, 7 - '. . . 1 i 'i i tt 0 'I , i i .4 il I i f i L, it . I ! i i I , .'4 i t' llr I 'i I il i J Hi 1 It if ti - !'! :" ! 11 'u j ." 1 1 . i V 1.'' It '.i ! y.. r i 11 i ? j Tho News and Otrservcf svx Dir. . . . . . J . July J. m. At The Churches ruiu t ftTixo bale ion daiit. gaeaewrd Air Um Mnf. Ceiag Ken, tieeag tealk. 1 .. tSOast. 1 1 .. a. ia ' 4 la s aa. Uuia. a .. ,. iwr; ioii.. estbera Mn. ' - Cetef FaeS. MM Wh. 4 v. m, 1 a p. m. ' I Kie 4JU . BL 4 1 . Bl ftaMgh aa4 InlkHH. U lik. ArrtM bMfk. 5 a ni 1 ,H s I ! 5 i Je. I S. Sk a-Kp-isv . Sk XmMI u4 .. fivm rut Arrt.e aMsa. r. aa. T ifla at uo aa ! U IllUeboro fu ChrWLau p.ev L. F. Juhmoa, paator. I'reaching. 11 B. m. and et I p ra. SanJiy n houl ( 4i a. Cti. H. jicpbriia, u-1 pcrlntendent. Juid-wik rm.n di- : cuntmucd uabt tmctwr th trit . rrrb,t-rto Ry. W. MeC TThlt, ' D. t (M-rtivra 11 4 ra. u4 111 p. m. Bunaay vtbonl ( St m Wt nilnlirT U;ii 7 J t' p. m. WkSo Uy tfrvtc,. p. ra. i ld-iltnn Mfrvt Mrthoimt rR i Hfcrry M. Nurih, pcitor. Hrrvm HL ' 11 a. m. and I 14 p. m. Krrmoa ai butb hosrv br th put or. Sundar n hoot ( I : a. m., Jowpb O. Hrown, ; uprtntrndrnt. Kportb, Iaca -m eti Muniiair nlfht and prayer iat iut WXtnoadajr Vvnln at til; o'rlork- . VlHitura la U rltj ar cor j diaUy !nvi(a. 1 l.N AM) AIMJl T TK CITY. Cntlrai MfUxxB Prraon and Thr If iij'ii h ir!tir!m of th i ilfrrun atrvel. ltr A. l- wllcox. anwii Ui 4. i.stuo , K4)iij i )r rvit at 11 a. Ml" sobjeot: r.cru. in tn ur!un ataxluu. j "t'tntt TMii " ll p. m. th Whrt. lomj-X. '1. Me tw.m UI b , utJort l. 'Why 1 in a ChrlatlaA." a lutln 1. ihji r glii trt i ie. Hoth -rmon f y th pastor, riumlar "n ii.n authi.r:-,' DM vlth th . -i. fi.H-k ! dral i B 1 " I't i.. J:..'jU'.i iu h-Hl at 3 E- iTtnca, utrln- t-n'll,L f.pt.rth laus Tuaday btliL rrfr nie4tlnf Wadnaxlay St. Satlimr lupr4 Rer. R. Prrry I:. s i. Iii.'.rd. cf "ary. : Kuink prt.t In charge. Ttnth In tt iitr J4!"rday 'tftnip anl ', HunUy atr Trinity, ffuodajr a-h"l lft If itrewi li-r hm will 4i . m Nitht nrv1iand nnnun iira h t4-ti in li ru coani ji b( -mmk puu an ire, bvry tot tf. Janli.r ilrilv tfli Invited 1iurh ..J tho tkiud Slirtifarrd R 1 V' K Pitienr. I 1., rvtir. Tenth SiiMi afttr Trinity Holy 'miiiii un at "59 a m. SuclT k h'.vl hi . a m. lilt l fUifj fur nu n ut l o Iih It. K II Bttli tm. h- Mr T XI. r:mm(ii. of t ronionL ' ,r r. it,. rmoh at 1 1 o cl-k iu in tln .-It) ).tfrl lfnt't! lirav. r at t Of lo k The IV II W liUA'ix-k iit atrdajr i n,i raifr and Mjt"r- .-tit W. tjaikaon. Jr, an.l Wtnh h!i-y ) HitvMlji lfi yi "Trdy fi.r FaT-ttrvilla, to M!t at lr-. ixuii tf t't J il Currla. if i jrtt" i'- imi'lal'T linurn: XI i lv ..'uin !ft ytrdky a!iMriniu !..r .x Tork I hrlt 'liunj Rtv. Milton A. Xlr V N kmnr. -.)ti editor oflri-rtr. r(tui Ho R VrTu Eu- thr KalulKh Kvvn.ntf Ttftik Ir-ft j bank a. wi.'ai.t Tenth Huriday after tTrtH aitrrinR.ti Kir' 1 Jiu olntnn. Trt.'ntv Firlv .-..iiiiiiuiilon 7 oVi k; h " 1 h' ea.-atlot Hun ln) ni,...,! j. illelno aervlno I t ' ' H Ui-Unr liaa kn t ,.,rmi)h R m. ; evonlnf prater ,Ve'in. t.i (end Hun.l.iv ijMaur- wi.if p-toewtf--tTTy-'rr1rf ' HT-r-rTfrfflluii"' ,T FanT.r.1, ( w,,,lnM,,. ,., rXday 1 a. m; in ho ! day , Saturdo) IT ut,: k irnV, hory rom- lr Jn I' Th.it i.i .f rittahoro, i mMi..n .ta m hvr rt. Jtrannerl :j Iti Uaima-h i..r ln cfirdmll) lnvttd fT'. ImhIv in iil f il evutii.'n V'. .-, , "' at dfihl- TahtTiiH' lr IWjtll '"ornor Pomon "" K:iay to!..,,, Hall,. luv A J. Mon- rH'f. pmtnr Tr'e'v.hrti 11 a in I Ttiemn. , RlHn Vklnenj" p, lu, . Mlirmi., "'"VTInn'i f a frown " Htin.lay I ,i . r' meftltica ..r the Flret H. h."l t - in N H Rrouht'n. -rr. rwTt Itrrrt rr nrtTi rro- j upanTH.n.li t;l l.;,,. !,.. !..n hhiiii-'I He r-'llnw-e - , ! ... I" .mii, n XI.iihUv, All. ! l'a)rtl-)llli Mmi lapJ4 Re. , . I t Jieex M, irih i Mi,-k at ll a. nv w . n et..i- M ,r(in rrnintv, Tuea- and lie N II M.lieid at I p. in. il., v,. .-' Snmtay arh.-ol ' " a m.. John T V. . :-..i li. w.'.-rt i-.,, inly Wed- I'ulirti, uperintet.dt-nt li. ,!., A, ,l ' i - - - r- unty, . :vanfH llai .mnr Pawi n land la)le lr..-t- f i Elaom, I f i, lay. i iiavti.r I'rea, lime ni II a m. and I p m . I Xlr V Tvl"r of thta v. r,Uy. , r)ty Kll,1u .r ,il S tO. W I). I llill"e. miierlntnilnt To all art: I TI, A , .1 w j-ti'i.it.-n h . - . 1 .,,upli I A, 1 1 ' i Ui H 1 ill, llt ll ! , II. I i ,1 V, , ., !,, il.-. l ' li 1 1 ' M.,n- . Tune. V,.. extrnd.'.l welrnrti r llaMgti IUHIh eierv1r I p. in. prea, hiiiK I)) J Farmer, i..t.r. Hvi: d.iv a. h "0 a. m. edii rmrr w rvlre H p ni DOYLAH-PEARGE C0L1P1Y UE3 Jin u euc;:e cciuts ase the best bt test A FEW ; SEASOfJADLE ARTICLES At Unseasonable Prices Dress Lawns, assorted styles, 5 to 1 5c yd. Mercerized Batiste, assorted colors, 25c quality, for 15c White Parasols, coaching styles, 75c to $3. Fancy Parasols, prices cut to one half. Lace and Embroidery Beading, 5 to 25c yd. Black Silk Hose, lisle heel and toe, 50c pr. Chftrk Whitf fiimity, inches wid, 15c yd Linen Coat Suits, good assortment at half prices. Silk Petticoats,, black and colors, $3.98. Lawn Dressing Sacques and Kimonas, 75c. - EmbTmtf md Wash' KttsTKc. Dutch Lace ColUrs, 25 to 50c Bath Towels, extra heavy, 25 by 50 inches, 21c. Bath Rugs, all colors, 50c White Wash Skirts, 93c . Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long, $L Linen Sheeting, 90 inches wide, 59c White Dress and Waist Unen3, 36 inches wide, 25c. Carpet Remnants at half price. BOYLAII-PEARCE COMPANY We Are Offering Exceptional values in our Clothing Department. Every Suit in the h(uss has been greatly reduced in price. This includes . all. of jjjur Hand-tailored Suits. Please remember that it will be a pleasure to show you whether you purchase or not . JI I Funeral Flowers Keroctnbrr that w ff them Uirre on time; anl ar rangrd in the cry brat atyln, of rund-krrptnc Dower. II y hate sever par. chaart ftirwral flow era of oa, we bopa Toa jjtjJ ve tu a trial the next time row need anything U tliU line. We l-uaranuw aaUn( action. Creenaboro A raaoaa, X. C. li Extra Big Values This Week in Blue and Black Suits -Our eal fcaa bow bean ra ea for eavtral veeka, Oat not a aim of "hold-up" la yalua pparedr-or-"4r9lrw U hova off old stock. In fact, tha fooda ar offering are flrat la clothes eoa aldaratlon from every rlew point. , la our draaa ault department we have aoma extra big val uee la two piece Blue and Black Sulta. Thaa already mod. . erately priced go at a big discount during- thta aala. Do aa lou of the other fellowa have done if 70a mtend to take a vacation, get one of our Bice colored euita, ltti add to your comfort and pleasure. New line of ties Juet In and other little things that rou'U need. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. C C PHOTE. . FAYETTEVllXi: STKiKT. RALF.IGH. X. C ii is 1 1 a i H 8' t. . 1 il A . I l'rl!,ll I- t ,iri v v siilli-r' lloinc 1iw I rea, hln 1 3.1 ; in . I r XX" 1 l;irhar,!n .l'l i lll I'." 11 v:m IT.-.I.) ii-r en mr-h !( XV llfi' a- I' I' Servi. . II a m njul 4..tlHT h.K . .ir-t..,, t, .f..lk ' I' ' r '11"' J-. " ,m ,h.- s.w.l.r.1 i.a..M 2.1 IN... .! W n-t-r lg-.e . M I m W e.. an.l 1..., main- ut Hi.' ,.i..lr " -'' n L-e H 15 p m uf X Irxiiiln I no n '11 1 i,l trip a iti xniM' iii)i xii 111-iiin ni . I,. X..tk 24 lloum A lny t 1 -I.I.I rule th!n er made are CHOICE CUT FLOWERS XX'rl'e. phone or wlra 1 1 I 1 t 1 Tlw I'll- llrljra.l.' ilir llrpn'iiu an 1 '.iiinlln i t ren t "imi 1 m . . inl ! N e-d ' N . It.-rti. J,,i .1" 1 I '.',,,! II' pill, , li .-HI I ',,1 ..-I,- ' I 1 ,i Ht the .HUilh MIM ut t L Mr', r,. hv .-"! 'l -n w , , 1 1 ,1, 1 I li r.- m m In;. ,i , i t h- H.u.,.fc lit n'i,l ' 1 ,u- , ' .,t ). 1 fi I '"..l 1. , k ' ' ,., . ....,1 ti . .. I I. .1 ' ! .1 li. v. 1 - nut 1,. fill n. I 1 1 1 '' ' Tilt " the '' . ..1 I 1 t,... . ! 1 - ki . N,. u' I'ini kv.d pin 1 1 i iriiiiinn at. l.n , . . ifii (illteil gl..l..le .,f health. J v X i. ,-t,rfmi weakneee ipf , etrmth, .1 eu.T !til" energv. hr-ib- fug Into r 1 n..-iital ..,rr. urlna I'n.ietipatlun. I n.Hila.-he I'hllle. 1 rypinl. M4JiJla at ell lrnKirlete f 'aa wMTm I'll tihi RAIJ.illll N r Tour wants, as they are headquarters ' for everything In the F'nrnte Una I 1 r 1 , Hi-.' pr,-. 1 H ..n 1 I 1 1 .... I lli ik,. tr-.m I iii. and 1 s ,, 1 . , 1 . , I , .,, I in ;i . k lj,t the Aral . . 1 XI- I: 1' I'l' 1.1. Rfd k8 He .. 1 .'ii. 1 .. l.i twin brothers t. h.. '..k I : , . . 1 1 a II, 1 hI,,I M. 'thiol I. i 1 . 1, i-.r. in xr-f Hlkt Uev A XV II. kr, ,f '' hvri"i:r. ami Uev M. T 1 .1. f .11, nut.. n Hoth were Ht tli.-li laihi i I'ciiei ! when the en l Bulletin No. 2 Tim nhoul.l buy f urnltnrw of KliHr llniHtlry, be nuM they have a grim lee var1. y of a-o. It I mwti le-tter to ha ahlr- to gt wtiat yna wwnt, than to hate to take what ' j-ta d'Wi't want. Our atot-h hi the large la the hovtth, and we give yna ntiat yuw want. Tw teneJI nVahe an'V Tlilnk H tnrt ami write aa fur blue fsrinu and prtrra. SYDN0R & HUNDLEY Incorponled Richmond, Vi. Furniture For the Home Beautiful We Sell and Recommend tiis Florence Automatic Blue Flame Oil Stoves Clean nl .l J-Humer. l.w nie fi( 1-MuinT. U'w Him. 111.) MXII ' M The Sanitary Jur . ... frr M"n 1 Jht 11 t T,, i,J by fruit or ,'th r a- 11. Treeerve Kt!le. the kind that will not break m M)-i rmTr jar Uiwne: Markr liir. Hurt -Ward Hate Co. 1 reding llanlwwfv More. Raleigh, X. ; Thonea 14 J. H. MARTIN 1 FLORIST. RALEIGH, N. C j Carnations !nd other Cut Flowtrs, Floral Designs, and Flow ers for all occasions fur nished on short notice. Phone 1010F. F a Danlela W. & Danlela F. A. DANIELS & Son Artorneyn-at-Law COLD&BOBaX x. c 1XK IMI HCVIISIOX FAHK t Norfolk ami X Iralnla Deaa-h. via MiKnii.K HimiiRJi h. n. T1 krta eol,l for HaJ unlay tilght trultu. good returning, leaes Norfolk ! Sunday night. Saturday night. July fTK flrit data of asle, aod every elavturday until Hp t em bet td Greatly HeoaHl Rales, From Tn Nm-folk-Vlrglnia Reach. Raleigh Ifl 1171 Wlleoo I It t I Fermvllte , . ..lit - , I tt I Greenville . . .. I tt I St XVnhlng1on ...lit 1 it I Fare tn same prnnortloii from all station between Raleigh. Relhavea and Norfolk. The alght eipresa. of the Norfolk 1 Southern ffers the heat and most ceq ! venlent servtre between Raleigh. 1 Kaatern North Carolina and Norfolk, Vs I Spend next "unday at Tlrtinla ! Rearh. the meet attracUva Beaehore I Resort In Virginia. Oet eomplets Informattan from 'nearest Ttrket Agent. "THY. Conn. , a. r. A.. Raleigh. N. c. H. r. Itndeln-. O. r. A., W. W. Croiton. A. O. P. A, Norfolk. Va. -t-T-to Sept. I. , Too CM cat free. eMtcsooa Caady, taryinf frwaa M to ar. per peeexl al Royttera Candy Store Hurry.Up,, Jobi Our Specialty Moat tnea Bead printing when they want It rlaTht then. We make a big hit on "-hurry-up" Joho. The Bret time you want a Job -right bow." drop down to wee ua Tha only Job ofloe In the City that a open every nlght. M. J. CARROLL rantTKB Aeadeaa- at aaaaa. BwMah. a. C eJ The Style a pair of glasses ahoahl be se lorted wltii ae avarh rare ae roar dleadaj in eriertlag a hat ur year Hh,. Let as show row our Bear Civgrr plev dip fur ryejlaeara. Anlu- iH-at -tHaaaec sabataa. UwL e ei-iwine year eyes free of hargr. JOLLY-WYKKE JEWELRY CO. OptosaetrMa, Jewel- RALEIGH, N. C W.eFtilford&Co. DCRIUM. S. C FARMSTIMBER tM aaywheea aa tha I altrd Mitea, Rig waw MIU tsnawaattb-a at a aargaia. Wrtta fur aprimUaas. . "BATTERIES Automobile Telephone Engine and Bell THE TABOUJU ELECTRICAL COMPANY tit) Fayetteville 81. Xeit to Eipreas OiUca. -The -Genuinely Clean 'Garment Uakea It appeal only to the appreciative that class of folks that are nsver pleased with anything leas than the beet In our business It roete no more to get the best than It does the "near-beet."' hence the ONE good reason for :calting No. T, our phone number. - "7 "OAlTCnT STEAJNI LAUNDRY BOTH FHOXTA R-VLnCH. X. . The Royal Typewriter This It a new machine In the msr. ket. csrrylng all the up-to-date lilt fealurea If you are Interested write ua st onre. Msde by an Independent company. No big royalties paid and the price Is rut from Ihe standard Hot to to Don't overlook hls prop oeltlnn. Further Information and terirn on application. Alfred Williams & Co. Raieigh, N. C. C. . AYIXM-K. R. W. WIX8TOX. AYCOCK & WINSTON, Attorneys-at-Law Pract)r In both Stats and Federal Ceurta (.iffl.-e In Electrle Building. ! er posits poatoirire. on Martin street. 1 Raleigh, North Caroling. I AM thing bring equal, float hesrnrrs shuald ptaroniae liife iBsnraarw Conv panlra of tlie Souili. InvrwAigatloa. ntilch Is soli Itrd. will mnvinra tlie smart skrptlral tlau THE EBEENS6QH0 LIFE INSURANCE CO, tiRF.KKIMRO. X. Cn offeew a polhTf equal 10 aay la the world Sewed bv Mm i4m namuka bare, serure sad Cimwrvative it aotlo- w rw wi vine a ponry noatara. J. W. FRT. rreweoVrit. JUJAX MUCK. Sermary. 7 H. P, S. KELL,ER Architect Raleign, North Carolina EYE AID1 Makta. af saga thews porsaiwl as experts at KrtadtawT Prtwf i -a. tans Lear a aaar hobby. AajwsMagi ta tae eyes Is aa ww- tnaklng thews. We era both. CVsss filets tkptsnal Chargea saoderete. Rapport Optical Co, UCRH.AJC X C WALTER CLARKa JR. Atreyt-Lw lULEicn, . : n.a C.W.BARRETT Ak local and Jon div Oa,. C, ttJcJjboriti ccr itl'Vi Mis. actions-ratt- viiic street. Sfa tS3 officer RALEIGH. NG We Sell the New Style of FRUIT JARS That are reconunemleid by tlio Rule) IVpartnient of AgrV-uItara. . i,An;r. moith .uss Tts: kasy tx seal. A full Una of Jelly filaevs, rrrwervliig Kettles and Paranao. THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS RALEIGH. X. C THE BIG HARDWARE MEN We Are Specialists on REPAIRING PR OMPT SER VICE, TR Y US, H. MAHLER'S SONS Jewelers, Raleigh, N. C. ' $1.00 SPECIAL $1.00 One "day only MONDAY. SANDY ANDY, best and only sand toy of the kind. TRY ONE. THE J. D. RIGGAN COMPANY Phone 330., 132 Fayetteville Street GREAT1YRED On Men's and Young lien's Suits and Separate Pants.- Wee had B month ef big erfllng. We roaMat hare sons that if the va raee bad Bat hera worthy, becaasa asar tosnrra are xrry tBsnlmlnaUns: aayees. After all, we have still aome af tha brat patterne Irft. of some owe gs I of others snore, bat before the aew stork arrives thry ssast go. , Another thing we would like s say- anmrthmg as ha vest aaratsocaxd before awd that Is that all tha tsothrt) aa special sale are made by Use west tailors la the country sad ta style, at and ejaaUty they bate aa twsaL AS sb say to yoa la, ras yoa afford to aUse tha saie? ; v ; Fancy Half Hose ; " Wa bars yast pat aa Rpedal aala p has af Faary Harks, values front Mr. to U. ralors ta atrtpea, psaids. Wlinsj Prtra aow it rcctts A display of these valeea you will tad la ear show wiadowa. lATTS OF &ARGAIXS Uf OTH ER LINES. , -. - ' ' " ' ' j. . Semi-Annual Clearance Sale. furee Bast sUXst Of roatatESOK BtTLtIX(e KorfoUk, Viixinla. W V srsaka aad kacm RI i i

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