nin ntts and nr.5r.nvrn. jply z?, ism DR. CifCI GAGED Q rauise iEiSESiEB-E! ufo SOCIETY GO TO THE il I n L fi 1 u it 1 11 U u L . urn it .ir rru MMixtTi i liners tu err mnnD a rEonixtn mm. rAKTi t Miir LR M IS " CO. CKIx lRjaOV, JO fc&M BiUkv r irmim m.r rrx, rtiuiim rtTUXl" l'MH BY raws. TI KI II U, rtara4 vM,tlr fra ts4 l. Kunut ! Utm C- t ;, a ft- "et eil ee- Mtssages by Vnrelcss C . I MaWtak ae4 Bug?.. a -. a.4t If I -! r - ts-ev ssf rm t Frcm the Captain WeU, 4 tt u .- 4 Aai-?-. Jv II T h tv. a-. baM i ih naate ."it ta efa j R ' . t ova .era er t a -la th lH I b rHl. Mt M ft l w ill l f iurt Nii i MMfcrr. Mr TTT W. Oourt. SEASHORE 1 i -,!l' M i ; i . 41 f . , t j . : '" ' ,1 I N 1 H 4 I' ! I .' ir; ' 1 fit. ' r ' , TW aaWa1 lnira Arr ljrat t ... - - aTTT ia Hh t Mifaua m rv- , . , ' "'" '-""i ,tWfa, , tfl. ir a lltia I--. N-J I (! rrlial iW M'lwrf, ,fc( IW it a i a M" t , ' l'f-ist asjl o ! ri Tft - "HBiroa). tbani llv M,wliii HmM- t .ar ai , kf Man uau irvk ' laikrr v-". J"' Ja " vitra frr.. Nfw rk iyvl !." flag llv 4 aVa hihi of I ria u il Irai ir i mi biarl . rfr J.' haV. Irr aurinr wla are a!l uml'ly'MlU Iti lictio- Ha r r lh- lli!llt ajirN- al I ( at Htrxla. I .11 Hill.. no of IWIIr l-4- A i-atKrr -III WIIIW HiM' Mar- "til l raltw " , . I . I ... rut r. I : i . r .t, ',. I. '!! f Hi- i' t tit(-fi'. tl" V' 1' Mm!,!! i'r t'rf'.fc n rn m " ' at 1 1 y , (I lit,!! .M.-'l l I .... I . 'i. Tr ;f I ( B t.l ftm fvtgl s.K. .'ilw...l ..fc'l . " I 1 I.-1 .1 I. I' .. I .. . ! I. i-. . .; ..r;i. , .1 1 i i r J . 1 1 - - i . i' . it -i h -l"t .t fir ' ; r ft. I mI ItM lit l 1 n jh i 1. 1 t a'1 t. .if inil ' h r tt I ti . ,i -... i . a t. r nt ' h. !... t . f ti put . ttV tn j.l- 'nor r. f a ti lift ' . r ? UfAU'l-tsl'I' Te . I r rim i M . M ' ' ' 11 1 III 1 . . .1 r. . t nt J nl l ..f Hit Illt. I. Illf .1,. l.l I t. n II II. ati l "in ' I . .r atitlla Mr t pi un m .1 tlm 1i. i ...t. . .la. a tt.l Kllial til' 'I I i ..,' . i n i-Vi k t h i 'i I'll'; t. -f )r " 1 1 .-n I jt it- w . i. un itt'it t i nit. i in. ... n.t. I . w fl ,i I.l r.-t... .1 t.i It .. I.. f t,. air M. a ti. i it l a mi I lt a'ilh nl i. itt . . t.f I ti.. in i . 1 1 i ,'l Inn : v Ih,. HMtll. 1. ti-.l in l atlrtg i 1. it I tig limit . .n.t it li.. ii i i,. Pi i r t t n t ml 1 I,. ..tlr,.... , , I.. .1 -It. ,I,,..J ,., II In. ul Hull I. I I ti.til.t-a I.) .t.i ntirirta in .In It At IliT ...ii lilt. .: Ui. .t. trt.. r.t. .Iif ill it littlvl-rmjftat I ' li.M I ... k I. r i. Hint t .t anitU tliMl a I I . " : il.-tl I'll . It Hx 1 II t.. - i itt ,, I n h r iit. aiiu vt h . . t.l -h :t. I nn II,. . .tl f I ..1 1. 1 ; -l. : , "I III n t I. ir.'.,n, tu i i.ti mil.. MM ,.l .(hir I't-lnt f-'lli tt itiir "f wlaitrning tl trritn ..imi.t. . th. r. fnra ihut ana Mill ii. .1 ii-. nil lii-r Hi-I rttnpi'lng piitnt Sii I ,i r.l.i i iimrrtiiiK In tha inrirtlimt Iht I..1 , irttla Itaallltg III it,.ti..i I tin . wh't kh'ttt a ' "rlpiian par .'ii.illt h paaaail ilia Mnntriaa an, I . I, .nil, I ran, h Calliar I'.tinl I, irt'i. r-'u TI'.- lir, tu tiprnltg Im! II U n,,l tar lam t thut II ti h a t Inai-.J t,n I Ii ijuai r Mi-agf to miaiia l-'allitt I'l'lnl, . J,iK I'lit' t.iilHlh nf Ilia ataainalitti M . till -InMv iiiallllK tlna tntl. ti f 1 1, 1 n inl at;a ti, Ilia Allalltl, flufhail t,t lha c.,..iilnt ( lux a r unit' it I it t ini;ina l,lv r Mlralraa maaiit.' " h1' 'i ha arti-l a.ftirtllng t.i wmtnrentty TI- I In ,1 1 1 1 1 v rttorli tun,, that h Int. I llicttnl nil i- tilain a t.f I r II. tw li t liitnat t i l(',. n i i!aame alftiii ti Il tint t ti flrat wtral.i , ,nn in mil cat inn rt . fti 'il f mm 1 1 till altla ,,i tl," Allmili tnti i ,' I S Hull. I thu " itinat a r.'.illlt 1 1 , at I'lilfiiili ..ti. II Mniitroae mi If ..tira. tly Viu I Kiaaa f.r aln.f laai - iiaan pita- .t l. ,l Hun II, a Montr, tar lartlfd the Amtri.aii tlantui a.uiiilit In . itntiff- tnni u iih tha iliaiippi imim e of hl. "ili't'in lfa, Halle IMmtti. formerly Hf.fl.liii. N V ! After the rrcetpi nf tha nu'WiKf h.-r, th,. unci.... operator al ono I i g in . titling nit-mugea to (ha Moil-' If. a. TI.ei are Itaan Inatruclloiia i nniiniig hi men u i couui ii leartte.l - - yuel.e. . .lull Ls The following wiral. a- matTitge n n received tonight bv Hi- I'hronit'le frnm point Armour: t'ri ten mi bord Montroae; about I'OO mile, euat Tin ilcptitch la praaumed to be vlrclen maaiage from Ih.t Steamer ljliirt nto A act ntiil jt'irele meaaage recelvd thl evening waa from Inspector Dew I It m nddresacd to Detective Wnlah. " "'in it. oinniii irave intm th. Imml.rBllitn U..I.. ....1..,m. ,,,, .,,,.,,,- ales here for the Uniting of Dew at l ather Point. The neceaaary permit was grafted - - sa I.OAK M KKRS ST1UKF. Substantial lYofroa. Matle In Effort toi Kittle. I By the Associated Press I New York, July !. Represent, tlves of 60.600 striking rloak makera and of th Manufturer Protective Association In conference today, made uhstantial progress toward a aettle- ment 01 meir mnerencea. a join! ; permit Ih- Hornet to leave New Or statment Isatied tonight .aay that they j tM.n. for BlualTelds, when thy will meet again tomorrw when It I contend. It Is well known that th little hoped decision w II be reached. gunbut Is Intended for us agalnrt Th meeting today wag prelud ctintrv with which th Tnlled Mate over by Lamia P. Brahdela, of Hoeton. , tt pef who racently waa couns.;! for Olnvl , Nl(lua Ptprn who nought th Hor In th miWngar-rinrhot lnve.tlgatiojt. from ,h Nvy Department, haa After adjournmitnt. Mr. Hrandals said: ,,.,. .dmi.twi ,ht h hsd anv Idea Ail firearm m-iinniBii ine ewrioua- pea of the question and th Import ance of reaching an early and sound conclusion. ' TKrwon Nominated. (By th Associated Praas ) Rocky Mount. Va., July 21. John M. Parson, of. QrayBtm county, was nominated today by th Republican rongresUmal convention of th Fifth district to oppos E. VV. Baundar of Rocky Mount. Democrat - Reaolu Hon war adopted endorsing th Federal admlnlatnttlon and condemn ing th gerrymander of th congress ional dlatrlct by tha Virginia Dem ocracy. rllel to ftcalo MrKlnley. , (By'th Aoclatd Preaa ) (teward. Alaska. July II The Rut Mount McK Inter pdltlon failed In ' It fToTt to reach th summit of Mount MoKlnley, and Ir now rsturn Ing jm Seward. , ... , - :,4.A , jnouit H4 a4 UIW rri a is ixt a 11 aa u Ibnaai Mavl,w " jU (,H II M a:4 IXat Mr Nl- th ta9rt4 Uttua . r. a. r va tti ' f a t rl Ur Utjty ar.ti a nwU4 kia a.llt l aaa 4m4 n .r In4 'a I ha aura of -t. 4 trw I 'tnni hu t 'n trt I.,r A l. n4 mi. Ih t-r-.f J ,ati. r t f Ik I'.a. J V. Il ir, IIH I M TtlUM m ia1ant I1taar T IV Maata la lanuuuuwL - ill) Hi- lalfil I'rrav ) Al t;j J .1. ; I invert., l.r i Im mi tn utaanutiim ' ti- vat . r i4 I nt'-n 1 VUgraph 1 'o . ffw t ! .vi(rnii r ! t aia atpa a. ta ! u filial aim ti -! UMll tha tit f i. . It . that all terr1w iih of .rtn'"n raat vt thr M a iaa. i rn.r lyiulaiana. will ! rntin.r4 In t'i fl'tul haalar a lt iiaion alth h''m at AllaiMa alttl an a1 'mhiat rail t . gtam aimllai i" thai nf Hi Hfll TV!aknna "oin (anf arvtl p.t Into trall"n l V L'llmii n iw ijrn.ral i(iia ttiipnilri'i a iih lt t'li iartar hara ! Xn . Itm Ju.iiatl -tia -aii-rtiifrn Inviai.iii .'il. I ill Ka un ilvT Mm I fai rti ! j iprrintarvitrnt a' Saahitll' Aninit. Ili hmoni ami Jv aai'tiv tr.a Th'T !ir iU.Iii' i.miM nfkr an- (. ia i-r.j t ! I "mmaretal R'i ., f hi. rUi l siiitrlnlanilant an I I i it"n Iri-B- !iii)rlntnilnt Kith oftV In Altam a - r ( lltti rr lUrtlitl bt liar Vaala IHtii I I tl.a AtM.alr-l Traa 1 1'virtiit. Mlt'h. J I ' '" At l-tdai . istt.ii "f I Iif un . nl inn tha Ami . it mi NuMniial J-. I- ra AinH lattun th rollftalng "frit rra arri-'. Slf' I II.. I.,rn. PttH i.tira I'a P'i it. T 1 ('!.. itinalm Ntl .iinl li-a- tr alilru.!. ilitra II T.i.J.r i hltatl". ratal) l III .'la In.. I. r t numlill. .t . nn.l irranr-r t harlra Artaa. i:anaiillr Ind In an aiiitln rt.tii .i f..r ih i invrntl'in Hit linifii'l "n in taniT. f!ltnlmrg an.l Ml a ill Tha i nin ntltin atllttiiin n lIHfi rit.UlI M U.VIhF3). llu-tt lllna-w' llauk Iwiurta a M'TT ( IxiYful Hlatiwnt ( lt th- Aaant lBlad I'raaa i New ttrit. July : Th New Y'tk afant-y II, ink laauatl f th Ituaao China.. i heerfu! lairmeBt t't mailt. Itghiaiilng It) UOO. nou th gl- gtinili- aim k anil bnn.i jnrri aim ultl 11 It , ,1ar, nna a Tim Lanka .utlifi.l caahlaf. Trwln Wl fugitive, alantla i uaed , ,.a. eat tha aiaiman(. ultl nut a,a.1 ."t00 OHO Cia meat - nnacnatKe lit ratofm. , aiilmata ii, a, tha value of inlaalng . i.riilaa t With tha grand Jury Int nf lha l imit now tindar ant W tdar'a hareabouia la atlll a nnatart . ui ihniiglt It waa reporta.l Indin that ha aa unilar aiiriellUm a at U hit I'lHln. N V . only 2Z mtlaa fmni Nrw York l ll . Thl ill ,,l ha firmed Wllrieawa. Im hi, linn repraaantatlira if Ktni k ICu haiige littusi a alth htcti Ilia rrrnttc ymina; apai ulatnr In. I .lanl Inaa were examinad ! t h-- grttn.! Jury ; toda). and It aa r uin tra.l it, night , , that an Indti tmenl hd l ai n rnnn.l ; r t( ui, not bean liutnlil up In! i , ,,ui ( . Whether Wider n t v I ime , ,ronoiilii ani) emveaiTunv in ti,la atncH- m r kct plungaa la it rnuitar ,,f tlahale At any rate lila opaintiun, were on no mean acala Kiirlng a t elve- niotith. It nl learnad n.,,i one firm bttttaht I'OO.OOO nf atocke for hi ac- fount, and It l naumarl thut tic muat , llivt .n the light !.!. of the market nl llmaa. Mlth.iurl, ha la am. I auppoaed to lia):t0 (nie l"t hravil) a h l.rar during i Young, peealdenl of tha convewtton. t,,n returned ! hurham thla after ttiiilna from I-1 ,,f the great It,;!! mm amenta In ... .uloctied bT the aneaker for noon In fare a c harae of cmbeulemant ,,ttn The tuteinenl leaned I, might by l tha hank liivi In ntrt , A r examination ah,. lhat th s. ,n n,, ,, Hny ,w., exceed IftflflOOO. and of thiil amount large In;,.,,,, t. , -rtaln I., ha rrmiared bv Hi. k. l " ti. h . aiw.v ..,,. . .... ... either affect the nnrtmil t ouraa cf hualtieaa of th bank nor anert any Influence upon the bank s dividend ia AS TO THE HORNET. ;veiv Orleana, I . Jui : --With . .. . ... p)Mna wnn in ma local repra'ntative . of the Mad'rlx government of Nlca- i , rsgua. m prevent if possible, the fit-j I (n ut of a war vessel for the Nlc. 'Tguan Tnaurgahla. Ihe converted yacht Hornet, whl h saw service In the, I'nllt'd Htntcs navy In the war with: Hpuln. Is expected to arrlv here from Norfolk. Vh . tomorrow. It wa ra-! , cently purchased by th Mtsrn Ship ! j Yarda and Foundry Compnv, of New ! .i,i..n. in .,,11. ..r th. etti.. ..f 1 th, Venu at New Orlean. the local ; represeniatli as of Mdrl claim that th, i lted Slate government cannot of selling tu Estrada, although thl report has been generally believed. Mr. Htern says the vessel waa bought a n Inveatment. DROW XED IX THE YADRIX. Cooleemee, July I.. Smith Lloyd.' young married man. an operatlv In th Erwln mill her, waa drowned In th Pouth Yadkin river, between th dam and Coolecmea Junction her thla afternoon at t:S0 o'clock. In an effort to awtm acre th river. ' CORONER'. rNVF-oTI GATIOX. - (By th AaoClatd Pra ) : , Chicago. 111., July II. The taking of testimony regarding th death -of Ira' O. Rawn. lata prldent of th Mnnon rout waa - concluded kt tha Wlnnetka Village hall at 11:11 clock tonight The member) at th ooronr' Jury Immediately rUrd to coaatdr tneir -ermct .1 ' ' itMaa : aa4 Ml jw ).. Hrvaai apaaki a-at m .i r L av kaa tkavt Ik i . rwjo aava twurtllT aoa i a a cwaaaat a r-4B. k- aar .t kia Ikvt lw yaara fcaex-a Mraaa aoi4 ka i""ka afcoa aa tha laaal a.- i aa r f Uraal far Taa Tka fian ac ika 4WaJ niaat aiSrH a4 U alSJ -V-V, a7ka k.14 ta rar aviu I kaaanira aa4 4a- niata in akartli fraaa aiata mm alt art I Una, - fraaa Ut H ar.4 ral a aKr ,H-ia4 AHtwaik Miaa4 .aa) aar alk i aaaki a al aHk Mr Hfa k-raka tka latt.r ai'ar kana. fkrt. "la aa ra lti-r t.fv4 t r ja w 'ha 14 auttura ar -,ata nanata run. Mr Kulaa4 almtta tkat ka aa4 aavvral otkara 414 kal4 a rar-na Ha Mark Hla Taaa4ar ha 4iaruaaail Pruaa a rat for tka s-nata. l:ia.r Iiiiilatraa4 nl lha iat'a- Nraa, ar iul'IUh!n lha danti f Itrna a tad tMiand ftiaa a.lditMnal f.i la ta kaar mil tka illr4 ilaal H aaja lha tnarii-a afeKh Mr K laml aaia ha ha I ith Mr Hr.aa Tu-da. ka Mr lirtnt man agar l.l 1 frianila that h. had Jtiat aaa Mr r " w n anu mil "i'i rar f.r tha "lata Raaata .a friand alludad to .rr d 4.- lht. and laquirad h-i It happaad lhai Mr nrtia-n .aa mi wilttaf t- mill lha rara T" thl. qiMali-a 'i latt al aar iialara aa -Mwt- land wa hava tha wird nf a nti. niiti Mr H iland rapltad that Mark r. a!i-,I thai Ih a aa tha rhan. a or a rtfa t'ma ' I ta i v,rr la i inr tram and I ha I k tMarki ant,1 him t't aand f-r (Irani to a-a a hut arranarrnnt t-otild ha ma'la. and. Mr . K"Und a.ldit ha ant lor tiranl HUM AM I. MITI. T V U-IX HU... M M .T a-h4".T .. Tha Ulata Puprrmfnlwl ( Punlu liiKirurliim haa .!. t-11 't- tlrha arvl lha tlat-a ttf the n- It iri ..! mMirl i.f tha Htat Aaa-tt in'' ' i'Mntj Hu- narlntantlanta Th.- mr-nri ta.i ha hal.l at tha Siala Ir.H rai' luitia! Hill. N '. "n Anfuai "nih Jlat. Ip lambar I at and Id Tha haad.iuart. r, .,f lha Aaa-ctatl-n 'H la lha V. in an,-. In - Tha aa- h, 'Ai " -HI I b 'd Tha f.l morgan " ",d Ttiady exrr Uig. jgual J"il. at eight n i hirh A Cult IT-tgrnm will b in noiinretl at an rr'i data. r. Aaaoc'R'l n bi n.-t at Oaeana l,,,,, tha "tit "f !ha stala Normal ami 'nliag. i haa mat at Italatah tha aaal of lha ( ollere of Af rl, ullr,. Mei-hanlf Arta: It ' la tha rafor fitting ht !t .hmild n- niaet at Chape! If til. lha et of lha aiata rnlirr-ltv In ordar that lha untv Piiianniandenta mar rnma In timch with thla rat inatllutlon ,f, and U work Ha M(.R PIIIKiKIMt l THK lTTI: OK XOHTII XROIJV . Sirclie al the Surtdai Sihool Ona icnlltm of Colored irWca at Sena Hern. Irtpec'lal lo News an,1 nnaarverl New Hern. N C Juli It The i nxht In North Carolina ha gained upward, of tl pair .-aai ko petHiety hnldlng tn the laai tan leer, and lhat Ih'a rai a haa mora a, h. tola and collegea In thla "taia than any other Hlate In the I'nlon. wara among th encouraging facta hrmight out In the addreea of Jnhn c Han. i i riirrlr of deeda for tha Dlatrl, t nf Columbia, before the Colored Inierde nomlna- , llonal Bund a T School and Kd'icatlonal , t v,ni enllon. in a.ann in thla , It) The foundar of ih. gra.laat negro Inanrance orga.nlaatlnn In the world t purham. wka given him aa a j concrete example of what the negro n thl (Wat can aeoompluh "uch. ; n aald. waa due M rellgtoua Influencea i rr Jamea E 8hepard. praatdenl of ( tha National Itellgloua Training I a. hool at Ilurham and c.. Jamea 11 their t-haracler and work done for . the uplift of their race i..l.n tr,ftn.ce ns.nn It rr.,ffn i element for the greateat good I due ; ,relv to ' Interdenominational move- , m.nta waa rlearlv defined In lha ad - 1 a .. ihi. intarlenomlnitonal "::" ; " r.;;:..::. vi. BDtni amona m. , . , ... .... ' race In thla country 1 bring to th at - i untlon of the race the need of a bet- terment which reoutr service.- wa ' , . . j kt. I enecllveiV mumeiatru i.y moi n. Jamea E. Hhepard. of Durham. nob. n tha aubWici. Th ReileMou 1 Kducatton of the earo . ,uuvw . rgilAt. nri.Lsrri.n. Yakea at Ir r. M. Temprtura. a) a 1 Tl .01 f pmiMTv ciiDrniLTmnriiT llllllilll dUTU il L1ULI , t Xt 1t . i si - "r. a- jt-a. Ashevlll ... .7 Tl I Atlanta 1 M Tl Charleston . . .! 71 Knoxvlll . . . Ta 1 T Norfolk .....14 4 II 74 Raleigh 14 I 74 Washington ..71 I tl I Ashvlll I A'1"nt". " ' a. FAiaeral of Mrs, W, F- Cooper. Tha funeral of Mra Ethel Cooper, wlf of Mr. W. E, Cooper, who died at hr homa 111 Park Avenu on Wed. nesday night after a brief Ulnae, waa held yerierosv riernin and th ra - ma ear. lat A a tn I K . : Z . at Rdy Creek church Th funeral' ervtrea eer eonductad by Rv. J. 8. Farmar. .' . . Mra. Cooper waa a daughter of Mr. and Mra, C. A. HorrelL of Car- town- hip. "he I unive4 by hr hoaband and four intw yrn. nr. Coopw la 1., a .'i'. ..vt vi .ww -t.'aii m n puMorflca building. Maay frtewds her ympathls with him tn thl hour 01 evrrow. , nor bfor Thuroday of neat week, aa Waawa s wM I Attoraey Lsvsowei ; haa a murder are aea 4a aaiasr- ! case In Oxford which h matt p roast- ky khtaag a4 ecxtte. apd Mr. Ceihran has another voi-T.T' ' snurder ras eonfllrting with later avuo is TO RI.AMR tba a real kMae Baaa. de peasaptly relleaea. r At dniggiora la fl real aad deller atsaa ie Buy aampi baeHe by mmU fraa. a lea paaelh. 1st telling all sheet H. Addraaa. La. kli. biw va, viagaaaNea, R. J, t aa vaaa tnai raw m tM ar- rwm. aa4 k u kw.4 Mar rn ' W'M - f la " " -i rfrf aa V . 1 J- . hkmujh : kt Ba. mil '-"" auaaaaa ittiKrilllTiAli )(PE5S . lPPllClillll!l BY Wa E.IRR.JI 1 1. l'MtK Tt r,,,,-. iu -4IHH.IC limit - llwl IM- ftUIV-Ml.T ' KH.HU IV ' . r THLK RUUta. Aa aitranrdtaarr aid fukhmad bar rjacaa dlaarr aa fiea )'ai-rJai. Mr. TkMHaa Turriar Mr Hiavana n I olkar trm llvlat alorg tha m4!n k taadiktr fr..-i Ka!k a-mth ta tha Johnaon liaa ba!n hoata aad tka anlira furra aouthara road ramp luaatt f th Mr K. w ". aupariia.r pi tna tamp. a ) fln.ahin, up ,h , hlha!,. an. la la fBrrUU.ii "f lha work that th. dlanar u in Tka adVar a, tijthr frit s tw; roufii, 1 a.ra anlarlain4 lit aara aniartainad In Xh hnabitahla dinra r'ntm f Mr. -'avn' hum Autng alfh tha oth- ar ..d thlnaTa in fui aupply of aatrrmalnna, ramrl ipaa and lamun ada. Tka miTt-? a era all lrt out nut undar tha .aki ahara thay a. a., farad umplu tuaiv Thla ui the R rat piaa of itndv clay rtiad built In W'aaa rounty, anil tha P"pia altiaf tha I na ara apprn la- . Uva f tha tttmHm" nrrt- -a1 m laaionar t T J (! . n m v.inipany ank Httpartntanlt -r W K tint'iu. Ill .tiar Ilia .tt;r rt. ila aatarda) Ha aaja tha a.i.ith" i ami la mm In ,M.d and thai ork 1ll ' 'Zl ' tnn 7' f l hind "f ma la a it.." ..I lllnta Ilka from riatai.n I.t ma J Th.'a road l-ad t flajd t.f Mr irn . tttintv Una ilia fumtttia torn t aav of Uarnar and Hand null d i.arii.tan.iant Kt'na..n aava ha main Una loading; ..t of lUlaigh put In good condition hafore aa.1. YfsUHniY HflTTf QT HIY i-uiLiiuni iiuiiLui uni a-n . tnnv Mt.AIHI.I Ml IU t RY tTJMfll l I Mil, Mil H IKTIIK K l THK . A.JUH-.A. lIHkJi IT aTt H)0 T B HM.RKI. laa'aroay aa tna huttaat day of the year far THe. thermometer at t o i lock raa-ltared M degreea In th., in r naa ataadlly, beginning at well rhoaen llluatrationa ahowad 1 law partner and chief lieutenant tn j cheat dragona neat. Hying gtrondc 4 nYtx-k vaatarday morning, whan! why competitive plrll waa eaeentlal tha campaign which appeared In an . . diamond and emerald bat- in tamperture wa TB degree. At the praant time thar I no promt of cooler weather Talking f the warm weather, the local weather man In charge ldl''ham of our progreaa and work fnrjor for another candidate, wllj recog- th taller, hangiog chain arid tTe lajit night that th temperature ye-,"111 nobler and grander purpoee. Af-, nice It a proper meed of pral toieent weeping wllloaa, Niaajara Vail lerdav aftarnnon at o'clock w , ter ome pleadng remark ty tnat j an abl. and eatlmaiol gentleman: tflr ad other rffecr. ttia combine! hlghar than it had been before In -Ihre ree-a TTte air tU aiiltry. and man) c' tha p pie aonght hady pla aa. hila tome left for tha aea- rhore Till: CW ttlU, TROBARLY NOT Hi: HI HI . BFFORr NKXT ,. ... . n u Rsntv. lAOVEXrmrix mays Hi: Will. RE VINDICATED. Sperin! t x,w, ,,j obaerver ) Iiurham Ju ; Attorney lvn- tomorr,,. rr.nrnlng befor Judge Ayk, having hen arreated thl morning In tnr fd brought bach here at th Instance nf the officer.. ' Th. ,,,,.. i... i n. . . . "na nr,r ommf m orar to avoid . . . . ... . ' " ""m"""",B OI coming under ar rr' klnpeopl stood for him, ,n amount required being I'Oth The bondamen nr. U Umv K.,.1... i. , eiuiiiri-iii- n" Hreenberg. father-in-law n" hua'-and of tha lady who, two day. ft " mao net pin ior tne coi- lection of debts amounting to till There were not a few to meet th , tram this afternoon when It ran tn. i Nothing lately baa ertad o much interest The case tomorrow I not eonlder- d by ttornevi a nearly so grav as (ome matter that hav not been . prosecuted. Among many of th peo- pie here, ejpectaly of the race to which h belong, therw I perhaps a . too wrong feeling of resentment The , Hebrew cordially hat him. an un. plains hie condition. At hardly any : plikr I that true. j Mr. Uivenstcln lnt orthodox, . ' thoagh, doesn't afflllat with hi peo. Ble as a ear. n.rat. ae4 irapt aa! what he pleaaea and russe them outjTarboro; Jspst Orerorv Annl Crew wnen mey ooa t Uke mm. He I dl - 1 tincxiy a cnaracter nere ana nobody le going to be surorteed lomorrsw If ka get. out without trouble. ,ton, M. B. Wllllame. Evelyn Howell, tn-erwtHn T-lk. 1 Julia Minor. Mr. Lewdly. j At 11 o clock tonight Attorney! Dr. L H. T. Horsfleld wsa officiating , Levensteln s Uwyer aanonced that , . . 1 . . 10 m waca-stiy ar naring "herlff Wheeler of Granville, and ) Chief Roberta of Oxford, fo, wltn Ik. -tit - - - 1 u . . M to 111 to u in ;. 1 Loveoatala 1 ketag reareaentad by Attomer J. T. Cothran who doem't isea ta the case any element of crtm. While declining to be Interviewed, leaving an manera ma attorney. Levari stela aay-s: -I hav been badly j treated la thl matter, aad will b . mumpnantiy vindicated.". ii Tha raa ran not b tried tomorrow N caa of modem date here haa raaeed the comment that thla has. Both defendant and attomer ara asa. Bdent f acoulttal, t tk via imM taa nni & ft A Barkcraa) UaaMT. Rark Moiaal. Jtl II la kaor Ma- MlKra4 !Ulan. ( ia(4. ,M Mm Jta rrarr. of KaiaKh, ska art tuttiac at kr kaoa. Ma) Tamnia Wkttfeaav4 tn.ia . anra af fnrarda at a karbartta 4.naar ihu at Tiiaiii Tka aliaaaa u tka aara4 la aa Im arai laa4 diaiac reuas tka Uaa Uia atvajy traaa af dim at tka roraar af Sanaai airflua aad rT-akha arata N pain kail t aparvd for tka aucvraa uf tka day a plaur. akll imnf ' anil elfcar dallfhlful u rT,4 i tk- taantji younc opla la at- t-ndanra aha ar imoni lha rvuMlo- ara Ln lhair prataa o( tka mud una aaoyad. wklla Ika drlwWma nuoa dar nisl. aa la only rrd in tha Carttilnaa. plajrad Ita part In tha da) otrtainrarnt. B 9 ? lUnc-Rlalrr. W Umlncttia. Ju'v :, Mlaa Baa trie a lt!air. tha attriria daufhtar f Mr and Mm. J'iha Hlalar. of thia city, and Mr "Ion J. Kink, aua of K J T Kin. af thta rtty. a atil knnarn and , , . !" roan. ni uoua in "r";., . " WV" "'V.1. Ad"'" " ' n'ak "larrh t I 30 o r.w k n,hl; h Itapfaaalva cartmony in- raurra m inmn-a ith ralativaa and frlandj of ha cou pla. The baat man aa Mr. W v Kind Jr. rouaifi of tha gruum. and Mlaa Ula Maaun ami maid f hinnr Tha othar attrndanta wara Mlaa Anata X. v" ' 'a . couam or rrtxirn, ana ur jonn Ring Tne waddlna marrhaa w.r, akllfull ran- darad by Mra Harry Walkar, alatar if tha groom, and durlnc tha caramony rha played aufUr ad ati- "Haarla ami rioaara." Immadlalely follow th caramony a rat aptlim waa tandarad h- trrldat party It th homa nf Vlr Kln. a iirothar of th rtiom. t .91 Quaan atraal Mr Klna and hrtd. l7i IT u. v, " ' .V rttv for which nl th Iff th. recaption Inat nlaht '.' BBS H.K R.4.C A-PHI ITHKA BANgiT-rT. j Orvanlaatlnna of lMna Mrra( SuiuUr' VlVod KjiMTtalnad b rklUuc lnrk feK-fc-tlea. liMahnro tula T n ) Fhllatheaa of KalTaVVa-.V", Ur alned ih! fuV.aa! fJX .h lf p", 1 ' Vudl? LhSJi h"! MarahaU VJ In rclgaa, which war. op.ned promptly at 10 o clock ith on bv both elaaa. aa. prayar by J M Mltoh.ll Firiraa- " walc.m. waa given by T I - n ' . Button. Reauonae bv V. N. Ilaaa Tha aueaker of tha dav maa ih.n Intro. I dnred hi FrmA U,tlln..ll k fy r Rland, of Burgaw and wh, held th beat of attention throuhouL giving fin llluted r'aaon why It waa go eentlal to or. ' ganlxe In all thing tn accompllah tha moat good J M. Mltrhall wag I on in m m'tn ciaaeea, and wny wa loved : ach claaa batter with that aplrlt. alao .that the luperlntendent nf th tw i achoola rnould claap hand acroe tha 1 maniy ann i nriatia.n gpirit. inariir m;rn"- " aajournea ior in iei """ ""a "ani1"' lame, wnicn waa. ;"i in tha yard In tha ooollng brrere and a beautiful (had. ft 3 B MATTFi.HOOTH. ncautl.ul Wecltllng fjtrmnlaeo al Oxford. Oxford. July 21 ln Bt. Stephen EpUcopal church a beautiful wending ' elrti ovVnei Th.rZ liV.Zl- wrr" " Jn Hooth, daughter of Dr. T U Hooth. of Oxford; and Prof. I. A. M.n..n. of th. .... u. . n .. boro Normal Col leg Th church wa filled to Ita utmnat capacity before th arrival of th bridal party and llatened with much pleaaure to the fine mude aa Mr. Jerome C. Horner, who presided at th organ, rendered moat appropriate election and a aweet olo, "Until You Cam," wa ung by Ml Oartrud Land la Th usher were ft W. Minor, of Durham: W. W. Flower, of Durham; K. A. Merrttt, Orniboro; R. H. Lewis. Jr. Nineteen friend of th brid, beau tifully attired In whit, first entered h church, and grouped In a pretty ! cn near th altar, which wa hand- t aomele adorned with ai.nw aanHlaa - - - - .... ...m. - - ! nd evergreena with draperle of whit, covering tha entire chancel. Th bridesmaid. Mia Willi Grlmsely, preceded th bride, becomingly attired In white and esrying pink ro. Th bride, elegantly ' robed In bridal coa- i m of whit marqn1srt4 ,111. B train and vsll with orang bloseoms clped with crecnt of pearl, a gtft of th groom, and carrying a bouquet of It lie of th valley, passed to t..4 altar on th arm of her father, and was mat by th groom ;coom pa nled b- hi brother, Dr. I. P. Mattaaon. of Durham. The young f Henri of the brld pre. ent who preceded her to the altar, were Mlaa Laura Well of Wllralng- ton; Haiti Lehman, of Durham! Aa na Mlchsaua. of Greensboro: Chnitln Mclltloah. IVurham; rtlvda flfenfill jKate naming, iaabei naming, Annl rurman, r iorenca Landla, Myrtl Rhamhuraer. Konhla Tavloe. Julia Win. , minister. The array nf bridal pre' I . . . r sntl at in noma or in brld, waa ' handeom and genernua comnrlalna useful and beautiful gift. Tha happy coupi ran tor a irt to Atiantie City, bearing tha beat ' wish of many fxlsnda. , Among th vUltor hsr to attend f the wedding wera Mr, and Mr. W. B, Matteeon. of Fayettevllle: Mr. , and Mr w, L. Matteoon. of Moorarvtll; Proi. R. T. Klttrell. of Tarboro. MaevUla Dofewta lYeemoat. Plkvl, Jry tl. In k alow game en th Freamont diamond thla aftr noon Plkeevtua defeated Fraemont by a score of 11 to . Th frature of tha gam wag th home run by Langston. with two men en baaa and tha all around heavy hitting of Flkevtlle team. The attendance waa tare. Tha sam team play her Frdjr, Special Train GOING Leaves Raleigh SAT URDAY 12:35 P. M. RETURNING Leaves More head City SUNDAY 6:05 P.M. Full Day at the Ocean Round Trip From Raldgh, $3.00 Wilson, 2.75 Greenville 2.25 Norfolk Southern Railroad STEDMAN WILL REDEEM THE FIFTH (Continued from pac ona ) " " 1 aurportarw "i "lhr r",,d,' ,n w" n'" th,r undone ahlrh o"'1 hav bruht about a diffrrent re.ult.'- Inf on tha part of th turpcrtera of i m"n rrJ "ft0.wm.. 1 urengui wa aiamouiea an over in I dlatrlct, icept In th two countle or Uf"vl' I" "Win, navinf nom ! I andldate. Alamance. 14. II; Caswell, H (aolld t oloirtng with "tlood' Night" In elgh tei; Durham, II 33, Guilford 71. ; uiv Inch latter of Uulad Urea olid ot); Oranre, 11.35 : Rocking-. The irnindi and rl.a ..a. k.i.k.. . VOt ''11 1 ,m- "a '!? Wt . i - . 1 ! ur, 1 . Jotl 2 JT.M. out of a nee. eeaary iJ to numina... lllh Pea I ara for Manage OnHte. i Hat of efTecta war bemaheli burat Tha following )uat tribute to Mr ling; Into floral deelgna, Jacka aad day - editorial In to TBlnajram nere touay. I appreciated hr, an! every dcle- gata who waa at tha convention.! I whether ha waa for Major Utedman ,-f (.-nrme Made floorl. Mr. A. wayland l.'onke. manager orto dearrlb. uelightlng th thouaandt Major madman campaign ror tna nomination for Congrea from thla district showed great sagacity end rare qualities of leadership. With gleenlee vllrtlanc he kept his flnger on every turn of the situation. and with tlrelnaa energy he canvessed. either In person or by representative, time after time endlessly almost It seemed, th several delegations In the effort to secure a majority for the Guilford man. The policy of conciliation which h d opted from th very beginning and to which he clung with the utmost tenacltv la conceded to have been one of wldom. Every effort waa mad to give th other candidate absolute ly no cause to complain of unfair treatment or of bitter language. Mr. Cooke wa also happy ln hi se lection of the Stedman delegate. Old time political foe found themselves lined up shoulder to shoulder fighting a common battle and It Is not doubted that not a HtUe political animosity wa In this way wiped out forever. A a climax to hti effort In thl connection and as an augury of th yip port of Btadman by th united Democracy of Guilford, In November', Guilford nn the last ballot voted Its full trngth for Utedman tha first time during the whole convention Cook mad good. Every on who watched the progress of th battl and notsd Its lssu mut hav ao con cluded. ; TEACHEH1 INtflTlflK. Brina? Conduct eyt in Chatham It Prof J. T. Alderman, Assisted by Mi. D. a ... . 7 ' (Jul, , ( Special to New and Obaerver.) Ptttsboro. N. C July II. Prof. J. T. Alderman, of Henderson, la con. ducting aa Inatltut for tha teacher or vnarnsm county in th graded chool auditorium here for whit teacner. and Mr. D, L. Elite, of Bllt mor. ta assisting 1ilm. Tha first ses sion was held Monday afternoon with a brief addrea of w.lrom on behalf or tne Fittahoro, achnol trustee arid tha town hy Mr. R. H. Haye. 1 Prof. Ell la aamstad hv V4.- f v Henderson, colored, Is conducting the voiorru inmuuta ai tn colored M. I. church. The attendance I verv ennd About II whit and II colored teach er are In attendance. Much good I -eing oenveo rrom tne Institutes and very one seems Intersstsd In tha Wt fkf of th teacher. V Th Fanrral of Mr.Pfrh. ' Th funeral aarvleea . Ue txr o tMok war conducted from th First Baptist church at I o'clock on Wed nesday afternoon, ,rt.f hlch the In terment occurred at Oak wnaiit a.m.. tery. The earvlce war condunied by th pastor. Dr. W, c. Tyre. - 1 n rtymn ung at th church war, "Asleep m Jua." Jeu Savior Pflot M,M and "Naarer My God to Thee." At the grav "Abide Wtth M" and "Peae,' Perfect Pac" were sung. There wr many numsrou floral tit Igna , Th pall bearer wer Meawr.. T. 11 Brlgga. Jama Prlggw W. E. Dewar. Robert Morton. Jam I Johnaon, W, N. Jon, John K. Ray and James Warren. ... I THE FIRE FIGHTERS CAPTURE PRIZES (Continued frcm pace on ) arenti ih firework romtnrf nt. -.ania in nrraniii comma; nt. hlH d,irlnK nl "lumlnaied m- rlna parade paaeed about th rtva-. bain, rlraaork. fr.vm craft of . . . .Tn nrework betlnnlng ,wiin a aaiute or i heavy aerial caroont. exploding In th a r. naa in It about forty dl.tln t fulnru la .-A ... 1 i"1 i,h 1"hte-n powerfml tlumi nMorl burrt4n mi rrh,n' CTim , n wn , ,. thm Xn.m tarlea. Palmatlo tree ,. aaventy flva fet high, fountaloa of homba ehella and color,! aphare airier ral- i Hope wheel, tha comical devil innni land separal oeanty being Impoaalhla wrio wltncaaed the magnificent endln of a magnificently celebrated event ; A telegram from a DeUrafTenrsid descendant. W. H Detiraff enreld. ol ' Monro. La., received bv Mavnr It, . 1 Carthy. congratulate New Rern and speaking of Its pioneer colonists. "From such people a great and grsnd nation nas grown, a world power. J guaranteeing liberty and religious freedom to all her rltlxens " Mr. Bryan' HoapluUlty. Mr. Jsmes A. Bryan today again showed hi princely hospitality by en tertaining st his magnificent home all the firemen and other friends, some three hundred ln al). He waa cheered and applauded to the echo. Happy speeches war made by Preaident Mc Neill., of th State Firemen's Aeencia tlon; Senator Simmons, Dr. John M. Fafson nomine for Congresa In the Third District Mr. Bryan and others Mr. Brysn h become the host for all visitor to th city and hi praise la heard on every side. Death of Mr. MarcrJJua Gullcy. (Special to New and Obaerver. 1 Clayton. July 21. Mr. Marcellua M. Oulley, a leading cltlaen of th town, died at his home here last night of pelagra, after an Illness of five months Although death was not unexpected the people of th community were nocKeor an en in nw wag received Stricken nv month ago h grew steadily weaker and for several f week It lias been apparent that death was near. .( Th deceased was th d of Walter W. and Evelyn Guilty, born August 17, llti. H waa married t Sophia Kill September, HIT.. , ; -. . For many year he had been dea con In th Baptist church, and al all time wa a power for church and education, serving en th school hoard. In every department he did hi duty faithfully and with credit Four song, Riley, RM Clifford,' Paul and Newton, and four daughtera, Mr. Oacar Creech, Male, Maud and Ro che!!, together with fcl devoted wU. ur1v him. ' , Th funeral wail conducted today at I o'clock from th huuaa. under th auspice of the Masonic Order, at which he waa an honored member. Rer. A. C. Ham by. putor of th Bap tist church, conducted th services. . rite fkfl ta Bad FU. Horn tlm ago while at th bat Pitcher Bell, of the Raleigh team.: waa etrurk by a pitched ball bl th elbow which was thought Mil of at the time. Lately It haa give Bell a great al of trouble, aad a4 A consequence today three physicians mad an X-Ray examination and, have found It will be necessary operate. The tarut generally Ul Bat lelgh regret thla, as Belt wa a N. 1 plu-hr. It la hoped he will f' cover and help Raleigh win. , . Called to IUltninro. Stat Supertntndnt " Jame T. Joyner waa called to Blltmor yestef dsy by a telegram stating, lhat hi later, Mrs. W. S. MstUe waa at the, point of death. . ..

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