11 aleig:h Gets Two of the T 1 T til4.M run. tttss AVB C. T. McDOS'AL D, .So Tin" itoi 4h S TURNER GITS GO Fayettevilla Keeps Her Record And Wins ke aa 4 (km a: so test Vei ST - rirrmmiu; ah.r.h.po. jlhi MkulN cf .. .. 1 I lmjrrt. r.-.r . . 1 114 0 itlUtom. It... ..! 0, FwtfM. U- -r..t - 0 I - LaaegrmS. 3b... . .' 0 9 9 2 ; Hartwj. I t t 0 stayer, rf. 1 CaniweU, ...... I 1 2 ; braa-M. . 3 I 9 t 0; Standing of the Clubs E.ISTF-RX CARjOUX A LKVGIK. FatetierU! ,. ioa ckitae . . . . RsJelgb Rocky M et Wlimingtva MS HUES Two' IUn (Mital IW Sorwd While lb tlrd Blriis Hit limmSrrmm tow Herd Dm re. Brandt, a New ra,ett-vlU Mm 1MU the hnilon is Two Illta, IU k j Moant and WU w HUk ' l"ven IimliHC Mmirt OnlT Allowed Two Hits, mm! , 'M 1U " rlh Two- be4rgr. . It ilk a rin" "f r"h r"'i "'" T4ak . . V . WILMJN4JTO. Coup. So... .. tHlbfc. SS- . . . . Ttdenu, If. .. (rth. lb... luak. rf MUla. lb hurl. f Kit c lianas. Pv Howard .. .. I T !T U AB. K. H- FO A. K. 3 II CAROU uncrt Tm Grtnull .. ( kvMu , . . AnUrra . . Winston . . . . Spartauburg Greensboro Ji J 4 ! u somnRV ijlu.it boro and Kalelgh played off th ruo ber. which easily went to Raleigh by the pronounced score of 1 to I In the verv Unit frame RaJctsh made ISto 1MW'K!etl T1T3WWWJ1 trrver r ovsrvome. 1'lnnmini, ths flnjt man up. unnerved the Olafit pitcher l,v smashing out a three-base drive which ordinarily would have been homo run, but It itol'Ved.when It hit in tha mud jXuraat ...ajia Jja--Oa- tamn, Tolala .; .. .! I J , HumarJ batted for ttanU in 'h ; 0. or tr luainr: K. H. K Fttrila . . 0laei 5 I Mlrotnto . . 1 ooa i tummar DouW pt. Mint l thibba t Milla To-l hiu. O Ual-. wraa. Xfublia. CoobK Kt ruV hit. , )lnili and O'ltaloraa. btitn naa. i Tjrmin Ift on t'a. KyttertlU S, WIlmlnicMn 1 Htruck out b Vrtmtt . bv Hnki I. Hw -n bU. o(T Hrandt 1. off Hnk. 1 Hit by Hoht t!1a. Hartley Wild pllrhad III ami! plr, Hndrsii)n. Attendan Team tt'n It r Ne Orleani i ;! Atiarta ...... S : i : , farming ham : j . i t'hattanix'ira ti 4" ii Nah ill . . i : t 1 Mttntthery 4 4 ;. i 4:4 Mfmihls 4 ; 4,5 Uobil m . : Sfimi An wti)'. TO. Itu-hrr MiMart ln Ufa Game la the Team Maron ... Naxannah Jai'kn ll!e Auiu'l . lumt.la . . ? 1 5 4 45 " 4 4 ' 4- Mi! U- 5" t Hardork "Spring Fever" Weather foil ov. Wpnriness and thirst "Bracers" won t - do there V a come back. Water doebn't satisfy it's not "wet" enough. DrinK InnJ 5- 5 v m. 1 T-i m (Spei lal to Ntw. an-1 Oterver II. h ky Mount. July 30 To htu In uiTrMU.m in the eluenth limine aava Wllaon the only run and a vHHo! T ! ChU.i . radar. TIL Lit rm apart with New- Y"Ht I thi f-X'Uiai..4Wd.-UuU- Uanua.lliilila'l lknewr- "T.fnTliiVi! (Iriitm aain returned to t.'lni-lnnnt 1 only hva oaierd hlta. and not Blvlnj lhe lllllji ,ue i the lack of con- ; I'htlidi ll'hu a baa on ball. lila team tnatea cave , ,lian of tn. lhtr pit.hera. Hw.Kt Uhiis him ejcellent eneouraaemenl by mak-1 hand,ej trie gsm, and alth a I Hn...kl 11 1n nloa blayi and puiun on to iai 1 . . k h,,,.,..,! wm have ltl"n doublea. I Iotten av ay wltji. niiUu:r jtuua- Uua Urmtu. in meam uumm. -w.T Wf,fj, Ooldfboro. haa shown that ha la a hit-1 meln , neldtmr In left field for th ter to ba rerinnm wiin in wua th, jeaiure. of the KAtar. toppliiK eerthluit whuh tame In hli territory. In the third Inning h robbed Wesllake of a hit ami nailed D McUe. han at the third nrner. Ftcwart won his own gume with a two baciter to center ntlJ In th eleventh InninK, s.orlnic Armstrong. AVION M. I 1: 1. 1- -t V r. game hta hlUIng haa be?n a feature, and he haa gotten a three-bagger in two or the conlrati and a double In every game. . '''p'l 1 WlbNOV r Mctjeehnn. Jai'olm, b . . Mentlake. c. . Miller, r. f . . Sheridan, c. f (". Mr(ieeh.n. Arnmtroun. I Sharp.-. . a. . . Stewart, p. . . All. 11. II. It). A. K. Hi., f.. . 1 u 'i 0 0 1 u 1 1 1 ; 1 s S5 . 4 It refreshes mentally and physically relieves fatigue and tranches the-thirst. Wholesome as-the puxrst icer to drink. DELICIOUS REFRESHING THIRST-QUENCHING AMKKHW I I .l :. Tejtm W en 1 -wt r I'hila.h Iph'a . n m7 lioemri . 1 -" ..! New York i!D lHtrolt . 1 4 1 :, t'eve!.nl i 41 WHuliln'tn ' s r. 4 1 ChiraKo ' .". ; I .331 ft. Loula '.5 ii ... j A V water and lots V 5c Send for a our interest- w 'The Truth Alxut Coca-Cola" : b -x .m Everywhere THE. COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ca. Whenever vou see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola The Results Yesterday Totals .36 1 fv 33 19 IUKKY MOI'VT. AB. It. II UIIIMple, 3 b b Korxue, . a & Htcln, I. f ' CraeKan, c. f 3 KEATTXG AX1 HAWKINS. Hawklna la auto ahowlng up aplen fltdry with the willow ai moat every hit he geta la a hard crack and goes for an extra count Keating, at ihort, la the marvel of the ie&jcua and If mm of the bin league ri-uuli get to aeo this young ster, there is no doubt but what Ral eigh will realise a handsome sum for his sale. Hrown. playing second for the Olsnts. is a god one. Yesterday he handled all of his seven chancea with the utmost ease. McCormlck's catching If of the gilt edge sort. During the entire three games .here, not a single Giant haa been able to steal on this reliable catcher. He is a hard worker and In the game to the last Morgan, at short, pulled off two er rors as aid Manager Bigblo at second human, r. f Lear)'. 1 4 Oastmeyer, lb 4 Diissault, c 4 irllfln, p. 2 Thorpe, s. 8 1 Totals GOLPHItOKO, Prown, 2b... i Sharps, rf Handlboe, cf. . . , McDonald, lb. , Morgan, sa. . . Evans, If... ... 1 Gates, Sb , Dalley, c... .. Gunderson. p. .. Totals ... RALEIGH. 4'lemensr If. .. Blghle, 2b... .. Hobba, of.. . Richardson, lb. Hlmmone, Jb, H.eaung, s ,v Hawkins, rf... McCormlck. c Tnrner, p.., . Aa R. II. 0. A. K. . 4 e 6 z .. 1 ... 4ie ) 4 30 1 5 24 12 AB. K. H. I'D. A. E, 4 3 2 2 0 1 1 I 1 12 2 0 9 2 2 0 0 I 0 0 2 t.. 2 0 u 0 1 0 o 0 0 0 . .33 0 2 S3 15 3 Score by inning: rv WttsoTi ntlt) 000 000 01 1 0 - U..iv Mount 000 0i) 000 tlUV - J Hummary. Harrime nua. j.h.... Korgue, Oriffln. Stolen aasee, ninn, Duaaault. i. McUuehan. Hft-'e on j halls, Oriffln 1, Stewart .1. mrucK oui. tlrlttin 1. (Stewart 3. 10 isie nu". Gillespie, Armstrong. Stewart. ioUoi play, Btetn to Deaeauli. irfii on ny, Rocky Mount 5, Wilson 4. Time of game, '2 hours. Umpire Sharry. At tendance, 425. Wrestling MaU-i. (Special to News and Observer I Lenoir. N. C. July 30 The first wrestling match ever held in tnoir was witnessed last night at the oper house between Carre Achmed, the Terrible Turk." of Chicago, ana juck Brown, the light heavy weigni cnam plon of the iiouth.. It was a two-bout catch as catch can. the stronguoiu being barred. The first bout lasted 28 l-i mBUtes anu tne eetviiu minutes. Both men did some very clever stunU, tut the Turk outclassed Brown, sad won both bouts. in crowd was small, many 01 wnora uu never seen a wrestling maicn. KuMom l urnlliia l'.-tH. lto.-k Mout.t 0. n-il. -n 1 I'metteMil,. Vi;:,i,i.it..n I tjoldsl.oro 1. Kaleluh I (arolina lclic. Charlotte 7; S-ai t.iotMi tk ' (;reeri(l'"t ,1 4. Winln Sa:Mn 0 i.rrten llle 4. AntU-ninn . National Icajpje. Flrnt Kume Itoaton 1 ; New York 4 Second nam- l'usion . New York 4 rhlliiilel lnii Hrookln 1. CI1I1 aii.j 4 . Ht luU 1 Ciiulnnaii 4. Htmburx ; S..r.- H M i: tt: 1.. . . A saa o. 1 t . 4. hi ait" ... OO'i "1 4 ! ' 1 iiaiter:. CorrUi.iu. Smutch -1 r.r, na n Ifetnter md r. hr Tlri.e 1 5 I !rtre5, 4 1h, nd liiennat Win I I till fr Mils. XV M MTTI,I 1 ho rmicral Will Ijki- Phi, tin. rnionl c14r 11,-umi Anicrkau Ikgite. Wahlnit'on ." , I'hllndelphia 7. New trl. 4 . H.taton b. Si loiils 1 . 1 Iceland 2. lirti on t . ("lil. ago J. Southern IjrtagBet. Nashville '; Montgomery 2. Miinpliii i. New Orleans ". Atlanta . Molille 3. CluittonooKa 3, ltlrmlngham T. The Giant Otitplat IfciMnn and tlp IhHible lleuV-r. New Y rk. Jul) . 0 li.'Mon i th Kani, t- N Y rk In a doji.le a r- I.t her.- t-.lay The s- ---e w,' 4 t" 1 4 " and at n- !in,- of ti e i-M-r!s .lAnEertiia Sn ,!o.il-le '.s. rf wr-.T h N Y.-rn t . " 1 K f-v e re maile t the two teams ' S, rs. It If E Itr,I(in 0 10O of -1 ; 4 New York :M1 1 - I s 1 Hatfene 1 k. Kxane and ;r hsin lru, Ke si' ' Myer Tim-. 1 15 ' 1 mplres, Juh: m re end Kason s. .nd rt II F . i..st.,n I ooa ft0 - 4 .1 . New Tor It 1 ID! 00" 4 Matterle.. Mnttern and Pni'D: Amesi and S--h!ev Time. 1 35. I m ptre Kaaon an 1 Johnstone. An .1 ! Nil .v.-le. N ' .1 lie . il r Mi- . nxlaj- l-t. 1 1 --. r e r 1 -mi -New , -:t of ti ll . w hi 'I'd at her li"in IIIKllt .t t' 11 -f orlv 11 f' h;nl ,-n mi'I' 1 ' - in'- 11 'Utile f 0 - . ,1 r of ., x -il ! I :i c Hli- ' N- 11. N'T 1 . , r. 1 1 . 'i li i.i 1 1 1 ipii r ,1 v. 1. nr.. f V.vihln :-r.r ..f U.i in t-'ii 1- nt .1.1 i' .m-trm li U S. Department of Aricullure. WEATHER I3UHEAU Y1LUS L M00HE. Chul. American League 1 I j4u-rn 1Cagrc. Klrnt Kaon-, -.lersey Pity t; Roches ter 4 Hei 'Uid gume. Jersey City 6. iint'hi'Mer 1 1 . First Knme. Newark 3; Buffalo. 0 Scrond game. Newark . Buffalo I First t;iime. I'rovirtence 1; Mon treal 4. .Second game. Providence 0. Montreal 4. lialtlmore 3; Toronto 4. Game. Totals .. .. .,tZt t 27 It -2 ocors or innings: ' i in tin uoidaboro . ..IM1IHI 0 1 Italeigh.. .. ,1 I I 0 M 10 M Bummary Three-baea hit, demons. Two-baae bits. Sharps. Clemens. Sim mons and Hawklna . 1 Kin hi. ni.o. Evans to Brdwn. Keating, Vlgble to Hichardson, Keating to Picharriaan. Sacrifice hits, Handiboe, Evns, Dalley, . Blgble, Richardson and doCormlck. Hit by pitched ball, Hawkins. Struck out by Gunderson (; Turner I. Left bases, Golssboro 4; Raleigh 6. Passed bull. Pallor 1. Umpire, Barr. Time, 1:41. Alamance 400. Frettville Downs the? Bailor by An. . Mber Moot 8rore--Ti0 rrcncnk fPpeclal to Kews and Observer.) nmlngtotv N. e, July 30 It was the same old story today, the Sailers u" "nl Ihe ball when a hit was eedeeL The Bailors started off with one run In tha first Inning and that '""J" "eir scoring, while the High ' go one in the fourth seaslon nd one In the eighth. Brandt allowed u iocis oniy two hits. The Bailors the that Bine Grepnjtbnro Has Won Wlnston-Kalem. July SO. Fowltlta. two stolen bases, a sacrifice and an error In the eighth frame gave TJreetisboro the four runs ana game this aternoon, up to time Swindell had struck out men sJid yielded only one hit. Greensboro J Winston-Salem 1 . Batteries: Wallace and Buesse; Swindell and Cole rikevUle Defeated. Br.rlol n News and Observer.) Fremont N. C, July 20. In an In terestlng ,nl weU attended fame, Fremont defeated Plkevlllo at Plke vllls Friday afternoon, tho score being t to I. Both teams played good ball. Fremont however, belnf more consis tent. It was nip and tuck from start to finish. Fremont winning; out In the ninth Inning by , a beautifully exe cuted bunt of W. Aycock and a wild throw to first, scoring two men. Th attendance far tha week has been good, goth at Fremont and at Plke vlile. - . - : The standing of tha cloba at th end of the second .week Is as follows: Clubs. Won. lost , PC. Mount OUva 2 I .100 Plkevllle ..... ......I 2 ,400 ' Fremont -2 . .200 Keoly ..... ...... ..2 , 4 .112 We Are QPEH TODAY B - r- ' 1 - - 'i -,- aJsj -rr, nr.-r..r1-g Both l'honcs 1A7 - ...- ,, , i HENRY T. HICKS COMPANY Virginia League. Richmond 6; Petersburg Norfolk H; Lynchburg 1 First gamo. Uoanoke 2: Second same. Roanoke ; Danville 0 Danville 1 South Atlantic Lnaffuex FIT st (fame. Macon : Savannah 1. So'ond Kame.-r-Macon 1; (Savannah 2. Jacksonville 2; Columbia 3. Columbus 2: Augusta 4. National League St anlon Lose Hard, Luck 14-Innlnf Oomest Brooklyn, N. T., July 30. Brooklyn and Philadelphia baUled for 14 Innings today, the visitors winning by two to one. Not a run was scored until the final Inning. Both Bcanlon and Sw ing pitched treat hall throughout and received brilliant support, three last double plays cutting off rone. Score: R.H.E. Phi la 000 000 t0 000 03 3 1 Brooklyn 000 000 000 000 01 1.10 2 ' Batteries: Ewlng and Dooln; Bran. Ion and Bergen.- Time, 2:40. Um pires, Klgler and Emails. 1 fttuburf Geta Ret Back by Uw Beds, Pittsburg. Fa.. July 20. Cincinnati broke Pittsburg's, winnings streak to day by a 4 to 2 victory. This, with New York's douhls defeat of Boston. dislodged Pittsburg from second place. riving the Giants an advantage of 10 polnta Bee be pitched a plucky game for the visitors. Leever tasted five in nings and all of Cincinnati's, runs were mads oft htm. . Score: . . . R.H.E Pittsburg .090 020 00 2 2 .1 Cincinnati . . . . .101 020 000 4 4 I Batteries. Loever, LeiOeld and Gib son; . Beebe, T. 'Clark and McLean. Time, 2 hours. Umpires. Klern and rtclativ's MatrnlrV-riit PlU-Iwug VCtm i Anothev tMune) lYnra MS. Lontw Pt Louis, Mo, July 30- Chlcagu won from BL loui today by a score of 4 to 1. 1'fetstrr held the local team te four hits, while I'nrrtdon was hit sxfrty ten times. , He user and Kenethy retired Chicago In on (nnlof r a triple play. ' ' Vavluiutlnn lla a Ninth Inning IUII That 4 oiikk Near W inning. ' rhlldel:hi. l a. July 39 -Phlla- 1 delphia had t-U s game well in han,1 ! until the ninth inning when HeiiO-T ' I weakened atnl ivhington score! f"ur runs and hd the !es filled before j Plank was wit V "Itch. The Ut ter en-ted the rai'v after forrlns In a run with a I -(.. ,n balls and Phil -I d-lphta win iy score of I to 5 j i Bei-kendorf in'ured his right hand In : the tirnt InninK iin a pitched ball and ; Ht-rir hand l-w m so sore that j ; Johnson was for ed to ease up In his , trtif, .eei an i was hit bard in th.-, I cloelng Inninm. ! Washington 609 900 5 5 ft E- ! j Philadelphia 19901023 7 1! 1 Batteries Johnson, Beckendorf and Henry: Bender, Plank snd i Thomas. Time. 1:11. I'mplres. O Loughllnand Kgan. Irrn4t Fast totting Bark In tm. Chicago, 111 . July 30. Detroit made It three straight from Chicago today, 4 to 2, scoring all the rona off V"h(te In the s-cond and third 4nAlnirs ' ftcoTf. who pitched th laat six rounds blanked the champions with one hit. The locals wasted four op portunities hv lax haa running and Inability to hit Willet Bcor: R. II. K. Chicago 100 001 3 T 3 Detroit 022 totoeo 4 I 3 Batteries: White, Bcott and Sulli van; Willett and SUnag. Time, 1:40. Umpire, Ferrtne. Cf Yowng KeetM l p Hts IVosac Recced. Clevelssd, Ohio. July 30. Cleveland defeated St Louts. 3 to 1.. Cy Young winning his MJnd game. Both pitchers were hit bard, but war effective with men oa base. Score: - R. H. K. Cleveland 010190 00 S St Loots VO 90S 01 111 . Batteries: -Torir 'and rau-rrr. Lake and Stephens. Time, 1:31. Cm- ptrea, vaas and Dlnesa. - ; "' - I . - - t) P -a i ' 0'jtlniM t4aj.m itt n, sM"i'f lfh miri':itn t'm 1Attiana, of centinsxxii ItnoM. i4V t'.rourfb xlin uf nquat uir Iwi'THKHMS, Of tjfrttejs I ni. reatMlhrvninri potnl ff j'it 4m fmuir. ihrr br 4in nh f..t ti - f r iirt. IV', n 1 st-0" blMitoui lnfliMMAot irfmirir Q) ctoai; (rtl t o4y. A ehMirJ. n.ln. fsnoi. fat mport, atMijt. Ht will 14 If'l rit Of si' OBles-4 r-r itO.I At vrlili ihm wind Firat fUrnf maziittiim tmtrriur r-j, worvM 1 ?i hout r-itirii!. if It iuMia Ul tktcb nv!(fh. X. July K'r North Carolina. or nor .TO Kurorat for TialetKh ni vicinity: ImmI Fhiavfrrt Sundfty. Monday fair; SCA I iicht t th S iintl.'t v : "'ox" too Off Mon-lrty fair. TVfewteid New Terk sua VTnU Harm so turosag rissrea, BostoB, Massw July 30. Boston re gained second plecf lh th lestira to day by defeating New York In tea tn nlngs. I to 4. Th Viet tors tied the scar la th ninth Inning. Le-wls hit t the Sag pole h center field la th tenth, scoring Speaker with th win ning ran, Beove: st.rT-.nw New York -....190 94)9 491 04 9 1 Boston Ml 941 1 1 t a Batteries: Warhep , and Mitchell; Areilane. Smith, stlelnow and Carrl gan. Time, I'mptrwa, Conaolly and Kerla. " ' 1 ! St-RTCrS-ItXAI. rr TR, 1VM, Preliminary Surrey; Macadam. Sand-clay Roads. Maps, Etc. Cor- respendene) snilcned. Expanieneeel I fllaucua A. ryaat Ens . VTlison. ! N. C twa-TwaevFrtder. ! iTKXisurr boom mn kkt. with privilege it wee ef dining reeni and kitchen. . Af fl 1. 1 W. Lang 8W ' DON'T READ THIS Unless you are going on the Grandest Outing of the Season via SOUTHERN RAILWAY, on August 9th, to NORFOLK, VIRGINIA THE VIRGINIA SEASHORE This Elegant Train of Large Electric Lighted Coaches and Pullman .Sleeper will Leave Gibsonvllle 7:15 P. M., Rate .$3.50 r Leave Burlington 7:33 P. M., Rate 3.50 Leave University 8:45 P. M., Rate 3.25 Leave Durham 9:20 P. M., Rate 3.00 Leave Oxford 10:50 P. M., Rate 2.50 Leave Raleigh 4:05 P. M., Rate 3.00 I i Arrive Norfolk 5:30 Al M. August 10th. Leave Norfolk return ing 6:15 P. At, August 11th. Two days and one night In this Mag nificent City with its Sea Bathing, Fishing, Boating and Many His toric Points of Interest Separate Coaches.ior Colored eople.T'y ; . v Fr rates, schedules, etc, from other points ask your agent or write H. II. PARNELL, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C"

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