HeOelr Pel f rtb fwallu Tfc.i H 0 lm KtttHii l'niUii1; hxol stumer IVblay anil pn.haMv Sal unlay; light to nt"dctai south srlfiita. Maitmiim temperature., 4; minimum WaiitirratHre, 10; pm-tpitaiion. JH Inch.. II il . A nriKiir.R.i. YOLUUEXC, NO. 48 RALEIQII, 2s. C, riUDAY MOIlXDfO, JULY 15, 1910 PRICE 5 CENTS Lead, ....... .w .je. ' -' ry s all North Carolina Dailies in News anidl CircnlsdidnA !rfU.5''!P!.55. IWCS5SPV )l.T,.TMgi..BSa uswjiwswui. .,.Sgaaoe?-r.ertf ',-q'-;weV V JMMmWUr. Mif M: . Jfc' ay-It-" ll.s." las-sxTpWy IGIICEfIT THE STATE Splendid Representation . State at. A I PRESIDING OFFICER fin Forilng ftf flood FrUwwhlp4- Wlrich Prevailed Tl Artisan and (ie Brain W orker Bab I3bcm t aa Immense CoogTVaUon of Del, gate Every County la Urn State Brtwrargitrdl oa Flm Roll Call, fi eri Two Annminortnnjt of Oom-nilllcco-rumancat Chairman Made Ko Spot Imponaal Develop- TttfBtrBriwtmTr" i KOMlhltES. For- tltlef aU Walter Clark, of Wake, Fur Aawirteta Jealcee of the) Supremo Ctoarfc Piatt D. Walker, of Mrckleubtirr; William R. Allen, of Wayn. For Corporation OotnmUaloa- era To fill Mm aneiplred terra of th lata B. '. Ajrcok, Henry C. Brown, of Wake. Jw the full term, to succeed tiamuct V. Roger, W. T. Lee, of Haywood. At the close of the) aftemooa sreaioo tha various nomination fur Judaea mad la tho arveral distrlcte were endorsed by a aoaoimoaa rote, ... , .. Hy K. wL-WTfQMt'--"-""- Charlotte. K. C July H. Wmi arts a greaUr attendance than at th moraine session tha afternoon seeeioa of th Damoc ratio BUta . Convention bfta a few mtnutaat- after three clock. The threat of an approach Ins itArra had aomewhat cooled the air end the erowd of people In the (ally corat4 hall, with iu red and white and Mue et reamer and national flags. vm In a atata of more comfort The banda made muilo (rain and . aTUr a abort wait tfte-ommttte on ptrmanrat ertnnlaatlon. throuch Capt T. M. Ariinrtoa, of Rocky Mount, mad lie report la It there wa named aa tha permanent chairman of the convention Hon. Walter E. Moore, of Jackaea, former Bpeaker of the Mouaa, with Charlea C. ttanlala, of Wtlaoa. a aecretary, the aaeiatanta twin R. Jt. Deal, of Wllkaa; W. W. KIU. ef McDowell; W. B. Wllklnaon. f Kdreeombe, ' end tha mmbr of the Dmocrtlo preai preeent The convention, by a ananlmouo vote, rat ified the report of the. committee and Hon. Walter C. Moore waa Introduced. Chairman Moore waa brief In hie re mark Ha returned thanka for the honor conferred by eo anacnlflrent ethtriac Of Democrata, that Demo crata are always of the beet and that he reeomlaed that tha convention wantd to get to hualneaa witaout apeechea and that therefore he de clared the convention ready for hue itei. Hie few remark wen great ap . flaum.-...;-- Chief JaxCtce Clark XomliuurdV Mr. t. . Lockhart of Anaon. waa btrotoeed and elnqnenUy he prvaant 4 th name of Chief Juatlce Walter Clark. f Wake for hominatloa for Chief Juatica, there being ao eppoaU .tieev- L (Mr. Leckharfe atmech appr elee. wkere In thle newpapr kdltor.) F-Judce R. V. Wlnatea. f Kal Uh. am apoke aadina: the noml haOoa. hla aolondid a1drMa being naadamly received. At- the cnnolu ' et hia addrmn, en motion of Mr. Erneat Oreen, of New Bern, the Intnl. atloa waa made by a anaalmoaa : rota. Tfflett KowrfaaWa Walkmr. , nma ef Amoclate JmUc flatt n. Walkar waa prmonted bv Hon. l'. w. TllUtt. of C'barlfltu, there hln p portion to him. Mr. Tllli-tt ma a kappr reference to Judg Walher'a recent marrtaa. Hon. The. Klntta, of Kowoa. tnoet loqaentlj loaded the nnmlnu'lnn tnd paid hirh triht to Judc 'al- ea a mux. a lavrer end a Jurist. rtng the Kit4 nd a right to be f Of Me record. On motion of Hon. R. x. Harkutt, of Wllke. the ""Tt!Btjm aa made by accfama I'oa, th MrM CnntMt tV-jHoo IVrTnt : Saoe Mlhi. Then came th frt content of th onwntioa. Aa thalrmeT) M"ore mninfied the nama of Jule W.a 'r ef Imrham. and Aiin. rf Wn-ne, In tha eontl fur "upr.me Court Jua to. the foer rr!tn1erl r. Tl-tnr ft HrTn. rf furhnm. arrr1 to teek In hhif r,f J.j.'te Vannlrr. an-l h iHri 4 a f,. tare .f te rii titin. He i, in rt"'-" 1 voire and hi rmrV. m ' nr. r.f a vote winner If ,' "'i d Vv I n win, A he ---a'med: "When to K !-H rtn $ -j t h4nme a rf'me to PP'-Int y ir f.-.i-. , fr(ri-l to in ria (,f v-.-e :! eemv" re- farr.r.e t. -r-or- ... p-'b y IRK IF con of the Democracy of the Charlotte ' vi- eTDUK W. R, ALLEX. Nominated for Aaaoctale Juxlkv of bupretao Court. hTATKMIO'T by mk. durtch aad &ia8A(iF. 1-KOM JX TXiK AUX (Spexial to rws and tMmrrer.) Charlotte, X. C Jaly 14. Col. T. Dnrti-h, of tioMxboro, who haa ao admirably managed th amitalga for Jndce UlllUin U Allen. vhra neeq at hia heatlquartrra at the lluiord late tonight raid: "1 am both tlrrd aad elecpjs bat now that the amoke of battle haa paaned awaf. I ranieH re fata from aiaklac amblio-.wraaawt' edgentrat of tliaaka the loral frtenda fran all over North Caroline who atood by aa am. loelty. . Aa "ooa aa the reanlt of the ballnt had bera aatvrtaloed aad aitcr Mr. Feawhee had made hia amnion to make the nomination anaatneowa, I-wired Jaxfcre Alloa to that eBert. and I take the liberty of giving yoa hia reply. It waa aa follow: " 'I am very aratefal to ma and other frtenda who have been eo loyal. Tha ronKdemw maaifreaed by the peo- addtUonat WBKmSr- Smtrtno110" ,lf !lslllon' J1 Anally became ; heat aervkw of whh h I an vepaher. While L. df eowree. relrw In my eac re. I ran bat rewrrf tlial It aea-ee-aarlly briaga disappointment to Judge Manning "TKe mah nf IU kwJlnt ni laat a boat what oar frU-Btl ripxrW-d. Vte; na-nreel a aay or two ago that Jange Alien' aaaiortty would nt fall abort of 10 and the balk ahoww thia to have been approximately mrmt "I wtah aim ao eiperw pabltrry my appreciation of tha gewrroaa art too of Mr. aowahee, the manager, for Jadge Maunintt, In hie gnuioaeneaa In anov. log to make the niHiilnaUoo aaaal- Thi actloa apo hia part waa worthy wt hlnaartf aad of the friend whom he eapported ao loyally. I am happy to aay that while) at time the campaign haa heeti atrrnaoa. Jill It haa bera eoaal acted aaoa a piano whk-h Iravea nothing for either aide to regret, and It emla hi aaa-h meaner that the perannal frlewdidil which ha alwaya ealated Uwn lite ww ran dktalea la ant dMarwed. It to for aa now to all go homo, get aaeae ateee) and prepare foe the large majnrHy poaalUo la ?S ovem her." . . pewMiwee)eieeeeaNeewwwwweeww RINGING PLATFORM ADOPTED pedal to New and Obaerver.l Chariotto, K. X, Jif 11 The Dew, erratic platform adopted at the night araaaoai of the Rtata Convention fa ga Mlowa: . . ' "We, the reprearatatlvea of the Iemorratlc party la Kortbs CaraHna, la marentloa aaaeiahli d. aejiitca la the rail or-aer"tod by tha romtng rtre. Un and the onportanlty thaa offered to lift ap agala la tha wad af the people af Xorth Carol too th baaner of the fmorfaUc party aa ear ataadard af thrlr right and tha anfattlng guide ef their ptognws aad we re-aMrm aar aOoaianrw ta the rardiaal prlnalptea af Iemorrath? fenm.-t and rongrat alal the jenple af Sorth CaroHaa npna , the wine, progeewdtn aad eenwomltal admiaMratloei af tha af fair of gmemment atnra the retara Of the IVwMcratle party to power la thia Mate. "We eommend to tho people af North Carolina the ronatderatioa 'of tho eworeaa with whfch th afTaJr hate been Mutfitered by the Demo, rratk- onVtahi and riean, ewVtrnt and eroaomiral rondait of th ftlat gov eminent from tle cla j tit the refwra ta power ef the fwwwKvattc party, and wa ro-afftrm the dot larwUnwa of oar par ty upon the anctkiwe of tlie rtimwoa Bwl lmtrovevnent end etflmihllng ef tho Inlrmal afftiir of the Mate and the lTd!uiln provided hy t Mate f' the care of rr Nt1rtthip, hnt" cliH'Me and rfImwlK"Bl, and r-loiije tx. "i lif t' fh fy,i,'int(A l-m, tp- fx -i-l frpn p t ALLEN NOMINATED SUPREME COURT JUSTICE BY 92 MAJORITY LeejQaptures the Long-Term Corporation Commis- tiarlotte, July 14. Judtre William R. Allen was of ssociate Justice of the Supreme Court by a majority of ninety-two. The VoJ: Allen 526 and 978-thousandths; Manning 434 and 972 thousandths. Allen's majority, 92.006. Half a vote was cast for James H. Merrimon of Buncombe. Total vote cast, 962 the counties of Tyrell and Clay not voting. The vote on first ballot for Corporation Commissioner for the full term, to succeed Samuel L.-Rogers, was as follows: Lee, 527.463 vjrMes; Graham, 31379; Pearson,-i21054. '- Full tabulated vote by counties, for each candidate, will be found on another page. J When Congressman Is In Line For Chairmanship FOR INSTANCE: THDVAS II IS A BAD III I TP SiP HORSES - Attmiion t ailed' to the Mlntako KortbKtaue IVcpartment at Waatilngtnn o- t'aniUna ItrwMM-rabi Make In timlU log Term of taarr .wtucad Who Hate liea Kervlng oa Important Comtatiire tiT Year. Tntil Cbair maawbipa. Vlhk-ti Woald Mean Much, to tho State, Are A boost WltMn TKCJr Graeo The Xewr Xoaaiaeie hi the Third a Ilae Ma a. Bat Ha Will Br like All Now Meaibrre for Tean in the Hoewo Hale of Battlo ahlpa. By TIKJ.M.VS J. PFACC Wanhlnrtoa. D. C , July 14. Back In lltS. ut twenty-five year atro, John S llenderaoa. of Rowan, waa etecTril a member of Congrea. He attained pronUaenca In the national chairman of the Important poetnfflre committee In the flouae. No other member f the North Carolina dele gation aim that time hat attained ath-h prominence and eecured aurh an important port for hi mar If In the llnuer of Repreeentativea : Prlor to hi defeat for re-nominal Ion : by the Drmocratle ConrreanionaJ j Convention in the Third IXetrlct. there waa every proapect that Charlea ! R. Thnniaa. the preeent Congreaaman. would eecur la the neit Contrea. the ixaj-ecnd tVe rhalrmanhlp of th Publl ButldJbra Committee. hich ie evea more maortant than the poet held by John k Hendmon. A Reenarkaal Inetaace, It le the talk her that ao member of Congreaa, with .aorh aa excellent proapect of aecuiing one ef the big rhairmanahlp of the Itouaa, ha ever heen defeated for re-nomlaatlon. Cer tainly defeat for re-ajomtaatlna by a Conareeacnaa . under awrh clrcum unce I remarkable, and enry rur alhee additional evidence of the odd hie ef the game called "politic. " ' Th people of tha Thir rnetrtrt epent eleven year retting Mr. Thome to a poaitloa where he would be a force la the Houae, aad of real aerv ir to hi eonmiruent a well aa to the whole people of the Htaie. It la only aatural to premm that It will require all af that time for hia oe 1 1 r. Bcellent man that he la, ta attaJa aurh a pramineat poeltlon - In the Hoae a h been reached by Mr. Tbemaa, Indeed be will be lucky if be becoenee ranking member ea one of the moot Important committee in the Hoaee daring auch a brief period aa eleven year. la anaklng thee abaervatlon a boot the termination of th Congreealooal Record of Congrewaaaaa Thwmaa, thl writer haa no ether pwrpoee taaa to call ta the attention f a many read er aa poeathio what be behave wa a mtetake e th prt af th Iemo crat ef the third dletrVt. He had nothing ta aay while the conteet wa ta preareaa. but be he Have that a hen a eongreaamaa. who attend to hia bualaeaa aad geta at the lop ef the heap, he eaa b af mora eervice ta hia dietrVt aad hia tat, thaa a new man. who maet wait at leaat a derad before he can Arure in national lee-talattoa. The Cenalwa and tho take Werway tat Jaat bera Me a man la la Congrea aa ergnfent why ho ehould be re elected. Ther are anany aorry won fTvaatnen, wh hav peot year In Waehlneton. P-onta are idler, and om r hoirr. Th latter eiaeo are partlcnlarl eamerona their chief atoch la trade being faavlftoatloa Of their reccrda with th view ef maatng their eonetltoepe believe that 1 bev amouat to mthlng fa aahlngtoa, tea can pot tt down that a eoncre-w-maa who paradee under the ee hia altered a"owrlihmerit ta Waahlng ton la a cheat and a v ln-i)a. I haT la ml ad a conrreaamaa Who 4oe at hr a thoeaod lr, e feoot the Can fear, wha ha nvr eecured the paeeere ef twt two btli In hi hfS cnr.rrewHtnal career, vet tie hmt brtd--ii etatemeeta gtrttg (Cont aled en yre e(fht) sionership By Majority (Special to News and Observer) PHI IS FOUND INTERNATIONAL 1 - . - i STARVING If! CEIL Inhuman Treatment of American in Nicaragua REVOLTING C0KD1TIDNS tilled by American (Vmmil at Haaagna, Slceragna, of Deplorable Conduct of the Authoritivea Them Preaktent tOMrada Ordered to Im prove the Condition for the "A(V ventaroaa . Aaaeriran'' Fomiga Bee'h-nM la icararua tilarmed. (Br the Aaieciated Preaa.) Washington. D. C. July 14. Con fined In a filthy cell, alt by five fact, unfed, nave by charitable at ranger. William Plum an, an American, cap tured by th Madrli government force near Bluaflelda. waa found in an overcrowded local prleon at Man agua, Nicaragua, by Conaul Ollvare. yesterday. - The eoniul, who la ataUonad at that point, telfgmphed the Beat Depart ment today that he vtalted PHtman. dlecorered th revolting condition, and through proteata, forced Dr. Mad rli to furniah th advanturou Ameri can better prlaon aooomodatlon. Plttman. whoa relattva lt at Cambridge. Ma., told Conaul Ollv- area that h left Oreytonr. Jujy 4, that ainre then hie raptor hav failed to provide him with food, leaving him altogether dependent for eubaletenre ujKn the charity of hia fellow travel lera. rtttman wa atarvlng. Ollvare Immediately protested, re minding Madrli of hi prom lee to treat Plttman with eoaatderatlon. Medrt flnallv agreed to tranafer Pltt man to a larger and cleaner cell and to allow the conaul to supply him with a aleeping couch and food. The conaul reported that no definite actloa regarding Plttman had been determined by the defector authorities and that he, Ollvarea, will axert every effort to Insure falraese and human treatment. When th United Stale origtnailv learned of Plttman arrest In. Madrta aaaured Ollvarea that th prisoner would be treated fairly and considerately. Constant complaint from Ameri can citisen at Matagalpa. retativ to threat repeatedly made aaalnat their Itve and property by agent of th Madrt government ar being received by the United State consular repre entatlve. - Mr. Ollvare ha made vlroena representation 14 IW Madria, aad reiterated to him Beer Mary Knov'l warning that thl government will hold the Madrli faction atriothr ac countable fer the security of Ameri can life aad property. Prttteh and Oermaa avjh)et al Mataaalpa have appealed te their conaule In Managua for protectlnn. fto far, ao repremntatlone aa to the have beea mad te the Oermaa and ttrttlah government or ta Washing ton. . - ..... - Amettcaa Consul Oeaerai lTber hardt. wh I detailed at la rye aad happen te a In Nicaragua on a tour ef inapertlon cabled th IHar Depart ment today enr-ro ho rating the alarm ef forelga reaideat aver threat af N'lcararuana H Hated that th opln loa at Mataralpa wa that thee anti foretrn demonstration Were Insti gated by th Madrl faetlon. whoa t floial hav open I v threatened Ameri can aad ether fnrelmere. KFW crwn or I ttc irnrrtn SHOW M rKRCEXT IXCRKASnV By th Amoctaied !, " Waahlnrton, D. C, Jnlr 14 Dvr1g th past aeoada, Lrachburg. Ta, he herua rajwrtnadon. Thia wa made evident today when the figure nf portiitafjon enumerated for the thirteenth eenan wee bamad by IK rertnr tntrand, howtng th number of peraon ta that city to be lt.44. Thia number wa an tnrreaae of l.t$ InhaMtaot or M 1 per pent wer the population of ltot- At that time tKe fruree for traehburw ihnvH a a ereaee ef 4.1 per ceat front th num ber ef people ther In lilt, which v.. ll.Ttt. The population of Chrtjtt!rmr, Jv., I ri'-n at l.llt, compared with ti la ltt. of 93 nominated for the position To Be Created to Super vise Railroads IL S. Secretary of State Ihwigiiati-x Clutir nian Knapp of the Int.THiate CVmi nicrte ('oniiiilaNtoii to lU'prraent This fverument In a Confemu'w W ith lanada hief of tho Railway txmiinission AixiiiIUiii of anaa dlPfl Trrmlliala hy Antrrh aa Ttoade and Vice Versa . Sornrtiiinx XbaiJearent thine w ho have eve to and Nreda Looking After. 1. 1 By the Asaotiated Pre.) i Waahtngton. D. C. July 1 Aa m' ternatlonal railway oommlolon, with upervtsory authority over the rail road of th United State and Canada probably will be the mutt of anion taken today by thb f overnm. ni In tha appointment of Chairman Martin A. Knapp, of the Interstate Commcn CommiMlon, aa the representative of th United States to confer with Hon. J. P. Ma bee. chief of th railway . . .m -m last on of Canada, who ha. tieen dealgnated by the latter country a It representative. Announcement f Judge Knapp appointment wa mml.i by the State Department today fol low: "Th Secretary of Wat hue de signated Hon. M'tln A. Knapp. chair man of the Interatate Commerce Com mission, a the representative of thia government to confer with the recent ly appointed Canadian representative. Hon. J. P. Ma be, chairman of the Railway Commission of Canada, on the euhject of the Joint control of International traffic ratea. It la un derstood that meeting between Mr. Knapp and Mr. Mabee will be ar ranged at oace to take place at point la th United Rtatee er Canada, or both during; th remainder of the ummer. t p in th completion of tha conference a report with recommen dation will be mad by th remmle lonere either Jointly to both gov ernment er separately to their re spective government." The appointment of Judg Knapp and Mr. Mabee I th result or a con siderable period of correspondence nd diplomatic interchange between th United State and Canada. More thaa a year ago th subject was broached firat In a letter from Mr. Mabee ta Judg Knapp. It was point ed out that tha Increasing truffle be tween the United State and Canada would reader full control over rata In tha future mora difficult, unleaa om Joint actloa war taken. It waa realised font th acquisition af Canadian r"ew.tnal hy American road aad of Araecinan terminal by Canadian railroad presented ever-he ereaalng difficulties. la th present Ircomatanras. It I not possible te compel railway or iprs com sanies to eetabliah Joint through ratea te and from point In th two countries. .The Interstate Commerce Commis sion may require roads under It Ju ried let loa to establish through routee and Joint rate and the Canadian rem mission may require th Hoe andee Ita luriadlctloa t th earn a, but neither body ran com pal two er more carrier ta do thl with internet tonal traffic ad fmlh i the shipper a tru bill of lading from aay point In owe voaa try te aay point ta tha other. Th fwaaonablaaea ef rate between point In Canada aleo la a aeeatioa of serious Importaaea to ehtppera. The dlffleultlea practically preclude ny tnauiry by existing tribunal Int th ianaablnem ef - eembinsjtloa through rate a applied ta Interna tional traffic. No power at preeent arista that can require carrier en gaged ta thl International transporta tion to establish what may be officially rewarded aa reasonable through' Joint rata and t port to a tho rats among tha partM paling carrier hi the rsent ef a disagreement. - The reeutt at that tha tntematleaal traffle more upon combination ef ratea local te the United mate and to Canada, and If this nn of the local ratea i attacked ft most bo through proceeding before both th United 8tat and Canadian com m lesion. Out of tht situation grew the "g geetton that a Joint internstional com mission should be created. which (Continued e peg -) SOUNDS CLARION GIL 10 DEilTIC HOSTS Senator Lee S. Overman Masterfully Outlines the Issues in the Coming Campaign CHAIRMAN EMITS SPLENDID SPEECH , In Calling the State Con vention to Order at Charlotte Yesterday '.rmlemen of the Convention ... AVhu.jk14.thaA.Ula Itonmv rallu r. nf North Carolina U about to wirr defeat ' "Uorehead " Yra, I behv-hi- did. bat that was befure he fraok nl nut that Mnrehead-Machln. ' "i l" Mill Pruapwitv-letter Km I km. better now' We hail a rtatn i i mfortable majority In lSu The only deserter thua far raiiKht in th. ait I th Honorable "Sunset ' M : Niih Ii, of tha Ninth Sunir n ins Hv publican alllea declare that hr i. Mil hovering ajmut thr iuUikIii i. if U hut h pity that Just in 1 tie n;. k .if ! time the mill, htive gull p i r i : 1 1 n a" . ) trm for the firm "f M'reh "'J Mi-Nlnch Hutwhlh- tht- null" irk jnder-time, we nuiy n i i tie franking bureau" tn wnrk m.-r ume North farollnu In ilaiyrr -if refurn ittjf to HpubliraniiTii ? Aftfr w have tlwlc driven th deipoller frun thf capltol and reconstruct! .ur Sm'r ' ru tin yewr 01 our uim. 01 ii"" the winter of their dlerntent UwiTi tow; when th Unpendlng Jfail of hleh Klik.n oplv1leA la fnTMMn htf ell mull eee not The mighty energy and num Iter of our partv called Into action a deaile ago are In reerv today awanin anotnrr aseauit irom ine n finr. whoae ho.pitaja nave neen more crowded than their recruiting atatior,' alnc the U.M great battle After display of our real power In Itrtd when w gave Aycock 1.C0 votes there has Twen no rreat iieceewity for Its repetition lit 10! we went to the polls 136 000 etrnx In 104 w gave Olenn IIAOOft; in 1 our Stato tick et received 11t. In noting sign of actlvltv n the rok f r enemy, we m. -t them it the polls with more man Hi l.allota for Klhhln W wait with eaifernew an 1 with towering faith the trial of atrengih agsUn. thir standard t.e.ir-r. are ready to leap Into the arera, witho-it shackles and without .hm. N'o cabinet dlatrrare. no I'lttal. r no Albany, no tariff acandala. iiilKimnie.! "tariff arhedulea." to le ripUlncI or to O oerenoea o rampeiso ( ury filled with rotten mony. '-s-tni a flood of aordid literature an l . du'l. muddy stream of parecltlr lo..en'e ' to be repudiated and apurne.1 H t with hand and hearts clear as feavld'a, they tan go forth to battle under a banner aflame with a mott . of truth and candor ' Neither the enemies of wealth nur the scrvani of greed." - The hour has struck for a transition In. American polltlca It rang out upon the ears of a party drunk with power like a fire bell In the night, first In the Missouri Valley, then on tha plains of lloston. and again about tha rock-ribbed redoubt of Republi can Rochester. The ndlee chain of campaign contribution for privilege and protection, and privilege and pro tection for campaign contribution Is about readr to snap. Three of Its faulty links, forged In th tth. tth. and 10th district of North Carolina, will drop out or be knocked out on the neat go-round. Not many campaign ago a heard th too oft repeated question. "What la a Democrat?" On July tth In Tam many Halt Champ t.'lark ana owed thw qieetlon: "A I emncre4 I a man who tjbellsves la the prlnclpleeof the lemo FVewtu e.rtv end votes the IVma- rratle ticket. " No man ce object to thl teat who wants t get In out of the cold before the storm due about November , 11. Ther haa been no mourners bench net p. There I a glad hand and aa ape door, and many a wandered there be who will return to the Iletnerratte fold. .The question, however, to be answered during the present rampaiga Is. "What la a Republican T" After the csaualtles la Massachusetts and New Terk, with 41 majority ota hie Md of th chamber, peakar Caaaoa declared that th Hewae wa na tejr Re public a. President Taft ha call ed tboee Insurgent wh refuse ta fol low him and AldrV-h and Cannon a net af Xank-Heada" What th lw urgenta call th stand patter wh da fellow that trust-trio la not At to print and ef course I not lit t mantis la a Dne ratio eeaveatiaav The ITatierm. Permit me new to aay a word la regard ta our platform. The da haa arrived when tha IeenocTatlo party ef North Carolina, which ha gathered Into Ita ample fold such a vast fre poetderanc of tha In 4 uet ry. the wealth, th virtue, aad th intelli gence. boa Id give to thl Rut a poller af Ita owna poitry seonomle qaeatlea ef piugie tv. construe ttr tatsmanhla. Tha ' peo ple are alway ready for a forward tea when th movement I ta lb right direction. Twelve year ago ur decimated rank f Democracy, smarting ander th blistering hnm ef tteoubitraa rule, forced th burn ef white premary I ready mad paramount by, (Continued en page eight i NOTABLE SPEECH IT THE STATE u IJoqix-iMr. (h-alri anH l.-.i. n. craiic state ( ontcntioii at t'lutrlotte lt.-tiir-i tiu Itlf,lii Miid, Havo otuc t ilw Ih-tejiie ( iiw scirn llirouKh Uc Splcuilid Adnuni-trn: Hon of the Ita-morrnU' IVrty Ho taJU to Mind the Curs.. ,f Ueiiubll anient Uhcn It Wax in INm.r In T1 Ml and Jipueoj, I4etr4rwyal of tlio People Nai.tiai Affairs. (Special i.. Oliservcr i Chvlotte. N. C Jtily. It -Senator I re S (Htrnmn. th.- tempararv i h i!r m..n ..f th .Stat.. I-in.., ratio "vtiv ... n. Urlivere.l u masterful n.o.-, h which mae extremely liureet u Il oundd the kfvm i. ,,f th. ampaign to le waged for th- r. i two yurj The B.l.lre. v a 'th enthu..:.cTi ,,p.d srrea: Mr Chairmen and t ', rr. ' C! i-J laua.'. i-.i of the Cucveutton- ' It ia a Tf: conpltniert the hair man has pa .! n. 'n r,j ie me pres!,le I (emponin ihxlmin over this great 'onv.-ntion. mid I .tun reel. ate Ihr hiirn hon.. Uathered hw. from of the kree.t rountlra vtbi "incty-eight h make iid K'rnj roTTimnM Mltr. repre- eeniatlvee of the be,it ptJpU on : eorth. repmwfttativea of the old Dem- i ivratfi. ii.rl, K a. . . i tion aaaemble.) in ..... 1 ,or the coming campaign, end to suund the batTte -rv a hu h will' muke :eery trie IVemoirat nnrlna to arma ana make an onslaught which will atrtke terror into the hear' of the enmv and t u a great Ictorv all ilorg ihe lice "l!d fl:h. I.ronea prnmh-K. 1o lated pledge, high prkrea. mure mil lionaire, many nine paupe', mora power at Waahinston more i.rfi.-e-holders. more KederiC . oirt wild, re. kiees eitravagan. r. hr!nkae In luea, conunued I u coiti.liice. mill, ahut down tniitt.ts ..f lai.orcr out of employ ment Ttin ia the splen did record ,,f the Reput.ii.au party tor the fret sixteen months of Its ad ministration to ahlch It .an point with pride. The Maanr lu-trayrd. 'The p-ople have ben v.mcne! When they heard the demat d comma; : rrom their own people. ilnm with I the demand of the leem.K-rat. for tnr Hff reform, th Republican usm de- lared In Ita platform for tariff rev ia- i n Their . ampalsn orator, from tha i I'reeldent down, from one end of the ..untry to the other, declared that the ; tariff must be revised and revtaed I doe award, hut F.taimH that tt should ; l e revised by le friend A majnrltv f the pe.ia.1e. relrlng upon their prom- i and solemn pletlgee. aa-nln place-l the eld partv In control of affairs, an I an extraordinary aeewion of Con gress was called 'Instead of rev lain a downward, ther revised tipwartia and enacted Irtto law the most Injqulto.ia tariff ever known In the world s history The peoples burdens Instead ef being lightened, were added to and they continue to etacger under heavier burdens with a : pr cent tax oa what they wear and upon what they consume. Such a fla grant violation of party plsdg and party promts h a parallel In party history. Change IVmandesl. Th great trasts and the New Eng land Inter i st control Cannon and Al drtch aad they with the President, control their party In Congreaa A few men dictate legislation Irr the uitwfV of the favored few. Any pur-y re maining In control become drunk wrth power, corrupt and bund to tha Interest of th people and the country e welfare- The Republican parly I ao exception ef th rul. and It ha goo on and on governing In th interest of the few aaalnat th maay. The time ha com for a change Tha people are up la arm. Thaak Ood ther were a few brav mea la their rank In Ceti res a whw ewnM stand tt no longer and they rebel led aad their rebellion haa kindled a fire which ta ragtng 11 ks wild Irs down mnne the people. tHsrvwAited aad Divide Party. Th Republican partv go tab th campaign not oaly discredited bat a badly divided party, and a revolu Uoa of jmaduu Import I going at) in Repabileaa strongholds. Th regu lar dsapis tha laswrgesita, th Insur gent hat the regular or stand -patter. Aa Irvoprasotbl Conflict h) go ing ea. This has beea shown ta Masaaehweetts, Nw York and where er aa eli rtlea has beea held alnc Mr. Taft waa tnawrwrated PreetdenL Ow I dlatrtet ta MasaacbaMtta which ha beea awing from test thonssnd te tweaty thoaaaad Resxibltraa majority ha tseied a Democrat by ten thoa aaad majority. A dharVt In New Tork Ptat which haa barn trWIng from eight ta aUteee) thonsand Bpsbtiea majnttty elected a Deenorrat ta Coa gves Is til a -raceway by weer majority. The tolling milHon af thl e-eaatry are h pa reboilioa aavrtt tat party. Th old Decnoerette pVrty wss never ao antted ea It t today aad. boy, on a Xeveaaber day are ga ted K teh 'em. - twOe thaw loam. Ta this prorreselva age the ehrilivet people of the nations ef the old world tCoaliaeed ea Pag Severn)

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