- . TT1E NEWS AND ORSERTE1I. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1910 FLEEI1IG CONVICT 13 SHOT 111 HEAD -' Hegro Killed Instantly As He Ran " WW GOfiVlCT FORCE :aslbtei m . m STUDENTS Raleigh Peopln Are Rrqsjratrd to I RucmmI Aumr This, i la not th word of a ninMii(itlT ! rfusea of Raleigh more convincing than th doubtful tttmaeit of pro el living sverywher sum ta th I'nloat Bd tht: Mrs. a W. Pertin. IM Oakwood A'. Raleigh, N. C says: " -I was greatly beaefltad by Down's Kidney Pills and can therefor rtronnxDj them. I had kidney trouble for a long; time, this Mi evidenced br Irregular passages of th kidney se cretion. -There wu also a dull acfcs across mj lot fit and at timea after stooping. H waa a I moot Impoaalbl for ma to regain an erect position on ac count of ta severs twinge that (hot through any body. When 1 read about Dnas't Kidney PWe. I wu tm- i pressed la thlr favor and aftr pro- m i tSjm h Hf f.ihl curing a boy from the Bohblt-Wyane lor AUcanpa at lauxnraj. Daenea Awa at Mb Botf ta Ed at RsJrizti and as Niot ta Bark (4 lFnrtv.Thraa Rnl1aradtt Kind t Business College Yesterday taka thm only a hrt tlm before th passage of th kidney secretions were regulated aad th backache du poeed of I have since recommended i lkun'a ITMna Pills 1 1 s vr 1 nt h r " I. inirrw. w nereona believing fully that ther hve Vard a tarhrasrr RiTlo. ud to th claim mad for them rn Kr .11 Ha.I.h 14 g On shot from a ll-cnltbr wln-lr.B1. Fnater-Mllhurn Co.. Buffalo. theater rtfl about 1M clock p. n..!N.w Torh. unu for th Vnltd yesterda ended th life of En in W(- !But, alaoa. a negro eonvtct about It years, R.mmhr u,, name Doea'sand .f age a he made an attempt to aarapoi. . , la th ctra edge of Raleigh, where! county convict fore I working on th road. It wee Uuard K. M. Kand- era ho ahot, th bulUt crahlnf Into a wo bat k ofrhftgm f td n v'U-C " Ko toppld ever aa h ran and fell dead a Htllaboro atraet oppont th rwl tfeaco of lr. B. W. Kllfore. a hun dred aad fifty rarda frum Ui guard , who ahot him. j Guard Bandar waa akd concern- ia- th killtnc and he aald: "My TO COMMITTEE EI-COVlllSOR AYtOTK FROM SIXTH HIKTRICT MOTV MEJTnSO. BACK UAA- la R. M. Pander. I am nearly . lKftnitiA Mr id. "and T came ' " trem. ..H.vacll. .Crf A.-lMa, , Biiltntt ..-., -... -- tW,Tlto-WaTcTiur.-r.'e ind other or luv been duln (uard duty for about ti Thee la Nothlne to GIo taalamUotia and p!y n Important ScrrraJ OUtor Arrtmd lata "Vct4 aad win Restate Today tLlnf Paai aaaa Cbtbifw aa Imponaat racto ta Om EdaK-atioaai. RWi1oa aad' aortal Ufa of RaM. Irwtn Haadrada mi ModmU Hero Aaaa aly aa Rry Baalanaa laaarwrttoa, Mluct U tbo Peuple aad Paaro. hw liorai laaUtatkma. Forty-three new atudeata r(1tred at aUaca Buaineaa Collec yatrday. wall avral other arrived la th city laat Rlfht and will enter today. Thla I a record-breaker and flvee th roUeir a total earollment of ovtt four hundred atudent thl year. Mr. and Mr J H. Kinf have trained personally ll.e0 atudenu Fho now All responatbl pnaltluna of thie number t.tOD were trained at Ki(t BuatnoM t'ollcjt In Raleirh and I'har ktt. Tb colee here naa buwit annnpnrtant fa-t.ir In the edurational life of the city- Every yer hundreds of ttudents come hrre tu receixe buel neas training at kln'i llusinua t'ol tef and then go out well -equipped to fill poaitlona of trut with larf buaineaa flrma. The aliendajwe I nearly alway In rxrrmt ,.,( three hun dred atudent all of h im rld. la tha- rtty whna feVMiij tnttrurtl'in. mingle with the !! Jri jxuvit. Atlantic City Excursion -VIA- Southern Railway AUGUST 23rd Doa't wt thj ofxemaltT tn lH trr mow trt I R MFH RIXIHT of the wtvtd with tte ttmaeeuula of anra.-tloa. Very chewp raw will aptj a f HKe: tMtt Rakftgh 4 1 p m ajj. IMwbaa ap. ro. .lbDMltV 11 p. an tliaprt HU1 . 4 oo p m Urrrew-enru SIT- II 00 II IW II im It oo Mmf raevw iroen an MaiKwe ltai.rti ta ,trMir im liiKle. TVkrta gond reiernhui im anf train Irattng AtlauUc tit within I day larietdtng dale of sale. M-ovwa will he allowed oa retarn tvp elihln Un it at Itilla oWphlav HakUawnrr or W atimgtoL etop-nvrr at l'lillad-lplila you rata vw New York fwfiarat Care for ('ofcwrvl IVorile. roe farUwr lnfornatiia ak rur Agent or write W. H. PARNELL. Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. ef3 WHEN IN DOUBT . come here or telephone us your wants. (J it's something you want from a drug store we have it. King-Crowell Drug Co. The Quality Drug Store Both Phones, 95 Al n ' , r.. tn Ik. M.M-iat I f ,. fr, . -it. Out and that iha (HnralUce Rrport Th Importance of Kin a Huin WUI b Ghra to IWrwirraUc Mala1 Coa V the l.ualneaa Ufa ..f Hal f ein. in itri i in! roaitv is enown i) th fact that un etrrday th ruUK received nln apilu a'lona for boo.- IKt- FOREST-TRUSTEES TWO "Sir SEHMOHtr Fxrxwtlvo ComniHteei Ultra It Meet try rKrwtion of ITteirman tiler. eight yeara, and for twenty-nine anoatha wa enpwrd at in mate prison. I waa' one of three guards In I charge of a squad of twenty-four negro 1 convict who today began work In widening Htllaboro street at th Cam- area property. The convict er givea omner in tn. eoae ' , Ex-Oovernor Charle B Avcock haa to th weat of the field end had Just! ...,.. .- -. T ftttBtad aaea tiearo frWrftlann rn:1ttirna-to ttie city from W rtghtaMll. hack had com up to the edge of where he was one of the committee, ta rod and X!chol..n ran behind It. ln Investigating the tangl In! irtXTorv -- - otten a aood tart. I rt to the; ratio nomination, the other member! edge of the bank ana cried out to mm 'of the i nmmltte pre keeper and stenof raphers BR, AMltV 'ssKI. JU aw VnlntratluUI? Otiattexi I rtHil tlM u.T.fill I.Ut by tlw fcwrnary of lunl On the llt of 'OM-eeful api'U' nts belna eg-1 for license to irs t'., e dentistry rr- aeversj time to top, tu halt, but he (jovemor Jarvls. el-Judgr A C. Avery. ! cntly publishe d th name of Ir liiiriiiii'ii 1 1 j of the board 1' cat at Oastonla L. La If 1 should shoot. Me told me to shoot and I used my Incheater I j PLAY i;HIH Ml tT ttMIHr:SS. hoot any convict, ea.ept on who Is 1 r "' "r r.s-weui.-, aid to ! Ineane. If he ran. and be- (Jovernor K 1. loughtoo aa kapt: fore I shot I asked Koad Supervisor 8 assy by urged profeselotal hu sines j Ki-tlovernor Ayrock wu asked lf! 1 l the se'-relarv Andrsws will lo- rtfle. cal.br 1!. getting a sight at theith'r nX atatemsnt roncernlng regro towards the south side of the " " .7 I Kugavwtlnfi Made Mni for Mao In road He fM over on th. sidewalk ' JZr'"- "J' ", BaWgh f. Trton, of Poor and waa dead at ot. turning over"!1'! Ther will be no statement H,,M Cntaalou iHwasew. .. he fell Though I have been guard- "i ""til on. Is given to th. Imo-1 "c,m iM-easca. Ing conMcts fo' about eight years, this i-ratlc Htate Executive Committee at i To th E'll'or M t of the siuare Is th. first time I ever saw one run, '1" n' meeting " The meeting I yet upon whlrh tli -oit,, romprea stood to re ranen, ana tne aat. u snonjy naa neen nunr ni ami open sin be snnoumed by fttata Chairman Eller and this on. Is the first I hav. utr shot. Th direct statement of Mr Pan der I confirmed by the other guards who say that Nicholson tried to ea ten, was called on to halt, and that guard Panders shot. Ther Is also a report that the negro had said that If he g.tt a chance to get away he would take the chase, that h would I aa snon b dead a not. Ther waa no excitement among the other aegro eoavtcta when Nicholson tried to ear ape and waa killed. Th body was taken from the edge of th s-.dewwJk where th necro had falle, death being almost Instantaneous, to th fl'at Fair Ground where the con vict camp Is located, and about six o'clock yesterday afternoon the body waa removed to the Brown undertak ing eetaMlshment and prepared for burial. The negro formerly lived here, , bwt had lately returned from PufTolk Ba has a sister her who sun that she can not say what will be done with the body until her mother ar rlvea today from Puffolk. Nicholson, wfco w aa about twenty-two Tear old. lived la Raleigh until the laat few year when he went to Puf folk. He refirned to Halelgh early In August and on the eleventh he waa convicted of attempted larceny, hav ing been detected In the attempt to rob the cash drawer at the store of W. P. Man on East Martin street. H wa tried In th polk- court here last Thursday before Polio Justice Ptronach. who sentenced him to alt months on the road, and th negro began his term on Friday. Tb condition of th shooting war "ouch that Coroner Pepark held It to be aanereeeary to hold an Inquest in th matter, aa In such cases of Iha hooting of a fleeing convict the re quirement of th guard la that n boot. REPI BLICAX COI XTT Til RET Rl GWlCSTl I) Ftm W AKE. ths removal of the rompre. this sum mer Would It not 1m. w.-U for th dly to get pTpilwlon from the Pea board Air Un Hallway, th owner of the property, to grade th ground and secure Its ue as a recreation ground! In the sroumls of the Cen tennial School there is now a foot ball and l.aseball field, but ther Is nons In the northern part of the city The suageetlon In thrown out. Th Seaboard Air Une has alway shown much Interest ln matters st Kalelgh. nd Mayor Wynne. If he think -i MET IX FIRST HAITI T M'MHV PtTltMlL ROOM 1TI.K!Y , IIIMN rTTKK TO M M. 1T III- tuw. al Estiusn mm m.v There waa held yeater Ur n mrev.rt of the Board of Trufi f VaJia Kurrst College, the fu.i t-e,o in attendance- Prof. K I' H . c ' I'ifonl. preeldeat; Mr A 1 W.rl. . f New Bern; H. P. Thon. .' t'.-i V Kev J A Campbell, t lo t of Hulea i reek Academy. M . ri J Hunter. J W. Baile. N l lit .Kh ton. Ir Watson P. Kan n. : T Venn. l I.. and Prof J K.rrei.. of HaJela-h. Mr. Koert V I: i . of Wake Forest. Mr. Ueorge s o-,.,, of (toldsboro. Tlie meeting waa helfl 'n h S .n 1a S. hol room of the Hap'ist hunh at four o'clock in " r noon A committee. 'fi p I tf Prof otgood. Ir Menlan i. r s -1 I and Prealdent Poteal. t voi-d to auneet additional teach'ra f r the I'epartment of Ensl'eh REV. I. K. WT1V. OF IJ II IMTII tTTY, PKKAIU1.1J AT TAHMt NAtY K BAITIsr III Ht 11 bl'S lAY MilRMMi tI NK.IIT. Dike's Peroxogen Cream A gentle, harmlest skin tonic, which is reaclily ab &0Xi)ed and docs-not irria(t?.- CoormirroothtTTj'r refreshing. Price 25c. B0BB1TT - WYNNE DRUG CO. BOTH PHONES 10? Hev. I N l.ftitv e!l Mniorlal i l..t ': i itv. a, ted ths f"i'r!' i! of the 'rat--rn loii i day He preacb. I m al eermons t Ur.--' un.l made a Tnr lri i. notrnlna e-rvii 1 I' r if Into "i on.. r h ' . If- made It uu't n.-- eva.ry for 1 strong conv irtlot r - i 1'a. ktvone to sinroi lared thai i i' hurchee t.- l. 1'h dep f-i.ji r I CAPTVRKB IX PI RHAM. Kemp HUI, W aetcd Mr RamMlng. Brwugtw to Rate by CoaMabla ' Byrwaa. Kemp Kill, rolorad. wmnled tit Bal algb or th chare of gambling, waa art tad Saturday night by the Dur ham police. , Conaur.1 Byrum waa Betlfled and went to Durham for the prisoner, raturnlag with him Sunday. BUI waived examination and wag Cred under bend for hi appearanc or the Superior oeairL f ' F-aanpBret at Brevard. Brevard baa been ehoeea aa th place af encampment af the atudent . ofAeera of the Port Royal S. C, ma rine school. Th encampment will b held la September. flnaamarh aa Itu Drortit I e mm -rat Caa Be Ptyauaird to Run m Radi cal Tb kat, the) Old Crowd Is Ready to Fill tlm Pr Certain Republican have been moving heaven aad earth (that ta a figure of speech, for they have no j f thl ugstlon. can no doubt get connection wtlh heavenly things i co-operation. sine the flrat of July to induce two or i Another matter which hs Impress three Democrat to run for office ,4 ,h, writer very forcibly la the need either aa Independents to be aupport- of ,ofn, ., of a rlBr fr earing for ed by Radicals or to run on their ,n(J treattna person who hT con ticket, Non ha been found That tagloua or Infectious dlaeaara. an I breed of Democrat do not thrtv In WBo haV, ,h added mlsfortun to Wak county. Therefor a politician I noor What Is needed Is a well ar- yeeteruey aueicu in !U4l""iM ticket for the consideration of the Kepubllcan convention that la shortly to assembt: Henanir Claude M. Bernard. Houw James I. Moore, W. T. Bar row, J C 1. Harrle. Khrrlff Ham T Jonea, CWk Hill E. King. . Hrglatrr of peed Alt Powell. Cniml I'wioa Everett Uaoka, Thad Ivev, Jame H. Toung. 'That would be," said the perty talking, "a real Republican ticket, truly repreeentatlv of th party, em bracing men of both the Duncan and STAUOFH RRFPTTC. That a clean, nice, fragrant com pound like Hucklen Arnica Salvs w'll Instantly relieve bad birn rut. s all. wound or piles, staagwr t-eptlce. H it great curea prove its a wonderful heeler of the worst eorea. ulcer, bolls, felons, ecsema. akin eruptions, aa also chapped hands, sprains and corns Try It lie at all druggista tlorm and th--1 !nl up for tht", wo'ilil t no tro., br1rg:ng the world trout-i.- about t'., Christiana la that !' conviction Th. v I It doe hot make are Killlna to dnri otrifr,. n ho hav . too timid to rtand of HUi'k KUlabeth th service -1 horch Hun n Ton pra tl -o((r.'silloria -ioti At the t renolved I Mn. kbone ' r that It a ui!, b hav- !- have th r them II- r--it need In ami thin convl' -1 k lone to i. tions. in. (n. a bo it itirlet Th. Toilet Articles of Every Kind! Soaps, Perfume, Toilet Water, Talcum Powder and a complete line of Toilet Articles are always found at HENRY T. HICKS COMPANY flori Phones 107 f-v 1k kmi 'hu !( the: it. f.ir t hm I unip A VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN (Continued from pag. one ) ranged and ailractlve place where the Ick could be properly Isolated from the well Think what this would mean for both sick and well a to tub erculosis, dipththetla and other dis eases Can our people be brought to se. thst. apart from the greater com fort of the sick, the money question Is a (real factor? It It be plainly understood that th. topplnn the . hacking of diseases means money for th public. The Plate the county and th city have not yet don a single thing for th Indigent Incurable who has tubercu losa unleea such a person la dounly Morehead faction And Inaamuch 1 unfortunate that la. Inaan. also. The aa th Republicans are working on ! writer has perfect faith In the good thg quiet thla year to get out the negro , intentions of our people. They have vote, that race la given a place on imolv not yet risen to the supreme th board of commissioner." SHE REFUSED TO LEAVE (.Continued from page one.) leave tomorrow, to pay tha coats In th caa ad to causa no trouble, but Judge Sykes held to his Judgment Her sxcue waa considered by tha rubber neckerg pretty good. A ths matter now stands, sh can be hr at least two weeks mora and In tha event her necessity of preserving the publln health. Raleigh has, ln th person of Dr T. M Jordan, a most devoted and able superintendent of helth Will not our people hold up hi hands and provide (n tha vary near future what we ebould have had all the years? FRED A. OI.DP. Raltlgh .V. C. , Catrhlasj Biff MaHeC ITo Trouble A stxas Cfrfaujo, Post Toasties alftal tlra tha box. ' Bakfat ta a enlnatA, and Pa bava a snesj aa dcJtgntful as tt Is wtioleeorna. ' Post Toaatlrs ar rrlsp and flatuwUI fOedeaj.brwwrn, fluff bits that almost melt ' ta th " aaovth. , . .- -; : "The Memory Iingcrt" POGTCM aiREAL CO, LTD, Paul Creek, Mich. caa Isn't reached, three months more. with chance that a Jury might ab solve her altogether of tha duty to glt. Tha girl raHy wo. ' J. M. Roderick, a vary good-looking man. was triad Oil morning for re tailing, but cam clear in tha gwnerally characterlaaa array of wltntssss pre anted for ths Stats and ths dfna too. R was accused by a negro who had been foud guilty of selling whis key. Roderick admitted having served a term tn Atlanta for selling whiskey, but that was all against him. It Isn't considered deadly sin tn thee nan because Dehwnon tnwnshVp) Instructed for local self-government. Ths trial of Reuben Barb, who was last week arrested for pulling hi gun again, will take plac tomorrow morning. Th caa has been from tlm to tlma deferred on ac roust of Barbee't attorneys being unable to appear In th rasa, Trere Isn't anything that Is of great new value In tt but tha coming Into mart of Reuben liar bee sounds like old times; Indicates that ; there la something doing. Editor Jos 1 King a lew aare ago wrote mm eom. time Reuben Barhee's money la going to play out and then something will iha done. to him by th courts. And ! that's what Colonel Falrbrother would call tuff.' . 1 fcfisa Delia Hampton, assistant I teacher of history In th Orsensboro srhonla, haa accepted a similar posi tion la th Durham schools and wilt !bs her tha flrat week In September !te begin work. ! Tttlsa Hampton haa relatives tn Pur : ham and haa trtelted frequently In thla ' place. She Is accounted an exceptional i teacher and will strengthen ths de I partment to which .she has been .called. Superintendent W. D. Carmlchaet la ln Oaatonla, where h Is conducting n instltnt for a period of two week for the GastoB county schoola - Mr. Carmlchael will conclud. - tils work ther and return to th elty two week hence to begin preparations for the school term. Mrs. J. A. Roblpson haa likewise returned from an eastern trln where ah waa teaching In the . Itietltut.. One a the Wader In th primary work In 4 he ijoj-nl s , .hott'v n't v.! woi-te.f-jt ', .-("' at that 'I :. (Beaufort Iymkout) Mr. Walter Longest caught- pertor court for the trtal of civil case, bfgan here this morning. Judge C. I, on. who preside ths full term of ihl luliclal dlatrlct, ar rived yesterday snd court began busi ness promptly st tn o clock. A small case was tried and disposed of hy eleven o dock The next esse taken up I ona of Importance, and lll occupy poeelMr tao daa. from the progree ., fa. made, and the number of lawyers employed It Is the case of Paul C IJndler sralnat th KYI'S I'ntw Company, of Wlnston-Palem Ftv years ago I'aul IJndly and Watt Richards,. n while coming to Oreenabero from Winston In an antomobHe, were stru. k by a street car at th crossing at Waughtown. a manufacturing ani residential suburb, four mile from Winston. Th. machine wa badly damaged and Mr l.lndlev wa aerlouslv and permanently Injured. H I claiming ten thousand dollars damage of th street car company, alleging that It had no croeslng alga, that th track was not visible, and that no bell was rung In approaching the croaatng Th street car company claim that Undly waa riding at a "rapid, dangerous and rerklee speed." and that thla alone waa th cause of tha collision. The caa waa tried three years ago, re sulting In a hung Jury, nn 1 rrom tne tart mxi in ngnt la on Wednesday, eeveraj mullet measuring between a street car corporation In 1 11 Inches acme th head, between another town, snd tna owner of an tha eye. - Thla Is an extraordinary automobile, botn litigant generally else for this season, and la considered ! presume to have Ilttl sympathy favorable algn for good fishing. 1 '""m a country jury, tn caa is be- I lng watched with much Interest by who defied the s!na ! reo for tv cnvlctlors and the llet-rew rhildren, who were throsn Irilo th. fl.-ry fur nr wre th pstirnis h held up "Tee." he said, "you will ! thrown Into tl.e lions drn and Into the fterv furnace for stanillng up for vour con vl.-tlons todyv Hut the t'hrlstlan who hopes to arcomplish anr'lung must not be nfrnid of thn 'lions r!i or the 'flerv furnace.' " And then h emphas'red the fct Ihut there was a delivery t"d t'sniel and the Hebrew children mre delivered and the same Hofl e ho delivere.l them will deliver) the Christian t.Mn He t.leade.l for he Ieniel tips of lh t'hrlstlan to ds At night be pre he,1 on the mens ';re of i 'hrlstianit V of the church ani 'he IrHllvldual The measure f I'lir'.Canltv of r . h'ir. h or an 1 .1 1 v i.iim'., ti said, whi" Hi a. tlvlty for 1 lir the gospel tctt It sent forth A mnn 1hat 1 onos In contact with i brts' 1 Imbued with a spiritual reality which makes h!m n evsngelist lie wains to go forth ind tell the storv He wants to bring bis neighbors to Christ It wss so with the apostles It should le so w th I'hnstlans of toda lt a mnn get In touch In reulitv with Christ and he wants to tell the story Ms he. op, eg a power. He sal I that If the members of the church woul. only get In touch with t hrlst they would w rk wonders They woUij go out and bring men to Christ Tha church or the 1ndfv1diil who was not measuring up to this stand ard, that of telling the story and bringing men short of (he Mr l,oftln consecration and power and Hlack- 1 well Memorial church, of which he Is pastor. I on of the handsomest In ; Eastern N'ort Caroline, snd unrfer hi ; pastorate It has had a marvelous growth It I a live membership and under tne able leadership of Mr Lof- ! tin Is doing a great work in that por- i Hon of the Plate ! LUSCIOUS nn moilng. ft r f reh v 7mrr rmthlnf juH io AU-fnnf on A h't dny n Ice Cream Soda or Sundae t niir fountain RVh rrmm . frh fruit com hi fir t ! .in tht d-11-ifMiu brvMn-l r Hption Frr.i , .mintny thnt tht? nnt o( on muhM th mouth wnter Trv .u.r I. C. BRANTLEY, Druggist Phone No. 15 Masonic Temple matorltv. Selected Hot i r t he l crowd sele. t.,,1 llarr' Kor days certHln It 1 , 1 I ' .in hosses. or would-be bosses. In . I . n fgmg l'ecn.wrata to ta'e a ,ti th.lt ticket, to orfantie h 1t-'n 11. Wet. or to run ss 1 nl'p..ti i . c . mm h. Isles with assurances of h. oi .M ,Ti ,i.p..rt Hut so far no liemo t' wh- . oni.i command any votes. h..s i 'fed p. be guilty of "party feif ' H mioI psrtv dishonor" by running sg i i.st mill daiee named In a primely in whi h lie took part. The only other news n of its. ti.nl politics Is ths following :-. Il see out from Raleigh t th.- Norf..i Pilot. Virginian: W'hll the Republican comtv c,,r ventlon for Wake to t.omtnate the county ticket la not tn (,. ...inniei until Heptember 1. there Is nin.M.r n ali discission of possib'e legislative ticket, espeia.t It I'.'SS no like , Col J i' 1, Hams I'fe-loog Re- put'llcsn, who :s persoio erv popu lar, will he set up ' make the raci against lr i: v Sk liemo'-ratM tlomlliees for the Slul- Senate I'.li. IlHrrls de. lares h p " 1 ill' xness to maU. Ihe rn. s provided the t ,-1. 1 1I1. sns wlil get Into the cHiivpaltn wiih ihe detr rnlnstlon to win " A gentleman who keeps pretty we t poster) in politics said last night Thl Is all talk Col. Harrla haa no Idea if mining He would like to get nm I'l'iii.ii ruts to hetrav their par'v ant 'in., 'he Radii-si If he -an. but h. s not g ong to run this ve.ir " Wh.it men prlxe mnet la a privi lege. rn If It be that of chief nio'ireer at a funeral ' telling the story and .rre (wn- Fortune Telling Is young preacher of j . . $100 Reward, J100. Tks eastei f Mi tns wis a sksase w taara wsaai shims IM seawr has ksas Wh H ear Catena. Mast Catarrk tvtes a tka a eeenrrs ears sa iaee to she BHslksal SataesHy, (wiser esseina.ssisi ieiw resnlew a leasma nUMat. Hsu's (aiank (w a toses Be tag .keeiir e ta ktos a4 aissais st ths syeiei ikswey fMenrais .as xHMalM Si ths aMS. an gtrteg Iks ssllrnt suaaetk er kuUrtls se aw ssessitasM ss sens kg asiari a m a amek. The aissiwei ks ss aiiek kHk a ns earsthea eawm mat Mwe CM Hsartes IleMaes tse aay exs wet S tsUS to ears. Ses4 lot an o testttaonlale , SMS) r. t C h r t y tu. Tokkts, a M ky tirsesists, tie, teas Ualii raaiiy riMs 1st usniniils. and K1. .. C. I.. HARRIS WIU, HI .1 FOR SEN ATOR? NORTH CAROLTNA WAKE COVNTT. v Before the Clerk. Susie V. Pollard, petitioner, against Theodore Potlard, Oeorge Crummell ' Pollard, John Magnus Pollard, Louis Foleom Pollard and Eraset Medley " Pollard; and Edward Atkinson Pol- Isrd. Julia May Pollard and Ida McKlnley Pollard. Infants. Tha defendants, Theodore Polikrd, John Magnus pollard. Louis Folsom Pollard, Ernest Medley pollard, Julia May pollard and Ida McKlnley Pol lard, wilt take notice that a Ppectal Proceeding entitled as above has been Instituted before the Clerk of ths Su perior Court of Wsks County, where in the petitioner pray the said Clerk to allot her dower Interest ta tha pro ceeds of real estate tn the city of Raleigh, N. C. seised by her late hus band at ths time of his death, and t mak ths residue assets; and tha raid defendants will take notice that they re required to appear before th aald Clerk of the Superior Court In hi of fice In aald city on th lth dsy of September, lilt, st 12 M., and answer or demur to the petition In aald f pe dal Proceeding, or the petitioner will ask tf.s Court for tha relief demanded ln thevpetitlon, Thl lit'h day of Julv. 11 .Vl.-,,I!-W!-'J-'WW-ftt'' all, and most rarefntly nursed conducted by the sttoraeys. ' Mr. IJndley Is represented by Col Iteo From Hovo to Iflirn the) New J. A. Barrtnger and ex-Judge W. P. Abnwt Wake trmnty Pwllteoa. Hynum, while the corporation haa Wataon. Buxton A, Watson, Manly A Hendren. of Winston; A. I Brooks and King A Kimball of Oreeirsbora, About thirty witnesses bare been worn, Mr. IJndley and two other for the plaintiff had been etamlned by three o'clock. Mr. Wataon la conducting th cross examination for the defendant com pany, and as usual, la bummer at such buaineaa. A New lawyer Bwura la. At ths morning seewton of court, an motion of Major Charles Ptedman. Mr. John W. Col, of Dexlngton. who was recently licensed as an attorney, wag regularly sworn In a an attorney, gad entered on ths records as a reg ular practitioner. navbtao) Porervr tvrt. Judg W. J. Adama spent a short while her yesterday between (rains on his way from Cart hag to Lex ington, where he Is holding this weeks term of Davidson Superior Court. i Since the Republicans of Wake (county held two county conventions land sent two arts of delegates to Ihe . State convention. Ilttl haa been heard i about Wake county pnlitlce. Ther ar now tWo coneilT chairmen J. C L Harris and Lester Butler. Which will get down? Or will they amalgamate? The Morehead crowd, having a large Doe eot tak into aonsiderstio tse one essentia' " wom an's aappiiuws wamanly health. Tb woeaea who neglects her health it aegi relief the very louadstioa of all food lorttme. (-'or without health lov loses its lustra and fold is hut dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be aagaisad by tb aaa of Dr. Fierce'! Ksvent 1'resoripti. Ts seW'fa as, for erer go years, ases tmriml 4tlltt, we ft, pain- wrack wsmea, y fks ftsagregs sf (Asasaags mm4 iklm re Im f arfracy af (Aer horn t wff Aesf t Asrfsg ra ssbasft tm Im4.ll- af gaaarfaafafls mm4 fftm.lr.ty reaal ( amlmatlm. Sick women are invited ta sonsult u. by latter, res. AH MfTseoondeac held as sacredly eoatdeatnl. Address World's Dieeeaeary Medisal Assooiarioa, ft. V. Pisrc, M. D , Presideat, Buffslo, N. Y. Da. Pixaca'i Casaf Fsmilv Drtrro Root, Ths people's Con no Sss Vtsdieal Adviaar, aawly revised up-lo-dst. edition 1000 sag, ssawrers is Fiatn Infill boats oi dsliears gsastioss which every womsa, siagls or marrietl, Ought t kaow shout. Seat frtt to ssy sddress oa reesipt of 31 aa ssg stsmp o over ot of wrapping aad nailing say, la French sloth hied lag. ASKS MIRTH CAROUXA. IU lrvIVeartha of S4a! Waata Ritlleiia on canning. Th bulletin on canning, prepared 1 by Prof. Shaw, of th State Depart- ment. of Agrlcultur and Issued by ' that department Is exciting much at tenllon throughout the country. la ' yesterday mall the department recehr- ) ed applications from seventeen Pistes for th bulletin, thus far fully three-, fourths of the Ptstee having requested : eoplc of tha bulletin. e i Involuntary IVtltKsn. j Klser A Co., ths Pan ford Caady Co., nd ths L M. Foush ee Co., yesterday ! filed an Involnntary petition with tha clerk of the Federal court here prar logtbat. tb firm of yir-her -A; .Waf go-ua of Panford." vt; cU' 4 tane--' . pt The matter will .ta heard at' Manhattan Shirts Reduced . - . . - . . Too many shirts on hand that 1$ tht reason we art going to sell out our tntirt slock of Manhattan Shirts at tht following reduced prices: $1.15 instead of $1.50 $1.25 instead' of $1. 75 instead of $2.00 $2.00 instead of $ Many of the best patterns eft. Better come in early before tht best Sit OUR DISPLAY. v pickings art gont. "... ' a - Cross and Linehan rupf imejwaer!wBsiwassar; : iwnaaiia Jn:iaoTmRS Company M CUrk Sup.rlur Court T-28 lawtwi chamber en tb Had, 4

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