TITE NEWS AXP Or.SERTri-, TUT-SDAT, JULY 2C. 1013 The News and Observer fan Li Ciirw hmi; C::, 36EtUI BAJrtXLB. Set. xtae - cxtr ruiiniuiuiKiu ttb fArittL rat. Fc3 Assocuted Prtss Reports siaacaimox ruri: tat raa Ma aetata Eareeed at ta aeteV tH ea ened rluf wail a at B Haifa, ita. Jaly M, III. MoKAlMi TU.MC. Rr.paeUta To irv'" matual aal f torn m m bii.tuin-a la dp aa tha a.jUrraa ef lifa :! t. ) aitn tnnth nj tha talon la tha u-t of arpattur I urn In ts animal a-.r!i1 Aala-ir.a an4! r. rtjrla pana t r Ihla mutual aid "Mi. rwa until at Uat it arama' f-an ; IbV tha handa f mn tn ahapa, and rutiVata it Into proia tmc growtha tin- j dar (X awftaninr iht'1i of atllch tha hutv" "T llva 1 t aa'h ihr r tutarly aalnt aarh othar. ut wiih 1imir aji4 fnrbaar an. a, lla tnr aa h nihar aa If fn4 alii haaV ax laat CuBt ta ar caa la, tha harta f aftn f Uncle Walt tile Poet Philosopher I know noma (trie who erei atrrma rta H, Bftatrarall tiava Icafty browai and tliry paint an a-enee la the) boa atari aud piture of ftOMf: r pew-greaw, rowai aad I TIIK OlRlat aan "li t grvaw.1 While the ace wtihrl your T1 ahail nrnew fade:" I tut my aad Iw-art yrarvae fnr the oM-tlrnt) (trl vrtaa branrd of Una hrrad ahn nuvirt One) Ctrl ran talk fcq he aox-tertt Uerk, and prattle of abatruaa thln7a, aad my weak, aa I Hat in the nr etwt ertrtrtga. I araiara haada hear a btg hfanejaea, tW the kiinwkte Umu ultr a dlaleyd ; hut alt. fur thr girl of en eld day, wtlo hrajcge.1 of Umi brraul rk Ruvtlet I know a dauimel who pteye llkfi harp and etna till you ramiof rraat; njid ilia rotdon vlw of that fenuale aluarp la aalm to the aaingei heeaat; hau oft, a lhe opena hew fav ami ahrvka. araia Itmg of Uie hlgUmt grvMle I think of 'Jw girl wtth trie fret-hied Nteewa, who bragged of tha bread alte mallei -, (Coat right. 10W It ilanrga A4aui l n,oiMr to tiif rtKVim Halelgh fl,H xrl.nm.a lift- dala galea h' come to tha capital city Indai to hold 'ho.wraalon of lha Farmrra I'nion Tliia nrganlaatlon of fartnera haa grown rapidly throughout the South and It proving a allmulua to t eller fnrmlng, I " ngrli ult urel adu inllon, and 1o the training of farmer In good clllteftahlp II la Tint pollUoAl !;,( la helpful lo farmer of all pari lea lw ar leaking nothing I'ut Juatlce and a fulr chaiuta. In North Carolina the growth haa l"en r., during tha paat year and II mrniberahtp Ini ludea many i,f tha eat farmera In North Carolina t'pon Ita orraMiatlori In Ihla Htat the t'ninn waa fnrtimale In aertirtng II prael rlenl Ir II Q Alnunder. of Meck lenburg hn aa farmer, phvalrlan and leglalator. h t'ahown hla i npnolty, hit uaefulneaa and Ma patrl.'llam In every generation In lha Malory of North Carolina an Alexander ha al wnva been found flthllng for ecjnallty nd Juatlre. nd Ihla Alexander ba lnnra . a family and come from a -ounii that hnv alway been among the fnremoet In North Carolina. In addition to tha preaeni-e of Or Ale tnder nnd other prominent offlrer of the North Carolina organlxntlon. who tr welcomed to Raleigh, the city It glad to welcome Mr churl.- ft par. rett. th President of th National I'nion, who la here aa an honored Biieat Mr Harrelt It one of th atrong men Jeorgl ha Rot In th habit of giving to lha country, and hla progreaalv leaderahlp of the Farmer' t'nlon ha won hlnji flrat pU. a among Poufhrn farmer. ' lie It a man of enterprtae. progrea and Idea lla ee th need of Southern agriculture and I giving all nf hi tlm and titlant lo making; the I'nion a mighty agency for th uplift and prnaperlty of the South ern frmr. North Carolina I rial to w elcome him and It 1 hot doubted that hi preen.e and advice will be beneflcal to the North Carolina branch of thl atrong and growing fanner' organisation. XKW4BRRfl M-CltVTTOTVfajU New Bern 1 lh mecca for North Cartillnlan thl week. It haa l tract -d many prominent cltlaen aad drawn bath to th old horna acoret of New tterftlan wha bava won high plar In other commonwealth and In other rommitaltlea. It la an event of Bite-w1d hlatorlral IntereaC and th addreaaea trday .ara of lartlng rvalue and Inter eat. and fittingly open ed th celebration. Both ef th admlrabla addreaaet .that of Dr. Jullu t. Ooebel, of ChlcaaTO, aad Dr. Hannl Taylor, a native of New Bern, now living in Waahlngton, D. C will appear In tha North Carolina Re view In IU next tteua, which will ap pear et upplment to tha Xmm and Obare on 0 flrat "unday In AUgUlt ' . . ' . ; ' Svary day thi weak will be a nota ble day tn New Bern, having aa tha climax th annual State flreman't Tournament Th Piedmont Directory give Char, lottg a population of 11.000. That gonj ; city would ! hatttr If th ctntui rould flva It IMtt gtralfbV RALEIGH UNION DEPOT Arrmist wt B-rd tomorrow i by tha CcrporaV.aa CnBca apo lia application of C whole city of f j Suit.: and proper de- fr rltl -- XortaCudiK. Th ra-lro a, Beeing Bw ltuvaee .ate to th cem-daaa. dtermlad sac Cm f t make chaxge. aj4 tha peoplw-rxpwctsd to awa tf tayravaaarata. Whaa taT aacartaJaad tha .n of tha rkaafaa; Uir aiarmii a-jrprtaa as j tn4 ta la4ie tha ra,!raa4 oAciai ta (ta RaJaJ!i a auo4ara aa4 areaar ttoiua 4at. Thy toua IKa propar ranraa af at Srat flcf ta Ui rilro4 aflVtaia ae4 pfaaartirt tha mat tar to them ac4 BfY'r taaca ta 4 tha hanjaorca thirt for KaMfti. But tha ral!ra4 aflkaa auaua44 that tha rfchsea they were aiakth- would te aurtrlar.t and refiMad to eer.de to the reeena Ue fas'-iaat f tae tnat nra man of RalaifK Then, aad than oaly. did the b I- naae man acDoal to tha rnw.Mtin. CommiaaioB u order the raflroaJa n do what they ehould have voluntarily k happy ui do The evtaaoce t- fore tha t'orporatloa Commlaeloa haa ' aean ampla to defnottetrate tha r. , aonablanaaa of the petltlea ef the p,- pi of Raleigh. Indeed, without !- 4eeta, tha faeee tbe kixrwlara rf the BixrwIerJra rf th Commlaaloa Itaelf eh'mld be ufEclent to have caueed aa order t ;a Ral.lgh a modera depot. To- morrow tha Commlaaloa will hear ar rument fjr nod agalnet tha petition and will than determine whether ih raJIroaa thall give lialrlgh an quate depot or ba permitted to pu r v.i.aa rgurea tha ( orporation rnnt4nplete4. The 4uaUoa atf aihataaeeewwM ftrmtah- - itairigri mmta too amwiy Jiaa no place. What haa been dotie at the dtKt tnuet tiave teen trma In anr era nt. Th papera tail ua'that th railroad i are building a rrtoti d.-pot In Norfolk to coat one Bullion dollar That It aomathlagXk Ik and Norfolk 1 but. th capital of tha dial.. In moat ' wtBtwa-thg TBriroaaa T.ave la pro- graawlv and have given depot that Would comport with th beat BHate building Why ahould Kaialgh be an axception? And aim at th only ai- 1 oeptlotiT 1 thee any g..o,l retuHin for j It? If ao, th tallroada hav not given j It to tha public There It mora raaeon why Halelgh j ahould ha a hendaoina dapet than why any capital cttr in the Houth ' hould hav on. anJ hlla. all tbe ' rallroade thould -.. -operate tha' Southern Railway alone ahould be j happy to put In not leaa than half a i million dollar to give Halelgh a I proper depot. In apendlng that i amount. It would ba but utlng tha ' money of th people uo travel on th Worth Carolina Hull road to pro ild thm adequate paaaengar depot iTt.nimodatlon Indeed, the South ern Railway ahould gla Halelgh a beautiful depot In compliment to tr.e fa, t lh It la th home of Mre Treal deiil Andrew It ahould not compel him and hla fellow cllltent t welt In the am all eat and poo rut union depot found In any capital city Put. If It claim that it cannot tpn ,1 money van to Compliment the city that haa do an m, h for it able Brat vk. preeident, who In turn haa made con tract thai have enriched th Pouth. ern tyttem beyond tha dreaioa of avarice If It rannot compliment Vlco Preeldanl Andrewa and hla home rlty from entlmental reaeona. there ar other reaaon why It thunld !,., with great favor upon Raleigh, the capital of h BUI of North CarolHm . In th year 10T tha North Carolina Railroad, operated under ft leaa by th Southern Rallaar pt into th treaaury of th Southern Hallway 17. tn on year. In th prwvl ou year the Sotuhern a net earning. fter paying rent mat ttt'i thi it That road haa In re.et,t year pnt larg auma to build handeom depot at iHirhani. (Jroanahoro, Halla bury and Charlotte the four blggeet place exoept Raleigh. on the aval em And whan It cornea to mnaldcr Ral eigh, where other rallroade will ahare the expenae. It 1 relet upon treating th Htatet i Hpltal to which It owea the mit. Ilk a red headed tep-chlld. and I demanding that only nieaarr rhuige l rqulred at Hal Mgh! Teatlmnny ha been Introduced te how that the pamanger earning of all tha railroad hav Increaard great ly at Raleigh, and th coming of th Norfolk and Southern and the Raleigh nd Houth port ahow tha need of much larger accommodation The Norfolk Southern haa tpent 15,000.000 In on hrldg and paid It thar to build a nlc union depot In Ooldat.oro, and 1 helping to hulld fin depot in Nor folk and New Berne. Why ahould It not do llktwl for Raleigh, th west ern term I nut? Raleigh give big bual Bea to the Raleigh and Southport lolty (hould It not spend om of thl money to hlp give Raleigh a proper tat Ion? Th Incom of th Seaboard at Raleigh haa steadily Increased and that eyatm owe mora to Raleigh than any other city on Ita antlr Una. Why ahould It not pay out a larg sura to help give RalelgH a station that would b an ornament to th cltyT A to th Southern Railway, which gets th larger portion of the pas senger traffic at Raleigh, It official fw to Raleigh and North Carolina larg a flabt that they could not rpy It If alone they should decide to ex pend a million dollars on tha station In th capital of ths Stat that has poured vr-lncTalng wealth Into tha coffers df that railroad. Tears ago, tha Wat leased th North Carolina Railroad to th Southern Railway, and In 1101 It re-lea d that valuable road ta tha douthant for Blnaty-nto years for ths mr bagatll rnt of aevea per ent on th four million dollars of th capital in that road, whtoh to worth nearer algiasn million than four million dollars. Judged by Its earning. In ! It earned tlx per cent on sixteen million doUarg. Tn dor. it of Y!c-Pr:dB cd hint ItHtUtXf t-l ka Bad gained to nem Uut g4 e!M tar his far a sectary, lee ao J- 11 fr-tgit al frts- , ata (r tha f-i tiara Railway. It u j j a-rortuutia eur-;gMe4 far th j 6t. far It tarsed t Us owxers i L0- atentharm Railway th fcsst piece! a a r .j-t a . l2-. W M aac ta Baaj af raataj. for tfca raetaJ pai4 for Vha toaaa la aa a4aa;aata It 4oaa mat ara ta fca cai4 "raataj," a taraa that tEra.!y aaaaa a fasri011 nck tWa faar. raCora am tha aJi r tha rhtaa! . 1 a t " raatatt Taa U bom; taa aWataara KaD- war Baa aWa eat af th. W-. af thalHmtt- alarBja." Th Waea- Nartll Carols a railroad U 4aa U the aUry aad forwataBt ef Wa - pTwat - 1 Aelrea, aad U raaKlasra la ; fcaiaUa. The art eartHa. ea oaar- atla that rua4 ta lMt-lHI Udaatra "we II.J.lil II. Of that rara tae aad the prtrata atackaaldera ra. ' ' "aUad .: ee acj the Boathaa-a Railway recaiTed .tS.III tL That - o aay. North CarcUca fanarratty h" ro the Bouthera Railway alt rnlllloa dil.ara 1b etfht yaar; acd eoea n.i .that put tha Bputhera Rail- way u ler oMlatloaa to btilld a iuivj haa bees awtUnc hut 4urke In a row al l. drot for t!e -apttJ of the Btate? and thlj morning he ttned up before What mter- rt 4filtal TaeatktaTW rf three im tfi fharfe 6f Wht tnher- frate ptTI Tug "beea"1 provided with aucll' Boor aoroamoda- ' tln aa IUvialg aad yet It waa at Raleigh that- the arrmngemeota were made by which the It-year leaaa of thl Blua,tla place of proparty aa a mad Hera la the tftatemeat of the ale- iipermtlon of tha North Carolina rail - t ,..',. ,. . , ... , . t . road from 1 t 17. ,h. lata Commltoa eeeeNwo r3rtCrfIC I r. 5 f Z Z A 4 I 5 c, e, et - ervr M, . " I- e. - e a. nr-eeoe -.-- e c M r. , e e. i H ' - - - " - a e - s: W 41 W ' c c It will be noted that the earning In. creaae every year and they will con. tlnue to Increase ao that out of thla lea that North Carolina rave to th Southern Railway f,.r ninety. nine year, that road win probably put In Ita fMwketa, If th. tn, reaaa continue, ninety-nine million dollar' And yet, when tb capital Of lh Stat that ha mat the Southern Railway rich by thla gift, aak for a I depot In keeping with the depot of other capital c't'ee. i T.lalt of thl road aay that the little change, pro- . . . . ... . , r pcaed fford all th. -com mod. tl on. needed! a e - Th government prefer man to wo- , men a stographer. becaoa "they ar mor mena.ble to d1 Ipima," but. aptly rotnmeau th (VlumMa Stat. "If th women could v,.ta perhaps th Republican boasee would fnd them equally amenable to discipline.' " Tntll th Republican party doe something to thow Itaelf worthy ef th respect end ronfidrnr of th DEATH OP A GAT OOCKTI J31 July , Tudsy Is th date of the death. In i were known to BOB but their moot lilt, of one of the moat tnteraarjng 1 Intimate friends. Th Ufa of th figures tn the history of that period. ; court seemed to b laid bar by hla Among sit the gay counter who wonderful power, and nothing was crowded around Charles II, none was! talked of for soma time, until th mora celebrated for hi conviviality I ahrewder minds fait sura that only and wit than John WUmut. the Ki Rovheeter , tsJwat ormid carry on of Rochtr. 11 early displayed rw lrnch a gang- and sw It prtrved At maraaoi xaivnt ana was mite aia- tlngutahtd at Oxford. Had ha lived In better tlm, h would probably hav graced hi birth; but, after making th grand tour, aa It was calld, b cam to coart at tha early aga of eighteen, there quickly to be come tha leader of every exreea As in companion of ta young Earl found hi wit waa greatar at th close cl a long drbauch than at,sary that a dUroatrh ahould b sar tha beginning, tt waa their amas. , tied from on ship to another In th ment to make him drink deeply, and I very heat of tha fight, and In an open he himself roAfesaed that for fir boat Rochester went ea th ml. yars na was never so oer. Lmnng lhaee times h waa rritug satire aad squib upon all around him, and. as may - be supposed, making himself many enemies. la ooe tnataac h handed Ike king paper which Chart opened la the expectation of finding a droll descrip tion . of aura ladle, but It proved t b a witticism upon th monarch himself. On another ocoaatoh a scribbled en Charles bedroom door th w!l-knowa mack epitaph:- "Here lie our sovoratgn lord th king. w noe wora no man retiea ob: Who avr Bay foollah thing, Nor ever doe wia ona Th Earl jotnad Charles la maay of hi wild- prank la tha streets ef laindoa. At ea time Be disappeared th court Just then storle circulated about a wonderful physician, necro roan or, or Italian mountebank, who wae practicing oa Tower U111. Thoa wh eonaultad htm war startled when they found he dlarloted secret which tasy hoped M I th Ivlrtltdasd Heawy TH, of EnrUM, (I4&4) I forgei CMn tTTTlJf Valley Btea aadew eWerwntt, ( I1lj Vharle, d'lnw aaval oAcew of tbe war of 11 1, (llt) Omrlea, C tvmln, JranrwaUat tuad aathor, ilHt) WUHam . lWww, the. arn. IIMOj Ulllkam R. Meertsaw. rttrerarw ef th Tweafth Otwaaaa, (1llt) and ViiaallT rt8"Ul VmTli f ("'). and bam Umistott t awe . ffwpl of lis Btate thea It a-oaid ast ! ! la the Radk-a. cOTnU )a Oreejie- ' jj -v By urn Jure red good . uj b.r4 ea is Bu'Jer-alarahead : ; ,MO, show, ttaeif le b ' , gotaJaatad rrfari a. j thmt ... o est o 1 Th JUpuaile mw i U trwubi j IX ha fUoa Batl-r m ilort4. to aura) ef h3 and dattsaSoa; tf B' I f tw. ..a a J - I af 4au aal f aatrct!ar Wrta t 4 auv-ainra a ay af Uaaa h I mot aOcajraa- artil rata taa Dau WBea Barrlmaa w 4ytfi. taare aa a Waa ttraat phophacr. "After ta, P ta "rt i - a arnphocy. ai lit Tuaiuaaeat or ' , " Btarnmaaa eaeaaaaM:: UOi-OC U Voaraaer taat 1't VI TIG EBB VXl riG&KSaXa. " ' "' BaaaJ to Jail la D (aaJt ef y ottarr AiVwd Tidcr ruatpua ti la fur (Ppaclaj ta New mod Obeerver.) Wlieoa. K. C July !. WUBoa'i j. ratal ling, two men and one woman. and a warrant, after the trial of the wotnaa-Mamie Harper waa laaaad agalnat Ma ode Bbihop. whnee reaa will he heard tomorrow iTueedav) morn- ln The Drat aaa waa agalnet a nna- arad tvatrro. He admitted hla ruilt '04 ,h ha had pnrchaeed thai '4 drope from the Harper woman. W uTeep.., warrant waVlaaved fo;i" I hr arrest. Tha erldenoe waa .uffl- "gweraw rxvrn aaa Txjnflt 6f en: hundred dollar . . their release. faUirui . which the n we rwnujreil lor falling ware am t UL When the ttgrea ; BUoa aad th party, bat lite gag was cwd. th Implicated another ne- nc-. by which lta voacw of grn woman by the nam of Maude t Batnoeltf waa BtianJ ad aunt of Rahop Tha raa against rmnk ' lh aaoat luyal Her In Ua party hunil Ilemkar wae continued until next Sal- ww an r thing bat creditable, jrday morning, owing to th abaenc ; Thie waa don In th elctlon and of a wltrae. Jn Fran fa eaaw. It o.,Vt InatructloB of delegate, and tn th do na though thy hav th wrong tiger j liberate attain pi to adp a rteolutlon by tha tail reewmmeadlng Judge William P By a aw t PI A RRriT vg-rtnw- 1 T W1m" r-naHnrer J. fx tB Hetit i. T.kin. . lo laaer. w,-, g,. ,J,.- ! In the city Saturday waa Mr. J O. to th convention. I Wright, who I taking pan n the or- There had been a eulnma . ; ganlalng nf tha drainage dlatrlct in Bent entered Into between certain Hyde county, ta which the State la In-' leader that there wa to be au eoual , ter.-aled tn tha Matlajnuekeet drainage rcognltioa Of all faction In th elo diatrlct ln thla pert of the land of tloa of delegate, and that there would Mr M Maaeley. of Edentoa. have been be no attempt to Instruct lha delegetee In. lu Jed and he haa appealed to tha furthermore. It waa generally under Bupreme iviurt In the matter, the pe- ttood that la appointing or telectlng ctal term of th court to begin on delegate, to the Btate convention, that Ju'r 5i n equal dlviaion of caadldatea to tha Mr J Wright, who I now the , State convention would b had. o chief drainage .ngineer for riorld. In ther. bolully no contest enter chanra "f the Everglade, who ha Jut ad inta at tbe prtmarle let the contract for the large amount; " Be It aald to th credit of many of earth excavation aver given In the j delegate that they were not aware "... ior iwmo-nn mil- lion cubic tarda, lit ' ""' tanei a ol L" . ' ,w ' "Mfor an oilertor fnmm. i7 M w.h. .1. tJZZi, t.-i L,.T ."fJll T" I?It!r,..,tt1 ... " .7 T . . I ""'"" in. nwipii to tea riwt ui inia tj. . . . . ... . . r.rn NorTh rT , la VTuV. ena. and that h looks for great devel opment In that aeotlos. tel IS1 TO ri'ROPE. Itllww J H. Ktcaa. ef the rawrwars Mew ugir, of Wlnwoa-Hairm. In th rlty at th Tarborough Houat yee'erday vu Mr. J. Hampton Illch. editor nf the Carrier' Meeeengar, of Wlnaton Salem, who I on hi way lo the National linod. Road t'ongrea St Niagara Pall, and to th Internation al Qood Road Cong raa at Hruaeel. Relaium. kelne ocvei.inlaelnnejt rev fXov. ernor Kltchtn to the meeting. Xr Rl h will apend emit tlm in -upoP """"'" B roaoa Of tn onnunent Hi paper, the Carrier's Meaewger. of -Wlnaton-RaUem, Is th official organ for th rural rarrtar of the South, and It rani naw that ' rt Interest to all rural free dHv- ry earn era. to all other poatnfflc rmrr1.r, . ,0 tn. ,, .n,ral,r , , Work 14 Hour A Day. The btitleat Itltl thing aver made ar Ir King'. New IJfe P1IU) . Bvry pill It a tugar-coated globule ot health, that change weakness Into strength, languor Into energy, brain-fag into mental power: curing Constipation, Headache. Chllla. Dypenla. Malaria, tic at all Druggists. otner time h waa Inimitable aa a porter or beggar; Indeed, be could personate any character to psrfso uon. That h had spirit for hotter tojog. nad ha beea wisely directed. at enaent rrom his voluntring to loin th Earl of Bandwtea whan he went to aaa In Kit. Daring th n I gagnaent that foltrrwad It waa aaeaa ion at ths great risk of his lit y th rtifflers of the court naed ta taunt htm with eowardios la avoid tag us dual which hi satire brought upon him. Sir C. gcrope tniat wrote si mm: Thou can t hurt g man's fame with tny in word. Thy pen Is full a harmless as thsy ewwru. Hla constitution waa aot strong Bough to bear tits xoeaae and ba eariy nroBa up. . Than, conv1ned of hkt Bast foUy. h aent for Dr. Rur Bt, mad confaaslnns of hat rwcklass nr an agtioa of all religion, sn4 enrreatted to haw hla doubt about x-snaxianity awpellad. 1 Barwst ha lft a touching aoecrant f th unfortunate noblomaa'a last day Bs desired that sU hi wicked WTtrjBga should b destroysd , and longwd to an do th evil he had don oy Bnwaung . hla deep repentance snow to , all th world. Rorhtr dM tea Jury It. Hit. at th aarlw as t Udrty-thrs. BUTLER BEATS OUT 'THEBADICAL ORGJU - HrB Pnshcm NpWS Coye If " V llCIia WJ? II is Yictim of Conspiracy RADICAL RASGALin OUT P-eiara, That BeK-ar-Xovwbaed CroaH Owittf of -Pnaa fajaathw,- Talaa Ahwtt -Broke i-iih." m Ka. nhoar4, aad Uta UU Tha flraanatwiria ' " ... ... l "abaa41e4 '--t aut at all pieaaad wnn ima -r, kii . . , airvviivsa w 111 hugtmiwa that waa haid la Uraanaaora. air. X P. Smith, "fcdltor aad hlanaar.' a aa .tbaiaa - a itni. tn ik. ........ i ""a, and tha Butlar-hlorebaa4 ataajti- tendant npoo dry weather la ah own ta '"Ut ruahej ever " Editor and Wan-; AtaOama. Tonaeaaae, Mlaalaalppl aad - "ir P. 8nmh. B04 whtt tne newatffV?.'. T41 wt m" or that pacer minday mora- ln ar brief, rtaa Mew a aad Obeec ' far the atory of the dtanau-r. and th IJ1b editorial of tha New Bhowed that the blow wae one that hit the Nfw la a vital spot Th edi torial aa follow Tb Uailfurd County Coovrateoa. Th raeult of th Republican loun- eoavwnilon held hare yeaterday y,t . minit w intiw ntuHuu- i la th county who had hoped and wwwww rwr narmnny. Tfc. . - l . ... ... .i. - " f va int nae o . Bated la highly creditable to the con - , D Un (ilf ibltl. Juatlra. la the faea ef hU PrvtMt. and hi statMnant that he waa for Judg Hougta for that hon- ecw" weevmem. ana m TBfrmg to ex " courtesy tend that courtesy due to th Hon Robert U. Douglas, whose candidacy must have been and waa wall known : tn.. ,-, ev ihe iblln. uT . atrar and that th.v w.e. !., h" ,h a'-atea conatltutlng "-nventton have had tlm. to reflect and Inform t themaelve aa to the lu- ' , "lorm itlon of tlio glaring attempt Ui ho au, mew and trwe, Uhw will ' " ' " T 'ee vie7-rw wm never any nercealty tfr rank Injustice A good ticket, yea, a first claae ticket, memln!l.'!lJlnd " - vxvahm for dlacnrd and bruken faith. Mr Morehead waa ndord for Cong-re and for Stat chairman Th minority refuaed to enter any pro teat galnat the motion to Instruct affw the adopthm of gag rule. It remain to be n what the re sult will be. They work, of the oooveo-, um na len wounu wlihh wUI aotlni the rountte or Naw Hanover heal In a day. It may result In Joy to I Bruntwlck. Hladen. Columbua Cum- he vlctort but tt will add miUiliur to Um atrength of thoa who star In the trewrhea nd conatltata tha bat-kbone of Um party. Tlm and tpac forbid further comment at this 1st hour." In Mr Andrew Joyner't account of the Guilford County Convention, w wr told that ther waa "a private caucua of delgje for thre hours" That wt a return to th old way of controlling Republican Conventions In th day nf "Rd string." and th tec ret Incendiary political organisa tions that reaulted In th placing tn the State Convention ot North Caro lina a aecuon forbidding th existcne ef secret political organisations In North Carolina. Waa not ths secret two hour caucua' second cousin to vo Istlng that rnnatituUonal Inhibition T There war other things In that "Kronen man," "(itg Ru!, and "Discord" Convention that ths public will regard as passing strange. E Superlor Court Judgs W. P. Bynum, Jr.. who ha been loud In hi vocifer ation of Butler, waa chairman of th convention, and yet he acted with the Butlerltlng of his party through endorsing the Morehead-Butler corn bin And then the convention endorsed Bynum for chief Jutlc th place that ex-Supreme Court Justlc Robert M. Douglas deal red Bynum protested, but his convention gave him the en dorsement, end th comhlndlng seems now to b th Butler-Ryoum-More-hed conspiracy," to borrow ths tsrm "conspiracy" from ths Qrtentboro New Whn Win Dlrtbatt th Pie? Thst Is th only question in th con test that th Republican party's Stats convention win settle: On that con gest, many poatmaatershlpa, chief lue tic nomination and other odd Jobs will be on ths trading counter. Queryj If the Radical convention In Oullford county adopted "gag rule." wss guilty of Tank Injustice," and was a "conspiracy." broke "solemn agreement" and waa full of "discord' If the war a0 present In ths Oull ford county convention that the Radi cal organ, th Orwsnshor News, fIt ran upon to nss these terms If that la ths way Radicals treat each other In Oullford. how long before th people will think they ar fttB to be imerra wnn govsmiBg Worth Caro lina I Tb "o-Jlcd ltfw, Ahvlll Oasatte-Nsw) Congresamsn Morehead Is mailing out from Spray, his horns town, copies of an editorial taken from Harper Weekly, crtttrsl of th South, a-- ot Southern political condition Butler and Morehead ar never quit so heppy aa when they find It ooaaiht tn attract attention to themaelve from th Northern press. Northern mag. Bine and Northern politicians, who r always glad to avnll themselves of th material which they delight to provide for attacks both upon South era Republicans and Democrat, xo uots from Harper's Weekly: ji I a a-peex n By Mr. Mora Bead, af North Carolina, .RepuMI ctuv. ths cotton manufacturer who two years ago won a surprising ' victory by overcoming a' big Dem ocratic majority in tha Greensboro-Durham district which hat many cotton mill. Clearly In tended for campaign ua, it la la tha main a roelta! ef thr ! l.t rrrHart!oi arrtimaata, a-tts wftjca a do sK !?, but la part a ry taid.d enu-stm ef the M'l 6oi.ta. w.& wti. h aa da aaroe. It ta a,44 barauaa Mr aioraftcad 4oa cut Baa-.tate ta ho'.l hla a rarty Uvrf;j- f-snaJtua for tha ta(e of thxna (.' ta attaaief. Two thleca, ka aajd, are reei fcle for th.e tsU4 fcouta. One la the aij beeray of H4T aa4 Ha cunatrartiua ; the otaae- la the Itpii4waa pta-setuitar ava rhmaa. fcrajaii T Ua o-caa4 i Taferaaar.- I Of craa Harpera win err erttk. what MoraBebd ear aaaat tae oth. ea will moat af tbe North are Rapue ; Bcaa Wadcra who dertv thalr In for mal loa eearaia rood tt lone tor the Soata from Batier aa4 Morehead. It la a detail that will hardly be coaa'd- erad aj worthy ef reeanderaUoa by Mora head aaj Haraer a hut h la a clrtumataaea that may ha eaaatderad aoteworthy by eome that three maaa here ef Ceaareaa, tadadlnc Joha Mot. i ty aariuet, ware eiaciee ta uua ' 6tmi aader the "te-caUed reiereaa." OOTTOJr CROP KUX BE rooR Cbamnerrial AnwaTa Eattmau at That It tha So ha Mora Ttaaa I fw I Caajl of Arraaxa. ! merclai Appeal wiu tomorrow print f ! aitttiflviaw Ma ih - v( v awr 4'tlon: "The- week fire mixed aad rather I Bald. Coaatderabla lmerovenent at- . The Carollaaa and Oeortna uSred from heavy rain early la the weak, ao that little cultivation waa done oa th latter daya. while Tee aad Okla homa, without rain, are approaching a time whan the crop may aulTer. la fart, eome loan haa already beea ua talned la aouthern and aouthweatera Texaa. "ln the central and eaatera Stalea . v t . . .., , . . . . . ' ." L . . ' " ' . ' . I "L wf 'the wetdvevtlt , "e , being very f raaey Ten day without , . . , . . . . . , ' " ... .r.l"A " J received much leaa work than It would hav gottaa with normal weather. The plant remain small and Mem late It haa put on little fruit, and In many placee haa not bogus to bloom freely. Ketlmate oa condition rldom run higher than ?t per cent, nd ara often below thla There are limited fltetrtet In atl th Valley aad - e stunttp -BTBTSS, good account." Tlowevef, uuvt gtv a III THE SIIIH DISTRICT f,a CnmreirHa ... lei !);... wiwiu vviiiiuiiiB wiiwuiu nujusi Difference j It I rnaeevnly for Two IVruocrmta to! Re Running fiw Owurria la the Sixth rMatrtrt State txmmlttri Khnald Act A ArbiurnUira. Editor Oantt, of the Whltevtlle Naw.-Reporter, who waa a dalegate- at-large from the county of Columbua to th Congreaalonal Convention In the Sixth Dlatrlct, urge both Clark and Oodwln to refer their rlalmt to the liemocrntlr State Executive Com mittee for arbitration and adJuttmtnL The charlotte Obeerver say that , -h tide claim, to b r.gular.- and add editorially i " ' '4 that there Is some talk I of not allowlns tha state Eaeeoti.. Committee to arbitrate tha difficulty, the ennaequence of which would Be two Iemo-ratlc candidates at th pollt In November, with om poeet- blllty of Republican victory The primary and convention were matter fur the aula comber n ef tha Demiwrats berland. Robon and Harnett, and a outalde Interference would hav been proper Thl proportion of running two bitterly antagonlatlo candidal, under the earn Democratic banner for th earn a honorable office, ta, oa the other hand, a matter In which th party throughout the State ahould hav a corrective finger The entire campaign In th district from th flrtt announcement month ago down to tha present time haa reflected small honor spon th Democratic nam, and ther should be llttl question nf tt. having gone far enough. Th Sixty, econd Congre. a likely to hav a Democratic majority In tha House, but th margin will hardly be larg enough to mak th throwing away of a dl.trfct with a nomel majority ot MOO a safe or even sans proceeding. If h Sixth Dletrlct Democrats find themselves unable tn reach an agree- niei.i. u win on tne amy or the Execu tive Committee to bring at least a semblsnce of harmony by settling ths matter finally as to-who Is ths right, ful Democratto aomlnee. After such a verdict haa been rendered there Bead be no great fear that any considerable body of Democrat wll dispute It." Prompt Inteeveaa of Stat Demo- emtio KxcrwUT Ormxmittrw Headed. The Wilmington Btar dtacuasea th deplorable difference between Demo crats In the Sixth Dlatrlct. aad as Its leading editorial on Sunday morning, ssys: "It Is Indeed a most unfortunate sit nation wnicn. has developed In th pixtn vongrnational Dlftnct nf North Carolina, one which ta vital to party succms In November aad an which snouia cnaiieng th prompt interven tloa ot the SUte Executive Committee, without regard to personal ambition or tecnniraiitie. - "At w understand It tha whole question hinges upon th msnner of in selection or delegates to ths aaa. ventton from Cumberlsnd and New Hanover coitntlaa, th Godwin force contenaing that both countlee should nave oeen xnrown out Bodily, which would hava ensured ths nomination of their candidate without regard to ths other gentlemen tn the. fiald. and th anr!-Qodw1n forces replying that tt would be manifestly unreasonable and unjust to deny representation to two of th larg rat and moat Imoortant counties In th district th only sing of which, certainty so far as Naw Haa. over it concerned, were that thsy wert unanimous for their "favortts sons." r war at least unanimous Insofar bs wsa concerned that proportion of thslr voters wh took th trouble to respond to ths eat! of thslr county ea cutiv committee and attend the va rious precinct meeting regularly held. "As to th time-honored manner of selecting ths dalersts by appointment of ths chairman, ths counties pursued exactly ths sams court a. they pur sued without question lit whsti Mr, Oodwlfl was nominated In Pay. ettsvUle: as was pursued- without question on diver occasions when Mr Georg H. Bellamy was chosen as ths nomine, for ths Senatorial diet-te composed of ths counties of Bruns- wica ana new Hanover; as was rscog. nixed without question thre weeks sso In ths city of Wilmington whsa Hon. H. E. Phsw, of Lenoir, was nominated for Solicitor nf tha -i.w Judicial District, and which went through wtth-uit a hitch In the great 8t.t convention a year ago when th Hon. William Walton Kit. hln v.. nominated for Oovtrnor at Chatott i a!rr or a -f tha m sat ' th rr aa.-r.a rrLir.cr , tH""41 ; eaa-.4 aitiiat t.aa.jsi. v,a t,, , -.raj ra;i-a oa ra-'OrJ. , . fc tse eaaa, IB taa site C .at Ci.i.-iiKLa hi dars nr.. kta ware ao atari , d-a u. A. an ul Vlaj;i; ai-i tna w-uvat vaahMiaJ IDamaplin ef tae atncaat iatarpreuttton af th lio- af rn... I aatioa aad araded thamaeiiaa ef eTrr ))' I icata lav I Tha anr-0 j tha eea ee.Uoi techEi-eijtr. anr-04ana aaaa rialraad t. oa that raatari .aa r ... mania ef the tiuatiea, Lta ahattae ahould he rfarr4 to (Be Cr4aeeu Committee for adja J .r. ua e4 a rtta4 the rmiirmaa from Haraets ta that areviaioa of lha tmx rauc Blaa whw-a gore that aa daiaam h. .. atBer cuaaty caa ehaUeasa tha tm. ,aathr aountjr, at tae caair ruled that ue miuai vn ui 1 ixr 01 the eoa- ran tea could aot BarUcicata t aa . fudmtioa af thalr aw t-tua ta th coavaeuoa aad tale brought th artsea af the Ixexrict Executtve CasBBetna aa the eaiy hope af rBtlji- hjj, which unhappily wee uot aTrrtaL The attuaUoa ta aaa which reaulrat broad atataataaBahlp. the euhordtra Uon af BraoeaJ aasfctUoai aiut - - ; arvfareora M the craater rooj of I parry. Ka aaa caa t-alaeay that Oe-- l Clark la not a Bt leader: that ha nomination du! aot coma until ovary rirurt lowarne aaimocy had barn i -...j- . I i infTf tr eowao V f t WVaa I polttkai leader, fnenda af both XI- Godwin aad Mr. tiara, who ear that ! tha Harnett .l-.-.r n awuKl hae ultimately won aayaav bat once the moa wee ma4ev tht waa ta tr.ttr.glf.ej that Bothin i """" ot anotner wouu nave aatif in majeiity ef the coaxenuoa. Tk reapooaiUUty fur th artuauoa hi tn oaerous oa: th tiuatfoa Itaelf I on. which hoald Be apeedy of MUWmrr Tha Plata committee meets oa Aug.n lax. It hi to be hoped for the bene't of the party ta the aUath District, that the member of the Stale com mine, from the Sixth iHetrlct will at on. call the attention of the State Ch,r man to th unfortunate J?re,1.-rr tu and tttstst 0p6n as aJjuJIk-al'aa at once. ' Cl-STrUCT t UMTTtt tt K. A Must Illev-eXUjg Mrrtlag of Method. Bta mxat latcrratbig evrmtma. I Special to New aad Observ er Rocky Point, N. C . July M. Tha Dletrfct Coaference at Burgaw. pr. idd over by Rev. W. U funningg: URdoubt.tdix.uaa-1 thavtkaat e B;j la thl dlatrlct in mor tin than on. It waa well attended by boirt miniater and delegate, althouti thar were cuuataf auraUuc la tha way of political pulllnga tauch at da graced Wrlghlvill Heath) M,,rr i Creek celebration, etc. The attendance waa ettraordtiary. rveuiia. tnereror will ti per- m.n .d "during Tne p.ritual. UDllft of the educational and moral uplift of emir aietriri were rprtad very good Kdltor Maaeey. of the RaJelgh Chrlatlaa Advocate. Dr Z-vlllcoffer. of 'he Laymen Movement, Orphanage Superintendent Cole, of the Methodist rPban. delivered eddreeee or aer- mona mat will in after veara he.r iruix. rtesoiullons or reopet-t were adopted That our beloved Presiding Elder will, according to Methodiat polity, be removed to another Peld of action by next Conference. Ther ha been no Presiding Elder within m memory of fifty ) ear. better beloved by not only M own flock, but by all Chrlatlaa latnnert, tool than Rev W L. Cuneilroraira Durgaw entertainment of th J Inatlonai Unee were k t onrerence wat superb No denom- nown Everv door waa open with a welcom for all. And her allow me to ear eome day. er lolg Burgaw will not mind tackling an annusl Conference But the crown ing event waa that sermon by Riehop Kllgo. Teur wrlb had heard much of hi mast try over th mind of tht tudent body at Trinity. He no longer wonder at It A magnetic epark. su perb orator, a born actor, all rolled Into on arsjall body H prwau hed to the largeat auditor ever a -ambled In xTtrrgaw. nw h did scor tn atience that In vain fTn sr ai temptiig to dlfpmve the Book of books Hi type of rllgVa Is th old tlm kind. Th religion of our moth ra and father. I ran only ssv If an opportunity preaenta Itaeif go snd hear Dr. KUgo IL.M vt.nt.HKAV. Congnasim a Small sad Moor on Toor of ftovthtww Cltle to Intrrrwt of Projert (Special to New snd Ohaerver ) Waahlngton. July II Congressman Small left yesterday for Wilmington. N. C. whey he will meet Repreaenta tlve J. Hampton Moor, of Philadel phia. Theee gentlemen will visit th aeveral Southern cities on th Atlantic Seaboard and address their commer cial organisations In the Interest of tha Intra-coastal waterway from Host on lo Florida. They will visit Wilmington. Georgetown snd Savannah. whr ap pointments hav already been made, and perhaps other em Th Atlantic Deeper Waterway As Sodatlon, of which Hob J. Hampton Moor la president, will hold Its next annual meeting In Provtdcnr. R. 1 . on August list snd will contlnus Its esslons for four dare This meeting will have a large sttendssce from Mains to North Carolina Inclueiv. but ths same dear of Interest doe not exist In ths State further South, and ths object of these gentlemen to to enlist mor sctlvs co-operation. It may be of Interest to state that It has be arraaced for alt th Southern delegate to mohotli at Norfolk. Va . on Monday, August ttth. and proceed from there to Providence an one of th ships of the Merchant And Miner Line. Reduced rate have been se cured and no mor delightful trip can be taken. This meeting at Providence will bs a great eccaaion. and will sen t further to direct the attention of the country t the vast conomir and com mrtal Importance of this it re-coastal waterway. NORTH CAROLINA .WAKCOlliTT. .-.. Befor ths Clerk. ' Sliaie T. Pollard, petitioner, against . Theodore Pollard. Oeorsa Crummeil Pollard. John Magnus Pollard, Louis ' POIsom Pollard aad Ernest Medley Poiiardi and Edward Atkinaoa Pol lard. Julia May Pollard aod , Ida McKlnley Pollard. Infant. Th defendant Theodore Pollard. John Magnus Poilsrd, Louig Folsnra Pollard, Emsst Medley Pollard, Jults May Poilsrd aad Ida McKlnley Pol lard, Will Uka BOttc thst a Special Proceeding entitled aa a hove haa beea Instituted before th Clerk ot th Sw : Potior Court of Waks County, where in th petitioner prays ths sai4 Clerk to allot her dower Interest In tbs pre" ceeda of real estate tn th city ot riaieign, n. cu seised hy her hits nut hand at ths time of his death, and t , mak th resldu assets: and th ssld' defendants will take notice thst they ar required to Senear before th said Clerk of the Superior Court hi hi f nee ta said rlty on the Itth day September, 1110. at 11 M, aad soawrf r demur to th petition I said Spe cial1 Proceedlnr nr tha net!? loner will ask ths Court for ths relief demanded In ihe petition. Thla llth day of Julr. !! W. M. Rl'M. Clerk 8upr1or Court.' T-M-Uwtw; r aVv Vst -.w-a r

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