourtell of this WMtin disaasa. Book on tha fclood and anv mecllnaj ' t t V ' --vAil ' fra.Caarlaa Aaapaob, Of Oot&wnll, IadaaTtl ofaraM Baa batk a (odaead to ma. I liit Ufa ! iIiib HiHIiiiiI. a. I waa all rma dow, and wm Jrut BUaarabla wbaa I omnaaeod taklnc ntl Far an a. Ml aa oa tha road to yy HV. leanno thank yoafcxr 4, At The Churches litheraa Qao. E. Mcnnan, paator. Barrlraa will ba bald In tha mratlng room of tha Cham bar of Oommrt- oa rayattavllU atraat Hjnday. July lth, II I p. in. Preaihing by tba Rar. Wm. Ieknar. of Ht. lul. Mo. Tha publlo la eordtally invltrd. w McC. Whit D. D pastor. Services 1 1 a. m. anil 1:11 p. m. During the morning ser vice the communion of the Lord a Bupper will ba oheenred. to which all Christiana ara rordiallr InMte.l Sun day school, 10 a. m ; Westminster League, T.JO p. m ; Wedneeday ser vice. I 11 p. m. Edentoa Brma Methodist Rev. . ITarry M- North, pastor rrtoe at 11 a. m. and I 11 p m. Sermon at both houra by tha pator Si.nday achool t T:e a. m. Joseph O llf 'an. uperintendenf. twortti league meets Monday night and prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at li o'clock Visitors In the city Rre mr dially Invited to slten.l all eerl e Mlllatxwo fUrorg 0rieUn- lte I. K. Johnson, paator. t'rea. hlnn at 11 s m and I p. m. Suniiay sm-Ik .. 1,! ( 4S a m . Chaa. H Stephensi'n. in. perlntendent Prayer meeting Wed nesdsy night FBirttrvtlta Mrrre IVaiHiMt -John L- Cook, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.. John T. Pullen, superlntenileitl. T'reachlng It a. m and 15 p m Bilbjectt, 'The ChnsOan' Una1" anil "Our Rest." Kvangrl ItoUt Comer Tawon nd Davie ttreeti, Kev. H (3 Kitnn.. pastor, will preach at It a. m and at I p. m. Fvangelletlc service for aa tng the lost at night Sunday school t:l a. m . W D Holloway, superin tendent All Invited. Meat RaMgti Ikaptlat Services I V m., conducted by Rev. J. B. Parmer. Motor. Sunday achool f 30 a. m. Wad- j neadsy prayer senlce. I p m The conference meeting wat adjourned to next Wednesday at I p m , st wntcn ittme al mamnert or tnit rnurcn srs urgeo to vm p.eeeni. - Tabernacle. Itaptlial Corner Person i ana Hargett e.re.s, rt.v a ,i j imiom-nri, na-. .... .,...... . nema. a u'i niwmi "-- ten t p. m. inema. owjim VI1on." Sunday school I SO e, m . N R. Broughton. superintendent. Pilot MIIU llaitlst Rev R S Stepehnson. pastor. Services st ) m.. bv the piistnr . Sunday school t the usual hour Christ Rev Milton A. Parber. re. - tor; Rev. R. Percy Eubankt. assists- , nt fl,nth Sunday after Tr'nltv 1 Hniv' communion 7:10 a. m. Sun Uy ' Bchonl I 45. llvlne eervic and eet. , - m jrree eent Stranger and vtei- ,ori cordially Invited. Bt. Saviour iiapd-r-Rtv. R Percy Fl-uhankt. minister in charce. Bmdy school :4S 1 m ntvln ervice n m; hlght service I p. m. sent mi fre. Kvery .one Invited. Churrti of tlie Good ScieriheviW Rev t McK Plttenger, D. D.. rector Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Holv romanuhlon I H t. m. Bunday school :4I a. m.. Franc 8. Cog, ufr-ernten-dent Bible class for man. is a. m R H. Rattle, teacher. Bervloe and sermon 11 a. m Evening preyer ( p m The seat are all free and etranger and visitor are cordially In vited. ' COX on rUK)riNTarLY I PLY ' Caranteed for 1 year. Easy to r. Nail and cement-free. Kampls on renuest. t nlted-Roofing A Mfg. Co., Philadelphia Moma to WM. License to wed waa granted yester day to the following couples: Mr. Sadie N. Ray, of Wake Forest and MIsa.Emma Terry, of Ralalgh. R. F. Df t: Mr. Columbu Page, of Morrl--vtll. and Mr. AdeUlde Barbae, of Carpenter-. Mr. Frank Henlev and Ml Alma Penny, of Raleigh: Mr. Melvln Pool and Mia Maggie Scott of Ral eigh, a aw r ' "' 1 '" "'"'f "Hesw Mnaxlea." Moat Of the law-abiding canine of r.nlelrh are eportlng brnd new mux glee, but other isre wearing "near munle.4 which leave them free to epan their mouths ae wide as ever. Fewer of the. Cog wearing "near munle. , DRIVES OUT , IIAUmiAL POISOinilG - wiifirKi!ihir i tha dock at thara ara l!l tun. ' j Bfty af whWk an conttn jJ curt. Parbapa tha anoat !ntarat:n( raaaa ! to ba tried at tba wmtnc xrrm of coart ; bo thoaa aJnat A Cooipaxiy thair arnl. Mr W. D. Vohaa Thara ara thraa of th. aa ram, twa of mhk'h ara amliit th "J .h.ir ar . t6, ra .mra"1L .co am;n" vmpan Thraa 'Tott-n h g ' wara Drs: hr.i whin ,7. Vfrn.Un "-".t.; . J.iJ.iT - .k . !',U;B! " Kfc1'' h V ' h "! " bafora th nolua luatlca. lor i Ult' ' tit fur ue. l U.t.s aJjudgad rullty aiul fnait. th-r ciw-a'1 to tha j Suparlor "uttrt Tw rt tf ra.-a 1 haa tx-Tl -t tr tr'il tha vrronl V-n-day of court Than,- !'. th- l-rg. r l'i;g raaaa! acalnat tha ntor:uu Itr-ih.t Brown ara Mil! r i.vlif m p.ilbl) la trlr.l a tha --mU tm tf th i a on iU iti t-ntyona ar lnjtii'r h:U . ttira ara fi nrit.i. iHftM u. h huuaa-.raak:n-. crua'tv r4 r i , y and A. lar mi acd ra-'vnc. andrr of aoman, t- nsy. nt:rn thtiu mmimw AD THIU.r: 1TIIIR C.S1 ntoM thi nwt.mora mai ahy. fHriev!! to Vri . r .ilTsar.l New Hern. N i' . ' . Min Mar mmTh. v h r.-: . fct .No. Met.-alf street, au n :-i t u tack of pellaifa t St-.-i snlto. rliim earh th a 11. 'rV' 1- Mlaa Sniith a arr'.. 1 tortum Tuea.1v tti"n. i 11k- Sanl- i.i at that time waa unVriits n r.. , i.ut It a as thought ther.. .u. n r h -pa fr her ret-.vrry t'ut ,;. ., ia t that everything p. !'! n ! , ir nhr. h-. anccumbi 1 t- 1- ''- ol lineage There ara three ...... in Uie tt y tTiNf.O HIK1IIM. si.i.ranteed f'r 1 Is Nails an J . e "ii request I'rut Co rhllalelt,h' i ri v A t PI.V ' i e. mt't ' .1 l; l Haav t o ro Samj,:p f'i A Mf Til K PKINCT ' HOTFI. pnnrnriTroRH. flow in. Prirvr of the. Waldorf stvta aene ?Ywn a TV-;as Slio-p' t ann to Flrat 1aa Among llonl-fssi-a. Wy bsck someahsr In tha slitles a young man tn.volo.1 from his little sheep Urm down In Toxaa where the fl.x'dp hd cleaned out all hie sto. k. to New York 1tv Ills nsme was C.eorse C lloldt. and the gvratlcms of Voriiirie'p wheel' that carried him from his first humble lob of waehliif dishes and pellr onions In a reatsu rsnt kitchen to proprietor of some of th most prtn-ei hoteia in the world 1 make up one of the most faaolnstlng , stories fn the July IiuOio of Humsn l.lfs Men who climb to the hlshost p'n-i.a.-lo of etirceea tn a rorrs.tn line often tiniee ge,t hold of e.iie therv or Tmfk-e aemie -TllareiTeri t their ' humble beginning- a hereby th. v f- orwarde revolution!!" the txi.ltiess This was the case with Roldt The star to which he hd hit' hed Ms wason was rroprlrtorshlp of p h"tcl pportun't knv-kod sn 1 he xsvo her the glad hand Then presto - to his little h.ietelM one itpr sith fhoirleh of trumpets des-ended the prest William W.idorf tor ir..! the hoi. I register fall lut lloldt -sn't ep.iu f eased, and the c in hi. h tio r"s to the oooflslon snd the meal h, served to the groat William '1 his modest little dlninr-rvom convinced A-tor that he had found th- ttwi ho was looking for The r"ilt was ths' the fortune of the rot Waldorf Astoria were eoTrmfrd f Ms hnl" Step by step the st .r.- t-sces hrt rise end not the least lter -Hog part of the narrative Is the rfrr -f the great hotel whose merni'1. ores hns left nothing for competitors to eur ,pnss sJL Year Fortune M Told FREE K t SSI sea ysw STira MUUNOrt-at asev pin ia. laws, rxv s s".l"'' frt BalVsys. eoeS Wmm ama tsis seoMs V eisaa wses. UaXatatstaBa PJ.Mw. sktk .BraTtft 0 r t nm xrraa wi cnir.:5UU roar tha Waka Caonty Bupartor Coart wtU con- i raaa tanorrow fur a two waaka' tana. ' Jadda Cbariaa U Cooka oraaldliic. 1 ' Suit Reduction Sale We re offering our Men's and Boys Suits at greatly reduced prices. We still Have some of the nobbiest Suits of. the season left. ; To get the very cream of this sale better come in today. It will pay you. CROSS & LINEHAN CO. IlMXMER OrR CLOTHES FIT. w;i, - r' -f ., tk.. ... Customers" is our watchword. King-Crowell Drug Co. YOU'LL FIND THAT IT PAYS to BUY FURNITURE FROM US Heauae we not or.lv offer r- re aril hotter Fi'itmro thsn any h"ue In ths entire Snith. hut e "or vou the pept prtce alwava, cormderlng the qaalitr .f the 1 RiHlrif months ah es .injvij-j j J XlX. 4. accuiaXba iiaa faak- Vrern1Trfie"1ow?pt freight rate. Write us for blue prlnn SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, Inc., 709-11-13 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. FURNITURE FOR THE HOME BEAUTIFUL at-,aaa , lKSTKRDtY ClUHTKHS. IWug Ownpanlea liartrrrd for Wake MVat an1 at lUlria-ti lelitillone (mpany for Mlev t llj certlflcato of In. .ijrj.crm m ' e,i ixiordtv hv T K llUn 1 o of Wake r'orept The . -'rj r 1 1 . -r. l ', ! dm huHie! will ;i Tl tfi .riiM capital of -,on.oi ., scribed. $4,000 J r tav' T V and S P. H-'M'c all of W i.e For sf 'ncorporati'r Th Msllett Co, of Kfih-nh was chrtere, with an n (i. r . 1 M.ttal at.cb -f !."". siil f.iod. Do YOU wear the Best? "Shield Brand" Shoes Are BEST! They are the shoes of REAL QUALITY and GENUINE STYLE. Ht Best because they are made by the most skilled and well paid workmen Wear Longest because only the very best selected leather are used. . "SHIELD BRAND" Shoes . retail at various prices always the bifrp?est value for the least money. A few of our most popular models for men are "Klier's King" at $3.50 and $4.00, and "Spartan" at $3.50 while ladies' styles most in vogue are the "Victory" at $1.50 and $2.00, the "Model" at $2.50 and $3.00, and the "College Queen" at $3.50 and $4.00. Ask your dealer to show you the best footwear in America-SHlELD BRAND. Bold by the Brat Retailer Kverywhrre M. C. KISER C0MPAITY "Shield Brand" Shoe Makers ATLANTA, GA. wf . tce:.:.t a 1 'oii 1 h I'.KUrs pel . . t in. rp 1 tic It. oil. . I. UIU-tt. SI'n. Mallett. a'.l irHtorp. T.-lephone Co A TV. of Ral- of Slier M 1 hrteret with an sjthor f ..( .l il of noil. subs, rlbe.1. 1 J W.1.I0 s:r 1 ' N Rrsy ,.:ter 1 Slier all of Slier City. rp..rloT In ladlc-e of (1'iirral (nimlttee 1 h.'re will tio m-otina of the 1. ,t:e of the Uonerpl Cmmtttee of the .i.,.i i.iioil i'h.irtt - t ths orrl.-o 1 J e) Wont MarKett Ptre-t, Tuesniti morn- ' 11 olo, k

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