fits oiiiiiii rllT eJeedr tnl e4 ft ,, ' eeal tbeeer we rente. cm rT the Oely Pall tn Steitfc Csrella Hint Has Pm rver 15,000 Mulma Kinmi Mi system fww SX C'sl BrsclpHatlea. . IIDKIIIIF.U VOLUME XC, NO. 81 HALEIGn, N. 0, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1910 rnicis 3 CENTS fa News and Circulation. Obse r Ji M l.N W Leads all North Carolimia Dallies TAFT FALLS DOWH ATFEETOFTEDDY President Presents a Hu miliating Spectacle I fSOt EKPUIilTl After Rofuxlns to Admit the Proprtcty or Neftjr o( Brplrtaf to News paper Statements Omtatnsng Hot Sbot From Oyster Bay, to Apseeee the Anger of Rooaeveh Taft Gets xwa on HI Knee. (Br ths Associated Prese ) NW-Torh, -Atfr IJTh following ltttr from Presided Tail to Uoyd C. - OfWrnimMnr of The' "!fwT5rk ILeuubllcan county committee). w given out her today by Mr. Otiecom "Beverly. Uui, Auk. 29. 110. "My Dear Mr. Ortacom: As you know, .from your telephone converse tion with Bi)tjflte.i4iT ataadUr fused to admit the propriety or aecee Hr thr PrertdentT- Titytnt to newapaper itatementa which are not baaed on Sny act or authorised word of hla and have no aponaor. I mm en tirely willing, however, to reply cate gorically to your telegram of August 1 th, which haa Just arrived and which Ik aa follow,: " 'I am Informed and believe that several member of the New York Re publican Stat committee who Total for Vice-President Sherman over -President Rooeevelt as nomine for temporary chairman of Wat conven tion, were Influenced by statements that th Vice-President's nam waa presented to defeat CoL Roosevelt In accordance with your wtah. A mem ber of th Stat committee declared to me before th meeting that Mr. finer man's candidacy had been arranged with you by telephone the previous day. Effort hava been mad to create an Impression thai yon favor par ticular candidate for election aa Btate chairman. , X want you, to kaow that th injection of th nam of a high member of yoar administration Into a (actional conflict has produce a me complicated situation, and th abeence of any authoritative Information aa to yeur sttKud la asrloualy mlaleadiog many Republicans and Impairing a movement for progressiva party lead ership and clean government la this Bute, t know you dealr as to hav a fair field, and hop that thla may be made clear to the pgbiloJ. The suggestion that X hav ever expressed a wish to defeat Mr. Roose velt for th temporary chairmanship of th convention or hav vr takes th slightest step to de so is wholly untrue. I never heard Mr. Sher man's nam suggested aa temporary chairman of th But Convention an til 1 saw in th newspapers of Au gust lfth that th b had been se lected at th meeting of th commit tee. When yon called at my house Saturday evening. Augnet 11th yo told m that Mr. Roosevelt intended t to to th convention as a delegate, and you tugsreoted incidentally his bains; mad temporary chairman a suggestion la which I acquiesced. It did not occur to m that any on would eppoee It This waa ths Bret tims th subject of th temporary chairmanship was mentioned to me by any one. Ton did not ask me tn take any action whatever with re epect to It. After a full dlactteaiott of the Nw York Btate situation I draft ed In your presenc h following tel egram and sent It to Mr. Shermaa: Teteajrani as Sherassnv " 'Beverly, Mae. Aug. 14. 1M. "Hon. James B. Sherman, " ' Vice-President. "I'Mca. K. t. " 'Picas say to Ward and Wood ruff that 1 hav had a long confer eoc with Grleron. He confirms my Judgment already expressed to you. that th whole situation in Nov York may h saved without humiliation to any on and with victory for th party by a full conference with Mr. Roose velt and reasonable oonoe salon with reference to platform and candidate " The thing ' of all other that ought to bo avoided is a controversy In th convention. t am told by Mr. niiopnen that such a conference with Mr. Roosevelt might conveniently be had and would ho welcomed by him before th Stat commute meets en rueedsy. Hope yon will be a Me to re port satisfactory eolation when yo seme em Wednesday. t -. ' "William H, Tatt.' "fin the afternoon f Monday, Ag t It. Mr. Sherman telephoned m from- New York, and for th first tlm ipprlsed m of th fad that; them waa oropoeal to oppose Mr. Roevlt for th temporary ehannanahp. and that with Mr. Root's nam. Other lame than Mr. Root's were mention ed. I protected against the Idea of a ronteet en rich a matter, perernp toniT declined to b drawn Into n tght gainst Mr. Roosevelt; and again re ewed my argent advise that there he prompt and full porsnnal conferee) re . with Mr. Roosevelt before the rnea Inttte meeting, with a view tn secur ing harmony sad victory for th par- "Mr. Sherman carted neon m her h lTth Inst eat to meet an en rse.ment Bf wrek'S etdlntr made jR. htm and Mr. Ii1nie-cr lecne he eonreevnal rempe're levt book. Mr. I ttid .' was pw vnet frnra calUsr by n H!i urln; the cofence wtih Mr. She man, I t1 hm tbt I deflored l -elt of lb meettn; pt the New Ye'k Piaf rommltte beenee -lm h w rr"1. it eiMTt dirWr, '""' K Tcrk Ppuli'-es ir4 ft t fin leortnc ir. Mr. rhermeq mtw4 to t in en- fereew. t, Vtr. P.oeey, f pr-r44 be ee tnf.i tn df eev"h re aKj ie- rc te eltoailon ! puee.t. . even at that late data Mr. Nicholas LiongworUt waa present and said he would send a telegram to bring about a conference. What th result has been, I don't know. "Finally. In - your telegram this morning, you etate that efforts hava been- mad to create the Impression that I favor a particular candidate for election as State chairman. This Is abeolutely untrue. I hav expressed no opinion, an the subject since an effort was mad last winter by th New York conETeastona! delegation to se cure Mr. Woodruff's retirement, which failed. "I am very sorry, sorry Indeed, to oneerv columns of unfounded asser tion in the newspapers concerning my attitude In respect to ths New York situation. You know; how ever, as wsll as other New York lead era, that whenever my advice or as stitancs in reaching a satisfactory adjustment of th difficulties arising has been sought, I hav urged ths necessity for th fullest conference with Mr. Roossvlt by th members of th organisation, and with due defer ence to honest difference of opinion, hav expressed ths view which X stjll entertain that the solution of th di rect primary lasus can be found la provisions similar to those of the Cobb bill as' amended in aceordano with the memorial Mac Seth low; Mr. Joseph Choate and other prominent Republicans of New York, "Slncerelv yours, "WILLIAM H. TAFT." Griaaom's Statement, In commenting on President Taft' letter, and the situation, which It dis closes, Mr. Urtscom gav out th fol io win- atatement: : . The methods used to accomplish the defeat of Mr, RooseTelt when his ' name was before the State committee are now clear to the public and may ! be Judged by the public. nhow personally axxjualnted with Mr. Taft views were of course, never In doubt that hi advice had been Ignored and that hs attitude was mis represented in order that thoae who misrepresented him might appear a the defenders of his administration, "I hava not the slightest doubt that ths action of the State committee will be reversed snd Mr. Roosevelt, if his engagement will permit him to ac cept, will art aa temporary chairman of the convention, making the key note speech. As President of th New York Republican county com mittee I shall actively co-operate with Republicans throughout th Stat, who believe it In the tntereeu of th party that this result be brought about. "Mr. Taffe reply to my telegram disclose that the reports Industriously circulated, of a supposed conflict be tween the President and the ex-Pre Ident on Now Tork Stat matter are baeelasa Th way la now clear for th Re publican party la this Rut to tak steps which will warrant and eecure sure) at th polls In November. It 11 evidence that some of ths so-called "old guard" are not seeking Republi can success at th coming election: they wish to perpetuate their con trol of ths Republican 'organisation at any cost to th party. "Th defeat which their plans In vtted they very willingly would hav unloaded on th shoulder of Preet dent Taft by making It appear that he failed to endorse the .pollcle of Governor Hughe and Mr. Roosevelt In the Stat. The arrtanca or some of the -'old guard' leaders wit n Tammany Hall In the last two legislatures waa a dls ( Continued on Page Two.J FIVE TEARS FOR ED COK BEJTTEXCE KXTOKtD FOR KUAj- vta Rrrsjs nrcK rsr Mi.triJt- TUXE STREET RIOT OXE TEAR AGO AX APTT.Vl, TAKES. (ttpaclal to Nsw and Observer.) Charlotte. Aug. 11. Following a verdict of guilty of manslaughter, reeommeodaUon to mercy, la the rase of Ed Cog. for th killing of Reese Hucka, la th HunterwtUs street riot at an year ago. Judge R F. Long this aftsrnoon sentenced Cos to a terra of Br years In th Rtats penitentiary. This and th most Important case of th present two weeks' term of ths criminal court for Mecklenburg, th ess having been started last Wed nee day. Th defendant will appeal from the court swntsne to ths Stat 8u preme Court. " COIX)RtD TxTAOIXIlS. - Ctoa nWcaeeal IastUala 4 XasnvUle Am (pacts to Kews and Obeerrer.) KaehriUa Aug. II. Th colored teachers' inett'ete, which has haoa in seestea here for th past week, earn to a close Saturday. John W. Pyrd. ef Reeky Meant, has bean in efaarga forty-two eoterea teacher bar at tended th tnettttrt all ths week. A number of addressee hav bee deliv er ed by ssea wha aro baterastad hs ths progress ef th egr rare, and - all have emphasised the aeoeeatty f 1- daatrtal educatloa for th nearax rrl ay eight th taarhars gav a eowert In th ceurt heoee, aad many ef ths white people attended. Th program eaasteted ef sewn readlasw, etc- and waa thereeehly aajeyad by all chea present. The aegra teacher la hash r la earnest aaaat their wark. Itriag th laatltat th Ceaaty Su perintendent told taa teacher about Asnaada Fast). ef th reiored tearbera, whe, dartev th pas two years, has raised it for tmpravlng the school houee aad gresnda The teachers say they are determined to eael aad surpass, if possible, Aesaada's reeard. FAR CRT TO XUSTlXTARJXiTT. RrrebftVwaa af Wleema Rales the CM That CasswH be ReeJ- peciat te New aad Obrvee.. im, Aug. It T. & Car Pa, ei!iTnn and i. M- Ortf"a. Secretary, ef the Per-ebllcaa sreewtivs eommlt tea ef Ws.eon. tn thfir rail for a ! rmxrtv nn.anfln kri etl te eowie. tnr ee ite ieef, get right ani sta, rnL" FRATRICIDE IN GOUTY Jesse Edwards Kills Peter Edwards THE MURDERER IS JAILED Parties Involved Aro Weil To Ho People Victim 61ain In toe Pros noa of HI Mother Aa Effort so Have Jesse peoUred Insane Soema to Hava Bean the Csuass of th Trngett. (Spacial to Nwn and Observer.) -Wadeeboro, Aug. II. Anson county waa th sosti of anotiir murder yss- tsrday, th third In th month. This occurred In BurnsvUl township, and Is th second murder In that town ship within ths sun period. From telephonic reports. It appear that this was without provocation. Jesse Ed irards shot and Instantly killed his brother, Peter Ed wards. Both are prominent youa whit men of magna Peter had beeu to church and was sitting on the porch at hla home talk ing to his mother when Jease came out or th house and aaked his brother If he (Jeawe) was orasy. Peter reolied that he was no a doctor. Jess went In th house and returned with hla pistol Mid tired three shots, killing Peter Instantly. The bullet pierced the heart. Borne time ago an effort was made to hav Jesse declared la sane and he brooded over this and held hla brother responsible for It. Other report, are to the effect that there has been trouble between the young men for some time. Jease was brought to Jail her, thla morning and acknowledged the shooting. IIOS1EKY MILL TO RKSCME. .New Machinery Will Be Added nnd (apaclty liioreaard riplendid (rdT at Reunion. (epeclal to News and Observer ) Newton, Aug. II The announce ment that the big hosiery mlu her will resume operations ths 11th of September Is received wKh pleasur by the people of th town, for th Industry in ths past has peea of groat material benefit to Newton, employ ing 10 akiltod operatives at remun erative wages, and bringing into ths local business channels many thous ands of dollars. The hosiery piant and Its bog factory worn recently sold under mortgage for something like Hi. 890, and bought by Mr. V. M. Aua. ley, ef Htateavflls. Us. Mr. B. Morri son .of HlstesvlU, and R. P. Vteese, Of JSswtoo, have formed nnsy oom pany, a charter tor which was Issued Saturday. The new eonoarn will be known as the fidelity Hosiery Mills Company. Ths authortssd capital Is tlle.too and ths paid tn capital 110, 009. At fim 10 operatives will be employe, and the capacity will be 400 doaen daily. later about 100 people ; will be employed and the capacity in- ! creased New marhtnere- will he I added in no great whll and th al ready well-equipped plant mad Into on of th best hoatsry mills In ths South. Mr. 8. T. Oaddy, f Albe marle, has been mpkrvd as superin tendent Mr. R. P. Freese will he secretary and treasurer; Mr, Ausley. president anj Mr. Morrison, vice presldsnt. The gentlemen will In evitably meet with unlimited success. As many of ths former operatives win be employed aa posalbls. In ad dition to th bexs the bog factory will make for th mill, it will also manufacture boxes for the trade. This Is ths plant whtoh figures In lb sensational charges of incendiar ism, mads by ths eonfesslon ef John Radar, a young white man of this place, whe was arrested a few days ago and placed in Jail, One night last October, according to Radar's confes sion, he set fir te the warehouse. Commissioner Toung haa taken ths case up and ths full dstalls may be expected at next eonrt. Inquiry ef th nolle develops ths fact that of the 10.00 people her last Thursday at ths Confederate reunion, net one waa arrested, net a man was seen drank an the streats, there was no trouble at all, and only the best ef good order. Such a thing, It I said, could set have happened la Ontawbt eounty a decade age whan th dlstvi; lertea war thick throw; bout the county. ; - MAS TAKES HIS OWN LIFE CIURXlvS EDWARDS FOTJTD DSAD wmi A ropb' aroc.xd ' RIS KECK. DEATH KKStXTIXO FROM sTTRAXGrtATIOX. (Rpertal to Nwg and Obeervar.V Newton, Aug. IS New comes thl morning of th suldds of Charles Ed warda In Mountain Creek toweehlp. H was found dead yesterday, with a rap around hla neck, but in a leas ing posture, th rircnmstaaees Indi cating that hie weight simply ceased etrangulatlen without his feet leaving th groan 4. It Is supposed In ths ab sence ef partlcmlar, that he was In sane. Sheriff Leonard and acting Coroner R. P. Caldwell were gammon ed, and they are now at the seen of the tragedy which I quit a distance from town. , , rOCSD I) IAD IX RF-D. The taddesj feat!) ef Fx -Jailer eohs) W. Storfctnsx, ' tSneeial to New and Obeerrer ) Wlaetoa-PaJem. Asg. Jl. Er-Jaller Jobs W. fteckfea w foned Seat ht bed t Ste hf sear RerweefTtlle, thl mnrnlec. Re had been In fall leg health for several meet ta. caused by asthma. XLis f wag sixt-flva RE1UI1TS Insurgents Enter Capital Without Opposition WWl iESUP REP Resign the Presidency to .lose Es trada, W ho tn Tan U1 Torn Over CXQob to General Juan KMrada, Ills froOver Madrls Takes FUglxt to Oormto Prisoner la Penitentiary XCsrape, , " (By th Assxtclatsd Press ) JCw Orleans, -La, p-Anr " TT.Coh-" fl rotation, of th reported fall of Managua without resistance following ths sntry of ths Insurgent forces to day, was contained tn a cablegram re ceived her tonight by the aulug con sul of Mad Ha at New Orleans The town was surrendered without any conflict. It wi, said.' PranVIcnt. Maoris Icaye. J Managua, Aug. 2 Th advance guard of ths revolutionist U now one mile from Managua. President Madiis left the capital, Sunday night for'Corlnto. accom panied by his chief advisers William Plttman. the Huston engi neer asoused of laying mines. Is free at the American Consulate All the prisoners In - th penitentiary have mad their eeoape, Thar was rioting Sunday night, but It was quickly quelled. The situation is critical. Refore departing for Corlnto with Oenerals Toledo Vasquea, ortlo and Montenegro, aad Dv. Julian Irlas. the presidency was turned over hy Madrlx to Joss Dolores Estrada, a brother of General Juan Estrada, the leader of the Revolution. Immediately after wards, Jose Estrada issued a procla mation saying that he would give the office to hi brother, and started a peace commission composed of foreign consols for Oranada to inform Oen. LEstrada of his intention. Ths com mission waa compelled to return to Managua, however, aa the railroad track had been torn hp. Insitraents Take Capital. Nw Orleans, La Aug. II After almost a year ef severe fighting, the revolution which was bes-un by seevril hundred Nicararuai Inntrgents at Rlueftelds on October 10, 1100, practi cally ended today with the advance of the revolutionists on the capital city of Managua and the resignation of President Madrls In favor of Oen. Joee Dolores Estrada, brother of the Insurgent leader, Cable dispatches received tn New Orleans today annouaoed that Man agua had fallen. No reststanc was offered to Oen. I.uls Mens, who at the head of an armv, largsly angmented by the campaign In the Interior. (Continued on Paga Two.) IF SAME STRONGEST COCXTY TICK ET 15 ITS niSTORY H.1RMOXT FRET AILS A.D A WINX1NU FIGHT WILL RE MADE. (Special to New and Observer.) Lenoir, N. C, Aug. II. Th Demo crats of Caldwell county held their conotv convention her today at 10: SO o'clock tn the Henkel opera house. Hon. W. C. Kewlsnd waa elected chair man and Messrs. A. N. Todd. J. L. Har ria W. M. Moore and W. H. Cloyd, secrstaiiea A full county ticket was nominated, and It Is said to be th strongest ticket th Democrats ever named la this county, mere was sever g more harmonious political gathering ever assembled In this county than that which convened her today. Every one seamed bant on selecting th best man available for Ih different of fieea. In a reusing speech Chalrmsn New land portrayed to tho delegate In Ms characteristic manner what had to bs dons o regain Caldwell eounty and let her take her old stand In th Damecratto rank. Th pakr .was ltusiily cheered many time, which In dicated In a small degree th en thusiasm that pervaded in th conven tion. Every delecate and eandMat was In happiest snood And each had a good ward for th ether. The following ticket was nominated: Dr. A. A,' Knt, Houe ef Repreeenta tlvee without opposition: W. C, Moor a clerk Superior court without opposi tion: j. r. icara, enn, en me fourth ballot; John M. Crisp, register of Seeds, en th sixth ballot; R. T. Shu ford, treasurer, by acclamation after second ballot; R. C. Tattle, surveyor, wltkoat opposition; John L Asstln, coroner, Yj aectamatlsn; W. J. Har- rlngton. J. L. Gragg, M. Deal, eounty comml At tie rloe ef thc.coaventlon, Mr. Clements, eampalgn manager for. He. R L tstMighton. addressed th assem bly In rinsing speech. The convention eadereed Hon. R. L. Doogtston for Congree and Cant, Edmund Jone for Judg ef th Thir teenth Jadictai dlesrtct SE5ATORS ROJsaTATKD. CaM. O. Mag Gardwee, ef CWeUad, aad Mr. at. F. Ftsfher. ef Polk. ' (Special ts Ne-sr s Ohswrvsf.) " Rutberfordtow, Aug. It At th Democratic see. eternal eonventton ef the thirty-third district, held In Rutherferdten today. Capt O. Mat (iardner, ef Cleveland, and Mr J. T. risher, of Fein. wre nominated as candidate for th Stale tenets te repreeent this district st th next gen eral essembtjv , see no ghancefor; BLAIR'S ELECTIOfl; Durham's Republicans; Are Very Lukewarm THERE IS iCH 0ISSEH1 Toung Woman of 111 Repute Arrested for Vsgranry Taken In Charge by the halvatioei Army and Sent to a Reformatory In South (arotlna Auto Party From Hurnla Visits Durham, (,tn ana ,mmm Iurham, Aug. SI. Not a few Re- j publicans of Durham look Into th campaign thla fall with trembling. They are not opposed to Mr. Blair, ! Smitheid. Aug. 11. .Near the J.iiti. though this county was fur Benbow ! ston county tins Baturday aftertmm. a Mcond choice to Mr SJ.or.hea4. . '" 'ldg shot ami fatally " .. . . . , oo4t Okxa Coats, who diwi Tha-old Blair-tJiaason ttgTtt.. which nUhl Hndgers came h. re at, I v,r wasn't a really big tight. Dr. Claaxon j rendered it seems that ih- tv. faking .00 i)AXt lu It. iikrtale wW-Ltnaa - h4 aeett at-ours for errmcnthe cause many a man t to uncommonly lukewarm tn the comh.s cafaign. it la known here for a fact that a majority of ths Kepublkaos, Informed thoroughly as to the cause of Mr. Morehead's election two ear ago, do not expect a repetition this fall. They regard the fight as well nigh hopeless. The disaffection that they see this year is In their own party and they no more expect Mr iilair'a election than they did Mr M .rehead's. But one Republican lu all the county, two years ago, openly prophesied the de feat of Brooks, ami that one was Col John C Angler, the oltlclal kicker t the party. He foresaw It all before Morehead was nominated an, could have been nominated if he had seen fit to pull for It. The colonel's at titude towarda Mr. Klair (his fall a ill be Interesting. The county convention S.tturdav of this week will nominate a full county licasl wunout any real r.gni. i nougn , promptly declinrti the horo.r ( " n- the Republicans are aaylug that hey,ferred. Senator Iaees trUmls never expect to carry the county aad to;f0r a moment thought to ask ' ui . beat General Cxtrr. everybody knows that they wouldn't be eurprlsed to, see Durham gn 70 democratic as they ar torn asunder In thla bailiwick. Aa Auta I .arty. Jn.lse anrt Mrs. U II Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Palmer aad B Hi A statement from Jdr. De w III Palmer, Jr.. are In the city on a visit .appear lu tomorrow's e en.1 Oh - to Mr. and Mra W M. Proctor The party came here Haturday aftemivin from lake City. Florida, making the trip through the country In a big touring car. The best run made In a single day was :o miles, and the entire -distance w aa covered wlthnt an accident, even a bucking engine or a puncture Judge. Palmer Is a brother of Mrs Proctor. General S. H Reams, many years a resident of Durham and general passenger agent of the Durham and Southern here, returned today to Havannah, where he Is now with the Heaboard, after spending two days with his mother Mr Beams Is the gentleman whnee going away look all the heart for professional baseball that Durham has with him. Arrested for Vsgranry. Th salvation Army tbls morning did Itself a real credit when Judge Sykee had Lola Johnson, a good-looking girl of eighteen years with much sin crowded In them, before him fer vagrancy The girl waa arrested yeterday morning and takun to Jail from an where she was spending the night Inn as sho had no tight to Jo. This , ana openea ins second w ee . term morning titers was no doubt of her of Guilford Superior Court, f .r the guilt and Judge Sykes had nothing trial of rhrtl casea. The case of J p. In her favor to save her from the.Helme against C. E Holt, n whl-h workhouse. Captain J. V. Kreaseale. of ths Salvation Army, offered to send her down to South Carolina, where he will have her placed In a reforma tory, t Though steeped deeply la sin. the girl says sh wants a chancs to mov swsr from evil associate She had worked a while tn the Pearl Cotton Mills, but mors recently haa spent al most her entire time In the compan ionship ef bad women and worse men For a kid sinner she haa had a very eventful career. She is awav from her parent, and they know nothing of her. She wants to correct her life, she says, and return to them. They bJ snppoeed that she waa here at work and that she was doing fairly well. , m T C sue Bl UHTBISC AX AGID LADY FEELS EFFFAT OF BOLT WHICH rTB.1 CK HOt'VE TERRIFIC HAIL AT FXrC TRIO s-fORM DOES CRE.T DAMAGE. (Special to News and Otxesrvar ) Newton, Aug. II. A UrrlBn rain aad hall storm ccwra panted by eever leetrtcal dlstarbaacee swept ever this section Sunday afternoon and did con siderable damage. Con. east at th lew a, wss fiddled by bs.ll varying la sis np U stones as targe sa eertrtdg ea-fe, and th stalks were laid flat en the growsd. Lightning struck ths home af Mr. Jame T. Deal and near ly killed his mother -le-law, Mra, El mine Deal, aa aged lady. Far a tlm the wss thought la be dead, bat medi cal esalstaacs was gammoned aad she was rrvtved. Lightning also stnsrk a tre St th horn ef Mr. Kh McXJee and shocked Mra MeOee. knocking' veesel eat sf her hands, hat net eert ensiy iajHsjrtng har. The raia waa sa- cf ,'fif -e-vy and the streams were ser 'toj't 'A their bank. xniT. Ighttva IrW J4l Two fr Manler- t'ourr , nwno si iceuher Itfth, ill w udfctt I' lil, on lite Ik-ni h, I (Hpfvial to New and Observer 1 Wilwn. N c . Aug. t. Wilson H.i- i Pen r i unit will convene Monday. :n; ber Sth. Thfre art inan n the criminal docket, uiM at preM'nt there aro confined In the juii eithten criminals for the follcw iiik offenn-s. Two for murih-r; one Ijv ru.illnti. fur larceny, clKht, carryiiiR cotfralvd weapons, three, affray. lu, as..!t Kith deadly weaponx, tw ' :;S:.;I;FHHH-i i; '(irirti,. who U charged with killin alin Thorr.e in Hid Fields townslily oti A uit us t luiv Jiit Pevldes will preside at the next l-rm iieeidrs the eighteen criminals now In Wl!m 'ml. there are four dement ed unf 'rtMMiii.-i4 who are awaitliig miaslun int.. the asylums one uMV woman, one negro woman, an l two negro men - ' - iextTr ' a,-!) nRTrn Fatal SInmmIujc in Johnston (uunl? Saturday Afternoon. I ( Special to News and Observer ) enu ir,Ai raiurnay aiieriiuon , i met Hrtdren and told him he w.n goti g t w hip him RrtdKels run some dutanc to avoid a flKbi Ma then turned and fired, the load taking efTeit in l oate' breast WHAT'S THE CSR? Republicans, by KudoTMCwrnt. Induc ing a tw Ih-RMMrNta to .loin 11-,r Kanke Tim Simon Pure Anicl,- Will Have None of It, ispeeial to News and nbn.-rvei i U'l.or,, Aug. 52. At th.' ,i.:t, ,n convention held in N'tehMlie !.it Sat arda our present Senat r Jin 1 liiiees. of Kim City, a nnti n,.-,l i.. make the fight aralnM l-u u .,r In Nmtmlw. This d 1 i i wit', jt senator 1 'ewes' knowl, .)(.'' . r -,.rn, n'. and of course he. when he fo ,nl nt the a'tioii the Republicans Mi l inkmi. did what all true blue t'un .. rais would do under t i h i m mis-.i , accenf" They knew the Senator, would promptly r'Jt a spoke in tho Republican machine that would stall them before they got fslrly star'ed on Oetr campaign of Botlerlsin, Boodle and Poase I server which will show ihe p il he Juat where he Is at Will Mot Re a I 'ami i late. (By th Associate, l l rrsi.1 " Washington. D c . Aug 1? Kena ; tor William U'arr. ef Xtts-ouri. an nounced tonight that he vw uld not be a candidate for re el- tl .n to the . United State Senate The announce intent era mad In a form. 1 statement addressed to the sourk" 'Uepiiblu nn of Mis- CASE UP FOR FOURTH TIME etTT OF HELMS AtiAINsT llI.TO A RICHMO.Xn M ICIDI' XI'W PASTOR OALMJV TK1EF Rr5 OIV. M:iRO By A.VDIU.W JOYMH. Oreensboro. Aug II Ju. l,jon returned from his home at Klirahe'h twn In Bladen county this morning neu ei ior tnis morning was begun, and Is now In progress This rase may consume the entire week. Judging from past experience It has alread. ked the.. . B already sad three trials In the 8u perior Court, taking about a week each time, and haa been to the R pretne Conrt once or twlc Halm..'0,n !" '""Tti . Jiit kI.I and Hotton were formerlr "p" . Mr. McKln ley. who wtll hav. here In th wholaaal and retail drug business, which want Into lank ruptcy. Helms la suing Hnlton on threw note, anrreatiag M. Hot ton claims that th note were secured by mesne ef "falsa and fraudulent V.a 3T. . . . ,e. , nd ss-t np a counter-claim for oven in a ...,.. rt,m repreaeatatlons en th part of Helms' way been Mtterlr fought In and out of court. Plaintiff la represented hy Stedman end Cooke and Judge S'rud- wlck. while J-Klge PjTium. Kins, Klmban A Re.ll appear for the il.ZrtcZtZXSt , ' . ' saaJrVJe of J. A, Cow-H, A telegram to friends and busineee sssoristee her thl morning conveyed th latelliawnc that J A. Coach, of Richmond, had eommltted - salebts there hy shooting hltneelf with a pis tol. N further psrtlculsr wer glr. en. The sees crested surprise, atne Mr. Couch was not considered to be thet hind ef a man." Hs eras sober and ef A genial disposition, apparently very set t sasfql r husdn. ef a rour tenw and p4ais4h dtefoettlon, Hs did buetnee a long t'me here, hat for th part two year has been ew cared la the Ibjwor bnatnesa In Rlehmond. Kow Pweeoe called, Rev. 1. W. Rclten, paster of th Christ I a Ctrarrh here, ten1 ered hi rel-natton last week sed the euar terly conference ef th rhurrh accept ed the seats Thsrsstay night. Tester dey the emrrertun extended n aaaaltnewa rait t Rev. L E. Smith, ef Graham. Rerele' Fsssed. - A netrre thtel vksitad the hems ef Mra M. XJadsar an South Smins! street Irst night whll th aecapanta were otteewllng tharrh service aad waa proceeding to rob ths hoea when Mr. C A. Bray, waa Bro next doer, beard him. and pre-r1ng his shot gun, Sred on h'm. The neer bmk aad raw, sod Mr. Rrsr feet rertatn he peppered tr wee re. hot tf so, M aely eerred to Increase the speed W the Ceelaf teegra. ' . REPUBLICAN MIX.. UPGETTINEWBRSE Leaders Concede They ill I nen HI 4 LI L.UOU I1GAI IIUU3S i CHAFJ0E7OR HARMONY misiefin llHi ,et Hjw Xo kind Word for tin AdiiilniHiralion and lVnirt W1U IriMiru.-iit.s Rellevril lliat tho e.m l'rcMll,-nl WUI Re tandUiate ftu NominaUon A;alii.Ht Taft (lialrruan McKtnley 8UidV by taimqfTw! f(ii;i-I'iu Knialofe Wlio Will Fro ball!) Iamo Out. By THOMAS J. PKNCF. W aahinirton, H c. Aug 2Z Thl "I'er mixes In a political way as ;n . n as the r.eit mnu, nad hi asao-.-Utee itre moitrly Kepubiroajis North ern and Westeni ltepiibllcans. Wlth i.'jt .uji . .ttern three Rep'ullttcana Alcm I know most of whom are Ftudcius of politics- con. ed the Con-. rr, MMioiial lilection to the I'emocrate, In fa. t. 1 nm not stating the eltuatloni t..o troiigl when 1 say that 1 have not H...11 a Keml., n m a month what n e (1 1 1 y ldoi that his party can carry tn- tleJlt 11. c. and I have talked to 5 il officials under this M.M1M eM i a lrninlstrailon What 1 have set forth lo re in the , xperlem of every Demo-. rat in ashlngiton. It cer'ulnly looks like T ri., i 'ernocracv la eoinlns haclc into Its ..n alter a wait of soma ' i f , ii i, Certainly there has t c r I, eei, gretUr unanimity amung p.n.tli al olorrvers of all parlies witli re'.r, n,e to the results of u nailotiil . I, . Hon The thing- that Is dcpresslhg to He pul lican ottli-e-holders tn Wuslilhgtuii Ih the fait that conditions commuo to grow worac rith-T ttian to Inn.rove. T it has lie- ii l-sck In this country two nn utu-re,'. n'.lis. nnd us vet he tin n t one kinlh cord i-.h refer- etoe t the adtnli.ialratlon This Is) not no re accident. Mr Ito osevelt 1 ed!t..r or one of the highest weekly publications !ti this country, and wheri this r.ot i, talien into consldrrntlon, it J apparent tltat he haa studiously atoiiied sln un wunl lu comnien-. datl-m of ir Tslt and Ids edralnlstr . I J,11' "n M , " '.' ' t , . . . . , V r-nrmtis tr this .ountrv fad t. sec where or hows thete can I. a hu getting to, lifether or C,e tun men Mr. Konsevelt la . onortlr:g vilh ibe must avowed, iproirrs Ives In Die countrv II la .moat oriel, l;h l-in...ird l'Uo4iat wtwm Mr Taft rem.-ve.l t - ri i olfb c, and ha !al.i likes tn li:ie af ann.l " Jimmy Uar fteld. Senator ilrlst ow and other Insur gent Kep-ubllrah (or who m th t'hlef I Kxecutlre has a supreme contempt, i These and one doieu nthet- things j equally significant, point to a partln1 i of the ways of the to men who wnra such close friends some two years aji. The popular Inlsrpretaxloi, of ths situ- SIHJ lv seem that he Is laying all his plans) with that object In vit. Tn aotltude of the Preeldent, vhe .aused Ropreaenlatlve Nicholas Long- wor'h to give out the statement repu- uinting- ine ( anotaacy or epeaaer ans non for re-election, Is not a pleasant, picture to regular Republicans. The think Mr Taft is being badly advised. end (hat he la certainly playing badl politic What has Mr. Cannon done,, they aak, that be deserves to be hu- miatevi by hlw partyT !-. of sUlJ they ssy. ran the President afford to turn on him. for waa It not the Speak er who made posalbls the legislatrv program, shout which administration sdhsrents bragged mightily following! th adjournment of Congr? Right upon the heals ef the Preet- 'V""" underhand repudiation of Mr. , annon. come Chairman McHlnley, N of the Republican Congressional Com- mlttee. and announces that he will not hares of th Republican Congrsalon-4 al campaign, announce that h wilt xnte for Mr. Caonon for Speaker etj the next House. The effort of thtaj crossing of wire on the part ef that President and hi eampalgn managerj has alreedy had a demoralising sffecej n Republican candidate for ConJ ' . . K grees. who hardly know whr they are The three Republican Congressmen fmm North Carolina Moreheadj Cowle sod Orant voted with thai Speaker on every occasion at the last! Itltude toward him nowf Will theyj desert Code Joe for the President. If j,Ir jat tell them to? They will be found on that aids ef ths ledger, from. which emmates Federal patronage.' Nothing Is mors certain, but their at' tltude on thl subject Is a matter ef. small moment, aa they will hardly few) members of th next House. Speaker Cannon lambasting th ln, sugenta, .and ths latter tearing the Speaker to piece; th President Jlnl Ing In th onslaught acalnst the Speaker, aftd his eampalgn manager romlng to Cannon's fense; th eld tin Republican In all direct loss lining ' np -against the. progressives ef the party; the President and the ex-Resident pulling apart; ths Ralllncer hem more acute than ever and all efforts to get the Secretary ef th Interior ut of the rabiaet futile; th general heme ef pro.irreeslve conservatism and' Insurgent radicalism becoming more srrtmon'eae each day, and arraigning th party In two elements: ths lroa erat united. In fighting trim and tea. fldent from eeean t eeean aad I rem border to border, th pletnr I asy. 'thing but a pleasant one for,Repb 1 licens arxl party followers. Tw W est era etaai-cat Senator, whoa term expire next March, sr In Imminent daerer ef defeat One to Elmer J. Farke't, errlg hi firs term from Nebraska. See at or Rur ttett s Iemecratlfl oppoeeet x OUber H. Hstchcoek, the ewaer of the Omaha XCentlaacd en Pit Big,)