. . , , r 'w- tite news and oBsr.nTEi., tiitjksdjlt. auocst is, 1910 Wilsoii Again Takes the Lead THILL V" LOSES TO CLKTFLAXIX TIGERS TRIM SEXATORA, GLVXTS LOSE TO PTIUTKS- CTB3 DIVIDE A DOITJLE. C. T. McDONAL D. Spo itiho E D i T o RUBEHQWABDtVinS tHIIIIIGCOIIIEST it Takes Fayetteville 10 : Innings to Down Giants 1 iiisoriis IE UST Raleigh, first Clemens out pitcher to first; Bigbl files to left; Hcbb fans. i Wilmington second- Doak double to left; Mills' Mrrtflccs: Dubba ut pitcher to first; Hudson file to left, Raleigh, second Mullaney fans; fflmmona oat pitcher to first: KaaUnff out third to first Wilmington, third Howard . 'oat third to first; Hoffman series to left: Cooper file to center; Hoffman la caught trying to Meal. Raleigh, third Hawkins fans; Mc Cormtck out short to first; Jobsoa files to renter. Wilmington, fourth Tydeman out. Keating to first; Orth pop to third; Doak pops tn second. Raleigh, fourth Clement fans; Wf ble does likewise; Hobba gets the first hit by singling to center; on a passed ball Hobba goes to second; on a Vila I pitch Hobbs goes to third; Mullaney out short to firsts - ' "Wilmington, fifth M Ills out short lB B pitcher Battle to4mm Jobeon, to first; Dubbs pops to Bigbl; Hudson . . .. . . fouls to third ad Hoeraro. stuming-oa w Ra4,gn. fifth Simmon, out third Wkanlac Ran la tha Twelfth cm a to first; Keating walks; Hawkins sin- . . - - Iglea to right; McCormlek lines out to Fh ke Stewart's Magm scent PHrb- left, and Keating la doubled at sec tag Wow the Osaii and Gavw vTU ond.' . ' - ' Wilmington, slit h Howard out see. son th Lead tn Mm Carolina ; 0 . tn ftrrt. Hoffman walks: Cooper Marc, la Good Form, Downs ; lines out to Clemens; Hoffman steals secona; lyraeman popa to tairu. OtUMtoro, Bat U Knaaary to , Raleigh, sixth Jobeon out third to r 1. rwtmm. " " rlt lrwtk E1IKI fnra f'l.m.ni MM. ond: Blgble steals second: Hob) files to lei t- Wllmlngton, seventh Otth places a HOCKT MOCXT. Peartree, r.f. . , , Oaatmeyer, lb .. Stein. I t. Cregan. c.f. .. ., Gillespie, lb.',. , Forgue, s.s. . . . . . gharry, lb Duseault, e. . . . , Boyle, p. . . . . . , Total WILSOcf. Sherrtdan. c.f. . . Jacobs. Jb . . . . MUier. e iPenbow, lb. . .1 . .4 . .4 Prim. r.f. 1 Armstrong. Phelan, lb. Sharp, a s. Stewart p. Hearne. . If. AB. R. H. PC A. F ..4 9 9 1 9 9 ..I 1 1 1 1 .. 1 .. 1 ..401111 ..I 1 1 1 ..I 0 IS 10 ..I 7 1 1 160 . 1 I JT 11 . 1 a k. h. rt a. F- ..4 1 1 1 0 9 1 I 4 e t 1 ill oto 1 1 0 1 11 0 t 1 0 1 0 The Results Yesterday Eastern Carolina Lraso, At Raleigh: Raietgn ; Wilmington 1 (11 Innings). At FayetievlUe: FaTettertlle 1; Goldahnro 1. At Wilson: Wilson 1. Rocky ML 1 National League Cole, rrsjrtfcwnjr, Pttctiea Another ?To Hit Game. Which Wins for tbe Cuba. Carolina Lraguo. Ppartanhurg. 0; OreenSor 4 Ureenvllle. 11; Wlnsmn-SaWm. 1 Charlotte 1; Ander n Beat ban Maunwo To-Day. I.lllinglon ts. CliaJlybrato Sprtnc. (Special to News and Observer.) uiiington. . c, Aug. 1?. In Do you want to see the game of ball ! between Raleigh and Rocky Mount this aftantiutHt Tff mn. in tn th A ..a I demy of Muale where It will be shown "7 '"'reeling gnme of baaehall her you on tha black-board as every play ""'' anernon between Lining occurs. Owing to tha fact that several ladle have been desirous of attending the. Katlonal League. Pittsburg. 1; New York. 1 First game Chlcaeo :,; Tr x klyn Second game Chicago, 2. " . rhlflft a. v r-.artuLg Jaet a Good. Tte Bailor for tweotr-elne suc cessive lanlsga had failed to score on the Red Birds, but luck favored them la their thirtieth Inning anl they mtie one run. which won them the 0 o! 1 1 Ht Louis. ; Boston i 17 1J for Stewart In ninth First game Cincinnati, R. H K deiphla, 7. ....ion ono ooo l J 4! Second game Clncinnat!. . . . 000 000 002 1 i I deiphla, 4. htla, Forgue. 1 Batted Score: Rockr ML Wilson . . Bummsry Sacrifice Miller, Prim; hit by pitched ball. Phe lan: bases on halla. Stewart I Hol 1; struck out. Boyle 4. Stewart 1: wild Washington, throws. Steward; double Plays Boyle ; nlngs t6 Dussault to Sharrv; left on bases. Rocky Mount 4. Wilson 10. time, 1 45; umpire, Barr; attendance. 4"t. iTliTKiil at Fnyetmlllei Rt em pire iTrenuui. Ajneriran I c pje. 1; Detroit, 4 Philadelphia, t; Cleveland. I Brooklyn. X. T.. Aug 17. Brooklyn beat Chicago 7 to t In the first game of to-day s double-header and wa hut out In the second 1 to 0. The h.me team batted Overall out of the , hoX in the third tnnlng of the first game. Mclntyraj who relieved him, : was hit hard In the second contest Cole would 1 pa- e hil a no-hit cunt but for 'Tinker falling while chasing Mucker's fl In short field. Soor.-s: R. H. E: i -nmTc". 1-1 . 11 TtTTirTH"! Ill O " 1 t, I I n.lnJ iHnxiklyn 005 011 00 7 11 1 i (Herall. MclnOTe and Kllnge; Ph':- Knetier nd Krwln empires,. John stone and Ka!n. Time, 1 hours. Sk. mh gejne : R. H. K Ch'.cai i 019 000 0011 S 1 Pmoklyn oi 000 00 0 1 1 ''ii ana (-rtallyb-atn Springs, th h"tne team won by a acore of I to S. The gm (u very exiltlna from matlneeai. a special reaeniWlon bus Tl "nien. anil is. by far. tha beat been made for them where they will me played here, this season. be welcomed. From now on the news of the team when out of the city will be given at the Academy of Muelc. If you have ever attended one f these nit! nee you will be sure to there. Atlantic Cite 'rn Ky . Aug ert lament mid return via South. 'r.l. Ill 00. Sea ad- urk-OnUT lUlh FmIotmxL THF, S)MFK IlCF-S. NatlorjiiL Phl'.a- 11 in- Cole and Archer: Rucker and Er- wln I n.plret, Johnstone and Eaeon. Time. 1 4S. Goatlimi Iicaguev. (Special to News and Observer ) I.-V- ..... V I . IT Th - Tetas Leaguer in right center; Doakpr-ttv, jo-inning plti hers1 battle. In Memphis. 1: Atlanta, i Chattanooga, 10; Nashville. : Mobile. 1; Montgomerv Birmingham-New Orleans, J scheduled. sacrifices: Mills sacrifices. Dubbs files to Clemens. Raleigh, seventh Mullaner Utea to left; Simmons singles past ahort ana gmtr.a yegterdiy tnernoon aner oai-; ,,,1. Keating out second to lung for twelve innings. iUwhn, (arll The ronteet throughout vat oru-, ti-ui - i.tnc-n.,. ..Eaat-aad Mm ttt , "J" P'tcher to first: Howard grounds out puttee of the fans by making start- tn Hobb.. HoffrnI,n doubles to center Uag ptava every other tnn! . ; bu, , , h(r1 , nf to It was a pitchers- battle " i ret. h an extra base Rube Hward and Jobeon Ilutwai HaJelth ,ghth-McCormlck out neter In better form .always IOl,n I third to flrM; Jn,on Is robbed of a the beet batters when hlta meant run. 1 ht b n fc wrk of rubbs. and hla control was '7'"n1 Clemen, out ahort ,., f,r,t.. good He had four fielding chance. wmlnr(n inth-ooper file, to also which he handled In a-edge , ,f . fouli , c,trner; t)rth style, inowing liwm w "' fl n curacy and as fast a a In ,, which Mayer, one of the leading pitch er of the Eastern Carolina Iagvie. added another goon teirler s scalp to bis belt. Fayettevllla ilefeated Oolds- boro. I to 1. by srleiiiVid.i)lru:a.alltU, feTrmh1Ti(!''wHh 'Mayer's etrong fling ing, ttalvln corei b.th of Fayeffe vllie'a run. Pln'h hits bv o'Halomn otner woro, u .nimp 1 M flm. Hohhg h , on ma ttuoe ni reJirrwr Jobeon. twirling for the Red Birds, also pitched a magnificent game. Sel dom waa a pitcher given more gilt edge support than his tetm-matee handed tn the big fellow. The bright particular star of the game was Keating If ever a ehort stop played any faster ball than this youngster the fen would Ilka to see him trotted out. One time he went Into left field back of third and Sooth Atlantic First game ColumKus :. First rams August, vllle. 1 . 'Savannah, 0: Cotnrvn. ' Virginia Ix-ajjuc Mi -..n J k I Boston Wine Another fmni St. Loula t- 'BrWn.'kB.7"'Aug " 17. Boston cleel Its home eenee by defeating '. St Units to-day 4 to ! The locale made only three, hlta. but with two , errors and Corrldon's wlldneas they ' ! were enough to w'.n Score R. H K. st, liu!s loonnioio s t1 ft.xton 00 1 0.11 oo 4 I 0 1 Corrldon and l'lieii Mattem and' ' Karldon I mplrea Klem and Kans. '.T:n;e. US.. ' New York at-llt lltUhnrg. Bus , HnraeHlT Behind. (By the Associated Press ) Marblnhead. Mas., Aug. 17 - lnv Ing tfi Spanish yachts hop.'l.-; satern, the three American boina turned the first International Son. I -r yacht contest to-day Inlo an intine. l. eacltlng rax-e of their own, with !.- Harp.Hin tlnlahing II seconds ahca.l f the Heaver, but losing because or a fouled turning mark. Two secon.la after the Heaver came the Clma The race waa over. .A ..XX .-DjiiuS TlgWaf fou'rae "of 1 miles to a s'd-. saU'd twice around The elapeed tun of the race follows: Harpoon, c F. Adams, 5d (Ameri can. : 03 34. Heaver. C H Foster (Amerlcjr. ). 1 03 44. Clma. fluy Lowsll (American 1. 1 03 i "h"nta. I,ule Aran (Fpani-h. I'll S ,piiee. A. E.- Cheguyin (Spiih 1:14 1? Mosquito II. V. I Dorlgn (SpanS' n 54 Fr Ni w York lilohe. sii nt l. n.-h. of the Mtjuiii, - tMW -r-rrrrn-to-TKe conclusion tloi ih o.,rk-. .-nt-r ball is all right, 1 'hit 'hi- i-onnlalnta 'arne In simply ' ti ;n unit of u bud i-uiiIh of dogeq '"" sent to c 'hi. Mit i which the mak ' h.ite taken taclt and replaced il litilla r r-r the preaent. at le-in iho IMKurt will contlnuo to u t.. , n'.-r l.:ill In nil games. Int 011 lrrget. I.e't V.:t forget We J;iy It yet, take ' - s"i" o,ir.l A:r l.in,- August '3rd . u utiort to, .A Ujtntlc-Clljr .t " W;nt trip, fastest train. f 'I M al-...lng eri TI keta gooil -lS-3t (batting for Cantwelli and Ianilgraff pon( rBln I'anvllle-Rlchmond. two g.inx pT(. Blgt.le out pitcher right field but the unusual happen and he Is thrown out at rirst: Al Orth lump In the air and pulls down Mullaney'a drive. Wilmington, tenth Resting, by a most beautiful play, from deep short, robs Doak of a hit and throws him out at first: Mills lines nut to Blgble; Dubbs out short to first Kalelgh. tenth Simmons line out to short; Keating files to orth; Haw kins (Ilea to right Wilmington, eleventh Hudson out brought In one. tlelng. while Hartley (hitting for Hramlti In the 10th. sin-j gled. with two riitinem waiting to score Not a single clean outfield hit was se cured off Mnyer Hoy glso pitched strongly, but Faettelll would have won easily but for efforts of 1'mplre, Freeman, of Cioldatro, w ho was j roasted to a turn ny spectator b. . VI...I. Z.?t.,rZ: W'JZUit to first- Howard foul, to Mc cn IM inn "! 1 fn-t-t- . i. have caused applause but Keating !11 more, he shot to first In time to re tire the runner During the entire Cormlck; Hoffman out short to first Raleigh, eleventh McCormlrk pops OOLDSHOIIO. Gates. Sb. . . . .. Handlboe. cf Sharp, rf MarDnnald. lb Brown. !h Morgan, sa. Evans. If Islly. c Boyce. p Totals FAY ETT F V 1 1 . 1 .E. Mlllln. cf lAndgrafT. 2b A as Schtiman. rf . . . . AH. K. H. P. A. E. 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 3 n 4 " 4 0 4 1 4 0 0 J f 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 15 1 0 12 11' 13 2" 0 0 1" 14 2" 3 0 3 1 Roanoke, 2: Lynchbv.n: n Norfolk-Petersburg. t. it , Eastern 1 Toronto 1; Provider e BufTalo 4; Newark 7 Montreal I; Jersey :' t Rochester 4; Rdltim.o. 1 at end of eleventh Inm- . New York. A us eene,i up on the Y tW (o-dav with a Th: a'ore has mark' r.imi of the series 1 1 Pittsburg rles with New 1 to 1 victory 1 all the other Wagner struck Wallace Ii-(cats Falaon. 1-i Standing of the Clubs out tl.-e but b.s sr-v In the second ir rlr a the start of t '.'. p re R H. E V tt,l.urg 0: 100- 1 4 1 N. York ,!,, f.,10 nno 1 2 I Ml ppe end ''' '1 I'rueke. Cran ."til an.! Wilson empires. Rlgler and t-.n ,he Time. 1 44 I'liiUulktihia Turns Table 00 Rede, and Tr a lenubtn. EASTFJUX CAHOI.IN II t.l taelve hinlnas on It on error oc curred on both aides, and It Is with regret that this Is charged ta Keating., for It wa th hardest kind of luck thst caused It There was a runner on first and a the better hr a Quick lwev. KeaUna. amicus to make flouhle. la running fast to get th hall tripped and fell Just ss hs got Ms hsnds on th ball, which he dropped Out of nine chancea, half of them being difficult. Keating only missed this one. which really Is not an error because It was occasioned. - urrter kuTtt "trying circumstance. tuHbs plsyed sn eacellent game at short accepting hla eight chances, aa did Cooper at third wttn si cnance. Tydeman and Hoffman and Mul laney made catches In the field thst saved run Clemens plated his posi tion perfectly, and a a reult t"t l file. Th playing at first by Hobbs and Mill was of the big league variety. In one instance Hobba. playing way off. stopped a hot grounder, and see ing thst he could not reach the bag before the runner, surprised every one by sliding feet foremost and getting hks man The break came In the twelfth, and with It a great deal ef anwetnl luck, which won the ram fr Wilming ton. Th "ret man wa retired by Mullanev. Tydeman. neit up. singled end stole second. Arth then hit to Keating, whew Keating stumbled and dropped the hall after having an op portunity for a very probable douhl - play, which would nave retired th side Iok. neat up. hit an easy on t Blgble which, t the surprise of every one. Bight picked p and held ' .t until Tyrtevaan had croased th plat 1 before throwing It t McCormlcfc. J"hte waa certainly ore of the most peculiar slants ever palled off on th diamond. It wa aatd that McCormlck tn pulling off hla mask trot it hung I esse) a wag that he couldn't see, and a Rtgbta saw his predicament he had ta held th nail until McCor- snick eitnrated himself from th mask. Other setr that Bight was lirard ta rem that he had th bsll kw th rwenef w going for noma. wrt -fwet swldert get the ball m pnaU Cb to tkfw. At nv rat Raleigh I t rd gam and Wllmngto won aihard fouiat tram. I A wear . rem rke.nl ! nee lite eni1, vMek has happened several times on wt Rateig diaqtond. was pulled off 1 by Twk yeeteeelay and tha day be for hen he threw tha batter oat at first tr hlttlr-g t tight field, tha msk. tnc an a-Wst instead of letting it ha Jill. , IsMalla. TrtlBiington. fir- Hoffman out pierber to flrC Cooper walk: Trde. nan f.ree Cocker at eecond; Orth .. ) ra Clement. ' , to Dubbs: Jobson out third to first; Thorpe, lb. Clemens pops to Dubbs Dwyer. 3b. Wllminaton twelfth Cooper Miss , triiiviu. c. in Uuiismav- Tviteman stnsles tn rishi Mayer, p. anil nrnmntiv steals second: Orth hits ChntweH. SS to Keating who stumble and falls; O Haloran. lb. Doak hlta tn Plel.le who holds the ball Brandt. If. long enough for Tydeman to arore; 'Hartley Mills file to centerj Dubba out econd to first. Total nl1gh. twelrth Blghla give Coop, er a little pop-over; Hobb file to center: Mullaney fan 31 1 S 2 17 AB. H II. ID. A 4 0 14 0 4 0 1 0 0 II 0 WILMIXGTOX. Hoffman, c, f. Cooper. 3b . . Tydeman, I. f. Orth. ?b. . . Doak. r. f. . . Mills, lb. . . Dubb. a a . Hudson, c. . Howard, p. . AB. R, H.PO. A. E. .4 0 11 Clubs Wilson KalelKh . . . Ito.kv Mount Fayettetille . loldsboro . . i Wilmington Won 1 1 11 1 9 ( iroiim i.t:tr,i'E .so 1 30 11 1 Cubs ( ireenvllle . . Andersoti , . charlotte . . W Inst on Spsrtanhurg Greensboro Won. M 4 1 43 4 JS ItSt. 0 44 44 M S'l 5 1 4 11 Batteil for Brandt In the 10th Score by Innings: H. II. E Ooldsboro . ... oo 000 010 1 S 1 Fayettevllle . 000 000 010 I J 1 fummarr Stolen haiiea. Brown. Sacrifice hits. NATIONU, IJ1AGVF. I'Mlailelphla. It A-ig 17 Phltw .' r h i regained f ir'h place todav t . n Inning two cam..a from (Cincinnati t 1 11 3 a od 4 ' ' Inclnnatl s er r rs xere -stir '1; the first gam. ti'.- their mls'U were also bun-h- 1 wl'h the home team's hits In ths w- . : I . ontest. t I'.rs game ) S.-..T. R H E- Clnclnnstl . . "0 r."l 101 3 13 I Philadelphia 0"" i l 12 7 11 4 Tteebe Ronton and Clarke; slack and Iktoin Cmrirea. O'Hay and Hrennan Time 1 5 1 s. ord ga me 1 S, ore R H K 4-n 1 i-'nclr.nati . ! 1B 7 J Philadelphia ""1 flot ? 4 11 1 Hum snd Mclean; Brennan Moore and Iw.in Impirea, Rrennan and Ti Time. 1 34 (Sre. lal to News snd obsi r- WalU.e Aug 17 In a fa.-' anai pv nnii cf hall here yet"r.i.i l'""burr,14. inning game. I to 2 The f a' I of the ice me wss the pit' hno 'Brown snd Sloan and the 1 1111:11 Hejinerman. of Wallace, an l Co ' ting of Iknraett for the Wulla' ' " Score' IWallai- . 000 000 200 00" "1 I Falaon 003 000 00U 0c0 0,1 j Hatter'ee Wallace. Hmvi iThelps, Fatson. Sloan snd !"'. i jton Cmpire, J ' Cauaev Alt lance. 2S0 Time. 1 4S I'latcr I on,i, iiili,n Hun Mad. I r- Ushlngton r.isf A: tl.e r:tt.. the price f r mlnop ! I. .ill plner wanted bv the ma .'' 1 .la,,...- ie irrTtnr op ti e figures I '! I'T: Ji; i. itiv . Vmir.- !-'. 'lTjtf ', oust ml 1 omplaining of their ' lo nnii r 1. tv i,., M " reaping a ' ' -' 'r..m r.H( - ...ii.si ,n In base ' An tin'. :i lull, -r .-axtie dub I .s 'nc k .1 m: I'Uver It cart t 1 :te tn f 1 1' lem In many .,. - I' f- I" i" develop -t r fli- . r thir- t- . n th pennant. ' " 1 Men 1 tbe malor leag- . In'.- .a s" irr. ' ''ic most every I net ihiit in viiiit", from a minor ! ta ' ' 1 , ill t..r -i 'ive or slg - 1111 tb. -isiilt that the cbib t I '01 -.11. - the best possible I! I Till HI T , o , do Hot H OF LIFE 1 ol I ' . . n , ,,,,(, , Is ..r , fr. 1 ti 1 M I. me great deed or s..ine wonderful fact. This 1- '.. I It Pitt, of Rocky Mt , !i. 11 he s.hs suffering Intensely, i trom tlio worst cold I ever lo-n proved to m great satls hat a srondorf 11I Cold an.t ire Ir King's New Iis.strrrr . lifter taking one bottle 1 -ras uc,-d V ml can t say ftn 1 good of a medicine llkrt P C. 1 12 : 4 0 1 Morgan. Indgraff. i 1 ttsver O'Hsloran. Two-baae hit. 1 'cantwell. IVoible playa, Oalvln to 1 1 0 1 Cantwell. Dally to Brown. Bases cn 0 0'halls. Boyce 4; Mayer 1. Time. 2 0 1'mplre. Freeman- f. Total RALEIGH. Clemens. 1. Blgble. lb. . . Hobba, lb. . . Mullaney, c. f. Simmons, lb. Keating, a. . Hawkins, r. f. McCormlrk, o. Jobeon. p. , . . .It I I 11 II 0 ARR.II.PO.A.E. I 0 1 0 0 11 1 14 0 3 1 3 CI, 1 ha. Chicago . . Pittsburg Vfit 3ork . . Philadelphia Cincinnati Brooklyn . . St I,0, . . Boston . . . Won. le1 P An Importautt Ruling In IlaiM'bnll (By Ihe Associated press Cincinnati. O . Ann 11 f' r , clarlng Ernest B l.osh fortiori, a that Its the surest and best remedy player on the rolls of the Mew York for d 'sensed lungs. Ilm -rrhagea. Inl and St. Umla National t-ams orlppe. Asthma. Hue Fevep-. anv and on the Tr ty team of th New York Throat or Uiing 1V...ble (.0.- 1100. State league a free agent the Nn Trial bottle free liuiintnteed by all tlonnl Hasehall Commlsaion to. lay pro-1 druggists mulgaled the following ruling if . nl.v.r I. relea.erl bv a minor ! W WTK.D PRIM ARY WDKK IM league club without notlfttng the clul. fittnlly a having sn option on his services, thev , io nen are resnorslble for his salary until be, i.f.ren., rmtm another eruragement If thev d notify th club holding the option that thev ara to releaee the player and do, W XVTI'I not hear from that club within three, days, thev will he permitted to release the player outright " t houl (r ptihlie w-hool, by ed yoimg lady with beat ncea. Address, Teacher, car and Observer S lt-lt T1IIUF. tlHVT-CUYSM white barbers at once. Steady Job. Address. J I Loreme. (loldsboro. -l-lw 3,1 4 40 4 :.2 S! 5 2 (4 41 41 41 5 4 70 r American League AVKRK LEAGIE. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Clot eland's Opportune Hitting Defeats 0 The Athletic. 0 Cleveland, o , Aug. 17. Cleveland 0:took the laat of the series from Phllti 1. deiphla today. 1 to 1. Cleveland mad 0 Its hits with men on basea, while the 0 Athletics bad run cut off by double 0 plavs ttarknee relieved Mitchell wtth 1 the bases filled and one out tn th 4 31 It lisUth. Oldrlng hit a Vf to Birming ham, who doubled Livingston at, lbs place. Score: R. H E Cleveland . . . . 100 101 01 t 1 Philadelphia . .0!v00 I 11 0 Batteries; Mitchell, Harkneas and Easterly: Morgan and Livingston I'm doubt play, Tydeman to Dubbs; wtldiptre. Colllflower and Evan. Time. Clubs Won lytsl Philadelphia . 73 14 Boston 42 44 Ietrnlt 41 4 New York 40 44 Cleveland 4 SI Washington . . 47 41 Chicago . 4 4 4? St. Louis . . 14 71 ?:i .11 Total Score by Innings R. H. E Wilmington 900 000 000 01 1 I Raleigh. ... 00 000 000 0 4 1 Summary: Two-base hits, Hoffman and Doak; acrfr hta. Doak and Mill 1); struck out. by Howard. 7; an ball; Howard. 1; Jobson. I pitch. Howard; passed ball, Hudson atolen baesa, Hoffman. Blgble. Sim mon and Tydeman. Tim. 1:10. I'm plra, Henderson. Attendance, about Ht. ,., Woa 1 tha Ninth." (Special to New and Oraserrar l Wlloa, N. C Aug IT. It looked II threogh th game Ilk th Champs would drop another ta thai Railroader thl afternoon and that Bout had won hla gam In th Srnt. whan Oastmeyer e.Teed.' Wilson piled up trooa eggs ntll th ninth when Phelan singled. Sharp neat th air, and Hearst who waa balling for Stewart, singled to right, advancing Phelan tw "third; Sherrldsn scored Phelan on an Infield hrt; Jacob hit to short, forcing Hearn wit at third ; Forgue fumbled Miller drlv to short scoring Hhm daa from second, sending Rocky Mount to third place In th percent age column. The featur Wa tb tmeellent sup nor af the horn team which place another gam ta th credit of Reddr Stewart. 1:11. SOI Till HM I.F.AGCF. Clubs Wo. fsy p , New Orleans 43 4.'"i Atlataa 93 4 ' Birmingham 51 41 Memphis (3 SS 491 .Chattanooga 41c I Nashville 50 C. Montgomery 10 4! 444 t Mobile 44 tl 41 Detroit Downs fleiaisT la ISlh In the) Rain and Mad. HOI TH ATLANTIC L:A;VE. Clubs Columbus Macon . . , Washington. D. Aug. 17. Wnsh-j nnns a nn l jeiron d bth in tnp rain again today, the victory going to the. Savannah latter In th thirteenth Inning. 4 tn 2 jcasonvitie Th fielding was remarkable under the A""sta conditions, many sensational plays be- Columbia Ing made by McRrlrt. Cobb and Bush. . Cohp spiked Elberfield In th ninth In- J VI RG nlng and th latter had to retire from 1 th game. Morlartty wss put off th Club. field and aut of th gam for continued, ownvine Won. t."at P ' ... 11 m: ...ft 44 ...1 (1 ...If 14 .!"' ...49 1 4?4 ...11l--I 14 MIA LEAGCE. objeetlsn to Umpire Kertn's decisions. iscor: rt. 11. r. Washington 000 tit 000 lOO 11 19 1 Detroit . ..90 909 901 000 14 9 1 Batteries: Gray and Alnsmlth; Sum mer and Stanagw, L'mplrea, Kertn and Connolly. Time, 1:41. .Tha return af Brch to eentr field earn to have had a whekeanm effect on th Brooklyn's playing. Pitcher Prown, of Cincinnati. Is al lowing aholit a few hlta per gam ti any pitcher In th business. Roanoke . Norfolk . . Hlrhmond lnch urg Won. Lost. P c 1 a .i: M 41 .144 ...... , 4 473 41 tt 4B7 94 It 44 41 II .443 Jack Flynn. the Pittsburg first Bian, seems to have com bark. The Cincinnati Cluh ha naked for waiver on pitcher Bill Burns, th erst while wonder. . ' Bill MrKechnle Seem to bava land ed a permanent )b a aecond man for th Pittsburg; team. Drug Habits Cured Since the establishment of this institution a little more than a year ago the record of achlenmtnt has been marvelous. To cure a mor phine fiend at all was considered almost impossible, but to cure him in a weeli'i time was thought to be out of the question. Yet we have done It here time and time again, and are doing it now. We take anj case of drug iddkiions, no matter how hopeless and GUARANTEE A CURE. We art a responsible corporation of busi ness men and this guarantee Is worth something. If you have a friend who Is hopelessly addicted to morphine or other drugs send him here. He will in a wtek be the happiest man you have ever seen. NO CtRE HO CHARGE BennettsyUle' Sanitantim BtHkZTTSVllAE, SOUTH CAROLINA NORFOLK- FROM '-nii-' ir.J rt!ri Raleish JTTTTiTTT Wihon 2 23 2 53 Farmville 2 25 2 53 Greenrille 2 25 2 53 Washington j 2 25 2 53 Far 1 1 earn proportion from gl ther stat'orr. CME HEMYr-yiRGm SPECIAL IVEEK-EWD EXCURSION FARES ffl BEhCH i NORFOLK SOUTHERN RMLROPlD Tickets Sold for Saturday Night Trains Good Returning 'Ivc Norfolk; Sunday-. Night, EVERSATURDAY INIUH 1 UJN UL Sbf 1 MiJiv Jra F?r Complete Infonnitioa Call on Nearest Ticket Agent or Address W. W. CR0XT0N, A. a P. A. Norfolk. Vt, : . .IL C. mJDGIN?, , B.EJW Tha KUht lpree em tha Norfolk Soother offers beat and rnoe coa yen) east servtca Bctweeew Baletgh, Easwarn Jforth Carotlaa aavl Sorfolk. THROtTGB H,EF.rEH. leave Raletgh., .,......: P- tn. '! Koefoik. ... ,...: l. m. Arrtva KorfiMk- : go. Arrive) IUWgh... ! a. a. . .-.-tW'!f'W'l" '- -