" T pfcsrt r.mii w, e4 IT- r4 -1 News Ofee Iw ar rw Tase Umm mm 13.C?3 irMritHtt r rver, iiiie e.- twTrsueussBw fctw volcile xc, a tg RAT.TTGII. X. C, WEDNESDAY 3IOUXING, AUGUST 17, 1910 TRICE 3 CENTS Leads all North GarolfaaOaiMes fa News aurad Circmlatioo ers. U I IsSSSS tf'ixwn A GREATER SOUTH A GREATER HATIOn Roosevelt on the South and Its Future CiP5 PES 111 ELQV d-rmttal Wrtta Lrtvr to Cbair mi Dwh Um SonOxni Com narrrtal Coacrt". K1J Iavt' UlUoa to Address) Tbs Uody In At lanta la the Spring of till Com enrwd lb W 'r o the Congirat RMKfa From the Bonk of History BJTVrfiii i on tha Scroll Poph7. (By th Associated Prt. of Sw.Jora j..l-a apon r Juag Kersten today dlmtased a pan to aa Invitation to address th South- J ei ot 7. wno had ben ahbpoenaed era Commercial ConfTeal at Atlanta , for u,, Miwtlnt of a J-.ry. Thl ac tn tha aprlnir of .111 U Theodora Kuoa-ltJon t.,me tflP MVril ! andeavor Jt haa Just nt a letter to Mr t0 get a iury , lry gr wne Jmo- Charlaa Hail Darta, chairman of the Conra. at Petcrnburg. Va, tn part at lottovri Auirutt II. 1110. -My Dear Sir: "It ka not poaalble aa yet for me to anawer dehnltely; but 1 believe that on my trip to California next March. 1 ahall pasa through tha Bnuthern Htates. and 1 hope that It can be arranged that the Southern Commercial Congreaa hold Ita meet ing In one of the cltlea through which 1 am able to pau. If mt, it will be a vcjy real pleasure to me to be preeent and to any all that 1 can tn behalf of thla admirable movement. "Mora and more, the former mis understanding about the South ia tending to dlrappear; and you and tmr ajoc1ata have aet tn motion a fr-e that rrlll have much to do with the complete dissipation of thia mla unclrslnillng You are working for stronger South; and yon show your wledcm and forealghtadneaa In tha ay you realise that thla movement for a atroner South, to be affective, must really mean a atroncer nation- al'eoheeion; for tha aid fkmthj f yeeierday ia being change' tha young America of today. Every good American muit hone to sea a real aorid South, In tha sense of solid busi ness prosperity In the South: for all rHd Americans now realise that tha prosperity of any part of tha country hetpt tha prosperity of tha whole, nd the prosperity of tha whole will grow faster and stand on tha moat durable foundations only when wa eftertively reallae that tha words tSouth,' fJorth.' 'East- - an - Wet have only a geographical significance 1 earnestly hope that the young men of the South will never forget the past glorlee of the South because 1 earn estly hop that tha young men alt over America today will keep ever In mind these glorious memories of every section of our common country; and that the men of the North and of the West will remember the South' paat with the same prtd that the South Itaeif doe; fhr tha undying glory, won fy the men who so valiantly and with auch sincerity fought for their eonvtrttona. whether they wora the blue or the gray, ts now a common heritage of all of ua. wherever wa oweii. Thla nation Is thrilling with ideals t this very moment; and these Ideals relate to constructive work In tha future. The South moat do It ' full share In realising It; and from now oa it ma participate la full tn tha solution of all tha national roo lms. All of as alike must turn to th special problem of this aga with the courage that our fathers showed in those heroic dava to which wa took nark with mournful pride. Tha statue of Oan. Lee la Confed- I rate uniform, stand In tha Hall of Con (trees today and hi memory la honored no mora by tha South than It Is by tha North; ad la tha North as in the South, alike I think we are Ww- iMmltif to apply absolutely In good faith tha great words ot Grant, et us have peace . "The part played by the South In the constructive etateetnsashlp f our nation during all our earlier year a lixak-ulabta weight and value. X firmly believe that tha time ha now come when tha Souths Influence will again be felt, not only In con structive statesmanship, but tn the norsaoua field of c-onrtmcdve bul , neas endeavor. Na part of our coun try ha aean each progress aa the Boath haa wtad In tha hurt' twenty Ktr along material lines: and I be va tha neit tweet tv year will se greater progress, ror a long time tha eve of this nation have been set ateailiiy weatarerd t watch Its great and tjpW-al growth. From bow on I think tha South wilt ahara with tha ' Heat m rapidity of growth- Thla leadership will be hastened by the "npUiton et (He Panama Canal; tha Rest ha the Atlantic and tha West ih 1-ucirwv the Suth area more, thsn tha raet and Weat will here tha Pans ma Canal, and will, therefora. t4 at the attributing pHnt of all the treat ocean of the world ,e WKre peoriia, but, Ilk ,h ret of the muntry, you need that thae penr-le shoal 0 the right rt. FMlleg this wev 1 i,..rll avmnaihhw m.xt rrtlmily whh evefy J- F twiinern Commermat in "-nm to make the "'"I snow n-it; n4 t m.,. h,h in ffwtain enq me IIMlf , 1 In- Kill w j . -.. ipi in,, . T eT.or.eg reoen tn aevetopment nf Fo-dth. In y wifnbrh'p .... , t" na mrw "nwn; roof " rl Wt to etrlT, for th iivMtn.t . merlrsa cit.wrMn; ni li rr-t. tninfled en") thrnneKmit IH tiattrvn w.-t hMi'r mstaiH,. vita , IS tll m . WHS M'll l ar.4 t,c, th. r..r f th. ,K ' '- '" iter. .Z h hearty rt srt.h, ' ' r - Tli Zl It S kts'.'tll L.T, AGENTS TRIER TO FIX II Panel of 72 Dismissed by the Court JUDGE SAYS DEPLORMBLE Thla A Una Came After Several Days Endeavor to Oe a Jury to Try Lee O-Xrll Browne. Charged With tl- - lac a Bribe to CtaW X. - White to Vole for Senator Lorlraer A Sixth Panel Ordered to Report Today. ,,lSiik Assail!, pise.- ; Chicago, 111. Aug. 1. Declaring that nearly mil tha veniremen had been "spproached" 'n connection with th re-trlal of Lee 'VJJell Browne. crattc minority leader f the Illinois Lrgl.Uturr. tor giving rpresentatlve Chas. J. White a bribe to vote for Win. Lorlmcr for Vnlted Btates Sen ator. Judge Ksrsten pronoun oed the sit uation "deplorable." The veniremen were Immediately taken to the office of State Attorney Wayman where J mix Kersten asked each man by name if he had been called on by invnni' In connection with his puaslble i vices aa Juror. Nearly all answered in the affirmative. They were Instructed to report in court tomorrow lor Inveatl- gallon. Mr. Wayman made the aa ertlon in court that h could prme b a detec tive employed by the Urfenar that tne latter had systematically so ght out every prospective venlromuii. either personally or through members of his family. P. H. O'Donnall,' of counsel far Brown, asserted that the veniremen had been "seen.'! -ty agents of a third Interest, neither defense nor roecu- tton, but soma on Interested tor po litical reason tn the down rail of Browne. Swan Dahlberg, member t the panel, stated In court thit b' haa been "seen" by some agent, whose real purpose be did not know. Dahl berg said this agent told him tbnt he need not answer the subpoena, imhlberg acted on this advice and wa In consequenra brought before the judge today to explain why he ahould not be adjudged In contempt of court. Then he told hla story. Judge Kersten leanend over hla desk and said solemnly: "Tho court wants to know If thtl la going to be a fair trial of a tra vesty on Justice. The situation haa reached a point where an Investigation 1 necessary." On veniremen, whose name wag not disclosed, created excitement aft r the panel, had been taken to the State' attorney' office. There ' a hurry call for a teaographor. - v member of Mr. Wayman'a staff later snlj that the venireman had been ask ed by '"an agenf to "tick It out fur Brown till hell frees over." A sixth panel which was ordered t" report tomorrow win be questioned repon tomorrow win ue quemiuncu If It I found that lnvetlgator. have been talking to them .this panel will be dismissed also. ONSLOW COCXTY COVVE-VnOPf. Hon. E. U. Konnce Nominated for th Houan Ull I He (suultdate) for rxmkrr Other Nofnluatlotia. Special to New atnd Obsorvar.) Jacksonville, Aug. II. Tha Demo- eratlo County Convention of Onslow sasembled in th court houa at It o'clock, noon, today, and organised by 4ct4ng Hon.- Kdolph Duffy a permanent chairman. Hon. E. M. Koonca waa nominated en tha first ballot for th Houa of Representatives, having beaten hi two opponent, Cooper and Humphrey, tn tha recent primary election by th handsome majority of about MX hun dred votes. . Mr. Koonca won out sgalnst strong opposition and his nomination I tho climax of on of the nxt VigtroM campaign . vr wltneaaed In this county. - Th friend of Mr. Koonca will present hla nam for speaker of th next Houa. Having served In the Uialattr number, of term he I eminently qualified for this Important position. Sheriff T. W. Summer!!!, Clerk of Court M. M. Capo and Kegieter of Deeds J. B. PeUeway war nominated on th first ballot to eu creed them selves. At thla hour. I o'clock, the conven tion U In a deadlock aver the nntc of monty treasurer, th candidate for this office being Messrs. F. W Ifarmtt. E. H. WaJton and IX J. Moore. STF.AMEH MniXTO. Wilpper Halm faniv to tha Ananunt ot tlooa. I By the Aoclsted Prea ) Norfolk, Va, Aug. II. Th steamer Vnntauk Point. J. Hnechs, .tester. North America Line. Umlted. ' ' , i, a, nni nisnn . ni wtmm enerter to rim, t nmperiT. of New.l "'It ( ' " '--' in-i" - i.,.,-,, ,.-r ti.fv ni u.,:m.., a ih m.A r n,.... cor- . ,.,,.. t..'. 3...i 'i and ft. l..r. srnt. of Anguat.a Oa. t Th. 1 K- 1 , - . i . : j. ,,, ,hl,,pM PB V(i. ,, ,.,, m H,.,lmn,i rll( pf r.fr,t ,.,n.4 ; at 1 1 a ril snd tbsl o.lrg to fis.net ftsitt'il of the trustor ff (he eriie jt.M f.r rn.1.n f ,h. J veeeel,. et,.t of l.f,.. 54ii; t ) th MILITIA AT OHIO'S CAPITAL A -. 'a A 'ai ; , - ..-""" " i - 1 t ! ,1 t.-i v.. X-LA CHIEF GETS GRAFT Chief Johnsoa m the Witness Stand HIS IURY FAILS 11 Tne Depositing of Such a Trifling lit tle Sum as 175,000 Created little "Impression on the Hrd Sklna Mind Ttir Deposit Followed the Bake-Off of fT.ltMMK) by SItMurry Tho in. rwtignllng Conimltteo Reavd Be- twera the lanca. (By the Associated Press.) Sulphur, ukla.. Aug. ll. Douglas H. Johnson, chief of 10,000 members of the Chickasaw Tribe, did not re member today before the special Con gressional Investigating committee when asked how it wa that he waa ., , j........ ft 4i v, , to d1""'" hla personal ('lrt a few oav" er Attorney Mc- Murray had received $780,000 as at torney feea. Johneon previously testified that he Iwaya had approved of what are nown aa the Jdc Murray contracts v hlch provide for the sal of 130,000,- worth of land belonging to th In diana, giving McMurray to per sent or $3,000,900 In foe. hlef Johnson also haa urged other fr.ftn id sign th contract, h aald tht ha was a particular frUnd of Mc- kti. ray and that In what are known a aa ettlsenahlp cases several years age h approved f contract tn wb h McMurray got a salary 0f $5.- 100 peer and 12.700 a year expense. A short time afterward ha approved of another contract on which McMur ray obtained for doing th earn work a ranungent re or 1750,000. The wttr re waa to nave heeB 01,110, fo. but wi cut down half by th govern ment. I.'-,?- ' -Ahf wa :t you were willing to glv M. Murray 1710,000 for doing that iur wiuen mm aireaay wa paid a sal ryT asked RepraeenUtlv a H Ulliet 4 MipnesotH. "B m we thought he earned It," repuw ni sonnson. "He pt off tha foil 1. 110 claim anu t ur property and thu saved us a toi it of I10.00t.ot. t would har be. a willing to hav paid him 10 per cent r s.vvs.sbo. "Tor were willing to glv a little graft money In order to nn that much lan.t, hat It? Now tell why It la that a few dr aft.r that $710. CfO wa t'd to alcMurrty, you were bl to deposit to your peraonat ac count In a bnk at lenlson, Tntaa. $l,ooe?- rt 9 remember. I wit dealing n'iln catt'e nd pit account Varied, so 1 ""lilssnt trmmi.r" ! a n c . . .rt "t. a of ITS tea t v.n. : oerennv I ce""i lirooocefl n JHtle im .tiMHHin na r r m nil th.t you o.ia t remember? W bn you h-m rhie nf your trie. t it a fsei that your"r and erv two terwie t t rut rank account . nr,T noef inw Ih. to t'.n.jit t?i.ni hist a eh-'t t hi. t?M ".1 f Chief J I e. 'tr li. Murray girt 1 " stet tht he d'1 nm,, e,.ui ' en ts. .t.nt mnt th. e I,,ve?veie i -ell tnisr t,:. -gearxevt r'4 TO QUIET STRIKE TROUBLE 't MAJOll READY 4 I OPPOSE PATTERSONS Action of Tennessee Re - i publican Convention j STUD FOR PROfflimOB Tlie Contention ALso Knrloaed Use Can- dldaey of D. A. 1'n'oo for Kal trued Coinnia-sioncr, lnib-pctidctit Candl date I'latfonn Declare) for Urdu trilling of Male Nowell baadura nc-Klcctrd Wiste Chairman ot Ro puliliiwn State Cxmuuluee. (By the Associated Praaa.) Nashville. Tenn.. Aug 10. Captain Benjamin W. Hooper, of Newport Cocke county, was today nominate! for Governor of Tennessee by th He publlcan State convention her. The name of Alfred A. Taylor, of Wash ington county, waa tne only otner one presented to the convention, ana im mediately following the ballot the nomination waa mad unani mous. The ballot stood. Hooper. 212 -14. Tavlor. 2iil t-1 4. -The con vention also endorsed the candidacy of B. A. Enioe. Independent man for Ha 11 road Commissioner from west Ten nessee. ' The !ndependent Stat wide prohibition Democrat. who have fought Governor M K. Patterson every step of his official career, are expected to surioort the Republican ticket as against tha regular I em ocra tio nomi nees, which Include t'atteraon lor re election. ' Th platform adopted today de clare for no backward etep tn th prohibition law which were passed over th veto of Oov. Pa Hereon, sad assert that the State stMiarM a r. dtirtrlcted aa rewaraei Congfeaslixtal. Judicial snj Leglslatlv dletrkt. It aay that tha present svstem of dis tricting I nothing less than "larceny of th rlecttr franchise." Th plat form also favor continuance of lib rrsl Federal appropriation for Fed eral eoldlrra, also for Confederate sol dlera. Captain Hooper wa th rhole of th leader of tH !ndendent Stats. wide Drohlbrtlow laottnne of th Iemncrat'e partT which recently elected thlr candMate for th State Judicial officers end of th Saadera. rvans-Kharp Republican, Announce ment of the notntnatlnn el truest very mild demonst ratios and Caputn Hooper took lb f1 for hi aceert nr speech. He declared ha wa th candidate f e rlhio r eiement and that he lo e hi record olely. He referred to atorl sf ron'sreoeea at Peveriy aod as rte. na nwt nothing et merit r Cart Hoopr 1 T rm ana a native of Cocke remntv, f.' graduated from Carwtn with P-et " - I ftreiatnr n -" iin mate a't"TWr of th gasierm Tj.j ! neas d'trct and aervM a er to tin the Foi" Te rr'mtmi Inrim tb War wl'h g-fa'tt fN now. n th adtnurrteiest r lae k.i-iii. jess eoavetitlntt til afternoon, the sear o.t. rmr.it' sn-t e4 n-n'r-.t k HOOPER tttlEDTQ . tn t..'T fjt by the r-:i t-vn of. JeU s4 jra l t .-,. . '.'as "l I.... Bill,..,.!., mrr-i, -i . . -' ... if CEMOICKANO STAff . V7 rCR RIOT CALLS . ' ' 1.1 Jfr .- -sjMBtrt aal mm. , JGS. f J IDEIFITESIIL MEET II 00BHMIMhh State Convention Con-i' vsnes There Next Week S MUCE I. FEATURE Hriilw n lUrbrra Case for AksuhIi and tarrying Oom -ruled Wrjtpmi Ls Heard and line InipOsrd NatAomU lbilgioiui Training School Clow It' Suuimi-r t oting, ami the lrcsiilcnt North Af.rr Mor I "o nils, t S;-i ml to News and Observer.) Durham. Aug. 11. The State con vention of deaf mutes will be held here next week, three daya August 24. ami 27. This is the second of the conven tions. Kaleigh having entertained the silent host two years ago One hun dred and flfiv delegates are expect ed mil t slay Mayor Oriswold address, ed an appeal to the people of the city to contribute Hberully to thetr enter tainment title nf the notable feature of the occasion will be the marriage of Mlse Ella F Hmlth and Mr Tyre I. Wal ker lioth are mutes and the cere-1 monv will have to 1 performed through an Interpreter. Ke S H l'ost will untie them according to the! Epinropal rltcal. Tha mute have a re'tr aho Is without power to hear and the plans of minister may be changed. It la expected, however. I tht the dumb rector cannot be here.! Mr. Post has studied their language great deal and la able to converse with them The convention next week will be presided over bv Prof . ' D. K Tllllng naat, formerly of fhartoHe H Is th father -of, Mlee Roby Tilllnghaat who 1 doing wonder teaching the muter. The colony here 1 the etrongeat In th Stat and among It there seem very Intellectual and substantial clti sena II. A. Boat, ten years bookkeeper for the Imperial Tobacco Company, left reeterdar f'T Mullen and Latta, South Carolina, where he will take a market for th company. Mr. Boat resigned hla nnattlon July 1st. aM ha been since that Um vis it leg hi ell hme In Rowan county. Mr Tt and the children will mere than I'keW innd halt th year tn th emiatrv In Rowan. Ia lb record era meet thla morn ing. Reuben t'arhs was tried on two roc n la. one for asoauit with deadly weapon and th other for carrying ronraaled weapon, la eaeh of which eeaea. he was fouod guilty and Oaed I and met in ail l arhea aid not resist th Jui'rat llrwt ,hr, M. .itorner. P. V. Ora. w-... ..wt.. . k. ,k. ri, t.. t I' wail,. ... . a- . tHll( m,w ha,r an Moment now n.) tu decile It tomorrow morning f.-bee was oult enough tndar, i, J.T.mna tM I handler, th wise , lh. tarret for rUM't ot. I f. r, ;, ,h .t h dhln t ohserv.1 rarharlan ame,ttie by allowing ! ti,. msny tane a'H-xeefl gestiMnan t p.mdar ir1ek,. had bees to tVr At - i ,rr, r,mr ssd Ml rh'tv hr 1 m e .. i-en m r .,( y, ' pi wssT-s Tf 8'),'" ROOSEVELT MEETS DECISIVE. DEFEAT i He is Turned Down For Temporary Chairman I FLOORED BY 'OLD GURRO" Thla MVt-t tlae Second Defeat .Vilmin 5U-i1 to Ute pA-lTasttlenl ia Horn York tuu HoUUf When IktloiMl KooM-vcit Hrard Um 'ow He tn-, Tlr-il Ttinwlf as a ITogrnwlvc HaniK nj TakiK UlngH and a Ulttor laiaoiuU Miflit to Cuute. l th Aoctated Press) e York. Aug H. Theodore K-josevrtT maUTiea strength with trie " "oM gu:'.r.l'- ' f the Republican pRrty In New York dtate today and met Je- clKlve deftt The Republican HUt comnilttie in Kejwlon here, by a ote of -0 to lo. refuecd j rerommcm hltn f"r t'fiiviorary chairman of the Stati r ii rt Ion which meets ut S;ini togu nn Sectrmtier 27. Instead. Vice rreniile.it J. imen 3. Sherman lerted Thy w I'wlonel Kooaevelfa itn .nd defeat ni )- hand of the "old guard," tin mm having been thu leg'ftnlure h i rfufii! to pu.-w he t'obb direct ;.rl , irtiiri t ilt. Hitliough Mr. il0ose.elt e1- " n- nl I v endorsed It. With Ins ella-i: teil.n tdans for harmony within th ;.i the Stato reccued ;i wr i a. k. and an soon n Col llmwi. ' I.e. lid the llewa he issued a M a 1 1 n I, : ! 1 1 1 which he enrolled hiinaeli h a I progreaahe, so fur an the N York t'ute situation goH The HtatemelU follows i 'To the various pt-rson who asked me whether 1 would accept the po- sltlon of temporarj chairman of the Slate convention 1 said thiifl would do so only If they wer sure, after knowing my attitude, that they de kiied m. hK'H.iBe my speech would would hurt If neither the right klnJ of a mnn, on a clear cut. progressive platform were nominate! nor the i ign Kind of a platform a oitu. Aitnengn repuatatea i o. j I'olotiei j not nxeeaaarlly nieuii that Kooaevelt will not Im tetnporarv chair man, after all. , The conccntton dele gate themselves will decide who la to open the meeting and deliver t he key note speech." In the Interval betwein now and Ptember 17. It is expe :...! that the uggle not ween the org .munition and Kooaevelt-llughvs lorr,.9 UI he . ;ir- rled Into every corner th . a'. and that the chief Issue lll he at the primaries for the election of Roosevelt or antl-Roosevelt .1. ! i:at. to the onventlon Whether Mr. Hherman lent his mij x.rt to the movement wlil. 'i rs il-. d tn Col. Rooeevelt's defeat ha i t ! n estahllaed definitely Wm. Lt. Ward, of West i hrst'T. n.i tional commltteman, who was "tie ..f the leaders in the antl-Roosevelt , .tn iilne. Is quoted as having said that Mr. Hherman knew all about the plans to make him. and not Col Hoosev. lt, temporsry chairman. others who took part In today's meeting were of the opinion that Mr. Sherman anew nothing of It. Lloyd C. Grlacom. chslrman of the New Tork Republican county committee who presenter the Colonel's name today, aald tonight: "I do not know whether today's ac tion by th Committee will have any effect on Mr. Roosevelt' attitude dur ing th Hiat campaign. Mr. Komse- ' vclt la to be a delegate to th State convention. It seems to me that as i the only living ex-president of the I'nited State the party in th State ' owes him at least th temDorarv I chairmanship. Mr. Taft so far aa I know, did not anticipate that Colonel Roosevelt's name would be presented to the committee If he had known he would have prevented th action that waa taken. Th selection of Vice-President Sherman cannot be construed aa an endorsement of the Taft administration which needed n such endorsement." Col. Roosevelt took luncheon with Mr. Ward after th mretint- Th only thing that Is known a to what h aald to th national committeeman I that h laughed and told him h understood now why Mr. Ward and other members of the Stat committee were not anxious tp meet him until after today meeting Col. Roose velt had planned to keep In th bark ground as much portlhle la th coming election. It wa only when be perceived the tarn which political affair were taking that he consented to th use of hie nam la connection with the tsmpory chairmanship. Both he and Chairman Woodruff ' hare ex pressed their hop for a harmonious rttlrment of the difference between th progressives and tha "old guard" but there waa no bermeny talk among politicians tonight. BECTIO UAXU KtUA WltTE. Keren Mn Tftt tt Was Aerlrlrwtal: Dying Wornaaj (Wy. It Wa W ith Intent. IHr th Aeeoclaled Preaa) Petersburg. Vt, Aug It Tern apetteer, a were seMpon hand en the Norfolk and Weetern flallwar, today t hi hm at Wevsrlv, shot and fmUm ft-nt hawk yrnhahty fsteTly wminded hi WMe. neaar ss- ne rem tn gnn to am a asd ths h"tief sf h' wlfs wa fmsiwi. en. t"r, in n tiMt1 sn m wmmr snis. so s-e 1 statement d"rlar h tot her withiw, twsM of srr ar'HT e-oprat . Irtt'tit ta carry set e tkext as 1m " ' V-i k"J h't.itpssss. Is- k'l t,t t lie out. wme i the Injury. UNCLE JOE FIRES IKTO HISENEMIES Y.'iil Slill Fight For the Speakership WILL DIE WITH B3QTS ON Sa V, Mm, ,.r sn of V,t, a rirlrt Jtmi 4 hit tin" Ttcp'iMl. an Party ill li llHIIUU (l.ih tt ll. Own V-lMi. JUaA-i-4i4e-wp "rWIn" 1nur-" " Kent- n McniN-rs that niipU'tty I Hi.clt' t.nlm 1 ' . ' i. 'rom a St.!" i ' r Tlie V, Y World i I' ll !!!... J! . -.K l'i ,.,,h Cr. e-f-Tl. Tl.Vlker of the llollMt of I. I I .clltativ . s. g.v.. nil rl lualvd la tirwe to a ta;T corr.so,'iident II. . World at l.ia home here today He l 'i ' .M returned :r..m ho all-day lu i .md iie trtji and . ante i i the stepj .'ling to hl h, t. ie A htH ririK he . xe. ti I .-ei a,, ll , U T ..id st.ik" , i-troi.k-r ! aut f .s h.,me two at ft et hit tne porch led i j;t step and peart an a two- ntt). ami a blamed m h ... Hied. I'. i oit tixtng our political It HHS MUCgeitHi. fir . -e l .ilt. he replied. "th.y e.-. l.:ng Not In this district, tids do that for me." Speaker. desiatchs from M v - No. '. t n rn, Mi .) Ih; it I'resliUnt Toft Is pla i- orrnl'ie the Kepuhllcrij that one of the princip it his in mind Is the lin:- ..nt I. tuition l.'U.'.er-i of neveral of tho old puty in. hiding Senntors Aldii.'U, II. .1- I to SA tlikrd And our.elf. What haw. o about this rt-porr he w i "I'fii le Joe" grubbed a perfecto 'ront, u ri inner vest pocket. Ill It. faced tha street, hlew a cl ud of smoke at a pans, lug bug and then started to pate in and down the porch When the Hpea' er els into real action he paces l'at. hen, the hero i f tne racing cir cuit, richer showed a more perfc-tl aide-wheel motion At the "Hage of. lianvlli neui ed tho far turn of the porch he wheeled and snorted. "1 :on t b-Hov. Mr. Taft contem plates any mii h actum The President Is not the kind of man to yield to every patting whim of a minority. Thai men vou hae named aa lielng objec-i tionahlw to Air Taft are the very one h.l-n nllt.l 1.. ll... I...... ... ,V.-l. .Ullt.w ..in muni ,u- ...jci ui uif ii ai'ia'7 l pamerng the laws The Chief Kxecu- "va Uernandetl ..f the last Congress.t t gxtn him what h wanted and ha knows whom to trust one of tha laws his Insurgent satellites an holler-1 Ing about la the I'aync-AldM -h bill.' Mr. Taft signed It. ill. In t he' And In, his speeches on hla Western tour liw declared It waa the best tariff law ths I'nited Btates ever haa hail " As to Aitaratsva Club. Mere Mr Cannon halted A real trin split his face from ear to ear. It waan't a smile, and he dldn t even, take that celebrated perfecto. mads in Danville, vermllllon County, frm his mouth. Another bug flew past. I Mr t'annon hurled hla perfector at' I Mle hates 'hllg;' of all claAsea, thes insurgent being the most obnoxious l v fai MiHRing the object nf hla aim! lo several fe.-t, the "csar" fairly blaied. u nuy with. And that report from Beverly waaf put out by one of th members of m Ananias Club ' Didn't know I hanf six li an organisation, eh' My clul it.akes Mr Iti.ose vel t'a look like a .dtiesday night prayer meeting at at fashionable church on a summer nlgh . .inpured with the human race. Thj members hav lied about me so much that some of them realty lielleve what the say The story that Senators Aldrlch. Hale and myself were to be thrown, out of the parly will be found, whetv traced to Its source, to have originated) with some of the 'Insurgent'-1 emo-( crstle allies, whose wishes ars father to the thought You know that a small group of so-called Republlcana under, the leadership of La Follette, Cum mins. Brlstow and others would Ilka nothing l-etter than to gain control of, the Repuhllcan party. They would like to see tha men who atayea raltri- ful through all kinds of storms thrown overliJd All they want la to be tha raprair.a, so they can make the ere" do their bidding They ars trying t mlrprcent Mr. Taft They don't rare how thev obtain power so long a thv get It Alliances with the Iemo-. crate sr one or tnsrr - principal weapons The Insurgent won t get rht of me as easily as they think. I In. tend to die fighting I fought when the party needed fighters, and don't intend to dull "o ' expert 'to be re elected to Congress by an overwhelm ing majority, and then I will be a caa- , aldnt for Hpeaker. hut always subject tn th will of the msjorttv It I am beaten In th caucus, which I believe I remote. I will willingly tak my plac among th ranka t have al ways been a good soldier and I obey the will old 'General Majority .every time. 'This Is nmetnlng ins inirgna si. wa) hve refused to do. Th deesrt. r are seeking tn run the army, but they won t de It for long, even If they do seeure t.mporarv power." , The Spmktseahlp, Her th Speaker dashed toward hi library door. There be dictated at newer t th question! "Will yne be a candidal for rs-electlos aa Speaker of th et Houss?" Hie answer waa: ' "I have been asked that question, frequently, espertallv by T I seme, era tie friends and their practical al th foil-ewer of l Follett aa4 Cummlna I have answered It. but so far (It answer, a t gave It and aa t asw glv It to you. baa never puMt.aed by enr frlettda. tits i am Speakef f the lloae. slsetsd a R.puhlleaa wialnrtty fr tliwss, I ; sej, t rrVp.,-M' . n n-sT---i'T t. sls - rH,''r,tthM In ih l-t I tLoaUaued fra Pag Flea) t