Tiir Nirtvs and orfcnvrn, stndat. july 10, ibio . ... w. - - . H . i i i ii i i - . - '.. . .- 3 -A - " 1 , . 1 t t ti ft. - V 1 V 1 r -" H r " ft 1 W f 4?! ft J i-j I ' 1 t ax 4mK r H am bs t pMa, tat, aw-, asf has ta l - - Mrk HI . T" mrrm tmw thm tam In 1 rpalakdM. i k . pktw of VOVfa. tMcnlT 4 Tha llk i4 Vatorr- ( puna Vf jaarjt Ji .fltXtnc 'mtZl . " " -" m na ll man; magtM emh to. TV" " la M ajayaptUtatf, oa lh tTfaalm ; 0M Off, Wt naaKt-pajnaM hkJf at ' J T tW Hlt. Il H I hHMAl lmal Ibtf. attamjj amL H'rxrm ataJW IhhiI. Too auaMtrrfal ittfva of ito vrifaua, vntlK ktiwkr to ttola afaarf 4fa Mtnaal o lit auina on im Bigitt U Uvi r-a(avnur 4 lljr MaiaH -4MH kW.aaanriimiaji W Uaa ak fkll o 1m lluajaa of I aitrr Thouf h Kmlartva, laJior txrw In a rrtirMunl In h! an ti r I rfvant'in. t ttouaa of tt!r. h Ht ont hmi fnula nl tuai(uiiiia i-kll- nl iherfibg him an. I it lifiing I rum I j m.i.a ir d.rk , .,u.la lu. I,. vci lu uuth. t.aJ haunirl .1 Th. rr - f.tc. h"n h airut an wrgni lrllT t a b)h i f. i i 4 k. a t ' if uy nil j-1' 'i nig linn com I' aiu.i-l ,n r n b h'.a frl-n1 n aa khiirt a tliTi a h: licr r.iuld -,trrv htm t- lh a 1 i I n4A!tJn 1 olir hat , a rUlrti thfr hi.i i-ppi vaaii. I k lllrn:a riivi aiil 'ri it -rij h: frln4 t a ? h.tn tlir i.uii-iii aiJ ibftr 1, ih.- r-l 'i 111 huh lha lluuam if thrr aj It k!ti aa a l artl'-utAr ii JrtMiv ona. and tha day at lh ;. r hi. h th friiiil cnt atrhin tt! i f u. in.ui kiHti kail t-t--ii na ol ih ilult. t)irk. aunlra daa r autuntii At th nrl nl.ini.i-. ,.f lh.- I,, us, lli frlrn.l frll a milk. ..f .!! ! i.il ti f triuff irall gi m -i.ni tiff h'lti Tti fi-r!ir.4 a urrrllf .-.1 t Mt - r tha "H..- aafitirnt-nt a hi. h la a- ii i !. aajk-nd t a.-. n ( i.f I'k1 tlr "Ull.iti Tt wh.iU ifniilv i-n 'f u!,WHiit 'tii r. ',.. ii an 1 Itir f rlt lul - riei.- a unV nit Ui' a-'Vi! avi.-l mji It olnp.ira l-l .'nl t' tltAl a 111. h ti'liuWi all ..pium ileLmm L.. Th aalla of Ui- h"ua arrr tpk nnJ karr. Ih .il,k. aliid'.aa af.- -i rant. th hflir.-a nfrf rank am! hr.'k n anil a f 9 , nhlli trunk f ii avtng If- if .!Irt al'.ut Ik- .t-'tiinln glr-ni'il chu'lv lt.-.uti tlic f.i' '. dui.k. Th- (rr.gr 'ilnpil m hia hor.' 1'V th tS.U i f a iminll lukc -r lam lit. h lay Uh unrut'l-l aurfa.-e Wt-r tha hmi4 i..J J-d d-ioii ill i. ' r l . -1 IniMg. .f lh l.'ill.lins an.t Iti- rrtu- 11, tin ( Id- oil ll li"t- il' I tht ;!''. t T i :'h a atinJ.l.l ' - " Hi.'r ihrl'.I.Me t'.nr I . f..r tt. il't Inn a . f k ...m h li.f Prat .iht .-f 'he n-i.ti-t n ri Ijlto hlH i..ti! U l;l! a an ' t lht ' 'in irtd him T!it Tl -.ill v,T r itirr' ( iT'h lU.I.'a . Vim an.t h-- that. aM! l i'tl "f iitari li a l h t tr -T i ,1 . tti. wl.:. 1'. rh i 'int'ln -!ll-.'r.' fir aiiKti- I . I ie r- f nl t - - 1 1 v. ,i - 1. 1 ' li .i i ii l - OU f. Ii r ' ' ' ' '. . le'eil tll.it ttl hta rii.-i. i i. j ,r. i t e. d him ll n ,. . n- ik. ! home rrmt mt Um foarW ajul hat. f.r . i . i . : . . k- - 'Ii'' traveler ieptc i tiniuli't looked ..p .4-- ' . i.-nd'tig n The room in which 1hv .it Inl'ln atrit. f.-.i ... r hini lie w.i- a.i dark that. I' the f-etilr and lnui;t.. 1 h.,t -..r wti .1 minrlnri d itig Itcl't which ciiiieln Ihrowyh tli eii.l .1 in.,.; -r- i. n.( .,;i .i..r;i p-cu- hll'li wl'nlmi. It H i. - It'itioeMl!.!.- tn t.e liar I. iiv .; n atmoaphrr hi- h the remoteat part "f the Mtudlr, or f,)r had no if r.iii aHh th- air of h. avcli. , t li eye to penetrate to the loft v. dark till r-rV. T iip from Ih de riving ceinh . tliev talked, however th trees the gruv aalland the ilnt larn ' visitor dlailnctlv the figure of the - ,i i .F '.'r r...te v i i-r fa i n t - 1 A d v Madelitie enter a door nt the ly d'. err.c. hie and lead-n hued further end of 'he nnnrtment eroa Hi . inc..! ;he v a: I of tb houa th mom nnd dla'tppear through an i I..,, ,v i,. I a thnt t,e dl d iratior other door without noticlna th pic ..f t' till tn k" il Minut -nee of the :rnnrer A The evei of funfi ov. rpres,1 the wall and hung the vlttnr followed her r trentlng from !he . ivr in a fn-. t.ingied web- form, h- f"it n en.itlon f il'i""r work Even- IndlMduil Mon of the com over him. not tinmlngled , with airu.Jture via In crumbling condition, astonishment and dread nwitlnri et ea. h w a,' in 1t place Hut bv ond I f or which h wa utlertv unnhte to this fidenW of . ;r.le decay noth-j account Roderick rut hla hand be ing g;.e the f vbrtc an appe.-vranc nf In&tahiltlv ur.lej p. a.i an Indistinct Bur ahich . ould b in n b a . loc obeerver clarugg4nc down the front, wall frewn the rn,-.f fft-ihe stiTl.-h watcr of the tarn Th visitor mde serosa th narrow causeway which extended over the little- lake to the house 4t;room lejvlt hi horw. and. entering th Oottfic archwai of lh entmnc hall, a valt who sio.mI reavdv to r ctv him. ciriducied htm bv dark and UbvTtnthtan nkaavg tn th presence of hi old friend, the master of th j Rodrlrk upon th guitar Iing Im Hotise of lhr provlaed dirges would Roderick piny Rodr1ck t".hr nnd hla sister Mad-' or, riimposlne1 n he wnt. jom wlr l line were th last of an ancient famllv 1 melody would areompany It with which for 1-cr.t uric had rro-cedi .1 to j rhymed Impromptu verse. One he gather age In the direct lln of dacnt j broke oiit Into a lingular perversion wdth no enrturing collateral branches, i and amplification of the, wild air of And now tt meemed as If even this inrg the last walti on Von Weber, enduring dtre-t line ttiuil come to an j It waa the morbid condition of end. Th lhers had been noted lime Roderick' auditory nerve, .perhapa out of mind for a peculiar aenattlvpn j that affliction which mad all music of temperament, d'eplavlng Itself In a munificent tot unostentatious charily and In an exalted devotion to art. es pecially tn the higher and more subtle Intricacies of the c.lne of music. In th mind of the iontry people 11 that belonged to the family, cor poreal or Incorporeal, had been hand ed down for o many generation that thev had become meneed In n and ao th ITnae of fiber mint both th gloomr dwelllPg In wMeh Roderick end b alete now Hi'ed wwntMne l end of their lln and tha family Itielf. ' The Jnrfiev "1 vllto- through the wlndlnar ewndoee to the tudtn -t ' kla Mend. rved to brighten th vagu entlmenta of terror n lieuresalon ' which had fllled nod he had lint com Ip eight -of th Houa of l'hf. Th"r were fentaa'le n't lecta on e-eenr hand grwtrawin ran,. Kg on the cellltit-". imw Mptntrieev I nor hlacM aa eben with aaw and phantaamaarorlc rtrmelal trophl, whk-h rallied as h wwlknd. fm una of tha atalrcaen h Br man wha. front hla pp ranee, he had gueWjOd In be tha family physician Th urei wa cere-. and tht phvsirian. h had vilrty been cr tHacting Ro4rH:kXi fiicsd, vccon4 ig a i ii ii i w mmmw m Btu, reatreraiaar weiB l( uia irma awitM em Ilk rtar k tt4 mf.m. tk i of funking ant (wrjiktf 1 h Mv4v of h frta4, k4 H4r ' k 1 Ho h4 i'i rx-linlng kaa row h. rmih lo tk K"um Ttik M4 f th muitr f l'nr m k large and It.rii rvx.m, -with U-ist. Mrrov, aotnt ilnJo r'bi inmi of titrrin H(M mat tkrlr tknul fuwon ttt aatiu fyrmtlur ani Ikltrr 1 hffhim. Maitr kokk kid 91r t lnirumBi 1st itrr1 kut. kul la gn n. -1ii!tir t tk -rt 1K tlt.r flt thi ha br(h4 an aim trr r c.r a..rr Aflr 1'ihir - J gTvu4 h , tt64. iu ..Jiinnir . i Kacif4 ,ujani 'lh Uhal tnn 1 fur imn' h wn ul nl giitl v(i'fv hirti ih n thla fratl, n him tha comFkriin ht; hii frlrn.l tity and a. "fit ha'n tf'i ' of, hit tii ht..d Kn In youth th rumplrilon nf ahrr had tn ra.lavrouaw buw It . ihaatly In It a ."ri..-Hka pall-"' I Atarax kta Rnaly lurlad II pa had bn IMn and tdiHli-aa. hl rnaa of a ilaii- air l(ahra ni.idrl hU chin nnalv , mil led hl hair nft and Wnui'iii ! , Via If ttvra i ham 'Irrtatlrs wra tltf. ! : grrkinl' in u h a dre aa ti giva n atanluliilv um annv t"ik to tha man : and m.k hla frtnd dnil.t to whom h i a...k Th haally .alir of th akin! rmnrmvr fflr ttia lrtlTsrtiHn-tiiirfr' 'f lh- -i waa atrtin Th hair! - thnl In t ihtn. g.mmrr taatfitr ftal- I .it r.iihcr Hi. in f'll hit Mi lur. ard th trt hol'lrr It aral in rffai't lha . atrr. tuuid iul kAajuiwt a.lh. aJiv.idaal "f ."lrri.l hiitnanlty Th' n thiTi um1 tti- ninnrnr I'f thf niui -tni'i'htT'n ! an. I tn. ..iialt nt Allrrrati: hr imui 1 mm '"in and ullrn Klrt. tila nlij .i lull .if trrfliul'iui Indr'-laiiin and : mm tt wntitfl hva Ttia laautan. pair nn 'd and i rfn Hi mudalatrd git ' In raj iittrram-f m hlch In heard In I ha v.iica if th .ii drunkard .r tha lr- , ri". Inimnlt!. nj.l im patt r during; ' rl-'d- ff I rite nf i . It mi. n ' 1 'hor t.r - I r n to rvpia'n h hi- Iia1 nl fur l.n In. rid llf ana aiifTrliic. al t. from an atnirtnal nrntrti"! nf th. an!M TIa "uld .i unlv th m t Inalpid fund Hp i iiil.la Mr garmnita "f "tilv a rr i tHln t.ilur Tha i.d'ir f nil floaora na .piTra.M r He ii.i.i.I lunr unlv! t lu. fwlnlral light Hfl'l th-r- w r I'ltly E p ti 1 1n r iiinda. and I h . fr..ni Mring- d Inatrunipnta. that (H I 1 1 . . t ln.lr li'm with trr.ir Ha the ili'lm ..f n p.'-ii'iiir ap- li "f t-rr'T t ilrfad.' ha aald. "th ffTi'rta "f th 1 .I'iri- ti.it f.ir 1hmailMa hut f-.i th ' rr.ir ahlrh ; hay alll .,pir In me I l.i ti.it rftihur il.inar In llaalf ''ill 1 1 a r.. t til.'h la trrnr In tnv n. rvil r indltPin 1 ahall. aoonar or I,. l?r, uUnuliiD llf- Bin! riraaan logflhcr In mi- ..Iriiggl with that rt phan- l.i.im fiir' tahnr hrvad thai - rn. it: thaa lrn.Ha uf hta d!-a ara th. 'ulta nf ih p'iill.ir nftT'iua im whh'h h had !nhirltd fmrn hi- ,iniitivr and ahlrh. t-n lilmlf tui. l.t-.ini.' atinnrmitllY anrtiirTt-'l t . r rriit war h' ri'rif.aa.il ihat t'.' t ikI nnt lft lila hcitip. which, ha h ! . l pnRaV-d .ni- ..crilli ti.ii-r . r htm 1 1.. ....tr,ii- .. , f ii, i-.m, . ii'C ti' tttiR iit-'ti 111. t.,..l .md ni'nd I it thr um tnnr- mtiir.l and tv-'t rntlcn.-il cnita t t nh!" ' inini'lfj i-'nltt-d fur n rral iurt ,f ti i iit'-"I- iitulfti Thnt i- tl,.- III,,., ,,f till" alatiT Shr H jltll, t-i iilh n wnotttig dln hi. h Ii.i1 l.fr'...l nil i mrTfifat rk-llt and i"ia:ri iwht. hndf. trilggtPd flgn1nT tor tllne n about the hi'iiii- hIi- wit ,. r'lildlv nfirltiir ti, r oij It. I 'ber :.i. It il l.it'r ii.-m .-.i. Il.ru th- li-.p. . h .it'd ' 1TT of tin- I h. r. alone and In In Hi- -I r. 1. 1 ii li'i.. T.f In tor Tl'- .ii..ii.. lth which Mail. -line wm ii rT1ii-t.'t hud nn d kent l.i.lv usual dlnffti-ai il n-tll-d npnth h vrrn luiil , "inr i -1 of Th- hod- nnd : iilthouph tranallory affect In -rit f a for hi far and th tars trickled through hi flnacr That I rl1mp.- the vlaltor v. r a the laet caught of Ijidv M'id.line Thst night Roderick 'nfo'roved Min Vi t icr hsd'f lr.st glvn tip her struggle agnlnst fat and trikcn tn hr bed The. frind now dvo4ed himself entirely to trvlng to alleviate th" mental condition of Koderlok. Thev patnld ahd rend together. Or Ih visi tor llstenrd In a sort nf haunted air dream, to th wild Imtvrovitatlona of intolerable to th nffrer xcpt cr tain eound produced by tr1nged In struments which caused him to con fin htmaelf to a narrow rang upon tha guitar, and tht may have been on of th chief cause of the fan tastic character of hla performance. But the fervid facility of hi Im promptu could only be accounted for by the mental condition of th per former. " It wag In on of thee wild rhap and lea on In which ITghar accom panied hla mualc with a rhymed verbal improvisation -thai th friend first discovered thnt th master of th Houa of'T'eher waa i awara) that hta once lofty, reaaon waa tottering upon Ita throne- tt wi that weird but eou1alte poem, line o well known under th nam of "Th Haunted Falnc.' A few Mamma wilt recall it to Uiw who bav already perused It and IIL irivo to tho who have nnt an Idea of Ha character. It waa thug. In that dlm-ltt atudln with th high, tall wlndowa through which th faint red beams penetrated that gloomy apartment with the tattered hanging and Ih high, carved celling, tn that grim and rrumhllng houa that Rod erick lug to bit Irleudl -; if - i Mt i&n, mutt v mm inv ywwx' i 1 ItRFAD." nE SAID. "THE EVETTS ME. I IX) In th greeneet of our valleya. By good angele tenanted. Once a fair and etatcly pklace Radiant palace reared Hi hand In th monarch Thought" dumlnlnn 1 1 etnod there. Nr acraph eprcad a plnlnn Over fabric half ao fair Wandarere In that happy valley Through two lumlnona wlndowa aan Kplrlti moving mualcally Ti a lute'a well turict l.iw Hut evil thine In robe of sorrow Aaatitled that monarch hlKh eat&te. (Ah. let un mourn, for never morrow I Shall limn upon him deaolat I " And travelera now wtttiln that valley i.ie.iiiv; Through th red-lllen window ec ''"'"1 ;'t form thnt move fnntaatically " ""III ! Tn a discordant melod v ' ' ,n'' I While, like a rapid hatiy river .-.pair- Through th pale door. A hldeoim throng rush out forever And luiiKh bust smile no tnnre i The palnta which Roderick pro ! duced defy description Hut If ever ! a man painted an idea he did Yet the ; Idea, while not exactly part and par 1 t el of that tottering bratn. were all I ao tinged by the welrdneaa of his men tal condition aa to defy production ln word. Aa his elaborate fancy brood ed over hie work his paintings grew i UUle by Utile li) a vagueness which was, neverth ,dess, an lncraad re production of the Idea he was atrlving to convey by his brush One, of hla phantasmagoric conception! which partook ao rigidly of th aplrlt of abstraction may be shadowed forth, although feebly. In worda. It waa a amall picture rprsentlng a long, rectangular vault, or tunne.1. with low walli, emooth. whit and without 'n torruptlon or device. Certain acjee aory point of the dvc served to ahnw that this excavation lay at an exceeding depth below the surface of the earth. No nutlet was seen In any portion of Ita vast extent and no torch or othat means of artificial light. Vat a flood of Intense white limit rolled through tha place, bathing the whol tn a ghaatly splendor. - Whlla Roderick I'aher and hi friend were thus employed, th on striving In vain to Improve th menial condition of the maater of the house and the other awaiting In terror the final catastrophe which hla morbid, half-erased senses told him waa some how, how, he could not tell, but with, circumstance of terror, Impending while they wer thus employed tho name of the lady Medelln was not mentioned between thera. The visitor felt Instinctively that to mention her name would but Increase the affliction under which her brother was laboring, and he waited for Rod erick to speak. But Roderick spoke not of her who was tn tha minds of both, naturally, moat of. th time. Purine this portod the visitor obtain ed many gllmpaea of the strange hal lucinations which wer ever clustering, thicker and thicker, about the doomed reason of Roderick. The opinion In- Its general form that there is s sentlenca In all Vege table things Is no novelty. It ha been advanced and maintained by many eminent dentists. But tn th dis ordered mind of Roderick this theory took on more daring character. His belle was connected with what he had hinted at before, the Influence of the stones of his father's house upon his mental character. He believed that even stones and minerals had a sen tience and thnt this had been fully proved of them as well aa of vegetable organisations in th House of Usher; even th order of the arrangement of the stones of which th building was composed, as well aa In the fungi which overspread them and of - the decayed tree which stiod around kbov all In th long, kndleturbed endurance of this arrangement and Its redupllcatlen In the waters nf th tarn. The evidence of this sutluc m- a. WiliM , . . a IIIf&JIWII lli IIII II ! llllf II I I I I I mil . a- - - rtjr. f. . Hi If JU I r Hit 1 ii i ni,;f-.s j v i. 1 1 1 4 i i 1 1 1 ii u k i in i u 1 1 .1 ii it 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 nr. OF THE rtTVnF. T FOR TlfE XrT ABHOK UANt.Hl IN ITSE1.K. waa to be teen, he ald. In th grad ual, yet certain cohdenaaflon of an at mnaphere of their own about the water and walla Th 1altor etarted, for he remem tiered how. when he had paueed on th further aid of the rauy upon hi arrival and looked at th houae and the domain, he had fancied he aaw a peculiar atnuiaphpre an aura about them Roderick went on to aay that II waa Una attnoaphorii which had for i i ir nrie been txertlng an Influence upon hie family, and had at length made him what hi friend aaw him. It aa the enllencc of the atoiiee and planta which hd been exemng meir upon ni lamny wnn ia terrible and portentou Influence t i ( mmlmi phytr1n would prrtba- i ' 11 ivueru tuea waa jiui m unscientific after all In thle laurr respect, and havo replied. "Ye. per nl loua malatiii exerting Itself upon a race from generation to generation " Hut In the days when Poe wrote sani tation was known only crudely, and the ' Krm theory" had not been evolved This by way of digres sion ) The b.mks over which Rodorlck i with hla voice of undecided, trembltn anif his friend pored hook which j ""aver, waa now habitual with him. had for year formed no small part He epok always aa one under the in of the mental eitnc nf the Invalid : fluence of extreme and awful termi were, as might be supposed. trtcliy , He spent his time mostly In roaming down. pry. tier is on 01 your ra in keeping wt'h the character of his 1 from chamber to chamber with a!Xortt rmanoa. I wl read to you fantasies They were all weird, all hurried, unequal and nhjerti ep. and ao w will paaa this terrible night contained mure or less of perfervld ! Hla friend thought, al time, that ht - together." Th volume which he fancy A they sat one night in the i nnceaslngty agitated mind seemed ta- I caught upat random waa thkl ntitlnu studio discussing one of the most 1 boring under the possession of ome i fantasy of Blr Launcelot Canning, weird and fanciful of these book Rod- erlck suddenly announced that hia lis ter waa no more She had died that day. and he made what appeared at, first a singular proposition, but one i whlch, upon reflection, his friend thought reasonable and sane enough. Roderick mild that he Intended to preserve his lister's body for a fort night In mm of the subterranean apartments of the house previous to Its final Interment. He had been led to this resolution, he said, by a consid eration of the unuaual malady of the deceased, because of certain obtrusive and sagas lna uiriaaei the medical man and becjKis of th remote and exposed position of the family burial place. When hi friend recalled the u plclous and sinister face of the medi cal man when he met him upon the stairs on the occasion ef his arrival at the House of Usher he had no de sire to oppose th proposition of Roderick. Usher requested his friend personally to assist him In th tem porary entombment. The body having been placed In Its coffin, th two men bora It io Its resting place. It was a small, damp vault, built far be low th house, to which they carried th coffined body of th Lady Made line. The vault had bee a originally constructed In feudal times, for the worst purpose of a donlonkaep, and It was evident that In mora modern days tt hsd been used for the storage of gunpowder ot something sloe of a highly ' combustible nature, ' for a portion of Its floor end th - whol exterior of a !ng archway through which It was reached were carefully sheathed tn copper. The door was of massive Iron, aad It Immense weight caused an - unusual sharp, grating noise as tt turned upon Its hinges. Having deposited their mournful burden upon eome trestle which had been provided, th two mourner at this strange burial turned ' back the coffin lid. which had not been fast ened down, and looked upon the face of th tenant. The .friend noticed a remarkable resemblance between the face of the dead woman and that of her brother, and mentioned It. Roder ick told htm that they were twins an that sympathies of a scarcely tntelll. gib is natur ; had always existed be tween them. What wss especially noticeable was th condition which existed In th deceased, marks whlcu ars generally present In all persons after death who die rem strn-tiy cataleptic diseases. There a fslnt flush upon the face and bosom rd Ibat peculiar suiUs about th lip II . ' i I I II i . . nlffiififi .iiii.. i . . r . . Jk-.iViT .llllLtllll l! I II I '! I'l III I II I . Itillir. . Il'lilflll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 i I II I lilt ? Lav. , w k MKI.n S. IUT Tn THE TKKROK BIT IX H ITS l ltl tT U HU II IS lT..Cdii,ntvtrrUH ' Notal..g,lar ln )t terror and beautr A long did they gai upon th grueaom-I wntrlwlnd had .nur...!. ..nL.j ight but rioaing the opffln. lelt ihe'u. forcw ,B th, vU..'v . ' ,h. vault, taatenlng the great door after thm and making their way thence with toll to the upper, but ararcaly lea gloomy, portion of the house. Some day of hitter grief followed for Roderick. In which he mourned hi dead ilter after a manner which. title not i-ntlridy free from ekhib lion of hla eccentrlcll!, waa atill. for htm. peculiarly normal of charac er; hta grief had eomeahat pi.ahcd 1 hi abn.wmallt! trmporaiily Into tl; ' background Then, euddenly. a great change .me over him Hla former occupation, were neglected and hi 'ordtnury manner had vanlihed. The f palior - ul fei..ou4iina. aaaumad. l ' . - .""i.- imiuj nua. nui uu .u,..tt...ii-.iiT-w v, i 11 la ciu ninn'i Aiiaiaiion. wnicn aeemea 10 niti vmnsnea uuerii ii wis a II eome w ild weird light hlch had burned behind ihem had suddenly gone out Into ashes. Th chang mas terrily Ing ! That Strang, guttural, well-bai-I a need and modulated speech, which I he had formerly used In alternation 1 oppressive secret, to divulse which ha vainly struggled for th nesceaaary courage. Then at time he would sit gastng Into vacancy aa one with strained ear lletenlng lo some lmagin- ary sound His friend set all this down to the vagaries of a madman and had now no doubt that the rea-j son oi Kooerica i sner had been en tirely dethroned, th final blow hav ing been given to it bv h'a sister's death. The friend felt that he him self was being Infected by this con tinual association with the madness of Roderick. Creeping oven him by (JtaTe. he .felt lh wild Influence of Ushers Impressive yet fantastic su perstitions and vagaries It was upon the seventh or eighth day after the Lady Madeline had beei placed in her temporary tomb that the friend, upon going to bed, felt with unusual Tore these terrifying Idea com over him. Sleep would not approach htm whlla th hour passed, and h tried to reason him self out of his fancies In vain. Hs tried to tell himself that hi gloomy surroundings, the tragedy of hi friend, fate, the death of lidy M.deT lln and th fnoantng of a rising temp- eat whlrh waa rapidly lnsrelng in fore wer th things which Influenced him. But his efforts at applying rea son to hla stats were fruitless). Hs felt aa Irrepressible tremor pervade his frame and upon his heart sat th very Incubus of a causeless alarm. He sat up In bed and peered earn estly into the utter gloom of hi apart ment and listened he could not tell why he listened or what. he expected to hear, . Rut be did hear now cer tain low and Indefinite sounds which cam at long Intervals through the pause ot th storwi whence he couid not guess., Aa Intense sense of horror. ttnf".rl.".l nn"tabl took posetesioa of him. He arose hast ly and. dressing, began to pace rapidly to and fro through th rewm. He had taken bnt a few turn In thai manner when he heard a step im an ad joining staircase. He recognised It as that af Roderick Vsher. Roderick en tered th room bearing lamp. There was msd hllsr'ty In his eyes, re strained hysteria In hts whole demean nr. He aard at hta friend for a few momenta In silence and then cried. "Have yon seen it?" Raying this h carefully screened ths lamp. Went ta a window end threw It open. The gnat whk-h swept Into ths room nearly lifted thm off their feet . It wss a singularly wtl-J yet beauti ful night sterol beautiful and wildly WHICH TlfKY U1I I ivcpibp TCHROR." "fcPIBE ruehe of Uf came flrat from on dl reotlon and then from another. Thae frequent and violent alternation aad the eiceaelv density of tha cloud which hung ao low they actually touched tha turret of tha houae, did not prevent a perception of tha fact that three clouda wer careering from all point agsJrwt each other with Ufa like velocity, but nnt paaelng away Into the dlatance. There waa no giimp or moon or tar nor waa there any flaahlng of lightning. Hut the under aurfacea of the huge, agl tated maaee of vapor, aa well aa all '. terreatrlal object about, were in the .unnaturaJ light of a faintly glowing. .uia ummnv """'a, gaaeoue vapor, about and enshroud the mansion. Wi It th aura of the falling Houa of 1'sher that condensation of vapor which Roderick aaJd had been going on for centuries to Influence th des tinies of hi race? Th friend dragged Roderick hae from th casement and rloaed It These appearances," said ho. .."are electrical phenomena not uncommon, or It may be they have their-orleln in the rank miasma of the tarn. Bit I Th Mad Trial. Th friend had seiged the book "'" an iu mv ina mau ion wmcn he mlaht read In it would hrtea re lief to th now agitated hypochon driac, for th history of mental dis orders la full ot sucM anomalies. Usher listened to ths wild tale with a strained, eager air of vivacity until the reader came to th part where Ethelred kills the dragon. The words of ths sentence .were: "And Ethelred lifted, up his mac and struck th bead of th dragon, which fall dead before him and gave up hi pesky breath with a shriek so horrid and harsh, and withal so piercing, that Ethelred had never heard th Ilk thereof befor."' At this point the readsr paused abruptly, for h heard, distinctly heard, wlQl a feeling of wild amax. ment, a low and apparently distant harsh, protracted screaming or grating eound eanctly Ilk that which hit fancy had conjured up for th unnat ural shriek Of th dying dragon. Rod erick had gradually whll h s friend read brought h's chair around so that I" JJVdfLtlv nl'J? S!.mi52 "I'Vj'l -Ptf? JfmMLn.! h at facing th door, at which h now and then and muttering. HI body rocked from ld to eld with a genlls but uniform away. Th friend began to read again, but had r.ot pro ceeded much further In the tl wheu he stopped, swars of a hollow. Me tallic, clangorous yet muffled sound a If a shield of bras had fallen upon a floor of stiver. Redsrlek heran tit apeak tn a low, gibbering murmur, a sloklv smile quivered about hta lips, shudders psssd over hts body. Hear ft.- he ssld. "I hav heard tt Umg long long! Winy minute, many hours, many dan hav I heard It yet I dared hot tell! Oh. bit ms. miserable wretch that I am I dared loot I dared not speak. W have out her tn a living tomb, said 1 not that my sense were arutet I will now 111 ynu that f heard he first, feeble stir rings In her hollow coffin. I heard thm many days go yet I dared not tell! I dared not sneak! And now lo- Wilght Ethelred hs, ha the deetn cry of the dragon and ths clangor of the sh'eld! Pay rather the rending of her coffin snd the grating of the Iron hinges, erf her prison, and her struggles within the, copper nreheay of th vsnlt - 8hs is sven now hurry. Ing to upbraid me with my haste In plscing her tn a tomb.'4- Hs sprang furiously to his feet and cried out with sa effort ss if he wer giving up his soul: "Madam! I tell you th stands now without that doori The ik. issues ( ta ae .Vt wv tl.fi ftB"" .l.tasai tkaniaaaaai kawa ipa u laatart. ln naan rg rjt aa tkat C)l tt; kt M aaaaaa aai tt tkrr kka agaaaj a . mo It) aaaaa garfki kpaO. Aa tkata. altaaT taaat aa D-adarvck ka4 aw. vaa tk tbraaaaal (aarak af taa LaWj ttaaauaa. Thark 114 mpm kar vklta rba kk4 tk rl4 o tt k kmc, atmgg.a tr mmlt fTtsr, tk null la which kkk tiki kaatj au-wtti-y pifi kttT akiia Ik cata laptlr atata fcy kar kratkar kk4 k frwk4- rr tkatanl aha) tao4 Itaaibrtig kk4 rMa t kn4 fr ! tka Iferaahotal ei tha roaeta, and tkanv -wttk g lew. naatitrg try- tkrajar karaalf upom hat brvtkar. Ha fall M tka tT la hr tmbnrr fall daad IhrwugS tha horrof of Ua tklng. W tlm of th tor h had anttcljatad. Ukdy Mad aUk. shkuata4 br Xruggt to fra karaalf from that Tl. fall bo atat btM ta k kal aik-kkla. rrnra th trrr el that rtambor and that houa th frtand Mad. aghaat HI mind had bean o worked upon by th aart.lallona akd horrora which ha had ndgr4 whlla ha had baan gaaat l th Houa f I'ahar thkt h waa Incapable of regarding gnythtng In k practical aad eatural light The tnran wm etiU abrmad la Ita wrath, ha foand. aa ha crnaatd th cuaky Dut auddenly a wild, red ihkft ef light elvao along th path, kad he turned t tha eource whence a gleam an unuauaj could have laaued from the vaat houaa and Ua ahkdowa which were alone behind him. The radlanre came from . a fuU. brood-red and eetttng moon, whl. h baii now broken through the flauda. or at IQ fur a to h ba'ow thalr cannpy" Ihd tt arinha throng -tht rtft la tha front of th manalon which ha had noticed upon Ma arriral klmoet Imperceptible, hot eB'endtng In a lf kl ln from roof to founda tion. Tha rtft had enlarge. rtt. he watched. It grew atllt wider. Thare came a mighty gnat of wind, and th grat blood-red orb of the moon buret full upen hie eight. Ilia brain reeled aa ha aaw th walla of tha building ruahltig aaundcr. There waa a feat, prolonged, tumuttuoua ehoutlng. Ilk th voice of a thouaand water and the dep. dark tarn at hi feet elon d auUcnly over th frafmenU of the Houaa of taker NEXT WEEK'S OXE-PAC.K CTA- mc vii,ii nr "RAXDronn asv l JIKRTOX." BY THOM.V8 DAY. Getting Merrtcsl by Coan-eaoocVoce. Mrs. liessts Cooper Cunay polnu out th road some Reople travel lo reach th marriage slate, ln Th Housekeeper for June, Uentleman, it. In business, with many first-class credentlels. educated, Scotch, ready conversationalist. Pres byterian but liberal minded, wishes matrimonial correspondencs with an intelligent domesticated woman with aitni mean from 41 to 10. The above Is Just a little asm pie ot th male advertisements. Not in ons Instancs did I find a man who had money looking for a wtfs. Thsy wsr all worklngmen, or men of brains who had mad a failure of lit or bad soma prelect that required a little money 1 followed out for two years ths lives of soms of my correspondents. One man who was finally arrsstsd In Nsw York, had married several wo men of "meana" and had lived with them long enough to either get what they had or find out that they were too. smart to 1st him get their money Then he left them. Several of the wo men had represented they had meant ln order to get married, and when the man found out he could get nothing but a woman, he simply hied out and left them. I followed ths lives of four msn who hsd married women this way and had Been their faith abussd. their lives ruined by finding out that they hsd married women ot no virtue or honesty. And 1 followed and found some of the most corc4ete and happy live anyone could find. Bui oh, th possibilities of evil In this - "modern method." Even at Its best. It cheapens the eacredness of the itnarrtags tls. and must depreciate th bom. And anything that hurt or In way injures the home of the Anrssrtcan people strtks at th root of lh national four, datton. Ons thing tn honesty I must say : Ths large Increase f -foreign population In the north, northwest and west Is responsible for a great deal of this method. After my experience, th racv tns Mrs. Bella Qunness was abl to lurs so many men to thslr dsatn oia surprise ms, for th way men tsks what a woman ay and blta all he states without trying to find out the truth Is simply appalling. " many men believe that a woman Just a sort of angel, others irons hs no good ta her. But whit there are trusting women who put their llvet In the hands of msn without Investi gating, they are not so many a msn. Just to ses how far a man would f I asked a man to cams to $ m J certain date. After but tew letters had passed between us. and without ln th very least trying to find out mnythlnf about ms, knowing nothing of ms but what I had told htm, to my Infln ts surprise h cam four hundred mil' to see m. I then thought it was best to rest from my Investigation. Acts nsw of Today. Ilsl Ferguson nam I Hps of every stage-struck gift the mtdsummsr day, and her story, tt told In Human Uf for July,; 1 t of th most Interesting that ha ' ap peared In th series entitled "Actrftset ot Today." ' Of all th apparently sudden ft to fame, her was th mint spectacu lar. W say apparently, because rise on any nlne of llf are never rea.ir , sudden. Th publlo know nothlM of th years ot premutation. Thsy ses only th finish of th rise. All Is msds very clear In th MBii atory of Miss Fsrguson' Ufa. tsrttnl with ths tlms when, at her father death, ih found herself without money or Influential friends aJ obliged to face this much-abused old world and earn its buffets or reward Her fivnlly. In solemn conclave, " cldsd thst th should bcom school-ma'am. So thev bundled ' off to a Normal School. But ni" her Fat gavs a new shuffls to tn cards, and dealt th llttl mbry H"! whoa whol soul avsn then wis wrapped up In ths tnlmle world be hind the footlights, a trump hsnti What followed was all very unuiuij and romantic, and seem to dovati fittingly Into the kaleldoecop" changes of her professional Ufa. . , Miss Ferguson's philosophy clothe Is so stmpls and so pmetlc" as to fit perfectly the reeds of tns everydsy women, even though stars re enppoeed to b garbed far the height to which ordinary mortaa may aipir. ievwe,y-e.-av.'"r' 'IMlilMWtSlW!HeSW'r n r..r 1v, sp--swfiK-'irisii-ry.--'.m--r.-v-.'t.e.e...-.-v-vjii-w-r-iT trvrCT'ra.--i-8-i'Sf-rrrli'w wwYH--(yiy - e-se ve-.s t nmim.iti9m- '-.TriT-ir.i--vST ti