xns ;ET7s Arm orsrnvrn, Thursday, july 14. vjo ft GOTTQII .SHE INitrate of Soda 1 4 POVP. C. 9 ret... tat 11 H a !J-f r ees. UU IUtIm H W Jape 4a. ......i ' delce.. ah; del COBB BROS. & COMPANY BANKERS AND BROKERS OLH.IERCIAL The Will help your cotton JULY SHORTS ' de t re...... U4 tn C It i . n (cMr lm- ; Uishe . Affie-chaiiati. tp va r hationalbam: and corn crop. Ask for prices. W. A. MYATT RALEICIL N. C Mcsnbere of 'Kr ork and Norfolk CuttM Kirtiante. fieorka, Booda. Grain. rrovMoa. IVtvate wirea. rrornpt acu-aUoa to atfrgrnphlo nod ihono ordrra. Oonoa, UI.M-. aw U K. Ca. .... Ww Asm. T4Tlc. Be, kfa. Asa. A tag. RALEIGH, N.C Asst. Tea. as..-. hrs. 1st is.......... r do tM ' de tea. a.... B Ant. C. M ; It. Pea. 1T ia aa -... M lULXyf U. . H ac. . i Oe. r-a-J1 P Highest .Level -'.Touched Arcaii BuUdiaj, KORFOLK, VIRGINIA Capital paid in of $300,000.00. r since Hay Vha the Market LMned That th InOrtmral Aflat BaB Iw M.BR rowkd Dcfextlr a P-part at Tjiaiatril Ctertod Ja'l a nigh a Bat The Vm UtU fowrtioa, Jij Ciosta? m le-IJ Geomi Lis Cav Irartrsl lh Cootacloaw AaSa at Ok TIM Hiring IS Io 11 Points Advaarw fcpuis Closed M Point Cp Fvasres Steady aad rwva. ( By th Associated Pree. ) Kw tor. July H- Th feature la to cottoar anaxaat today waa 4 acar f julr ahorta a urine tha afternoon and a nr aharp advaJice l$tku aa tloa on tha buying or a raw inovaana bale. Otherwi there U no par ticular activity, bat tha latter month advanced la sympathy with July and the mark at closed nrm at a Bat tain of I t 1 points. For om dart past Certain of tha tart local bauaaa aav ba advfcnng July short to cover before It waa too ut 1.1 brine cotton here for dsllvery nd whan rumor vera circulated thla fi.mooo that tha Indlctnanu against th. bull laadara had woea foueWe-4 fectlve tbara we a apart or demand ht-h rai Jmlr no anywhar from t is I notnta between eaJe. Tha bull Sew Tor Urn Block. New' Tort. July II Beeves, re ceipt 1.471. Bujl l.ll4lt; ca.; 111 10 a.it. Catve. receipts J.41I. Tenia, Til to t.iv, few at lit: throwout 4 to 17; fraaaera and buttermilk II ta 111. Sheep and laiaba, receipt a. iit. eneep 11 to tit; umbo, it to IT; Call II. . Hoc, receipt 1.111. Market lower at 1.1 to I II. .a S. .... tv rv. 4, la ft 1. ' nana-, w aar - a a. w.l. nxal . .. f n. t, o. ..... im ; xt. ran. a. as Can. eCOa. ..! i la. lt Can.Laatbarla.: Ore H. U 4... M Caa.B.a.X.1 I reaa. ft ltka.. s Co. ne efev.W.I n CaLaiaiea,.lre t -4 ). )t 4a... H KUtlu.il IN STOCKS ATTDfTT TO ADYAXC7E FTUCES rrrr or rRcnors dat v CACSE Or FALSE REPORT TKOM CRM.AT. (By the Aaaoclated Prt.i New York. July 11. The stork peculation bowed aifiu of Inaottuda today wntetrirfr not out of hannonjr with weaiher condttlona In the finan cial belt. About all that are aocom puaned ta the day a trading wma to rectify tha falae atop takrn la re- aponaa to the aenaatlon moncorlnf yeaterday rardlnc the Oermaa for- lfh office utttraocr. Cki tea a at. r. fww. IHa- It CLLtrML B- aa.....M.t. It. aeCeLie...... c. x. l rt. n. k vei.-ia.aaet a... n CM.MJ4.ea. CaLAaoaawaK. M D.4&e.4.... t)N DeaAKIeSt.1. M a rat la.. M Mai. la ft Bite prior Heat at e awe. .. tje Srlerr. tear A.. The Farmers' Besf. Friend Tl a no to Um 4a oat lot rm broncht t CbAa aaork.eC Coin and aaa tfacan. J. M. Pace Mule Co. t MARTIN ST. J. R. HOLDER V. A. CTCHTRCll ' rERCT THOJlAS. Saleemea. W I 1? IXL.AI. V. a. 4a......... ire i44.WJa (M I H 4. A. 1 4a. 71 4a. Fa. tel. ta. ... ta 4a. fiir Oi,... H do let ref 4a.. MS 4. ; e. a. nvMicot w. a. iruiiniu k m. 4a f ! . ; . i ' 'V-;!. Cataa rae 4a... MfV derr.ie. a)P' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaei e let sd reft Mw! .. . S" . ! I Now Torn. July II. Flour quiet t "land nnchamed. ' Te.-CM.rbetLMMS.t Rye flour eteady" " 1 WaeaeklMSa .. Mr CornmeoJ eteady. . I Vabathlste 4 tt! Wheat barely aKady. No. i red! Veat. Mid. 4a ... ap-4-1 ll'l-t ctf to arrive elevttor. No 1 ! ao, Kkae. ev.es.. IM j weet Ktet. rr i, r ! NonheTB. 1 1 1-t f ob Optlonn cloeed P,tn,r.!n Sunday. Jjn lawwiaaai wmwe i -w - - '-'..folk Southern Railroad Exchange issued payable in any part of the World. Collections presented in person and remittances made promptly. - . Safe Deposit Boxes for rent to responsible parties. Time Certificate of Deposit, bearing 4 interest from date of issue. Rotloft Southern RaHroat! Suiumrr R bcilule Change Mf ht Pullinan Tralu j:ff Ue Sum'ay. i unr Sth. I Call or write B. S. TERMAN, Pre3. E nlHHBHiBiiBawSBBnwB R CROW, Cash. CbJrOfo LfT Senrk. Idr aold on th nrvanc. bitJUij "ki o' iintlTJuiy reatied ll.'a. or ttia hlaheat lerel touched elnc tha middle of May that there waa enough, cotioa off eri n to eaao tha altuatlon and even then there wu cere para ttvely Ilttlo reaction with July cloo- tm at 1H. m wtrtw orTi8-triTyttT-kn advance of t polnta to a decline of 1 polnta which waa better than duo on the cable, and while the weather map aa euaeidered fairly good prioeo tan proved after the opening on covering by yraterday' atllera with the active month selling up to a net advance of about I to I point When the demand from ahorta had aubetded. price eaaed off to about tha eloolng flturea of leat night but the private am do-. 14 Pt or her and feeder There waa Vapaamodtc advance la!l4ilTi: cow and heifer lTJf pricea at the opening when uncov- I I I; calve I S 4 I II red ahorta took etock at the pricea H"C. receipt ll.ttt; market at which they were offered, owing to I eteodv to I higher but low . light.! Maw tn'Pfyp o: 'tniteg i ti i neavy I September. 117 I t jl.M M Com firmer; No. j domeetir. Option Chlctga. 111a, Jaly 11 Tattle re-.. net advance. eeipta if.aea; lte. rower: beevea. Iltitember. I; December. 45 014: Tria ateera 4imuo " t-1 Oata dull: mixed, nominal I Beef ataody. Lard ateady. Talrow Brm. Petroleum ateady. tally misled by yesterday's unfounded publication The esttafactlon of thla urgent demand left llttl buying pow er la the market and a fresh decline la the copper added to the uneettle- ment. I1IOI1I: rought 114140: good to rhotc heave I 4101 14 pig I II lit: bulk of Mle I St 9 til ftheop recemis ll.tt. market 149 ! II lower: native Itl0 4 4: Western 1IOW4 19; yearllnc 4ill!l Turpentine firm. Rice ateady. -Molaseea quiet Raw and refined ';ir steady Coffee Futures closed steady " - i v.aiin me li " ' .r; rrJLtuZm tock from oms of the preaatire upon and In the lot trading the market U deealapsd ihoi -while demand fui Irnmha. mm I 50 fTTIt . Western Mock died out when attempts were 14 l 0 7. 1 mads to advance prices, a power- of resistance waa encountered on de clines, which argued the eilstenc of! buying order which would abaorbj Kocka! wnen orreren at conceooions while refusing ! bid for them on advance. Amalgamated Copper sold down io II 1-1, a new low level for the year. A rally In th price of copper metal In the London market relieved this was Jnftueared by the strength of July with the general list at on time shewing a net advance of 11 to II paints. southern apot markets officially re ported early were unchanged to 1-lc. lower. It la reported that a new crand Jury will be convened to con sider th old testimony with a view of sanding down freoh Indictment anlnet the bull' leader. Liverpool reported that Manchester wa selling thtrs and there waa aoma telling of July hero on the advance against sooia to com from th South, Receipt at the ports today . hales, it-atnet 1,141 last wees an 1HI7 last year. For the week II. 4 bales, against 1144 last week. r.4 11. ill last year. Today's rocelpta at New Orlean 1. til hale, ajrslnst 111 last year, and tt Houston 171 bale, against III last yesr. Spot cotton closed quiet 3t point bther; middling upland 11.71: mid dling calf li t!: ealea ltd bale. Futurea opened ateady and rlnoed firm Open. Httrh l-ow . 11.41 11.71 1141 1411 -14 14 1 1L.L lili tlktcago rash Wheat. Chicago, Ilia. Julv 1J- 'ash clsse: Wheat No J red Its 1 3lt7 1-1; No. I. 114 1-14101 I I No 1 hard. 101 1-14J107 1! No J do. 14 1-t ei0 11; 1 Northern 110 1-!121 I; No J do. Ill 111: No 5 Spring, litems durum 5fll Com No . 40 1-J4I41 No 1 white. 1111-1; 1 vellow. II 1-4441. 1. 14 1-4. No S ahlte. 44411-:. No t vel low. 41 1 -: e, I ; No 4 14 1-1411 1-4; No 4 white. It 1-191! 1-1; No 4 vellow. It 1 Kit 1-1 Oats. No I white. 44 9!-! do. 41141 11. No 4 do.. 1-1: "tandard 41 1-14 44 t a I net advance of tn is points Spot Jw4er Rttr efw. -; ssntna No I. I 1-2. mild ateadv. ir.1oa. 100 II 1-1 Flutter firm; ereamerv epe.tale. SO Cheese firm, unchansed. EK steady, uacbanged Potatoes steady; S.uthern. per bar rel. 754 !& Ctbbatee easy; ln Hlnnl and Jersey, per ltt pounds I: 00 Freiahts and peanuts unchanged No I 41041 It Tha extreme dullness of the spec ulation waa ascribed partly to the be lief that an early decision would be is ken by th IntrtaU Commerce Commission whether to suspend as- a whole tha rates propooed ny th railroad to go Into effect on August 1. Today'a announcement that It ha k... .i....ilr .4 , r. a U.w nnrtm nf tha hlsher rates to so Into effect on Chicago Grain. August flrat was th active Influence Chtcego. 111.. July 11 Rain In th tn turning th dut! and hesitating actual process of fellies proved mors ton of th mld-ion Into th pool- porf,,! aa a prlc maker today than tlv weaknes. later. Th trnng "-1 could a hot wave which' yet ealated eletance of the market to depression j , prsdlctlon. When It w wa reasserted In a notable manner ... . ,n NoTln p.. en th reaction and prices were raiueu klU WM b.wmin, general, the official to th beat of th day and to a atron- 1nrMut of widespread torndlty was ger cloelng. .s,.. thrust asld a toing still an un- Nswa of mor general condition , In eonquenc the market did not .how decisive tendanc e, but . ' . . . . T .,, Cnrt July . . Au. . kept . . Oct. . Nov . . rer Jan March . May . Bid. 1 II 1114 . Ill . 1144 .11.41 .11.41 Clooe. RM.riGH rfyrrtiM teitterday. Iie)siriil ty Parker Bros, tt Co. Ferelpta. It bale. Oond middling. 14 T-l cenU. Hi rid middling, 14 1-4 cent. Middling. II 1-1 nt. XEW ORXt-X COTTOX. Ctnaed at Ne. Adtaiwo of II Point ost Md Crop Moaina. Nw Orleans. La., July 11. Cotton Pot opened y and clotsd un changed. Middling. -14 1-4; tale aa Pt 1.100; to arrive 400. Ftrttrrea opened steady, unchanged to 1 polnta down. Cablet wer not a high aa eipectsd, but th activity of short was lessened In the early trading by rather heavy rain. In tha central portion of th cotton bolt. After th first rait tha old crop months oispiayed ateadlnee. polling at y ester 's) a float na level, while th now crops grter aelllng 1 to S point down advanced 4 point In th first half our of trading. Toward noon trie nor active month were I to 1 polnta over yeoterday'1 closing. At noon the market wa quiet and tfidy. la th afternoon session tha market became active and etrong and th entire list was advanced, following the Issd of July, which (parted p ward It points, and by t o'clock reached tha lie. mark. Thla rleo teemed to be mor th result of man ipulation by th bull clique than any- thing pis. Th cloeo was ateady at net advance of II point! on old crop tnontha. Future closed steady. July. 14.IT; August. H it; BtDtember, II 17; Oc tober jj.u; Deoamber, U.j Jaou- . . . . .... -j. ii.i; jaarcn u it. livewponl Cotton. Uverpool, July II. Closing cotton. bet moderate business don; prlcw point lower; American middling 'if. Ill: aood mlddlina. l tt: mid "ng, T T; lnw middling. T.TTl good rdlaaVy. 1.11; ordinary. Til. Tha ! of tha dny wer 2.A00 bale of Which' He were for eperulalloa and . aiport and Included 1.70 American. Recetnta iga ,1 ,,j American. Future, ttpened easy and closed quiet . 'S July-eug. 7.4; Aug.-8ept 1-1: fept.-Oct 1 11 1-1; Oct v. til Kov.-Dec. I, IT 1-1; j7cjn. i it I I; Jsn.-Fev I II 1-t jeh.-W,r,. an Jdsr-Apiil III; April May and May-Jun 1 11 1-. ' th feeling that tear of crop damaa had esaaraerated the real condition and satisfaction with tha ahowlng be Ing made by th national hanks In their return io th comptroller helped to the underlying trngth of th atoct market. Ponda wer Irregular. Total eeies (par value) 11 41M00 V. a bond were uncnangen on can Total aalea of stocks today wer 111.10 share. Including Capper 41.- 110; Atlantic Coast Un 110; Cheea peak and Ohio ; Louisville and Nsshvtlie ttt: Torroi ana eiaerern 101; Reading Itl.lOO; Southern Rall wav ltt: do Breferred 10: Tenneeeeo Coper 10t: I'nlon PaclHe lot.ioo; v. Bteel III too; virgima-i aronne Chemical 1.100. OXUwieed Oil. New Tork. July 11 Th cotton eed Ml market waa quiet with aalea of l.ttt barrla but prices wer firm, closing at unchanged to 11 point ad vene on mll sale and Influenced hy the firrnne In cotton and lard. KepUmber, TI40T.II: October. 7 11; November, ITIflTT: December, I llfft 0 Prim erud nominal: no tummer yallowi l.tlOl 11; do winter do. I 40 1.71; do tummer whit I SI 4JI.II. . TTIE rXTMFI EAST. Where lhe Derw W uW re In tre aty l.lnli. V K'hicago Inter Ocean.) We a'l know how the typical New Torker used to think about the Mid- ' die i'm as a place where wild anl mala and wilder m-n were to be n countered at every turn It wss l- ! most th attltade f the Fngltshman j who came over etpecting to shooi buf-1 faloes at Buffalo.'' ! Put It wa not en many years ago 1 thnt a fond New" Tor k mother, wbosa sons were departing to take lobs in j Chicago and Iietmtt. when sked whst ! they should send hsr (or lhrtotmoa, suggeeted that they bring themeelve If poeaibl and also aom prattls chickens and a haunch venison, since sh liked the lattay and desired to taste th former. and they could easily shoot them right on the out skin of the Westem villages to which ' they wer going'- , Well, things have changed since then, and we doubt whether tody even a typical New- York would i pect to bo able tn shoot prairie chirk -ena within a mil gf tha Chicago city Baltimore, Md., Jullr 11. Wheat hell, or to find deer roaming about firmer; spot orntract IT 1-4; Southen 1 the environ of retrolt, er Io be In by eampt 4 9IS; do., cm grad It 1 1 nm danger rmm the attentions or 017 1-1 : grissly bears soon after passing Corn dull, ipot contract II. imh. or at snr rat at Denver. Oata quiet;' So I white 414 1-1. No ' Rut while wild animals have been I mlsed 41. 1-1 ! eliminated from about ..the renters of Rye dull. No. 1 Western domeetlc i population here in the Middle Weat. 7lj 7 this doea not seem to bo the rase In on ! the old Eat We Judge so not only jew Tork Money. ifrom the frequent reports that moose i i I come In to erase on the lawns of Nsw Tork. Jure 11. Monsy on rall'Rantor. and that beara ar raiding th tesdv : 1-141 T-l percent; ruling j pis-pen la flhamokin and other place rst. 1 3-4. floslrg blda 1 1-1; offered within two. or three hours' rid of ( st 1 II Time loarta easy for ehon Philadelphia, but a re led to thla con-; dates: firm for Big months. I day. J elusion also by s tsl that cornea from Fish kill Landing. X. T. Now. Flahklll. Landing ta on the east aid of the Hudeon, Just above ' Weet Point, It I literally on Broad- , way. for Its principal street beers that s t h. Nor- I V iniusu- i December. I nlt purtman Sleeping Car Service bo-j ' I ween naieitn. ... anu ,"n oia. t a.. I. 0 1-: elevator , vl4 wileon. Oreenville, Wushingtoa clo.ed st S-IO and Elisateth City, via Jul. IS 3-4, Sep-, . ii rwitv vi.hi Fir -..i Ihvi , RaTelgh. I ruon Station. oa p nv,-( leave Wilson. 11 10 p n . Itave Fjrm ! vtlle 1103 a m; leave !renvllle t .A VL'U . K . j, .h 1 a. Ill . i.n.r M.-ii.i.f i .ii . i a m. Arrive Elliaheth t'ltv 4 65 a. j m.MTJU 4-,Jwiir k t 44 .-" --ee4 leaves Oreensboro. 3 20 p in , Dur ' hsm. 5 IS p m Connection via R 8 snd P Rail way, leaves Kan'ttei llle i 1 'i p m. Connection via S A 1- Hallway, leaves Henderson 4 '5 p m - No 'It. Tat1y eirrrpt !-mrtsy - Pay; Express. Wave Rlelh 4 U a ro ; leaves Wilson I 00 a m . L ave Farm- i Mile. 1(1 a m ; leave c.r.-. nMlle I 10 ! a. m.; leav Washlnatun lu i a m;( ArrU Lllsabvth ni. t 10 m ; ar-! rive Norfolk. 1 M p m No. 11 Daily except Hun-lav through I train between Kablsh sn.l Nc R.rn Leave llslelgh 4 IS i in . srriv New' Hern II 15 P m I Trellis Arrive KaMah. I nbm Sallon. No II dally, 7 II m from Nor- ! f.'lk snd loterniedj , tjn I .na t NT 11 daily. ei pt tida. 7 U p m fr"m Norfolk. Wibmtt-in. New 1 I'.'rn Crcenvllle and Wilson MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH. N. C . 4, Interest paid in Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. Certificates of deposit bearing 4 interest issued if desired. This Bank has paid 4 interest in Sav ings Department since organization. We respectfully solicit your account. Merchants National Bank RALEIGH, N. G finished a (had to 1-401-lc op and oat 1-4 down A clear advance of It to IT lie. was scored In pork and 11 1-1 to 10c. In provision otherwise. IWililmnrw Uraia. of Look Well Into This In strength of beauty. styl snd vtrtety our showing Hprlng Wall Paper lit previous shl bits. surpassea all WEATHERS & PERRY Decorating Department. ll7F.ieMlSt, RALEIGH, U. ARtarVaLprd..-AavCepp...... Aas. Age. km. Beet gsgsr. Aav Caa-pfd..... If 1 Am Cat UM AavCwtBd04 gew Aav Bid A b f I) Aassriesa Ie.. AavIAasasdOa. II Ajb. LeeeeestlT. t is.lt Bet...... 17 g fd. ...... m Aav It est res.'. It ASS. lags' Ref.. IIP Am TL 4 Tt...ta AmTe.f.... N Am Wees.... M Aaa,aaUa.4.H Attai ....It ts t It AVCle .....IWw 4.4 0 .....Mr 4eta.Stt....... II Ires. Bap. Tree If Caaadlaa Facta, lira Cea-Lestb..... a j da ptd....... M4 i Csf M. J...... Ml 1 Ches. 4 Obi IF CaL Altos..... B C 4. Western.... IP de pfd V CaleageA R.W. IM ChLM.AM.r...llt CCCMLL... l CeL Feel 4 Irea. U Cel. seetbera.... H ' t Mpfd Ca. Oat.. i Cars rr II Dels wars A BsdatsT Dee. A kl Qrss4 are de f... N DtstlUert t,... M 4rle Mw de IMpfd.... 4w d tadptd... It Ge. IIcUl.... J' 6t Rsr.Or. fd..tIP et Par. Or. etf.. 11 I1L Ceatrtl in 1st MetrepoRts 11 s sfd st I Int Rtii-eeatee... sp I 1st Msrla pfd.. I , 1st Ftper. ...... H : 1st r M 1 lev Crste!..,. tc As-C ke.. .... t da afd. tt Laetsd 0 a TH tsV A Us eewswwwa aiS Mlaa-Altt.... M Mla.atrAga.M.Ut at Kaa. 4 Ts... IK de fl f Mlaswarl Pa II Kit leel. .....Ml1 KsttoealUad... tt Rt 4ya Ms. 1 ttw M. T CtraJ ... tIPw R. T. Oat 4 West IPO PJ.4W Wi M. AaMrtcaa..... CTw Rsr. Pw...,,r... UP Pad Man...... tt rweplt Q.... Mg P. CCA M. L.... P rittsbart Ceel... If Frees- ttesi Can. IP Pall. Falae Cat. taU 9101 Sgrtag. IP Reading ..Hi' JUpahU It!.,, at d pfd. . im ap lack Islsat C.. IPk 4a afd II a,T.L,Arr - else M M.; t ILIkHM... "do pfd.. 81ea-lBeBld.M le. Fscles Hrw g pfd teetaers Kf. tttt de ..,..... Tea. Of Tea. Pa IP itiiatw.. m de pfd... IP falsa Psdt.... Ml . d pfd.:...... M C. a. Realty...... N C. 9. Bukeot..... If U.aVklesL...... IP de pfd ..IIP CtskCc a..Car. Caem C P Wsbask If gs pfd IT WestMd Tf seUetlie El It West t'sloa tt W.4al Krt t WUMeasle Cse..a Ifssdsrd 0U.-..M I 1-1 and It day 4 0 1-t per cent alt month 191-4. Prima mercantile paper, I to I l-l per rent marling oarnange taay with actual bust n sea In banker' bill at 4 II 109 10 for day bills and name being a continuation northward at 4 It it for demand. Commercial bills. 4 11 1-441 II 1-t. Bar allver, 14; Mexican dollar. 44. Xaval Wilmington. K. C. July 11. plr1ta turpentine, nothing doing; rocelpta. It raka Rosin tteady. 4.11; receipt, us barraia. Tar firm, l is: rocelpta. l narret. Crude turpentine 4rav 1.11. I II tod I l; receipt. 4 barrels Charleston. B. C, jaiy II mrpen- rjne firm, 14 1-1. Rnaln firm. Quota: A, B, t , i is; D, i.si: E. LilOl ii; r. i ll i-i; o. LitOl.tti H. l-ip;e; a. Ill 1-19(11; M. ITI; N, ITIOIIt; W. O.. 9 '; w. v.. i.iiomi. Savannah, Oa- July 11- Turpen Ann. 14 1.4 4 Hi aalea. Ill: re- cdpta. ttl: shipments, 1; Mock. T.T14. Rosin firm: recei pis. i.s; sm mtnta. II: tnk. H.1T4; aalea. 1.111. Quote: B I II: D, I 11; C 1.41; T. Lit 1-1; O. Lit; H. I IT 1-1: L Ml: K, I lls M. I TI; N. i ll; W. 0.. 9.II; W..W, 4.4L. - ' - . New Tork Dry Good. ' - New 'Tork. July it Th drp td market were quiet and rieady for th day. Vnferwear And koolery'ar be ing bought more freely for apiitg dllvry at low prices for th coarser end. Souther and Waster buyer ar pufchsMng mor freely of Wash pood. Fa tins r being bought for tall and Foulards ar being ordered for the coming aprtng. (Bv tha Associated Prase) ' Washington, D C. July 1I- Th conditio of th UMjmry at th be ginning of business today wa aa fol owt: ' - " - " Trust Fwnda. Gold coin .,..,i........lllMl illvr dollar ............ I11.I1I.I4I eilvor dollars of lilt..... I.lll.lll Silver Certificate out- undlng , 4ll.tK.MI Gesvrsl FWoaV. Standard silver dollar In general fund . . . . Current liabilities Working . bale fn Tress ury otflce la bank to credit of tree surer nf the U. 8 . . . fbin1dlry stiver coin. ... . Minor colrl Total balance In general ,. lund of the noted New Tork city thoroiiah fare And It Is also only "fortv-flve ; minute from Rmsdway" th Brod- ; way that we read about la the maga- ! line as "the Oreat White Way." Tet the other day a deer walked dowa the streets of Flahklll Landing ! and created much commotion ther. And It waaa't eavhody tame pet Just I taking walk about town. II waa a wild deer Jut from th woods! That la officially certified by tha local game warden. The deer wa not. apparently. In hospitably received. That Is, nobody seems to hav thrown brick at It or threatened to rail th police If It did not "move ew " Rot M appears to have- beea greeted with that frigidity of manner, we may rail It. which strangers commonly aay - tliey find when they try to b harmlessly boH able with th typical dentien of New Tork city d It environ. At aay rate, the deer ahowd an Ig norance of Eastern city way. For It rw confused and walked through tha plat gias window of pharmacy, and then tried to walk through a large mirror at th bark or tha shop, and finally landed in a aower trench In tha street In front or ary good tor. ' ' Thence th local gam warden ree led th Maples rural wanderer through th mate of urban life, load ed n Into a farm waemn. long rt out Into the woods, and turned it lono. Apparently, th wood, which r th natural a bod of th deer, war cloo at hand. : - j - - ;- tu Don't yo know. Oeorg kissed m at th door last Bight twtr before I could rtop him! Mae Oradout' What cheek 1 Sue Both. . a i A-ot Pmgrt Set,' DI1DESI MOTIt E. Notice 1 herehv 1vn that the semi annual dividend on th st k of the North Careilm Railroad C.impsny will be paid 'o tockhnlder of record on Auaut I. 1010. and that tin- stock transfer booki will be cloaed fur ten dy next prior to said date A. II tl.I.KK Sec A Tress 7-10-llt. t'aody mat king la guy osullike. Ws know It I'M will iubow w know It, II yo bey R0YSTERS' CAHDY CHAS. E. JOHNSON. President. THE r. H. BRIGGS. Cashier. Raleigh Banking & Trust Co. 4 INTEREST PAID On Time Certificates of Deposit To those who desire it, we are pre pared to issue certificates of deposit bearing 4 interest from date of issue. CALL AT THE BANK Cha. E. Johnson. Jaa. A. Rrtggs. W. A. Linelien. U. E. Norrla. DIRECTORS. F. O. M1nf. W. N. Jones. J. K. t'tssmbrrialn. T. II. I nwder. 'Alfred William. Tbo. . Keosa. Jolin W. Harden. Cary K. Hurler. I 141.11 111.171.117, 17,441.714 II.T14.I7I ll.TIt lit I.lll.lll - I 101.34t.LTf h J. G GRINNAN PRESSED BRICK, CEMENT AND LIME f -. Delivered price la aay quantity ape applies tloa. NORFOLK, VA. I awattswaawaWjswaTM .f KEIUDWOMEI. ar yttaasV I C It fr wxtsrsl blsl -r. I lsrharna,laaaiMtaw, Iww. i U fa-rUsma a alwsilesa ll HaaMaev axaisrsssa, i t r Palaissa, aed as asms. 7i'l("iif1' fX gsai et asinasaa. -lHasaTlAX "J Bead bp til iililli t aaa. i aet ts ptola ete el I ' by wins. tss4, let V"w 1,1 J J ttet.sriMttasit.rt. . ' W Cyajalat teat sa ssaatst. MAHLER'S 0rder 0ne Today For &10 00 7J,we v I U i U U ln a 20 ycar 14 K fiUed case WATCH! H-Mahler'sSons ' Raleigh, N. C THE CITIZENS. NATIONAL BANK ni.tto Raleigh i Sayings Bankand TrusiCo. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, whether large or mall, recelye most careful at attentlon In our COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. .1 " SAVINGS ACCOUNTS receive 4 quarterly, or rertifictte bf de jwsit bearing 4 from date issued by our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Letters of Credit, checks of the American Bankers Association, or our own drafts, good til over the world, y . , Cad oa or writ Joj',-G. Browr President A; B. Andrews, Vice-President II. E. Litchford, Cashier, " at Citizens National I)ank i'Y. : i John T. Pullcn, President. Jos. G. Brown, Vice-President ;,r ' "-.T.; Chas. Root Cashier, or at Raleigh Saving! Bank and Trust Co. 1 1

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