TIIE NEWS AND ORSFJIVKIt. TlTKSIAV, AIMJUST 5), 1910 TWDHQUSES GOHE - BY FIRE ROUTE ,,.. , Water Pressure In Ral eigh Claimed at Fault DENIES - THIS FEDERAL COURT HEIIBS ITjBRISTOW GALLS Two Plf RuVncw o hoath IVr snn Ptrm are. Dewtroyw, sod the Complaints u lo iImi Vwt Vrcmure Supplied to DraXMxt Fall lnvi(lirttna of the Water Company by the City Authorities. With declarations from many1 spec tators who wim on the scene tht th water piessur Ml at fault, two pr pi ty residence an South Person itrM( yesterday are In wreck and ruin. On reeldenc has left only th front ec tmn of a two-story house, the rear .being completely burned, and (he oth er In which the fire damage M not so great, waa -drenched and Is In a wrecked condition because of the wa ter. TheWak' Water Oompaov a- urli that It had on all the pressure hietnttal where he t reported quite III required.. " Mre. Uorw after her tl-wekly visit The residence aim list completely said that ahe fear he will not survlv.. gone la that at Jit Mouth -Person h year and will redouble her efforts ftreet. between Martin and Dane, to secure a pardon for her husband owned Ty Mr. C. P. Spruill. and oc- from President Taft cupled by Mr. W. Wllliama The ;aw atasaaeaaa first atarted In the kitchen and plaining thla because of the length of apread rapidly. Finally. It awept distance of the nydrania trnm in u...- RWKFR MORSE RF.PORTFI ILL IN PKNITENTIARY. r Atlanta. Oa. Aug. 1 Charles W. More, the New York Hanker, serving a term of dfteen year for mlsappro nutation of fund In the federal peni tentiary here- haa been removed to the E. G. Morton Bound Over For An Assault on Bedford Brown Tim t-'etliTNl .Vinlmrlilm Hold Till t lip .1 .Mailer of I Vdc ml JuriMlittlow Aa the Affnlr Took flat In the IVuVrul HiUlillug. . After much delay ths case al one tlma In the Police Court,. In which Mr. E, 11. Morton la charge jwlth an B aault on Mr. Bedford Hrown ut tha poatorPic wa heard yeaterduy. The hearing was hrfurc I'nird Stale Commissioner Nlch its, It being the decision that under the luw in aneh caaes thnt an the dllhV.nltj occurred In the Fed i riil building; it Ms a ca for the Federal court On the docket It appear an thu "Trilled Stale vs. Kil. 1. Horton," nd Mr. lloriun wtta held for court under a 1 1 u bun I. In this eaKe-'tlrcHlrcuntetaneea are thai Mr Horton. Hie contractor for he transfer nf tho mall from tlie pnat -office to the I'nion depot, struck Mr. Hedford Brown, a pomoffice clerk, during an altercation tn tin ul'tcr noon of Julv 28th. In the matter WHO III BE CHAIRMAN Flays Aldrich, Cannon; and other Trust ! i , Henchmen An Aaicvllle HcpwhlicM IV-slb-l That No tHhcr ,ani Hut Mm I ImwJs Mill II lYi-araml fur tialr j nun. t in Wednesday th North Caroline I "lUdlklls" will meet In Stale conven i thin lo select a chitlrnian of the State , Kkecutlv Committee They may name somebody to run fr Ihe posi tion to ba filled but nn delegate carve I stiytnifig auotii mat An)ivur "no want tn emptv honor "in have It if he happen to t.e n the winning side for Slate Chairman Who will be t hmrmun ? Her are the ' clnirn. IhiMwi Han 311 Majority. The Siibelillirit New ..f tireensrM.ro th organ of the Imuran dynasty, nuntes stat Chairman Spencer Hol ier (? AduIRi as nvmg that lun. in will have lit majority ;ii ihe conven tion It la riot at.l. ,1 ihrlhvr Ihinrxn lri( i S tired IieglMlation for Trusts figure ail the ciiite-ie.l . -untV. in IktwUHO III) TfUMU Wmit.il li 'hat i lalm M.Wu-ail Sa Majority. (By Ihe Aaaocluleil I'l.m. . Marlon Holier. h i the manager OHhkosh. W'la.. Aug. S - rltl. ihiii of of MorehVad oaiupaign. tv in ln of the (niostion of turiwiti linn wa I tne tariff l(iw which he deig(iateii a faucaaian that' out or th l ira voir ..iiul hn th. mi. am brmiulH be- r..iiudlatlon of the pledge ,,f ttA. he- in the Stale r.imnti,.n M.rehea.l will f..r. Moll... luxii.o wtcnu, h ih Html Publican party, praine lur Senator M- have Ho-te. gixlng him dedalnn. 'aarraed lo hv Mr Stroiiach. Kollette and aevere i'ondeiilnntt..n f.-r lorlt) of .11.' Iwiiig that the cn-e one for the Senator Aldrich. Hp'Jier WHEN M DOUBT come here or telephone us your wants. (J it it's something you want from a drug store we have it. BETRAYED PARTY PLEDGES lie Said That Hie Tariff liMeml of IW- lug Kcvlurd for (Ih IWocili ,f ihe 1'onauniPT Waa Dclrlincnuil lo Hh Xiocrican Ktandartl of JJMng M- King-Crowell Drug The Quality Drug Store Beth Phones, 95 Co. mnrnmm th lht ft viuTHiinr iii t nf the hiMte companlea. William raaldenc from the reaidence , An Invmtlgwthm I UrnumW. of Mr. D. T.Moore. J15 ftouth Peraon In four recent fire, there have been atreet, took a firm rlp m th aide of complaints made concerning 'lie water the rear of th houae, got up htwe.-n prfure, and in each case, there hav ... . in.. .. .j .... j i . . .. ... . i ... !.. n vet . deeolte llie ( ruing huh Hie wi, biiiu UIU a(.x I'rrn rx film n V damage thla Increased by war 4a.(.ta,MttMUM -mimto ltwWfiifnflft$5 tm.n" Uee'n ' throw high enough nd f ar eiird m lmnnrn hnma thu r.t. citona-h to DftlVe r,f great flr!c "1 Mence, corner of Hargett and Hliv;d..coRaif, ring atofcilamaw-maa'W-fppfla . ..KOim-atfoim." TW' tpnnn reaioence i i a pronun o'j nn"i 1 ralued about 13.600 and the Moor tlon of th water supply of thl city, residence at ovr IJ.009. Mr. Moore . so aa to where the fault lies In lis yt his foag wilt he from 2.0t) to j use at a f.r It I the dutr of the 12.600 with about $1,100 Inaurance. j Board of Aldermen to take the mat while the other residence Is almoat alter in hsnd and to act The people total loss, with about U.000 Injur- of Kale'gh hav a right to demand ance and Mr. Williams to about 'th .and rhey mlt oh some action. J500 In furniture, partly Insured, while; lire Oilf Iomsoy'n. Talk. Mr. Moore saved a large part of his , Mr L II ljmden. chief of the fire Tile Hre Spread Quickly. (department. In regard to the fire, The fir began about 30 In the say kitchen of Mr. William. He had; 'When I reached the men of the gun Into the backyard to a about i fire. eelng that the pressure waa not some vegetable and hi wife waa on ' as 1 flej-ired. I requested Patrolman the front plana. Mr. A. O Nowwll. i Wsrren to call for dire, t pressure who rooms at th hous had ben out under orders of the chief of th de about ten minutes as had the others. I partment Mr Wynne, foreman of when th firs aa discovered. A ' th Hook end ladder compare hear defective flua or a fire In the kitchen ' Ing th- order informed me thai di Is thought hy Mr William to have reot pressure had Just been called for been the cause. Th lire apread ao and in a short while we were working rapidly that Mrs. William wma , with direct pressure, which was main scorched aa he ran through the talned for about ih minutes, when building, and Mr Wllllama failed to I there was a falling off of pressure for get out a trunk of valuable papers ;a minute or two At this t'me we had The first company to respond to the !'h fir under control and this falling alarm waa the colored company, the off did nut affect u tin Investigation Victor Hose, the members of which jl found !t was the changing of pumps had en the smoke and knew th!t th- pump.ng station which con- l.irillnn at th Kr. Alarm, a.ra I lUItl'd about two minute that c used Federal court, as the difficulty took place in the federal building. The case then went to I'niteil State Com mlaloner Nichols Appearing for Mr. Horton was Mr. J. V. Balle.i. while the prosecuiion wa repreaenlil by IXHtrict Attorney Seawrll. The testltnon of Mr ilot ton was that while he was in the postofflce room that .Mr Hruwn kept nagging at him. savinx thm Post master BrlgifS had. gin n order tluil he Ue kept out. At this Mr Horton said: "You are a rtirn.ii liar,'' and as Brown came at liitri I'e knocked Brown down. Mr i'aper While tes- I'aniion :iiul Attorney Uenerai wickcrshatn were, the principal polnts-of an sibln-ss gnen tonight by Senator Jus I. Hristow. of Kansas, In opening ih ... uiiip.ngn of I . H. Senator l.n. Kull.-ti.- i.,r iiri mary nomtna'ioii for rp i-lw iuti Mr. Brlatow asserted th:ii Uie iartv pledge regarding Ihe tariff had I. en violated. Me said the tariff Instead of being revised for the ti.n.-fi! of the consumer Was detriment il to the American standard of IMng Concerning the lead ir.st h. Hi.id It "controlled SO per cent , f i i,. pro duction and also control). -,i h,- . ,st " He said the reason Airlr:, h had procured legislation fav"il. to this trust was because the Auicjiniii Su-uit- tifled that Morton ame Into the post xMraasi iwlan . art -ivo ni w -Hmiany wanted It De mere, tnai .vir diuimi was inieiiu-j . TtrWreTrtriEl, t '-T- "- "Tntti nan raiseci vne pri. the epithet t .. nun ami to ln(, consumer about :.. k hixked him down M Hrown said his" arms were full of mall when Mr. Horton. used the epithet and Knocked him doo br ma lt is not stated In t- claim whether Ibiller . taims lor More head all the contested counties. OmleM toilore. Il logins to look like the rhie' -n tereat In thy ;reisbor convention will lie In the i redentla's Committee Wake. Durham. CumU-rl ml and per haps a score more or ..untie- split i:p In fai Hons and both th.. Morehea.1 Hutlerue and Pun. aa!tf sent dele gates KWdinth within th last ten days word was "sen l-.wn to Pol and send up contesting delegation Will a'l contested seats be set aide Is llwr lo He AiioiIkt Vlie-r ar tin t ri Some Republic ns.tMnk the Ureer.s boro conention w l; .x.ti-.e another WbK)er. ,. ..HitHtb .ri- -Hit. AI"l.l"TH.- t.reai lMt for th teatlierlng of Prim line lupous n' W llssill, t MIIU lint Held al Ntratitgw lM sum. dat . Sp. . W S !: m..r.ai t : HapPsts. hoid t i A ig .' tlelr ;..! 'l-.nstisns the pul'r lis .ies h! r witiNvm u, piKx.ki.ss. I tank irgan.cd miililie loon Taking nil c l.lfc. f t . i t ' V- .it'll i t'S.T' er ' in.!, t l.i; U bite . tr. me- 1. to News and tls.i.-t Aug Prom time tu.tn. Prlntltlve. or Mid Scho i llsoti iijuol b;ic i.e. srli meetings called t it whi h. not' only tn -s-t- . sr. I ailing ongn gate i f all denomination an r. tilli for miles I', t.d gathel to he.ir the -i :.. . as Hig A'.gtlst h jr. h near Sa rut -a i . t wds vere present ( i li - ! Th. tit' ,iti ml t i r J H I ' illlll'-d . ' ' Us. n 1 1 St in r ifsoh. on ilo.ol is iMrH i Mt .ind is ' pr- g eSsi e III' . 1 t If! I "Hi. w ith '"I th- S II .1 lion I I A I 1 liter -i K ro. Kpr I' pri-siiM i. r iul-luuv- . 1 lie !,. ;..HH:k.t:tx.caxt4 .f-.rwV rl o w ' "" FOR UPLIFT OF THE RACE Colored Christian Workers From All Parts of State in Raleigh Hero for swdons of t olortil lUptlst State t ruueinlon and ltapli-4 Young riile's I nlon. lib Begun lii-t Mght ai ol'Ti'd Pirsl IWtptisI thtirch. Tlicr B'liig a Mrgv At Knilaine. , Hundreds of representative colored Sunda) School and H V P I workers are In the city from every section in the State attending the thirty -eighth annual session of the colored Baptist He said that Aldrich had called him a "liar had failed tn specify lied He was read t w Ith proof for evcrv hud Uiua uuula. . p. and It'll t! cl, I .i n non t hex I htld th em lit he lU'.INSTATFD Till Ml Hamlcl HualnesM liilcrv!'. Ib-i hire Mipi i lulclldciil rc Made a Isv IIivcInIoii rs to Seaboard Men c cosel In (.ambling ami Doping f fair Mr H H. Terry, of I In ml i a li ter to tie press. In regard t . s .me d ' itat 'i. it rlghl h.. same .!. II Ills o. m til' have po-siLh ( In m i nt sent In simultaneously from boxes 211 and 14 and there, was break In th (Irs alarm which I being repaired Rome hose, companlea went beyond th Governor's Manalon In search for the fire, but retraced their roura to South Person street. It being some fifteen or twenty minutes after the alarm that they reached the scene. That the wind blew aa It did saved many houses and the fact that there I . .1.1 . A- Ik. fcA.,a. If r rt T. Moora saved It from complete de- ' "7",',,n' ,r'.7", u" ' ,' " strurtlon. The fire, which almoat j totally tsHroyd the Fprultl house, I raught on th south side of Mr. Moore's residence and did great dam age. Mr. Moore complains that he tnuld Tiot get th firemen to throw ' water on the back of hi house and av It, that there seemed to be great ; ronfusion In the working of th fir j Department. .nier L.umatin. wno arrived after th fir was under head way, says he learned of It only after reaching his placs of bualnes and hurried at ones to It Sa Walesr Prrsw-ure an lim. the fall off in preesurr. Mr W. w. i "ie onvennon ana ine coio, en .o- WtTHams In whoa hOuae the flrtit Young People', I nion uonvention atarted. lells me that about ten min-! of North Carolina. utes sfter he left hi house to go Into, The Urst swwb.n of the H i the back vsrd, the Br was flercly Convention wa held last mght in k.in.ln ..i lh.l h. emild not t Urst naptist nurcn. cornei r..o....,f back was Una. was obliged to diminish pressure at I r- , , . the noe. The steamer engine wa. . Thr Vr"l'1' ' rx Ice demonatrated Ihe sent for. but it waa not rased aa it wa me convention was """""7' Ot SOme "I "e "I'll CUOOe.i nuie.p, ... the State H' tha time the nnntptl sermon wn to be preached the large auditorium "f the church was tilled ling an thai he could not get r irs tupim. . ...... ... s i Into the hous. That ahow. It ton and Morgan street, beginning t a nulck nre The length of twoM- o'clock with praise servi.e led by i of hs. each about 00 f1 long. he president of the entertaining H SOCIETY M-s) lYatras Cohb liiU-rtaln. Lumber Bridge. August t Mis Pari Cobb haa been ntrtaining a delightful hous party for th past wk Theme rr-nt are-' Mlsae Hudle The declaration of many who war Hubbard. Payttv1lle. K. C. Marie at th nre la that thar waa a light ; Waller. Philadelphia. Pa ; Maud Mc water prsasur al flrst, that , ths i Klnnon. Charlotte. X. ".; Effie Mr streams thrown wer only from seven Mlllan. Parkton. N C. to fifteen ft and that If there had I The young ladles hav bn n been full preasur there would have I tertalnd quit a good deal while In been leas damag. - Mr. Moor savs i Lumber Brldg such ss plcalr. hay he was told tn 1st hi things stay In ' rides; tea, etc. th houae; that It would be saved j Mlsa Cobb entertained Frldav vn Flnally seeing that he was In dan- Ing complimentary to her guests at ger h removed his effect- i poarrh party. Th gam of heart Tha man rota I waa playd. after whl h refreshment in main complaint Is t hat tnere vre served with cnthusi istlc cblord t ltlscns and delegates Iielegates were Introduced ami re sponded v.tth well rounded tnree minutes speeches that sttested then deep devotion lo the work In whl. li thev are engagd In furthering That th' m-inhers of this organisation were working for the uplift of the lowlv el ement of people of negroid descent was clearly and forcefully exhibited In mstit of the speechea made The annual sermon wa preached bv lt J W I.von. of Raleigh Tlf sermon was Ive The program for today I a lenathy nne, morning, afternoon and night Be ginnlne with a praise service at there HI next be enrollment of dele gale and then saven lecture and d dretfte. based upon different points In HYP I" work, the speakers to be Iislsv I Handera, Bessie 8hearr S1 lir Barber. Oengva Allen. Thorn's. v s ort Iir 8 N ass. pr A W tn arirnonn tnere win railroad men blng lmplai vhs alleged to be a doping l.'fMig affair atUntet mm While 1 la-lleve In uplh. .Hid stv'preH-.Ing wrong, a 'i tune I livjieve In giving the ' dues I hav e always done s. pi-isoiial affitlrs There liu hi en a little gambling and some drinking. hit iihaolutel opinion i. no doping I have worked for spven dtff railroads In mv life IfK different -pacltler-. and I have Iwhh si cn more or . gambling and-drinking I am now out of the rullroadsscrv u-e and inn honesrlv sv thtyt- for sobriety and moralltv, generullv t he railroad men are far ahead asxji whole, especially on ihe second dt- vision of the S. A. 1. a numher of whom have known all mv life, and I think as a business man - and I know I vol.-e the sentiments of everv buslnef man In this town and com munltv, all fair minded people- thnt Mr i lore, the .-r able supenn teiident of the ecnnd dlvlalnn, did exactly right In reinstating the men and 1 earnestly h die the management will see tit to . i.tnln his wise de . Ulan I was giad In'sea Mr Oore applv the tlohUn Rule snd In re tilning the pun I sm sure he wIM have no worse . t than If others- w re 'mportetl untested I lie . tit. vis . re f tut rr j to ewt-ry the ornvMif - n tor Kusss-'.l. w ho had lost In th- pt n..' ." Wheeier Martin, test Hues.' : I-r . rr. things that all l... kerv mo were unseoted a: 1 tt homlr l'e l Kui-sell Is another 'is like Utat plHhne,1- WTv is 'I,. Wheel, r Martin of llo- ill. -' Cnnven t I 'll " Mho Will lb- tluiinnan? The Ashevllle . t .a v. that Bun c.mb ha two .at ll li'.s I.'isk f-' the liuncsnites and ' r 'he But ler Moreht adit-s ) n t either will win" T T Hi- o.-kM b on the slate, but Vance h-is ."t-sting dele gHtion. and Thurst ic... have to stt on ihe curb or In . u"' I Tkne- wilt ing to see hther It o'er ill let him speak his little .. ' 1' would I loo i.a.t if Thnrsn n ib! not Ms little say olsalv Bat M'-reJiai. t L' Ir i t!;e Baptist chnri'h in I l-'ig' A i. g ists ' I'intlti...- 1 1 . i er at Scott Itla.-k r.- t -i. ti n. , hurt h.-s T TIHt-IuJtX At 1 I- ;.uvim - ': 1. ' ' 1 k inter f, I r 't age Herman (rand l I i . tes 1 nOf ir,K that th. Wedne 'efeate.1 ar- lie s tt-.' tie P'ini'tll uriatinnous bus Ik- will bwe t- The Ashevllle i itu less I'epuhlban Dun an faction ill -dav morning thit he ' w lil ,ic.-iies.-e in maktr.g of M .relo ad utiae'm ' .s lies S-. V If there IS atlV i.,..s i he Mori head f ...me n t r SHOT IN Till SINE (;K.oK.K 111 NTT H HM Mt.H MX.HM t.lTS Bl 1.1 aVT IN M'M.I- M B UK llisnie IsiHiv.-rs iga on SiiikI.'I) a n'oat ex. clletr . ' n t t he Tabernui u- : pt Sunday morning. i:-i I li Home. lio. tor ' I'l.'i -l-artmouth I'oiteg. pi.,,.t. ! le so lijei t -f Mil. ion lr Home t-.a iiii.ler three : .p'. s I neiit and will a to! a I e ari l thor. i.gli v . o.i 'rten1 found 1 1 1 . . . -- ; .. , -. - the ex i ceding . ha ' in I .v'k.r and new friends .oil-. ' 'hat thev had n d heat.! f All sre nh't.d In d.-air '.. united again i 'ni' b I"' sr fiit -j re tr tp.rr.e ts r r ... h are'-ia at ' Isvtor' h'el h' ' t sirm w eh time -.iiti ' he State of hi girth I s Is .l.-h t'o ' W III. I I ll.or t I' .o e made liustlt Nor- ti.lS . hav.- In h. de- i the this loss 'tnr this st.lbllsh hid .11 tile li h., ' I - ' .s'ling 1 1 ii si 1 1 1 1 1 k yvii- I w a '. s depended on in p p.. It hit with the 1 ; v ttti l!-it tow i g into - y ist en. .. -.v it h -ears, unless industrial h limning the :ti 1 j. a of f t gl tig ahead will woriii.H nil. coiiN i.iiiihi h hat ing mt. Bullets took a Siind.iv morning indulged In by s.'i i perlment sit" Whiskey wsa ls. gambling festival !.r.-ni!nt part m ker snd crap gam tie negroes near Hie i .s.t of na'e'gb ti evidence- ' 'be and t be omho Mt.lllis St IHH N lr TH William Haunt.-. Bad Jnsl IVe.ii I-jm-tng a Pyes-e "f W l-riin-hn. tiui. k on 'he delights of a feast f waterme'on d-th ..n Sunda) morn li g i Istmed an aged negro i f Ha ie.gh William H.yrnes Barre, sit' was about fifty -five yers old was sitting "tj the front por. h of his h. no- ,.n S.oirb M-l-ow - rli street al- ot nine . . b. k ' day me-reiiryg He epi-ei.-l t T I'll I'MII TI III AN cm iU'll r. . . a. In w-aa very low water prsasur. and that The guests departed In th we ,,. ,-,,, addresses nn the earn lln hy charls Se-som and tiev n w.ikitik Business affair will this was re pons! bU for the Br hours of night, voting Mk spreading to Mr. Moore's houae and charming hostess. for the sclent of the damage at Mr. I Music wa furnlhd dor!g Williams', that the streams were not of ! ynlng by sn orchestra lumclent volume, that they roald not - , S S 8 Cobh a Two splendid Scrmmia ar)cll bv Hey .Innic-s fl. Snrxlk-or. Those who attentld th services of the I'resliyteMan church Sunday speak In high prsiae of the two ser- omprehenslvf and effect- nmns of liev lame Snedlcor. of , Tuscaloosa, Alabama, In the ni'iinitw. Mr. Snedlcor spoke alout Southern Kvnglltle work In whl. h he Is actively Interested. In the evening he preached from Eieklr! I.' Then ssid He unto Jeans. Son of M1411 ba" tho'i seen what th n 1 leiiis of the house of Israel do In the drk. every man In the chamber of h Images" Tor they say th lrd seet u not Th Uerd het for saken the earth Thla waa an un usually strong sermon. one '--r negro th gan.e course .-' 1 Ra. b ' the bull.' e and lodged ther Infi.l W 1 th reach, the top of ths house for aw till, hut that later the pressure was gTswtly impreved. Concerning this Mr. E B la Hossnr of Mas Mmiwnsn. In honor ef Mis Is bell 8lmmnni iof Nw Bern, daughter of nnstor Bain, superintend nl of the w!r- .,., .K1 rti,in. Ur item works mad a statement Uat Might, la ,m Af,drw there was s card party siatniins insi in.i. wa B'i nun vti , . - I mwA ItP..lrl.nl W H , nanwivT'i " ..--...-..- - Knuckles, of Lumherton, will make the annual gcldr of th president, rol Inaed bv a general dlsrusslnn At night ther are to be welcome d drrsae. bv . K. Nswsls for the flun- a.. Hrhanf. DT W. T. COlemen mr THF VlMi OfTERt-n. th.n proved a dsasirois tieorg Hunter a ll.il. igh I hiring the progt.-s . flahl atarted up '1 the v hb h negro ' ai Hunter twice Mne . strut k Hunter in li e m the back, while th ad a st alp wound The negro wa brought tn Ualenh d irtng the dav "d taken to St Ak nes .Hospital, where the bullet was ev tra. ted latst night the rpon v. . that he wa resting ss wll p stble under the emptors, nnl ft.' II, ere was hope for Ms r ' rv ' M Kin claim that h.- shot I" .1 1' . f. t se l THK P1H.H K nil'RT. Moii.Uj Mttmlnar ixke a lnr Itnr, anil Many er the. line. Ther wer twelv offender In th poll. court yesterday Th following were lined 15 and entts. rharrd w'th being drunk S A Wallace, white. AUr.Prrr , otor,1 James Pop white: C H gKvd bea'th. a' d w 1 melon Parties who passed parent good hea th tiiinut afterwsid. deed. Th sudden a-.m trouble of tl'e rtrtcg qyj1tl. w'tb 1' ;e tetMng lo W ske I Among th many v. through the . It ves'er lav mv to th Sunday School a Wake Krert- was Mr J.j t formerly of thl city, nc Sunday School Secretsrv Mr. (i B 11 Pnrkcr. of liiiplm t.uiiily W Imi Hues riling mi a l,rge s.nlc iSpi.lul to ets and iihser'.-i i W llson Aug Mt John ij ,lni'. of Wilson ,t ft w das ago returned from a trip 'hr.oih Ibipliu .ivnnti. an.i he gives ,1 blowing a- coon' "f th rops through Hint set-tpm -especially t he corn . rop He savs i ' ndou hi ed I v the distinc tion cl Corn King,' belongs to .Mr O. B !' Parker of 1 himiuepln, on the North Hast Itlver Mr I'arker has over three hundred air.s undet tiiltlvation in corn from whl' h he expects lo haret Iwentv tii -iisand bushels, tlt'tv acres will yield eighty bushels per aire, while two hi. mired and littv. ii.r.-s will prndin e BIXIV live bushels I" the ar Hesltles this t remend'-u s .urn crop Mr Parker finds time to cultlvats large crops ..f tt'tt.m and 'ohaco and other farm products In other words. l.lm In ap- be Is a model farm, r and raises nearlv in a few 'everything that goes on his table The 1 ,.s found cattle, horses, hogs and fowls on his 1,, I plantation ar- of the driest strains ana Sun be In ati rg water- . due the man ..' s'f.g 1 . passed n 'heir L..l!i' lit T Watt. th. H.P lt ' V .gtn'a SPRTIAL nil.l.gTIV Take a r W Tsmfersturr In great nulnlnrs He la also known as one of the largest meat mis.r in Eastern Carolina He also conduct large supplv store w hern farmers from miles around do their trading He owns and operates a tug boat and fi e flats which ply between 1 'hltnpiep'ti and W ilmington to carry his pri'din 's to market and bring supplies to his store ne month go Mr Parker sold In one deal a niiahtltv of timber which brought thlrtv-vn thousand dollars Uevlleiasil Homey IWtsign. -I" , . . . a-1Ha. S-WM. t MlirtT-r'ninn s.t . .i. -'- ' " i.,a rwiv.r nlnre I SmmMU' . M p J.1 iVi.eV whl.;. Moon.. P-rrv (lovernor Kilchtn has hn Inform- ' "Ij' Jones a dlored w-omap. ed hy Adjutant u t srumer. 01 . rrH)U r dlsordsrlv on- c t - -; - gTATT051 Ji .1 .1 i 8 f. Z.. . If Ashv1l!s. . . Tt 4 : n At'snta ...', 4 : 0 'harleton IJ n T Knuivlll . , . T 4 lo 7a : Nerfolk 7 : T4 10 Raleigh . . Ti Wsehlnton . -1 ! Tt M 31 Mr. Mr. R. R. W. Ysarvi-M W. Vlnreat, the manag'ng t.i News and MlMjerver I wi soti Aug - Mr. W A Lucas. ii.. f.,r the past five month has been conn... te, with Ihe law department of tfi Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com pany in the .apaeity of special attor e. reichtly resigned from that peti tion resignation becomes effective next Wednesday Mr laicaa in th fu tiir mil devote all of hi time to 'hi lo. sl practit e It Is understood that Hon F S Sprulll. of Bo.kv Mount, bss formed a partnership with Mr l.ucas for the prartle of law In Wil son cpuntv Mr. Hprulll will n.vt move tn Wilson but will attend all Wilaon courts city. th part of the water eemuenv. In ths 7. I I- 1 1 kkmat it i and the 1 R. H Chley, of Boston, who re churchs and HyoV J B t ynn-h fobb-Pelany Confederate rmp of , ,,,, Jn-a wa fined 171V alitor of th Charlott Obwrsrr was BK. The mponse will beTs lbns. Oa . thst his titiBtf. Mrs ""7 '"i!TT.'rn:.,,-..j n : .;chd br r-.n rmm th- widow kh .. were usinuiir 'i" " v-s wn wi annua. ....... - - -- , , iiimsitiiai the h.i flowers, rolden rod hlg the prerall- ! Hev C M Brown, D. t. J H. folhy of New J''m'n r1 ffower. After Try intereetlng At earn session mere 1, ..j " r... ... ... - . i aaesris. a nn iiiRir .nil win ' .-nrin ' icui". n-.,...in, w--a, , --a " delightful Stalsment gives out Mr. Haln-eeirst -j water (saisu tare AH lUctst. .'The Water (.'ompaay claims that, s ' heretofore, it furnished to tha hvslranta1 ,B" the pressure required by Its contract; ;m that rt la not responsible for the -HI7w. bV Mra Orans. A.ha. whe ard aft-rnoon; Be. W. A. Jms at ReglmenL If organised, and It Mot. J-llcatloM of the water after It ve.?" fl lhl ow nhrh " The rnnrentlon will he In see- th,n to th dtat- of North Carolina the mouth of the hydrant; that at lb Pf?'4 " .ZZl'lZ. . . 11 mder evening and nr- -ileal I Mover nor Kltchln de-lr. to hear A full account of the purpose to return Mr In ,a.Ucm. the water from te ef j r"' iT-TV ttniik. and Robr work Is to be mad a great f.atur of j rom ,h, r,tmnt la Ihe matter. nrarania new 10 isiwn im. " ' .TV' l. .o . ... ,.,tlnv er hose from nine hundred te or. "rrm. " "' , m tnouannd feet In leagtn, and from the Dannie ana waj m. . ether tydrant through two eeparat, Orer. larrret le, inllette Oew.j Heg Itf hose about Hve hundred feet watae norry. re, . ur-nn - .s,irf twldsrell In foe ler ... J. SS. 1 ... . . ntc orrn A pRiX)N. Vong. Cad the rel erf tn lirthtw T'"Wr"- H. Holt and l;Bitrrrttr' Association, a M!a li He rearwd. Mens oe,ted ewer flet hundred feet 1 . 9 O O from a fire hyrdrwnt Is ronsldered euti TWe Bit-tbday rrtr ef th rang of Are p rot er tlon. p-wni Mas rtandie rX'evea tJtrUied ae-enra h'a. .rttuasa -Ti.e.t m ii"" w MeiewHy-siippiVd lt"ths W iter I mi- pa Mr m his srw-ne es West Joeevs enjr la shewn by the fart that It blawi street. Betwrday eesng from tm 1 condyUptuU J)W4oi, U lweat-letl mW ;;;: iv r- w r- rem,i . : - - . ..r-... : ,. ' " . ..... isi. 111s. Tnr tna er' me .m m- r th fact M stg tiKih plug n,t of Wate naaia , a csnck. . After 'sneny eery Interesting wy ire si ulenwwnd. The earape ruwa th rweexa d'ghtdly attsenpt. nd steady (tow of this stg la ch M to p'a est the donkT S mlsslrg Ull. ream ef water, of eourwe. rendered VHea Mara-ere Bell wee the winner the (KuaHon more difficult pamg .f the fvrtge. By ss saeaaa the t Malnst, after that wnavotdaM srrt- dent." 1 "atr wag aupplled from three hy drants., each . diet a see fmm the stde . Thst the firemea made Tsrd f rht te stated by ft urn her thee who looked at IH Mre. thowgh f r. Moor complains that be rld not get them to work on th back ef tha set steady flow ef this I inch rlsre th presaure to hsv been ey low sad psrti. who were present ear that a evket of wa'r euld M' been hrown a far wa th trressi was threw n. fUose water wsa Ihrss froa he top Pf m, Mra suae. b, M wtuii en lovable were the refresh meal sTd Hi th dining hatt tVesd wteh es for the- yawing h"t wer ttt whre In 1de oseiy, le AkV-d by Stremg rVrnmcn. eaft Kltchln reeterday granted the flag waa published In thl pa per on Sunday morrjjnsV - .. TO tsRAXD I:NCmIvTcTT. Mewarw. INyrrln rkisries snd j. Vr rjp Ck rropt Tin llty, e .n ssaault on a Utile gtn. Emm McNeil Both wer colotd Ed Har rison charged with drunknns. h raus of hi wk phveleal ccwlttion was lt off with an of II. Raleigh Osttoei Market. I Bportd by Parkr Broe Co . Rrtpta yeterday, I bale. Hood middling. H I I HtHct middling. 11 ! Mlddlisg. T-l. Rale of PRION Nw 1-1 R IHiTTOV Crop Sold for SM la liexyrg". iltv th Aesoctvted Press 1 Atlanta. . Autl I - News of big nrices f"r rotton wa vreceivea nere a vneitor to Fiign nuniay. in gu ef Mr. and Mr Edward T. Brlttnn at thetr home en Bewth Halishury street. Ur rlsesst haa bees tn estm North Carolina attending th Nw inrlght In dispatch trn rorsl dls- Pra B1-Cwtenls)l elbrtlon. later trlrt In Georgia. A'. tmTlt ItiS.ao going to Moreheed City with Mrs- wa pld todsy for all hundred hls Viseesl and chlldre. who sre still ; from the Bush plantation Thla was at the Atlantlc Hotel, while Mr. Vln-'all from the lltl crop At Laburg a cerit retwrna te help kv Ihe ti farmer sold on hale of new crop cot goiruj sm th Carteta Olaset sr 'ion for ill rny end ntneed to eight month nrt road. TO reasons assign .... Oos-ernor. are; This boy. with two ether, was row vsr ted of larceny. Owing Id th ywtrth ot'th lad the Judge offered te let lhm P fine and gte bond for good behavior. The others com piled, and wer released. Prisoner as not shle te comply and wa n tenred le the foeds, where hs hs new served T fiv months, snd h wsa ! texil feuf month hefor Irisl. Uane ettifrws ask hi pardon. Both Am e .a h I ovi!4 o4 ajt Ik eieki k... ., ... .s. k ....... work for Wtetber kt we, la fiam-e. Is a I t-s. V - H-e, f wrak see -ry forteeaxte 'e ef wm f -.r-essir th. TO ' li fcaeieg tkt erp-wtanrty o inexrw V er Cemrany ears tt w npthifi 'ten In rertr.g. i k fe.a. ,re thst was ro.ie si: " r ae.ered th !! f" freet; l' T K M-N"! ie't th - ' . wye r.i a the - f f 'r PiH'tsw. snd " Tk Iw the ke - rirm ih.t tr ' -r -ieea rf rw-ir eel B" - o l.i. st t of fnifert -t c-efist On rm T h.,, ta KcBtpxry -j'.- p fc w . 1 w p la A' sr.-. CI'. Tsaassie' ItestNaee Mt We tTiswat. Mr, tt. N R4. of lrinte, will give the Wefce Caenty Instltete (, hxdge and solicitor recommnd week ef week la public sehool draw- itnm4 twinal pardon. I therefore, par ing, h-wlnalng Aeg-wt llth. giving ,j, Brteoner enronditlon that he re practiewl. helpful week, and shewing msln raw-at-Jdiftg and of rd beha hew drawing mr be w-d la sery !ir, and n the further rendition that d- rrmrvt ef er work. ' appear Si ee'h trm ef th Mupe- Mrw B4 haa he) M stelewt r4'irlor eowrt ef Caldwll count for th t.ekr f mtsml srt fr many yewrw. .xt two yar and eaftsfy th yodg sed he toad r-rll stedr ef that h haa been or goo re-notcx. krhocla Th til MR, . Pt NCA IMPTUmNa Wa la a Very fvttK-sJ rotlcsa rw. nass trperwteaw. It will be with grest pleas-r-e lhl th feiewis of Me I rwncn, w'l! ka -Sst sh I rsp'd'r Imprevt lug S'r Iitt4rri 'I'l a riaennl et era- Uoa t r . -1 .. tt at ! tl liieT1' posh and Assistant tjrand Mecre tary I. O. O. r, J. D. Brry. trill leave today for Fayttv11l tn attend th .North f'srollna Grand Encamp ment. Mr. Berry go as a represen tative from th locl cassp ef that rlty. Mr. Rush will endeavor le land Ih art meeting ef the Orad Encampment for Raleigh. He car tie Invitation from th Board nf Aldermen and Ihe Chamber ef Com merre of Ihl Hty. H will he th gusi ef Mr. I "and 0tr. Orsnd Jn- o wares) et in urxuna earep- mt during hb) stay In rsywttevllle. 1 Mr. Charlea bemad en. grand offi cer ef the enestrrment, wilt wot be able t attend ewteg to scimeea. THlRTFF.or PTResONa Itn.LrTt. IPy Ihe Asweeisted Prvses Irwacie. Cel.. Aog'is I Thirteen pei-sona were kllbd set at least It war l)nrdi tonight wha psss . a ter train bowed from ea Frjeec iw ts Northern Pe11,- Ks' sy, wss strwk by a teisl loeemot)vs and ca Horas sowtfi of Igwacte. - Mid sf those Injured Wee. riding tn th seooiitng car Tiy wer re t1ps ef Pets'um. ! Kiss and oU.er fby tn. , SPECIAL Men's Oxfords Sale Rtlstons $198 instetd of $100. : The Edwin Clapp $4.50 Instetd of $6. 00 and $6.50. All freih new thort; good nnge of Ues. Best values erer offered for the money. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. CROSS MID LlUEHMl COMPANY

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