tut nttts and or.sr.Kvnn. tiiitrsday, sr:rTTMni:n 1. 1010 it n l ' it i i I i I r, r. i- v.. 'i 1 1 f i 1 1 IN -1 ' U ...... i - If: V- :t.r ' f IT i ; s t ' -44- ,4-4- '-rr it' J f' lilp : nnb it t-il:'i. 1 1 OFFICERS UU1D II D LQCKADER Had Evaded Arrest For , Five Years . . , THE GATE CUT SCHOOLS auprrtnbmdrttt Mao Arclvcn ' Coni- mlur of Maamn Visit Cimrnaboro With Hrtere-oc. to Masonic Home fT ll Aged ami Infirm Aa In IrrroUn Family ltrunka Jail till ing I P. ' ' (By A.M.KEW JOVMU) Gre?uro, Aug 21 The Commit tee of Masone appointed to, vuilt h erver&l cities offertnr sites f-r the pru- ixisl Maeonfi Home for aged arid In-1 dig. lit Ma.'.m. and their wlr, la vla- Hint In Oreeiieboro today. The mum- Miomlng Ium lirmrr of Rantltilptt at bers went out to the site sele ted by! Work cmi tcrr h WhWh Ho KaJl the local InJirt, ffere.l Mr J Vanj 1,4 . ., u ,, l.lnilley mi the Oullfurd I 'trt road , rrs,)i. !.- ' , h In fTr-ranr tern adjninlriK I.inllrv I'ark. anil but a tur ahort ili'tan.e fn.m ihn termlnua of' '" -'fnrr rrop. th. i .i.n.i ... . h ell oiimpctina for the l-H-atton has made a rash nffer Ho far, Rhrl by hai made the biggnt aah dona tion. 1500. ahilr i:rernboro Maxin are at lit making e(T"rl to add to lh good, h offer tlu-y have aucceednl In raiting An Old IU WaW r tangtiU t'eputy llhtl J. !. Ualas -and f-put ColU'itor i A Hltrbuckr au mlrd eetrrtlay In iplurlng at hi borne n Uj,k.lu bout - eontily r irehlt "CtadJo. k. a noted Mo. ka.l. r. who has lrti eMillng airmt lor tlvr- fan The man u lukrn Ix-ron- a I niled mates i oitmi IimIoiht, and c:im- h thrra hun ilr.d dollar borul for hi appt-aranrs at the nmt term of th. I iiiivil hlatrs i ourl tuira. i l .lllnhi dtrr ert n hlnrkart bf.uiJv dieiillery near AyomllU In H"klnham looniy. Th.i o n r of tho odini a ronvenl ini: al'ii(, aini tiu arrest iouU be mail-' l.rmkMl m lxl lmr"if-nirnl. Tin' i lt Ktnleil ai'hoots will open to x M"ti.lt. iml from present proe-p- tu -T loitldiitc will lie over tax 'il Ti- ro-w mipt'rintt'ndt'iit. Prof. Minn. f So;ii I'.iroluui iinnoiim'ea t li.it foi Hi inrwiil, there will be llo 1,1,11. ,t i iiaim. m'ni of .. hooiM iMir I-. ' ii i rn n i; ..i Si 1 1 cli i. .ill in . M In the managf M. it. t tudrtera for thr High mi l i he i urrlt u 'i .III r 1nipro--i f H oohi nieri lut llim will tu ".I 111' fl I 1 I'l-l HO.lM'O,! I i oiir' f of I In- 1 1 igli Ing "f I nh V !. h'(sl. "tilM tij.kLtia rind nl ..Moifrii 'li ''f tho M ni"tnl.' if in. Ki hool jjriulu 1 1 1 n . la h 1 1, si n in tin ni:i torn v will . n : i r. . tmli. nl . ..it. i M i iu ,.f 'i ill til'. -ill thr m i,. V-rnm' i.t. n :o i Ki'tnn!" i '.,;. t . lliti' lr l -"in. I... .i Tl-.. I..., l e I lo,,"l II .1 mii'I In t elrh 1'h'Ue n.iini to art- lioliiTl H ott It.o Amir" J.o ri.r Jr r.'Mrlv lot. tfve oil , In - vl'N M 1' t I '.i. l ih.' I 'rilv. rttv rnir... nnl .r.'1'iier.oro K mn ai th I nil ert. ho 111 h' artllv theao three to tin tliillfnrd lnitn" Tl) III l- 'ln. ntlonnl ItuHt Count SuiH'rinterHleiu Tl' tl Vou.l l hnallv iicneril prfptirtntf n progriiitt for the riillv ilnv nni Frnlm o,-h Hill he thSlorlng f.-atnr.! of th" Tea. hera' InaVrlnti H- h,., n u vet . ured all of the p. ik r. I mt the roniplete program H l m noimced tnmirro n u . r. . l.n ;. . thet on" nr morr ..f ih.- ."Hinn iii tniillng the nie-tln of ih , o mn n prrinl.'nil.'nt' at i'hnn.'i lli'i ni n,. her to eprak to tli t- h-r Th.-r..r.-le lll l.r.ri I "i 1,1 v m. -rlilim nt 10 :iu rk and continue f .r birge nuniher ..f parta of Ih.- . nn i Htll 1 Ill i iil.ii... I dn -v. r.i. . h i mectln.; ..f ti .. A.'l. lMt.,'11 t. , , itn nt ruin nni . In. pih.-i . ili irt h..iie hour A r.il Hi.. win i from alt he in iitl.n.l- ii with Ho- rillv u !:i l. .(.,-tai tiuin . I ' .1 1 t-rmetit lo: j.... ,.f r. -or 'irn Ho.lill.mil Vc I ai linn. P'.'f lilj II Slfl. wh lc.elie.1 hla ll.-riiao to nia.tl la, hn tornwil a pitritu r.hlp lih Mr fornwil a tmrin. r.hln lih F "IT. Tin llll.l on. tho all 1. of the firm to llnoon A s,ft Thev have ae. tired olll"ea on court square Mr ISwift a :ia for mnnv veara -nicerlu-tendent of the iiri't-nnhoro nlt hoola rraignii,, ai in. laal t.-rm to engage , In the practlre of law lie naa one j of the heat teanhera In the Ktnte .ind will littimateh become one of the. Piatt's heat lawyrra. for heaUI.-a hav- lug lali'iil and education, h has In- dustrv energy, brains, rlmrscter and , old fahloned horse .na Independence of thouichl lld'l Tli teach- "" ' -e..... , . ion. n in losing Sir Pwllt Intercepting I'ainlly Hennlon. The nnnual reunion ..f the ll.vone famllir was held yesterday at the; riomn of Mrs Klilra liootie ton miles east of ilreinshoro. In celebration of! the binhlav of X'rs H.one There' Hero pua.u.1 irhy thrpi chtldreh.t grraTHl-ftdUr.'n and sreat grand-chll-. dren All of the fifteen children were present eircpt one son In Indians A sumptuous dinner served t noon ' Tlila reunion and birthday celebration la held every vear anil la always the occasion of nni' li enjmment Jail lining I n. A white man named Scott Prttton sa brought hfr from High Point laet flight bv Policeman K, A. M"(lee Snd lodged In )all to aaatt trial at, the nest term of Outlfnrd H" jrlor fourt to gnawer the rhnrgs of aban donment. He was unahls In give a tilt bond The chief of police nf High Point arrived here nn train No todsi. hrlngtng Mittle King and Marir Ur Jotinmn, two robrred women wanted Here, on the charge with deadly wea pons. Two small negro Itovs were brought here Id at night from Hlsh Ptnt and taken to the rountv home. The boys are not large enough to earn living and their mother wi taken to the county home recently. , - t Death ot Mr. May. - Mrs Ellen P. May. wife af Mr. John- W. Mar, died this morning at. her hnm oa Chewtnut street, gfter ' s lingering lllnra. i - Mrs. Msf was fiftyne ream old today, and ." rrewtle hejvrd. h leaves eeecTal rhlldren. A14 a ' bfeeared husband Funeral Sfreiea SUL..S. jhelij. from the residence tomorrow at ten oVl'ieli the Interment to b in Oreen Iflll 1 rem et err, Reg, El K, Mrlygrnr. rinr' nf Waal Market '- Street Methodist church, cffkletlfig. . A man srhq woo'd hars , fjod outdance Must be willing t ma spiritual thingg hi main business. V C Mabla. . THISTKE DAY OF THE NEW FaR',ER (.Continued ftflin Pag One ) years the quarantine line has b i brought from the Hut fclige Maun 'tains to Wake cotenty. But th lint will Stop M nod as w get to It- rim. mps ov ms Antic I'r.'f " 1- N-ma Aim i- I'rof 1 I- Newman dit 'i--I I -Cow 'i. 'p I'r.if Newm.in M the eoi'ie t i'Ki lurge for a iom- ; P'eir iiis.ui3n.il i "it r ...u..--. iiito s.. Ii irn aln.nl maa- "n- !g-tlon .if t" i or crop, i ami a. . n in .n,.i Ing Th l.h crop. m.t s-rt- i.ni 1,'iret.oti irat ii.rurontu me .. r'n Carol tiH f.iriu.r today la soil loJ ft in er.i"ti I'oring a trip arriiie the Ktat.- I ' Mlnter he had notlr-vt in- iiunipr nit HfiiiM w.tm.ii any rrop " The Pplds TihV Tffii larg' M AKTWl niltlF F. PITtl.MPS. Itatnilolpli toi'iiti Itor IwrtiH-e le Win ITI. of ""T lUMng ISI I1u.m-I of torn on line i-re. plant. .1 In . . ' anil I ..ft Ir i w Irvlrr tHii 'It I'lant food pi. ttl" ,-11 i II. I' it . "I n i'tni h ml.liti I i! . r..p i 'ii , i t I 'I. . ,. rt" 1 ..Mini.. r The i oil of th ol i l-'l t tnlkt I I 'i iu'lr. Unit ii. th!' h en t :t.ii ' i h i v'. rr v . ! v .'l. h . tl f f r ml have I , llllH flUoll the I n . a.l.litioiui l, -ni Kifia U IHllltli ol it:. -I N fll.,1'. , lh .. ir- ..ft.-n ln.liii i ittnl th- itiHkui .f jl M r t i ! i-Kr-.l If of I'al.lar'l ooun- i fjowi ol' II to o'VltHlliiliii iriw- l'i ii (arniT ' ho lllg (rillli. i n ii fl. r mo atlited th ii V l.ou I I ii i-l It A fetr.i ,.f Hiokea - mi n I y a en.-.-. f u ! rei-ornmenda i rln.eon la.'o. hut H fei'llll.i I m.oild ronialn ! n - i hv ir e aa ii ! i ' i ' - niil r eoo.l i ii'.f . r 1 1 1 1 . ' o ol lmi If rut M I! " II" " i a'keil win. I ., l-ried fr hav- Me .int ae. ilone h- said ' it hn) . but In re f.-iri-.l oata, h.-. llK.re .outiila of " liai Me i-oti.oli hav Ihiin tlmoil for hav. ehoul I i tind not unit on live la aiiolh.-r i hilli' on ver ! land II will mi I v o 1 i f. r i. heat I - I I it i. i.n ..' w heat i I ' . I .'her .1 Letter j Th.. .... i. . . r tieat ; . . i - n.'i. n tih.orn ' II h. , I I. rlpa i ... . . r . . spe- . , r ; t ' 1 .! oil aurh 1 - I- . .'t.r Kl-.iwth , r.'i- i i. titioned. but! ' - - ' ..ino-l ulue- i I 3 ; t 3 : , - t- m- ik .-i line thutf ; 4 -r 1 . , j -' ..- ' tie .1 is. uaalon .. -. . ' ' '. 1 I than the .Mh.r . i he toiiilderr.l r rpoently,,,.,, , ,.,i, nroved of loin waa lively i Mr J Win. i ounty. i I i to avnahi' in -r. 1 wheat on ent lt.- - I luiaton t "ti on how tu bushels of .i not prea- u ihls time I .on, grosn. n feel blah, i and Is nine i ! brought u hl, ,,a, , nillj n)l,r .,, ,,,, ,,,) , ' Ma.-i At int. t,., Irirlc. I'lillllie "it- I r -idem Hlount v'. . . I.nr 1... I'hllllns pr's-nt l tOinfprn ,-ats ,1 ,k I'm .toll.k ni.inli . ' i.o i i,. . .. ....... (,v ,hr Slate ll..r,l i eaaeaaaaaa-aawaaaaaweasi i trtculture for vr dim And You Will Get A Good Roof rear! I. C. Roofing Tin is sold under Trade Mark name, and is Guaranteed. It is not afraid for you to buy it with the understanding! that it must give entire satisfaction. -1 There ere many nameless brands of roofing tin, that are without merit. They mean repair billitIeaky roofs. See that PEARL I. C. Roofing Tin Is put on t Tyoiir building v - " ? 1 ' . r Get it from your dealer, or write us for full particulars and we will have you supplied. .... ; , , .... . - ... . - RICHMOND, Le! .'a Send You ATrectrneni cf My ''Catarrh Cure Free; c. F- rara. I U ill Take An C at ( aiaHih, Matter Hu 1trueir. or Wbm Mage it la I. aiMl ltwv IJNTIRIXV ATI Ml OWN kll'.M; Tha4 It C" ' He Cared. ("unrig Catarrh ha tn-en my bual- r i.t I"--'- -i -'" ,oer one million ieile have come to me frm a'l ner the land for trat- rurnt arid advice. Vi method Is ort- gmsl I i are Ibe dls-aM- by flret cur- ' . 1 i,,- tri, caje" Thin my ireatm-ni cure w nere ao r,wm ww ( I . an .im(itri.. to run In luat a lew 1 j.,,. ,lm, m. m,,h,H ta qlu.-a.! ,ur. ,nJ n.t.i,,. u.. it rids 'he : " ... ..m- i,. a'ie ralarrti l-no vour name ana .ddr- at ..n to C Y. Oausa. and he will aend u the tratm-nt refer- xd -U. - fill e4 Je np.'a Wee .,. .aKtvri -" ThU coupon is good for a pack ago of UAl SK OMH1NF.D I'A TAHHH Cl UE nt fre- bx mail Simply fill in name and address on dotted Knee hlo and mall to ) K tJACSS. :s Main Martha!'. Mich ' aeaaaaaiaaiaaaeaeaaamslwaaaaama , Following nil aildreaa ths lad stK4 I ready to anawer tjwestlona and staled ,the beat rrop of .- - r. "t. one sere j ,h )u of h n4vnr brk, ,h raMed bv a member .-f the Brvl. ground It lnchea row, 4 feet and i .Hub li.ur.1 I'hi nip. .. n.'fDr H , ihes. Mr. T H Parker calea at- hillip- of Randolph . .uni,. raised 114 ,,,, ta ,h, ..n,.,, f break- buehei. on the acre and he ap- , ,K lh. f.,m, jl"--! rr w mm arV-i'I wun y i.tur tirlsht looking lid in knee pants. h: em.'ing vouulenaee a he faced tii coii entlon. alvaed that he la ttnttv. hl'.e h's a ldre-a ihuwed he i ould talk aa well a raie corn In iiMrei:ti the ccrv rriToh he aald Mr President nt i.entlemen of the Norrh Carolina Karmera' Conven- tU n - lut e ii dia ag . I received ' an Irnltallon from Mr Parker asking! me to tell the convention how 1 pro i no. Wrnre of t.rmaiilt. rtghlng rwawk Kku KaWil -t Ita.iM S, f i m un BB Act, duced an acre of corn I desire to lake ty.s .'I'iM.rtunitT to thank Mr Parker for this Initiation for I eeteera It a great honor to be permitted to talk to thia convention rf North Caro lina farmers, for I feel that a more : honorable a more worthy, a more In VIRGINIA. ; 1 1" .o i,. f ,t to.' I I ' : 1 ' I I r I luri'ii 1 ' tl a hell 4 he I I ' 1 "I W llVAt J r- I . o . make! f"", -4 ' -l-r time, i 't f in h. pre- j I ' i -i sonic i - " " ' ""-1 I iV I I ..ill. I niaka: I f J I II Mvr H I IF fU.CsmFI.U I Vv'ty-iai.:' J t;:'rr,t hx! of (nt!rmfn never a-1 aeir.t-ietl lj thSa, our Capital City. i -la a. re-r.t perevnal Ittter from ' Hon, i. Klaood Co. I fuund these ward a. 'That ag rtculture today hulda j out brlghier prueperia for the future , young men of North Carolina, than j manuracturin or a eeHna Thia. I Deiiee . to be trie, for with fnereaaed hore i power, fmpmtd marhtneryr wttUhe tudr of the soil and sericulture be ing la light in every publl school dis trict In North Carotins, and the pro gressive farmer with Its educating go ing Into about one hundred thouaana homes, ftftv-tws times a year and our A. a M Colleges doing such a grand work. I feel that It is fast becoming bads ef honor to he fouad in the foremost ranks among North Carolina farmers. -We all feel pardonable pride In the fart that Mr. Halts, of UJa county, produced mors corn oa ons acre of land Wat rear than any man this wide world ever. We are eqaalty proud of the fact that Randolph county In Piedmont North Carolina produced mors earn oa single acre of land last year with one exception, than was produced la any Boys' Cora Club of the Southern 8latea. 1 declare to you. It has been the one deeire of my life during the year ill, that acme North Carolina boy wilt come forward with a yield that will place North Carolina a here she belongs, at the head of the labia among; the Hois' Corn Clubs of ths Cnloa. Thia time will come, and It ma not be further In ths future than November 1 1 0 "The great fundamental principles upon which I produced my acre or Cora laat rear were about aa follows; Fertilisers are good when properly used, hut wa mux depend largely tip- on home made nianurea and the green i- t. m na -- - the soy bean and ths cVovera. with proper rotation It ould be Just as unreasonable to expect our lands to bimuI.m ..ui . r. .r,- vawe after vwar nnout pulling inio t iu v " t - 1""' roaa. aa plant food, aa It would be to expect '""".ZI", . I JJL 1 ZZ I cornea the oroaratlon of the seed bed - . A , . . .. i "'a. In the fall or i ' '"'" " " , ' l. - 1 . . . . ...... k. n 1 . A II .ml. nee. ayocuruuig wm wi w rrw ' .soli. Then we should fmd a thorough. bf4. BttiUQs .ajWt v - a a d eeew,-T"T "as yos sow. so ihalf ynu reap.' The core should be cultivated about every eight days, not over two Inches deep, for this shallow and frequent culU ' vatlon retain winter molature and has the advantage of leaving many weed seed 'Where the v " HI not germinate, and leaves the corn roots Intact Corn ultlvated la thia irumner eP -that 'deep seed bed hardly ever suffers t from drouth "1 will aneoer any question that I ran which may 'he hrought out in ths dlsroseion of thl mih)ect concerning the details of mi arre of corn." i In tbs State about three Inches 1 with s yield of about II 1-t bushels to th acre, while Phillips went In twelve tnofc. o ilaed 13) bushels I Vrx-t-cs t , l! ndolph Itoy. At -trr- W: f was a prelty . event ., i "an tJrlmes came l forwtr:! w :' a i .dy bouquet of star i IIUIsk, a- . f rear, id them on behalf i of Jr.r t Vieffttt. formerly of Joahu tVuix. was a Kandoluh man. , In pr ting the fluwera Col. Orti;nji sat. 'i .'resent these flowers frerr a Urto'sj'i county lady to thi rout" urinl i ,.. farmer In North Car.e'"S " t , 4.i r t-e Bawhwell. The bV t . te presented waa Mast, ieta' U'a kwell. of Oranvllle eounie i".ut H years old, weighing T( s-j..i;v writi raised Tt 1-4 bushels of rorn io O'S m re and won C valua ble si .c! in. Ths young farmer la amJl ).' Ir.ght and set I vs. his frans enV pe i. manner making a hit with tie t nientlon. In his ad dress he eM : ' lcn-pjri'e of the Farmers Con renllon. 1 w would scarcely expert a Utile y ve me to tell you how to raise i'H...l. ghall tell you, how ever. hni I w'.ii the second prise In the. eora cal-t af Oranvllls rounty last sac i "nrstJ regard the selection af sail as very Iniportant. hence I chose g seta whtei. had been sown In an wai cie. It was well set In clover. I sfes.ictjted over this lot 14 loads of t te nwnnre. which mads a megrim -c- M and splendid lot of feed, Which I ti " In f-j.-t the feed more than paid f. the manure. Including the cost of '.lor up to this tlms. "Now as to my preparation for planting I broke It up I inches Jeep with an iron beam two horse plow, after ahl. h I thoroughly fertilised It with s ills- harrow, by going over It four limes, being assured that ths land was a ell prepared for the plant ing of the seed. "n the lth day of May t began to plant by running; off my rows four feet apart I planted It with a corn planter seven Inches apart In drill, using three hundred pounds of phos phoric s. id and potash. "At soon aa It bsgaa to peep up t began to cultivate It by running a disc hsrroa .me up each row. This started the young plant growing. After thia harrowing I wefit over It and rut out every other stalk, leaving It to a stand nf It Inches apart -I then plowed It each week for three uccrawive weeks, with a three tooth hsrrow, to keep the land loose, till the fourth week I plowed It twice. because th eora and grass, too, was growing so fast. The result of this test as that I got . pounds of nice sweet fodder and Tl hashsla of corn, on whhh I ran the second prise In the Boys' Cora Cluh of my county." la telling how he had cleared up his Isad. young Blarkwsll stated that It was very rocky and that he used a aled. pushing the rocks oa this an! with a mule hauling the rocks ta fill up a gulley. ta removing trees, he said he then rat away the ground anl tha with the aid of hlg tnuls pulled aver the tree and cut the roots an ana side, repeating the operation to get rid of the roo'a on the ether. Next with his mule he pulled tha tree from the ground without cutting tha long top root. 7 Two PUIra ta tha .lev. Mr. H. C. Pender, of Ooldabora, was latredwed and aaked to tell ths con vention . how he tk growing cotton that promises two bales per acre, lis said that he broke land la March as deea as a mule could pull It:, run oft rows ae deep, aa a mule could pull the Baw-raa row a I feet apart, using pounds high grade guano. He planted part of the field In King seed part la Klmpkia aeed In April and re planted 1 acre on May tad. He baa part af tha field la beans. It acres, ts prevent root louse In cotton. Mr. Pender const ,lers tha bean a preeentalive for root louse. When he bad aeang there was aa root louse. mmat Wrfca. Hum W.M . hSSS. the i root louse worked. He .planted en alight ridge, aad began work aa soon as tha cotton, appeared, hut did not chop until late about the first of June. Harrqwed to 1 Inches In row and cultivated eoce a week. Applied pounds nitrate soda at each t the last two working. He hsd raised cot I tua la this way for It rears, except enre. aeven jrara aso. naior one hen. plowa ao the land mould not be o iloddy. Fvr teenijr Jeare be ltd j eraacd a be.le to.tbe acre." At the cloee of hi. aJdreaa Mr. : Pender tu queatloned by many, farmers aa ti hl methKla. anj after thia tn envnlion ajimrn j0y the big barbecue HB VJ r. . a. BImpklna ,thla proving a aeiignt ; f n mHH The toiomanlenre of rain. I Rnildinr I n ttte Dairy Herd. At ths afternoon see ion of ths Farmers' State Convention a most val- j uabte tslk waa mads by Mr. Henry P. ; Lutx. of Catawba county, who spoks . concerning Building Vp the Dairy' Herd, in hia remarks glv!sg his sx- ! perience and showing that with effort and Intelligent work a man might be- ! gin oa a very small scale and build ! up ths business la ths -course at his remarks showing that Ave of hia best ! cows had each snsds for him a yearly profit at IIO II. In part. Mr. Lutx said: I postponed catering tha dairy business for many years because I ! thought one should of neceeelty have i a large amount of money. This keeps ' many back. 1 started with four cows, , soon found two not good aad sold them. . "My first point is this: A poor man ran succeed to North Cau-ollna In ; dairying. I was l9 poorer thaaj nothing when I began the business i One should love ths business before, he raa auccaed, !4(Jood blooded atock , fat the erst thing -ttscessary. Get good I graded cows t. start with and breed from registered stock, j "Third. I had to purchase a thor- j oughbred mala In order to do this. 1 had to form c-partnersh!p with two neighbors, and we bought a thor-! oughbred Jersey. I had to buy near- i ly all my hard on borrowed money! the first year. My herd was not reg 1 stared, but high bred." Then Mr. Lnta told In detail of what the herd hsd done saying that his Ave best cows Betted a profit of till and hia Ova boorest a profit of HO,!,, for ths year, and that hs i mads nearly aa much money from boss to which hs fed skim milk as from the cowg He explained that the. poorer cows should bs sllmtnated j from the herd and the best stoo-k kept, j He told of ths value of the manure' from tha stabttes, snd that he raised t a thousand bushele o sweft DOUlPe?,. farnrrrrt'rce from Thia; that one of the blgeet profits from a dalrv ts in the Improvement of the land; that I he ta doubling ths producing power of his farm. As the grest trto for the dairyman, he says "good blood, good fsed, good cars!" - IMowliig Oat- tanjrpa. Iater In ths afternoon, there waa a demonstfatron ' '' of : bio-wing out' stumps bv means of dynamite, and' thia was witnessed by a large num ber of ths farmer", the experiments being very successful. ; A live Mire Night. The night session was of the live padre kind this beginning first with s buslnajas meeting of the Dairy and IJve Stock Association, which Is re ported elsewhere. At the close of this, the convention took up Its rrgu lar work. It was announced that Dr. 11 Q Alexander, of Mecklenburg, who was to havs spoken on 'Ths Farmer as a Hualnesa Man." was kept at horn by the Illness of Ills wife .Mr John A Wilkinson, who waa to have spoken,1 his suMect being "Farming Possibili ties llesultlng from Drainage." was also unavoidably prevented from at-, tending. On the suggestion of Preal- j dent THoiint. the convention heard shorts talka concerning the far then as 1 hnslness msn from a numtef iof farmers. j ff Mr C. C Moore, of Meckldi bi rt waa first railed out. He said . 1 ...ir vear ago aa a eookkeeaee, . found that farmers who bcssali'i rAiMili II. iiM.st thai K r s..,..,.4 methods be used, that farmers k-l ay count of their expenses and I -01118 made and not lesve to.', 1 a teas work, as was largely Ibs'cay in cklenhurg. . Mr. R. W. Hcott of . A' ::. spoke of the dlfficuttv of heeuiiet counts as lo everything on the Win, that be knew a man who be fa re he had atarteil Into anything flgiied It out and that finding there was rf gala he rut nut the business, and I f this plan never doea anything. He .ha ltered there should be bualnaea meth ods, but th it above all things there ahouiii he hue for the work Mr Frnnk uhlel.la. of Hallfag. aald that from experience hs had found the farmers the beat of patrons at a bank that thev did not overdraw and hll they lacked advantage that were note,, for their integrity they He pnid high tribute to the farmer and his wrk and said that bs kept his si cniiiiia pretty straight and knew what his land wag doing. Ha de clared that he wanted no sickly sen- timentalltv about farmers, that he wanted them to stand up square and face the s .rl.l. tha. inkers to good In them Apply business methods and get out of slip-shod ways. The farm. era of today by thelf work show tht they know business and now are not buying on time i Called upon by Dr. D. H. Hill la speak. President Thomas W. Blount made a stirring speech of uplift that brought great applause. He declared that the farmer Is going ahead, that tor o years It had been Hard ta make both ends meet, that be had to create new business. He urged the heed of the best education, tha care no; attention to the farm, thai the farmers watch the market and take advantage of Increased prices for bis product, that this Is tha dsy for farm era to go ahead. He Insisted that modern methods be used and that nltstlon be done atrlctiyr At the eb.se of his earnest remarks Mr.-Blount mM htgh trtbirts to th farmer's wife as "ths most precious machine'' on the farm. For her ha urged all conveniences In tha house and kitchen, that na farmer could af ford to do otherwise, that aha deee re ed the best of all W. A. Wmpklna Aroaara Ifethgpslgusm. Ths closing sd dress was made by Mr. W. A. BImpklna of Wake, and he aroused great etithustssm as hs spoke oa "Money From Better Methods of Farming " He wag practical through. ; out and enriched his remarks with many humorous and most appro priate anecdotes. . . "The day of the old fogy farmer has gone." said Mr. BImpklna. who, as the "Cotton Ing" In Waks. hsa shows what modern methods raa do. Today tha farmer beads tha list. His Urates- slow Is the greatest and ths oldest oa earth. At tne beginning, whsa Adam waa pot to work because ot woman. It waa regarded as a pnnlshmsnt now It la a pleasure, Mr. Blount nas said that woman Is a precious mschlne and admitting that aha la tKs greatest machine. It takes a powerful good man to make her rua. Bhe ahould have the beet. "Wonderful art ths products et the land, wonderful are prices Four and fiva cent cotton, eggs at a cent a plee.e labor II and lit a month are gone. Everything Is higher and Is . going higher. I am glad that I live In the noblest Btsts, and Wske Is th best county In It. as I see thlnr. It Just aulta me and I believe In Wake, where rott raa grow nearly averr- tning. "At present prlcea I don"! see how h farmer can help from making mon y. Farming Is ths only business In which an Ignorant negro ran maks a Irving, lay up money and aucceed. There Is so much to raise and sell, so much money coming la that a farmer We Are Offering All Oxfords and Pumps At Special Low Prices for the next ten days, and you will best serve your Interest by inspecting our line while we have your size. Pool & Crocker "WE FIT THE FEET" Ask Your Doctor what he thinks of the analysis of PAfJACrJTlElfflL SPRING WATER? Its properties of ganous Bicarbonates, with an alka linity just right, puts it where it is in a class to itself! Distributors for Raleigh and Vicinity : KING-CROVELL DRUG GO. Send them your orders or direct to PANACEA SPRING COMPANY, LITTLETON, N. C. saaaaasssijaasasiasaasaasaaasafcaMepiv ei.e.9-asasBswaMHMawssasBSBaBiHwsMssiWssHMBiBasM 1" 11 help succewdlnr . it f Mtka. 'd Is te grandest thing lit .r. w f too a at a growing u artj know sat tha crop la won I ic ; a y-u dap and night It trk c.-o g:ad U ' 1 ' make stand In a field ai d ' 'The question tr" more money. The fa,.". l osati make money at vreee,t ,s , .,, ought to quit being a f. tier, i ,. that tha men hers are muair a' fur It la a good looking crowd. There Is But an ugly man In It Th'way to make money la to work frm-January Brat ; lo January first and fruM iuiyto sun. I Ws loaf too much. Wa go Nd too late and get up too late. There la ao I , time to Idle lo get good results I "Take care of your farms, clean out j the atablea and put the manure In tne i field. Don't let. it stand Plow your neiua deep, use big mules. It Is my belief that th three best things In ths Kouth are a Southern farm, a Mouth ern girl snd a long-eared muls. My friend Jos Daniels says If you can't gt both th last two, get either a mule or a good woman. Both will kick and maks ynu go ahead. W need to be kicked Into activity at times. "Uo deep Into your lands to gst ths bsst crops. Deep plowing is tha thing. No success ran com by scratch. Ing tha soil. Oo deep before yo plant ths seed. Put on soms fertil iser before you plant, more afterwards and still soma mora aa tha young plants require It Don't feed all tha fertilisers first And whatsvsr yoa do keep at It. Do not be Idle. The way to make mors money K to use busi ness methods and to keep at work all tha time." Aa Illustrated Re-vlew. After this address to which great applause waa give there was an Il lustrated review of- farm demonstra tion work. This waa given by Mr. C. R. Hlndson. of the United (Hates Department of Agriculture, and U wag greatly enjoyed, the farmers -being shown actual scenes of farm work, and iplanatlon given of methods need. Today Fnds C-onveotJoei. The convention la proving of practical value and la being largely attended. It ends to day and tha program for It and th Woman's Department la aa follows; At the morning session.. 7:SI to le;. "IJvs-atorlt Judg ing." Horses Dr. W. A- Chiisman. Dr. a. A. Roberts. Dr. I F. Ksonce, Beef Cattle Mr. I. A. ' OMWtr, Mr. R. .Curtis. - li s. "Kilos aad Kilo Building" Mr. J. A. Conover, V. 8. Department of Agrlcutturs. Discussion. It: 4 1. "Live-stock Farming " Dr. A ft. Wbneler of tha Bittmore Estate. Discussion. 11:1. "Keeping Tobacra Roils Fer ula" E. H., Mstthewsba, V. 8. De partment of Agriculture- , At tha afternoon session: 11:11. "Enriching land by Mock." Edgar B. Moor of Mecklenburg county. 1:11. Business Meeting: Reports af Committees. Resolutions. ... Elect oa of Office ra . Program Woman's Department: What the Board nf Health Is Try- Insto Do for tha Home Dr. W. A. Bankln, Secretary of the North Caro lina BUte Board of Health. Home Sanitation Mies , Josephine Aiier's Sarsa I T V. tl Ferrous and Man- 8cott. Alamance county. . i The Pr, valene nf Honk k en, ! ease ia the Ki.i. sat u.i k.i. i,. I reotlng Dr. Perrall. BDectaltet f ' J Hook Worm of Vivje Hoard of He. t . Fllea Dr tleorge W. ly, pn-Mdem M. Marr's School for atria. Tha Pure Food Crusade Dr. VI t Allen. Htate ood Chemist of Dej-ar ment of Agriculture. Sanitation In Schools Mrs. V U Hollowell. president Mate Petterment of Bcaools tor North Carolina. Housekeeping; la foreign Land Col. I red Olda Mecretary Raleigk Chamber of Commerce. TWO KEW MFMIIFKH OF A. ii. F.UVLTT ARRIVE. Dr. Jojw-ph IV CeHI to Tee -fa Veteri nary UdM-isj end Prof. W. T Turner to Dxronse Asstsgaat la Asi snal llsiaaagidry and Dmirjing hx-tooo Ultras oa the Sth. Dr. Joseph a Cscll. of tha Univer sity of Pennsylvania, has arrived to assume his duties as Aalmsl Patho logist In tha Ex perl meat. Station at the A. g H. College aad to lea.ll vetertcjaxy anedietae la the collage dur ing the comng Season. The work la tha Egparlmeat Btatloa bavins today, and ths college opens oa the th Veterinary' medicine will be taught for the first time it A. t U. ths year aad M la probable that theft wttl be from twelve ta fifteen stu dents to take up tha suhlect Prof. W. F. Turner haa arrivrt from Ksaasa to atcept the positloa of s set at ant la aalntal husbandry and dairying, to succeed Pref. J. A. Any. who has aecepted a puaritloa with th Ooverameat at Washington, U C. rror. J- C CamphelL waa waa cruet dairyman at A- at M. aad resigned ta l0f te ga to aha Agricultural Colics of Kansas, haa accepted the .tyosltie or director of tha New Hauipsntrt experiment station Dr. Cecil, and comes to teach veter inary medicine at th college, accompanied to Raleigh by hia wlfa WEATHER a TUB CUTTOJt BIXT. Basse aa p. as. Ttkphie Rcpocw Kerrtved by tha Local UOkw I sited Mates W eatlar Bsmraa. Rala occurred daring the It hours ending at I p. m. In the eastern lion of the belt, being heavy at Au gusta, Oa.. where 1 11 Inch was re ported, and excessive In Westers North Carotins. l-JI Inches ralUng AahevUle. Kala alee aornrred southern Texas, a heavy fall of 1 ' enchea being rwDorted at Corgs Christ!. The lean oera tarsal were slightly below normal la eastern dis tricts, slightly above la northers Texas, aad about normal ever the re mainder ef the belt It I a a ft weather waa partly cloudy to eloedf over tha eastern and southern Por Hons, with rain still la progress Ashs-rtlls. N. C.i clear weather pre vslled over . tha northwestern dis tricts. KMed by t rUed Ttw. (special te News and fenserrefl , Concord, Aug. 11. Pets long. IT years, of Carrlker. was Inetaat'J killed by a falling tree, which he " noma com pan Ions were r tsaged hi felling. Tha butt of the ties teU his hee.T, crushing It