3 I IBII t"W It , - - Sits Ball For a Homer .V. GIANTS LOSE CHICAGO AND PITTSBURG WIS BICBIE. 2nd BASEMAN ELECTED MANAGER OF RED BIRDS IZ Mcdonald, s o t i t q p i t McDonals ono ffiSB Ul uluuu I'll ft M3 is Euon nmu. u taava- ill J e4 (or ee-en fc.'jL bat he haa I " tkaew aa Ktrw4 that had hla taaaa U trm bias perfect eu sport tkera E ...u SGOR Deilay are, bat Webb I ran McOarsaivfc. e. .... fcatwaaa tkrl aad mmI Lwkr. t Raiaurh i"4 LatHvy tu CWea- i eaa itu'M run B-oe esat! Teeaoa iwaai4 M" hewa g Ikal-Nl Mint UlH I liA u( tlofcfce e,t BUha 1 Vsre aJ-B: i -kif ta 1 Ueiaabarw tk U.HmlJ kaark B.aslB . b.iw t.a ..ii. ,K.m. ' the kali tu erar the race trace, i tMunaaary. o brKM n- la UM eight, tat n. aa gwia a nrtaa at tko. tia x. ... .,na -B.-o gurry tfcraw at I tr A Pitcher's Battle Bi tie en FayetteviHa And Wilmington i HUE IT The Results Yesterdiy Mar- GKY MT.DQW5! aroeoa aad We Hra4 Gooal Ball, a the Errors t o-t Ran far Both iMd Wilson a Tfcrca Una Rkr Moans DPaa tha Ball AU Uassast Mere bb4 Bruoaa On,, utoaral To MM l-t-rtVr,Ukr Made Ow? Ew ,, ,,.-. Bat reteUI Got . I tlWr-tWl " T Ue WHERE THET It- TO-DW. r,.-;Hrn t RiWth. rjtuMU t Wilmington, , 1-MI at Ktx ky Mount c.....h l,iet but tha tana ot their an" worth, foe eoms of tha moat ta of the ", were Tha derided feature or I. mmt a a aajr-rfra tf .-.i'h. r i mBar and haavy hit . vi. i ..f id who hit tha ball a " .... iki rnia it til rn, ra ot ma raca vbcb. MrlMnald an opportunity to m k o ill lour Kaiiona ana hm iui brfora tha ball waa avar v vi.lh Clamant aa tha df- .Mlrrt fi-atur. havlnc tapped tha ball ttri t tlma out or tour rrtnen. ... tm It bln a aecond bajiror Vihln M t w1,n ,n t,ck m iwo hiu. ona of which waa i. .vtra , Rt.hrdnn. who haa bean playlnc r-tt station, waa tha alab artlat. and. .ihm.h ronnectad with for t hit. fc kpt thm well erattred. and ih.r. .hould have bean only ona .1 ihla aaa tha hxHnar. tint mil. haae on halla did Rlrhardaon rlxt. and aome of tha hlU were lucky h.unr.ra y;rhh la undoubtedly one of h tt pitrhera that ever played ra. Melioaai i Taa aaa bita Haad'boa. Oaamaaa Baakiaa Ba-rek kit. Waa I aa4 taa aaat aat a ta-tr.a vtKt bl-craa taa ta aae- aaaaa. Hoa. aa ! waa rnu'aV aai JktaV bXa ! el Enaita tla. u. ctatra Oaaa- Haa4fba ta UI: """'J.' , I.ablVVai Twaa all - bUfl raaaUt, catck a-.; RKaara ta a t. a4 tk. Jaa, am? . t Ga... c fauL It.., IUm Vkl I 1 aa tha kail waa Uraat ta tha eatrh- "w"' "d r ,LJ 4 fjrt ' trtantlk. raaaar e.tn w Rwktrio. JumM t- lha aw rK-1 Uft a. h?1a t TarT aha m40i ta arta by r- throw heme aad -til "n-.. af a.a. . at., lata tha catchar with lorr. lHa at ad. Attaadaara. H. tartaall, paid that ha 4 rap pad tha ball. WUk aaly Kalaifk ta-RWhardaoa fana , r.TTh- mW aa aat aadTaaaa aeeupyta. thirj 61-.aaa aatrh hla ro.nl ,ut Kt. w,ttaatatoa raaau tha Oaaaa aad aaaa4 tha beat Rkhardaoa rould l" bit and ru hla baaa Kaum, jeallle, , . . i. mmJ. aaread. Hawklsa aaada Ka,t- r ! eat and left the ruaaara where th.y' -e " a ama.o. """ C r ji a were. The Beat aaaa ua waa hit. iU.'rtaht. bat ta caufht aalaap payin Wum ,-,-. N C. 1 1 . InhaJa. Arta tnaant a tie- eacaad pitchara aattla. thali hU..-Ur. woa tei af thTarare tnd a t b!er i Ooldabora lla-Webh out 4 trm the fcUlore tW. ta af the arare. and twa baccer t .hrt. a.r. .M u I Claar, anj Brk. left aad U waa avar. , "1 .V; w., " "1 TZLiZ, 7 . raywttUla 1; laBtataa I. '.a . Kacky Maaat Oolabara I; lUIalCh I- Oraaaabare . Waa0a-a.!B i. GravlUa 1. Aadaraoa 1 Chartutta I. Spartaafcarf 1 aikaaal Leafae. Philada.phia I. Naw Tort L hvaiaa , itfooaiya I rttteearf ClBctocatt L. Chicao . St. Luula t. Ralaich waa fuilty af poor baaa ritaaiaav aa taa mea wara caught napplnc nU aaroad Ona et the aratUeet ratcb aaaa thla aaaaoa waa by Randlboa. who paUed In a moat difficult drva with eaa hand that he could haraiy Jcn i r,,,.h (-l.mana" drive i baauUfuT u. vd alv two h. althih and be reached eeoor.4. Bharpa apa the latter allowed hla to fca tua-hel to aacond. lUndiboe Prm t In the tnira. aaa " Aaaerh aa Leacwa. Wiaahinrton I PbiAdalphia J. N'w Turk I. BeuB Chlraae . Ivtroll t St. Lwula 1. Cava .and I. when he waa runninc Uke a deer The playing of Keattnc at short waa epectarular, and commented on by kill. Taaterdar a (real many people tmik advantage of the Tucker Build ing Pharmacy a klndnaea and bought their tlrkeu there. Mr. . tiaWaa. tha ever genial and accommodating manager, haa kindly ronaanted to aall tteketa to tha ball game without any charge. If you buy them before going out you will aave a great deal of time. Every one should coma out and theaa Glanla play. Tha team that beats the Qlanta will probably be the winner of the aacond aerlra Trag (tune In PctalL Ooldsboro 1st RJOumlaon knocka flown a poaalbla hit by Brown and throws him out at flrat On Haw kins' error of aa eitrerhe difficult bounder Sharpe It safe, but Is Im mediately thrown out trying to steal. Handtboa singles to right. McDonald eat- short to flrat Raleigh lat t'lemrna singles through second. Blgble sacrlftraa. Hobba singles to right, and Clemens Is held on third by Sharp beauti ful throw to the plate Hnbhs steals aacond. Richardson flies to centre and Handlboe'e excellent throw caught Clemens at tha plate UoUlalwro tnd Morgan fans Evans put short to first. Qatea fans. Raletgh tnd Simmons pops to second. Keating pops to short. Haw kins hits to centre for two bases, ilc Cormlck out pitcher to first. fjoldartoro 3rd Pktlpf slnglea to right. Webb gets an Infleld hit and tha runners go to third tnd aecobd on the dumb play. Brown flies to fioft. flharpe out short to first. On Plgble's error of Handiboe's easy on Cleraena Kaletkh tth- M.-CormU h hot to handle for third. forcaa Me at senrmd llandit.a to deep cen tra and Lathrop la doubted at first Brooks at rock out thirteen men h!ia toe At Orth. the former AmerV-an llhrvp leaguer, haa baea eHure.l br, the HaJlora end waa a nave teo m im game today, but waa delated at r.'.b- , aoavllle hr a wrack me game t-viar nou sik u.-ix.nai, rfnri waa Broieetea on in rn: r.j-i past third Morgan pop. u Hawkins ettavllle had anly nine m.n on ta at fret. Fvane neM In anlform FAYFTTEVIU.E. Dwyer. lb. . . . landgraJT. Jb, rearjrea. id. Hartley, e . . Mayer. Lf . Cantwall., a B.iryla, t f .. . BrajKlt. r f. ''. Clancy, p . . ho doubles M (Ilea to centra Kalelgh th Blgl'la la robbed of an extra baaa hit by Handlhoe'a sur prtaMrg 'htmevtf tn thkkln k'taarcel-' out one-hand running rat h Hobts out short to first Ktehardson walka Simmons Is safe on Da tea' error, but ha redeemed himself by catching' Richardson asleep off second Ooldsboro 7th Oatea gets an In fleld hit, and Keating gets lots of sp- i plause for tha beautiful stop Pellet hits to Richardson ho throwa i.atei out at second. Keating catching the; ball !. Webb hrta who with Blgble and Hawklna retire the side on a double pla). Raleigh 7th KfcaQn out second, to flrat. Hawkins fans. McCormli k (Ilea to r'ght. tloldsbore dth Brown pope to second. Hnarpa out thnrt ti flrat Handiboa aends It to left for two baaea. McLKinald lines out to Keat ing. Raleigh ilh lAthrop Is safe on McDonald's error of fumbling hit grounder Handthoe misjudges Clem ens" drive, and It Is good for two banes. Blgble Is out short to first Hobba hits to second who throws to catcher In get I-athmp. which he did. but dropped the ball as lathrop ran , (;iimne', . . . . ..... I lil.k..Jantt I " into mm si run ei'eru Total Cooler, lb. . . . with ona hand while falling , to K1rhartarmT7-""- l Mine, in. . , Burke, b . . . 1 Iok. rf ., .. ' Klutta. r f . . . Kite, c . .. . Brooks, p ... AH. R. II PO. A. . o III 0 .14 0 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 4 1 0 .1 0 o l . . j i t : o . . t 0 " 0 .J000 IT 1 ! ?: It ah. it ii m v . . o o ; .4 0 o i . t, t A 1 Roathera I'agwe. Memphit 4; New Orleaoa 1. Atlanta 4. Mobtla 1 NaahvtUa I. Montgomery t Chauar xga 7. Birmingham f. boalh AilanUr Lraarue. Flrat game Columbus 11. AugMtta 4 Second gama Columbus 1. Au gvata -Macem Tavinnah 9. (I lnnlrigt. rain i JarkaonTllla I. Columbia I A 1, rtasarra Imcimi. First gama Baltimore 7. Buffalo I 8e--ond game. Baltimore . Buffalo . Klret game 3.rs- t"lt Mon treal a Sa ond game J.raey tTty I. Montreal t 1 Newark . Toronto 4 I . first ga ma Peovt4eTt- H; mochas- f t.r t Sernnd game Providence 1 i HochrsU r i. Next Time You Drive Into Town vou'll be wantinc during Tour stav a real t-ood drink. i Something to quench your thirst to stay quenched. Drinh r .It 0 2 Total Score by Innings: H H V Fayettevllle . . 1 00 f)0(i 1 ; 1 Wllmlng'nt, 00 0 00 2 n Summary left on bA. tV(trotrg ton. I. Sactiflce hits. Brandt Hv.l.n bases. TAdcman. Struck out. Clnncy. 7. Brooke. 11 H b plt. h.,1 ball. Klutti Time 1 H 1'mrlr'. Hendrrsm Attendance. ISO Virginia Inague. Roanoke 1. Inllle Norfolk . Ln hburg I. 1'eteraburg 1. Rb-hmond National League No matter how thirsty you arc, or how tired you are or how particular you arc, you'll like Coca-voia recause u turn. iy rux. relieves fatifjue and tickles the palate all the way down. DELICIOUS-RFFRESHING WHOLF.SOMK Send for Our Free Booklet "Th Tnith Ah-ut (.Va-Cola." TrIU til about Coca-Cola, wl at it n and why it U so deliciou, whole jomt in J hcneAcul. Magistrates & Lawyers TUB KORTH CAROLPCA MAITCAX OT LAW AJTD FORMS, rawtaad an. enlarrnd. I-oatpaad H-0 with order. Thts took, aa bui rsinrj te erery Jaatloa of tha IVaca, Ooaaty Of cer. lawror aad Baatneaa saaa, ta ready for aVllTwy. BRIEFS bb4 viEOORDS QatcaJy Frtnte AU lcl Blanks for gala RIE FOR F11KE CATALOqrE AWP TUB OFFICIAL rK BHaL Edmrds & Broughton Printing Comp'y PflHTlRS, STATIONERS (rBLAHK BOOK Manufacturers RALEIGH XORTU CAROLINA Richardson out pitcher to first. Simmons Is hit and tha bases art full. Keating filet to left Ooldsboro th Morgan fane Kvsns out pitcher to nrst. uatea rans. Raleigh th Hawkins fsns Mf Cnrmlck flics tf, rljrrit loathrop ends the geme out second to nrt At New York rV-,re R HE! Phila.lelphta .. rn00U 00n - 3 4 1 Nr York . . eoo yoo npl 1 S J Buu. rlcs: Mi Wjlllaji and Ikjoln, j Mstliewain. IMckson and Myers I tiornsivoRo. Brown. 2b Sharp, r. f. Handlboe, c. f . . . McDonald, lb . . Morgan, t. ...... Evans. I f O&tes, 3b - Dalley, c Webb, p AB. II. 1 II o ! 0 ft 1 2 1 Totals ' RAIiFIGH. Cteena. I t Blgble, lb. Hobba. c f Richardson, p Simmons. Sb Keating, s Hawkins, lb AR, 4 4 . 3 . 1 . 3 . 4 R. 0 n 0 fl 1 0 II. 3 1 ft 0 n 2 PlaylnsT Inr-)T Instra irmilal In Rora Mmint'e Victory. (Special to New and Obecrs er. i .At Brooklyn Rocky Mount, July ! - Pound! nt Scirc both Wilson pitchers hard made a Bctoi, aaa OOO 009 o one-aldrd exhibition of todav", game Brokhr, U"0 000 000 o i wane tare ones were cnamca orr in. Tohai -'nlMs' two f1lnsrs and th run came essv Griffin for the locals I yielded onlr three well scattered hits snd be got his ravergx for the swat feet of a previous vtslt when the To bscconlets dre Mrh from the mound THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. you K n Arrow think of Coca-Cola Iatt.-rie5 Curtis and Rarittr. Hergen and train tira ham, At Ch,. nnatl. C Score R H E Pituburg sja too ooo no nj to l Rmh n.Mt ..ll hHiii.nt ... ' "'iinnatt UOV IVV UVV VUV DV J 10 I turea abounding, the leader of wnich Ratterlea: Adama. 1-e.ver and Olb waa a one-handed eatrh of a high ; on- Suggt and Mclean, drive to the fenc by Armstrong In left i Stein cornea In for honors, his freauent I Al St Uuls. Mo Standing of the Clubs his robbing a feature Gllleepl. aaaln featured with four trips to the plate, time hits one for ta o sacks, two runs, couple stolen bsecs. Ave chance and no rrrors. Dannie McOeehan was banished from the game tn the third for t.w vigorous protest of Shrn" Heeletrttt.- Armtrot)g was retired sfter the fifth on account of a slight Injury to his snkbv Tbiilatt Score. W ILKO.N . AH. R. II. PO Scort St Louis . . Chicago Patteriea: Wlllts f-vtrall and Kl'.ng R H E. 000 000 000 0 5 1 001 000 001 3 1 and Bresnahan. American League U S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHEU BUREAU WltUS U MOORE. Chiet jgr ; ( D McOeehan. ?b Jacobs. 3b .... Wrstlake. c and '-' Jllller. r f Sheridan c and I C Mciieehnn. lb Armstrong. 1. f Ptewiiri, c f ' Shai pe. s s ... I lane, p Foreman, p Hudson, c 1 LHt l " IIL 5 . 1 i . .. iJL HHmjVri r 1 " fc---ef- r If ak V piii iUiasiaasalta.aK.ajla.gWariaa?aia. VVt'" aa.a wma.iai haai.aiw gauiwafsaaal ale P -- - - - - - JM 0 0 2 A 2 1 3 3 fl 13 0 I F I At IVtrolt. Mich. V S.-orc. 0 , nlrag., 0 letrott 0 i Batteries R H K .000 000 000 o n r 100 0011 100 -2 o Young, nimstead and l-VSTERN CARtlMXA I.KAGl'K. Clubs. Won Lost. Y Fsysttevlllt i 1 llold.lmro .. 1 1 75 Rockv Moutil t 2 30 Wilson I 2 ,r. KAIJ KiH I S .2S Wilmington 1 i '-' CAROM N A. Clubs. Wn Loat 1' ' Oroanvllla i 2H . Charlotte 41 '' Anderaon 4J ! 6. Wlnston 3D 41 .4 Spartanburg 3i 4: 41 Greensboro 8 5t) VIKt.lMA I,Ktdl F. clubs Won. lonst. r c. Dsnulle 47 J .tilt Roanoke . a 36 ,tis Rlrhition.l 37 42 443 I.ynrhburg J7 4.1 .41 Petersburg :15 4.' 455 Norfolk .14 41 .451 BAM HAI L HIM I IT TO-MGHT. To-XHiirr at Huo tii: nvsF- R.I.I, I'l.AYlHS M H.I, niK KAXM tllK KXPI I TK1) AT TUB . A41AIKMY iir Ml SIC. WIfVJIK HOMIi Ol' TllK HUNT MUSICIAN! IX NOIITII AUOI.IS Ull.l, LIVE A tXlXCUHT IK THE HKNEFIT OP I THK HAI.KK.M TEAM. TllK ITI.L PHOGRAM IH PKI NTKJ (IV TUB SOCIETY PAGE Or THIS PAPFJt. 0 1 Psvnc. Mullin snd Stanage 0 I 0 At Philadelphia, Ta 0 j Score: R H E 0 1 sjihir.gtipn . ;on oo; 001 1 - 11 2 1 j Philadelphia . .030 010 100 0-- 5 3 b I Batteries: Reisllng and Henry; 8 Morgan and Livingston. NATIONAL LE AGl E. Totals ! ROCKY MOlXT. Olllesple. Ib . . . . Forguc. s s Stein. I f Cresiran. c. f B human, t. t .. Osstmeyer. 2b . . Phelan, lb Iorsrv. c Grlffln. p sv ua mi a. tnn aw aanklnaaMa. ar, aaa ir, saaat,i m , at . istl i. Q ataan (ft astwt rm,aKkaMMn4 wiwa taOTa. aumaai aaimtta B Ww sssssj, Sur tsiefsM. l ll nnH Al lack) 5.M. ir.C Jn.y l-- f R yortn Carolina 1 ijocal sooarrra 'THiay; Batoruar pw"iy oi "---77-- TW.,,.;. l - tfi, KV ' .-S-i'i.S'.'. . ?al.v -A.-sr.-. ' r 0 I 27 17 AB. R. II. PO. A 4 13 2 1 1 6 0 Totals 33 T 11 17 11 Score by Innings: R. ri. Wilton . 000 009 0064) S Rocky Mt 002 111 00" L7 11 Summary: Sacrlflca hltg. Grlttin 1 E. ' 0 0 0 A 1 0 0 0 1 E 1 1 1. Innlnga pitched. Foreman i. Lane S. Hlta. off loans I. Forman T. Raaet 00 balls, Grlffln 2. Lane I. Struck out. Qrilfln 4, Lane and Foreman none. Earned runs. Rocky Mount . Two base hits, Olllesple. Stolen baaea, OU tpani. i Fors-ue 1. Utrr I. Doubt plays, 8hare to Weatlaha ta leOea- han, Qaatmeyer to rw. nwwan " Weatlake. Left on beast Wilson I. Rocky Mount 4. Time Umpire gharry. Attendance 480. lYankllnton Takes Two fMraiirhU s-rankllnton. N. C, Julf 1. In a heavy sltwglni' match at Iooulsburi; today, Frankllnton won tr a score of I to T. Features of tha tame wara fielding of Wlnaton and Doe. Frank llnton. 3D hltg and 1 error; Lou Is burg. 11 hlta na f errora. At Boston. Mass Score New York 302 000 000 Biwton 001 011 001 BHtterles. Qulnn and Hall. Collins and Carrlgan. At Cleveland, Ohio Score : Cleveland 000 000 20- 8t Iuls 001 000 000- Batterles: Fan well and Powell and Stephens Cluba Won Chicago li Pittsburg 48 New York 4 Cincinnati 4 4 Philadelphia 41 Bt. Louis 3 Brooklyn 35 Lost. SO 11 (1 lib 4H 44 4 R H E 6 10 1 4 14 1 Mitchell; R H E. 2 6 1 1 4 0 Bemis. Boston 3T AMERICAN LEAt.l K : Clubs Won. Iist Philadelphia t 30 Boston 63 3d New York 62 3 ' Detroit 4 41 I Cleveland 38 4 '. ; Washington 3D 61 ! Chicago 35 (2 , St. Louis U 68 A Pretty Game. (SpeBial to Newt and Observer ) Wmston-SaUm, July I. Winston Salem defeated Greensboro this sfter noon In a pfetty and hard fought contest. One of the features was mo batting of Fogarty. who got three singles In that number of times at hat. rVorer R H E. Rreensbr.en . . i . . . . . . fi J Winston-Salem 2 6 0 Batteries: Eldrldge and Beuase; Hale and Cote. Rowland Wins. (Special to News and Observer.1 Rowland. N. C, July 21. Rowland won from Maxton today on tha latter t diamond, to the tuna of 14 to 2. The features of tha game wag the batting of Rowland. Batterlee: Maxton. Martin and Hasty. Rowland. Stona ntl Pope. P c B47 r.7 8 671 .r.o 4h: 441 .4117 . :l 7 1 p c Ml .m .4f, .427 .402 .301 SOCTHJCnX LEAGI E. Cluba. Won. New Orleans t AUsnta 60 Birmingham 41 Chattanooga 41 KashvtUt 4 Montgomery ' 4J Memphit 41 Moblla Lost r C 17 0i 41 64.1 46 521 t .45 6 .479 1 60 .414 11 4Sj 11 .427 Aurora I WontM Xcnv IW-rn Aurorn. July ;.--The strong Au rora team kapt up their winning tsrciUt by taking two gnmcs from Now Item on the 26th ami and 26ih. First KOtriH by Inning: R H K Aurorl 0 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 3 4 3 1 N. w Horn ..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 0 2 llatlerles: lloladla and Thompson, Patterson nml Uulley. Seionil game: , R H F. Aurora . .0 3 1) 0 0 0 J 0 0- a 3 New Hern . 1 I) 0 0 0 0 ll 03 2 3 Batteries J Hooker and Thomp son, lily anJ Armstrong ! The Aurora team Justly claim t be the champion amateur team ol Eastern Carolina, winning the last nine straight games and losing only two thiM seRHon. taking three from Swan Quarter, two from Belhaven, .two from Washington, and 2 from New Hern, losing one eaw h to Wash- Irufton mid Hwan Quarter. This teaJB i Is i iimpiiaed of nothing ex.-ept A rora hoys, and pity for the sport and not for money, yei iney, wouia na glad to arrange a aerloa of game with Htiy team In Eastern Carolina, Old Betsy not excepted. BOtTH ATLANTIC LEAGCF. Cluba. Col um but .. Macon JackaohelU Savannah .. Augusta Columbia ... Won. ,. 65 ,. 51 .. 47 .. 40 .41 ..II Lost P. C. .1M .698 .600 .481 .488 .SIS Mt. Ho and Kcnly DtTHle. (Special to News and Observer 1 Mount Olive, N. C July 28 Mount Olive and Kenly divided the honora today In a double header played here. Mount Olive winning tha first game In the tenth Inning by the score of T to 0, and Kenly winning the second game, 5 to 1. Both games were full of thrill for the fans, the score being tied sev eral times, and each game being won In the last Inning. Ireland for Mounl Olive, featured with a home run la the second game. .wtn. .v-.., yt. tifat.'1'""-. T 1 . - -- - ----rwf'ewe" .. - ' ... ' cm mm SPECIAL 17EEK-EWD EXCURSION FARES vmimh BEACH. "FROM. titf&xl" UaielgL ii 5 M Wilson 2 25 2 53 FarmTUIe . 2 25 2 50 Greenville 2 25 2 53 Washington 2 25 2 53 Ferae la aama proportion from all ether stat I ona w Tickets Sold for' Saturday Night 'Trains Good Returning Leave v Norfolk Sunday Night v-eai EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 3rd rZZZZ" : For Complete Iaformttion CaU on Nearest Ticket Aeent or Address : 'S''::::::: t-t ' !V:::::tlw t S: w. w. croxton, a g. p. a . Norfolk, v. j il c. iiudgins, g. p. a