; ui ivy -: l ime News :ri'd Gibs Th. Oaly BeHy U Perth tmllH Tbel lias Ore , j , 15,000 SECTION ONE PAGES 1-8 I'lMCKlBltllB. VOLUME XC, yO. 63 RALEIGH, X, C, SUXDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1910 PRICE 5 CENTS Leads ml NorthGarpliea Dallies ta News aed CircMlatioini uioDnici'iyni tup W 1 II Bl eftOICALS FALL OUT Then and Then Only Do' We get the Real Truth It gubeitUied News, the 0ocU .. .1 Winston Poetmastrr Who wa bnt Himself "Jaiaicr," Are Torn. oa the UM and the People) Are ltiag the True iBwardiiees of the Radical IMS That Prove- the Tmth 0f Trr .Assertions. When Rautcal politician, who havs o conception of politics except to let . federal lob or to dispense reaerai patrons. PP' tbn "S "TM -tW""ttrter'-,')T'tTie leaders of the warring gangi who lr each laboring, o . . they tar, to bulM up ,"repcUbl Rpub- p.nublkan party lo North Carolina. There win be no -respectable Repub ... .nv in North Carolina," If It hu to come either through the Pun-I H Jtoo p Kvpry day add but tresh proof to the fact that the Repub .. n.,miriaii of 111 are of the .,m. .int. as whin the white Radl ea, thrw all the blame upon their affectionate negro cohorts for the tn drccacy of the North Carolina Radical The Kaleig. Caucasian (Butler's tneri and the Wlnston-ruuem e publican run mainly by Postmaster rharlle Reynolds, whose "Justice ar ticles are regarded by pie eaters lo jgorehead's bailiwick, are waging big war upon the Duncanltes and Adams n while the Greensboro Industrial or Subsidised News and the Asbevtll Cieit News are on the side of Dun r.n And those paper are telling r.ri of the truth on the other crowd, m h proving conclusively that th op ,.. I. miitv of "falsehood.' T.:r.T- .rZ ttor.- and t l.ke Yesterday's Subsidised New ha a fading editorial, double leaded, tnai toil, the troth about the Caucasian . and Postmaster Reynold Just as those papers told much of the ; truth about th v.wa and ths Dunonnllee. Her Is th News' double leaded editorial -Justice" and the Caacnat a. "!o words that ring nd Unguage w Immortal. Thrke armed 1 he kn hith hi nuarrel lust.' The Daily New ha an honet and unewemng purpose In It ealsWnce to aid In the building VP of a strong Krmihilrsn oartv In North Cronn. Thu aurrtion I euDerfluoU, th fx nf the oaoer dally testify to that 1.T We have never belled In the doctrine that wb a reauU oould.-b hi-vfd bv Dersonal' and factional nnf. h as has too long and too rrt!v hindered a more rapid growth of the party In thle State, for re faring to uae part In factional fight hav, been twitted With being aon pn rMi. sometime dull and oolor- W let that MS. "With the fpellnn that hav been ken n to exist between certain leader vf th tsri. w have fully reallaea th .itn-rne delicacy of the etand w he trtrd to maintain. Bat w have tttl, and In silence w hav4 wtisewd repeatedly, eteelthy and feriietmt attempt to Injur th paper sm to hrad off Its growing popularity, he believed, and believe now, that the Republican party's right to iMtrn- I on a higher plan thaa the bntatlng of snr man or faction to rraiitatlon of personal or factional swiMtlemv "But that, I merely recalling what aow a matter of fact and of his tory. r aria are) facta, and fact are stubborn thing. A falsehood may 'hang th view, but It cannot ohang the enior ef a fart It vrould have the natural thing for thl paper have rieenud th tatthy effort 'nat itav bee mad to convince the pnMtr that It wa solely fnd primarily a or tun, and Pot loeer la It jnlwioni of teal n4 loyalty to th Keoebltcaa nartv. Rut thn have We constantly Ignored, while w eon- """l t" preach th doctrine of pr'-gees- hav hot iald; 'Name thl ff that nu for the partv leader and ,h perty will grow,' and therein He wr em. Wi hav anted the people Tmn Mtternee and thus be in "T Bettlon tn beartllr antl unanlm eeely aecept and endorse the werk of th ennventlnns. and when a eandtdate named M him be the candidate of ne prty. Instead of Mr. eV nand Bo' J1-' We challenge I proof to con- this statement ' Aad matntala that our position eorreet, (hat It I th only af and "T "e that eeuld be followed, con Went with aa boneet purpoee to ren "t etTectlv aad hurting aervlra to '"e party. Anil It h.ll ha 1-nnttmied J" "r bolW where men who have T their rvtce anil Inrmlt anil rhir. a Hght to be hotwrebly '"wrM, are evneerned. Vnfortnn- tnt the partv, there are a few men (and-the number la very small are eenetralned to believe), who entltlad to that coneWerstlon eetwett tnn nf honor, we sa Z People: Weight their claims, jwr and calmly, rierlde who shell " Tour leedere, and your verdu-t J" oe ear choice: but don't try to 'ore Vpotl na in. man h. 1. -n-l. r7' branded a a traitor. Tner we - fntmaat t)nM e tru. JJ11" enrter the nont de pHme of "'''' In the VnWm Pep-ihllren. --niie to make a rnr a ? en ifrmint ef our eititud mm mattrr her.in Mrtnn futt.r "mmn Th, fniiowlng jwrecraph anewrr rn Mr. M . t c-b. putier psner h ie Reeh, tekee a tri iM ir enltiTnn ,BM , n iihar'T 1t r9 with rnni'llrgtng and fala . ann a le-triT on n;t " - WMie t tha ti-n '" columns carried gtuT ft-. In frnm this paper without credit! The i9 castan' grlevanc I based solo S nlse alarlon Butler a th entli i - publican party. Having real W p do, work that mean growth ; , party, and the consconsnest S if end of having fought a goOJT t, we refuse to I engage In a match of throwing stinkpots with the Caucas ian." What the rauraalan Said. The article In the Caucasian (But ler's mulatto organ) which brought forth the above from the subsidised ewe, was a leader and is as follows: THE GREKN8BOHO DAILY NEWS SHOWS THE CLOVEN FOOT. 'The Greensboro Dally News In re fusing, on last Sunday morning, to publish a reply to jfielal.nd, cow ardly attack wnicn appeared in mat paper on' Friday morning, signed by one White, throws off the mask of fairness and decency and snows tn cloven foot' of It selfish and treach erous ring bossea The Greensboro Dally Industrial New era established several year ago to fill a longfelt want and to per form a high mission for tha Repub lican party and for the State. . Th ring wblcn nad dominated and cursed the party, was not enthusiastic about the establishment of such a paper, and had no sympathy for the mission for which It ws created. They ac quiesced In the establishment of that paper, when they could no longer re fuse to prevent It. for fear at that time of the exposure of their selfish gain. - - This being thflr attitude, of course they never supported the paper aa It shoul.d have been supported,, am). In fact, the paper was soon captured by them' ja - debagchi-d -from " - 1ltgh class newspaper to ' an organ" to W their unpatriotic ends, and from that hour It waa doomed to deserved fail ure and deathevtn. thuufih it mas for many "months kept allv for appear ance sake by a levy of heavy cnntrlbu- 'We are satisfied that the pte-coun- ter ring were delighted at Its deiith. but the indignation which arose among the rank and file of the party at the debauchery, and consequent dis solution of the paper, so frightened the bosae that they were forced to buy up the plant and start up again the paper under the name of the Greensboro lally News with a pro fi4sed patriotic purpose. 'To this' eod. they employed a Mr. Smith, a gentleman from Raleigh, whose name and character would give apparent sincerity to their declara tions. We are Informed that Mr. Smith, himself, having, no doubt a mental reservation aa to their real purpose, etated positively that he would not accept the editorship and management of the paper unless h wa to hav a free hand and be able to conduct It In tha interest of party growth and th uplift of th Stat. Mr. Smith declared In that paper, when he took charge .that this wool he hi policy: and w are Informed that he declared to many friend that th mlnut he was required to wear a collar" and to become "an organ" that hi friends In th Stat would know 11 tor ha would resign. W wish to go on record aow a saving that we believe Mr. Kmllh wa entirely slncer In this view when h aucepted service on a paper that wa notoriously owned by the ring. In deed, he showed hi sincerity for sometime by conducting the paper o a high plane for falrnea and decency It la true that th paper never na. been a great newspaper, - and- Indeed most of jih UiM it was dlsappolntly dull and colorless, but the spirit of falsnes and tolerance wa always evi dent Thl continued for some time. but at last there appeared an evident rhang when th paper either was or dered not to, or at least failed to1 how thl spirit by It actions and firobably more by what it did not pub. lah thaa by what It did publish. W will her mention on concrete rase In point Whsn th Raleigh New and Observe waa making tlctowt attack upon Republicans who were connected with th honest sec ond mortgage North Carolina railroad bonds, th Dally News never once raised It vole In answer to that which waa published, not to hurt In dividuals so much as to hurt th Re publican party. "The etlence having continued so long. Mr. Marlon Butler finally pre- f tared an answer to the false and ma Iclous attacks made, chiefly, by th Raleigh Nee and O hen-rev. ead sent a copy of th same to th Daily News for publication. The New refused to publl.h that etstement ef facta, al though the editor of that paper knew that It stated th truth, end beside he knew that th men-who algned th reply waa responsible for what he said. J t ' '. It seemed to be clear, at that time, thit the editor had already been given orders. Thl becam snAr evident when, on last Frtdey morning th New published an attack signed by one White, directed as a personal at tack upon Mr. Butler, but clearly In tended as aa attack span More head, th candidate of tha progreeeiv and patriotic rank and file Republicans of th State, who want to throw off ring ml and head the party toward vic tory. That attack, among other ba end fsle charges, also Included th remcralH)' He with reference to th North Carolina Second Mortgage bnde. " W hen the New. a) las fatrd f morning, refused to publish Mr. Hub. ler'.tIegrphlo reply to that attack- and also refused to publish Mr. More head reply to th part of It that re-fiw-ted epnn him. It did an get of mhiih ae hleh-rlaa new pe per will ever be guilty, and, to eur tnlnd. to which no honeet man would wwer b a party. There I nM, In oar opinion, a single Iemcrstte paper In North t'arnlina. aav and Tcept the Haleigh and Ohwrve, that wenld permit such aa attar k to appear In l col umns, snd then refuse Wi permit the per"na s Harked to have spere for a reaper reply. The good rTle of NnT Orollna. retrvdl" of their pn. HtkaJ and rllloo view, )war h ben and always wlH stand for fair pier. N man or Beempaper can ana ed In North Carolina, end die not i)M.rt to succeed an ye here, that will strmp t such low and cowardly meth od . If there had be no to last Setnr flay mnrntng. any dmiM that th hn et rank and fie condemning nd detv. 1 ---m tHe eelfiiJt ring bneee from the fitt. nf the perty which thT have b-f.n)f 1 ami betrayed for no Vmg. thrre M snd cn be no donM about h.t t-TT verit wt'l be at the Re- j p-it H . Pt CotiTtEtlon. Earl Grey, Governor Going "In thl connection we submit that ths Republican party must have dally peper In North Carolina, that wtll, first, and last and all th time, be a real high-class progreiv news paper, snd one that will forever be true to the Interests of our great State, and also to the parly that stands for the progressive policies that have made our whole country so rich and prosperous. "The day of the rule of ring bosses In all political parties In North Caro lina hag come. FVr this reason, the next Republican State convention will turn Its bak upon the present false and miserable leadership: It wtll head ' th party toward viatory nd place, Its banner In the hands or jonn Mot- lev Morehead. which will mean that ' our great Stats will line up tn the oolumns of th great party Li "P. aV Since writing the abov. w hav read th deliverance r Editor Smith or th now gpoed and dis credited organ of th ring. Edltos Smith In attempting- to explain the action of the Republican of Guilford county on last Saturday, complain that th delegate to th convention noVgurdVdTy;!"! w mtM m ., ,-. 1 wklrh .11 y J r-4 " , - -- no n eel men tavor. I .J'U' "i,".!- riHv A-Ulmil!! thought any living North CroUnja" TtHeTTnr BoTa sauaM I deal.' It was his gross violation of " - - - kj - - ( tnls great rum oi acvivm in ruusing to publish the articles of Congressman Morehead and Mr. Butler In reply to the attack that appeared th day be fore In hi psper that no doubt out raged ths sense of fair D see and de cency of the delegates and caused them to repudiate Editor Smith and his employer. "That paper also rake th cry of gag rule' and says that there was an understanding and a binding agree ment that Morehead should not have an Instructed delegation (rem Guilford county, "hen tha delegates learned that they had fhu been pledged and bartered without their knowledge and consent they arose la their manhood and by their action threw off the 'gag rule' of those who mad such a deal Th editor of that paper laments that the action of th delegates In In structing for Morehead for State Chairman ha, broken up party har mony. This shows th ay proclcr that has been behind every machln cry for harmony, which hypoertcy . w have been exposing to th people of th Plate, from tha mountain to th sea. for the last few months. It shows that th harmony that the ring bosses wanted wa to Itav them In power to aistncut tn patronage and let them continue to rid astride tha neck of th party for their selfish purpeene, aa -they have don tn lh pat - .:. ' "Further on. tner is a hint rat Pier Illy disguised, that tha victors at that convention , may ee- a tea pointed in U result th polks. W have known all along, and w hav not hesitated to say, that the very snea who sr crying harmony' would wot be able to damag th party, even though they threatened to de It after th people nad thrnem off ring rule and headed the party toward victory. And we now rep, that statement hr anew there are a hundred rerrwtts that will ceene to the party for every sets ef thee ring boeee and b orb- men who desire to knlf th pety beneu they cannot rul It for their eelfieh purpose. "So let them do their work and th result ran only be profit te th great perry they hav bled and betrayed. Asd thar yea air," as Mr. Doeley sai-s. The - riflr-Morehead g he shewn tbt the Dunean-Sthetdlaed Xews r-J nterly unfit The Dun can n l 4uh1dled New gang shew that thr" tutler-Moreheed rang I at-j terlv t They lt'-pahlb-en rrwr le tn trnwhlex If he) fnlioM Butler and Morchewd. he I euro nf "hell and ssmnaive;" tf he follows I e rerun and Ademe, he) k saw of "death seirl dreansrUna." Decett people will vote ftr Deraee racy and Itec-nry-en and Inaapar able In A'Tth Carolina. Fnetr- ,er Rernnins article in the t'nlon ipubllea signed "Juetlee 1 toe Ions! to print he Remolds saes that Tte New and. lmef le fight ing Morehead en Toiler. True It ia alrt rebUr Dnnraq ani e rtj"-; indited News neyrmlds rtoe ct print that With Tbei Ne rvt tHenefJ all Rep-uhllrans and noe "in" alike" Her la a portioa of Siamp-Uoker Bey -j n ,v - - 1 "" ,"' if ..:.k '4.'.. ' -M . -1 r tr4 V ' M I ' , lei:,.. -M- i . n . General of Canada, With the Mounted Police to Hudson Bay i m I -: " W h af :i it y V r' noble' article that riled" th 8ubl- Qiaed News ,,,. , ,. . .- nd th ple-coonter' brtfadi in n i boro New Duncan and th 'pi hu are flghtln Mr Morehead hs aa o4iurtJ on. '. h Rrrwi)lv4a cimveo tion hl4 Uiere tat unlay.. "In an editorial Brw. Smith oom plalns of gag; rule, asid yel In hi paper of July lid he published a long let ter, purportng to be written by Mr. Robert C. Whlto (but not so), reflect Ina seriouslv noon Mr. Murehaad. vet Tfnr m. mail that brought m. u" uirwnwrii .-vein cunuuning editorial brought me a letter from Mr Morehead. In which wa thl sentence: u.,r.i,..a in .i,i,k .l. I 1 hv ddreeed the dltor Cf th lNWi a ,,Uer r(pl, to White V r'v.'.1! ..J!2.e?rT nin, um. sve enuripaiaa, cvniin aio not ,,,,i,ii-h 11 , .hn,.ti Me ur.kU.t have anticipated that the New would refuse to publish thl letter? It waa a plain, courteous statement ef Mr. Morehead s position a letter no man should have been aehamod to have written, and no paper, except for per sonal res soti. should hav refused to publish. Again 1 ask. why should Mr. Morehead have anticipated that the News, claiming to be a Republican paper, would refuse to publish hi re ply to th supposed Whit letter T We Republicans want to know this, and w must know It. for there I an Inti mation In this sentence that Mr. More- head'ttad reasons, troas past exper ience, to suspect that th Nsws did not want th Republican party to suc ceed . Hro. Smith, let m ear to you It I th worst form of gag rule to open your oolumns lo a eerrsspoadeat te attack a man and theej refuse to publish a reply as plain and ceurteotu aa th letter Mr Morehead addrwsaed you. Thl I liut only th worst form of gag rule, but It 1 cowardly to open your columns to a correapeadeat to misrepresent a man and then detty that man an opportunity te answer through ths same medlwas. "It has been charged that the Greensboro News was aa newspaper In ins true sense. But a personal or gan, published to further the personal ends ot certain parties. Thl charge ha beea made to me wbea I sought subscribers tor tt, sod let see toil pent. Bro. Smith, the greater part ef poor subacrlbers her were secured through gas, and often ever the protest of th parties subscribing, who gave aa their reason for not wanting the paper that ths New was a personal organ. This I asv always denied. Pat this per- formanc look Ilk th charge kt trw: and if It la, then Vet me tell yovx, Brw. Smith, th gsys of yowr Paper ar numbered, and should be. , II tell th Subsidised Kew that any never persuing "swrk a pel Icy" ee th News pursue "dnea wot deserve th patronage erf a progressiva peeple. who love Uir-piar, Hkw tber people f North Carolina" Owrtudtn the Htajnp-IW-ker. who wtaaage to bold e to hi job as postmaster at Wtnstna Salem seder ail RepabUcasi Cheng, sara? "Mr. Morehead saM t see he won Id glv ar thousand delbsrw te sew tbts be th first Southern Stat to rest it vet for a Repabllcaa p reel dec, L The people know ef Oite patnoti aplrtt nd they ar poind to place 'the partv rein In his ha aad help bins la I'it high reeolvsi Aad let ave say to Br. Pmlth. wera he actuated by th r'rM motive, he would Jeta la the move ment aad glv It evary help la hie power." Morehead eeetml th Federal pat ronage In lb Wlno-Selr. district and, be has th death, toe. (i A I ITTT- T tVi W fVlVTrvT re, ASSML MR. MGfUJIKABv: TO Ajshewtriei Fvewtnc re per t'osignewuea Fmw th Fllti. rnderthehede"A P-'J- d Infete," yeeterday'S Aebevllla Oa-s-tte-Newa, which ha art .i"ortai al tti. wrj - ' - -' man Morehead aa It swbr"t eaH: "After a man se for a few men'h f the seen sfmoer-ber In iel Mie no a Bu'.lr mirrse and ha lis betng. wil John e. ir- d by i the Motlsy Morehved'a comi-htcent estrvm waa appreciably dimim a pnrusal of the Interview ki Stite praas yesterday l Ju.ltc !.inis nrelvs.ble that he, ict unllv. la able to face such dlscloKu', wttu composure, but It shubl d,ittm bltn In the-ree of a normal human bring 'The llutler-Morehead movement reets wholly upon the aiwertloii ion hlch Uie changes are helr.g iun, that the Republican orgaiiluttloti did not seek to gain votse during the last general election. In reply Judge Adams direct attention to the gain of mors than thirty thousand votes "J"? ", of lh "ou''. u ,nf i'Lh" f""er """" ,"' ..",..r. , aw liur inrra it im iiiuvii iwmo w the point that Judge Adam shows, with documentary evidence that Is crushing, that Butk-r has raised an Issue that la false, and that More head claim for party recognition reet upon claims that are doubly false (Judge Adams gives In full letters from Meheed and Cowls. and (irant sj Iv after t he .. w . . . - - - campaign, thanking the State commit j tee for Its loyal and effective .!- i. r,.r it. Uvval and efTe-tlvn a.isls tartce, while Morehead goes on to r, if u whai MoreWI e ..mpaJgn m...- I f"' .."t.. V!? I?1??! 1 tn rjuiar w lander, which Morehead himself Is now engaged In prutnoi Ing " At this point In It editorial the '.a sette News prints a letter from Mr Morehead to Rta-Le Chairman A. isms of date of December It. 10I. In w hi. h Mr Morehead says that the Htste com mittee yielded him earnest and rf t ive support In his rac for t'onrr" The Gasette-New then goes on The foregoing was of course writ ten Just a short while before the gal fly of embttion fastened Itself anew in Butler's flesh and communicated the virus to Morehead. At this moment Morehead Is endeavoring to turn to nerannwi nroflt Butler charges which he knew Immediately after the eier. tlon. and know now. to be -gratul teuely falsa." For this reason we d not hesitate to say that of th two, Mnretwetd eaetly tsrrerats thr oairn cueleotptihse ngwre. Butler has at least been consistent In his falsifica tion, and In bis charges of treachery against his party leaders. In short. In this matter of the chairmanship the principal, ttwtlew, wosdd be set nwre srrerrtaMe thu th rrv-eiem. More heed, etisss let tew dlwtoere him ae the IngrwM wa have) always brtlrtni Mm to be. CVngreewnut'-Cowlee) wrote a letter of similar tenor to Chairman Adams following ths campaign, he having a sens of gratitude, and even Grant's campaign manager, whose foi. lowers ar morwor lees openly foster ing th charge which Mrehed in th first flush of victory admitted were without foundation.' was moved to do likewise. W. B. Logan wrote to Judge Adam: 1 wthch to thank vnu for year hearty support and sestets nr of Mr. Grant" Aad again: The mag nificent showing 1 the late election was largely do to roar management " New Logan, with most of th Grant force are showing thir appreciation ef th aid give them by seeking to lalan tttm saee who.Mhev once admit ted la h privet letter wbea they told tha train, gave thaea this fitwett even ed aesletasw-e. fw pereenber Moretiewd wrnes Jattgw da that Use BmiW ilwagea. vebht Isspwsrel dletoysHy his tssrty Ireater. wrre tolee. In JeJy k. la ssassai satrmw sevetr hi (Im Deew- MSktfas ssi was So atrlar the frwih of nOaev, and he la new rewd t egwewwsnie the sail to the Better kwife. It hi a mettaiworphosl . that ran scarcely be) explained spon any ether throff thaa. that the ar dog days. si s i e JTTWiE ADM ILL. Mrkweasi Cawse Adhmcwawat af Ran- s4r Ciera Twwwetiiw rnraarl awd CnsneuUoss. - IPrerlal to N-w sad Observer. Asheeem, Jly It. Th Seperlor Onart which has been hi seastna here for nearly twe week wa suddenly terminated Testeedsr aftemomi ) c- ceat of the lllnesa ef Jadg Adam who wa preend - Quite a amber af rases hsv been diss,1 fed ef. but owe drk is lt left tn a somewhat enawwted eerndl'loa. There Is tsik ef asking for special term ef court in wceer ,t ratcii so witn tne binrlneaa. Kvery see w be pea attewo- ed re net fee favweehlr tenures ed th ability and fstrrps ef he is likely to become abnoiniit loused, but we have an 1J,u th i liersea wchtrK la bowe-t inservst. hs derwwevd weew Judge Adams aa presiding officer, and we are delighted that he I to be with us again at th December term of court. 7 The township primary for the selec tion of county candidates to be named by the I Autocratic party will be held tomorrow. The county convention wtll be held In Asheboro on August 6th. There are several candidate for clerk, sheriff and treasurer, and the contest is expected to be an interest ing one for thou various offices. Mlax Florence. Hall, of Philadelphia. Pa., Is spending a few days here with her grandfather. Mr. Benjamin Mf- fAXMNti K.U'ftHlY rvTARTKD. Young I oik of Nashville Made. Out of Klght Muff Otht-r Ileum From lite Capital of Na.eh. (Special lo News and Observer ) Nasl)ille, July 30. The Nashville Canning Factory began operation this morning only tomato cans are belnn canned at this time Later, potato, i cabbage corn, etc , will be canned I ! Maior John McKadden, of Illinois.! j en expert caiuung man. Is In charge i The work l being done by the young i people of the town. This morning when the whl.itle blew, the sons and daughters of county officials, bankers, merchant anil professional men, weri at the fa to ry 1 ready for work. The boys and ((Iris are out of school now, , AU4. Uii ,,ko- honorable. Iirid so the nceailon of securing labor is not w'irryipg the canning factory peo pie. Th o and girls of Nashville are mud" ut of Just the right sort f etolT They axe 1 making from 5D m. I mabln. fm, C. it rent.i lo SI SO per day, and money will; iw marte nv thr owTiers bf the factory Numbrrs luid numbers of acre,, of tomat-.ee have been planted, and thia noirtnnj. thM tttmato irrowera heif m ... , , ......... 7 . jhrnrmig their loniatoes lo the factory ilie I.I' ioi, Villi inHO nn v,n..r to thr growers of produce, to the t...vs and girls who get mployment during the viu ition period, and to the factory ownr The factory here H equipped with e-erv modern convenience - The boys of Naahrllle have shoun once before this year that the) are I the iighl Mirt. During the paM year the people of the toenahlp voird l.irula for road Improvement. The roads are bi-ing Improved by convict labor, toit It w.'i necessary for someone to drive the dump carts of sand and clav e.vrwi i l,u roads Are being built), and - ,i luimbir of the small boys of the town none of leading huslneea turn of the town eecurod positions ai 66 i'iiis a da) They have stayed manfully by their work, much to the grat in. at ion 1 of their parents and others who ad-I mire boys who will work lloitds are' tiring improved, tn money goei li- i ex Congressman from tins district, ajid to (he sons of the men who pay the parmaoeiit chairman of the Wnghis greater part of the tax. and the hovs Vlle ronv etttlon . Mr J it i rr, a are taught to know thai work is lion- orable The lesson In regard lo tha dignity of labor Is wvtrth while The Werd Drug Store nf thl place, has Just I net ailed a handsome loulese fountain In its store It Is modern and up-to-date The store Is an up-to-date one In every particular The Hwift Creek Haptist t'nlon Is In progreee at tha lied Oak Huptiat church, about s miles from Nashville A numhsr nf neonle from N'.mhvilla attend Hunitav anrt .nleiotlrt t .,..,. h.. h,., rr,n..,i j -v,, telephone line from Ntiahvllle to castalla, has been completed Th line passes through one of the most prosperous Sections nf Nash county. man, farmers have put In trie ph,m. There local 'hungti at Caataila. I There will be an Important meeting of the County Democrat!. Kie.nive Committee the corning Monday at Nashville. L. T. Vaugtiaji. K-t . of I Nashville I chairman of ihe i .mmit- I tee. T. H. Heater, the well known photo ' grapher of Spring Hope, he op, , d s studio her. He Is a first cnjm ar tlt. Hsnry B. Renfmw. a well known I printer qf Rocky mount, has taken ; charge of the mechanical department j of the Naahvllle Publishing Company This company la nrosoerous. having i all the lob Work It rsn do ; s TIDAL BKWUUt HENRY. t'orful ntlsea of W'lcehoro Teaee Away Pwweral WIU He Held To day. ( Special to New and Observer ) Wades brtro. July JO After several months Illness from blight s disease. Mr. Tidal Beecher Henry died at his home on east Wad street yesterday morning, lie was born February 2. lMt, and w 4 years old His birthplace la la Ltlesvllle township. I thl county. H was an -f,onfdrate soldier, being captured during th latter part of tha war, being Imprisoned at Point Lookout for year he wa engaged In busi ness In this elty. in July. lift, Mr. Henry was mar ried tn Mfcx Llla Lucas, of Chester, ft. C. T them were born two sons. Boyc and Osmer Henry, af Wsdee boro. A a hushsnd snd a father, the deceased was ever faithful te every ph. ligation aad few men showed such strong devotion t horn tie. Mr. Henry Joined In lift th Lile vlll Baptist charrh sad later moved hi membership to th First Baptist rhsrrh ef Wadeebor. Whsn he died h was a member ef the board ef dea. eons aad also af the advisory hoard of th church. Bs was a man of strons conviction nd theee h feer lea-sly g. preened and as feerlessly defended on Sll ee (-anions. Ill Influence was for good and he never hesitated whs a morel question was at Issue or waver ed When h knew his cans wa )ist. He wa always sf a Joval dlepoeltleii and wa a worthy and aseful maa and did his part a a soldier, snd cftlsen. The funeral service will be conduct ed from th Baptist shores at t o'clock Sunday morning, be hi paster. Rev. T. W. Chimbltsa. The Interment will be la Eastview cemetery. - Court Cowvewes Monday. (pedal to New and Observer ) Monroe, July II. A term ef crimi nal mart convenes hers Monday. Jodgw W. R. Alio) win preatd There ar about seventy-flve case docket early half ef them being for failure te net tsxee. Tner will b en mur der rase fnr trial The defendant George Maybew and Chart Parks ar he'd In Jail for th murder of Carter Parka Thl case Is exerting mech Interest Meeer. Redwlrt A Slkee will ss1et Poltrltor Stock in th proserntloa. The defendants are rep repreeented by Mers. Adams A Armfield and t. J. Par Her: TIE MIXUP IN TIE ! SIXTH DISTRICT Official Statement by Of ficers of Convention CLIFFORD CLAIMS MM It I.i Believed That the Ktato 1Vin cratlc l.'xocutlvv Committee Which MiiH in ItalrlKh Moiida) t 111 Take the Matter lp Clark Willing to Abldo by lci1iioil of That IWkIv, (imIwIii liinllllng. S,iM-al to News and ( kerver i VA r.mn.gton. N i". Juhj JQ,v,Jli eod- "f -the "Setsrit ' aisffCi-t" Tm'bt o i u itoi iii i-ht and thre api-eais tlt no probability of any settlement being ra, he.l There ha . e be.-n no n- de lelopnietiui In thu alluatifit' dirtng the I fI fU ,HV. tlllt 1r 1- ,.l,MunlK, t... i.,...,, thll, lh ,k.m'.,.. i,, cmmrtt-e whteh meV, lh 1(lll.lllh Allijust , wlll lHk ,,,,. , lh ,,,ulln a , ,Ul(, , j,,,,,,,, whl, lh r,Kll,lr ,., .. i.. , . - . - -Mr-m.T -pjTTTT nur.MniaJl ,;,!, ,,., 1U , , lnl..iui,m of MKln lr,H , . K a f , ; ,,, whi, (, ,n ,h(, ,.,.M ,,,,, Mr , l llh w (ul fw ,, .undent that he is lh.. regular noml- ..0 ,lf .,, ,,urtv, !, ,1Rr,in, ,) his will nt,., ,,f leading the nettletiient .( k,. ...stloi, to the stats Kaerutlv , ,m rti 1 1 1 er.i! dys ago Mr J C. Clifford, of l unn, cabialgn manager of t'un nreman (iodwin, made a statement 1 urportlng to give what occurred at tiin rlghtsville Beach convention, and alio at certuin of the county .in ventions Believing that an authentic eiiit. merit should be made gt , ing nil f.i. in connecti-d with the W nghuv ilia lonventlon. and certain of tha coumr contentions where irregularltle v.r charged, an official statement a g I vnn out today by the ofrbers of the convention This statement Is signed by Mon. t, II la.ltrson, i.f Maxnn. prominent attorney of Wilmington. and vice-chairman, and Major Terry A Lyon, a prominent attorney of Psv ettrvlllo, but formerly of Bladen coun ty, secretary The statement follows: Statmmit br titlkro of liHiii-tiUnii. The undersigned, knowing Ihe Inac curacies and hiLiilai, iiienta contained In the several articles published by Mr J '. Cllrford. as inanag.'! of Hon. H 1, liodwlll. In cunne. Moll with lh convention nf the Sixth i Vngrexstonal District at Wrighuivilio H. a. h .n the 21st day of Jul), HMD. will n ,t allow such statements to K m. h.il;. ngel; and for the purpose of mrre. u. in forming ths publb'. snd the Dem-. -rai y of ths Hslrlct and State ei ... i ally, ws make the following re ita.s of what did actually occur at n n r, convention, and alio at the vario.e meetings of the counties of the dlstr. t prior thereto, according to the pr, (s furnished ua Replying to Mr, Clifford's statement that It was known to all the district, after the primaries were held on the ISth of June. lli. that Hon H L. tlodwln was the choice of the voters of the district and had a majority of the delegates to the convention, we wish to call ths attention of the pub lic to thn fact that nq such claim waa ever published by Mr Oodwln's man sere, prior lo the convention, and the official returns of the primaries show ed that hs wwa couaiderably short of a majority As to Mr Clifford's statement that In New- Hanover county II delegate were present at the county conven tion, who favored the nomination of Mr Oodvrin and demanded that hi strength be ascertained, we will state, on the Information obtained from the chairman and secretary of the New Hanover County Convention, and oth er unquestioned proofs. Ihst this state ment Is slee.lijtely false and has no foundation In fact. We can produce sworn proofs that the strength of Mr. (Iodwin wss not demanded iln a single preeinct meeting which wss held In th county snd that In the convention, no demand was mads for Mr. Ood wln's strength. It Is trus that one J H Hykee. of Delgado precinct aros in the convention snd said; '! nomi nate Hon. H L. Oodwin " ftrkes wa s member- of the executive com mittee from Delgado precinct, and precinct meeting were advertised lor Delgado. snd it waa Pykee duty to conduct such precinct meeting. Bykes held no prerlnrt meeting to ascertain Mr, Oodwln's strength. If be had any. but came to the convention without any credentials a a deleemt. and pre sented no authority to the roaventtrin to vote. His motios met with no eeo. nd from sny source, snd a delegate offered a resolution thnt the chairman be authorised to appoint delegates te all th convention, ss usual, which ws duly seconded and unanimously adopted, without a dissenting vote or voice ta the convention, oa the part of Pyke er any other person, and n ens railed, ar attempted to eall for division ar expression of prefer ence of th delegate oa said resolu tion, or pg to any of ths candidate for anr office. - Replying t Mr. Cllffwd s etatement aa to what occurred In th eenventtow at Wrtghurvtlle: It is true that Met Oeor R. Bellamy, ss chairman af th Democratic Exemtrv Committee) of th fMxth trtet .did call th eon vsatlon to order, and that Mr. T. A. Lyon. Peeretsry of th committee, art. ed secretary, and that before tha eJ1 ef the eoantle wa completed, Mr. Clifford, from Harnett .protested that Cumberland and New Hanover exmn tln were not entitled to wot In tha convention, for th re-eoa that the del. eg ate were appointed by th chair man ef th eewnty convention; hut n t not true that Mr. Clifford ever sug gested er Intimated hie wti Horns as te refer the matter - to th - credentials cemmftee. Oa th motrsry. namer ti knt'ienttsj d4eate from vgrlaaa (Continued peg few.j

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