mil news and onsr.nvrn, tiiubsdat, July 28, 1010 T The News and Observer m vi Cfctnrer PebiU&Ins Cospuii j . ioitrm i da men Oato! Km iM Okntm Midg. Martta . VH Sir PArKM PlBLlaHBD AT THE TATE CAPITAL tilXO Full Associated Press Reports rMCftirTiox raicB: te yaw alba Entered al tka postoiTrw it Kalellk, N. C. aa aai-oad claaa uaU Better. TIIITRSIIAT July It, 1110. MOKMM TOXIC. (Naw ririaana Chrletlan AdvoeaU.) Tha Master praie "tha Israelite In whom there la no rill" Cunning may ha admired In anlmala, but not In man. mating half-truths la only a aklllful way of lying. Conceal manta which mleiead ara Incompatl; bl with a high Christie character. No dignity of office can take tha place nf klngllnewg of aoul. and no eratineas rain hi. la wrong tntant front the Ii-elng aya that aaarchaa tha depth, of tha haart. Uncle Walt The Poet Philosopher lie almxt upon the gallowa treat, hla ryn devoid or few, "I hat a ih KtvrtfTa leave," eaid he, to ttioaa aa eomNod nrar, "to talk a wtUio aefora I paaa out of UUa trrea, Umi atM-riff nt Um Jail, rrlrMnd a pair of fearful euiage Him gtaaaUy araffnad etrainnl! Ttve tmLh annul thaaan vital tltinga will urter Ian el plallMid! (Cyyrl(ht. !'., tr la.ri Mattkew AiWait 1 lUfCATION Tllk." I )MLV IIUI'U The North Carolina rarniare I nln, vthlrh haa bo.n In aMaton In ltaietah thla year, lave rhl.f vunaldaratlun Hi two matt. re: Hrl. 'he ntxeealty ami v,U'tom of farm. re makln. their own tuipllea. and therefore hotng hot I perolent, ami. aeond. to th .iluiatloii of the penule. R.leewhre In today'! paprr ta printed the r"lerl at the ennt mitt., on .duration, whlrh ehould he read hr everybody and (Ivan ilut con vlitorNtiou. 1'he oommltl.e auya that North Carulliva haa not dona Ita duly In the Una of general education, and tlile la true For many yeare after the war. the Htate waa too poor In recent y.nre there haa h.en a area' rrtltul and much haa been Oone. but what haa been done la but iirePmfner) to what muet ha dona. If the Kiel. ITlee to th children of the fwrmera the advanla.aa to which they are en tilled Th. Union make. ape If! re ommentliillona, partlt ulfcvrly wlih refer. iu. to Inatructlon In afrlooltura It la a rr.ort that la or. tjtmnt with hot', and greater p.iwer. nnd In the rarryln. oul of ih, pr"frelo piam f,ir tho pruriiciil edontmn of ihe farmer. hllrtren. the firmer will find thry have the rHM)et co.,prratlon of th" thnuahtful and patriotic men of the towna and rliiee Education muet l-e th t ifiuUtli nf our proareae inriiot rlo w ithout tralnlnc the hildien and thla truinlra rmit t'e I'rai-tt- al aa well aa tntetlectnal. end Ihi more farmer and other, aturty and I T for hrtter eduratlonal faclllile. thev re hartenlng tho d In North ( arolloa when It shall take Ita Mht T ii 1 pim-e. and Ita sons and dau.htera hull hate their rtahtrul harttaie nf .he het educetlonal fa, tittle.. The Hiate Union also ped reevilu tlnns with reference to Immigration, declaring that while It wlahed Immi gration In the Htata from other part, of the Union, n waa In favor of restriction of fnrel.n Immigration Al to the talk of lowering the tai on colored oleomargarine, the Cnlon take, ground atronirty agalnet that, and opi"ee any reduction of oleo margarine colored to decelv. th. peo ple ae butter. Thee, reeolutlon eipreea tha atti tude of tho farmer, of North Carolina upon th. most Important matter, be fore the people. Let's educat. the people; let. eecure tmmlgratioa of the right kind and keep eut tha un deelrable claaa, and let', eland against fraud of all aorta. e are the thing the Farmer.' Vnlon declared for plainly and clear ly In their attltur. uon these p o- eltion. th.y ar working wlaely for the heat Intereata of the men they repre sent, and nf th whole Plate aa well , Mo re head aeked tha folk, to turn Republican to rewrue praapertty." Soma of them did It and what the, got waa Ion of work and tha wont mill condition, known fn twenty-flr " year. ' No party ought ta promlee prosper ity. That muet depend Upon Indivi dual effort In well regulated coun i trie. Tha ala of tha Republican par tf I that It prom teed proaperlty aad then paaaed law. ta defeat Ita promlee, ind p.rmltted trurta to monopolise raoet of the fount of taivoV. i X -T.rboro I moving for a anion pa aenger atation. It dTve It and th railroad ahould not deny It to o good a pairoa aad a Cm a towa. . THE wtirM of tTlinea tolu-i ..uu., we. - . aa aoon aa poaaiDie. .noih. .m. Mr.. Klorp w.r h. hM dn. a full man, par, ; " ' ll ani 1 fha.r fSSlVin WToS al tvaa.. Utnwgll radaamln. th. Htat. from R.-Siru... ' ".. ... . ..... .... tlw Btate of North Carolina received "Tltara la tribunal eonatltutad foe f??1. ' A,!?W.'L0.1?. . " iiu uicai irienua r.riHu-u uiai . . . , - : iiiiqw remenioranoe. l nope 10 eew i . . . . that qufwtlon. l-ut ii u tns svri i - cmn committ4.t to wnlrn llhr "With havat m-tasKaaa fnf vour uaattat and ,IUU O, th. IWauVtaarlllna. A Iemo.r. fmBI cnvtctlon. m. thout lt)g ln wora, . - more th.n ,um ,or mt ,ppMl n1 whlch )n , With Wth fojjour.u- (cntM'liiH-r fuaa, In-mrgriiu and Uu-ir I believing In the f uri.imunlal prlncl-1 ,h.wl by h!t a tiona that 1-e ha 1 brad and aupplica that could be the Inter eat of harmony. ouht to be, ,.w jj lo(JaJ " 1 11 U. h apu. !,. ptMAl ! of th. party, he. at ,h. aam. t.m nth U' than t. " .'' I'roduced upon North Caro- 4tldjd "'-' tTTX.-- Ia.k Uaa uHtl law rt. and rt ha. alway, h.d the raa t of fair-.U .u wl.h ui- tW",h'dS thr-. ,-naw-rnrrlmi rrwnk. wtio kiwp mrnrlnrt rtepiihITrkn. T 1 ft t iiar cur,. of ,hr ,nvl.t;ur. and man " " Ju mt" Vorth f- ' uch an appeal To my mind ' , fla thtr.n a m. I. Taft a or HI art man waa nominated for U.ut,n. f a Yl.w, mu.t r-, . hoMl "d IU. th- mi-Ion of th. th. ruling of Mr Ueorg. R Bellamy j jjc iyencer B Aui'ma, ' T au.t.T I'll awdgh him In th. ant-Oov.rm.r on th. ,k.t with th,'man ,h ,Und, tru. , fnMn . . m.ra' Union, the Farmer.' ! auVported by taw or Mdanl Tdl "Oreanaboro. N. C.i J, wJTtVa, with a alp. of dto- ni-ni.d Alfred Mor. :-alea,. ...njl,.. w a -mw vn,-t-f AgHeaHtira. juried ,hi mrjorl" of h. con,?n t "f, flTJ. " U f,2?. iuuiu.1 malx struma, Ther. U not section In North Carolina tnai Sxmi not contain mfiy,n sterling Democrats, who will rejoice 1 At the nomination f Major rbavlm Manly Vtadmaa fur Congr In th Fifth District That convention, hail A difficult tint la reaching a nomina tion, because ' It had before It four tratif rand Id a tea, either of wham would hart lad th party ta vhdery and hart represented this district In Congree with aMIItr and usefulness, and tha nomination af althar - would have been haltad bp tha district with satisfaction, but In tha Biata at larg tha nomination of neither -would have gtvea M much eetlsfacUnn aa that of Major eltedman, beuau ha haa an acquaintance aa bread aa tha Btat. and hla long Hnlri in avarjr patriotic ... .... J mhny of whom hava felt that ha haa hot rerelved tha honor and reward ta which hla ability and hla aarrka to tha Htata entitle him. fora rejolo that tha Fifth Thoy thar Watiict haa put tha etandard In hla handa, and' at a time when tha demand waa tor a man of aiperlaftve, ability, of al - quance, who could redeem tha diatrw-t lead du away with the bllfht that fill j upon It two ere ao, whan for the nm time In yrare. It elected a Re publican to Conjrreea. Major fl! m! in an la a native of Chat ham rounty. aient murh of hla Ufa In favettavllle and raaidrd for a ehort time In Artavllle. and now for a numb.r of year. he. b.rn t leadlnt member of the Oullfor.l bar. H. u imnni the fnrt to enllat tn s the nonfederal, army In the War iw-- J twaan the ntatea. and hla bravery an.1 couraca. Innate rourteey and cum- rmdasihip with hig mn mvd him n that high otMi'. When he waa ! lad IJeulenant-Uuvernor he waa the attor ney of th. thre. leading railroada en taring Wilmington The ottli e to which he waa slect.d oaid h in very little only about th. pay or a leaMeletur and yet Ma aena of tl, tllnaaa of thing, waa auch tkat as s .on aa h. I waa slw ted. he resigned hla attorney- ship In all thaa. rallr, w, that hy j no puwelhl. way could l. l. (T:td In any vot.. . r In ny Influsn. . h. might eaert In a body whsrs Ugtsla tton would be ouneldervd, ejecting .puhllr service corporation. lie aur ! rendered hla paaeaa. resigned hie at jlornerehlp In a day wh.n paee-carry. iln and railroad altornejshlp In North 'nrollna were not deemed Iru-uinpstl l ie with puhllo service, and h eet the pace for a new ami dav In North Carolina. No man who aorea the public aa lc-ielatur. or In t other aparlty. ought to be the attorney of any public service op other opors lion that la alTerted hy legislation, and Major Htwiman'a action made hi in the pioneer In a reform (hit must coma In all tha Unite,! Mtatea Major Htedman la too we' I known In North Carolina that paper should give the detailed s, r of his .sreer Ilia life haa heen an open Imok The m'Hit courteous i-ntUmin, M.KJ. iaevTn inn male tour eara I the Ktnaeet or menus, nwst genial ut. the It onipsjllons. tiraNeat of suidiers. ; twdy to ' tru eat of Democrat a man ,f allluu of diplomacy, of cuuragu- he wi;i ie.,1 the party to a splendid l o r.-Oeem the Fifth Dletrli-t. and ts an honor not only to the Klfth I'lslrl.t but to the whii-rlHHtate No man hits heen i hoeen IW'EfflSTGl TIIF. KH lTIO OF Today In 1 T M w aa ,-xe. uted llohee plerre. one of the ihlvf i."t'tie In the French lte olutt. ii. of wht.'h he will alWH) remain ft inet r ttmrkabl figure. In earli life he t.. have been rather a hartnle. and .tnrwliat aentlmental man Klaht after he be .me an adtn.-at.. hi. 1 hegat, practicing It at Arras he 1. tJ tn the tttatee (ieneral It . then h began aaeliluoualy cultlvut nn the fa vor of the Parisian populate, preach ing the doctrine of Itouaeeau and he coming a leader of the Ja.obm, He began violently attacking the itlrond Ina, and gained the friendship of th I'arlalan Cummunw. R,iepien haa been blamed for the method of thl committee, hut he waa not eo much Ita leader ae Ita de fender. Me believed that to ahamlon fhe Terror would be fatal to the i ana of the Kevolutl.Hi. but he Incurred hitter fear and hatred and at last the part, of lnton, whi leader be bad ent to death, waa able to bring .HhhiI hi end. Koneapierre aaia, upon one occa- Ion; "I was not made to rule. I wa made to combat th. enemies of the Revolution" III. poaaeealon of au preme power produced no feeling of exultation. On tha contrary. It prey ed upon hi eplrlt. and made him fancy himself th object of universal hatred. A guard elept nightly at hi hou and followed him In all hi walka Two phrtola lay ever at hta aid. He would not eat food until mini one el had tatd from th dlah. Thta waa th feeling af nobeplrr after he had paaaed through th ea rning aceaea of a few reara of th Revolution. Finally July II ram, and that day found him Ilka olher la th convention. But he had loet hi power aver that body. Many of th he had counted aa friend had turn ed rnemtea. Thaw th Mnrra buret From "levng Mr flobeeplerre" th cry changed to "doern with tha tyrant," Tha nevolutloalirt ralnly at rove ta ob tain a hearing. Ha raihed about th Tnrlay la lt4 xrarre1 they thtrtt hatth- af Athanta. tt la th Mrthday twT Jowpit Ilahe-rarvan-, poet ena "aee ge-ne-rai awaVw M a-Mrurwws ITtlt: arw Ptew art. ewe of tho rweniwaredjr-ra of th CttUi." ( IT7 ) Meybea If. TynaT, tlw eioejae-nt prrmi Iwr aod awthor IS3t)t . BalHeuraai nnath, tho fowW of the- Voiuntreen of Amerlcg ( l..l I Mary A-HW-rwo. the artewaa (1.) and Mormaa V. Hllp-wht. tb- arrtwrerdocta. tlit. u la taw date af tbo flrrth of Oofoaaodor Vt UUaaa Baiabridra ka JUS. to rwpm in n cec: no wm j win a higher plw-e la Washington andjAiUal, kr,d tM, ,1. aM to do mora tat hi district and ,4! BB m,t wftJk jdU th4r rrt iit mm i nfi bwij umibm. nitVAT UkAO At. VIJI. The have a war f kJIMof Kryea biennially bat tha aU rear ha la j ratty aura a4 ta ha aa dead aa rap reaeaud. It la Uka Mark Twain, who. being raportad daad. aatd: "tha aawa f ,mr daata waa grwatlr aaacvar-atak- Ia Utia "sit yaar" la pollUca la Ka braaka tha paapla of tha Stata haa baca allrtad avc tha tlqaur auaatlao. Tha taau In tKat RtatA atAa wktha tha Mttaty ar tha city ahoaid at-LNort Car". 4 that tha laada.. Cilna wbather U.,aa abaald ba aol4.!'h, " raavrra (ram tha ta. Mr. Bryan favors tha nty pUn;i,cUjr U aacwnt foyarnmant la Mr. Hltehrk and othar Daowx-raU ;,h 8,uu Llttl.flald favurMl h. rr ..r tu l.,na. A- i tertnlning tha ,uUon. In tha coa-; Tantlnn tha county option piaah la 1 tha plaXfurwi. advoatd by Mr. Bry an, waa drfUd by a .ta f 411 to T, , . ... ,. . . lit. It la nt tha firat Una a diatla wjM n wUh' ... . , nr ! Bute taaue. Of f ini" " " ' ,l Balthar crowd . M . k ... . Nebraak and eaawhara who will be .lad of what ,b,y cai, 1h. a.d ' Bryar.." but that 1. nt tha fealln the roo.:r.u In N.braak. who dli- i fared with Mr. Bryan aa to county option, aa tha foiiowtnc atalemeat In the apaach of Chairman firoytha, who uppi4 county option, atalra It may be dh-imh ry u0ay for amtie of ua tu rafuae ta follow a which for almoat Zit r haa rZLVK man aay that It ara"uea any aijate- ment in tha eatem if him who em- tod" If'?' X"La rnnventlun ahall hava adjemad our aifferencea. I am a,r, nl U forgjt- ten and we will all fill Into our uatomed pla. -r. tl-. tn hie nortty VtllKN tVlICll FIL OtT. llier. Is ,-d lute a aaioa !).) a nwiitn. ni haa d.vel- when ntcn of a certain tpe f.l ,i i n.en of an i.t their duea. h "UTim o n get their ,i -d. ae r ooerned. to ;.; out, U.e .1 .en i peoi'l. .urtng the North Cr tt... airing of This iim.o.ncement J hrt Motley other and a better t , It rune avmw i: rR mI. fall out. ti -ne.; d ie '' it might l. 1, aa North i'aitlln i rend "W hen ll.tJ, a t h la BO rn 1 ,t hold th,1r i . pent week the pftp-r. o Una he he.-n fu I u' Krpillilli in d.rty linen np,.n the he. .f the of Marlon Duller ant Moreh.ce,! thai they are make the lteupt,:t wit parly going to In North . urollna rum for make Mo I to mak "reap,, -In!, mk'n-: !t rehend t. Ilutler th Their r ; ...-'t, e Is to 'htirm.n ai'.d . eer IWh'.nd Hma end tha Throne, kick o Ihincen Compenv dlspenalng :n..r f fthongtl M.Teha.1 hand In It and h.n same srt of i!ie u w - haie been t' patronage hl a hig ., i.out the it iht lun.AQ nd Adams did M r.hewj and aid Kepul')l.n party la !t them to 'pul.ll.'i,-pArt , and fivry- kow tow ' t.. them and for , them lo dlapena. t: pa.,n.g. "d do the boaalng and kl , . jf , ,r h.jdy that does n -t :l them 81r Oracle." Adana ar.d have a receipt rur making the Iteuubiic.n party "reap, talii.'" tht ts for the - titf yiir lKIRUHItJlKt . i i.v ya Chamber, but waa me with the ire. "Ilai k. tyrant the ehadr of Itanton r. pel. you." Baited on all ei.le. hla attempts to peak be am, ehrtek w hi. h were acarrely audll'l lis o. e grew hiwreer ttll at length It tailed htm altogether. Then on ..f th Moun tain cried. The t.lo.wl ,,( Danton rhokea him'" Amid a a. , ne of Inde ecrlbaut excitement and uproar, a decree waa paeeed that and aome of hla leading follower, should tw arrest.J Th,, ,,- seUed and hurried off to difTcrent prison There waa now roum enH foe fear. Tha Conituua oeyan'artt an tn aurrertion. as a.Ma aa they heard what ine convention had dine, and hi sudden attack the prtwn-r, were all delivered from Ihe handa of thMr th. Btate Democrafle Eiecutlve Com guarda Both part lee now haetlty mttte. wilt hy all mean look Into our gathered) armed force Th.we of ta. I municipality were by far the moat 1 fjM,,,"I,wwwaaaaaaaaaawaj numemua, and Heart roe Aden t It ar. ' aerea loem i llilno. Hut th refused to obey. Th Serlioaa neatly ! declared f"r the CAavw-irloB. and thue v p- an waeapecteei rw-iio nth . Rot. rrre leaden .Imewt found ee d'eerted a aetarhmeM of enl- dler. forred their way Into the rooea where a eeaatl bared of fanattra were drawing up a prorlamatlnn. A prstol waa firv-el; and no on know, with cer tainty whether Robewpterr attempt-) aulcld. r waa h. by en of hi. apponenta. At any rat hi Jaw waa fractured, and he wa laid out. a ahaeihy tpeeta fie. oa aa adjacent KM. Th mora wa aoon crowded fa-ten pat at the proetraie form. t1hr atabbed htm wltk their kntveo. m h waa drag, ged before th Tribunal, which he hlmeelf had-lnrotute-t Tha aerea vary forraklltle wwro harried thraaga, and tha mangled body wa horn, to th r II lot toe. w her what rwenataed tn him at life waa qutrklv e1!na-tl-ed. ' Then from tha crowd. . enaa (tapped aub-kly ap ta th bleed-ataln. ed rwrpa. and utterd aver hint tha word. "Tea, Robesplerra, ther I. a Ood!" R,puh:s-B r,.r. - r,n.- ..4 enoa aftar rmoirf tha aandala frvra thair fart and aay thair prayara 'a Gad Ird Adaina" and "Good Lord Duncan." . TUa la tha rnalpt of both crowda to maka "a raavartabla" Brpubtlcan party, and fwhlla thaf ara talkinf aaoia IC tka latlara and Intarrlrwa a ad aWiaratlan of all four a( tha pta aataw and pia h 11 atari ahowa that tha party la North Carolina la aa had aa la tha day whan tha ntfreta fur nUhd 111. RapabllrsA vataa and whaa Bacraaa bald afncaa la Eaatarn '" arna ana ma atnar carp" aatcara and Bacroa opaoly diractad tha policy of tha party. Thla paper haa baaa carrytnt a lot " ' "T ,r.u-. wranjlaa and abuaa and denunciation of athar. ad IT ant.nth of wh' afh crowd anya af tha other la can ba traatad ay the paopla of North ' y 1, Jm Ti IT ' th P""lcan part, ' they hava rendered In a darade Ad a ma. who haa bean pretty quiet haa now coma to the bat and haa 'hie aay. which will be found In todaa oaper. 11 u 1 aavare roaat or the - - ""neaa-Butler combination, and adda one more proof of the unfltneaa ' ld- rnip in North Carolina. "HKREIX HE TAIL. ,n nl" addreae before the Farmer.' lpion. Mat William A Graham, itate y to put an end to th.e unwlee ytm of farrnln, that atanda like a lion In the path ef our .gricuuura, pro.p.rtty. North Carolina farm, ought to pre- - - ....... - - w th. Stat, and help aui pl the North- ern nvarketa wtfh everything we eat It la gratifying to are the farm leadere brtnglrg, tha. matter, to the atten tion of the farmers snd It 1 more than gratifying to see the progreea that Is r-alng made in that direction. Many farmer, are wide awake and the doctrine of 'hog ar.d hominy" le more popuar than ever In the hJetory of th Htata A leading merchant ln Raleigh, who ta himself aleo a farmer, aaya he beilevsa more progress haa been mad In agriculture tn North Carolina during the peat two yeare than tn th previous twenty year. Th progreai marked by many farmer, has been The need le that th!. .1- ample .hall lea. en the whole country. Congreeeman ebb haa challenged Kun eVt M.-N'm h for a Joint campaign. Hun tt will n 't aroept. Th Repuh luane are afraid of the tight for the earn r..r, tout men were afraid of It years ago. IN IHE SIXTH DISTRICT , M),lt Will be DORI BtWitt1 tilO Trvo Ctndldatu? t Mr. w. h Cimmt taggvwta That tho Mate I "eiiMKTWlei- twnrnlUe Act aad eUvta a Primary Mr. (emirgo Itnumme lU-pltrw and Kays "Thr Iw-fraird Party la t ni aatinvai Hv U Not IjiUUrvl to a Kev-end TMal " Hervt-iv is talking about the an erne! u cndttlon In th gltth Dt. tri t and mei declar that at tta nret ng r. Monday- night, th fttat l.m.Hrat'.- 1 aecuUv Committee ehouul ttke up th matter and -rtralahten if out ITintary aaaggewte,!. Mr n I'ooper. of VMlmlngton, mr. hnt and banker, make, the fol low leg soge.tlon: For esr week, pact you have hea gdieg ua th very beet of d vte through our vmrloua edltnrlala. which I heliev tha buetneae public apprev late. " Tour e.iTt;4rT1 tn Sunday'. !,. on the Political f)tsatlon In the Plvth a engreei.nai DJUrtiiet.' t eertalnrr ' verv ttmelv and It la to be hoped that A ricasinj: Sense of Health and . Strength Receiv ed and of ; Ease asd Comfort f.intnrg thg w of 8jnj of Fif acd Hiiir of Srnfia, g it set pntlj oa ing thd gyt4n gffectnkl'y, wbra eon tirujtrf, or tiliont, gad iiTlg cold nd brgdche. . T rtt itl befirfictat f ffertt, gltrgrg hrtf tf fwnnm. mnufrfttrci ij the Ctl Jofuia Tij Srmp Cix w- aak.vviv iui.ii' lamiiy quaiyai, ana enaearor le .ei the matter adjuned to the amtitracUnn of ail enncerned. It will never do to allow true mailer to bevnme any more acuta tha a It la now, It may be the wiae couree to aiart entirely anew In thie dletrlet. and irl ail the candi- jtatA kh, ia in a.i antar a ri,ill. ocratlo .primary, and then auraly all - of ua can itve our hearty aupport'to me aucceasiui eanaiaaia, wnoever nai may ae. "I do not claim to be a 'Solomon political or ether affaire, out If I may be allowed a auneatloa I wouid aay, that aa a plain bueineae proportion. It aeema to ma that tha only fair way la politic ej la buaineaa. ia to let every tnaa appeal directly to the poo-1 pie. In other worda, a fevailsed pH- j mary for ail political partlet would aaem abeolutelv fair for our future futdanoe, coramenclnir with the Oo-. em or or ana with tha United itatea Senator., and eomlnr ' rtM . along down to very office In tha gift of tha People." Mr. Kouatrea Boilca. Mr. Ooorga Rountraa. la a latter to the WUmlngtoa Star, rep lie. al fol low.: Editor of filar: 4 waa Vary much Interacted and eomwhat amueed, at tha aaiva aucceaUon of Hr. W. B. Cooper, In year paper thta morning, that there ought to be a primary or dered ta aeleot a candldau for tha Democ ratio party In tha Sixth Con greaalonal Diatrictl Tha auiraetloa earn, plauatble and fair, eapedaily to the friend e of Mr. Oodwta who waa undoubtedly defeated la the Demo cratlo Convention held at Wrlrhifvlll. Beach, which waa certainly called, and I think held, euictly ta aeoordanoa wun th. plan of organl tldn. which la the covernlna authority of tha Demo- 1 rrafln mm 1 V ' ' J 1 -I aunnu-. th ! venUon held In Which tha rtral candl- j ' ad anythlnf ilka equal elranrth that tha defeated party did not daatra 10 nav a aerond trial, by convention. PrtmVr; uaVaTa dS ! uaually ahred hy the aucceeeful par- : cMli clety that It U for the pub- j lie Inters that there ahould be an' lion in the course mi.n iney pursuea ln depoelng him. , " JZ. ll.'. , ,. . t0m' I " "! tha three CongTem.n, I for'Vop.nfoV but I X' l'KW.?! SLfe . . ... , .hi.: I - --- r v mn nun yiu,iur ,hr method for aelecttng dslsgatee io Losinct ana mare conventions: ill ny primary; (j ty precinct conven tion, and tl) by county Convention ' The history of thla provision sustains the obi tou. Infersnc. that Ha chief purpuae waa to enable each candidate to get hla full atrnngth tn the varlou. countlea, and not tu provide a partic ular method for naming the Individu ate who are to represent the counlle In thuae conventions There I. no pro vision that the county convention shall elect the delegate by ballot, or In anv other way ajd It t. majilfrnt that where that method la adapted th con--ventlon haa plenary power to select or elect. It. delegate In any manner It aee. fit. and It la. and afwaya ha been, customary tn elect them, hot by ballot, hut by deelgnatlng a committee or the chairman, to select them In this county. It hns been almost the In variable cuatnm to aele, t them through the nomination of th chair man. Xor Is ther any objection to this method. If a candidate, or any number of candidate, dealre tn tet their atrength n th. cunvanUon, all they hare to do I to mak a mndnn tn cast the vote, or anv part of th vote, of th county for that candidate, and he will be entitled to that vot. In th district convention ie: It I . novel proposition of law to that any person, or pereoni hav plenery power to select another. or others, to represent them, may not dealgnate some other pereon to actu ally pecfy the Individual, who are to art delegate "I want to eav also that I am not en enamored of the working, of th prl. mary evstem a Mr Cooper eeemi to be, I have no doubt that It I. the eael eat pneelhle method of debauching the electnrat. hy the corrupt ue of money: and that aueh h.a been It. reeult In thl Bjate " 8PENCER B. ADAMS 7 TAKES A FLAME 1 (Continued from Page On. ) letter In reference to the campaign are not only unfounded but ar h .urd "Aa to the rult from your own county. Otillford. In th iaat rnngree alonal election the Democratic nomi nee received H3I majority. I. thl. election the Democratic nomine for Onngree received 111 majority, th balance of the I "emmratlc ticket car rying the county hr majorities rang, tng from 1.441 to l,4. These figure peak for themlvs and Mr. Butler can not hold you responsible for fall ing to carry the banner Democratic rnnnry of the uHirtrt. Altogether you are io be congratulated upon th ra- aureo majonttee against ua "It afford, me pleasure. Judge, to contradict Mr Ilutler'. remark, when I know them to be without founda tion, and It aeems to m that th. r ult thronghotit ihe Btat In th tre mendnua efe resse of Demcrratlc ma Jo rit I e, and the fact that Judge Tafl carried three rongres-itonal district, aad- three Repuhllmri wer lent ta Congree. 1. th beat poaatbl ri dene that air. Butler communica tion, eo far i etlracta gubmltted to m. I without foundation In fart. "With regarda. your rery truly, -JNO. M. MOREHEAD." L-tte Prom Mr. UHIIare) firtaan-a. Po- MUt-al amnaura Maauagw aad lYItate ewwTi'tari to Coa grewainaa Mf-retyrwul. "pray. N. December 1. llll. "Judge 'ftpencer & Adam. "Oreenehoro, K. C "Dear J.dge: It la with great pleaeur that I not. that Mr. Mora head ha taken aa uncertain atand la the matter of th Butler Jlander. "Had I knowa that you) seeded ina Immediately, I ahould have com. at one ta Oreeaaharo, though Mr. Mora head only reached home yeaterday. Jut a Uttte tory from boy-hood's dara A king wa sitting In council with hi loyal advleera when there rushed Into al preaewea a d terraced courtier With hi motley following crying to him oa th throne that he wa In th preaene of traitor; to which the king replied to tha discard ed on that there were an traitor, ther unleea h brought them with hint. ' - "And eo you will hear from Taft. th Jurt, that the only trattora there ar la North Carollra politic, are tho. of tha Butler atrip. "With aMurineeg at regard aad Mi. A 31 f VV ; Jf jfl Are just the thing for walkiog. Take a pair en your vacation. The kind we sell are made for comfort aa well at ierrice. Price 3.00 Darning. , rHca $S.0 and iM Far Bos, of Big Fain. ae-teem. I hava tha honor to bo vary respectfully, -QILUXM GRI880M." lXtrw from Mr. VT. . togaa. Ilcprv arataUvo Grant', chairmaa . and raanpalgn Maaaiw, and now Tntled featr Marahal for trt "Waa. era Dtatrlrt of North Caruilna. "AahevUla Nov. It, 1101.. "Hon. Spencer B. Adama, "Oraahabore, Jf. C.t "My Dear Sir; 1 wleh to thank you for tha great Vtotory that you hare won In thti State, for I feel that It 1. a groat vlct iry. notwithstanding we did not elect our Btate otficera. Tha magnifirent ahowing In the lata elec tion wu largely due tn your manaito mant of our party affair.. Tou have urceedrd In uniting the party, and I tLTnLTll united, and 1 truet that it will remain lVnJ'n Lnd2 "?' du ,0 8p.Tner.-?-.Ad,n .... ... ,h(t u.n..hlleao Htat. r.mmltt. did i nut in. dstlt iu nm vie,,, wj "7h;'reVy. '"jW'.Ci.mT i unirut, lor you oiq ail in your fwi. to elwt me. and did many thing, for mi that were not really required or you as chairman, in my trav.i. over tha district mv friends often remark- ed. 'Judge Adam, ia certainly doing all he .an te elect you, and many of them mowed me letter, from you. In which you urged them to work for mv election, declaring (hat I mult be and would he ei-neo i can not, ot couree. go Into detail, but to make a. etory short. I will say the Eighth IHatrlct organisation received the full and hearty support of youreelf as Htat Chairman, and largely through j your help a Democratic majority of 1.190 of two year ago wa. changed tu a kepubllcan majority of 1.371 for ma thla year. For the aplendld part you played In the victory ae won In the Eighth, you have my everlaatlng gratitude. "When you aaeumed the omc of Htat Chairman., our party waa torn aavnder by factional fight, and In ternal dlseenelon. Through the wlae and patriotic court you have purau.d aa chairman, factional trite within ,.4i r rauki haa, harmony prevalla. and w atand a powerful, ag -greeelve and militant party, command ing the reepevt of our own people, and creating consternation within the i amp of I'emocracy. "A. Chairman of th Republican State Fiecutlve Committee, you have much of which to feel proud. I'nder your aplendld administration of our party affair, we have gained more than 34.000 vote. In th Stat within the last two yeare. have wreated from th Democrat, three Cengreeamen, and today have a party that standa a menaes to Democratic aupremacy In North Carolina, and It I freely ad mitted by all unbiased and wall In formed people that It la a queetlon of only a anort time until the "tat will give a Republican majority. '"With hlgheet personal regard. I have the honor to be ilncerely your frlenfl. VM Alt. II. COWLES. "Ilut they aay alao that you ara op erating a ple-dlepenalng reaching to maintain a cloaa corporation." "In reply I wish to My that thhtlmlttee to obtala reeulu ara aaaailed matter of making reommndatlona i and tha aaople can readily eee and far office ha always been repu)alve-w1ll appreciate that I hava beer and unpleaaant tn ma sad any on: forced to mak answer to thea ua who haa thl duty to perform haa my founded charge which are being rtr htnet profound aympathy. I hav al- cntated hr dealgelng people for a ur- war been glad tn t rid or it. waa poealhle, and Immadlattly After th Iaat election I notified the Department at Washington, and th. thre Repuh- ran Congreeamen of thl Rt.ta, that wished to turn crver, and did tura frer to them, aa fay a I waa coa- 'JvX ajr Pearl I. C Roofing is Best -h It I bound to bo best, or w eoald aot adrertio it under a trad mark ham aod gukran tea M . t , But becauA wo know' It la good w. are proad to 111 yau an, aad ta stand behind avry ttatgint w mak. ' ' . ' ArchltecU, builder, tinner, ate, btlv In Pearl Tin they know ta. InlH that yow get It for your BwVor eld houa. ; Writ o for Va partlculax. and w will hay row vurplled tliroagk your dealer. , , " ' " , tlD)(Ml RltllMOSD, 'i.1 . :. t 2 GUN UETAL SI OXFORDS B rv. If Your Car makes funny noises, bangs and knocks, doesn't work proper ly, see us. We can fix it if it's fixable. Expert repair work. and Machine Co. RALEIGH, M. C 'AltCBOtDfl is. 65! tp fttf 'ia" C. Grinnan Distributor Cement, Plaster, Prepar- td Finishing UfflB and Cl cined Plaster delivered in any quantity. NORFOLK, VA. earned, the eacluatva control of the patronage In their reepevt! v. districts At evidence of how I, I ueed the following language to Repreaentatlve Morehead. In a letter dated December II. ttul: " I will at once write a letter to the Pcatomca Department, dating that you have been elected to Congree and I delr all communication relative to Ihe appointment of po.ima.ters ta this dlatrlcf to be directed to you Instead of to ma. and would be delighted to b rid of thl. burden. 1 wish there had been a member of Congree elected la every dtatrtct In thl. State, eo that I would be relieved of the reeponat blltty of rerommendtrg the appoint ment of poetmaatera. When I accept ed th. ihatrmaiifhlv 1 did aut hara a gray hair In my head. Today mv hair I. almost white, and I attribute thl. largely to the worry of aeteetin poetmaatera. I would be glad to ail you tn any way I can in settling thee, perplexing; questions, but have no dis position, aa I told you before, to con trol these appointment ' "I leave the public to determine what theee people are after who ar charging me with running a ple-di-penatng mach're. 'Oh. conalalency. thou art a Jewel.' "Ia making recommendation for office lnc I have been State Chair man, I hava been guided by th Inter eats of th aarrlc. th wtehee of th palrona, and the recommendation cf the coramltteea In th varlou coun tlea "Let me aay that I am reluctant to enter thl controversy with any tate ment. However. I cannot remain I lent when not only th Plate Com mittee who attd an In running the campaign two year, ago, hut the 11I.I0 loyal Republican of th BtaH who worked la harmony with any com- poaa." Th Old Standard OROVaTg TASTB LCM CHIIX. TONIC, drlvwa t ma- lartr. aad and ap tho arsteaa, rT grwwa aooola aad ahiidraa, too. o Ml irjIL (CiO), V1BGINIA. n m 13

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