1(1 Tin: ni:ws A?,n or.snivn:, Wednesday, aik.itst m, ' 1010 i r 1 '1 J 1 I , 11 . i J: . 1 I : t;MHiwiMi flu Willi ati. .i t I- ' r ft r I tit- J' "j ! . if' ' I u ,- k :if' ; f i i. irv i ; m ! ' i '' 1 V 0 si ' i i i Lt ( "1 f . il 4 (J" " i: i Vjk 1!' I JH I- k (' ,11 J . I ;'jf r,f - i 1 . I, j , ) u The News and Observer vi:isimat. .-'August 31. II0. - - - -. . ffcALNB LC1IINU KALI.1UII 1A1LI. bMr4 Air LiM IUllr. (Ii Kaxlt. ' 0Ib .(. ; . m. !u.. I :ns . n. ' ' ra il'SAl. m. . . :iup.m. .: ' . .- ap.m. Sbooflr 4).. :.. JO p. in. iMp-m. am4 lhrt. ' iitr; t.m, jo v) . m. ' inn p.m. tr.f.m. JJ.m. .3t-a. Karfolk m4 Mltm CIk( rrt. ' Ajrrii RaWfk. . , :tf a. w. 7 ;- ra. at, T:up.U. IX AJD ABOrT THE CITY. Bfue (if wrwk n the fourth division, tha huU)rd Lhrnush train No. ti, for Hl hmon.l. nu delayed bout ten houri yrsUrdHi'. In th pollre court ywrtrday " wm Arthur Mcrrltt. colorrd. rharged ti?h bHBK dlnlrrly In I'ullen Pitrk. H ubmltted and -tu fined 16 and col. mnd of Mr II. H. Hay, of PHU- boro, who waa Injure 9 U wrt4 Jiaar Wunou. will It flua to know that he I Improving Ho U now In hospital at HanforU, but hopes to b able to return tune In about a week Bar Hlitht C Moor, editor of the Blbllr-al Km order. Is having erertad on the corner of North Kast and East j Lane atreati ' handsome new reali civiira, wnun uu iiiii w inu a;-i tlon of the tlty In which lt II Iwatad TFJCSONALS. Mr. Paul 0. mlth. of Klttrelt. Is In la the city Mastnr Kdain Itoyster left yeaterday for Atlanta. Ha Mr. K. A. ItiiKhci. of Purham, wa Jn the cltv yesterday Mr E. V. Adyltt. of Elltabeth City, arrived to RulrlKh yeet.irday. .... . yMc .SVaUer W Wt. . Edno, In the vH yesterday. Meexra John P Cameron and I It. Williams, of Wadesltoru, were In the cltv yesterdrtv Mr. -John "' 1'rttilel. of W alxtonlmnr. was here yeMrrdey Mr. H. A. IauKhtn. of Spurts, ar Tr4t -T-stffrrtiasr "Mr. H K. Mrl'h.re.n. of Uurln burg, was In the city yeeterday Mr, 7. ri. ItttK of AiT:Vi.Tr Oa ," Is visiting hie daughter. Mrs. K. E. Droughton. "Mt.HT KXI'HESK." KORIXtlJv WlTHKlt ftAIIKOAD IiUMiumi fclca-jiliig ttm For Wilson. (Ireenvllle, Waeblngton, Edenton. Klltnteth City ami Norfolk. I'nnnectiooH si Norfolk for 111 points Eaat Irairv. lUb'Igti IHMly l in. For Information h.s to reserv alloni, tc. write ..r .nil on II I. I.II'R T T A P i'i'W, h A Itnlrlrtll QKATtUUi s4444TI4lt Bon. T. V. Mawtn .X 111 IIUit Vra- tloo and IH-. It. I". IHion lt-xnl ' to Adilrrea of Mrlnoiiio at l'onfi crate ltrunlon. Tt has been announced thnt Hon Thomas W. Mason, of Northampton will deliver th oration ut tli- C..i, tedsrat veterans reunion at Norfolk and Dr. H 1' IMnon will repond to the address of ael'ome InwHtloU. (Harper's liax.ir I Mrs Knlcker Has your daiiKht.r got used to home since she graduated ' Mre Woi-ker No; she behaves like n si-President home from Europe OOOiKlOOOOO :i!i:il;.,' OOftsdouHcstrrigth OOcutetTicarffcbill 0$intwoj Its superior 00 quality gives it 00 a value double ,00 its price. 00 0 0 Ita LY Taylor Ca 00 ifaU-SA' Grand Theatre VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURES 3 BIG ACTS BASE-BALL WEEK AFTERNOON ' AND NIGHT A -CARD. OnVw f toarsj for Tea Dare. On account ef my eheance from the nty my office -will be closed for tea days Da fcRNRFT R BROt'OHTOBf. , Dent let. Raleigh, N. AC. 17. 11. T. A. DanUla ' 9. B. Danlsia F. A. DANIELeS It Soa - Attorn eys-at-Law mm S1 1j A CENTS 1j H U A LINE J (till Ward U U Cyl5 IK7 ORDER Waal ad. ni'4 at THE WWI AMB ; 0r BVEll BuU4l e Wllhaat hart ' Im m wnM freai tha Festal.) Talrs-rapa at Aaertraa Ut-it t f Us-nknfc ; Mcaakaaare. .CaU WhWi l atoa ar raSUt ; mfmtrt beys hf tatopkaaa a eaU bee J tnmmmr aalat ta tbe etty wa will raestTe ajTarUmarat tmt tkl ealasaa at rate el j tea ernte see Ilea, asatlst ela sraras te lit Ilea, sat ae tbey metre Megtaasa tat ) Uaaemlestaa eiee Weateta tataa a feetai ; I GKT TMK M.ST WIIIIJ': YOU ARK about It, eieolaly wben lt coat no mora. Kiii liuamese t'ollece, the coilrge that turns out capaJjla fttl uatcs THiJU." OMr:TlllM; l A' VOL iiif. lie iurelul when takiac a bu-'InrfK courh. Hleut that rlifht collHr! Kiiik e Business CoUeae, Kaleia-h and t'bariotta. TUK Lil.UA.E THAT OllURS XOK r.very adviuitsse fr a thorough bunlriMii rutirex. Kings ItusUlaaS :otlfK'. liaiclgb and Ohariotta. hTl HKMn tti.VSTAXTLV KXTKIl - InK King K Kualness Culleg. Ilu.1 elgh and ihrlotta there s a rea son. ,.X)R s u ,:..lu j, U .sjbdvt. IIX (.ht,Hp or ,rad, H()I 2I)J lj0ulJ. . r . I, " 8-31 St WAM'Ue- TILVUJ.U SALKS niiui to sell a popular pnea line of men in.. '.to in Eastern North Caro lina, only those of experience need apply Address V O Hox No. 77. I-ctersl'iTK. V S-31 2t I'll! Mt 1 AN .E OF THK KT. opeiiinx In State; i ounly and vll 1sk pra. ti. i. nu oppuelUon; drug . store attached. '1',"Jf,.to city, .AJ.d-, drHs "nipfjftiinHy."r '?Ce'i"aud' t heel i-l Vrti Krl Kn WANT El IK Klkk I.F I'F.KH, STK- ograph, r. MilcMiidn. sieslaillrs, hotel h .If nnliiers. Pleilmont ' a Si r.i"' For . iuai ruKii. iMiausu-. ed loon.K m iieil Fhon 111 . -HI - lt WA'TICI M N AM) Mire IXIH mail fiirnt Kant stock, poultry, etc. Salary . n-feirme. Dr. W. T Caretarplun. Katrell N. C. -31-Wed l'rl tun FOH fiAI.Fe A I K1 KOI H MllKH from EiiilflJ, ' acres. A boau tlful country li "me l-lne cotton, corn and i.inoii land Address Hos 16, Enli.'l.i. N ' l-31-2t KOIl SA1J-; (l NO. 3 120 "F. A. j aucs Co " pluncr and matcher WIUi i Khlmer-hesdh and ktilvra coniplete. 1 Currte ik Mi yio . ii UikrvU-w, N. C. j k-:ti s.p t-ii MM' ltM n i: HIV t AI,K.- I tar alesman selling our lfcl line. I earning. IS .Milt or more, which U j rairj-. we"l! gtra n hnnua of H BOO ) We will pu lie men well to help ox tloutilii .on InistneAr Answer' noK, lloa :ti IK. Itontoii. Maes il d IYi Hun 31 Itl JlKMIIItK I'K.S, TWO UOAH one sow. nlft-h about 60 poundi eai li 1'nce for the three, lit) fob I.Mirefine. N Write at ones to J V Orahani. IjiDrange a-ju-tit UtviKll MA.Wl.KU tOit IHII lor live-horse farm near Hsjelgn In good state of cultivation, nllh gixid buildings Applicant imist be ntlor and Industrious l;'ftrence required Married man preferred. Apply Van H. Moore. Kmc xh, N. C. Hiu tf W ANTtJs POMITIO AS hl KNlM rsplter; railroad work preferred. Flvs years' wiperlen' e, V X . car News and Oheerwr ,. l-30-:t I TWO HUM IAWH IXtR HAJJC II iiverby. 7l J S-St. Apply to Mrs w South Hlount 8) 01' AUK IN VI 11 l TO VISIT King's HuslneSH i .11. u nr..1 see a large, live business , . ilegn at work Htudenta from main Slates Haletgh and Charlotte W ANTKI olul Its Foil FIR, escapes and liido guards Hs llslila and reasons!. le lireenshoro Fire Escape n ire.nslioro, N C. l-!l-tt FOR HALF . TI.NI ItrNH-H and colts o I. Uosland. Klberon, N. C. -!7-6t TOl'MJ MN STENIM.ICMUKR end Imiopj-keeper now employed, de sires change, to inks effect (Septem ber 1. Anurst,. and rellabl. Ad dress. P X . care New and OIf ver. Ill-tf. WABITF.il: A lllsTIJMi tIJvKK foT general rnrchandlse store, one aho alaays llnds something to do; state Salary Wanted: send refer, encee T t" Hlsnchard Brrw Merirord. V. I1 l-ll-3t FOR kAI. t.lARABtTrTFDt tBiK Erie city lit automatic engine and high pressure hollar. On 41 auto matic 1'iitnani, on II renter erank Orr sembower engine, on Prewar brick machine. Durham Iron Works, Durham, N. C l-21-lw FOR Sl,F,: VA1X ABLE CORNER bt In Moreheed City. Best busi ness lot In Cltv. (Alts feat, oppo site depot. Apply to C B. Hatch, Ml. Olive. N. C. tlVll. sFRVICKi WF. WABTT YOCBIH men and women who wieh to enter the F n. civil lUrvlce. If ye are over II. an American, and ran read and write, we eaa qualify yoa to psea examinations. Write at once for "Civil Hervlce Booklet." stating aire. L C. ..'Bog XI 26 C, eVrsntnn. Pa. . om iTAni.isHn i':(T.uTT Faint Manufacturing Co. desires to employ first -class traveling sales man. Experience la paint business untiecesaory. (tood salary and lib era I expense account. Im not ap ply aniens yoa rsa deliver the goode. The El I pee Faint nd, Mfg. C, Cleveland. Ohio, 1-tl-eod-tL FOR THE Olil D. R. Mo ixmald farm pise. HO acres on both sides ef Craae's Creek, erte ' mil from Tnlon Church, two mllea from rallmad atatlon. Ave mllea frem Carthage, the county sent. About tl acres cleared, balance wooded. Good upland; gpl-ndtd Mtomi tmt tenant nous. Price, . Rock bottom, II per acre. Tour 1 . opportunity. Address P. L Oard- rer, Iakevlew. N. a I j C0YLA1I-PEARGE GOLIPA'IY KABO AXD U EBECQUE CCSSEU ARE THE BEST BY TEST Sly any as shown in the advance styles of Early Mfumn Tailored Suits Jit-m Tork Is the head mfr of faahkMi fiw this continent, nd fbarmln iotlend ut the m-m awlta of (he m seaion'i driCBa. hulls like Utees, of such riiaracirrWuc Tk and bran, ty. are besx cttoara early, by this Jm aua;aeBionably get tXin ntotles yoa prefer. In ad dltio to havta th salt ready for ass th!l!T. "Mnnt mminl. The utrrtal am larrnlr Hctiraa, nr-aVnU, and n QmcaptUM, la snannliih looking effrcU. moslf plain taJkwed. ITkra run an ile way from , , $II.J0 to S1M Separate Skirts of Graceful Design Ttia burin ha taken a brisk start. g fceam'Jful are them KUrte they prove an IrreaMible attnMtkaa. Uravrtal klrt are pleated la various new forms. Vnilew Ianaoias. and fancy earnsall of the latest cwl. Fall raago of prh-cs $i to f 15 , Lngere IVafss al$l..and $U25 Ktery woiwin wls attends this aalet srsay eipe, i to he In tercut or raitx-r rarprterd that swen vmlsta, eaully worth la a regular way II. SO, $1.7 4, and $3.00, alius kl be offerrd at tl.00 and $l t Mew SilksrDressjoodszand Cdft ton Fabrics A new Inxtalmmt of plana colors, Wach'and fam y Dree Silks and Walt Mjles, Tton near 4taJ e law Hllk ft WsImU In Persian cffia la aamicthlnc m-j Mew. silks at price oi are pleases! to ry, anywbrrw from ioc. to $3.60. Tli waroi sluvli-a of Woolen Drrsa Goods In all the new and slaodard nulors. I a plain, fancy and nwelik- In newest styles furvrful and afle.tlve. Acrurdln; to quality J.V. to $1.15 New Wash Fabrtca, CoUxxi Serirea that b'k like wool. Mieptierd PlatiK fancy (rays ami niesangra, Danish Poplar CbKli. sew -1ir, n-hlte and black, dreaa ealtlugv glngtianM and cliambrays. All at popaUsr rirra. io-. to J5o BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPAHY WtSTKII, WAXTFJ. WVMFD: All Si houl (Stria and Boys to kuow ynu can havs your lat year's suit made to hiok liks new. It will pay you to bring them, and have then cleaned, by the Raleigh French lry Cleaning and Dyeing Company, cor ner Morgan and Blount streets. Wa will almost make a new suit of them Phone 711. 8un Tuea-Wed COTTON KF.Fl MEAL XR H.tLF W have 30 ton of cotton eed meal to move at one listens oil Co, Washington. N. C. I-II -Hun Wsd rn 1XJR BAIJC AT A I1AIU.IN. OXK six drawer National Cash H'gtater; works aa good aa new. Ueason for selling, closing out business Bo S. IltUboro. N. C. l-21-Kun Wsd Frl WANTED! TO 11 ROIASF. A L.ABA.E. qusntlte of rough and dressed lum ber I tat what you have and quote u price on board cars or delivered st Wadeaboro, N C W. M. Morton, Wadesboro, N C. Ill-lot. . FOR HA1J',: ENt.rNKS A I) BO I Le ers Trai-tlon Engines. Moad Roll era. LocomotKea, Haw Mills, Ururt Mills and all kinds of Wood and Iron working machinery MI1L Cou struntlon and Machinery Castings either Iron, Brass nr Bronx. Circu lar Haws, Duet Conveyors, Orate liars, Smoke Atacks and a general line of Mill Supplies, as Shafting. Hangers. Boxes. Pulleys, lulling. Bolts. Nists. Washers. Bet Screw. Injectors. Pipe. I'tpe Fittings. Brass and Iron Vnlv- i --d j.ka Par Iron and Pi eel, luols. o. Writs us your wants and we will quota you right prices, llepalt wUrk. Raleigh Iron Works Com pany. Raleigh. N. C. E-O-D-tf FOR HALF I OIM11 FAtTORV, BF.K full ad In this paper under data Aug. luth Address, R M. Cahlll. Madison, N t Hat-Wed tf WABiT:u uoon, ajx rovm printer, foremaw h and book de partmant. Must be sober and rell abl. Furnish reference X. T. JL, cars News and Observer. I-It-Thur Hat Hub Wed. WE MAKE THIS SUGGESTION" Telephone number 60 for us to call and ex amine your furnace, . heating stove or range. NOW 1 THK TIME TO ' 4 If A V S3 RITAIRH ORDI31ED BEFORE TUB COLD WEATHER. Wa bats) rxpsetexHrd work sneei and know an a boat tha asaaneat CaH and let eai Baaae estlmatea oa an klada at beat, hf plssta , Ksrt-Wara K2rte3 k LEADIMts STOVE STORE. Raleigh, K. C , 1 1 1 1 m BIOS, rot. aOITRKKN BMIKOAn OBTH (tkOUM ALrroa-NoaroLK. arbadala ta eCart Aagaat lata. Se. It lially eiept Sosdaf Mn Vreesull. ,:e, a- M Arrtv. Wsaauiso. Wne A l. New Hers lust A, M .Nor folk la p M Ceoaset wltk A C. U i. ai Wllsue fir kaeky Muust sad tb urta he IS. faiT neept Bun. 1st Mn lUWelgk i so M, Utm l:mp Jg a7 rtn i.rec.il, f. p y Arrlw W.rt- u'i-'k';' '' M eossectloa .1 Haleisli fr,. k-ulaera aUllsay, . A L. kt . aud RAP. By. i .. uy -Mgkt Kipress." Pslloj,, Meeplas i.n. lea re kaletgo p M , VJlla... II u IV M . ureeo.lll, l,. A. Wasnlniioo I s A M. Arrl.a Edentoa J M P M Klt.abetli Chy l A N." I"' ''" Reeelvea eonnectlo at Ralellh frnn IteBihera Uy.. S. X. I. r. K H Rr .U Wllsos fry IB A C L. kk ,,wu ..,n,u aHU wms Traias JeH.a dsn bHMImi aalssakl X. a l.siiT -Mskt k.prw fro. Norfolk at : m A il, cooasvij th all No It Iiallr Cteept Haadsy froai H Ve A'" ""' I"TBw4Uu el"U st Nnrfolk. New Iters ssd Urenaedlat polsu at l: P II. pvisi , ft : Ahers erkednl firs ess pahHsaed ss taforaatloii osly, ssd sr Bet gsarsa teed ror f" ether lernratettaa or far reserrs. "f Ble,.lBg Oar Sftee. apply Is lay ticket Bract. r IT I. Iim I: t a -. V Cee S P . . R.WX.k MC' n C III l;., j A. " W CROJTON, A. 0. t. A NORFOUL, TA. H. P. S. KELLER Architect Rfleich. North Carolina Campaign Printing W are ready for H froaa a ticket ta a rtrs-alar lessee. IXlrr he da and essTTtcspe "while yaa wait." The small nop where M$ thJaga are eoaa. M. J. CARROLL"" rknrria Aaseaasy ef Usst. XteMr. If.ft C.Vi BARRETT in 54 Miv actions, tvjincsa offices 4'- WALTER CLARK JR. . ' Attorney-at-Law RALF-TGHs . ITat . i Bcrlnnlnx; Monday, August 2 2d, and ending Tbaraday, Serabcr 1st, we will aril oar entire stock of high grade ready to wear notiiinf at a diacooni of 15 per resit., . This tnclndea all of our staple Bine and rJatk?-Out-of-town orders will reed to prompt at tention. . j : . Flowers For Funerals Arranged artistically, en Uey will look wen and keep a Ksng Uuie la what yoa want, and la what yoa get when yon let at Oil your orders. Design, any price from tl to $100, according to quantity of Bower, etc, asett a ewVfatf.; JiYnlinJlsyKursarifCx C reensboro, X. C. C B. AYCOCK. R. W. WINSTOBf. AYCOCK & WINSTON, Attorneys-at-Law rrtctlcs In both State and Federal ' Courts Office In Elcctrlo Building, i j roslts postofflce, on Martin street, 1 1 nalelgh. North Carolina. i The Royal Typewriter This lt a new machine In th mar. ket, carrying aU th up-to-date 111 features If you ar Interested writ ut at ones Uad by an Independent company. No big royalties paid and the prlc la cut from the standard $100 to lit. Don't overlook this prop osition. Further Information and terms on application. Alfred Williams & Co. Rtielgh, N. C. CHOICE CUT FL0VJERS Writ, phon or wire J. L. 0'Quinn & Co. RAl.EIOH. K, C Tour wants at they art headquarters for everything In the FlorUt't Una Phonet 14. TheNational Carbon Co. tandt back of he Carolina Bat tery, and guartnteet satisfaction. A asm p la order will satisfy yet. , THE URGllNA ELECTRICAL HlHf . , . . Express Ofaoe, i (Rot Point front are also guaraa. teed. MES 'KGRKE3, EHSTOV ; ' ' iscnri-it-ui ;v . -; BA.Tir op coi!Mj.Ct. Rfnrra Norfolk. Virginia. , J. H. MARTIN -' riXRI?T. RALEIGH, N. a Carnations : and other Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, and Flow ers for all occasions fur nished on short notice. ThonelOlOF, ' 'tN-.IM.:-. .'Ut.'ir.lJM- r il S 9 a- as ,". j- swf- .-aa . r .at aVV bst aV f V' a- tp-ay a' f 11 t w LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP H3T0 YOUR FALL SUIT Advance Showing ; of Smart Clothing": i v 8 8 8 8 8 Tbe "looking season" Is now on it this store. 'Te have fresh from tbe biggest sbops a smart line of FaQ Suits. They are distinct out of the ordinary but not "fussy" in appearance. . We invite you to come in and see the newest things in ready-for-service garments for the masculine family. Our discount sale continues with interest Look at our m 4 lotoftio. lot of io. specials. pf ' r ' fi tt J. ROSENGARTEN CO. i j FATETTETllXJ: STREXT. - v . - V fl C. C. PBOBTE. RALEIGH. ST. a T, il 1 f MillefatiMion Sells-Millerfianos Henry TV Miner haa won ita way by abeer force of taswtt into OOO tH'mea, Tteawd MUlec nsauanera are Us bras adiemao- S ore ti , . nient. lacn pleased niaxoinrr is i sillier te the product af The lei deed t net for tuoae people that want Uie very brat Piano ta tha " anlKtk: class a a reasonable price. Every era! yoa iaveat la a sCUer la rctarned In Piano value. o other Piano of rq.ua merit ran be boxh at the xartra wa t liargw fur the Miller. Miller ronstrartloa la the prdurt of pslnetskln; wnraaiassarita, uixlt-r the guidance of men that have maesreesl tha art of anesa Plaaa hu tiding. It la fnaranleed aga Inst all defetta. It la a Ptaao built oa honor aad we back It for all It la worth, Krad fur oar list of used upright planoa, Maay ef thena are at crllrnt valaea and la Una class rondltloa. U as rebuild yoar old PUno: oar charge aHn be peaarsaabls aad workmanslilp Orst-clsss. Don't forge) we bat tone, euyaersat Plaaa tumrs. All work gu ran teed, ftend la your ordrva tat aayhhxf ta tlss snuslc line. DARNELL and THOMAS RMtIGH, M. C LET THE RAIN RUN YOU OUR WAY We are well prepared to take care of your week ly washing, and will save you a great deal of. worry these rainy days. Get our family list and look it over. :: OAK CITY SaTEAM LAUNDRY ROTII PIIOXE& We Sell the New Style of FRUIT JARS ' Thai are recommended by the Mate Departawmt of Atrtfrnltara, LARCK MOCTH GLASS TOPSj F.AST TO I EAU A full line of Jelly Clasara, rrtaarilng Kettlea and Paraftna. TH0S. H. BRIGGS & SONS RALEIGH, X. C' THE Bltf HARDWARE MEN J.M.Pace Mule Compa Headquarters tor Driving and Farm Horses. Sales buaranieed as Represented. J. R. tiOWZR, Manager of Stables P. 0. THOMAS, Salesman. IV. A. VPCHURCH, Salesman. Raleigh, JY.C $ The Union Central , Company of Cincinnati, Ohio Offers mow. e '.tractive pntlriea to buyer, because the COST LESS fhaa similar r Ihira b etbev com panics, aa shown ky tbetr ewora fepta ta. V by T Berauaa of aupertoe rondact af Wrila aa today about a Poilcy. bawtler. CAREY J. HUUTER TAIJIffiR PAEJT d OIL CO., M-i-M fac intnti TTi rrli f-t- n rl n "P n -5 -n A- r a-t a - - t.-.-s, .sa - . ajt.'Sk axw' V w aw a - aev v -' - aW i 1 8 5? r a nuie reoMr oi inoatwav- bra Ins, exprvteaxx aad money., Tt aJ :: :: :: :: RALFJGU, If. C Life Insurance the butli or a eon tract to erO thesn. If a & BR0. , Sf Agents. -Wa--aLl NJas.tU.VaU CULU. LO RICHMOND, VmGIMA 1-II-fuB W 4 tf. ' -I