and or rr.vr:', r'n.vr. jtlt in. w fin t" lif777 , jrj Lb Ltj Ml U sou he ran adsiono Hot . , , m a - i : fiUAiXaiUrpi iUita nn-'t IT COCVTT com-' -4 I i.imju d Ki'rrtHU-i j ' U J n u m ji ihcm rax or- " n jOTEL B?aiU I lstHa, .-w. in... mm ? t TO r--. s. c. jair" T : i seat" ae- . . fe. E.i Aai FREE I ! ill r..a ia t kiH,nt i linn it w.r" i n . i t oPOlsoir.'x i r i i I i f ran f?i 3 t ' a r . a . ' : 4 . .! l ,1 ?: .1. t , . . K, ' . f ,V' -i I t :. i i i . - : ; -) 1 d L I i V f ! : ! r - era;"-r t-a " "'-tm .at -. .-, Mwnm hirM tm m j. t ri tw- aa ... aart i flu m fi" M l-!a. tiwfj aweeers. a.,.,, tm-1 i.I17s7a ?7 :'. "" !' Wi taaa a rtasa, kIm, aalaa aa4 orttK aLuao Bl., ia kv wa aa4 arf. la IUt wanij of -M tuwli nil wt-rr Tmx f laa KaMftJ Sa.aaA itafftir U f J aMttaa fraa ta ta aartan Cvt Ikia ma-a a4 a'1 a BLmOD UU: IV. Aiuatm. (.4. UM at troaltW If a taw. CRINKLEY'S FRUl-T-iARS and JELLY TUMBLERS Wholesale and Retail 3 LAWN SETTEES Worth $1.20 for 90c Porch Swings, $3.50 Mosquito Canopies $1.40 to $2.75 TRUNK HEADQUARTERS CRINKLEY'S XOTICE TO rOSTRATYRS. : Ureanvllle. N. C. Th P-M oj County rommlwlonorj and Pull. ling Committor of I'ltt mun- i ty. 3 C . will antrtin waled prnpua- j al for th arwtton and romplrtloa of tha nrw PI", cnuntr court-houne and , Jail. In rh rlty of Orranilla In th pubftc aqyara In aordarK with plan and prlfl ationa prrparad by Illbrn. ft Co. Arch'tacta Washington. P. C. A t of plana will h on fil with th Kgtter of Ddi nd at th architects' offlc on and aft r June 1. HI Bid Will ba waived until 11 o-clock a. m , July Uth. Kacli M1 must be mcf "mi'anhNl hy a -mnl chrca on lom nU-knovn Ixnk. maila payabla to J. P Quinarly. i hnlrnian. In th mim of 11.000. a rvldonra of go..(i MtB If their bid 1" acc.plad Ihry fll! ' mtar Into rortra''t t and give tit 1 HiwptiM ygfrnte company's bond In the um of fifty per cent of tha contracl-prire for the faithful per- fornjanre of the rontrart PtiouUl j thev fall t enter Into contract, thel Cheek HI be forfeited to the county a liquidated damegra by ren-on of delay Separate bid will be enterwinf for lh court -houae, the tall, the ateel relle. heating apparatua, or for th Whole Each bid muat be aealed and ad dressed to the Rearl.ter of lVd ot Pitt, county and plainly marked "bid for the court-homw. th Jail, the ataal mtacloner reaerva th rlrht to reject anv and all bid J P QtnNERI.T. Oi Board County Commissioner. -17-1aw-14w " HICKS' CAPUDIKE CURES HEADACHES Whether from Heat, Cold, Brain Fag, Over Exertion or Stomach Trouble, Try it and be convinced It Liquid Pkaiant to Take AJecU Immediately. 10,UaWS0 AT ALL DRUGGISTS DIRECT LXXE WEST. firbedata ia EUcvt May 13, Itlt. t. Norfolk :lia.a. t.p.m. i.. Petersburg. 1. (0 a.m. I. Lurham.. . . I;a.m. Lit. l.ysK-hburg. I ) p.m. Ar. Cincinnati. Mil. At. Col umbo., :4ia.nv )0:40 p m, I Jap rtv. l;lm. Illsn. T .lt p ro- 1'lXXJd AN M- FPf RH and X W. CAFK 1I.IX CARS. Cloaa cob auctions made for Chicago, rt. Lout. Veattla. Ban FraneWo and all western polnta For rate, time labia and full Information, writ la Ci H. HOLfY.. W.RREVIXla IUrkisMB4 r. Roasvuk, . Ta. A. HOEN&CO. Richmond, Virginia zrx U!s t:l Vri well. u e.MI'UL4 r:!en tananin ta N..o.twr, lm. it da- wr4 i-b4 Ilka mjo. vaira la thf "ara eaei mains' af IB stale Aar aroana, ta th tVr'of I'har- j Hit T w CMKr tw It lMMon raapartf uity repealed ta kppwiat aa W dtieaai,. Trom yar BH rba aaaaal Btratiac v IB Ral Aa-ctatt-a at Ctaljr Coaaaluari h..-h la rail4 to mrri ta ttva Otn I l Barlotia. a Wadaaada aXla u m-tb4 Ilrta4ar la Aurujt at ataa rtork a. m , It Iwlnc na Atiruat Jtlb, HI tut laarw-r :. tart! I.T Taaa lTa fSi hlir liti nf Xrvn a nr. laUna, Waua of 1J " - I la rnaaitr 4ara4 Uwt -avary county la onh Carolina M rapra rnlat al thla maMinc Wa rvapact . fully rtiuat jrrur d'lrcat la attend and Vop jnv wrH applwl avaay iam br of "or hoard and par tbalr Ifanara to thl. mratlnf I'laaa aoUfr lr O V Kinardxtn, fVeratary and Traurr, Ptvr. N. C, thanamaaand Mitofnra adilraaa of our diataa I Plaa maka vur appoint mnt of dal alr at nm-a it la ImpnrtaJit ' hav tha lumM and i)oatimr addrai of your dalraatca a arlr a JBlbl Tnm r trulv, C. K -)T. Hrwldmt 1 A 11AVIPHO.V Vlr-Praidt. O V. KlfHARPHON. Swratarr and Treaurr THE PROMOTION OF EDUCATION (Continued from i'aga On.) all u h Inl1tutlnna Into rloaar r)a tioiinhlp u licui raailvd Py all cUiifi itf aduratura la soBMttiuu ith iheae need h aft ttt- trnrr fwturv wwM Htiflf n quratlon rvlaun, to thr reurcanlsa Uon of the whuitt aduratlnnai activity of th Ki'drral goM-rnment Promlnant aniutut thuae ((U'atlnna would he thoa r fluting to tha naad fur a National iViaartment 'f Edurallon. a National I'nlvaralty at WaahlnKton and the tennldfl of f1aral aid cdm Uob1 tlx htitte. oapeclally concerning Industrial ducal Ion. A VET STORY OF THE WAR (taatiaaai rraaa Paga Oaa) V . i 1 1 1 1 . that ilhiflrhAU II ... are i-aittiirail humlNHl nla onara. Twrut) -twx) Itesertrr Wit. "After routing th enem.y from Waahlnginn we wnnt to Ktn.itnn. and at Bachelor' Creek had a lively bruah with the enemy, running them on the douhle-qulck back to New Bern which town waa In their poaaeasion. Twenty-two derter from our rank were hot near Klnaton. Several hun dred negro men. women and children were trying; to desert theae wre overtaken and returned to their own era. "FVom Klnston w ere ordered to Raid Head Itghthmiae, opposite Houth port on the lower Cape Fear, but be fore remaining there long were or dered to Join Lee'a Army at Peters burg; fmm there to Lynchburg: where we chuaed Oeneral Hunter and hi army through the mountain to Ten nessee; them e through the Valley of Iritn1a to Harper's Kerry, where, w sent another wing of the enemy on the double-quick back to. Waahingion liv. A) Snicker' Gap we were en raged in a battle of- two day' dura tionthe losae on ImtH aide being heavy. He', we captured many pris oner. "Then were ordered back to the Valley where we remained until Grant' Army croaeed the Polomac. At Drury'a Bluff we fought General Butter' troopa to a atand-atlll the loa on both aide being heavy; many of our men were taken prisoner and w took many of the enemy. "At the Battle of th Crater w, broke the line of Grant's army at Fort Hell, hut soon had to lull back on our breast-work. "After thli" we left Peteraburg on retreat to Appomnttox Court Hons where we mrrendered. "I was never taken prisoner, never received a wound, but the hardships I paaaed through were many. I wai In charge of an ambulance eorp of nineteen men. and the sad sight that 1 beheld on the battlefields will never be forgotten by m. We were always In the thickest of the battles the wounded being first taken care of. Then when the carnage was over th ded would be heaped In wagons and hauled away to be burled by pioneer. These happenings may not have occurred In the order given but I a-lve them to the beet of my mem ory," said Mr. Dew. GLAD TO GeF BACK AGAIN (CaBllaned Fraai Psg Oaa) cale upon which almost everv thing 1 conducted In the west. In the be glnntng, th Lord set an example hy creating the great Rocky Mountain One day. by train, w traveled over a hundred mile through great canons, with Immense mountains of rock oa each lda W ascended to a height of ten thousand feet abov the tea lvl. aqd by further travel could hav reached, by th aam train, an eleva tion of over 14,000 feet, which la near v three miles higher than se level. Thla moat maastv and grand cnary waa certainly Impressive, and I wish that all my acquaintance could enjoy a similar trip. "At first I thought thera waa a lack of churches nut there, but th longer I remained, th more numerous found churches, and wat Impressed with th great congregation that at. tend service. I attended flunday Fchool convention In th Trinity Meth odist church at Denver, at which ther were over three thousand delegates and twlca as many vial tors present, t had the pleasure, also, of addressing th treat "undav rVhool In th First Baptist church of Denver. "Another ImDreesion I gained waa tha great consideration paid ministers. The railroad showered me with pa t visit Interesting places, and while making the Oeorgetown Loop trip, 1 saw aeveral preacher riding on annual pasaea, and I was Informed that Inside th of Colorado, th rail read granted tham fre transpor tation. "llnir. I nt gld to gt tsack t th great Hate I call horn," To raa g traaft, delKctoai Candy, arylnc rraaa M la Ma aey pnand ai Royster'a Candy Store July 12th, 1910 With It Beautiful Mountila Sccaerj, Cod Brtexe and Delightful Cliaate, , Aa cpportaHty to Tisit this Fairy Land at ycry small cost Rates and Schedules as Follows: Leare Goldsboro 6:45 A, M. . $5.00 Selma 73 " . . S00 Raleigh 8:35 M . . 4:75 - Cary 9:00 " . 4:75 Durham 9:50 " . . 4.75 Gibsonville 117 M . 4.75 Rates ttnd- -scheflutCTirsame proportlorr f rora othtrt points. Ticket good on any to and including July 15th. Three Days in the SEPARATE CARS FOR COLORED PEOPLE. Ask your Agent or write W. 1L PARNELL, Trav. Pass. Agt, Raleigh, N. C. The Real Saving in Drug Store Goods Wher the real saving! com tn. In drug store purchases is in th little thing you buy over the druf sundries counter every week of your Ufa You want to hav value In them aa well as value Id your dollar pur chase. We do not publish great lonf list of patent and high priced sundries at cut price and then chant big profile to small purchase we give you real value In th little thing that you buy every day.- BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. BOTH PHONES 10? Up in the Sapphire Country In the Land of the Sky. Altitude 3,200 Feet there I th cleanest, rosiest, moat comfortable hotel In America. Within an hour's walk are trout streams, teeming with rainbow and speckled trout and genuine brook trout, thft afford tha finest fishing" In the world. Lake Fairfield, aurrounded by mountain from I. 0 to, s.00 feet high, U w (t haul, peer for natural beauty,..' . Hotel NnvOnrd This is th Ideal pot for your ummer outint". J.1UIC1 Huwupcil ccomrnodatlon modern In every respect; tsv ble the best; rat moderate. For detailed Information apply to any Ticket Agent of th Southern Railway, or write to. H. R. ROBERTSON, Mgr. Fairfield Inn, Sapphire, N.C HEALTH Mb PLEASURE Taai a ee THE VIRGIWIA BAY OCEAN VIEW, VA.1 , Immediately on Water Front Boating, Bathing, Rsh- r , lag, Music and Dancing. IiKh-cJae Attraction at THE CASINO every night dartnf ' the week. Never wa Ocean View more attractive thaa K ta thl saason. Rates and other Information furnUhed upe , request. - -. JOHN iL TUCKER, - - nanager. Catawba Springs For three-quartera of a century has been frequented by health kr from Maryland to Florida. It is th greatest prowotef of sleep a Nature laboratory. Th lightest water yea ever drank. Bathing faaturea. Elec tric Ufhta. Howling Alley, Mualo Favllloa. Oreheatre, Ball Room, Kock ITshlng and Boating to be had. Board at popular prices. For particular address ... . F. O. ELLIOTT CATAWBA rrnixue, . niCKORT, 5. cv k i r of the Sky train leaving Asherille up' j Cool Mountains' Unexcelled climate, mooBtaio beautiful trouada, golt, ridiiur, fiahiioff. baOiinu. MODERN HOTtLwomg ra suite, private hath. " kfinersi Water famous in C. 8. and Europe, TATE SPRING Dr. E. E. Boss, Biabop of Kctbodist Chnrch, Kash villa. Tenn eari: -"TATS tPRINQ WATER it the beat for all die crdere ot ii Stomach, BoweJt, Livor and Ktdoeri.M rrV.ii CaM. M .?nir cues Daaukika, S S Carkavi vi Sfm.1L tIATtS TO I.Air . . IIXCeTSATEV BOObXKT kaiud Cvtaaaaf rsaiaaa TATS I ujitui wiuuoiij a . WATER OJT BALE BT DEALEBA .? v . e 'VrTrgF1t : - -r ra L - -a.- w .a . nr.-- Hotel Tarrymooro Enlarged CAPACITY 500 GUESTS PER DAY I V: VAaaiaaB . A trip her la preferable to a sea voyafa, for her en can enjoy strrf bathing, th fin est saa food on earth, and all th pleasure of a first-clae summer resort. The breese from the and ealt water bathlaa ton up the sysUsi a eothlng else can. Mo moaqul toe or malaria. Summer la Ideal at WiightsvUl Beach. Make your reserratlona at once. Law rats on all railroad. Wa J. MOORE, Proprietor Wrightsville Beach, N. C. "WHERE HEALTH FLOATS Olf ETKRT BREEZE. Connelly Mineral Springs Hotel On main line of Southern Railway, midway between Salisbury and Attn, ville. situated In tha delightful foothill ot tha Blu Ridge mountain at aa elevation just suited to asthmatic, catarrhal and nervous sufferers, and below th Una that depresses th heart Thoroughly modern In It appointments. Vary beet eulalne. Table supplied with best pure country product. Convenient to fishing and banting. Tennis, bowling, dancing, good orchestra. Mineral water (pa cific for dyspepsia and all form of stomach and kidney dlaeaae. Open May 1st Writ for booklet and any other information.. Con sumptives not admitted. ConnetlyIineral Springs Hotel Co. Connctly Springe. Burke County, N. O. Bandred Tarda Worth Dpoc ISM Feat AMtnde, Mountain View Hotel ELLENBORO, N. C. Strictly high class transient and tourist headquarters. WHITT LYTTON, Proprietor. New 26 Room House. . Rates, $2.00 Per Day. Boaextcr MIcHee . Koerial Ratca an AnoUcBttna. On Vita from Henrietta fitaUoa (Son. J --r-- t . . 1- ialf'-- eyw T--e- J W ' IT -.Lit Davis Vhite . Sulphur Spring An Mreil nTftfVt tn enonr? f rio Summits PlAneaa cays, cool nights. No mosquitoes. Two through trains from Charlotte, daily except Sundays. Unsur passed mineral water. Accommodations for 250 guests. Sewerage, electric lights, hot and cold baths, well ventilated rooms. Lanre comfortably furnished addi tion built this year. Enlarged dining room. Small tables. Splendid faro and .service. Bowling alley, free skating rink, tennis, croquet, boating, ehoctb", fishmg, mcrry-go-round, etc. Resident physician in hotel. Bell telephono and direct telegraph connection at Statesville, N. C. First das3 accoirjnodations at a modcrato price,' Hay, Jur.3 and September, ifG.OO to ?3.C0 per week, and for July and August. ?3.C0 to $10.00 per week. Spcaal rates to families. , t Open freni May 1G to October 1, 1010. ( nia ior Dootict to DAVIS Owccra mi --aaadr art Vaaa. j I..UJ ftiaasad Ba Oa kffia aff Mass Ceaaty aa tha A. A. KaOarwad; Oesa rna roa4 raaasrtlian 4 Atieiliia, . rttn ar wertaaa katn. caiataa aarfart. w. L. cvKJtrr. My, trtac. X. C . Tbia waase? r ti kUney mm " f -r jja Ry.) Hacks Meet, all Train, rrr. f t-r--r4-r ' 'sVfl st a Frcrrie!r3, i::iicr.::3, N. C &ei -T -n rS a a. laSBSsBsaBawasBaBBaBasrWVsaaaMsaaBja "t . ... X aaa takna? ar 1 better pc aganaat this skia t Aip la Italy chaa Uk Ckidataaa Boert at BJarki Moaaeata, Fur sasca aad al atbev taf sasllia epaty ta k. a. ciucrn. Black Moaaeata, X. CV BITKBOC ajtACM TH, ntcKnoK bkac. Tiaaiau, Ft aaatBtsaeata ' ra ssss ea saeia er aniaeat aaia leajaeatiaaekty ta MMdlaa laa mmt Haw a.,taA la Ik.- rag tq rsr taaaa aha Iba Baal, Oraaa fraet, eeatr-ad view grai etasa ta ever aaatM-wl.a SmiM ' u jtlia har "eaaaia Bay. EiMaala jUea sad iaa.ta. aaad far rmbai. reaarra- CKP'a faa aavaai-wrwr ytwmv l " u roiXT aAUgif , Ann kuktbuo con rax t. . flreenPark Hotel Mention 4,300 tttt T. V. ARCHER, If is, nr. BLOWING R0CKt N. C Is the pace to spend the summer, cool, and no , mos qultoesrbttvtiM rfrfrer intf the grandest scenery In ffte worlds Jhei Grsen Fark hotel Is the. place to stop when there. Write F. V. Archer, the new mgr., tor special rates. SELECT BOARD C.3 HOUSE III fori Wticleglsi Stmt Wltntn en half axraara af tka Caatoai LARGTE AXD AXRI BOOMS, REASONABLB FKXCES, v OUk W1LET K. ROGER! earn attention to th faot thai tfefc kuf hooaa, wtthfn half noar of thai OsdKoL haa bean newry painted, naw pered and funrhhed, and t opaa tea boarder by the day, weak er nierjth. White Sulphur Springs Vndar New ManaarMnt. Offsrs aa attraeOv sum mar, Whths yo iek yX health ar pkaaavr. Ho tel nicely furnkthed, electrlo Ughta. private bath. New In and eit-doo amusements. . GALLOWAT aV OwTN, Props, -ML Airy. N. C. TOWNSE!n BOTEXt d HOT rnnos, abk. ' , Mew Brick Building. AH st ride roams. Brery medsra reavenlanea, Bet and sold wa ter ta every room centrally to - eatad. Tw blocks fross Bath Bone Row, Bank and Depeta Americas aad European. m. rat rate. Cerraspoadaae as.1 llclted. - at. A. TOWKgKITB. rraa, ' .Algonquin Hotel Corner Granby 8. and Orflera Flaoa, NORFOLK, VA. Rooms Enronean. Mf.. SI nn CI aa Pe dayj ArneHoan, glJiO, j.o, $iM .pectai rate by Um wtxdc C R. 6AMMONS. Mgfk' 0 Lawn" Cottage CHA8B CTTT, YA, Large ary rooms; cool, shady lawn: good fare; splendid water; long-dls Une 'phone,, Address MISS ALICE E. ELAM Blowing Rock The Ideal Resort of th Carolina. RlKher than 'Th Land of th Bky." Elevation 4,25t feet Finest loca tion. Addraat. v BLOWINO ROCK HOTEL, ' Blowing Rock. N. a ' EYE AIDS. Making of hlH grada Eyrflaaaae fiperlacle aad grinding Preacrlp lion Lenae oa K. kh A .1 1 .,m In. thrw, accuralrty to Ira. eyes la inv portal a making tliem. IV. are eiperu at huth. rwiiwta iiotirwl i-aumiax-iiiniiar f ant oa Uie pr tharre nvxlcrate. Rapport Optical Co. DI RHAM. Nr, C o We fival ft, Biul know If. , ' ' VISITING CAHI) J . Teu vixy rtfflv Imnslirnlv r 'H4 fti "--ae ) (h, j ft a) . fT1 If Tf! i,j JtH it f gVCi li I l MiiM,;. CO 2 . i v I 4 : L, Y A 'Jin r-. . J a.

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